Top 222 Frequently Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Frequently Quotes from famous people such as Clint Eastwood, Richie Havens, Arancha Gonzalez, Adrian Belew, Kathryn Minshew, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I like Italian movies. I was frequently there in the '6

I like Italian movies. I was frequently there in the ’60s, in Rome and the vicinity. It was a great period in life. I was very influenced by their stuff.
Clint Eastwood
Though it’s frequently portrayed as this crazy, unbridled festival of rain-soaked, stoned hippies dancing in the mud, Woodstock was obviously much more than that – or we wouldn’t still be talking about it in 2009. People of all ages and colors came together in the fields of Max Yasgur’s farm.
Richie Havens
Everything we produce and consume has an impact on the environment, on social fabrics, and on the economy. This impact can be positive or negative and, frequently, some combination of the two.
Arancha Gonzalez
I love drums and still play frequently.
Adrian Belew
You won’t be exiled to permanent unemployment just because there’s a picture somewhere of you holding a red Solo cup and looking underage. But, your Google results tell a story: Have you been in the news? Authored articles or blog posts? What types of topics do you frequently tweet about?
Kathryn Minshew
I am frequently astonished that it so often results in correct predictions of experimental results.
Murray Gell-Mann
The contributions of influential African Americans have frequently been ignored, underrepresented, and even silenced.
Ralph Northam
We frequently define an acid or a base as a substance whose aqueous solution gives, respectively, a higher concentration of hydrogen ion or of hydroxide ion than that furnished by pure water. This is a very one sided definition.
Gilbert Newton Lewis
The accomplice to the crime of corruption is frequently our own indifference.
Bess Myerson
Frequently producers have partners that they never let the public know about.
Katherine Dunham
When I’m getting ready for a movie, let’s just say my diet is ‘The Antisocial Diet.’ I don’t go to restaurants. I don’t eat what I really want to eat. I don’t eat much. I eat small things frequently. Lots of protein and greens. And I don’t eat with people, because there’s a tendency to get social and then to overeat.
Jason Statham
Take heed, then, often to come together to give thanks to God, and show forth His praise. For when you assemble frequently in the same place, the powers of Satan are destroyed, and the destruction at which he aims is prevented by the unity of your faith.
Ignatius of Antioch
The Bay of Bengal is hit frequently by cyclones. The months of November and May, in particular, are dangerous in this regard.
A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
Polls are frequently taken to try to tease out or determine likely directions and trends, but once taken, they belong to the past, requiring that new polls be taken.
Alan Dundes
True generosity is too frequently eaten up by prosperity and riches.
Ellen G. White
Repetition of the same thought or physical action develops into a habit which, repeated frequently enough, becomes an automatic reflex.
Norman Vincent Peale
Divorce is fairly common these days, and I think many times people disregard the emotional impact that divorce has on a couple and a family, because it happens so frequently.
Steve Carell
Christmas albums are not something you do frequently.
Isaac Hanson
My fans are always upset because I don’t do projects frequently and because I don’t use social media.
Park Bo-young
Empire in the past was always a far harsher and much more accident-prone business than conventional history books imply. And the costs of these overseas invasions were borne not just by those on the receiving end but – frequently – by ordinary, vulnerable people among or associated with the invaders.
Linda Colley
Agency by agency, we frequently have lost a bit of ground, at least to inflation-but had it not been for the efforts we’ve made to educate people about the importance of science, technology and advanced education, those predictions very well might have come true.
Charles Vest
And then as I frequently do, some times I’ll peek out from underneath the focusing cloth and just look around the edges of the frame that I’m not seeing, see if there’s something that should be adjusted in terms of changing the camera position.
John Sexton
The end of times has always been a fascination. But post 9/11, pretty much everybody will admit to having it on their minds more frequently than when they were a kid.
Billy Burke
Shakespeare is the one who gets re-interpreted most frequently.
Sam Waterston
When I was pregnant during my time in Parliament, I was frequently asked by the media how I would manage being an MP and a mum, as if the two are somehow mutually exclusive.
Jo Swinson
Always remember those things that tend to strengthen and improve your understanding. You cannot learn without attention, neither retain those lessons that you have once learnt without frequently reflecting upon and reviewing them in your mind; by this means, things long past will remain impressed upon your memory.
Dorothea Dix
Understanding my worth in the market is part of my job, and ensuring I am valued is important to me. I love negotiating, and do so frequently for contracts. I am fair and reasonable, but willing to walk away if a deal cannot be struck.
