Top 235 Reflects Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Reflects Quotes from famous people such as Ken Burns, Brian Tyree Henry, Carol Drinkwater, Rosanna Pansino, David Levithan, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The genius of our country is improvisation, and jazz re

The genius of our country is improvisation, and jazz reflects that. It’s our great contribution to the arts.
Ken Burns
The most important thing I feel in the acting profession is to create a community that reflects you back to you.
Brian Tyree Henry
Salamanca is known as La Ciudad Dorada, the Golden City, because it is built from Villamayor sandstone and when the sun reflects on it the city has a warm amber tint. The university, founded in 1218, is the fifth-oldest in Europe and one of the most renowned, judged on a par with Oxford.
Carol Drinkwater
The content I create reflects my personality: goofy, fun, positive, a bit clumsy, family-friendly, educational and helpful.
Rosanna Pansino
I can honestly say I’ve never thought for a second about whether a character reflects poorly on any group. All that matters to me is that the character is true to my belief in who he or she is.
David Levithan
My music reflects my strong belief in equal opportunities for all – specifically young girls and women. Many, many children do not have anywhere near the opportunities that we kids did in my community – great schools, public safety, etc.
I suppose where I am sort of reflects the work I have chosen to do. Are there occasional frustrations because I can’t work with a certain director because it’s a big studio movie, and I don’t have enough of a studio profile? The answer is yes. But generall… generally, I have the career I have chosen myself.
Damian Lewis
The mind of the painter must resemble a mirror, which always takes the colour of the object it reflects and is completely occupied by the images of as many objects as are in front of it.
Leonardo da Vinci
A lot of what I experienced growing up in the U.S.S.R. and coming to the U.S. as an immigrant actually reflects itself in Whatsapp. Experiences from our youth shape what we do later in life.
Jan Koum
I feel I am confident in my own skin and I think that’s important for any girl. It reflects in the way you speak, in the way you walk and sit.
Athiya Shetty
We don’t care really about children as a society and television reflects that indifference to children as human beings.
Bill Moyers
Very often what will happen between actors is that they’ll develop kind of a ghost relationship in real life that reflects their relationship on screen or in the play that they’re doing. In fact, I’d say that happens almost every time. I don’t know why that happens, but it seems very common.
Kenneth Lonergan
Anybody who has had the pleasure of reading an article about themselves in the press knows that, on the whole, there is a huge amount of inaccuracy, value judgment and the use of a crowbar to insert editorial bias that reflects the current political leaning of that particular paper.
Jo Brand
I like to write a piece of music that reflects how I felt about a film as opposed to, here’s this action scene; here’s this set piece.
Michael Giacchino
We need a transformation to our energy system that not only reflects our climate reality. We need an energy system that is of, by, and for the people – not corporations seeking the largest possible profit.
Jamaal Bowman
My apartment reflects my views as an architect. It is minimal, austere. The architecture doesn’t impose itself upon you. The apartment is a stage for other things to take place.
Bernard Tschumi
New York and San Francisco are distinctly different. San Francisco is driving the American media, not New York. You have young, microwaved millionaires and billionaires reshaping the American media in a way that reflects San Francisco values.
Jason Whitlock
I dress in my ‘uniform,’ or my own dress code, which reflects my personal method and work ethic. My belief is that my plain T-shirt – I have about 40 of them – or blue sweater helps focus others’ attention on me and on what I say.
Giorgio Armani
I always say that cinema reflects life, not the other way round.
Farah Khan
I grew up in a rough environment. You want to be strong and have your presence felt out there. That attitude reflects how people see you.
Mekhi Phifer
Music reflects the time that it’s being made in, and so certainly, the music that’s being made in 1986 by a 14-year-old kid will reflect some magic of 1986 for him if he’s an inspired and creative musician.
Chrissie Hynde
There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
Edith Wharton
We are afraid of ourselves and our own unconscious minds. When we are building something that reflects us, it’s the one thing we’re all afraid to face. We’re afraid to face ourselves. Building machines that mirror our consciousness is a very frightening proposition because we have seen how evil people can be.
Gray Scott
He is the best man who, when making his plans, fears and reflects on everything that can happen to him, but in the moment of action is bold.
The suffragettes were women of action. Their motto was ‘Deeds not Words,’ and the film reflects that with a number of big set pieces, from the smashing of windows in central London to a riot at the Houses of Parliament.
Sarah Gavron
Visaaranai’ reflects a stark reality from which you cannot shut yourself out: that is its success.
Whenever I make music, it reflects where I’m at mentally.
