Top 222 Financially Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Financially Quotes from famous people such as Tamara Ecclestone, Austin Seferian-Jenkins, Jill Scott, Jane Fonda, Arlene Phillips, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I don't need anyone to look after me financially and, w

I don’t need anyone to look after me financially and, while it’s hard to trust that a man loves you for the right reasons, you have to take a leap of faith.
Tamara Ecclestone
I need to take care of my mom and making sure she’s financially OK. She’s done so much for me, it’s the least thing I can do.
Austin Seferian-Jenkins
My grandmother told me: ‘Never be in debt to anyone or anything.’ Which is probably why I’ve never been financially extravagant – I still go to Costco. I’m always conscious of living within my means.
Jill Scott
Our youth deserve the opportunity to complete their high school and college education, free of early parenthood. Their future children deserve the opportunity to grow up in financially and emotionally stable homes. Our communities benefit from healthy, productive, well-prepared young people.
Jane Fonda
Life was a struggle financially when I was growing up in Manchester and my father continued the strict upbringing he himself had had, even after our very warm and demonstrative mother died.
Arlene Phillips
Studies show that children of divorced parents can have outcomes as positive as those coming from intact homes, provided the father remains financially supportive and active in his children’s lives.
Larry Elder
Everything shifted for me after ‘Rush.’ It wasn’t as financially successful as other things I’d done, but it gave me more movement, more options, more doors opening, more meetings. All of a sudden, it’s, ‘Oh, wow! You’re an actor!’
Chris Hemsworth
Writing is as big a part of my career as acting is, financially and time wise. So, yeah, I love it. That’s all I wanted to do since I was young was be a writer. So that and acting are the two most important aspects of my career.
Jonah Hill
A girl has to worry about financially securing her future. There is also the question of marriage. Whether to continue playing after marriage is another question. That is why a job is very important for a sportswoman so that she is able to play without worrying about such things.
Jwala Gutta
Right from the 17th century, composers who have taken up music as their means of livelihood went through a hard time financially. They were paid only for commissioned works and public performances. And, when their music became famous, orchestras in other cities and countries would pay a small amount to copy the music.
I always told my girls growing up that I would not baby them through life, and no matter how blessed they are financially, they have to get an education!
Kim Zolciak-Biermann
If I look at my career financially, I think it’s one of the best careers any fighter’s had.
Amir Khan
My first film out of the gate was financially so successful that I guess, being in Hollywood, you get kind of put into a certain box.
James Wan
So it’s hard to be an artist and be true to the reality of the world you want to create and also make it entertaining and successful financially.
Antoine Fuqua
People can yawn all they want when a conservative mentions the tax system. But there is no doubt that when we have a tax system that punishes businesses and workers for producing then it becomes financially advantageous for everyone just to import cheaper goods from abroad.
Pierre Poilievre
I’d like to be the next Oprah financially, but I’m not a TV actor. I’m not someone with an entertainment background, I’m a cop. And I’m not afraid to go anywhere and get down and dirty.
Steve Wilkos
Most actors I’m in touch with are struggling financially.
Sheryl Lee
There are some people in our state who may choose a different public school because they have the private means to move from one district to the other. But why should we limit choice just to those who can financially afford it?
Tate Reeves
The reality of this Obamacare provision is that young adults will be forced to subsidize healthcare costs for older, financially stable, working-age Americans. At a time when 20-somethings face underemployment, record school debt and less economic opportunity, it is unfair to saddle them with this burden.
Phil Gingrey
Banks will have to win the confidence of their customers through fair dealing, making good loans, and remaining financially healthy.
Ben Bernanke
My wife is a doctor, and we had a decent life financially. My kids were going to nice schools and had nannies. We weren’t rich, but we were better off than I was growing up. And I looked around, and I was like, ‘Who are these people?’ It was the opposite of what I remembered growing up.
Kenya Barris
Combining their operating business will make Volkswagen and Porsche even stronger – both financially and strategically – going forward.
Martin Winterkorn
Wrestling, for me, was always something I wanted to do, and it, working in IT, was just a way to get financially looked after; I went and wrestled on the side because you don’t make any money when you’re starting off, and you don’t have any name value.
Consumers going through foreclosure typically will see their credit scores drop, raising longer-term questions about their ability to rebound financially and perhaps pursue a more sustainable home purchase at some later point.
Ben Bernanke
The private sector is growing so incredibly in India, in every city you have industries for whom building a concert hall would be nothing financially. But they just don’t do it.
Zubin Mehta
Floyd has done a lot for me financially and has taught me a lot about business. He did great in making money during his career and he tells me a lot of what he’s working on.
