Words matter. These are the best Zac Goldsmith Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.
GM has never been about feeding the world or tackling environmental problems. It is and has always been about control of the global food economy by a tiny handful of giant corporations. It’s not wicked to question that process. It is wicked not to.
I can’t be bought. I don’t need to be bought. I’m not a careerist. I don’t need to have a career in politics. I’m in a very, very luxurious position, but I am in a position of strength.
I am cynical about politicians. My experience of politicians has been thoroughly negative. I have found that politicians are people that can not be taken at face value. There are very few politicians I have been impressed with.
Even Karaoke needs higher standards than I can reach, so I have gone great lengths to avoid being bullied into it.
I could just go to the horse races and take lovely holidays, but I have some strong views, and I want to make a difference.
If there was a time when ‘The Ecologist’ appeared not to be making a difference at all, not doing something useful, I wouldn’t do ‘The Ecologist,’ but I think it is useful.
Some of the world’s most appalling abuses have been justified by religion because it is possible for people to find vindication in their scriptures for any of their prejudices.
Politicians are so detested. And the main cause is not policy; it’s the fact that there is no trust.
Anyone driving through London after the school term ends will notice immediately how much easier it is to get around. The school run contributes massively to congestion.
Of all the waste we generate, plastic bags are perhaps the greatest symbol of our throwaway society. They are used, then forgotten, and they leave a terrible legacy.
The two million or so residents who live beneath the Heathrow flight path are accustomed to the noise. However, they are right to feel that any expansion would represent an unacceptable broken promise.
Leonardo DiCaprio is a rare phenomenon. Whereas for so many celebrities an interest in the environment is a fashionable accessory, for DiCaprio it is a thread that runs through everything he does.
By uploading 40 years of ‘Ecologist’ editions online, we will be creating the world’s most extensive ecological archive. ‘The Ecologist’ will continue to set the environmental and political agenda here and abroad.
The Conservatives are a confusing lot. They first denied climate change was a serious issue and then suggested strengthening the nuclear industry as a solution to it. They oppose the European Union, but support joining North American Free Trade Agreement, despite its obvious failure.
I wanted to weave a green thread through the Conservative party; that’s my job, and I signed up imagining that I would be in a very small minority within my party, possibly even on my own, battling away on these issues.
A number of countries around the world, and indeed the E.U. as a whole, have chosen not to allow the import from the U.S. of beef from cows fed a diet that includes the hormone ractopamine, because of the fairly grave health concerns.
More than half the world’s largest 100 economies are corporations. They have no loyalties to place or citizens.
I do not organize my private life with an eye to my career.
You know I don’t really have faith in politicians – this is quite a sleazy business. But there is no law which says that all politicians will turn out to be scumbags.
If we want to preserve Heathrow’s hub status, we need to stop clogging it up with point-to-point flights to places such as Cyprus and Greece, which between them account for 87 weekly flights, and contribute nothing to overall connectivity.
The food system is not a free market. In this country, we impose reasonably high standards of animal welfare – but we haven’t applied the same standards to food we import, so all we’re really doing is exporting cruelty from Britain elsewhere, and at the same time undermining our farmers.
Green policy is about triggering a shift to a cleaner way of doing things. To be effective, it needs to incentivise the right behaviour, for example through tax breaks, and that needs to be paid for by disincentives on polluting behaviour.
Yes, Heathrow is the U.K.’s busiest airport, but new runways or a new airport are not the answer. It is far better to focus on improving capacity.
I don’t know David Cameron very well. I like him. I think you can judge a book by its cover – whoever said you can’t is wrong – that’s the whole point of nature giving us intuition, instinct and so on. I think the cover is pretty good.
Europe believes that providing clear labelling for genetically modified food is a consumer right, but such practice is absolutely opposed by the vast majority of states in the U.S.