Kendrick Lamar
I love the sea’s sounds and the way it reflects the sky. The colours that shimmer across its surface are unbelievable. This, combined with the colour of the water over white sand, surprises me every time.
John Dyer
My perspective on life is now to try to play music that reflects that life and death are part of the same coin. And to know about life, we must really examine the function – like death. Life tells you a lot about what death is, not what people say it is.
Wayne Shorter
You like the style of the people you like because it reflects something inside them.
Tavi Gevinson
Instead of books, art, theatre, and music being consigned to specialized niches, we might have a criticism that better reflects the eclecticism of our time, a criticism that takes in various arts all at once.
Lee Siegel
Multi- polarisation has become an inevitable trend in t

Multi- polarisation has become an inevitable trend in the process of shaping a global political pattern and has been widely welcomed by the international community as it reflects the common interests and aspiration of the overwhelming majority of countries.
Li Peng
The iPhone is made on a global scale, and it blends computers, the Internet, communications, and artificial intelligence in one blockbuster, game-changing innovation. It reflects so many of the things that our contemporary world is good at – indeed, great at.
Tyler Cowen
Audiences change because life changes. Countries change geographically, climatically, socially and morally. Many things happen, and cinema, in a sense, reflects what’s happening in the world.
Amitabh Bachchan
I always say this about my music, and music in general: Music is like a time capsule. Each album reflects what I’m going through or what’s going on in my life at that moment.
The intellect of the wise is like glass; it admits the light of heaven and reflects it.
Augustus Hare
Fashion is anything which is you and reflects your personality, and if you are comfortable with what you wearing, you’ll look trendy and fashionable for sure.
Yami Gautam
I’m under no illusions about the importance of my work. But if it has any worth, it is that it truly reflects the Brazilian people.
Jorge Amado
These are clothes my friends and I could wear. This ain’t Prada. I don’t want to be one of those celebrities that slaps their name on a label and collects royalty checks. Everything on that runway reflects me.
Nicky Hilton
Whenever anyone puts decor or artwork on the walls, it’s always personal. You want people to come into your home and see something that reflects your personality.
Drew Scott
I want to build a Big Labor party. A party of big ideas. A party which is deeply connected to the community. A party which reflects our diverse nation.
Bill Shorten
My style reflects my mood, the place I’m in, and the place I’m going to.
Lindsey Wixson
At school I’d want to be so small that nobody could see me, and so my work depicts and reflects me – what it felt like to grow up in a world of pain.
Willard Wigan
Democracy matters because it reflects an idea of equality and an idea of liberty. It reflects an idea of dignity, the dignity of the individual, the idea that each individual should have an equal vote, an equal say, in the formation of their government.
Rory Stewart
What your insides are doing, your outside reflects, and what you give to yourself, you can give to others.
Vanessa Kirby
Media companies’ hit-focused marketing did not emerge in a vacuum. It reflects how consumers make choices. The truth is that consumers prefer blockbusters.
Anita Elberse
A strong dollar reflects a strong country and a strong economy, and we need to make sure that we get the – stop the practice of devaluing the dollar.
Tim Pawlenty
All along we find that social life – religion, politics, art – reflects the stages reached in the development of the knowledge of self; it shows the social uses made of this knowledge.
James Mark Baldwin
Nothing reflects so much honor on a workman as a trial of his work and its endurance of it. So it is with God. It honors Him when His saints preserve their integrity.
Charles Spurgeon
NATO expansion and Russian expansion – one leads to the other, and one reflects the other.
Jeremy Corbyn
I guess I do what I like and enjoy my job thoroughly, that reflects on my face.
Rohini Hattangadi
A government reflects the views of those who select it, and if people are unable to cast their ballot because the voting hours aren’t convenient for them or because other hurdles have been raised too high we get a less representative government as a result.
Nina Turner
Electing pro-choice Republican women can help foster a discussion that reflects the full spectrum of views and can lead to a more balanced and responsible public dialogue.
Linda Lingle
The administration’s reckless plan doesn’t do one thing to ensure the long term security of social security, rather it undermines our economy. We need a budget and a fiscal policy that reflects the values and interests of America and restores fiscal discipline.
Debbie Stabenow
Azam Khan has made me the focus of his campaign. I have for long been suffering his tongue-lash. It only reflects his state of mind. He does a lot of drama.
Jaya Prada
I’m hoping that college students and young professionals in general will pay very close attention to what is being said by both parties and all the candidates in the parties and pick the best person that best reflects the values that we all have.
Jaime Harrison
Material Girl is about having your own personal style, and my personal style reflects the brand’s aesthetic.
