Top 252 Depend Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Depend Quotes from famous people such as Ralph Merkle, Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber, Sucheta Dalal, Joe Biden, Redman, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

It looks as though yields of over 10 times what we can

It looks as though yields of over 10 times what we can currently grow per acre are feasible if you control the CO2 concentration, the humidity, the temperature, all the various factors that plants depend on to grow rapidly.
Ralph Merkle
I can’t tell you the amount we plan to invest in new acquisitions because that will depend on the opportunities that become available to us.
Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber
Industrialists have begun to realise that they would probably be better at influencing policy themselves, rather than depend on some political stooge or corrupt bureaucrat.
Sucheta Dalal
Our future cannot depend on the government alone. The ultimate solutions lie in the attitudes and the actions of the American people.
Joe Biden
We can’t just depend on this rap game.
Art works because it appeals to certain faculties of the mind. Music depends on details of the auditory system, painting and sculpture on the visual system. Poetry and literature depend on language.
Steven Pinker
A man of strong opinions is one thing. But a man whose strong opinions depend entirely on how he is feeling in that instant is a disastrous thing in a city of 10 million people just trying to muddle through.
Giles Coren
Of course it would depend on the project, but I don’t think I could ever separate myself from my aesthetic.
Zack Snyder
Thankfully, I have my mom and a small group of close friends who are there for me 24/7 and whom I can trust and depend on.
Christina Aguilera
The potential for the abuse of power through digital networks – upon which we the people now depend for nearly everything, including our politics – is one of the most insidious threats to democracy in the Internet age.
Rebecca MacKinnon
A court’s assessment of an agency’s compliance with statutory limits does not depend on whether the agency’s policy is good or whether the agency’s intentions are laudatory.
Brett Kavanaugh
However, the radio and national media depend much more on the hype from a good record label, and from a ‘ buzz ‘ about a band, then from just one or two good shows. There are a lot of artists that have a ton of good press going for them, and still do not make it big in the US.
Pat Garrett
Everyone in my country understands that Russia cannot do without Europe and that, vice versa, Europe cannot do without Russia. We depend on cooperation.
Valentina Matviyenko
Success is very ephemeral. You depend entirely on the desire of others, which makes it difficult to relax.
Eva Green
Promise keeping is a powerful means of grace in a time when people hardly depend on each other to remember and live by their word.
Lewis B. Smedes
Understanding how the media actually works is critical. Because editors depend on ignorance and media illiteracy to ply their trade. The fact that many readers expect fact checking, editorial oversight, and ethics actually makes it easier for the media to be lazy.
Ryan Holiday
The media does play a vital role in our democracy, and if we cannot depend on journalistic ethics, the nation’s in trouble.
Dave Brat
The more a general is accustomed to place heavy demands on his soldiers, the more he can depend on their response.
Carl von Clausewitz
The Europeans waited so long that they are impacting people who depend on their pensions. We are still early enough to fix it for the next generation. A few states have started scaling back their programs, while others have come hat in hand for billion-dollar federal bailouts.
Tim Griffin
Our very lives depend on the ethics of strangers, and most of us are always strangers to other people.
Bill Moyers
Football is a collective sport and many times it doesn’t depend on you playing well. It depends if the team is playing well.
We don’t depend on other countries to keep our armed services equipped.
Abigail Spanberger
President Donald Trump knows that he can depend upon Tommy Tuberville to remain loyal to him come Hell or high water, and that is why my campaign proudly carries his full endorsement and support.
Tommy Tuberville
I many no longer depend on pleasant impulses to bring me before the Lord. I must rather response to principles I know to be right, whether I feel them to be enjoyable or not.
Jim Elliot
Just know, especially when they were infants and toddlers, the thought these two children depend on us for everything in their lives 24/7. That’s a pretty incredible responsibility.
Jake Arrieta
I like strength. I depend on my own.
Shelby Lynne
Happiness is inward, and not outward; and so, it does not depend on what we have, but on what we are.
Henry Van Dyke
Rising living standards – whether in a village, a region, a nation, or the world – depend first on specialization: on letting people concentrate on what they do best and trade with others who specialize in other things.
Virginia Postrel
A government for the people must depend for its success on the intelligence, the morality, the justice, and the interest of the people themselves.
Grover Cleveland
My style go with me. It depend how I feel, what is my state of mind.
Paz Vega
To depend upon a profession is a less odious form of slavery than to depend upon a father.
Virginia Woolf
I'm not the kind of writer that goes, 'I'm gonna write

I’m not the kind of writer that goes, ‘I’m gonna write a song about sunshine,’ or, ‘I’ve just heard a phrase, so I’m gonna write that,’ and then I write a song. I’ll wait for inspiration to hit, and you can’t depend on it.