Gervonta Davis
The policies the Left wants to push are both morally and financially bankrupt.
Madison Cawthorn
I’ve seen too many people who struggle financially who save thousands of dollars and go on a one year trip. And then they come back out of money, thirty years old, and back to living with their parents and saying ‘I’m back to getting any job possible to get more money for travel.’
Nuseir Yassin
Let us develop an agenda for children that says we can do something about teen pregnancy. Let us make sure that parents are old enough, wise enough, and financially able to take care of their children.
Janet Reno
It is important to be financially savvy when you turn producer. As a director, you just need to have a good script in hand.
Anupam Kher
I had a chance to win $2 million, a week after high school graduation, and if I turned pro, the sponsor was going to financially support me.
Tony Finau
You have to want to put a competitive, Stanley Cup-cali

You have to want to put a competitive, Stanley Cup-caliber team on the ice in contrast to wanting to hopefully someday financially break even. So you have to really balance expenses with revenue.
Henry Samueli
I’ve always supported myself. I like the sense of knowing exactly where I stand financially, but there is a side of me that longs for a knight in shining armor.
Barbara Feldon
I made a commitment to completely cut out drinking and anything that might hamper me from getting my mind and body together. And the floodgates of goodness have opened upon me – spiritually and financially.
Denzel Washington
I came to New York with no money and just one suitcase. I had my family’s emotional support, but they weren’t able to help me financially.
Petra Collins
My dad loves what I do and I support my parents financially because they didn’t have a job that gave them a pension.
Marilyn Manson
Well, financially it’s a little bit better. But it’s better than than when I was a teacher. But I kind of – it’s allowed me to buy a house. And I’ve been able to help my mother with some stuff and my brother. So, that’s nice.
Clay Aiken
Every time anyone did an advertisement on The Pirate Bay they would get a call from the record or movie industry saying they’ll sue them for financially assisting with a crime.
Peter Sunde
I made my money in an honest way. And I have declared it all. By co-founding Infosys along with Mr. Murthy and others, I earned financially.
Nandan Nilekani
The handwriting is on the wall: if you want to have your franchises viable, then you can’t have a situation where New York and Chicago and Los Angeles are doing very, very well, and some other teams are, but, I would say, a significant percentage of the teams in our league are struggling financially.
Michael Heisley
Catering is extremely demanding financially and physically. It’s a business.
Diane Mott Davidson
There are big tournaments going on around the world, and some of them you cannot ignore because, financially, they make a huge difference in our lives.
AB de Villiers
Why is it controversial that I chose to talk about my abortion? And the fact that I got an abortion when I was in a marriage and could have financially supported a child, why did I feel so much shame for that?
Tess Holliday
I think I feel that way – that filmmaking is a responsibility, not only creatively but also financially in that it’s a business. You can’t forget that.
David Nutter
One of the things that’s great about the financial industry is, it’s really financially rewarding.
Stephanie Ruhle
There are so little outtakes from the Joy Division era. We didn’t have much money. You couldn’t be very generous in recording, so we were very thrifty in how we recorded. Everything was very, very well looked after financially because we just couldn’t afford it.
Peter Hook
Relationships and the stress of the world going down, it puts a lot of stress on people, you know financially.
Rick Springfield
The NRA has become financially dependent on more and more guns being sold – especially the expensive ones. In turn, the NRA has stated that its top legislative priority is to protect gun makers by advocating for legislation that benefits them.
Chris Murphy
I would say for every successful black woman in America or in the world, really, it’s difficult to be the head of the household, financially. It is for the man in your life. It can be very hard for them. And there’s a delicate balance. I’m not quite sure I know what that balance is just yet.
Jill Scott
When you suddenly become successful, the change is enormous, both financially and in terms of recognition and the way people treat you. I found that hard to deal with. I got very guilty about it, and I think I put up obstacles to prevent myself enjoying it.
James Nesbitt
If somebody comes along and says, ‘OK, Benny Hinn, I’m gonna help you financially so you can pay your own bills,’ or if I can do it on my own and get a job and do something on the side like I’m doing now, it would be a pleasure.
Benny Hinn
I suppose the first big shift in my life was when, at the age of 8, my father left my mother, leaving her alone with two daughters to bring up. That taught me the importance of women being financially independent. You never know what might happen.
Cherie Blair
You should breathe deeply and chant, ‘Money will easily and effortlessly flow into my life’ as often as you can every day. Things will start to change after a month. If you believe you will be financially secure, then you are opening yourself up to change.
