Top 242 Passes Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Passes Quotes from famous people such as Julia Roberts, Alex Pareene, Anita Brookner, Terry Pratchett, Fred, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

If you love someone, you say it, right then, out loud.

If you love someone, you say it, right then, out loud. Otherwise, the moment just passes you by.
Julia Roberts
In many ways, Tucker Carlson’s a better symbol of the pathetic state of what passes for conservative journalism than even Glenn Beck or the late Andrew Breitbart, to name two of his contemporaries with a much larger following.
Alex Pareene
Writing novels preserves you in a state of innocence – a lot passes you by – simply because your attention is otherwise diverted.
Anita Brookner
It is often said that before you die your life passes before your eyes. It is in fact true. It’s called living.
Terry Pratchett
Obviously I’m not happy when I miss the passes so I look to get that right. I work very hard on that.
What passes for real debate in Washington often seems more like an echo chamber, with politicians talking at politicians.
Bill Delahunt
We always talk about experience and maturing, the best thing that can happen to a footballer is the game slows down for them. All of a sudden, they can see things, they can see passes, they can see space, the whole game opens up for them.
Steve Nicol
In the graver and more sentimental communication of man and man, the head still bears the superior sway; in the unreserved intimacies of man and woman, the heart is ever uppermost. Feeling is the main thing, and judgment passes for little.
William Godwin
It’s not like I mean to throw no-look passes. I think it kind of happens out of instinct. As I do it, I’m like, ‘Dang, I didn’t even mean to do that.’
Patrick Mahomes
My dad reads the scripts and passes them on to me.
Kodi Smit-McPhee
Honestly, I don’t feel pressure to live up to anything I’ve done because I tend to not listen to my work once a year passes.
Aesop Rock
I’m fascinated with the stories that we tell. Real histories become fantasies and fairy tales, morality tales and fables. There’s something interesting and funny and perverse about the way fairytale sometimes passes for history, for truth.
Kara Walker
When I can 10 or 11, my mom was the one out there catching passes for me. She was my prime receiver.
Joe Theismann
I started out real young as a tight end, but I was never getting the football. I knew when I played basketball, I loved to have control of the ball. When I played baseball, I was a pitcher. I always wanted to be the guy throwing the passes and making a difference, I guess.
Jim Kelly
I have a raging temper. I’ll shout and scream, then it passes like a wicked storm.
Maggie Gyllenhaal
With every day that passes, David Blunkett becomes more insensitive in his language and more intemperate in his actions.
Charles Kennedy
Cosmic energy enters the body through the medulla and then passes to the cerebrum, in which it is stored or concentrated.
Paramahansa Yogananda
The scrupulous and the just, the noble, humane, and devoted natures; the unselfish and the intelligent may begin a movement – but it passes away from them. They are not the leaders of a revolution. They are its victims.
Joseph Conrad
Humans having any kind of sporting chance against hostile alien invaders armed with superior technology – Good luck. If they’re advanced enough to cross the enormous distances of interstellar space, they’re advanced enough to wipe us out without breaking whatever in their physiology passes for a sweat.
Nick Sagan
I make sure to sit down for at least five minutes a day to just capture whatever passes through my mind.
Arlo Parks
What passes for optimism is most often the effect of an intellectual error.
Raymond Aron
Julio Jones doesn’t drop wide-open touchdown passes.
Jon Gruden
Someone sits at a table or lies on a sofa while staring motionless at a wall or ceiling. Once in a while this person writes down seven lines, only to cross out one of them 15 minutes later, and then another hour passes, during which nothing happens. Who could stand to watch this kind of thing?
Wislawa Szymborska
A lot of passes that I throw, some of them are kind of thread-the-needle type of passes, and I know Year 1 or Year 2 Bam wouldn’t have done that. But you’ve gotta take the leash off the dog. What’s scarier, a dog with a leash walking with a person or a dog with nobody around him?
Bam Adebayo
The invention of money opened a new field to human avarice by giving rise to usury and the practice of lending money at interest while the owner passes a life of idleness.
Pliny the Elder
As time passes, the actual complexity of our history – even of our own personal experience – gets buried under the weight of the ideal image.
Stephanie Coontz
As one ages, eventually, no matter what regime you’ve followed, no matter how fiercely you’ve fought the fight, good health becomes harder to maintain. It may disappear overnight or simply dwindle, but with every year that passes, the odds shorten.
Laurie Graham
The league is interesting because it’s evident everyone can beat everyone. And sometimes things happen you just don’t understand. This might be referee decisions or the running paths or passes of a teammate. It’s different than in Europe, but you have to take things as they are.