Tessa Virtue
Frequently the more trifling the subject, the more animated and protracted the discussion.
Franklin Pierce
We live in the golden age of character actors – in an age when actors who have done their time in character roles are frequently asked to carry dark movies and complicated television dramas.
Tom Junod
I spent almost no time studying categories like geography and sports, even though they came up frequently on ‘Jeopardy,’ because I’m already strong in those subjects.
James Holzhauer
Sure, I’ve often been misrepresented – anyone frequently quoted has this experience.
Todd Gitlin
Obama, Bloomberg, and the national gun-ban media freque

Obama, Bloomberg, and the national gun-ban media frequently exploit tragedy, using fear and lies to sell their agenda to non-gun owners, especially when it comes to election season. This is their traditional playbook.
Wayne LaPierre
Real-time feedback and coaching promotes learning. When feedback is connected to compensation, feedback is muted, distorted, and given less frequently.
Jennifer Hyman
I’m from New York, I’m 53, I have my moments when I’m a nice guy, and more frequently I have my moments where I’m a middle-aged aggravated person. For years I was always the nice guy, so in life I had to pretend to be the nice guy.
John Schneider
Concert repertoire is some of the most beautiful music ever written, and I frequently seek out opportunities to perform it.
Susanna Phillips
Contrary to what the Americans frequently reiterated, al-Qaeda did not have any relationship with Saddam Hussein or his regime.
Peter Bergen
In discussions around the hiring and firing of Black faculty at universities, the charge is frequently heard that Black women are more easily hired than are Black men.
Audre Lorde
The Israelites frequently forsook God, and he as frequently forsook them. But when they repented and returned to him, he remembered his covenant and delivered them from their distresses.
Adoniram Judson
People are so easily impressed by running, but I run pretty frequently.
Julie Bowen
Are not the gays who seek the right to marry, to formalise their commitment to each other, holding up a mirror to heterosexuals who are marrying less frequently and divorcing more often?
Malcolm Turnbull
Why does man kill? He kills for food. And not only food: frequently there must be a beverage.
Woody Allen
Kids with Down syndrome are, by and large, quite affectionate and relatively guileless, and frequently, the attachments to them grow and deepen. And the meaning that parents find in it grows and deepens.
Andrew Solomon
My students frequently ask what their next project should be. My advice: immerse yourself in the music you love and you will find what you want to do; you will discover your next project.
Lukas Foss
People are quite frequently eccentric.
Jane Smiley
To attempt to superimpose its views through the exercise of force, is seldom the part of intelligence; it is frequently the part of ignorance.
Paul P. Harris
Jokes apart, I, like many other, am looking for strong and stable government. I don’t want any chaotic political situation where the elected government is being toppled frequently.
Ruskin Bond
I moved frequently because my dad was in the army, so I was always new in school. I think if you’ve ever done that, you know what it means to not matter in a room. I think it’s a good experience for everyone to have, to feel like they’re not noticed, because it teaches you to be empathetic.
Julianne Moore
I was born in Columbia in 1954, the year the Supreme Court invalidated racial segregation in public schools. I visited frequently but did not live there.
Randall Kennedy
Well, there have been periods in the past when prime ministers of Australia and New Zealand were at each others’ throats publicly and frequently. That’s not productive at all.
Helen Clark
Plays are frequently infected with ideas that came from actors or even sound engineers. Some Shakespeare scholars wonder whether some of the Bard’s lines came from onstage improvisations by actors.
Clive Thompson
Indians were frequently off their reservations.
Buffalo Bill
Diversity is very, very important. I talk about it frequently. And my efforts there should never be challenged no matter what my political view.
Brian France
The more frequently officers encounter violent suspects from any given racial group, the greater the chance that members of that racial group will be shot by a police officer.
Heather Mac Donald
Nowhere are our calculations more frequently upset than in war.
Imagination which comes into play in falling in love is different from any other. Certainly in my case, and I’ve fallen in love all my life, one imagines the person to be as you want them to be. They frequently turn out to be someone different, for better or worse.
Mary Wesley
I frequently hear music in the very heart of noise.
George Gershwin
Religious power, which, as I have already said, frequently identifies itself with political power, has always been a protagonist of this bitter struggle, even when it seemingly was neutral.
Salvatore Quasimodo
I did frequently refer to my war record in World War II, but not in any flamboyant way.