Louise L. Hay
Without significant reform, the Social Security Administration will be legally and financially unable to pay full promised benefits within a generation.
Ron Lewis
I am passionate about what design can do – how far it can support the new ideas and the new ways of living of this 21st Century. Good design accelerates this exciting future where manufacturing is local, materials and processes are cradle to cradle, business models are both socially and financially driven.
Yves Behar
There’s been certain opportunities that have arisen that would have been financially quite advantageous but, creatively, would have steered me away from my career plan.
Maia Mitchell
It’s not a great feeling for a film to suffer financially, but you can’t sit and mope about it. You just have to just move on to next project – I try to always be working on a new project when my last one hits the theaters.
Mike Binder
LearnVest provides women with the necessary tools and resources to manage their personal finances; its core mission, to positively contribute to society through education and, ultimately, the promotion of self-sufficient and financially aware women.
Alexa Von Tobel
Ever since Romanticism, an oppositional mode, artists have the right, and indeed the duty, to attack social convention. But it is ridiculous and in fact self-infantilizing for them to expect to be financially supported by the general public whom they are insulting.
Camille Paglia
Luckily I was financially okay, so I had a choice, I didn’t have to stay in the game. A lot of players have to play as long as they can. I didn’t.
Rickie Lambert
I’m in the lucky position financially where I don’t have to do things I don’t want to do.
Amanda Holden
Medicare and Social Security have created the healthiest and most financially secure generation of senior citizens in American history.
Jim Walsh
Hundreds of investors ask me questions each year about

Hundreds of investors ask me questions each year about the dilemmas they confront. Their worst problem? Uncertainty. They are traumatized and become emotional or confused to the state of inaction. Even worse, they try to solve a short-term problem in a way that hurts them financially in the long run.
Kenneth Fisher
Businesses can lead with their values and make money, too. You don’t have to simply be purely profit-driven. You can integrate social and environmental concerns into a business, be a caring business, be a generous business and still do very well financially.
Jerry Greenfield
I’m not a rich person financially, but I am in mind and soul. I have so much energy and strength, and I can do a lot of things that make me, and I think my fans, quite happy. When everything’s gone, music alone shall live on.
Burning Spear
Men are likely to be quite generous, especially financially.
Warren Farrell
If you want people to do something new, you have to make it rewarding for them creatively and financially.
Jeffrey Katzenberg
My mom taught me from a young age to give back and volunteer any chance you get. It was something that I knew, if I made the NFL, I would financially have the ability to do.
J. J. Watt
My parents weren’t extremely successful financially, but they were happy people. They gave me confidence.
Jack Wagner
I’m very lucky because less than one percent of boxers get out of the game financially secure.
Tony Bellew
Financially, people always assume you’re good when you’re a rapper.
Even before I became an artiste, when I barely had the means to support anyone financially, I took care of several destitute women, giving them shelter, food and clothing.
Roopa Ganguly
Art is not an investment. Art is something you buy because you are financially solvent enough to give yourself a pleasure of living with great works rather than having to just see them in museums. People who are buying art at the top of the market as an investment are foolish.
Arne Glimcher
My mother raised me with God. We were poor financially, but we were rich spiritually.
Mr. T
As the lone black host at two different all-sports stations, black callers and listeners dominated my show. Black advertisers did not. The show was financially supported primarily by white businesses, and the largest demographic for listener growth was white males.
Jason Whitlock
I have nothing to complain about financially.
Michael Buffer
For women especially, it’s important to be financially independent.
Karrine Steffans
Change will not come from above, it will come from below, from the small and medium size businesspeople. They do dare to show their faces. They applaud us and help us financially.
Vicente Fox
If you want to reap financial blessings, you have to sow financially.
Joel Osteen
The whole London football scene is now financially more powerful and ambitious than ever before. That reflects the city’s economic might and its multiculturalism. Now West Ham have a new , and Spurs and Chelsea will follow. And the London clubs have widened their areas of support.
John Motson
Bill Clinton, talking about the need to financially empower wives and mothers in regressive countries, once remarked that women have ‘the responsibility gene.’ No one has that gene more markedly than his wife.
Tina Brown
Kids from financially distressed households are twice as likely to have to repeat a grade and more than two-and-a-half more times to struggle with poor health later in life.
Ted Deutch
Today, in 2014, Victoria is a better, stronger, more financially secure state than when we came to government four years ago.
Denis Napthine
To actually be independent financially was a big luxury. Modelling gave me an independence, it gave me responsibility. I didn’t have to work at McDonald’s. I could save up and choose the training that I wanted to do.