Bastian Schweinsteiger
If we can’t get a shot after five passes, what’s Ihe use of trying to set up a shot at all?
George Mikan
If Sunday is the Lord’s day, then Saturday belongs to the Devil. It is the only night of the week when he gives out Free passes to the Late show at the Too Much Fun Club.
Hunter S. Thompson
I’m pretty sure people are going to start writing letters again once the email fad passes.
Willie Geist
Basketball players want to be comfortable, they want to

Basketball players want to be comfortable, they want to be lackadaisical, they want to make the right passes and take the right shots.
Patrick Beverley
The third game of my career, we played Kansas City and I played as poorly as I’ve ever played in my life. I completed one of 15 passes and had two interceptions.
Ryan Leaf
I still play my fast-paced style but when the game slows down it allows you to see the little things – the right passes, where to lay the ball up.
Eric Bledsoe
I realized that nature had invented reproduction as a mechanism for life to move forward, as a life force that passes right through us and makes us a link in the evolution of life. Rarely seen by the naked eye, this intersection between the animal world and the plant world is truly a magic moment.
Louie Schwartzberg
Sometimes I hear fans say that ‘you should play for the emblem on the shirt.’ I play for myself because after two inaccurate passes the fans are already cursing you.
Eran Zahavi
In order to mount to the Cross, the summit of sacrifice, and to God, the summit of immateriality, Christ passed through all the stages which the man who struggles passes through.
Nikos Kazantzakis
College has become a wide-open game – a lot of short passes, quick passes. Then you go to the pros and it’s a whole different ballgame – things are happening faster, the patterns have to be more precise. Getting off the line of scrimmage is more difficult.
Herm Edwards
One of the most powerful devices of poetry is the use of distortions. You can go from talking about the way a minute passes to the way a century passes, or a lifetime.
Robert Morgan
I don’t do nostalgia. The phrase ‘the good old days’ never passes my lips.
Nicholas Haslam
I think NASCAR racing comes down… to going for those last-lap passes, making those risky moves. That’s what makes drivers unique.
Hailie Deegan
If a developer wants to sell something via an iPad app – it’s called an ‘in-app purchase’ – the transaction must go through Apple, which keeps 30 percent of the money and passes 70 percent on to the developer.
Daniel Lyons
To win those big games you’re going to have to complete some third-down passes, you’re going to have to be able to get some explosive games in the passing game.
Tony Dungy
Time passes, and little by little everything that we have spoken in falsehood becomes true.
Marcel Proust
I loved ‘Ghana Must Go’ by Taiye Selasi. It’s about a first-generation African family living in America that has to return home to Nigeria when their estranged father passes away.
Uzo Aduba
It’s a strange thing when someone passes away. It’s always when you’re not expecting it that you’re affected by it. When we first started filming, we were filming with existing characters in a location that we’d never been before.
Greg Davies
I’m not a Steve Nash or a Magic Johnson who is going to come out and throw 15 assists and do all these crazy passes, that is not me and it’s not my game.
Patty Mills
I like to have the ball, to have possession and to play passes, to create chances for my team-mates. I think that is what makes me strong.
Ilkay Gundogan
I play in a way that means taking risks. The problem is that, from 300 passes, you make one mistake.
Claudio Bravo
Compared with the rest of the Royal Family, Charles is a thoroughly Renaissance man, moved by beauty, music, and art in a way that largely passes his parents, his siblings, and his sons by.
Penny Junor
As a celebrity, you get a certain number of free passes. You’re actually in a better position if you’re a celebrity because people care.
Joyce Brothers
The road hasn’t always been paved for me. People identify with that. Everybody passes through hard times, and I think that’s part of my appeal – that I have, too.
Gerry Cooney
The emotional stuff is the biggest challenge, for me to access that. As life passes, you encounter difficulties and tragedies, and so it becomes easier. ‘Carnivale’ required that of me, and it was really hard.
Carla Gallo
If you have a bereavement in your family, it’s a terrible, terrible thing. But, you know, time passes. It’s part of the cycle. It doesn’t hurt so much.
Bernard Sumner
The features of globalization have huge consequences on pandemics. It just connects us so much more closely… And as a consequence, every one of these viruses that passes from animals to humans has the capacity to infect all of us.
Nathan Wolfe
Hip-hop certainly is in sync with the youth, and every day that passes, I grow less youthful, as much as I have tried to hold onto it.
John Cena
Empires dissolve and peoples disappear, song passes not away.
William Watson
Theatre is castigated for wallowing in self-indulgence, but it’s curiously unsentimental. You simply have to move on. Everything passes. Something in me likes that.
Richard Eyre
The pain passes, but the beauty remains.
