Top 260 Controlled Quotes

Global conditions are far too complex to be able to imagine that they could ever be really controlled by one power.
Ulrich Beck
‘The Assassins’ Gate’ is a very tightly controlled story of the ideas that led to the war and the consequences of those ideas in Iraq, and there is no doubt about where it is going and what kind of groundwork is being laid.
George Packer
I don’t want to see blood spewing out but I don’t mind it in controlled environment. Does it make me squeamish? No.
Ian Somerhalder
I would argue that you’re only going to get the conservatives, particularly a Republican House, to pass immigration reform if we, as conservatives, are reassured that the border is controlled and that we get to vote on whether the border is controlled.
Rand Paul
A lot of people don’t really understand that a statistic is an indicator, but it doesn’t really give the full picture of the body of work. There’s been time when I’ve had one sack or no sacks and controlled a whole game, and I’ve seen other cats get three or four sacks and it had no effect on that game.
Julius Peppers
The key is you don’t want to control the controlled stuff too much and you don’t want to be too free flowing in uncontrolled situations. That can be a contentious issue with some directors. The joy of my career is I’ve gotten to work with great directors who get that balance.
Greig Fraser
These days, the manufacturing is controlled by a small number of countries, primarily Taiwan and South Korea.
Mary Lou Jepsen