Stacy Martin
It’s certainly not just a spot opinion; it’s something that obviously has been building up for years. It is also very good for publicity, and it is the kind of recognition that maybe will help financially, also.
Dexter Gordon
I think you have to be so indulgent in creativity in that, if you’re happy, it’s successful. If it’s then financially successful, which is different parameters, then you’re also happy.
Nicolas Winding Refn
It’s financially advantageous to make a picture in Berlin, Germany. They have a very effective rebate system.
Joel Silver
When you’re a parent, you spend time with the baby. You look at the baby’s face and envision her future and what you have to do as a parent to make sure she’s financially good and that she’s comfortable inside of the family and that she’s positive and learning every day.
Ray J
Even the biggest stars have to struggle to get the success they want to achieve. But, for me, being financially strong was the most important thing.
Divya Khosla Kumar
The architect, Peter Arens who is the monstrous carbuncle architect, not merely did his design which had won a public competition never get built but his practice suffered financially for some years.
Anthony Holden
We all know money is power. And women won’t be equal with men until we are financially equal with men. Getting more money into the hands of women is good for women, but it’s also good for their families, for the economy, and for society.
Sallie Krawcheck
I was a good student and dreamt of becoming a doctor. But post my completing Class XII from Rizvi College, my parents separated so I had to discontinue my education as I had to financially support my mother and sister.
Zareen Khan
A lot of the actors I knew threw in the towel when they became mothers. I couldn’t do that financially, and I didn’t want to – but I was knackered all the time.
Lesley Manville
Nine Inch Nails is like building an army to go conquer.

Nine Inch Nails is like building an army to go conquer. We build it, then we play, and we have to play so much to validate building it, financially. It leads to getting burn-out because a tour that would be fun if it lasted three weeks has to last 15 weeks.
Trent Reznor
I like to work with directors where you feel they make the movies not for the audience, but make them for themselves. They don’t care if it’s a success financially. That’s what I like.
Udo Kier
As women, we’re supposed to bear the burden of raising our families and then also financially providing for them as well, and it’s difficult when you’re already starting off making less than the average.
Adrienne C. Moore
I think as a business it would be amazing if the euro was to collapse, but financially and economically I think that would be a bit of a tsunami for everybody to cope with.
Lloyd Dorfman
It seems like basic principle to me. According to Senate ethics rules, Members of the U.S. Senate, and their families, cannot benefit personally and financially from legislative decisions they make. Senator Feinstein, apparently, either doesn’t agree with this principle, or she has chosen to ignore it.
Tom Fitton
I don’t want the United States to be in a global economy where our economic future is bound to that of Zimbabwe. We can’t necessarily trust the decisions that are being made financially in other countries.
Michele Bachmann
There were other propositions, even better financially, but I chose Olympiakos because of the Champions League.
I know there are going to be big challenges financially, but I’m excited artistically. I think that if the experience is better artistically, then we have more hope in the future.
Karen Kain
Learn to recognize true wealth. Money itself will not make you financially free. That comes as a result of only that powerful state of mind which tells us that we are worth far more than our money.
Suze Orman
Part of the reason that I wanted to become a footballer was to help my family and friends financially so that was one of the thoughts that kept me going.
Abdoulaye Doucoure
I’m glad I made business investments, because it gave me the confidence financially to make brave choices. If I hadn’t done that, I’d still have been trying to play 19-year-olds in films. I know there are other avenues for me.
Preity Zinta
I wanted some family structure and stability, and that’s what The Partridge Family afforded me, not only financially but in the fact that I could be at home with my kids.
Shirley Jones
For too long nurses have been undervalued, restricted in what they could do, with too few career opportunities in clinical practice. For far too long, nurses have endured a pay system that has held them back – both professionally as well as financially.
John Hutton
Acting never was about the money for me… Maybe in 10 years, I’ll be able to appreciate the fact that I am financially stable and independent and I don’t have to make bad choices. I can be very picky.
Emma Watson
Once you succeed in tennis, financially you become quite well off.
Stefan Edberg
When I was at drama school, I was totally broke, and a lot of my mates had jobs and were financially very good to me, so if, for example, I take them away on a trip to a football match in Europe, it means that I can pay them back a bit.
James Nesbitt
I grew up in a small segregated steel town 6o miles outside of Cleveland, my parents grew up in the segregated south. As a family we struggled financially, and I grew up in the ’60s and ’70s where overt racism ruled the day.
Lori Lightfoot
When it came to my childhood – growing up in a single-parent home, often struggling financially – my mother definitely instilled in me and my siblings this strength, this will, to just continue to survive and succeed.