Auguste Renoir
I don’t believe in the afterlife, so I do think when somebody passes, it’s worthy of note.
Harvey Fierstein
When I hear that I realize how quickly time passes and how everybody goes on their journeys and they’re always unbelievable and they never go where you think they’re going to take you and, quite frankly, it also makes me feel a little old.
Rob Lowe
I always wanted to get out of L.A., but time passes, and you find excuses to stay.
Robin Wright
During intermission, we reward the loudest, rowdiest fa

During intermission, we reward the loudest, rowdiest fans with backstage passes, so we have a meet-and-greet, and then, at the end of the night, we give all the fans an opportunity to actually get up in the ring and have their picture taken with a TNA star. So we’re very, very fan interactive.
Jeff Jarrett
I don’t know whether I have ideas all the time. I think I’m curious about things all the time; I think I’m always curious, and I think I’m always interested in whatever passes by, and I know I tend to think about things, and I tend to talk about things, and sometimes that takes root and gives me something to chase.
James L. Brooks
I’m at the French Open right now and enjoyable as that is, it’s only really Wimbledon that I miss from when I played elite tennis. I love that place so much, it’s so special. That’s when I say, yeah, I wish I was out there again. But then the moment passes.
Mark Philippoussis
I feel good doing it. It’s not like guys are stripping me at half-court or I’m just losing the ball dribbling. I think I’m handling the ball pretty well, just trying to make good passes, man.
Kevin Durant
I was a procrastinator and a bookworm but I passed all my School Certificate exams, the equivalent of O-levels; I got three distinctions, three honours and three good passes.
June Brown
As time passes, we like to simplify our lives.
Hubert de Givenchy
Busquets is a sitting midfield player who breaks up play, intercepts, passes it very quickly and is intelligent. That’s what he is. He’s not much more than that, but he gets a lot of praise for it. Whereas Eric Dier does a similar job, but sometimes gets loads of criticism for it.
Sam Allardyce
The things shamans deal with are extremely practical. They break down parameters of normal historical reality. Magical passes are just one aspect of that.
Carlos Castaneda
It’s obvious that I want to reach Cerrone’s win record, I know that’s important for my career. Those milestones last forever, even if someone passes you later, they are forever.
Demian Maia
I take the role of leadership as the most important job I have. Yes, it’s the passes and all the different things you have to do, but it’s leading and it’s in the huddle and it’s in the weight room and the meeting rooms. It’s that role I think comes first.
Philip Rivers
Football is open; it is not only keeping possession of the ball and making more passes.
Claudio Ranieri
Practicing free speech on an open platform is a perilous path for any public figure, and there are no get-out-of-jail free passes in the court of public opinion.
Elaine Welteroth
Time passes faster and faster, but with every project I always want to find the next challenge and the next challenge is just as exciting as the previous one.
Alexander Wang
Washington is like a self-sealing tank on a military aircraft. When a bullet passes through, it closes up.
Dean Acheson
I bicycle 12,000-foot mountain passes, run, cross train, skate-ski, hike and mountain bike.
Carre Otis
In my day, MI6 – which I called the Circus in the books – stank of wartime nostalgia. People were defined by secret cachet: one man did something absolutely extraordinary in Norway; another was the darling of the French Resistance. We didn’t even show passes to go in and out of the building.
John le Carre
In China, inaugurations are frequent affairs, though they have nothing to do with presidents. A news cycle rarely passes without some fanfare over the inaugural ride on a new subway line or the inaugural trip across an unusually large bridge.
Evan Osnos
WEF should restrict the number of passes for limos in the parking lots. They need to Keep it Simple.
Richard Quest
Innovation and disruption are the hallmarks of the technology world, and hardly a moment passes when we are not thinking, doing, or talking about these topics.
Steven Sinofsky
There is scarcely an instant that passes over our heads that may not have its freight of infamy. How ought we to watch over our thoughts, that we may not so much as imagine any enormity!
William Godwin
An art whose medium is language will always show a high degree of critical creativeness, for speech is itself a critique of life: it names, it characterizes, it passes judgment, in that it creates.
Thomas Mann
I don’t know about a lot of things. I read a lot, but a lot of it just passes through me. I don’t retain much. I am kind of dumb that way. Or maybe ‘I am a simple man,’ is a better way to say it.
Bill Callahan
Life doesn’t come in plot points or setups and payoffs. Life washes over you and passes.
Glen Powell
Any man’s death diminishes us, but when an artist passes away, we lose not just an island but an entire archipelago.
Michael Dirda
Growing up, my father was never interested in how many goals I scored, how many passes I made, but only in how many mistakes I made, and how I could be more efficient.
