Top 25 Damaris Phillips Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Damaris Phillips Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

There are tons of vitamins and minerals you'll get in p

There are tons of vitamins and minerals you’ll get in plant-based foods that are not soluble if you don’t eat fat.
Damaris Phillips
I hope to use food as a way to connect with people.
Damaris Phillips
For a food lover with a big imagination, there’s nothing worse than eating the exact same meal several days in a row.
Damaris Phillips
I like to create events where people are going to make memories, and that always starts and ends with food in my life.
Damaris Phillips
Where we can, I’d like to cut out sugars. I don’t want to make food that is unhealthy.
Damaris Phillips
With so many delicious varieties and flavors ranging from subtle to bold, Keebler and Carr’s crackers are an unexpectedly genius way to celebrate leftovers and serve up one-of-a-kind recipes.
Damaris Phillips
I loved the minute I realized I was good at cooking. Like, I had a moment – I made a roasted chicken, and I remember watching people’s faces as they ate it, and I thought at that time, ‘Oh, I am good at this.’
Damaris Phillips
My favorite way to cook is to look in my cabinets and see what I have. That’s the most fun. ‘I don’t have tomatoes, but I have this chili-garlic sauce from the Asian grocery store. Let’s throw that in there and see how it affects my beef barley soup!’
Damaris Phillips
All we want is food that tastes good, truthfully.
Damaris Phillips
I don’t think it exists anymore where you have to be a vegetarian or meat-eater. There’s this beautiful gray area that we’re all living in now; it just takes some exposure to the different ways to do it.
Damaris Phillips
It’s always good to update your food. It’s always exciting to learn and update new flavor profiles.
Damaris Phillips
Part of being a really good chef or cook is being able to fix disasters.
Damaris Phillips
Learn to cook brown rice with a little salt and butter or olive oil. Learn to boil noodles properly or saute onions right. Once you get those basics down, you’ll be all good and feel more confident.
Damaris Phillips
Finding exciting ways to use leftovers is what we all struggle with. There’s one simple thing that you can do to transform them: Stock your pantry.
Damaris Phillips
I love that Christmas lasts for so long. And I love that everybody still believes that magic is going to happen. It’s a chance to be reminded that being with people is the most important thing.
Damaris Phillips
I really would like to help people get back into the kitchen.
Damaris Phillips
Instead of focusing on what my body looks like, I try and focus on how my body works – how strong my body is.
Damaris Phillips
I would like to help people cook more.
Damaris Phillips
I’m all about creating fun, new ways to enjoy the delicious dishes left in my refrigerator.
Damaris Phillips
The real thing people miss in vegetarian cooking is fat. Fat is flavor. It is delicious.
Damaris Phillips
Some companies out there make a great burger; Beyond Beef does a great job. But making a burger at home that feels soul-satisfying and fatty and protein-based while still being plant-based was a challenge.
Damaris Phillips
When I think of summertime as a kid, I think of my Grampy’s gardens full of tomatoes, buckets heaping with blackberries, and countertops lined with an assortment of Ball jars, ready to can the flavor of summer.
Damaris Phillips
My husband is a vegetarian. So it has really pushed me as a chef. Just thinking about the food that I really relied on as my hunny-hunting foods, that looks different with a vegetarian.
Damaris Phillips
Growing up, our meals consisted primarily of vegetables, and then we had small amounts of meat.
Damaris Phillips
When anybody is just starting the process of cooking, I always say it takes practice, and nobody got to be a great cook on their first try.
Damaris Phillips