Misty Copeland
God wants us to prosper financially, to have plenty of money, to fulfill the destiny He has laid out for us.
Joel Osteen
We will have close to 3 months of rehearsals to learn about 30 songs. Frank usually rehearsed a band for at least 3 months. If it took him that long to be comfortable we probably would need double the amount, but It’s just not financially possible to do so.
Dweezil Zappa
My favorite thing is to be working with people I enjoy working with. I’ve reached the point where, emotionally, I don’t need to act any more. Financially, I do. But emotionally, it wouldn’t matter to me if I never acted again.
Alan Arkin
It is important for Oncor to remain financially strong.
Debra L. Reed
The reason that so few people are financially independent today is that they place many negative roadblocks in their heads. Becoming wealthy is, in fact, a mind game.
Thomas J. Stanley
When you’re invested in your own business, you’re going to run it better. When people are financially responsible for whether their store succeeds, they’re going to have that kind of entrepreneurial spirit that’s harder to get if headquarters is running things.
Fred DeLuca
My whole career this is the biggest failure financially, but at the same time, it’s one of my favorite things I’ve ever done.
Mike Binder
Kids of the 1980s and 1990s have had a new, huge, financially catastrophic demand on their meager post-recession earnings, too: a trillion dollars of educational debt. About a quarter of Gen Xers who went to college took out loans to do so, compared with half of Millennials.
Annie Lowrey
If you are a professional player and you are playing in the top professional league, you are sorted financially, which is good.
Sunil Chhetri
At certain points, I was afraid there was something – a missing chink of skill – that was going to prevent me from having a movie that was financially successful. That frightened me.
Jonathan Demme
Doing a ‘Star Wars’ TV show could be prohibitively expensive because ‘Star Wars’ requires a lot of prop building and a lot of character building, so we wanted to – with ILM’s help – be able to make it a financially viable option to solve all the problems that you have with shooting a blue screen environment.
Greig Fraser
It’s something I advise young fighters: Get it while the getting’s good. Take care of yourself financially. Be smart and save your money and protect your damn head, dude. Try to take as little damage as possible, especially training.
Carlos Condit
TV presenting isn’t the hardest job in the world, and I’ve done all right financially out of it.
Gail Porter
Well, you would have to say what is the criteria to det

Well, you would have to say what is the criteria to determine the success of any merger? It would have to be that the companies are stronger financially, that they took market share, and they are on a very steady footing in terms of their performance.
Kevin Rollins
It’s hard work, ‘Doctor Who,’ but let’s be frank about it, I’m fortunate to be rewarded in the ways that I am. I don’t just mean financially, I mean the nature of the part and everything that comes with it.
Matt Smith
Making it financially does not protect you, though. Genetic gifts and a gigantic professional contract do not shield athletes from the effect of damaged childhoods.
Jason Whitlock
So actually war is politically profitable, financially profitable, morally depraved.
Dennis Kucinich
And it is this sense that some of us have to contribute to the culture, to the society in ways that may hurt financially, so what? We do it because we are born to do it, we feel we have no other choice and so be it.
Gunther Schuller
Now, women are expected to be equal to men in so many capacities – financially, career-wise, in education – yet the one disconnect was, and is, with relationships.
Whitney Wolfe Herd
There are endless new variations on how to hurt a woman physically, emotionally, financially, and socially.
Gloria Allred
Upon the death of my father, our family and myself were emotionally and financially exhausted.
Sam Sheppard
I enjoy my life, I love track, I’m set for life financially.
Carl Lewis
I’m trying to make enough money where I can be financially independent and be able to go and just pursue that thing that everybody really needs, just pursue my family and the cause of my family.
Terrence Howard
Free enterprise cannot only make us better off financially, it can make us better people.
Mitt Romney
I once prayed when struggling financially and worried how I was going to be able to assist my parents in their latter years living thousands of miles away, to help me win the lottery or something. And I did win the lottery, just in a different and better way.
Phyllis Smith
I read for the ‘ah-ha’s,’ the information that makes a light bulb go off in my mind. I want to put information in my mind that is going to be the most beneficial to me, my family and my fellow man – financially, morally, spiritually, and emotionally.
Zig Ziglar
We are financially strong. We are self-sustaining. We don’t have an umbilical cord that we are concerned about.
Ed Woodward
I’ve accomplished so many things in basketball. I financially secured my kids’ life and their future. I’m just happy. I’m just blessed. So anything that I’m not awarded doesn’t matter because I’ve been rewarded enough in this lifetime.
