Top 25 Vulnerabilities Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Vulnerabilities Quotes from famous people such as Jon Voight, Pierre Nanterme, Zach Wamp, Richard Perle, H. R. McMaster, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I had a job once selling encyclopedias, and that was an

I had a job once selling encyclopedias, and that was an interesting job because I learned a lot about people’s vulnerabilities and how salesmen take advantage of them.
Jon Voight
FusionX’s elite team of cyber security experts works at the C-Suite level to help clients test security and see their vulnerabilities through actual replica attacks. This acquisition brings to Accenture the critical ability to help our clients assess and respond to sophisticated cyber-attacks.
Pierre Nanterme
Before I begin talking about the threats we face, the vulnerabilities that we have, and frankly the courage of the men and women in uniform that stand in harm’s way on behalf of a very grateful Nation, let me first honor the sacrifices of September 11.
Zach Wamp
The lax multiculturalism that urges Americans to accept the unacceptable from their fellow citizens is one of this nation’s greatest vulnerabilities in the war on terror.
Richard Perle
It is clear that while our Army was engaged in Afghanistan and Iraq, Russia studied U.S. capabilities and vulnerabilities and embarked on an ambitious and largely successful modernization effort.
H. R. McMaster
My hacking involved pretty much exploring computer systems and obtaining access to the source code of telecommunication systems and computer operating systems, because my goal was to learn all I can about security vulnerabilities within these systems.
Kevin Mitnick
The explosion of companies deploying wireless networks insecurely is creating vulnerabilities, as they think it’s limited to the office – then they have Johnny Hacker in the parking lot with an 802.11 antenna using the network to send threatening emails to the president!
Kevin Mitnick
There are more than 300,000 families in the Gulf region that lost their homes and are waiting for peace of mind. The hurricane exposed the sad reality of poverty in America. We saw, in all its horrific detail, the vulnerabilities of living in inadequate housing and the heartbreak of losing one’s home.
Harry Connick, Jr.
I believe that we are going to have a much deeper appreciation of what kinds of abnormalities in cancer cells and in the surrounding cells that feed and respond to cancers are vulnerabilities that will allow us to make better predictions of which kinds of drugs will work to treat these cancers.
Harold E. Varmus
Sometimes, we only get to know someone as one aspect of who they are. Then you start peeling back the layers and understanding more and more about who they are – their vulnerabilities, their fears, their joys, all those other words that equal humanity.
Mara Brock Akil
‘Carol’ takes place at a time the country was crawling out of the shadows of the war years, feeling the new vulnerabilities of the Cold War and conflicts within the union.
Todd Haynes
Acting has always been a way for me to express myself, and show all my vulnerabilities and flaws through my characters.
Alexia Fast
As our digitally connected world continues to expand, the inherent vulnerabilities in the systems we rely on provide ever greater opportunities for those who want to exploit them.
David Lidington
While port security remains one of our single greatest vulnerabilities, it makes little sense to give operational control of our ports to a foreign nation without first doing proper investigations.
Dave Reichert
If you watch the news, you see politicians use human vulnerabilities to get in and earn people’s trust.
Morena Baccarin
It is important to distinguish between the power of the Internet to make the great change it can, and the limits and vulnerabilities of that change without real-time political mobilization deployed globally to protect those who venture out, especially in closed societies, into the heady new vistas it offers.
Naomi Wolf
What we can afford least is to define the problem of future war as we would like it to be and, by doing so, introduce into our defense vulnerabilities based on self-delusion.
H. R. McMaster
I don’t like the word ‘strong,’ because a strong character is never an interesting character. A character is made interesting by their vulnerabilities and their weaknesses.
Helen Mirren
The so-called Boer War advertised British vulnerabilities, and these were confirmed by the Irish rising of 1916 and the subsequent creation of the Irish Free State, blows that attracted the notice and attention of colonial dissidents in Asia and Africa.
Linda Colley
Relying on intelligence as the chief touchstone for decisions about whether and when to attack creates a wide opening for misunderstandings, divergent interpretations, and vulnerabilities to parties with an interest in either attack or delay.
Ronen Bergman
One of the major conclusions of the 9/11 Commission is that there were enormous security vulnerabilities in our immigration system. 9/11, in that sense, really begins the effort of our country to try to shore up our immigration system to deal with this very complex and very far-reaching threat.
Stephen Miller
Baseball is a game based on adversity. It’s a game that’s going to test you repeatedly. It’s going to find your weaknesses and vulnerabilities and force you to adjust. That adversity, in the big picture, is a really good thing because it shows you where your weaknesses are. It gives you the opportunity to improve.
Theo Epstein
I started to admit vulnerabilities and things that I was trying to hide before. Shyness, anxiety, guilt and all those things that I have in me are now quite freely shown.
Nigel Hawthorne
Both social engineering and technical attacks played a big part in what I was able to do. It was a hybrid. I used social engineering when it was appropriate, and exploited technical vulnerabilities when it was appropriate.
Kevin Mitnick
For India’s economy to expand as rapidly and yet more sustainably than China’s, we need to make our differences into virtues rather than vulnerabilities.
Anand Mahindra