Georgia May Jagger
I hate prejudice, discrimination, and snobbishness of any kind – it always reflects on the person judging and not the person being judged. Everyone should be treated equally.
Gordon Brown
What is most troubling about Mr. Putin’s aggression in Crimea is that it reflects a growing disregard for America’s credibility in the world. That has emboldened other aggressive actors – from Chinese nationalists to Al Qaeda terrorists and Iranian theocrats.
John McCain
This nation’s 23 million small businesses need a budget that reflects their value to the economy.
Solomon Ortiz
There’s a tendency for the yen to strengthen because it’s rated highly, but I don’t think that accurately reflects Japan’s economic performance.
Yoshihiko Noda
I don’t think voters give a hoot about the character of their political advisors, except to the extent that character reflects on the candidates.
Bob Woodward
Film songs have so many creative limitations, but a pri

Film songs have so many creative limitations, but a private album is like an autobiography that reflects your state of mind.
Adnan Sami
The dumbing down of the country reflects itself on Broadway. The shows get dumber, and the public gets used to them.
Stephen Sondheim
I Am She is an institution that reflects and personifies the grace, charm, and elegance of an Indian woman.
Sushmita Sen
In Iran I think nobody loses their job because of making a statement that reflects their opinion. From this point of view, conditions in Iran are far better than in many other places in the world.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
There is nothing funny about Halloween. This sarcastic festival reflects, rather, an infernal demand for revenge by children on the adult world.
Jean Baudrillard
I am not an insecure actor, and this reflects in the films I have done. Yes, there was a phase when I was adamant on solo hero roles, but that is over now.
Randeep Hooda
What I choose to do reflects who I am.
Joe Flacco
The fact that 35 percent of all American giving went to religious organizations in 2010 reflects how closely bound many of us are with our place of worship.
Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen
Ordinary readers, forgive my paradoxes: one must make them when one reflects; and whatever you may say, I prefer being a man with paradoxes than a man with prejudices.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Whatever you eat, reflects on your skin.
Ishita Dutta
There’s a great deal of enthusiasm about quality, serious journalism. And some of it relates to personalities because it’s people who do the news. But I think it reflects a real desire for facts, real news and reporting.
Ari Melber
My own career reflects a strange dichotomy between the world we’ve long known and the world that will become.
Jeffrey Toobin
There is something quintessentially American about the USWNT. Last-minute, dramatic finishes and technical finesse aside, the spirit of the program reflects a determination and perseverance that resonates with the deeply held belief that with hard work, anything is possible.
Ali Krieger
There’s nothing that reflects me. I’m unreflectable!
Larry David
For sure, the ‘Obamania’ that’s fast taking hold reflects an incredible thirst for change in global politics and, dare I say, a wave of optimism that things can be different.
Lucy Powell
An attorney general’s duty is to render her opinion and honest advice; she cannot set herself up as a judge overruling the president’s decision. The president need not ‘convince’ his subordinate that his decision reflects the best view of the law.
William Barr
The Oscars are about the dynamics of that moment, of that season. It reflects what’s been going on in the world every year through the movies. And a lot of times, what’s popular at the movies is popular because of what’s going on in the world at that moment.
Bruce Vilanch
It reflects a prevailing myth that production technology is no more amenable to human judgment or social interests than the laws of thermodynamics, atomic structure or biological inheritance.
Barry Commoner
Easter is reflecting upon suffering for one thing, but it also reflects upon Jesus and his non compliance in the face of great authority where he holds to his truth – so there’s two stories there.
Michael Leunig
Growing up in Ireland, there are a lot of aspects of God that hang in the air. And my music reflects that.
A mirror reflects what you see, and a black mirror shows the dark side of it.
Madeline Brewer
The first-sale doctrine reflects basic common sense – and follows from the logic of treating copyrights and other ‘intellectual property’ with no more protection than regular property.
Marvin Ammori
Faith consists in being vitally concerned with that ultimate reality to which I give the symbolical name of God. Whoever reflects earnestly on the meaning of life is on the verge of an act of faith.
Paul Tillich
More than anything, I’m an American kid, and my music reflects that more so than being an Asian-American. I think it’s important but also something that can detrimental to your career if celebrated too much.
I’m turning 22, so I want to start getting into work that reflects where I’m at in life now.
What makes a loft authentic isn’t its layout or its history but its ability to give people a true home – a dwelling that reflects their personalities and aspirations, including their dreams of urbanity.
Virginia Postrel
People don’t understand the tyranny of media. The few women that the media will allow in have to think about male approval and their own success – and their writing reflects that.
