Top 25 Angela Kinsey Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Angela Kinsey Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I have a very normal life. I go to the grocery store, I

I have a very normal life. I go to the grocery store, I go to Target. I don’t have an assistant, I don’t have an entourage.
Angela Kinsey
My very sassy, older southern sister is very quick to point out that it’s a luxury that my daughter gets to come to work with me. She does, and I have lunch with her every single day. My mom says I have ‘high class problems.’
Angela Kinsey
I have a special place in my heart for working moms – it’s a constant pull on your heartstrings.
Angela Kinsey
I’m sure, to many people, my life is not that exciting, but to me every day is an adventure.
Angela Kinsey
Your audience is a lot smarter than you realize.
Angela Kinsey
My mom, the fabulous Bertie Kinsey, is an amazing seamstress. She quilts and sews and is so crafty. We call her the Southern Martha Stewart!
Angela Kinsey
Parenthood is such a lesson in self-sacrifice.
Angela Kinsey
I don’t want to live in a world where I could say to my daughter, ‘There used to be turtles that swam in the ocean.’
Angela Kinsey
Being a parent is amazing.
Angela Kinsey
As a busy working mom I’m always pressed for time, so a quick and easy beauty routine is key!
Angela Kinsey
Cut down on your use of plastic shopping bags because many end up in the ocean.
Angela Kinsey
Funniness is genetic.
Angela Kinsey
I think we want our kids to grow up to be people who can think outside of the box, be creative and innovators, sort of the forward-thinkers of our future. I think a way to inspire that is through art and music.
Angela Kinsey
Here’s the thing; I’m not in shape.
Angela Kinsey
I have so many messy moments.
Angela Kinsey
I love hanging out at home with my kid. It’s hard to get me to leave the house.
Angela Kinsey
I got the wake-up call that no one is policing our oceans. I wondered, how can I do anything? What really can I do to make things better? There are some perks to being a celebrity. My job is to be funny once in a while, but it’s my responsibility to make good use of it.
Angela Kinsey
I think a lot of times we can get distracted and not be in the moment with people and be missing all the life happening in the moment.
Angela Kinsey
I think it’s a tough road if you’re a stay-at-home mom, a working mom, if you have a partner, if you don’t. It’s the best job in the world, and the toughest job in the world all at the same time.
Angela Kinsey
I bring my bike to work, and I make laps around our parking lot on my lunch break.
Angela Kinsey
I keep my sisters on speed dial.
Angela Kinsey
If you change a character too much, the audience falls out of love with the character, but characters need to evolve and grow over the years.
Angela Kinsey
I think that the biggest beauty essential is as simple as a good, full night’s sleep.
Angela Kinsey
My friend, Sue Ann, in college pulled me aside and said, ‘Honey I love you but you have got to start waxing your eyebrows. They look wild!’ So thank you, that kinda changed my life.
Angela Kinsey
I hope my daughter knows that in our house we can make messes and have fun and we’ll laugh through it. Granted I don’t want her to trash the house, but we do make a lot of messes.
Angela Kinsey