Top 235 Perfection Quotes

Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.
I feel like I’ve always been a hard worker – working too much on things that I don’t need to work on. Nothing’s ever going to be perfect, but I still feel like there’s this attainable perfection, which doesn’t exist.
Will Forte
From a storytelling perspective, perfection is death.
Brian Azzarello
To me, searching for perfection isn’t anywhere near as interesting as trying to find your own voice.
Charlie Trotter
Will Smith’s acting reaffirms my belief in the American perfection.
Bennet Omalu
Film is so much to do with perfection and how differently you can feel about someone at the beginning of the film and the end of the film.
Emma Thompson
In all of our society, but especially in Hollywood, there is an obsession with perfection that can lead to self-loathing and neurosis and all that kind of stuff.
Ethan Hawke
Imperfection is perfection.
Perfection is immutable. But for things imperfect, change is the way to perfect them.
Owen Feltham
Asian American success is often presented as something of a horror – robotic, unfeeling machines psychotically hellbent on excelling, products of abusive tiger parenting who care only about test scores and perfection, driven to succeed without even knowing why.
Jenny Zhang
Even though you strive for perfection, you’re never going to play the perfect game.
Joe Thomas
APL is a mistake, carried through to perfection. It is the language of the future for the programming techniques of the past: it creates a new generation of coding bums.
Edsger Dijkstra
I hold that the perfection of form and beauty is contained in the sum of all men.
Albrecht Durer
Perfection of planned layout is achieved only by institutions on the point of collapse.
C. Northcote Parkinson
For any character, male or female, I think it’s important to have… it’s cliche to say a flawed character, but to really think about the good and the bad and make sure that both are present, and it doesn’t just become a glossed over icon of perfection.
Jane Jensen
I am in awe of the brand, and there is nothing I would do or contemplate doing that would any way impact the unique pedestal that Steinway occupies in the industry, 160 years, uncompromising reputation for excellence, and it’s my goal to safeguard that reputation and continue that pursuit of perfection.
John Paulson
But democracy isn’t a state of perfection. It has to be improved, and that means constant vigilance.
Antonio Tabucchi
I don’t believe in perfection, but those acrimony-free gaps during our family holidays can be downright blissful.
Ron Howard
You know one of the causes of modern despair is the fact that we have had proposed to us, from various quarters, an impossible perfection.
Morris West
Great sculptors and artists spend countless hours perfecting their talents. They don’t pick up a chisel or a brush and palette, expecting immediate perfection. They understand that they will make many errors as they learn, but they start with the basics, the key fundamentals first.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
I’ve been one of the image-makers who created this concept of perfection. I’ve done a thousand magazine covers where I’m celebrating Hollywood, glamorous people. Which is all good. It’s all entertainment.
The true gourmet, like the true artist, is one of the unhappiest creatures existent. His trouble comes from so seldom finding what he constantly seeks: perfection.
Ludwig Bemelmans
Ethics is the activity of man directed to secure the inner perfection of his own personality.
Albert Schweitzer
I mentioned the non-competitive spirit explicitly, because these days, excellence is a fashionable concept. But excellence is a competitive notion, and that is not what we are heading for: we are heading for perfection.
Edsger Dijkstra
Everyone is comparing lives on social media and wants the perfect body, perfect image, perfect outfit, perfect life – we’re striving for this perfection, and it’s so unhealthy because there’s no such thing as perfection.
Emily Atack
I feel like every role you take, there’s a part of you that obviously feels like you can do it. I don’t know if perfect is the right word because I don’t believe in perfection. I don’t think it exists.
Mila Kunis
The principal mark of genius is not perfection but orig