Andrea Dworkin
For some reason I can’t explain, artist and musicians tend to look younger than our age. Being in music, you need this youthful sense of discovery and wonder for what you’re doing and keep your imagination open. That’s a youthful way of looking at life and I think that reflects in how you age.
Joshua Bell
My favorite movie is ‘Coming to America.’ It’s a great movie! Eddie Murphy. Arsenio Hall. It kind of reflects my life – being from Canada and coming to America. I can kind of relate to it.
Tristan Thompson
My music reflects the time on which we live, both in terms of arrangements, as well as in the subjects treated in the lyrics.
Lara Fabian
It’s never a surprise to me that a job that I’m doing reflects what I’m going through or what I’m thinking about.
Carrie-Anne Moss
Hip-hop reflects the truth, and the problem is that hip

Hip-hop reflects the truth, and the problem is that hip-hop exposes a lot of the negative truth that society tries to conceal. It’s a platform where we could offer information, but it’s also an escape.
Busta Rhymes
You’ll see that the strong, the affirmative, the positive voice in any of the plays I’ve written is that of a woman. My men are, well, not quite worthless, but they are certainly weak, and that reflects the reality I grew up with and what I think has in a sense shaped me.
Athol Fugard
When you feel healthy, it boosts your confidence level and it reflects on your face.
Zareen Khan
I think making a movie is like drawing or creating an art piece. The artwork reflects part of your personality, but not all.
Tony Jaa
I wanted to create a bridal collection that is both a natural extension of the mainline eveningwear but, at the same time, reflects the opulence of such an important celebratory event.
Matthew Williamson
I feel like I’m totally me, and I feel like the show reflects my intensity, my vibe, and my search for evidence and answers.
Ari Melber
I am what I want. What I seek to consume, possess, and achieve is a mirror that reflects my lusts and cravings, values and priorities, and moral boundaries or lack thereof.
Jane Velez-Mitchell
First, I eat healthy; it comes from the inside out. If you eat right, your skin, hair, nails will look good. The same if you have negative thoughts – they can give you a bad look, too; we reflect what we eat and think. We also taste and smell what we eat. Being happy and doing what I love really reflects.
Kate del Castillo
Antiques Roadshow’ is a public service. It reflects the nation back to itself, as does ‘Question Time.’
Fiona Bruce
In a free society, government reflects the soul of its people. If people want change at the top, they will have to live in different ways. Our major social problems are not the cause of our decadence. They are a reflection of it.
Cal Thomas
Each year, the State of the Union reflects the priorities of the current administration – and it provides the American people with a collective moment to reflect on the strength and security of our country.
Abigail Spanberger
Our interest in history always reflects our own times.
Margaret MacMillan
The conflict between the creatures of Native Lore and the immigration of the European preternatural hosts is hinted at in ‘Blood Bound’ and reflects the conflicts between the human immigrants and the Indian people who were already here.
Patricia Briggs
What my voting record reflects is constantly looking to improve the amount of resources we having going into research, development, and prototypes we have going into renewable energy sources.
Chris Gibson
I think football reflects our society. Our society changes. The evolution of society dictates the evolution of the game.
Patrick Vieira
What you feel inside reflects on your face. So be happy and positive all the time.
If you really want to see more work that reflects your values, you have to produce it. You have to be a contributor to the business.
Erik King
One travels more usefully when alone, because he reflects more.
Thomas Jefferson
The Academy just reflects Hollywood. And until we break those barriers, until we have African-American or minority studio executives, ’til we have people who are greenlighting movies with African-American actors – the Academy is not going to change until Hollywood changes, so we have to start with Hollywood.
Roger Ross Williams
Basically, I still have the privacy that all celebrities crave, except for those celebrities who feel that privacy reflects some kind of failure on their part.
Albert Brooks
When I’m trusting and being myself as fully as possible, everything in my life reflects this by falling into place easily, often miraculously.
Shakti Gawain
A lot of times, I faced bullies – or the ‘big dogs’ at school. What I wanted ‘Red Rising’ to be is not necessarily an indictment on bullies, but it reflects my experiences and attitudes that I had with bullies growing up.
Pierce Brown
I’d like to see us Pakistani actors do more work that reflects our culture, morals and values.
Sanam Saeed
I’m afraid that eating in restaurants reflects one’s experiences with movies, art galleries, novels, music – that is, characterized by mild amusement but with an overall feeling of stupidity and shame. Better to cook for yourself.
Jim Harrison
In Sufi terms, there are two very interesting notions of transcendence. One is to gaze out at the universe and to comprehend that what you see out there reflects what you are. The other one is to look inside yourself and recognise that the universe is present there.