George McGovern
Monarchists frequently declare that without the royal family, Britain would be ‘nothing.’ What a woeful lack of love for one’s country such statements express.
Julie Burchill
We are all instruments endowed with feeling and memory. Our senses are so many strings that are struck by surrounding objects and that also frequently strike themselves.
Denis Diderot
The way we like to think of ourselves is not the way we look. We like to think of ourselves as more evolved than we frequently are.
Nina Jacobson
In those days he was wiser than he is now – he used frequently to take my advice.
Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield
Death is not natural for a state as it is for a human b

Death is not natural for a state as it is for a human being, for whom death is not only necessary, but frequently even desirable.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
I was a novelist first. But in the mid-’80s, I did work in television for ten years. And yes, that was frequently the reaction to my scripts. People would say, ‘You know, George, this is great. We love it, a terrific script, but it would cost five times our budget to shoot this.’
George R. R. Martin
Here’s how much I know about hockey. Mike Royko and I were in a tiny bar one winter night, and the radio kept reporting goals by the Blackhawks. I mentioned how frequently the team was scoring. ‘You’re listening to the highlights,’ Royko observed.
Roger Ebert
All through college, I had frequently been the only girl in a science class – which wasn’t such a bad deal.
Sylvia Earle
As a person with the retentive mental capacity of a goldfish and a dislike of repetition, I frequently make use of the thesaurus built into my Microsoft Word U.K. Software.
Meg Rosoff
I have frequently been misrepresented. I don’t hate the press; I find a lot of it is very unpalatable.
Prince Philip
It was one of those perfect English autumnal days which occur more frequently in memory than in life.
P. D. James
I realise that in this undertaking I place myself in a certain opposition to views widely held concerning the mathematical infinite and to opinions frequently defended on the nature of numbers.
Georg Cantor
Art produces ugly things which frequently become more beautiful with time. Fashion, on the other hand, produces beautiful things which always become ugly with time.
Jean Cocteau
During the ten years I lived in the U.K., I frequently attended an Anglican church just outside of London. I enjoyed the energetic singing and the thoughtful homilies. And yet, I found it easy to be a pew warmer, a consumer, a back row critic.
Gary Hamel
I think the cool thing about being alive in 2017 is that you can literally put out music as soon and as frequently as you want to because of streaming services.
M. Shadows
A long sea implies an uniform and steady motion of long and extensive waves; on the contrary, a short sea is when they run irregularly, broken, and interrupted; so as frequently to burst over a vessel’s side or quarter.
William Falconer
For life is but a dream whose shapes return, some frequently, some seldom, some by night and some by day.
James Thomson
At school, I was frequently subjected to racial abuse.
David Lammy
Teaching methods are often inadequate for the goals faculties are trying to achieve. Important courses such as expository writing and foreign languages are frequently taught by untrained graduate students and underpaid adjunct teachers.
Derek Bok
I think a lot of people have predicted the demise of cash, and they’ve frequently been wrong. But there’s no question that the smartphone is leading to the digitization of money. You really now have all the power of a bank branch in the palm of your hand.
Dan Schulman
I think the philosophy that you have to have if you travel frequently is, stuff is just stuff. Even if it has some sentimental or family connection, if you lose it in the world, it’s still just a thing, and I think if you don’t have that attitude, you will get incredibly stressed out and not enjoy your travels.
Leila Janah
The house I grew up in had large plate-glass windows, which birds frequently crashed into headfirst. My father helped me assemble a bird hospital, consisting of a few shoe boxes, some old rags, and tiny dishes for water and food.
Patti Davis
I have a degree in journalism, which is something that I make very clear very frequently just so people are aware of it. I went to school to write… Editorial integrity is very important to me.
Leandra Medine
It was an experience that was exceptional. People frequently ask what it was like and it truly was inspiring. Sometimes during his lifetime, people would try and put him on a pedestal and that’s not where he wanted to be, but he was really a great individual.
John Sexton
This was possible only by dint of extended periods of frequently quite painful reflection and digestion.
Brian Ferneyhough
Meals make the society, hold the fabric together in lots of ways that were charming and interesting and intoxicating to me. The perfect meal, or the best meals, occur in a context that frequently has very little to do with the food itself.
Anthony Bourdain
In military families, the service member is frequently the breadwinner. Constant moves make steady employment a challenge for non-military spouses.
Brianna Keilar
Economic, political and military intervention following the first world war is frequently blamed for current friction between east and west.