Bruno Fernandes
I think people are kind of tired of the really amped-up rhetoric that passes for a lot of political dialogue, and they appreciate the fact that that’s not the way we are participating in this process.
Charlie Baker
I like one nice man because he gets three tickets for the cinema so we’ve got somewhere to put our coats. He passes the test. I’ve been quite surprised because I really didn’t expect to be wined and dined, and it’s quite nice.
Anne Robinson
Rolling Loud, I wanna do that. I went to Rolling Loud one time with Durk, I couldn’t even get in. We ain’t have enough passes. I wasn’t even rappin’.
King Von
Everyone who passes through ‘Drag Race,’ and especially the people who are able to have really big careers after the show, has a responsibility to the queer community to do a good job of representing queer people across the board to be kind and loving.
Sasha Velour
But sweetly and discreetly love passes from person to person, from heart to heart, or it is nothing worth.
Marie de France
The biographer who writes the life of his subject’s self-concept passes through a fade into the inner house of life.
Leon Edel
Passing is one of my main objectives in the game and wh

Passing is one of my main objectives in the game and when I make a lot of passes I’m happy.
We say that time passes, time goes by, and time flows. Those are metaphors. We also think of time as a medium in which we exist.
James Gleick
It was not that long ago when the accepted wisdom in football was that the running game had to be established – that was always the obligatory verb: established – before passes could become effective. My, we know how that has changed. Now the pass is established from the get-go, and running is an afterthought.
Frank Deford
I usually do about five cuts as a director. I haven’t ever directed a film where I haven’t made five passes through the movie, and that takes a long time.
Steven Spielberg
It is easy to play with Cristiano Ronaldo. He knows where he has to give you the ball and does it perfectly. He helps the team out in defence and on top of that provides assists and great passes.
After your time passes at Ferrari, you may drive for another team, but you’re always a Ferrari driver.
Felipe Massa
Immigrants have and will continue to have an important role in Missouri and the United States. However, we must work together to help control the amount of illegal activity that passes through this country while giving legal immigrants a chance to succeed in this country.
Mike Parson
Time sometimes passes quite quickly.
Jimmy Page
Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.
Joel A. Barker
The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my head without any other consideration.
Frida Kahlo
I think sometimes we get wrapped up in awards… ultimately, it’s just a moment in time, and it passes.
Mike Colter
It’s often just enough to be with someone. I don’t need to touch them. Not even talk. A feeling passes between you both. You’re not alone.
Marilyn Monroe
You write because you have an idea in your mind that feels so genuine, so important, so true. And yet, by the time this idea passes through the different filters of your mind, and into your hand, and onto the page or computer screen – it becomes distorted, and it’s been diminished.
Khaled Hosseini
I think sharing your experiences with younger players is something that’s hugely valuable for your team, for your program. It kind of gives me a sense of self outside of just connecting your passes, scoring your goals – it’s being a part of the larger picture.
Christen Press
With Jorginho it depends what type of football you want to play. If you want to play possession where you have the ball all the time and you play a lot of passes, there are not many as good as him around. If you ask Jorginho to cover 50 metres of pitch in width and get all the balls back, it’s going to be difficult.
Gianfranco Zola
Unlike other loans, a reverse mortgage doesn’t have to be repaid until the borrower moves out of the home or passes away.
Jean Chatzky
These are people who are capable of devotion, public devotion, to justice. They meant what they said and every day that passes, they mean it more.
Wendell Berry
From my personal observations, the Spanish style of play, with a large number of passes, is somewhat similar to the Brazilian one.
The more violent the storm, the quicker it passes.
Paulo Coelho
I did three tumbling passes in college.
MyKayla Skinner
I wrote a song called ‘Here on Earth,’ and the hook is, ‘There’s no answers here on earth.’ Basically, searching for the ‘why’ when someone passes away, and I feel really fortunate that my dad lived as long as he did. But no matter what happens or how it happens, it’s certainly a stinker.
Dierks Bentley
The country is increasingly culturally conservative, with a small C. Every time marriage is on the ballot, it passes. People are increasingly pro-life. They don’t like taxes.
Kellyanne Conway
Boxing is an imitation of life. You get knocked down and you get back up. You don’t quit no matter how dark it gets, or whatever adversity passes your way. You just got to keep biting down and fighting, coming up the other side and not quitting, no matter what.
Caleb Plant
Bad seed is a robbery of the worst kind: for your pocket-book not only suffers by it, but your preparations are lost and a season passes away unimproved.
George Washington
I feel better with Leo on the pitch. He gives me passes that others don’t see, even me. I have a good understanding with him because he spots me in space that no once else sees. He looks for me and I look for him.