Allen Iverson
People think that once a band is ‘big’ that they make a ton of money, but that’s not true. It’s hard to make money. It’s financially a hard business until you hit gold. However, that only makes you strive toward your goal more and work harder because of it.
Maria Brink
As long as I can compete with the 20-somethings out there… I have a burning passion to do what I do. Financially, I don’t need to wrestle anymore. I do it because I enjoy it.
The Undertaker
My mother always taught me a lot of important life lessons, and she would always tell me how important it was to tip. We didn’t have much money, so we would tip what we could. Now, it’s at the point I’m financially stable. When I’m out eating, I hope I have the cash, but if I write it on the receipt, I’ll leave a big tip.
Lil Yachty
I think the funds that have been pledged at Euro Summit, combined with the outcome of the private sector involvement process should be sufficient in order to support financially the Greek Economy.
Lucas Papademos
How much money I demand – or don’t demand – is my prerogative as an actor. However, when it comes to commercials, my outlook is different. And in that area, I do try to set certain standards, financially or otherwise.
Mahira Khan
I am not stopped by low funds, physical exhaustion, mental exhaustion, or temptations to stop and work on some other production that would be more financially rewarding.
Richard King
I believe the United States is very sick financially and might not survive another four years of Obama-style leadership.
Jerry Falwell, Jr.
Careers are defined by four minutes on the ice and lives can change forever, emotionally and financially.
John Zimmerman
No one has yet convinced me a dollar stranded overseas is better than a dollar brought back home here to America for any reasons. So, if a company needs it, whether it’s to do research, buy another business in America, grow jobs or try to become more financially strong, that is good for the United States.
Kevin Brady
I think people like to think I’m in some way financially dependent on my family – on my dad – but the fact of the matter is I’ve been emancipated from my father since I was 14 years old. That’s something people don’t know or understand.
Devon Aoki
I think that my story is similar to most women in MMA. You balance work and your fight career. You climb up the ranks just to get into a situation where it can give back to you financially.
Liz Carmouche
I think, often, people who do something new creatively don’t benefit financially from it – it’s the people who come after and make them palatable that make money.
Viv Albertine
If you’re financially responsible, your children have a much better chance to grow up financially responsible.
Suze Orman
I’m happy to work when I’ve worked, and you’ve got to take the hard times with the good times. But there are times where I’m not as financially set as one might assume. So you have concerns about, ‘Wow, I have this level of notoriety and… I better get a job.’
David Eigenberg
I don’t fit into the mold of the NBA man, and I think I’ve been punished financially for it.
Dennis Rodman
We’re all born with different talents. I’m really not that smart, but I can see things – financially and development-wise. It’s just the way we’re made.
Tilman J. Fertitta
Someone needs to remind American CEOs that if you can't

Someone needs to remind American CEOs that if you can’t run a company that is innovative, financially sound and doesn’t poison the rest of us, You can’t run a company.
Hal Sparks
My perception of life is not to ask Francois Hollande, who isn’t the father of my children, to support me financially.
Valerie Trierweiler
I’m very, very fortunate to be in the job that I’m in, and I would love for it to continue forever, but it won’t. I have to financially and emotionally prepare for the day that ‘Mad Men’ will go away, because who knows what my next job is going to be?
Rich Sommer
My life has shifted to different levels financially, in terms of fame as a result of being blessed enough to be able to share my music with the world, and what that has done for me. Despite all of that, I always want people to listen to my music and be able to relate to it as well as to me.
Trey Songz
We don’t spend loads of money. I want to make sure that when I’m gone, my wife is looked after and financially safe.
Gregg Wallace
Mass layoffs produce big winners and losers. Most workers who remain are financially unscathed, even though their employer is struggling.
Adam Cohen
I do think the ICC has financially helped Afghanistan and Ireland a lot, but I think it’s crucial that the ICC provides these Associate nations with quality coaches to work on their basics.
My parents probably were delighted when I chose acting, because if there is one job in the world that is less financially reliable than acting, it is art.
Josh O’Connor
I took a route of acting, rather than starmaking, so it cost me a lot financially.
Vincent D’Onofrio
If I wanted to work financially, I would have made a series of different choices. I do get offered lots of movies which you could make a lot of money out of. And I always say, ‘Why would I do that, when someone else could do it much better than me? Why would I want to do an action picture? Why?’
Stephen Daldry
Your husband should be able to respect you; he cannot be financially dependent on his wife.
Shweta Tiwari
So, Israel, for all its glory, has failed as a social country because it has not built a strong society, but a very weak one. We succeeded militarily and financially, and we are the ‘Start-Up Nation’ – but when it comes to social issues, Israel has failed. It is very sad.