The principal mark of genius is not perfection but originality, the opening of new frontiers.
Arthur Koestler
In the beginning, before the creation of Heaven and Earth, God made the angels; free intelligences and free wills; out of His love He made them, that they might be eternally happy. And that their happiness might be complete, He gave them the perfection of a created nature; that is, He gave them freedom.
Sabine Baring-Gould
Instagram influencers project a specific, highly crafted image of perfection – one that is largely white, thin, and psychologically Zen. Critics argue that this boom, in turn, has helped fuel excessive self-promotion in which we post about only the good moments rather than reality – essentially, a distorted echo chamber.
Mary Pilon
Every night that I put my head on the pillow, I go to sleep knowing that I can do more. I’m working toward perfection. I’m trying to be the best ever.
Rafael dos Anjos
The perfection of style consists in the use of the exact speech necessary to convey the sense in the fewest words consistent with perspicuity, at the same time having regard to appropriateness and harmony of expression. Its greater excellencies are directness, accuracy, appropriateness and perspicuity.
Joseph P. Bradley
The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection.
I thought that was actually kind of boring, that search for perfection.
Katherine Dunn
Tech Jacket shares the same tone as Invincible, but the subject matter is very different. Where Invincible is about perfection, Tech Jacket is about flaws.
Robert Kirkman
People often called us perfectionists, but we were not looking for perfection. We were looking for some kind of magic in the music.
Paul Simon
But, perfection is something that is a constant thing you need to achieve. It is not that you have achieved it and it’s gonna stay. It’s everyday hardwork.
Arbaaz Khan
If a man should happen to reach perfection in this world, he would have to die immediately to enjoy himself.
Josh Billings
Consequently he who wishes to attain to human perfection, must therefore first study Logic, next the various branches of Mathematics in their proper order, then Physics, and lastly Metaphysics.
I’m hardly Hollywood material – they’re interested in youth and perfection and I lay no claims to either. It’s not a place that’s particularly interested in talent.
Juliet Stevenson
Perfection is an unattainable goal. It isn’t going to be perfect. Just get words down on paper, and when you stumble to what you think is the end of the book, you will have hundreds of pages of words that came out of your head. It may not be perfect, but it looks like a book.
Laurell K. Hamilton
I don’t want to call myself a perfectionist, because perfection is imperfection.
You can’t make a perfect painting. We can see perfection in our minds. But we can’t make a perfect painting.
Agnes Martin
The artist who aims at perfection in everything achieves it in nothing.
Eugene Delacroix
I take so much pleasure at seeing customers who are happy: happy with what they eat, but happy with their friends and sharing a great moment together, and I think that is more important in life than the endless pursuit of perfection.
Daniel Boulud
For me, anything can be music! I can get huge enjoyment and be moved totally by the purity and perfection of some Renaissance polyphony, but equally I can feel emotion in the expectant hum of a big old guitar amp just before the strings are hit.
Steven Price
Imperfection and perfection go so hand in hand, and our dark and our light are so intertwined, that by trying to push the darkness or the so-called negative aspects of our life to the side… we are preventing ourselves from the fullness of life.
Jeff Bridges
The age we live in is a busy age; in which knowledge is rapidly advancing towards perfection.
Jeremy Bentham
Perfection is such a nuisance that I often regret having cured myself of using tobacco.
Emile Zola
A minute of perfection was worth the effort. A moment was the most you could ever expect from perfection.
Chuck Palahniuk
It’s all about perfection, isn’t it?
Keira Knightley
Classical musicians do this all the time. They want perfection. So they piece things together. Eight bars of this and six bars of that. Glenn Gould said that with a recording he wanted to make perfect versions of pieces.
John Abercrombie
Often, equipment can as easily function as a security blanket for musicians unwilling or unable to risk anything personal in the studio. Whether one catches the feeling on a record is a subjective matter. How can you be sure? The machinery can hold out the promise of at least mechanical perfection.
Jon Landau
Most of my youth I spent being obsessed with Baby Spice, so she was my favorite for a really long time. Now that I’m older, I actually really like Posh Spice the best. Nineties Victoria Beckham is perfection, I think.
Charli XCX
Human nature must have come much nearer perfection than it is now, or will be in many generations, to exclude from such a control prejudice, selfishness, ambition, and injustice.
Elihu Root
I have no time for perfection.
Style is the perfection of a point of view.
Richard Eberhart
I’m not going to change my teeth or get a nose job. That manufactured perfection does nothing for me.
Rosie Huntington-Whiteley
If God had made a perfect world, it would be a magic tr

If God had made a perfect world, it would be a magic trick, not creation, with no meaning or place for us to learn and create. Mankind is not yet ready for a perfect world. We do not know how to appreciate perfection.
Bernie Siegel
I am honoured to be associated with a brand like Movado. It believes in the art of design and is known for its perfection worldwide. I have strong faith in the pursuit of perfection. I am looking forward to a long association.
Harbhajan Singh