Bettany Hughes
Pride works frequently under a dense mask, and will often assume the garb of humility.
Adam Clarke
One of Satan’s most frequently used deceptions is the notion that the commandments of God are meant to restrict freedom and limit happiness.
Ezra Taft Benson
If you contrast the productivity that comes from a networked or capitalist distribution of resources versus a centralized planning system, frequently referred to as communism or socialism, the network approach does much better when it’s applied accurately.
Reid Hoffman
Hope is not a form of guarantee; it’s a form of energy, and very frequently that energy is strongest in circumstances that are very dark.
John Berger
Divorce, and broken marriages, are all around us, but they’re not frequently depicted on screen, or if they are, they’re often depicted in ways that have very little to do with reality.
Katie Hafner
The Carnegie Foundation is well aware of the fact that their reports frequently find their way to dusty archives in academic institutions, but occasionally people pick up a segment of a report and act upon it.
C. Everett Koop
Childhood depression tends to be more common in inner cities, being most frequently related to serious social deprivation, bullying, domestic violence, wartime experience and famine. It is, for example, a serious problem among children who are traumatised refugees.
Robert Winston
I seem to find different material every four to six mon

I seem to find different material every four to six months and I frequently forget it which is a shame because it would be nice to have a bigger library.
Leo Kottke
After writing about addiction in a pair of books, I frequently hear from addicts and their family members about serial relapses followed by treatments followed by more relapses. It’s not uncommon for addicts to go through a dozen treatment programs.
David Sheff
Both the velodrome and the Commonwealth swimming pool are open to the public and are frequently used by local schools and the local community. Over the last six years young people have been inspired to take up swimming and cycling more seriously; some of them are now coming through as Olympic champions or hopefuls.
Lucy Powell
If you look at the teams that mix and match their starting lineup a great deal, that sort of inconsistency frequently leads to inconsistency in performance.
J. B. Bickerstaff
Prosecutors frequently overcharge, load up charges on individual defendants, knowing that three strikes laws and harsh mandatory minimum sentences will force people to plea bargain and essentially convict themselves because they’re terrified of doing a life sentence for a relatively minor crime.
Michelle Alexander
Workers all too frequently have been taking it on the chin. They’re working hard and falling behind, all too frequently.
Tom Perez
Media organizations are frequently criticized for a heartless approach to the news. Stories that are damaging to a person’s reputation make the front page just as quickly – and many would say even more quickly – as stories that enhance it.
Parker Conrad
At an expense trifling indeed, compared to what she frequently spends upon unprofitable contests, she might place the moral world on a new foundation, and to rise the pinnacle of moral glory.
John Strachan
The older, thinner, and less productive grass lands, however, frequently can be made to produce much larger yields of feed in corn than if left, as they are, in unproductive grass.
David F. Houston
For me, I feel like I don’t see myself as all that different from other humans as a woman, but I’m surprised by how frequently I’m asked to see myself differently.
Karyn Kusama
Abortions can be, and frequently are, traumatizing, as are other invasive surgeries performed to the sexual and internal organs. All or any of these ‘violations’ can cause loss of vitality, diminished capacity for erotic connection and pleasure, and other symptoms of trauma.
Peter A. Levine
Read Don Quixote; it is a very good book; I still read it frequently.
Thomas Sydenham
More people are using PayPal more frequently.
Dan Schulman
In my 20s, I visited Vegas quite frequently, and I still like to get out there when the opportunity presents itself.
Sean Murray
Sometimes, when full and in fear that I will continue to eat unwanted food just because it’s staring at me, I will place my napkin over the remaining portion. This is what I frequently refer to as a ‘food funeral.’
Rachel Nichols
Because I’m a chef, I eat out frequently, so it’s hard for me to control what I consume in terms of calories. But when I’m at home, I eat what my wife cooks for me. She works hard to avoid making foods that are high in calories and cholesterol, so most of the time, she makes vegetarian dishes.
Masaharu Morimoto
But figuring out Saddam Hussein was one our greatest mysteries. He marched to his own drummer and frequently as this unfolded he made decisions which were sometimes inexplicable to us and sometimes didn’t look very smart.
Brent Scowcroft
I was frequently told at drama school that I was thinking too much. And I still have to suppress that part of me because it can sometimes be a hindrance.
Natalie Dormer
Transgender people frequently face bias in court and are assigned unsupportive public defenders, factors which lead to more extreme sentences and longer incarcerations.
