Top 25 Jennifer Nettles Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Jennifer Nettles Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Having spent time on the Broadway stage definitely help

Having spent time on the Broadway stage definitely helps one’s confidence in terms of feeling just validated in that world. Most people only know my voice as a country artist.
Jennifer Nettles
I have always loved and continued to love Johnny Depp. Period. End of story.
Jennifer Nettles
I would love to be on ‘Glee,’ thus furthering the myth that I’m a gay man.
Jennifer Nettles
I’ve learned how my own perfectionism can cripple me.
Jennifer Nettles
My outfits also need to be low-key. I’m a huge fan of boots, sandals, jeans and tank tops! Anything I can move in easily.
Jennifer Nettles
The Grammy is the highest honor in music that we can receive, outside of having fans come and watch you every night and clap.
Jennifer Nettles
I had a friend write me that our music was being played at Gay Pride in New York, which is a big compliment. In the biggest city in the country with the most culture and the most grit – I love it.
Jennifer Nettles
As with most physical activity, yoga helps boost your immune system. However, it also stretches and strengthens your body simultaneously, while also balancing your mind and spirit. It benefits the whole human.
Jennifer Nettles
I applaud women, and I did my best and took my time after having a kid – in a healthy way, get back to a place where I felt good in my body.
Jennifer Nettles
‘Wicked’ has such a wild fan base – like, a voracious fan base.
Jennifer Nettles
As far as actresses go, I love Meryl Streep.
Jennifer Nettles
I love to sing ‘Stay’ every night… because people sing along. And they do sing along – loudly!
Jennifer Nettles
I definitely think that, for a woman, the biggest turn-on is the mind. Otherwise, obviously you want someone who keeps up with himself and has self-respect and self-confidence.
Jennifer Nettles
For my whole career, I’ve been a singer-slash-songwriter, even though I’m very thankfully known for my voice. Songwriting has always been a joy in my life, and to be recognized for it is extremely validating.
Jennifer Nettles
I really enjoy just hanging out at my house since I never get to be there.
Jennifer Nettles
You can’t un-have an experience. You can deny the experience; you can process it and try to get through it, but you can’t change the fact that it happened to you.
Jennifer Nettles
I feel simultaneously completely vulnerable and made wholly brave by becoming a parent. It has changed the way that I live my life. Because I want to be an example for my son.
Jennifer Nettles
The whole impetus behind going solo was an artistic inspiration in the sense that, obviously, success is fantastic. But as one becomes successful and gets branded with a certain sound, if the brand starts to become more of the focus than the evolution of the art, then that’s putting the cart before the horse.
Jennifer Nettles
Perfectionism is really a challenge for me, and it causes me to be super-critical of myself in so many ways: about body image constantly; about parenting; about being a mother.
Jennifer Nettles
We many times sell ourselves short, not only in relationships but throughout our own lives. Hopefully, we come around at some point and realize our own value.
Jennifer Nettles
I remember thinking, ‘Downward dog’ is so not a resting pose!’ Now it actually can be.
Jennifer Nettles
Less is more! I don’t wear makeup if I don’t have to.
Jennifer Nettles
People tattoo for different reasons. I use a tattoo as a marker of time, to be reminded of a time in my life. It is something special and personal.
Jennifer Nettles
If you don’t like me, don’t turn your television on at the holidays, because you won’t be able to escape.
Jennifer Nettles
If someone is genuine, compassionate and kind, that is a turn-on. A sense of humor is a huge turn on, and that goes hand in hand with intelligence.
Jennifer Nettles