Benji Hughes
Alabama is better than to depend on gambling to fund its government.
Robert J. Bentley
With fame, you can’t trust everybody. You can’t depend on them being there for you as a person. They will only be there because of what you’ve got you as a person. They will only be there because of what you’ve got and what you can bring to their life. It’s not a relationship-it’s a leech.
Chris Brown
Our family is very close and since I’m not one for cooking or answering alarm clocks on the first ring, I depend on mother.
Joey Heatherton
The intense campaigns against domestic violence, rape, sexual harassment, and inequity in the schools all too often depend on an image of women as weak and victimized.
Katherine Dunn
Currently, more than 4.7 million African Americans receive Social Security benefits, and nearly 8 million people with disabilities depend on Social Security for their daily sustenance.
Chaka Fattah
Strike rates depend on the surfaces you play on.
Gautam Gambhir
As a country, we can make the commitment to provide quality long-term services – so that getting care doesn’t depend on whether you are fortunate enough to have a loved one willing and able to provide it.
Jan Schakowsky
Fundamental discoveries can and should be made in industry or academies, but to carry that knowledge forward and to develop a new drug to the market has to depend on the resources of industry.
John Vane
Because of restrictions on abortion access in their own state, many women in neighboring states are forced to travel hundreds of miles and cross state lines to seek an abortion. However, their rights should not have to depend on their zip code.
Mike Quigley
I always liked having my own money and buying my own stuff. I didn’t want to depend on somebody to do it for me.
Blac Chyna
I don’t write off any political party. I believe in strengthening the BJP and winning elections and not depend on writing off parties.
Amit Shah
You can’t depend on polls.
Michael Bloomberg
The only two things you can truly depend upon are gravity and greed.
Jack Palance
Life does depend on accurate replication of molecules, and its complexity often requires that an enzyme shall accept one molecular species or type and transform it to equally specific products.
John Cornforth
I think wickets just depend on how lucky you are at the time.
Jofra Archer
Some songs depend heavily on the character, but, for the most part, a great song begs for reinterpretation every time it is sung, even when in character.
Kelli O’Hara
What’s even more unsettling is the way these people hide what they’re doing from the public. They strip the labels off miracle wheat when they ship it, for instance, and say, ‘Watch out. Don’t plant too much and don’t depend on it too much.’
David R. Brower
One fifth of human kind depend on fish to live. Today now 70 percent of the fish stock are over-exploited. According to FAO if we don’t change our system of fishing the main sea resources will be gone in 2050. We don’t want to believe what we know.
Yann Arthus-Bertrand
The chief condition on which, life, health and vigor depend on, is action. It is by action that an organism develops its faculties, increases its energy, and attains the fulfillment of its destiny.
Colin Powell
Persons whose wagers depend upon how particular selected athletes perform in actual sporting events stand in no different stead than persons who wager on the outcome of any sporting event in which they are not participants.
Lisa Madigan
The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you freed.
Swami Vivekananda
The more people who are dependent on government handouts, the more votes the left can depend on for an ever-expanding welfare state.
Thomas Sowell
Such a thing as ending unemployment would never occur to Washington politicians because their corporate backers depend on the threat of unemployment to keep wages down.
Jill Stein
I liked that improv and sketch comedy were collaborative, but you really depended on other people and a stage to perform. With stand-up comedy, I liked that you had no one else to blame and depend on.
Ali Wong
The economy of the future has been aligned with the climate agenda. Even the competitiveness of companies will depend on how resource efficient they are.
Patricia Espinosa
My place in history will depend on what I can do for the people and not on what the people can do for me.
William Jennings Bryan
It’s my motor, it’s the thing that keeps me going and so when I have these auditions for these big movies, I can depend on myself because I’ve been working consistently.
Nia Long
Every day, we depend on state employees.
Kay Ivey
I never wore a watch. I always depend on public clocks, and stores have clocks, but that is strange.
Ben Katchor
Obviously, I have to enjoy all I have. People depend on you, and now I can look back at everything I’ve gone through to get here with a different perspective.
Diego Costa
It's an important social duty to spread the word of Eng

It’s an important social duty to spread the word of English to people whose livelihoods depend on knowing the language.
Billy Collins
We might depend on each other a bit too much and use that as a crutch, but it’s not entirely a bad thing.
Jessica Origliasso
A reputation for a thousand years may depend upon the conduct of a single moment.
Ernest Bramah
The affairs of this world are so shifting and depend on so many accidents, that it is hard to form any judgment concerning the future; nay, we see from experience that the forecasts even of the wise almost always turn out false.
Francesco Guicciardini
If we do not act now to strengthen Social Security, the system that so many depend upon today will be unable to meet its promises to tomorrow’s retirees, and it will burden our children and grandchildren with exhaustive taxes.
