Words matter. These are the best Kate Spade Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.
Every time I go to the market, Andy says, ‘Don’t forget the Triscuits!’
I collect books – a lot of books.
I’m admittedly not that into the Internet.
No one realizes how hard parenthood is. I am not saying going into the office is easy. It’s not. But parenthood, as fun as it is, is not for the fainthearted.
If I run, I’m much healthier – I run on a treadmill.
I hope that people remember me not just as a good businesswoman but as a great friend – and a heck of a lot of fun.
Students were pulled aside to spend more time in art class, and I wasn’t one of them.
Starting at 11, I was a movie-theater popcorn girl, a babysitter, a sales clerk – in the Midwest, they start them early!
Sometimes I shoot out of bed like it’s a relay race, and I’m on the phone, leaving voice mails.
I do things that I actually love and understand.
I buy so much fake jewelry, it’s funny. It’s not real. I don’t wear real diamonds or anything.
Being a mother adds an enormous amount of stress to your life. You need to make sure you’re there for everything.
I find color optimistic and enthusiastic, and I adore it.
People have this impression that I’m a little kooky, but I’m actually very OCD. I love order and organization. I’m a big list maker. But if I cross off too many tasks, and it’s hard to see the remaining ones, I have to start a new list. Now that’s OCD.
I love beauty.
My mother was very good at encouraging me to dress however I wanted to dress. My sisters would sometimes think, ‘Oh my God, you let her buy that fuzzy leopard coat at that vintage store?’ I thought, of course, I looked like Audrey Hepburn.
I like a full house because it’s how I grew up. I’m one of six children.
‘Frances’ is a longtime family name on my dad’s side. My grandfather, father, brother, and my daughter’s name is Frances.
I really wish I worried less.
I was preppy, then suddenly switched around age 14. I asked my mother to go to this vintage store, and she let me buy a leopard swing coat, pink cigarette pants, and lime-green gloves.
If you’re as honest and fair as you can be, not only in business but in life, things will work out.
I like my stationery to be funnier, like, ‘Here’s my note, and it’s an elephant with a lady smoking a cigarette on top.’