Sarah McBride
In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so.
Carroll Quigley
In a way, light unites the spiritual world and the ephemeral, physical world. People frequently talk about spiritual experiences using the vocabulary of light: Saul on the road to Damascus, near-death experiences, samadhi or the light-filled void of Buddhist enlightenment.
James Turrell
You should tell yourself frequently ‘I will only react to constructive suggestions.’ This gives you positive ammunition against your own negative thoughts and those of others.
Jane Roberts
The word ‘iconic’ is used too frequently – an icon is a statue carved in wood. It was shocking at first, when I got that reference. It was a responsibility, and it’s impossible to live up to – you’re supposed to be dead, for one thing.
Debbie Harry
Researchers consistently find that most older volunteers, when compared to older nonvolunteers, have fewer functional and physical impairments, overall better health, higher life satisfaction and less depression. In addition, they attend religious services more frequently and belong to more social organizations.
Edgar Bronfman, Sr.
When you walk in the front of the White House, the pictures on the walls, they change out pretty frequently. They’re all very cool and historical, with pictures from the current term and past terms.
Andra Day
The best science frequently combines an awareness of broad and significant problems with focus on an apparently small issue or detail that someone very much wants to solve or understand. Sometimes these little problems or inconsistencies turn out to be the clues to big advances.
Lisa Randall
The god, it would appear, was frequently thought of as the physical progenitor or first father of his people.
William Robertson Smith
When books and plays are made into movies, they frequently want to cut out the valleys and just show the peaks.
Tracy Letts
If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.
I’m not married, I frequently use my debit card to buy things that cost less than three dollars, and my bedroom is so untidy it looks like vandals ransacked the Anthropologie sale section. I’m kind of a mess.
Mindy Kaling
Formation of a new race takes place when, over several generations, individuals in one group reproduce more frequently among themselves than they do with individuals in other groups.
J. Philippe Rushton
Throughout the day, I frequently use my iPhone to check

Throughout the day, I frequently use my iPhone to check ‘Deadline Hollywood’ and my Twitter feed, as well as the ‘Daily Beast,’ the ‘New York Times,’ ‘Metsblog,’ and ‘Thejetsblog.’
R. J. Cutler
I do date quite frequently.
Isaiah Mustafa
There is frequently more to be learned from the unexpected questions of a child than the discourses of men.
John Locke
Things we do not expect, happen more frequently than we wish.
Sympathetic cracks. A term frequently used by architects and surveyors in terms of ageing houses. I know what they mean.
Ted Dexter
So Madam C.J. Walker’s Wonderful Hair Grower, when applied after shampooing the hair more frequently, allowed women’s scalp to be healthier and their hair to grow back. That was her most popular product.
A’Lelia Bundles
I don’t love my speaking voice, frequently – but I think that we need music, and when a person sings, those kind of vibrations go through your body, it’s amplified in the room. It goes through everyone else’s body, too.
Alison Sudol
Parents are perhaps the most common object of resentment, the people who are most frequently blamed for all our failings and failures alike.
Theodore Dalrymple
Schepisi is the sort of director who could, would, and frequently did phone me whenever he came across a textual problem.
Tom Stoppard
I haven’t spent my entire career playing the guy in the bad hat, although I have to say that the bad guy is frequently much more interesting than the good guy.
Christopher Lee
When I travel throughout the district speaking with families and educators, I frequently hear of concerns with our K-12 education system.
Elise Stefanik
Government frequently has a problem recognizing perception versus reality.
Bill Owens
The admiral, or commander in chief of a squadron, being frequently invested with a great charge, on which the fate of a kingdom may depend, ought certainly to be possessed of abilities equal to so important a station and so extensive a command.
William Falconer
I played the drums, and I was in a band called Funkasaurus Rex in Toronto. When I left for school, it became hard to play as frequently.
Jake Epstein
Writers are frequently asked why they wrote their first book. A more interesting answer might come from asking them why they wrote their second one.
Len Deighton
Words are not too old, only people are too old if they use the same words too frequently.
Elias Canetti
And literature frequently rises to heights that make it international.
Irving Langmuir
In a well-functioning democracy, people frequently encounter topics and points of view that they did not specifically select but from which they learn. Those encounters can change minds and, even, the course of lives.
Cass Sunstein
Since my subjects have always been my sensations, my states of mind and the profound reactions that life has been producing in me, I have frequently objectified all this in figures of myself, which were the most sincere and real thing that I could do in order to express what I felt inside and outside of myself.