Chris Chocola
And as we continue to improve our understanding of the basic science on which applications increasingly depend, material benefits of this and other kinds are secured for the future.
Henry Taube
I stand with the millions of seniors and working people who depend on Social Security and who expect the money they put in to be there for them when they retire.
Hank Johnson
You can have money piled to the ceiling but the size of your funeral is still going to depend on the weather.
Chuck Tanner
The self-image of many contemporary sportswriters seems to depend on maintaining that were it not for sports, athletes would be pumping gas, if they were not sticking up the gas station.
John Gregory Dunne
Actors are an insecure breed. It’s hard to have your career depend upon other people’s opinions of what you do.
Alyssa Milano
I can maybe depend on my fastball a little more than some other pitchers.
Aroldis Chapman
HIV/AIDs patients depend on highly trained, specialized physicians. Each and every patient has a unique combination of retrovirals they depend on to keep them alive.
David Mixner
With a fractured sense of self, we come to depend on what people feed back to us – often mediated through social networks – not what we are. We have complex identities but may become less able to act as a subject – confident in what we really are.
Geoff Mulgan
Offspring, the due performance on religious rites, faithful service, highest conjugal happiness and heavenly bliss for the ancestors and oneself, depend on one’s wife alone.
Guru Nanak
To be able to make up stories has been a great gift to me from my ancestors and from the storytellers who were so numerous at Laguna Pueblo when I was growing up. I learned to read as soon as I could because I wanted stories without having to depend on adults to tell or read stories to me.
Leslie Marmon Silko
It’s incredible to watch how our cricket clubs depend on volunteers.
Andrew Strauss
Governments at all levels and the whole society should act more vigorously to protect the land our lives depend on.
Li Keqiang
Of course, it does depend on the people, but sometimes I’m invited places to kind of brighten up a dinner table like a musician who’ll play the piano after dinner, and I know you’re not really invited for yourself. You’re just an ornament.
Marilyn Monroe
Only one of the many life support systems on which we depend – soils, aquifers, rainfall, ice, the pattern of winds and currents, pollinators, biological abundance and diversity – need fail for everything to slide.
George Monbiot
Today, I’m 60, I’m not married, I don’t have any kids. I would give up some Social Security to save a system that Americans are going to depend on now and in the future.
Lindsey Graham
#BlackLivesMatter was born online but now lives in street actions, in conversations in our homes, and in the dignity swelling in our hearts. That is the power of the open Internet, and it is why we must do everything we can to protect black voices. Our lives depend on it.
Patrisse Cullors
As a white man who has had privileges that others could not depend on or take for granted, I’ve clearly had advantages over the course of my life.
Beto O’Rourke
My failures may be my greatest successes. It is in failure that I have often drawn closer to God, learn to depend more on Him than myself, gained self-knowledge, and seen things in their right perspective.
Mother Angelica
Most of us have embraced digital technology, and depend on it more and more in our daily lives, both at home and at work.
David Lidington
You may depend upon it that they are as good hearts to serve men in palaces as in cottages.
Robert Owen
A guy my size needs a tremendous amount of protein on a daily basis, just to maintain peak size, strength, and performance. Basically, that means six or seven small meals a day, so I depend on protein supplementation.
Kevin Nash
Just because Pluto orbits with many other dwarf planets doesn’t change what it is, just as whether an object is a mountain or not doesn’t depend on whether it’s in a group or in isolation.
Alan Stern
The speed of movement towards independence will depend on Kosovo demonstrating that it is capable of treating minorities well. We have not always seen that.
Emma Bonino
Since universities are funded in large parts by grants that depend on costly research, they have every incentive to free professors from their teaching duties as much as possible – as do the professors themselves, who tend to be recruited and promoted primarily based on research output.
Bret Weinstein
No company should depend on one person no matter how that person is smart or genius, whether it’s Apple or News Corp, or Citibank or any other company in the world.
Al-Waleed bin Talal
Political parties depend for existence and success, not so much on the holding of identical views, as on a shared philosophy and ties of loyalty and respect between members. So there are good reasons to try to find compromises when differences emerge on a specific matter.
Dominic Grieve
Depend upon yourself. Make your judgement trustworthy b

Depend upon yourself. Make your judgement trustworthy by trusting it. You can develop good judgement as you do the muscles of your body – by judicious, daily exercise. To be known as a man of sound judgement will be much in your favor.
Grantland Rice
I play better when guys depend on me.
Rodney Hood
One of the things you can always depend on – this is one of the truths of the universe, and you heard it first from here – whatever we decide we want to do is what we do.