Jordi Alba
What passes for investigative journalism is finding somebody with their pants down – literally or otherwise.
Robert Scheer
I remember in my second year in the league, I dropped 17 balls and led the NFL in dropped passes. That made me the player I am. If I didn’t go through that transformative power of crisis, none of this would’ve probably happened for me.
Tony Gonzalez
I’ve kind of come to the conclusion that what passes for realism in movies has nothing to do with reality and that my stuff is more realistic than that.
Charlie Kaufman
It’s night by night, just figuring out watching film on different passes I can make, and the ball will find you and it comes back to you, but it opens up the floor for other guys too.
Tobias Harris
We are involved in a life that passes understanding and our highest business is our daily life.
John Cage
Suffering passes, while love is eternal. That’s a gift that you have received from God. Don’t waste it.
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Time passes irrevocably.

Time passes irrevocably.
I like ice hockey, but it’s a frustrating game to watch. It’s hard to keep your eyes on both the puck and the players and too much time passes between scoring in hockey. There are usually more fights than there are points.
Andy Rooney
Ultimately, the goal at the end of the day is to win each game, regardless of how it’s done, who scores the touchdowns, who catches the passes.
Jarvis Landry
No one else looks out upon the world so kindly and charitably as the pedestrian; no one else gives and takes so much from the country he passes through.
John Burroughs
When I was out of work when I first moved to L.A., one of the first things my husband and I did was buy season’s passes to Disney, and whenever I was bummed out about work, we would go to Space Mountain, and it was like a physical injection of anti-depressants.
Melissa Rauch
Everybody’s always going to have some self-interest. When it passes a certain point, that’s when it become corruption.
Zephyr Teachout
Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend – or a meaningful day.
Dalai Lama
Flash mobbing may be a fad that passes away, or it may be an indicator of things to come.
Howard Rheingold
I’m not really a big X’s and O’s guy, but if you want to go there, I’m more of a space-the-floor type of coach: Five out, zero in, and that’s the way we play basketball, screen and roll here and there, pocket passes everywhere; it’s what it’s about.
Kyrie Irving
It didn’t seem fair that no matter how many passes I caught or how many touchdowns I scored, I was considered a ‘lowly tight end’ and would never be paid anywhere close to a salary as high as the elite wide receivers.
Tony Gonzalez
I can score goals and be dangerous with my passes.
Toni Kroos
I like to have the ball first of all and to pass, these short passes to create the space at the right moment.
Ilkay Gundogan
Imagination is at the root of much that passes for love.
Gilbert Parker
Time sometimes flies like a bird, sometimes crawls like a snail; but a man is happiest when he does not even notice whether it passes swiftly or slowly.
Ivan Turgenev
I have to learn the plays before I can worry about getting passes thrown to me.
Benjamin Watson
As a kid, Terry Bradshaw didn’t amaze me. My hero was Steelers backup Terry Hanratty, who nabbed two Super Bowl rings while completing three passes.
Stephen Rodrick
An IPL match may be decided when the ball passes inches beyond the grasp of a fielder on the boundary or when a direct hit catches a batsman inches short of the crease.
AB de Villiers
In pick-and-roll situations, I feel like the NBA is all pick-and-rolls, so I want to be able to handle the ball in pick-and-rolls and make the right read, make the right passes, and make plays for my teammates.
Kevin Knox
As each year and debate passes, more broadband companies will start to see that their future lies not in restricting an open Internet but in betting on it.
Marvin Ammori
They all said I was a very young guy. Well there is nothing I can do about that but with each day that passes the problem solves itself.
George Osborne
My job is to throw passes and be a leader.
Brett Favre
So much of what passes for conversation today is degraded. It’s either about one-upmanship, or dreary trivia. Even the cut and thrust of wit and bons mots is a form of bedazzlement designed to stop conversations dead rather than broaden them.
Theodore Zeldin
If you pursue good with labor, the labor passes away but the good remains; if you pursue evil with pleasure, the pleasure passes away and the evil remains.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
What is lovely never dies, But passes into other loveliness.
Thomas Bailey Aldrich
With every year that passes, the more we have to be careful not to forget the causes and consequences of the Great Recession.
Sherrod Brown
Hunter and I never got proper journalistic accreditation to go anywhere. Nobody was giving us passes to go in here or there. We always had to somehow talk our way in.
Ralph Steadman
The world gets older, without getting either better or worse and so does literature. But I do think that the drab current phenomenon that passes for literary studies in the university will finally provide its own corrective.
Harold Bloom
Oh, how swiftly the glory of the world passes away!