Frida Kahlo
Rioting has always been a London tradition. It has been since the early Middle Ages. There’s hardly a spate of years that goes by without violent rioting of one kind or another. They happen so frequently that they are almost part of London’s texture.
Peter Ackroyd
Failure is more frequently from want of energy than want of capital.
Daniel Webster
Words originating from the verb ‘to die’ were frequently used when I described my initial plans to determine the ribosome structure.
Ada Yonath
I’ve been lucky to combine my two loves quite frequently: that of Marvel Superheroes and Sports Entertainment.
Johnny Gargano
I have had quite an interesting life. My husband was quite successful in the movies, and we went out frequently with Gloria Swanson and other stars.
Rose Kennedy
Robert Benchley has a style that is weak and lies down frequently to rest.
Max Eastman
Each time you choose not to act on a frightened part of your personality, you create authentic power – and you grow spiritually. The frightened parts of your personality come less frequently and with less intensity, and the loving parts fill more and more of your consciousness.
Gary Zukav
I travel pretty frequently, but a few things that are routine are going for a run, getting my green tea in the morning, and checking email… well, all the time!
Payal Kadakia
A name is so important in biblical settings that Scripture frequently mentions God Himself changing someone’s name to reflect a new reality. Abram, which means ‘exalted father,’ was changed to Abraham, meaning ‘father of a multitude.’
Tony Evans
Gout produces calculus in the kidney… the patient has frequently to entertain the painful speculation as to whether gout or stone be the worst disease. Sometimes the stone, on passing, kills the patient, without waiting for the gout.
Thomas Sydenham
I do go back to Russia frequently, about twice a year. I hate the flight, but it’s worth it. My parents have a home in a little village of 12 houses. It’s not on any map, so unless you know it’s there, you won’t find it. Nothing works there; no Internet, no cell phone, and the land line only works sometimes. It’s great!
Olesya Rulin
Acting in anger and hatred throughout my life, I frequently precipitated what I feared most, the loss of friendships and the need to rely upon the very people I’d abused.
Luke Ford
Probably the happiest period in life most frequently is

Probably the happiest period in life most frequently is in middle age, when the eager passions of youth are cooled, and the infirmities of age not yet begun; as we see that the shadows, which are at morning and evening so large, almost entirely disappear at midday.
Eleanor Roosevelt
I like the weight, look, and feel of a book. I enjoy turning the pages, and frequently scan the spines of my many books on the wall, each title a reminder of the stored information and creative thoughts contained therein.
Al Seckel
I frequently compose out the entire metric structure of a piece in modified cyclic form, where each cyclic revolution undergoes some form of ‘variation’ much as if measure lengths were concrete musical ‘material.’
Brian Ferneyhough
Historians still often see the end of the war as meaning nothing more for Germany than lost territories, lost participation in colonization, and lost assets for the state and individuals. They frequently overlook the most serious loss that Germany suffered.
Gustav Stresemann
Much of the best humor is found in the frequently tragic reality of human experience.
Steve Allen
Our country frequently seems more divided than ever on how to approach everything from climate change to the economy. I think the path to understanding begins with honest, open conversations.
Doug McMillon
Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. I am not unmindful of the fact that violence often brings about momentary results. Nations have frequently won their independence in battle. But in spite of temporary victories, violence never brings permanent peace.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
However great the exertion of our mind may be to comprehend the Divine Being or any of the ideals, we find a screen and partition between Him and ourselves. Thus the prophets frequently hint at the existence of a partition between God and us.
Perhaps the reason Trump voters are so frequently the subject of caricature is that they so frequently conform to type.
Bret Stephens
Women’s virtue is frequently nothing but a regard to their own quiet and a tenderness for their reputation.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
We frequently look into the future of mankind and see dangers. We see if we carry on doing what we are doing in 20 years’ time there will be no rainforests left, just to use one example. Looking into the future may be one of the reasons that brains evolved in the first place.
Richard Dawkins
Writing has never been like therapy for me, but blogging comes a little closer – I can smack-talk freely and frequently, and this is good for me.
Kaui Hart Hemmings
Home schooled children frequently combine for many purposes – and they interact well. The growth of the home schooling movement means that more and more children are learning together, just not in a traditional classroom.
Ernest Istook
Better to trust the man who is frequently in error than the one who is never in doubt.