Morgan Freeman
I have young kids. The fiscal burden that will be imposed on them is going to depend primarily on whether we tackle this looming problem in our health care system – with rising costs that don’t seem, by the way, to be necessarily associated with higher quality. That is the key burden that they will face.
Peter Orszag
Children need to trust and depend upon those who are responsible for them.
Gordon Neufeld
A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.
George Bernard Shaw
Create your own method. Don’t depend slavishly on mine. Make up something that will work for you! But keep breaking traditions, I beg you.
Constantin Stanislavski
Happiness doesn’t depend on how much you have to enjoy, but how much you enjoy what you have.
Tom Wilson
Violence and nonviolence are, after all, two different forms of theater. They both depend and thrive on the response of an audience.
Julia Bacha
Success at United doesn’t depend on money but about which players we bring in.
Louis van Gaal
Most people depend on a lot of other people.
Sophie B. Hawkins
Manufacturing is the backbone of Connecticut’s economy, and suppliers such as Click Bond depend on partnerships with U.S.-based manufacturers that export many of their products with Ex-Im’s backing.
Elizabeth Esty
For the most part, editors no longer view ‘Doonesbury’ as a rolling provocation, which is fine by me. It makes no sense to intentionally antagonize the very people on whose support you most depend.
Garry Trudeau
I know, when I’m 30 or 31 years old, I know I’ll be productive because I don’t depend solely on my athletic ability to get open and get yards. It’s more my mind.
Le’Veon Bell
One of the things I’ve learnt is not to depend on there being a woman in your life to make it work. I love my work, I love my children, I’ve got wonderful friends, you know, I have a nice life.
Salman Rushdie
Well, you know, News Corp is the only real media global – that has a global presence that’s involved in TV production, in movies, in publishing, in newspapers, digital media, et cetera. So for a company like that to function, clearly it does not depend only on Rupert Murdoch or James Murdoch.
Al-Waleed bin Talal
You can be bound by physical things, as I am by certain sicknesses, but nevertheless you can still be free to recognize that all initiatives really come from yourself if you don’t depend upon structures of government or structures of any kind.
George Woodcock
I recognized that teaching and research institutions vitally depend on the involvement of active scientists also in management functions.
Richard Ernst
In the city, you’re always looking around, observing everything. In some neighborhoods, your life can depend on it. The details change constantly.
Mark Bradford
The health of the people is really the foundation upon which all their happiness and all their powers as a state depend.
Benjamin Disraeli
Popularity should be no scale for the election of politicians. If it would depend on popularity, Donald Duck and The Muppets would take seats in senate.
Orson Welles
I call myself a naturalist as opposed to an atheist, but there are different styles. Some people just like to be close to nature. And some people actually worship nature, which is too wishy-washy because – like a lot of religious believers – they don’t depend on facts.
Greg Graffin
I love people, but I don’t do so well in a system. We’re poor, and we lead a very different kind of life. We depend on other people so much.
Carolyn Chute
I haven’t had Botox because my face is a bit lopsided and I depend on keeping everything animated so that people don’t notice.
Marian Keyes
The best way to detoxify is to stop putting toxic things into the body and depend upon it’s own mechanisms.
Andrew Weil
All politicians, no matter how gifted, ultimately depend on circumstances for their success.
Michael Wolff
I don’t know if I could date a single dad. It would depend on the guy.
Chelsea Kane
If you depend on God’s grace there is no such thing as impossible.
Sri Chinmoy
The road system that we’ve come to depend on, the road system that we built our wealth on and our power on, is falling apart.
Rachel Sklar
I don’t depend on fighting or the UFC to live my life.
Georges St-Pierre
Every year, you can depend on having at least a couple really exciting Nicole Kidman performances, and that’s a rare thing.
Adam Scott
We depend on the critics to give us a glimpse of what h

We depend on the critics to give us a glimpse of what happened. Bernard Shaw championed Ibsen, who got the most terrible notices for his plays. Kenneth Tynan championed young writers, and as a result, the theatre has changed radically.
Diana Rigg
Effective cybersecurity policy will depend on active and continued collaboration between public and private sectors.
Dan Lipinski
No family should have to depend on the labor of its children to put food on the table and no person should be forced to work in captivity.
Hilda Solis
Human beings were put on the planet to depend upon their Creator and to worship their Creator at every point in every sphere of culture.
John Piper
Our ability to find humor in the world, to make connections between previously unconnected notions, to create new ideas, to share in a common culture: All these essentially human acts depend on memory.
Joshua Foer
Don’t depend on other people to be responsible for you. Don’t make yourself stressed out over nonsensical things like material things.
Eartha Kitt
Gains in corporate profits depend in large part on accelerating global economic growth.
Barry Ritholtz
You may be always victorious if you will never enter into any contest where the issue does not wholly depend upon yourself.
