Top 25 Good Habits Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Good Habits Quotes from famous people such as Ralph W. Sockman, Jordan Knight, Amy Morin, John Irving, Og Mandino, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Good habits, which bring our lower passions and appetit

Good habits, which bring our lower passions and appetites under automatic control, leave our natures free to explore the larger experiences of life. Too many of us divide and dissipate our energies in debating actions which should be taken for granted.
Ralph W. Sockman
I think if you stop bad habits, and you stop long enough, you develop good habits.
Jordan Knight
Engaging in good habits 90 percent of the time, while indulging in bad habits 10 percent of time, places you at risk of being like a hamster running in a wheel. Despite all the energy you’re exerting, you won’t move forward. You’ll never be able to outrun your bad habits.
Amy Morin
Good habits are worth being fanatical about.
John Irving
I will form good habits and become their slave. And how will I accomplish this difficult feat? Through these scrolls it will be done, for each scroll contains a principle which will drive a bad habit from my life and replace it with one which will bring me closer to success.
Og Mandino
The key to forming good habits is to make them part of your ‘rituals.’ I have a morning ritual, afternoon ritual, and Sunday ritual. It’s one way to bundle good habits into regular times that you set aside to prepare yourself for the life you want. Rituals help you form habits.
Lewis Howes
Impulse decisions can often be our downfall when it comes to sticking to good habits. Do something to buy yourself some time when you’re experiencing those ‘moments’ of weakness, and often, the urge will pass. If you keep the cookies in a box in the basement, you might find it’s not worth the effort to go get them.
Amy Morin
We have to take every game serious. And when I say serious, I mean doing the right things, practicing good habits.
Paul Millsap
Sports build good habits, confidence, and discipline. They make players into community leaders and teach them how to strive for a goal, handle mistakes, and cherish growth opportunities.
Julie Foudy
I think educating children at pre-school age is vital because then they are picking up good habits that become part of their lifestyle, so it’s never going to be a big issue for them to have to learn how to do it.
Tana Ramsay
When we decide to bring a child to this world, as a parent, it becomes a responsibility to build a good healthy body by inculcating some of the good habits in the child.
Soha Ali Khan
A huge amount of success in life comes from learning as a child how to make good habits. It’s good to help kids understand that when they do certain things habitually, they’re reinforcing patterns.
Charles Duhigg
An unfortunate thing about this world is that the good habits are much easier to give up than the bad ones.
W. Somerset Maugham
Sticking to good habits can be hard work, and mistakes are part of the process. Don’t declare failure simply because you messed up or because you’re having trouble reaching your goals. Instead, use your mistakes as opportunities to grow stronger and become better.
Amy Morin
I’m taking better care of myself by eating healthy, exercising and doing my best to keep my stress level down as well as role modeling good habits for my kids.
Monica Potter
While ignoring your bad habits may help you feel good initially, that avoidance will eventually catch up to you. When you don’t address the unproductive and unhealthy things you’re doing alongside your good habits, you’ll stagnate.
Amy Morin
I’ve never really focused on if I had good habits when I sang or if I had bad habits, or if I was breathing correctly. So, I started doing vocal exercises and would stretch out before I sang, stuff to help my breathing. It’s funny, you breathe your whole life then you find out you’re not doing it correctly.
Rodney Atkins
You’ve got to get good habits of working hard so that when that play comes up during the regular season that you’re able to complete it and do it the right way.
Al Kaline
Young children need to develop good habits that will be useful to them the rest of their lives. It is important to keep the lessons age-appropriate. For example, when your children start earning allowances, that would be a good time to teach them how to put some money in the bank instead of spending it all.
Bill Rancic
I’ve actually picked up a lot of good habits from just watching film from Demetrious Johnson.
Henry Cejudo
Bad habits are easy to slip into and good habits are very easy to build. Don’t allow yourself to do something that can destroy you.
Milind Soman
Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.
A long healthy life is no accident. It begins with good genes, but it also depends on good habits.
Dan Buettner
If you are energy-efficient and water-wise at home, then take all your good habits abroad with you.
Sheherazade Goldsmith
As a reward of their clean living and good habits these great stars have been able to withstand the rigorous test of stamina and physical exertion and have thus successfully extended their most remarkable careers over a period of many strenuous years.
Major Taylor