Eric Sevareid
The dog has seldom been successful in pulling man up to its level of sagacity, but man has frequently dragged the dog down to his.
James Thurber
The system of Christian celebrity was not a good space for me, and it was brutal on my kids – my son in college was frequently confronted by people railing against me as a heretic.
Erwin McManus
I frequently am contacted by people who want to thank me for ‘The Brady Bunch.’ Whether they grew up during the show’s original television run or are brand-new fans of the present generation, they tell me how important ‘The Brady Bunch’ has been in their lives.
Florence Henderson
The result was that, if it happened to clear off after a cloudy evening, I frequently arose from my bed at any hour of the night or morning and walked two miles to the observatory to make some observation included in the programme.
Simon Newcomb
Just as Josef K, the protagonist of Kafka’s ‘The Trial,’ awoke one day to discover that he had become part of some unfathomable legal carnival, we, too are frequently waking to discover that the rules of the digital game have once again profoundly changed.
Evgeny Morozov
The Queen is frequently on her own, walking the dogs, riding her horses, playing patience, completing a jigsaw, sorting her photograph albums, watching television, phoning friends, doing the Telegraph crossword. Is she neglected? Is she suffering? Or does she simply understand her man?
Gyles Brandreth
Frequently I get asked if I’d rather have spent my career in a big city like New York or Los Angeles, where the exposure would be greater than in Seattle. My answer is no, not at all. Exposure is not important to me.
Steve Largent
The only criticism heard with any frequency of Elton John’s first American album, ‘Elton John,’ was that the production was too grandiose. The melodies were superb, and lyrics frequently very good, and the performances flawless.
Jon Landau
I change my socks often, because I had bad bouts of athlete’s foot fungus infections as a kid. I may be able to change socks less frequently and not get the fungus. But, I’d rather not run the test to determine just how infrequently I could change socks. I don’t feel superstitious about it.
Bill Nye
One handy piece of equipment, which I recommend to any writer of fiction, is a set of Myriorama cards. I consult them frequently.
Philip Pullman
But, when I toil in the field of Jewish culture which I frequently do, I am indeed a Jewish artist.
Theodore Bikel
It depends on the generation and gender. The males usually go for ‘Police Academy,’ and the young women now in their late 20s or so go for ‘Punky Brewster.’ I am recognized quite frequently because they’re still playing that stuff on television!
George Gaynes
In times of stress, I frequently remind myself that I’m doing what I want to do most and that’s what really counts.
Henry Mancini
The Peckman River Basin has frequently flooded, and for more than a generation, the towns of Little Falls and Woodland Park have faced these challenges largely on their own.
Mikie Sherrill
I fail frequently – I just try to keep it quiet.
Ashton Kutcher
There are individuals who can support you, but frequently, you have to risk putting yourself out there – and sometimes you just have to push.
Mae Jemison
My absolute favourite piece of information is the fact that young sloths are so inept that they frequently grab their own arms and legs instead of tree limbs, and fall out of trees.
Douglas Adams
I feel my story has been exercised very thoroughly and

I feel my story has been exercised very thoroughly and very frequently.
Jack Kilby
All the aftermath that so frequently follows in the wake of war still confront the nation, and we now, as ever before, must hold fast to the ancient landmarks and see to it that all of these plagues that threaten so mightily shall be rendered harmless.
Alexander Henry
Sound principles and eternal truths need to be frequently repeated so that we do not forget their application nor become dissuaded by other arguments.
Ezra Taft Benson
Drawing is not only a way to come up with pictures: drawing is a way to educate your eye to understand visual information, organizing it into a more hierarchical way, a more economical way. When you see something, if you draw often and frequently, you examine a room very differently.
Vik Muniz
I got into theatre very early, so yes I was surrounded by gay people quite early and frequently.
Judith Light
I frequently have scenes that take place in places I’ve never been or characters who have professions that I know nothing about that I’ve got to research. But that’s what Google is for.
Jane Jensen
If men could regard the events of their own lives with more open minds, they would frequently discover that they did not really desire the things they failed to obtain.
Andre Maurois
We often assume that all teachers within a discipline address the same curriculum. This isn’t always the case. We frequently find gaps between goals and what is actually taught, and these gaps can have a lasting impact on a child’s learning.
Heidi Hayes Jacobs
Growing up, many of us are taught to place limits on what we can accomplish while on earth. We tend to think of things in binary form: either as possible or, more frequently, impossible.