Mohsin Hamid
Some of my favorite pieces were my mom’s, and most of those she actually hand made. I would say if my style reflects anyone or anything, it’s her.
Nikki Reed
I try to be a friend to my boys just the way my dad was with me. Subconsciously that reflects in my writing.
Gautham Menon
I had to unlearn everything, as Maya’s character is the essence of ‘Allama.’ She reflects feminism, an in-depth and powerful role where she feels that she can never lose.
Meghana Raj
There comes a turning point in the life of every person when he reflects on his journey and work and ponders on the next road to take. Is this the pinnacle, the ultimate? What next?
When you do something with a lot of honesty, appetite and commitment, the input reflects in the output.
A. R. Rahman
Isabella is a woman who kind of walks on a tightrope. She walks on that tightrope because in the ‘Narcos’ society that she was born in, it reflects all of the cultural things that society imposes.
Teresa Ruiz
The recent fascination, I think, reflects the shift in

The recent fascination, I think, reflects the shift in approach by law enforcement officials to embrace technology as wholeheartedly as the rest of the world.
Jeffery Deaver
People see that I have my own voice, my own opinion, my own likes. The album really reflects that.
Deborah Cox
The Bible was written in several languages, embraces many literary forms, and reflects cultures very different from our own. These are important considerations for properly understanding the Bible in its context.
Troy Perry
Your look reflects what’s happening in your mind. You gotta have some swag to you.
It is my pleasure to support a candidate who truly reflects our values and highest ideals.
Martin Sheen
Anything that reflects the human condition back on humans in the entertainment medium is art.
Tucker Max
In terms of an identity, an identity reflects an individuality, by definition. And, if there is a quality present, it is recognizable and it can be named. If you can’t name it, it means you don’t recognize it.
Robert Fripp
I think ‘The Wire’ really is relatable. It reflects an ongoing issue across America, about inaccuracies in major cities between rich and the poor and some of the things that go on behind the red tape of council and government bodies.
Idris Elba
If we, as individuals, want to keep control of our democracy – rather than have a government paid for by corporate interest checks – then we have to fight back now and make sure our system reflects the belief that people, not corporations, control our democracy.
Michael Bennet
If somebody, without knowing me, comes up to me and wants to upset or belittle me, I think that reflects badly on them, not me… if you’re ever unsure of what to call me or someone like me, my name always does well.
Sinead Burke
When I think about voting, I can skip it and still see myself as a good citizen. But when I think about being a voter, now the choice reflects on my character. It casts a shadow.
Adam Grant
I probably don’t make as much money as people think I make. I make more than the usual medium household. I’m one of the few middle class actors out there. The microcosm of Hollywood reflects the macrocosm of international finance.
James Ransone
The job at Brooklyn is interesting because Brooklyn reflects what happened to university art departments everywhere. It might be the worst department now, and yet at one point it was the best in the country.
Ad Reinhardt
The coming and going of the seasons give us more than the springtimes, summers, autumns, and winters of our lives. It reflects the coming and going of the circumstances of our lives like the glassy surface of a pond that shows our faces radiant with joy or contorted with pain.
Gary Zukav
I wanted to make an album that melodically people can connect to; something that reflects our times and the kinds of difficulties we face.
Emeli Sande
Good writers know that crime is an entre into telling a greater story about character. Good crime writing holds up a mirror to the readers and reflects in a darker light the world in which they live.
Karin Slaughter
I’m not saying I’m perfect. But I’m someone who analyses and reflects on what I do, whether it’s in keeping with the ethics that I talk about in public. That’s how I’ve been all my life.
I love it if comedy reflects real life because to me it’s more reassuring that we’ll get through.
James L. Brooks
To me, life is huge and thrilling and exciting and explosive and loud. If I can make music that communicates that and reflects that, then that’s an achievement.
Andrew W.K.
I’ve never wanted to live in a ghetto or write in a ghetto. I want to write about a world that reflects the one most people live in. Gay people are just one aspect of that.
Val McDermid
To me, music’s something I can dance to or listen to. To write about it is always more of what the music represents, or what it reflects. Like an ideal song, to me, is a song that you can dance to, that summons up some darker and greater mystery.
Nick Tosches
I think it’s beautiful to be able to cover yourself in metal. I love the color and the way it reflects. But it is also a protection.
Daphne Guinness
It makes the city unique and hold a charm. In old Kolkata, there are some beautiful old buildings… some of them are well-maintained; somewhere reflects what the city has gone through in the past.
Soni Razdan
A film reflects who you are as a building reflects the soul of its architect. I think what you feel and what you think and what you are is what the film is. It’s not for me to talk about.