Others can challenge and motivate us, but we must reach down deep into our souls and call forth our God-given intelligence and capabilities. We cannot do this when we depend on the efforts of someone else.
James E. Faust
Y2K is showing everyone what technical people have been dealing with for years: the complex, muddled, bug-bitten systems we all depend on, and their nasty tendency toward the occasional disaster.
Ellen Ullman
What is important to me is that I’m not accountable to and not controlled by party leadership. At the end of the day, I’m able to make my own decisions according to what’s best for the community and the constituents I represent. It doesn’t depend on what the partisanship is to the right or to the left.
Katie Hill
When you face obstacles or go through different phases, I always relied on my music. I depend on my music, my teammates. So at the end of the day, having incredible music, for me, would keep me in the space I want to be as an artist.
Rick Ross
I came back and started living with my parents, and you depend a lot on your parents. That was the time when my mother was diagnosed with an illness; she needed help and she could not be of that great help for raising my child.
Mahima Chaudhry
Yes, God does expect us to live holy, consecrated lives. But not even the best of our intentions can make it happen. Thankfully, He doesn’t expect us to make ourselves holy. He just wants us to learn to depend on Him to make us holy.
Joyce Meyer
The ability to act as a role model shouldn’t depend on owning a pile of trophies. Instead, we should look at role models as whole people – people who fail but overcome adversity, people who inspire us both on and off the course, people who spend their time trying to make their community a better place.
Paige Spiranac
Japan’s future prospects depend on ensuring fiscal sustainability over the long term.
Jose Angel Gurria
My neighbors aren’t millionaires. They’re retirees who depend on Social Security and Medicare.
Marco Rubio
What keeps me up at night is worrying about the moms who depend on ACA for all of the preventive care and not to mention prenatal care, the wellness visits, and the cost of delivery.
Valerie Jarrett
They’ve been irrelevant to me, the print media, because my link does not depend upon the menial minds of the scribblers in Canberra or anywhere else.
Bob Hawke
Most African women are taught to endure abusive marriages. They say endurance means a good wife but most women endure abusive relationship because they are not empowered economically; they depend on their husbands.
Joyce Banda
Our strategy should be based on indigenisation and import substitution. The government must provide opportunities for domestic companies to participate in sectors in which the country continues to depend on imports.
Baba Kalyani
I didn’t need to depend on the record company to publish my records.
Solomon Burke
But I’ve had to act and not depend on my voice so much.
Samantha Mumba
The success of any great moral enterprise does not depend upon numbers.
William Lloyd Garrison
I feel very lucky, and the work that I do doesn’t depend on much. If your vision’s still good, and your hands – I have no arthritis in my hands, and I play the piano very easily – I don’t think there’s any reason to deprive oneself of the fun of working. Music is so rewarding.
John Williams
In many spheres of human endeavor, from science to business to education to economic policy, good decisions depend on good measurement.
Ben Bernanke
Election victories increasingly depend on factors other than who votes, or tries to vote, and for whom. In 2000, the presidency was awarded by the Supreme Court, pre-empting the count of thousands of Florida votes.
Mimi Kennedy
We often have to put up with most from those on whom we most depend.
Baltasar Gracian
I enjoy writing and promoting my books. I enjoy the feedback. But all this is because I don’t depend on it commercially. I don’t need that money. I have a career.
Ravi Subramanian
Consciousness surely does not depend on language. Babies, many animals, and patients robbed of speech by brain damage are not insensate robots; they have reactions like ours that indicate that someone’s home.
Steven Pinker
Most of the tech CEOs I know used to think that moving to the Midwest or the South was beneath us, a good tactic for the Boeings of the world who don’t need the kind of rare skills we depend on, who have to grub for profits when we reach for growth. But if Amazon can’t afford to keep growing in Seattle, who can?
Glenn Kelman
I have always said that a bank's lending rates do not o

I have always said that a bank’s lending rates do not only depend on rate cuts – it is just one signal.
Chanda Kochhar
Spain held the doctrine (and was right in holding it) that every human enterprise should stand on two pillars – the temporal and the spiritual. To depend upon one of these pillars alone is to call down final failure upon any undertaking.
Edwin Markham
I could hear and feel music going on in me, and I couldn’t get it out. You can always depend on a guitar.
Don Johnson
Drag was always looked at as a stepchild, and I wasn’t willing to sit at the kid’s table anymore so I took what’s mine. You can’t depend on other people to give you what you want; you have to take it.
Willam Belli
Our present will become the past of other men and women. We depend on them to remember it with the complexity with which it was suffered. As others, once, depended on us.
Eavan Boland
Depend upon it that if a man talks of his misfortunes there is something in them that is not disagreeable to him; for where there is nothing but pure misery there never is any recourse to the mention of it.