Thomas a Kempis
There’s a lot of good, bipartisan legislation that passes in committee and then gets bottled up. As a businessman, it surprised me.
Raja Krishnamoorthi
You never know how you view things as time passes.
Nick Viall
If immigration reform passes, it’ll be a big victory for sanity – nobody really believes it’s healthy for a country to have millions and millions of undocumented noncitizens living in the shadows. But it’ll also be a sign that the Republican Party has gotten tired of letting the Tea Party push it around.
Gail Collins
I still have downs and get depressed, but I try not to

I still have downs and get depressed, but I try not to dwell too much on being negative because it always passes and there is still so much to do.
Jason Becker
Americans are fed up with how things are going in the country right now. They see more job losses, rising debt and plummeting home sales. They feel let down by a government that passes one 2,000-page, trillion-dollar law after another instead of focusing on addressing the problems Americans worry about every day.
Phil Gingrey
The most important thing is to help the team to come in front of the goal with one-two passes, I drop down, or I give them space, because for defenders, it’s always difficult to have a false nine because they don’t have a direct player against them, so they don’t know exactly what to do.
Kevin-Prince Boateng
If you get stuck too much with the way you want the world to be, you will find that the world passes you by.
Travis Kalanick
The fact that I’ve lived this long is not really an achievement. Time passes; we age… it’s natural. This is why it annoys me when a person watches a movie and tells me that it was ‘time pass.’ Would time not have passed if he hadn’t watched the film?
Kamal Haasan
My ideas about time all developed from the realization that if nothing were to change we could not say that time passes. Change is primary, time, if it exists at all, is something we deduce from it.
Julian Barbour
He passes from lyric to epic poetry in order to speak about the world and the torment in the world through man, rationally and emotionally. The poet then becomes a danger.
Salvatore Quasimodo
I hope everyone that is reading this is having a really good day. And if you are not, just know that in every new minute that passes you have an opportunity to change that.
Gillian Anderson
I’ve been on ‘Mastermind’ – I tied for first place and then lost on the number of passes. My subject was the ‘His Dark Materials’ trilogy by Philip Pullman. If I did it again, I’d choose Shakespearian tragedies.
David Harewood
I mean New York City is the financial capital of the world. It’s where all the money passes through, the Dow Jones, whatever, that’s where all the money goes.
John Guare
When I die, it’s going to read, ‘Game Show Fixture Passes Away.’ Nothing about the theater, or Tony Awards, or Emmys. But it doesn’t bother me.
Charles Nelson Reilly
The Athanasian Creed is to me light and intelligible reading in comparison with much that now passes for science.
Samuel Butler
Mastery passes often for egotism.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
They put all this money into these huge films and then no one goes to see them. That sort of shows they’re out of touch. Then everyone in town passes on my little movie and it does really well.
Zach Braff
To acknowledge that the biggest wave in the world might be a shore break off a little Portuguese town no one has ever heard of flies in the face of what passes for reason in the surf world.
Garrett McNamara
That’s the problem with news interviews, you work your tail off to get prominent figures in the news on the radio, but once they’ve been on, the event passes, the urgency, the issues you talked about evaporate.
Bob Edwards
The happiest part of a man’s life is what he passes lying awake in bed in the morning.
Samuel Johnson
There is not some secret formula, it comes down to completing passes, being efficient on first and second down and making plays when the ball is in your hands.
Christian McCaffrey
Silver and gold are not the only coin; virtue too passes current all over the world.
Peace is when time doesn’t matter as it passes by.
Maria Schell
Making passes is what I prefer the most.
Angel Di Maria
In courtship, who wins and who loses will determine who passes on their DNA to tomorrow.
Helen Fisher
Ideally, I’m also sending a message that everything passes, even hope, and sometimes you have to be patient while you wait for it to come back around again.
Heather Donahue
When a network passes, you really mourn the show. The official state of grief in Hollywood is saying you’re taking around a dead pilot.
Rachel Bloom
A dead cow or sheep lying in a pasture is recognized as carrion. The same sort of a carcass dressed and hung up in a butcher’s stall passes as food.
John Harvey Kellogg
Congress should live by the same laws it passes on to the rest of the nation.
Elise Stefanik
When one ceases from conflict, whether because he has won, because he has lost, or because he cares no more for the game, the virtue passes out of him.
Charles Horton Cooley
As more time passes, people see my father for what he is – one of the last of a generation who went into government to answer a call to public service rather than to pursue a career in politics.
Dorothy Bush Koch
I take each thing as it comes and appreciate everything that’s in front of me now because people in this industry are so fixated on the next thing that they don’t enjoy the moment. It passes you by, and all of a sudden, it’s over.