Michael Cimino
People’s lives change dramatically over such a long time period, and I think that if you’re still vital, and you’re still interested in writing and things like that, of course your music evolves and reflects where you are in your life.
Pat Benatar
Probably careful plotting reflects my personality. I am meticulous by nature. I can’t imagine speed-writing anything that happens to pop into my head.
William Landay
Obviously, a bass sounds like a bass and a guitar sounds like a guitar, but the way you play the guitar reflects your personality.
Paul Simonon
I think London as a city is so diverse and multicultural, anything goes really. The fashion here reflects that – there are so many different styles of dressing throughout the city. In London, you can be very experimental with fashion; it’s totally accepted, even if you stand out.
Holly Willoughby
I completely take on the risk, the poker game, which being an artist means, and I’m going to try to make a film which honestly reflects what I have in my head.
Antonio Banderas
I can be incredibly stubborn and I’m not sure how that reflects in my looks. The family name is German and translates as donkey! If I think I’m right, I hope I don’t seem grumpy.
Gavin Esler
If I read a script in the future that I feel like I could have a little fun with or that reflects me well, it may be one of those things that I try out. But, of course, music’s my number one priority.
Brantley Gilbert
Britain should take pride in a foreign policy that refl

Britain should take pride in a foreign policy that reflects her values and responsibilities – but it must be grounded in the tangible interests of the citizens who pay for it.
Dominic Raab
I think folks who are resistant to engaging in art become less so once they encounter art that really reflects them.
Lynn Nottage
When I look at jobs, one of the most relevant questions I ask is, ‘Is this something I’ve done before, or is it a chance to experience a new context, tone and relationship?’ I also ask if it’s a story worth telling and a character with a reason to exist… someone who reflects the human condition.
Rose McIver
I just think that when you’ve been singing for 30 years, which I have been, you just want to find different things you can do with your voice. It’s a constant journey. It’s not like any one album that you make is who you are. It just reflects that particular day.
Alison Moyet
I want to make work that reflects different times and processes.
Cornelia Parker
The Citizen’s Petition reflects Vermont’s spirit of pragmatism and across-the-board cooperation. I applaud the ‘Campaign to Fix the Debt’ for calling attention to one of the country’s most pressing problems, our ballooning national debt, and for urging policymakers to find practical solutions.
Peter Welch
Our American history reflects a long-standing tension between people and power. In fact, all government everywhere does. But our American form of government solved the problem, better than most, of moderating this tension between people and power.
Sheldon Whitehouse
The joy of hate reflects people who get off pretending to hate something, or hate you, in order to score political points. I call them the ‘tolerati’ – you know, a group of people who claim to be tolerant, except when they run into someone who disagrees with them.
Greg Gutfeld
When I talk to some of the younger filmmakers, they are so worried about their films that, eventually, this state of being worried reflects itself in and helps the final work. Whereas, with projects that are meticulously planned, you look at the end result and it is full of emptiness.
Abbas Kiarostami
I am young, and that reflects in my designs. I can’t pretend to be 40.
Masaba Gupta
Advertising reflects the mores of society, but it does not influence them.
David Ogilvy
I enjoy wearing fragrance every day and have found myself searching for the one signature scent that truly reflects my personality and the things I love, such as Bulgarian rose. I have always wanted to create a fragrance from its inception to fruition and articulate femininity, confidence, and fortitude.
Ivanka Trump
We have to be intentional with including trans women, all women, all marginalized people. Whether we say ‘Me Too’ or call ourselves feminists or strive to create a diverse workplace that reflects the world we live in, it’s all about being intentional.
Trace Lysette
There are dozens of references to God in the Scriptures for every one to the figure of Satan. This reflects a sometimes forgotten theological truth that the devil is by no means God’s counterpart. He is a creature, not the Creator.
John Ortberg
What I hope my writing reflects… is a sense of the connections between all human beings… and a different perspective on the true nature of courage. For me, those are things worth exploring and writing about.
Chris Crutcher
Today’s policies and political activity treat people like pawns. More than ever before, attempts will be made to use people like cogs in a wheel. People will be handled like puppets on a string, and everyone will think that this reflects the greatest progress imaginable.
Rudolf Steiner
Politics also reflects the fault lines in our society, and the fact is that it is not very easy for any marginalised group to come forward in any domain.
In the hip-hop community, it’s about how real are you, or how strong can you be, and really my music just reflects me. If you can accept me, then you can accept my music.
Nick Cannon
The notion that the U.S. can impose its will unilaterally on the World Bank reflects a fundamental misunderstanding about how multilateral organizations should work.