Samuel Johnson
You always depend on what the owners think of the job you are doing.
Manuel Pellegrini
You may depend on it that the bunting, emberiza miliaria, does not leave this country in the winter.
Gilbert White
Artists often become vocal advocates of freedom of expression because we depend on it so heavily in our work. But it is an inalienable right that belongs to everyone on an equal basis.
Nazanin Boniadi
I believe every editor should stand to edit. That’s just my particular soapbox. Some things are so delicate and depend on such fine, delicate work. One frame in one direction or another can make such a difference and it is, in that, like brain surgery.
Walter Murch
My list of basic tools is a partial answer to the question about what has changed: Over the past few years, large numbers of programmers have come to depend on elaborate tools to interface code with systems facilities.
Bjarne Stroustrup
I try to take breaks from makeup on the weekends. I try to not to wear any on Fridays and Saturdays. It’s good to let your skin breathe and it’s good not to depend on makeup, to feel comfortable in our skin.
Huda Kattan
So, to come In with a set routine it’s something I’ve never believed in. It should depend on how you feel, because you play what you feel.
Buddy Rich
I’ve been the luckiest man in the world because I’ve had friends, and to have the right friends is everything: people you can depend on, people who tell you the truth if you ask something.
Stan Lee
It is more true to say that our opinions depend upon our lives and habits, than to say that our lives and habits depend on our opinions.
Frederick William Robertson
Morality and values depend on the existence of conscious minds – and specifically on the fact that such minds can experience various forms of well-being and suffering in this universe.
Sam Harris
Ignoring party leaders in order to sway public opinion may work in countries where elected representatives are responsive to their constituencies. But in Mexico, members of the legislature cannot be reelected, so their destinies depend less on the will of the people than on party bosses.
Denise Dresser
Depend upon it there comes a time when for every addition of knowledge you forget something that you knew before. It is of the highest importance, therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful ones.
Arthur Conan Doyle
Growth and progress depend on more economic freedom.
Maxime Bernier
The size of your accomplishments, the quality of your achievement, will depend very largely on how big a man you see in yourself, what sort of image you get of your possible self, yourself at your best.
Orison Swett Marden
We have long depended on an America which has got a clear sense of its stakes in the world and how much it depends on the world as well as how much the world and its allies and friends depend on the United States of America, and we hope this will continue.
Lee Hsien Loong
The admiral, or commander in chief of a squadron, being frequently invested with a great charge, on which the fate of a kingdom may depend, ought certainly to be possessed of abilities equal to so important a station and so extensive a command.
William Falconer
I’m a documentary image maker, still and moving, because keeping the real world on the agenda is really important at a time when we’re increasingly disconnected from parts of the world on whom we depend.
Tim Hetherington
I declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand.
Susan B. Anthony
A free Net may depend on some wisely developed and implemented locks and a community ethos that secures the keys to those locks among groups with shared norms and a sense of public purpose rather than in the hands of one gatekeeper.
Jonathan Zittrain
You learn that in so many of our matches, it can all depend on just four or five points.
Casper Ruud
Give a man a chance, and he’ll be so casual that he won’t bathe, shave, or comb his hair. He’ll just depend on his animal magnetism to get him by.
Elsa Schiaparelli
I’m always looking for great songs, and not being much of a songwriter, I depend on great songwriters to send them to me. I go through tons of stuff, and sometimes you just find material that kind of fits and becomes something special.
George Strait
The American people depend on these federal employees to process, investigate, and adjudicate applications for immigration rights and benefits in a timely and thorough manner.
Joe Baca
With acting, you have to depend on somebody else to decide if you are allowed to work. You can spend weeks and months when you are not acting at all.
Tana French
I began to write in an enclosed, self-confident literary culture. The poet’s life stood in a burnished light in the Ireland of that time. Poets were still poor, had little sponsored work, and could not depend on a sympathetic reaction to their poetry. But the idea of the poet was honored.
Eavan Boland
Nature is trying very hard to make us succeed, but natu

Nature is trying very hard to make us succeed, but nature does not depend on us. We are not the only experiment.
R. Buckminster Fuller
My parents didn’t believe in luck. They believed in hard work and in preparing me to take advantage of opportunity. Like many parents, they taught me to be generous but never to depend on the generosity of others.
Naveen Jain
I learned not to depend on other people. I needed support, but it’s you who has to go out and deliver.
Katarina Witt
If nations could only depend upon fair and impartial judgments in a world court of law, they would abandon the senseless, savage practice of war.
Belva Lockwood
Societies depend on agreed rules.
John Maynard Smith
As in the war of 1941-45, our victory and our survival depend on how and where we attack.