Emily Atack
The lucky person passes for a genius.
If there is such a thing as a workaholic, I’m it, and that’s what passes for leisure.
Steve Earle
I think, as time passes, people will come to see that t

I think, as time passes, people will come to see that the United States’ credit standing is really not quite the same level as the ones that we rate AAA.
John T. Chambers
Men don’t have to grow up like women do. Women are expected to grow up with every year that passes. Men can get away with being kids until they’re at least 40 – I did.
Shaun Ryder
Each department of knowledge passes through three stages. The theoretic stage; the theological stage and the metaphysical or abstract stage.
Auguste Comte
People often ask whether Obama passes the ‘kishka test:’ whether he likes Israel special, not in the same way he likes Taiwan or South Korea? Does he? I think the kishka test was decided when he visited Israel. I think the reaction there was emotional and genuine.
Michael Oren
As is known, the sugar molecule as it passes through lactic acid can easily be split by purely chemical means.
Eduard Buchner
The difference between Koppell and Olberman types is that one gives editorializing in all its editorial frankness so there are no mistakes as to bias, and the other passes off a subtler bias as objectivity.
Dana Loesch
You win football games by first getting possession and then running 3- and 5-yard plays. Not by Hail Mary passes. Common sense, elbow grease, and keeping a positive attitude.
Greg Gianforte
Not a season passes without new disclosures showing Nixon’s numerous attempts at criminal use of his presidential powers and in fact the scorn he held for the rule of law.
Bob Woodward
Payable On Death is actually a banking term, when someone passes on, what someone leaves behind. We related that to Jesus on the cross, and by his death, our sins are paid, the debt is paid. We have salvation if we want it. We got tired of saying Payable On Death, so we went to P.O.D.
Sonny Sandoval
In the end, the American dream is not a sprint, or even a marathon, but a relay. Our families don’t always cross the finish line in the span of one generation. But each generation passes on to the next the fruits of their labor.
Julian Castro
As a player I was taught the importance of working four or five passes within your team and then stretching the play. That’s something I believe in strongly as a coach.
Sol Campbell
You still stand watch, O human star, burning without a flicker, perfect flame, bright and resourceful spirit. Each of your rays a great idea – O torch which passes from hand to hand, from age to age, world without end.
Karel Capek
The outer passes away; the innermost is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Thomas Carlyle
All that we don’t know is astonishing. Even more astonishing is what passes for knowing.
Philip Roth
A laborer no longer makes whole articles. He receives raw materials, puts his touch on them, and passes them to another worker in the series. When the articles are quite finished they are carried out of sight by currents of commercial exchange. These currents are untraceable.
John Bates Clark
Malacca is such a rest after the crowds of Japan and the noisy hurry of China! Its endless afternoon remains unbroken except by the dreamy, colored, slow-moving Malay life which passes below the hill. There is never any hurry or noise.
Isabella Bird
All the things that made us basically nasty, rapacious, competitive as a species are not necessarily hard-coded into whatever passes for the DNA of artificial intelligence.
Robert J. Sawyer
I don’t think my personality will change. No matter how much time passes or how old I get, I’d like to be considered a playful person to everyone.
Kim Tae-hyung
The difference between the American version of ‘Live Aid’ and the British one – in England, if you wanted a cup of tea, you made it yourself. If you wanted a sandwich, you bought it. In typical American style, at the American concert, there were laminated tour passes and champagne and caviar.
Phil Collins
While we always strive to reach 218 with Republican votes, sometimes that is not possible with divided government, and the story of a bill that passed with 150 Republican votes is much more positive and assertive than the story of a bill that passes with 79 Republican votes.
Steve Scalise
What passes for woman’s intuition is often nothing more than man’s transparency.
George Jean Nathan
So, you know, I think that Democrats are being more successful in Congress and I’m really going to be proud of the role I will play tomorrow as ranking Democrat on the Intelligence Committee when this bill passes.
Jane Harman
They don’t pay you a million dollars for two-hand chest passes.
Pete Maravich
Information is lightning-quick. It crosses cities, states, and national borders in the twinkle of an eye. It passes through many kinds of devices, flowing from phone to phone and computer to computer, rather than being sealed away in those silent marble temples we used to call banks.
Sarah Jeong
I have always felt that a woman has the right to treat the subject of her age with ambiguity until, perhaps, she passes into the realm of over ninety. Then it is better she be candid with herself and with the world.
Carl Sandburg
You get into any club you want, you have backstage passes for any concert you can think of, anywhere. You have access to everything, in the same way a toddler does. Everybody’s like, ‘Oh come on in!’