Seth Moulton
If with open mind one reads and observes industriously and long; if in so doing one covers a wide field and so covering reflects in terms of realism, he is likely, soon or late, to be brought to a sudden consciousness that Man is an unknown quantity and his existence unsuspected.
Louis Sullivan
A truly united Singapore means having a Parliament that reflects all views, and not just the PAP view or the group-think of a single political party.
Tan Cheng Bock
Most of them are pretty down records, pretty unhappy, pretty confused. Which only reflects how people in general were feeling, I mean really the sense that you get is society running down.
Lester Bangs
Six years at Ajax and eight years at Tottenham, that reflects the way I want to be as a footballer, I like stability and that is what Benfica offered me and that was very important for me.
Jan Vertonghen
American decline is real, though the apocalyptic vision reflects the familiar ruling class perception that anything short of total control amounts to total disaster.
Noam Chomsky
I wanted a label that reflects the times… a center for artists who want to express themselves. That’s what makes Interscope unique. It’s about freedom.
Jimmy Iovine
‘Aura’ is what one reflects in the heart, what you bring into the world, and what people want to learn from you.
In 2012, I launched Andrew Zimmern’s Canteen. Inspired by visits to street stalls and markets around the world, Andrew Zimmern’s Canteen reflects the intersection of food and travel.
Andrew Zimmern
No one can deny that Russia fired some big rockets and placed satellites into orbit. But there’s been a deluge of poppycock about ‘miraculous’ scientific advances that enabled them to do it. Much of this analysis reflects ignorance about rocketry.
Willy Ley
It’s nice to finally have a CD out which reflects my songwriting, my singing and the band that I have.
Mick Taylor
Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical.
Sophia Loren
I was shocked when I moved to Sydney how very few indigenous people I came across. And so when I go to places like Maroubra or Redfern or Waterloo or Erskineville, I feel more at home because of the people I’m around – anywhere I can see a face that reflects someone that looks like my family, I feel much more at home.
Shari Sebbens
People always accuse me of being motivational in a way,

People always accuse me of being motivational in a way, like it was a bad thing, but that’s just how I was raised. My mom raised me in a positive environment, with lots of love in my heart, and that reflects in my music.
Lenny Kravitz
I am convinced, the way one plays chess always reflects the player’s personality. If something defines his character, then it will also define his way of playing.
Vladimir Kramnik
I thought, I need to be more cautious about my choices – it reflects on who I am.
Heath Ledger
Luxury is not about the things that you own. It is about something that reflects your personal values, something that shows the choices that you have made in your life.
Marcel Wanders
The way I make music reflects the way I think.
I never really considered myself super hip-hop, ever in life. I don’t think anything that I’ve done reflects that.
Damon Dash
The whole London football scene is now financially more powerful and ambitious than ever before. That reflects the city’s economic might and its multiculturalism. Now West Ham have a new , and Spurs and Chelsea will follow. And the London clubs have widened their areas of support.
John Motson
A home is more than just where you live; it reflects who you are.
Ty Pennington
We want people to experience art and think about it. The art reflects our time, it is about our culture.
David Elliott
Speaker Ryan’s vision for a confident America, both at home and abroad, reflects his thoughtful leadership.
Kenneth C. Griffin
We want a fully comprehensive trade deal that reflects our deep, ongoing relationship, the friendship between our two countries, the fact that Australians want to come and live and work in Britain, and Brits want to come and live and work in Australia.
Liz Truss
The effort to blur the lines between Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib reflects a deep misunderstanding about the different legal regimes that apply to Iraq and the war against al Qaeda.
John Yoo
Most of us complain about Congress. We say it’s a place that doesn’t reflect us; they don’t listen to us. Actually, Congress well reflects the American people. It gives us exactly what we ask for.
Bob Inglis
China needs a currency that reflects underlying economic fundamentals.
Henry Paulson
Your music essentially reflects everything you do, everything you’ve been through, in the deepest part of you.
Jon Hopkins
A new forum is needed that reflects the realities of today’s globalised world and the rising importance of emerging markets.
Charles Dallara
Marriage is an institution that existed before governments existed. It’s something that reflects nature and reflects God and God’s will for us. And both from the standpoint of faith and reason it makes all the sense in the world. And it’s beneficial for society.
Rick Santorum
Even Superman’s name reflects his creators’ biblical knowledge.
Bruce Feiler
If you say one gets influenced watching a character, I think it’s foolish. Cinema reflects society; society rarely reflects cinema.
Since ‘The Office,’ everyone has this idea that comedy is only good if it reflects the way people really speak. But that’s nonsense – and it’s a problem unique to comedy.