James Forrestal
Let’s care for the land and water, heal our cherished planet, and promote wellness for all of her people. Water is life. Let’s protect the natural resources that our lives depend upon.
Tulsi Gabbard
As independent filmmakers, we are actually deeply dependent on each other. The Spirit Awards are a public expression of those bonds, the intricate set of relationships and histories that we filmmakers depend on to make our most personal work.
Ira Sachs
Societies that depend on natural resources tend to have certain inherent problems. The limited concentration of wealth – whether from oil, coal, diamonds, or bauxite – often leads to corruption and authoritarianism.
Lawrence Wright
At the end of the day, a playback singer has to depend on live shows as their source of income.
Armaan Malik
I definitely was attracted to similar things in punk and science. They both depend on a healthy dose of skepticism.
Greg Graffin
I understand now that God trusts me enough to give me three kids – Marvin Jr., Mikaila and Madisson – who totally depend on me. They know I’m going to be there for them no matter what.
Marvin Sapp
Get out there and vote like your lives depend on it.
Andrew Gillum
My paintings do not have a center, but depend on the same amount of interest throughout.
Jackson Pollock
Cities depend on a healthy mix of uses and people for their vitality. As a pre-eminent world city, London is a magnet to people from across the globe.
Richard Rogers
I depend on good editors and a good director.
Indira Varma
We are all part of a tradition, at least we depend on the past.
Klaus Schulze
I now know that things I always thought I could depend on can crash in an instant. Because of the love that I have been shown, I now know what it means to be ‘beloved.’ I now know that no breath is to be taken for granted.
Rebecca Wells
Some people have human muses – mine is a city. I feel a startling ambivalence towards London, but for better or worse my work has come utterly to depend upon it.
Will Self
Don’t depend on a guy for your happiness. You have to live your own life and do your own thing. That’s when good things come around – when you do your own thing and you’re not worried about a man. It will happen in due time.
Keke Palmer
Given enough time, polar bears might migrate off the Arctic ice, evolve darker coats, find a different diet, and thrive in a new, warmer climate. But if the ice on which they depend disappears in a few decades, they are likely to die.
Mohsin Hamid
Our kids’ lives depend upon keeping them safe. That has to be a fundamental duty and responsibility for me as mayor. That means we have to continue hard but necessary work of bridging the divide between police and communities they serve.
Lori Lightfoot
Likewise nanotechnology will, once it gets under way, depend on the tools we have then and our ability to use them, and not on the steps that got us there.
K. Eric Drexler
Peace and security both in Europe and in the Pacific still depend on a balance of power.
Lee Kuan Yew
The strengths and failings of a relationship depend entirely on your ability to talk about your feelings.
Spike Jonze
In particular, for younger researchers on whom the future of mankind may depend. We believe that they are working with all the scientific wisdom at their disposal for the preservation of the inheritance of the earth and for the lasting survival of mankind.
Kenichi Fukui
Future peace, prosperity and confidence depend not just on ourselves but on the success of all nations. Hence, we are all partners, no matter what our backgrounds, cultures, faiths and histories.
Hassanal Bolkiah
We will depend on American students who can turn their literacy in coding and computer science into creative solutions that address the complex problems facing our nation.
Abigail Spanberger
There is a belief that getting any particular job may depend on who has just had five consecutive victories. If that’s the way it is, I’ve got a healthy attitude.
Roy Hodgson
I’m very, very concerned about the Bush presidency. I’m worried about the kinds of cuts in domestic programs that mean something to a lot of people, including members of my family, who depend on certain things from the government.
Sarah Jessica Parker
There are always crucial, decisive players in every side who make the difference and do not necessarily depend on others.
Didier Deschamps
Musically, I always allow myself to jump off of cliffs.

Musically, I always allow myself to jump off of cliffs. At least that’s what it feels like to me. Whether that’s what it actually sounds like might depend on what the listener brings to the songs.
Tori Amos
Growing up, my dad was ‘get a real job, don’t go pursuing your dreams, that’s how you become homeless.’ So, do I pick my family or do I pick my own happiness, and how much does my own happiness depend on my family?
Jimmy O. Yang
To think that we have to depend on some of the most dependent people in our population to fund our government when corporations won’t even pay their fair share.
Robert J. Bentley
As an artist, we depend on our face as a source of living.
Fala Chen
More people, especially young people, are realising that if they want change, they’ve got to go about it themselves – they can’t depend on a particular person, i.e. me, to do all the work. They are less easy to fool than they used to be, they now know what’s going on all over the world.
Aung San Suu Kyi
As we depend upon our masters, for what we eat and drink and wear, and for all our comfortable things in this world, we cannot be happy, unless we please them.
