Words matter. These are the best Carbon Dioxide Quotes from famous people such as Gregory Benford, Magnus Larsson, Sam Kean, Eric Maskin, John Coleman, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.
The simplest way to remove carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, is to grow plants – preferably trees, since they tie up more of the gas in cellulose, meaning it will not return to the air within a season or two. Plants build themselves out of air and water, taking only a tiny fraction of their mass from the soil.
One of the most obvious reasons to start using timber rather than concrete is that it’s the one commonly grown and therefore exceptionally renewable building material that we have available to us. And it acts as storage for carbon dioxide.
Despite what you might guess, when monitoring your breathing, your body doesn’t care whether you’re inhaling enough oxygen. It cares only whether you’re expelling enough carbon dioxide – that’s the gas that sets off the panic button when you’re suffocating.
There is universal consensus among experts that the earth’s atmosphere is heating up – and that we are responsible for it by putting carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We also know that the consequences of global warming are catastrophic. But how do we make sure that all countries reduce greenhouse gases?
The key players are now all in place in Washington and in state governments across America to officially label carbon dioxide as a pollutant and enact laws that tax us citizens for our carbon footprints.
It’s not the case that carbon dioxide drives temperatures. When you leave Ice Ages, it’s the other way around: The temperatures go up first, and then carbon dioxide levels go up.
When you boil down the real facts and statistics of what carbon dioxide is doing to this planet… to not feel like you have to do something… I don’t think you’re human.
We can look back through ice-core data and see over 800,000 years, relationships between carbon dioxide and the temperature of the world. So those people who deny the importance of climate change are just wasting their time. They’re also being diversionary because if we don’t act the risks are enormous.
Climate change is not just about carbon dioxide levels and melting polar ice caps. It is about our public health and protecting our Earth for future generations.
If we want to stabilize the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere at some level – it really doesn’t matter which level – you end up having to stop emissions virtually completely.
I have never met a geologist or leading scientist who believes adding more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere will have any significant effect on climate change.
Places that have become agricultural deserts, trashed by giant corporations, could be reforested, drawing carbon dioxide from the air on a vast scale. The ecosystems of land and sea could recover, not just in pockets but across great tracts of the planet.
My first inclination is to be a bit skeptical about the claims that human-produced carbon dioxide is the direct contributor to global warming.
Organisms in the ocean provide over 40 percent of the oxygen we breathe, and they’re the major sink for capturing all the carbon dioxide we constantly release into the atmosphere.
I am not convinced the Clean Air Act was ever intended to regulate or classify as a dangerous pollutant something as basic and ubiquitous in our atmosphere as carbon dioxide.
On a per capita basis, Britain is responsible for more of the carbon dioxide now in the atmosphere than any other nation on Earth because it has been burning it from the dawn of the Industrial Revolution.
When you have energy companies like Shell and British Petroleum, both of which are perhaps represented in this room, saying there is a problem with excess carbon dioxide emission, I think we ought to listen.
Carbon dioxide isn’t the only greenhouse gas out there. Other substances, such as water vapor and nitrous oxide, also trap heat to varying degrees.
What makes tar sands particularly odious is that the energy you get out in the end, per unit carbon dioxide, is poor. It’s equivalent to burning coal in your automobile.
If India moves towards 100 percent LED lighting, we will reduce almost 79 million tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This will also reduce the electricity bills of people.
Coal is responsible for as much atmospheric carbon dioxide as other fossil fuels combined and it still has far greater reserves. We must stop using it.
Burning carbon-based substances like oil, gas, and especially coal, produces billions of tons of extra carbon dioxide each year. Methane gas from cows and pigs and other animals on our large farms ends up in the atmosphere as well, trapping more of the sun’s energy as heat.
Ocean acidification is caused by the ocean absorbing excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, the same carbon dioxide that is the primary cause of global warming, hence the nickname ‘the other carbon problem.’ As they do so, the oceans become more acidic with terrible consequences.
Carbon dioxide is unusual because it doesn’t go through the usual three phases of matter, from solid to liquid to gas, but it goes straight from solid to gas. The volume of the gas is much greater than the volume of the solid. When a solid turns into a gas, we say it sublimes. The process is sublimation.
On the environmental front there’s concern about global warming and high levels of carbon dioxide, and trees take in CO2 and store carbon.