Lee Mack
I became startled by the extraordinary difference between something whose surface is completely invisible which only makes itself present by virtue of what it reflects, and a window, which doesn’t make itself apparent at all, in the ideal case.
Jonathan Miller
I come from a songwriter background, so essentially with my music, I’m trying to make songs that will last a lifetime and although ‘Fast Car’ was a cover, it reflects what I’m trying to do.
Jonas Blue
Our culture reflects back what is true. It doesn’t always reflect it back reliably. It can distort things.
Craig Mazin
There is a history of thinking about space science from an environmental ethics perspective. And part of what I want to do is turn that back and use that experience to see if it reflects how we think about the Earth.
David Grinspoon
I’m not over the top; I’m not wacky. I’m fairly understated, and that reflects in the way I sing.
Sade Adu
Beauty comes from having a good metabolism because it enhances you from the inside. It reflects on the skin and face.
Sussanne Khan
New terms used like, ‘overseas contingency operation’ instead of the word ‘war’ – that reflects a worldview that is out of touch with the enemy that we face. We can’t spin our way out of this threat.
Sarah Palin
‘Entourage’ is a great show, but it’s fantasy. I spent my twenties in L.A. in this business, and my life didn’t look anything like that. ‘Big Bang’ reflects a side of men that is rarely shown. We see their flaws – all of them.
Johnny Galecki
The call to rein in globalization reflects a belief that it has eliminated jobs in the West, sending them East and South. But the biggest threat to traditional jobs is not Chinese or Mexican; it is a robot.
Angus Deaton
Domestic inflation reflects domestic monetary policy.
Martin Feldstein
Art reflects society. Cinema doesn’t dictate – you portray what the society demands.
Sonam Kapoor
I'm not trying to stay in the same place and I'm not tr

I’m not trying to stay in the same place and I’m not trying to compete with what’s currently in fashion. That would be dishonest. But, at the same time, I’m different and the music reflects that to some degree.
Eddie Money
I feel compelled to make art that on one hand reflects and sometimes almost creates like a sense of comfort when confronted with the strangeness of the world.
You need to recognize that the copyright date on a book reflects when it came out, not when it was written – assume that the information in the book is at least a year older than the copyright date, and possibly two.
Jamais Cascio
The more successful Navy SEALs there are, the more glory it reflects on the community and the better it is for our country.
Eric Greitens
Arizonans want us to come together, put aside politics, and solve problems. You want us to do our jobs in way that reflects the best of our state. You want us to stop and listen – something that doesn’t always come naturally to people in politics.
Doug Ducey
The political lives of tyrants play out human affairs with a special intensity: the death of a democratic leader long after his retirement is a private matter, but the death of a tyrant is always a political act that reflects the character of his power.
Simon Sebag Montefiore
When Gordon Brown becomes prime minister, the balance sheet that reflects his economic stewardship could look very sickly indeed. He could become Labour’s biggest liability, not its most marketable asset.
Vince Cable
I think it reflects well on the state of animation that people are knowledgeable about it and love the fantasy and imagination that goes into it.
Bill Plympton
I unfortunately don’t speak French, but my wife is now fluent in English, which really reflects rather badly on me.
Sean Connery
I like to call it the scalar boson because this reflects an essential component of the theory – it means that the field the boson travels through has no preferred direction, unlike the way a magnetic field does.
Francois Englert
Not to say there’s not good TV out there, but I think TV is better when it accurately reflects the world as it is.
Aja Naomi King
The original sense of the word ‘influence’ is ‘to flow into.’ For the most part, these writers that I admire… their style flows into me without my intervention, which is what explains the broad range of writers who I’ve been compared with; it reflects my reading.
Teju Cole
When I paint, I seriously consider the public presence of a person – the surface facade. I am less concerned with how people look when they wake up or how they act at home. A person’s public presence reflects his own efforts at image development.
LeRoy Neiman
A writer’s work often reflects what he or she has been exposed to in life; experiences which are the groundwork of a poem or a story.
Eyvind Johnson
When you treat everyone on the sets with respect, it keeps the workspace free of tension. Your conscience is clear, and that reflects on the camera.
Anushka Shetty
Well, a deficit reflects an imbalance between spending and revenue, and so narrowing it requires acting on one, the other or both.
Peter Orszag
It’s important to look your best because it reflects how you feel about yourself. I really believe that what goes on the outside reflects what’s on the inside.
Kelly Brook
The Kennedy Center Honors reflects our humanity and higher purpose. We are a great nation, in part, because we value culture.
Nell Scovell