Jupiter Hammon
The proud depend upon the world to tell them whether they have value or not. Their self-esteem is determined by where they are judged to be on the ladders of worldly success. They feel worthwhile as individuals if the numbers beneath them in achievement, talent, beauty, or intellect are large enough.
Ezra Taft Benson
I boldly assert, in fact I think I know, that a lot of friendships and connections absolutely depend upon a sort of shared language, or slang. Not necessarily designed to exclude others, this can establish a certain comity and, even after a long absence, re-establish it in a second.
Christopher Hitchens
My family are big philanthropists, but not at putting big money into sport. Today sport is professional. It has to support itself or it won’t exist. It cannot depend on a few wealthy people making donations.
Frank Lowy
As far as your personal goals are and what you actually want to do with your life, it should never have to do with the government. You should never depend on the government for your retirement, your financial security, for anything.
Drew Carey
Always make sure that you can support yourself and that you always have a cushion. And never, ever, depend on anyone else for money.
Diana Taylor
You cannot depend on a sandbag dike to save your life. You put it up to try to save your property.
Russel Honore
It’s easy to write a good column if you’ve got good information. It’s hard if you have to depend on style alone. I suppose there are people who can get away with styling on a regular basis. I’m not one of them. You’re probably not, either.
Allan Sloan
I think TV promulgates the idea that good art is just art which makes people like and depend on the vehicle that brings them the art.
David Foster Wallace
Once you run current-account deficits, you depend on the kindness of strangers. This might be the beginning of the end of the American empire.
Nouriel Roubini
Scary movies depend on sound a lot to scare people. When I look around and see people are jumping in their seats, I think: Why? Why? Nothing happened!
Millicent Simmonds
What fiction offers us is an intimacy shorn of the messy contingencies of human existence – gender, race, class or age. Those moments of transcendence when we exclaim ‘You know exactly what I mean!’ depend for much of their force on the anonymous character of the intimacy between writer and reader.
Will Self
Education has always been very important to me. It means you don’t have to depend on anyone else.
Priyanka Chopra
I am uneasy about having scientific exploration depend on profit-making companies.
Carolyn Porco
I love the role I’m playing in ‘Conan.’ I’m enjoying making the film tremendously. It’s very physically demanding. You know, Conan is 28 years younger than me and a big dude, so I have to depend upon my wolf-like wiles to defeat this young bull.
Stephen Lang
Every time you have a carrot instead of a cookie, every time you go to the gym instead of going to the movies, that’s a costly investment in your health. But how much you want to invest is going to depend on how much longer you expect to live in the future, even if you don’t make those investments.
Emily Oster
I have four sisters at home, and both my mom and dad worked, and both of them took care of us. It wasn’t like my mom was fully domestic, or my dad was fully domestic: they were just equals in their relationship. So I grew up with the perspective that women should be pursuing their dreams and not have to depend on a guy.
Most of us who have healthy eyesight are extremely attached to our vision, often without being conscious that we are. We depend heavily on our eyes, and yet we rarely give them a second thought. I, at least, am this way. The physical world is almost hyper-vivid to me.
Rosemary Mahoney
If you’re going to vote yes and change the law. You have to know what’s in it. You can’t depend on other people.
Justin Amash
Shakespeare’s name, you may depend on it, stands absurdly too high and will go down.
Lord Byron
Leadership does not depend on being right.
Ivan Illich
There are a lot of people whose livelihoods depend on keeping lots of conservatives terrified and ill-informed. The groups that exist to raise funds raise more funds when they endorse the crazier candidate.
Alex Pareene
Do whatever you want to persevere, work for your own things, and do not depend on anyone to be your provider. That way, in the future, you will be all right regardless of the circumstances.
Dascha Polanco
If you want to lose weight, you have to be obsessed with it. You can’t depend upon your dietician, your trainer or various health aids that you have. You have to be organised. And believe me, it isn’t that difficult. The first 10 days are terrible because you have to break the lifelong habits that you have made.
My hectic work schedule does not often permit me time to visit temples, but my conversations with God don’t depend on idol worship. Inside my heart, I have developed and sustained a direct communication with Him.
Emraan Hashmi
Brick and mortar businesses – and the communities that depend on them – cannot continue to bear an unfair sales tax burden from which their on-line competitors are effectively exempt.
Bill Delahunt
Age does not depend upon years, but upon temperament an

Age does not depend upon years, but upon temperament and health. Some men are born old, and some never grow so.
Tryon Edwards
Artists will always depend on the brick-and-mortar ecosystem to establish authority and context.
Alexander Gilkes
Humanity’s future, to say nothing of its prosperity, will depend on how the world tackles two central energy challenges: securing reliable supplies of affordable energy and switching to efficient low-carbon energy.
Fatih Birol
You don’t need to depend on a label, because you’re making that money on your own.