Justine Bateman
You know, I still love the innocent parts of the game. I love hitting tennis balls. I love seeing the young guys do well. I’ll still have a lot of friends to watch. I’ll miss the relationships probably the most. As time passes, I’ll probably miss the tennis more.
Andy Roddick
You win physically, you get momentum, and you get a foot in the game by winning your tackles and being dominant in that area. Then you can start to make your passes.
Millie Bright
Life passes into pages if it passes into anything.
James Salter
I didn’t vote for Bush, and I’m not happy particularly that he’s president. But I will say I’m impressed that he didn’t start bombing Afghanistan the day after Sept. 11. The more time that passes without him bombing Afghanistan, the more I respect him.
William T. Vollmann
The more time passes in your life, I think the greater you understand perspective. So I’m happy that I’ve had experiences that have reminded me that most exciting things might not feel so exciting later, and the most disappointing things might not be so disappointing later, either.
K. Flay
I know it sounds strange to say, but the very technolog

I know it sounds strange to say, but the very technologies that have made traveling easier for most people – GPS, automated ticket machines, online schedules and ticketing, boarding passes you can print out at home – have actually made things harder for me.
Philip Schultz
Grief is like a moving river, so that’s what I mean by it’s always changing. It’s a strange thing to say because I’m at heart an optimistic person, but I would say in some ways it just gets worse. It’s just that the more time that passes, the more you miss someone.
Michelle Williams
History can just be so unkind as time passes.
Joshua Henry
The only virtue a character needs to possess between hardcovers, even if he bears a real person’s name, is vitality: if he comes to life in our imaginations, he passes the test.
Stephen Vizinczey
I’ve at times in my past been so unhappy, and thought, like, ‘I would give anything for this not to be happening.’ And, you know, as people say, time passes, and then you think, ‘I’m kind of glad that happened to me.’
Susan Choi
Often what passes for faith in this world is little more than gullibility.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
When you think shoot, shoot, shoot you miss open passes.
Donovan Mitchell
Everything passes. Nobody gets anything for keeps. And that’s how we’ve got to live.
Haruki Murakami
Gender perception can be a pernicious thing: Where a lack of warmth passes in a male, in a woman, it’s deadly.
Maria Konnikova
There is so little time for us all, I need to be able to say what I want quickly and to as many people as possible. Time passes so slowly if you are unaware of it and so quickly if you are aware of it.
Marc Bolan
I have been told that… time doesn’t flow in a straight line in my films. It goes round in a circle. Sometimes people comment that the films remind them of Ozu. Maybe that’s right. But in Japan, nobody comments on how time passes in my films. So perhaps that is a different way of thinking.
Hirokazu Kore-eda
The Knesset is the parliament that passes the most laws in the world. It’s a disaster for the business sector.
Ayelet Shaked
He was gifted with the sly, sharp instinct for self-preservation that passes for wisdom among the rich.
Evelyn Waugh
I realized that, when you’re 18, your world is wide open. But as each year passes, one more nail goes into the coffin, killing you dreams and aspirations. And by the time you reach 25, you’ve been beaten down and become a realist. And my advice is you can’t let these things get you down.
Paul Zane Pilzer
I have got a personal trainer who puts me through my passes.
Most of the passes that I give Messi end up in goal.
Jordi Alba
As a man, if you lose your wife, it’s a horrible experience, especially with kids. But when one person passes away and you’re still alive, people still depend on you – that’s what you have to lean on.
Charlie Murphy
Whenever someone great passes, all of us have a loss.
J. B. Bickerstaff
When it passes towards the east, the sun begins to have less effect upon it, and a thin line on the edge of its bright side emits its splendour towards the earth.
The truth is I like the style of playing the ball out and hitting long passes.
Aymeric Laporte
A story begins and it always passes from the subjunctive to the declarative. And Italians don’t seem to care about making a fine distinction between that which is speculation and that which is fact.
Donna Leon
When one goes to school, you don’t have any idea of what you’re going to learn. But as each day passes, you learn things. I believe sport is the same way. Some guys are born with a talent. But you have to nurture that talent and continue to learn.
Carlos Ruiz
Just about every year, Congress passes another crime bill – spending billions of dollars to build more prisons, to place more band-aids on society’s scars.
Carrie P. Meek
The media tried to destroy my parents and has taken things completely out of context, but there’s not a whole lot you can do in terms of fighting back. You have to hope that it passes, which it always does. But they have to be careful. They didn’t necessarily sign up for this.
Katy Perry
Our philosophy here, guys, is we’re going to work as long as we have to to get the work done. I’m not one that wants the coaches to compete to see who can get in the earliest, who stays the latest, who passes themselves on the way into work in the morning.
Jeff Fisher