Nuseir Yassin
Even the Congressional Budget Office and the Social Security trustees appointed by the president say that Social Security is financially sound, without any changes for the next 40 to 50 years.
James Roosevelt
There are many families that want to raise kids on one income, or one income and some part-time work, and instead find themselves pressured, financially and culturally, to keep up with the dual-earning Smith-Joneses next door.
Ross Douthat
I think there’s really only been one successful video game adaptation, and that was probably ‘Tomb Raider.’ Whether or not you thought it was a good movie, it was successful financially.
David S. Goyer
Like I said, I’ve got too much respect for women to marry them, but that doesn’t mean you can’t support them emotionally and financially.
Sylvester Stallone
When there’s so much freedom – financially and otherwise – smart kids get themselves into trouble. My parents did a good job of sheltering me from the negative aspects of wealth and success.
Ethan Peck
In more than 500 instances, from the Gulf of Alaska to Bar Harbor, Maine, FEMA has remapped waterfront properties from the highest-risk flood zone, saving the owners as much as 97 percent on the premiums they pay into the financially strained National Flood Insurance Program.
Bill Dedman
Where Democrats have a real toehold to criticize Republicans is that families still feel very financially fragile. About 2 in 5 adults would struggle to come up with $400 in an emergency.
Annie Lowrey
To pay 60 musicians for rehearsal and performance is quite something, and I decided I wouldn’t be able to handle that kind of situation financially again, unless somebody else was taking care of that end of it.
Chuck Mangione
I grew up poor, financially lower class. Worked in restaurants for 17 years while going to acting school and trying to become a working actor. Because I know what it’s like to not have money, I turn down roles if I don’t want to play them.
Asia Kate Dillon
I’ve done very well financially and sold a lot because I’ve had a multiple method of attack as a writer. That’s a conscious strategy.
Joe R. Lansdale
Not only did God deliver me from the bondage of alcoholism, he also blessed my family financially because of my commitment to honor what he had done for me and for not doing what I believed could possibly be destructive to others.
Richard Kiel
You know, you should really look at where Mitt has led his life, and where he’s been financially. He’s a very generous person. We give 10 percent of our income to our church every year. Do you think that is the kind of person that is trying to hide things, or do things? No.
Ann Romney
During my childhood my family risked a lot financially. They put every single penny they could into my racing and also their free time was completely compromised.
Valtteri Bottas
In the history of comics and movies and music too, it’s always when things are at their bottomed-out, either creatively or financially, there’s more chance-taking going on.
Brian Michael Bendis
I want to retire and want to be able to live out my days financially secure. That’s what everyone wants.
Abby Lee Miller
I’ve succeeded beyond my wildest dreams – financially and the amount of fun I have in my life.
Phil Hartman
It’s nice to be financially secure. Apart from that, I really don’t care too much about money.
Magnus Carlsen
While theoretically and technically television may be feasible, commercially and financially it is an impossibility.
Lee De Forest
There are level-headed actors and outlandish actors and financially responsible actors and financially irresponsible actors.
Rob McClure
What is good for you creatively is usually bad commerci

What is good for you creatively is usually bad commercially. You thrive financially by sticking to a series and not fiddling about too much. You do yourself harm by moving away from the series and the genre. By trying things not based in that particular mode of writing, you will just lose readers.
John Connolly
Universities should be supporting Teach First, actively promoting it among their students and financially supporting them to join the scheme, using a small fraction of their income from higher fees for this purpose.
Andrew Adonis, Baron Adonis
I don’t think I’d be happy if I were satisfied. I enjoy challenge, and I wouldn’t say that I’m an ambitious person career-wise or financially, really. I would like to travel more comfortably, but that’s really about all I need.
Jason Isbell
I fundamentally believe that your words have so much credibility if you’re not taking money upfront. I feel really comfortable pushing actors and pushing executives and pushing marketing people when we’re not going to benefit financially unless the movie works. I feel like that makes the playing field so much more level.
Jason Blum
To be in a position, at my age, where I am financially independent, I can help develop things, I can promote stuff that I believe in, I can say no a lot and spend time writing – that is a gift.
Elliot Page
It’s expensive to raise a child with special needs, which people don’t even think about. Emotionally it can be a struggle, but financially it’s really rough.
Elena Delle Donne
I am very worried about politicians who know that their countries are greatly benefiting financially and at the same time are saying that the European Union is not good for us. The message has to be coherent.
Kersti Kaljulaid
The music industry is up and down. Sometimes the people love you, and sometimes they don’t. I wanted to be the owner of multiple businesses that were financially profitable and sustainable.