Clemantine Wamariya
Too frequently, we hear about coaches and programs willing to win at any cost.
Katelyn Ohashi
To be honest, I never, ever thought I’d ever do comedy. I was so frequently cast early on as a high-born young man with… ‘problems’ and, later, as a heavy, from black-hatted western villains to the corporate raider to bad cops.
Leslie Nielsen
At most large companies, what is locally optimal for you is very frequently not what is globally optimal for the company.
Patrick Collison
I suppose it’s possible that a writer would have feeling for his characters, but I can’t see how, because writing is such a meticulous, intricate, technical business. I wish I could say that I love my characters and that frequently they take over the book and run away with the plot and so on. But they don’t exist.
John Banville
No one would deny that feeling envy is unpleasant, or that feeling envious sometimes leads us down a path we wish we hadn’t taken. Envy is frequently corrosive and destructive.
Maria Konnikova
I know that at literary festivals I’m speaking mostly to middle-class women, who frequently vote in a way that is contrary to how I’d like them to vote.
Elliot Perlman
Likewise, there is no evidence that texting teaches people to spell badly: rather, research shows that those kids who text frequently are more likely to be the most literate and the best spellers, because you have to know how to manipulate language.
David Crystal
I invite Mr. Lee Chong Wei to visit China frequently.
Lin Dan
Banks can’t recoup the costs of serving customers who save in small amounts and transact frequently.
Sylvia Mathews Burwell
It is not unusual for children to follow the paths cut by their parents. You frequently see the children of doctors enter medicine, military members’ children enlist. In my family, we witnessed different forms of public and community service.
Neil Bush
I’m blessed to have such a tight-knit family that we can talk about anything. Whether we talk frequently or not, since we’re on separate ends of the country, there are a lot of moving parts, and we always stay tight and find that center ground that keeps us together.
Stephen Curry
I have frequently noticed how circumstances conspire to help a man, or a boy, when he has thoroughly resolved on doing a thing.
Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Until you get left for Mr. Bean, you don’t realise how frequently he pops up. There’s a shop two streets from my house that sells masks of his face. There’s nowhere where I’m going to go that he’s not there.
James Acaster
The idea of copyright did not exist in ancient times, when authors frequently copied other authors at length in works of non-fiction. This practice was useful, and is the only way many authors’ works have survived even in part.
Richard Stallman
But my most favourite pursuit, after my daily exertions at the Foundry, was Astronomy. There were frequently clear nights when the glorious objects in the Heavens were seen in most attractive beauty and brilliancy.
James Nasmyth
To the man who loves art for its own sake, it is frequently in its least important and lowliest manifestations that the keenest pleasure is to be derived.
Arthur Conan Doyle
What fascinates me is that when we look at the history of women in politics, so frequently the women who get the farthest are the women who are quite conservative in their political views.
Karyn Kusama
The poets, therefore, however much they adorned the gods in their poems, and amplified their exploits with the highest praises, yet very frequently confess that all things are held together and governed by one spirit or mind.
When music is allowed to take the place of devotion and prayer, it is a terrible curse. Young people assemble together to sing, and, although professed Christians, frequently dishonor God and their faith by their frivolous conversation and their choice of music.
Ellen G. White
Chaste love happens all the time, far more frequently than adultery.
Andre Aciman
I frequently say that I never share blame, I never share credit, and I never share desserts!
Beverly Sills
I’d like to be making more films more frequently, but I do find that making movies, for me, has proven to be an extremely challenging road. No movie is easy; no movie has come together quickly.
Karyn Kusama
There can be little doubt that absence from work, and i

There can be little doubt that absence from work, and inefficient work, are frequently due to intemperance.
William Lyon Mackenzie King
Most beginners who have learned the point system will only consider a sacrifice if it leads directly to checkmate or if the material can be won back by force. A Grandmaster, though, will frequently sacrifice for less tangible compensation, such as a lead in development or a superior pawn structure.
Daniel Naroditsky
May those who enjoy the faithful ministry of the Word feel exceedingly thankful for it. There are few blessings on Earth greater for a believer; and yet the Lord is frequently obliged to teach us the value of this blessing by depriving us of it for a season.
George Muller
Uncle Matheson and my father would frequently argue long into the night about politics. Like me, he was all about socialism, togetherness and investing in people, whereas Matheson, to this day, holds very strong conservative views.
Robson Green
Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success.
Dale Carnegie