Top 22 Tab Hunter Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Tab Hunter Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I love singing. You know, my mother always used to enco

I love singing. You know, my mother always used to encourage me, ‘Sing, sing,’ and I was in a choir in church, yes.
Tab Hunter
I don’t care whether people like me or dislike me. I’m not on earth to win a popularity contest. I’m here to be the best human being I possibly can be.
Tab Hunter
People place such importance on the external. It’s disgusting.
Tab Hunter
In my personal life, I was quite a different Boy Next Door than the one Mr. and Mrs. Middle America imagined me to be.
Tab Hunter
I said, God, the press and people, they just really hate me and I’m really trying. Geraldine Page said, Listen to this, Tab. If people don’t like you, that’s their bad taste.
Tab Hunter
If I had come out during my acting career in the 1950s, I would not have had a career.
Tab Hunter
Divine was like a 400-pound beached whale. He was one of my favorite leading ladies, I’ve got to tell you. He was really terrific.
Tab Hunter
I learned denial from my mother. I just never confronted things and if anybody did, I just would go crazy.
Tab Hunter
I believe one’s sexuality is one’s own business. I really don’t go around discussing it. Call me ‘old school’ on that topic.
Tab Hunter
I did Polyester, and I don’t regret one minute of it. It was wonderful.
Tab Hunter
My nickname, when I was 15 years old in the Coast Guard, they called me ‘Hollywood’ because I went to the movies all the time. It was such great escapism. That’s why I ran away from home.
Tab Hunter
I really didn’t talk about my sexuality until I wrote my autobiography.
Tab Hunter
I hate labels.
Tab Hunter
I’ve been a very, very fortunate man. I’ve had a lot of highs – and a great deal of lows.
Tab Hunter
I was born in New York. I grew up in San Francisco, Long Beach, and Los Angeles.
Tab Hunter
I don’t care about being in the public eye.
Tab Hunter
A lot has been written about Tony Perkins and myself and I figured, Let’s get it straight. I had a relationship with Tony for two to three years, but those are only threads in the tapestry of my whole life.
Tab Hunter
The people that really were important, that mattered, had a great foundation. I had no training. I had to learn while doing, and it was really difficult.
Tab Hunter
I knew Jimmy Dean. He tested for ‘Battle Cry’. Paul Newman tested for ‘Battle Cry’. I did nine tests to finally get that role.
Tab Hunter
Unless you’re of a certain age, you may not know my name, but you can Google it – I was a pretty big movie star in the 1950s. Oh, and another thing: I was – am – gay.
Tab Hunter
My sexuality is only a thread of the tapestry of my life.
Tab Hunter
People are too quick to criticize and condemn. We’ve got to be more positive.
Tab Hunter