Kandi Burruss
My father, who was illiterate, smoothed iron for Ford Dagenham and we’d get up at 5;30 A.M. to give him a jump-start. My mother was a nurse and part of the Windrush generation. Growing up in east London, we were financially poor, but rich in hope and dignity, and we were happy.
Chris Eubank Sr.
Some players are more concentrated on what they will do after their football career and want to make sure their lives are financially settled. I prefer to play in big teams earn a little less money and win trophies.
Thibaut Courtois
Financially speaking, I haven’t ended my career in the best shape, and there are debts, as well as what is to come by way of a divorce settlement to Mandy.
Stephen Hendry
I’m not financially insecure anymore either so I don’t have to sit there and get on the latest Poison tour just to make money, which is what a lot of them are doing.
Kip Winger
Boxing is allowed to exist as an exception to state laws against violence on the premise that it will be regulated in a manner that protects the combatants physically and financially.
Thomas Hauser
Fame is a lot of pressure, especially when you’re responsible for your entire family. Financially, emotionally – everything.
Nick Carter
There are people who design buildings that are not technically and financially good, and there are those who do. Two categories – simple.
Frank Gehry
A lot of players are scared to talk because a lot of people aren’t financially stable to where they can make comments on how they feel about things and not feel like they will get cut or something like that.
A. J. Green
We have shown that solar-electrified villages can be technically and financially self-sufficient.
Bunker Roy
The people who pawn stuff never want to be on the show. And the reason behind that, I find out, is when people are pawning something, it’s – they’re getting a loan. They have to admit they’re broke. For some reason or the other, something has happened, or they’re financially irresponsible.
Rick Harrison
Multiple Bentleys isn’t making anyone ‘financially set.’
Kyrie Irving
You shouldn’t end a band like Westlife and not be financially secure to some extent, but I wasn’t at all – it was the complete opposite. But you look at stuff then, ‘Well, what do I have? I don’t have money but I have a great marriage, three healthy kids, and I have my voice. I’ll just start again.’
Shane Filan
There are a lot of pros to doing a film, as far as it helping your film career, and it is completely different financially. But theatre is the only place where you get to actually be the character, and nobody is going to come around and change it later.
Jimmi Simpson
I want to be financially secure by the time I have kids.
Conor McGregor
Becoming champion was great and completely changed my life financially.
Jessica Andrade
Yeah, I’m financially good for the rest of my life – great. But I’m not trying to come here, get my butt kicked for 10 years, and go home to a lavish lifestyle. That’s not fun for me.
Giancarlo Stanton
If you take the ’70s with Blaxploitation pictures, there was a proliferation of black-content films and motion pictures, television, stage plays and so forth at a time when Hollywood was in trouble financially, and it was cheaper to do black films to keep the lights on until they could reestablish themselves.
Glynn Turman
People always push the boundaries, especially when the rewards are so high financially.
Bradley Wiggins
I wasn’t that academic, but I always made sure I was earning money. I never wanted to put all my eggs in one basket. Even when I started doing music, my parents were like, ‘You need to work; you can’t just live off music.’ I always knew that. So I worked until I knew I was going to be financially okay.
Jess Glynne
The French had an obvious financial interest in Iraq. That’s been documented. They were involved financially in Iraq and in some cases, I think with weapons of mass destruction.
Curt Weldon
I like very strong guys. Successful guys. Not necessarily financially.
Ivanka Trump
I want to surprise people and do different things and maybe do something that’s not quite financially rewarding.
Taron Egerton
Brand New Wayo: Funk, Fast Times and Nigerian Boogie Badness 1979-1983′ covers a short chunk of time in Nigeria’s musical culture – one that might have lasted longer had the label spearheading the movement at the time, Phonodisk, not been so financially mismanaged.
Anthony Fantano
Eliminating or substantially lowering just one major mo

Eliminating or substantially lowering just one major monthly expense can give you enough cushion to move into a more comfortable place financially.
Jean Chatzky
I get the feeling a lot of politicians are there to help themselves financially, first and foremost. I don’t really need to do that, and I thought if I could do something for sport in Scotland, that would be really fulfilling.
Gordon Strachan
It’s a struggle every day to get people to invest financially in portrayals of women that aren’t satisfying to straight white men.
Jill Soloway
It becomes second nature, you know when it comes to life or death and loved ones leaving, having to be there for your family, not just emotionally, but financially or physically.
Rodney Hood
I’ve always been the one who struggled financially, so now it’s so cool that I can make my own money and do whatever I want with it.
Emma Chamberlain