Top 262 Gut Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Gut Quotes from famous people such as Robert J. Shiller, Mandy Harvey, Dervla Kirwan, Naveen Jain, Joe Swanberg, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

We don't know the probabilities of future events. Still

We don’t know the probabilities of future events. Still, you have to take action, and so you do it on gut feeling. That’s the world we live in.
Robert J. Shiller
With a progressive issue, it was always a monkey that was chasing me down. I had a great fear of losing my hearing. In my gut, I always knew that it was going to happen. I was just hoping that it would happen when I was 50 and not when I was 18.
Mandy Harvey
It does annoy me when I walk into a room and there are six men over the age of 40 with, let’s just say, a major gut problem, and they’re saying ‘hang on there Dervla, don’t eat your chocolate cake at dessert.’
Dervla Kirwan
Trust your gut instinct over spreadsheets. There are too many variables in the real world that you simply can’t put into a spreadsheet. Spreadsheets spit out results from your inexact assumptions and give you a false sense of security. In most cases, your heart and gut are still your best guide.
Naveen Jain
On a really big budget movie you do chemistry reads, and you sort of hedge your bets a little bit more and make sure that these people get along. But on the low budget side of things, I have to trust my gut that when I cast these people, the various elements are going to play together.
Joe Swanberg
My gut told me ‘Kanaa’ was worth taking up, and it’s a dream role for any actor.
Aishwarya Rajesh
Warren Buffet told me once and he said always follow your gut. When you have that gut feeling, you have to go with don’t go back on it.
LeBron James
My gut feeling about sequels is that they should be premeditated: You should try to write a trilogy first or at least sketch out a trilogy if you have any faith in your film.
Vin Diesel
It was important to me to become day-to-day fluent and functional in another language, and about 10 years ago, I went to Rome for the first time and felt an instant gut connection and wanted to get to know the city.
Jhumpa Lahiri
My gut feeling is that paper and ink are going to be with us for a long time yet, and in substantial quantities, though certainly books are now going to be available in other forms.
Fred Saberhagen
Too many DJs today want to be the headline act without ever knowing what it takes to be the local DJ who’s busting his or her gut to perfect their craft.
Low budgets force you to be more creative. Sometimes, with too much money, time and equipment, you can over-think. My way, you can use your gut instinct.
Robert Rodriguez
Perhaps there is an idea among Japanese students that one general difference between Japanese and Western poetry is that the former cultivates short forms and the latter longer ones, gut this is only in part true.
Lafcadio Hearn
I write and draw from the gut. I often don’t know what my stories are about until they’re done.
Jeff Lemire
The first boss to give me a shot on-air left the station not long after I started reporting. The next boss fired me, and told me I was the worst person he’d ever seen on TV and that I would never make it. That felt like being punched in the gut repeatedly! But I pulled myself together and kept fighting for my dream.
Shannon Bream
I relate to that idea of not necessarily seeking out ‘interesting female roles,’ but ‘this character, this role, who happens to be a woman, is interesting to me, and I relate to it in some way, so I’m just gonna go with my gut and see where it leads me.’
Phillipa Soo
If anyone tells you that you’re too old to be an entrepreneur or that you have the wrong background, don’t listen to them. Go with your gut instincts and pursue your passions.
Vivek Wadhwa
I’ve been making products for so long, I have a gut feel for what is right – what will work and what won’t. I can tell instantly if it’s a hero or a zero.
Lori Greiner
Advice number one: listen to your gut – it’s never gonna lead you wrong. Number two: trust yourself. The root of everything is self-belief.
I live on my gut instinct.
Mel B
I’ve always been a fan of physical comedy. It kind of hits you in a different way; it bypasses the intellect and hits you in the gut.
Stephen Merchant
You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.
Steve Jobs
I had kind of left college. I wanted to study to be a sports teacher, but I had that little inner voice within me that said, ‘You should be doing something else,’ and I followed that gut instinct.
Alesha Dixon
I look for scripts that give me a gut feeling that this is going to work.
Ayushmann Khurrana
My instinct and gut guide me very strongly.
Shriya Pilgaonkar
I just go with my gut.
Christine Taylor
Most of the time, I see what I see, I search my feelings, and then I make my decisions based on my gut – and I don’t always make the right ones.
Pharrell Williams
For most of my adult life, I always had this pain in my gut, but because I had to survive, and I had to pay the rent, I needed the roof over our head and food for us to eat and some clothes.
Maye Musk
With work and life, your true depth can become an alien thing to you. Your gut feelings, your instincts become buried.
Wim Hof
The longer I have been at this the more I think that lectins are the cause of leaky gut and all diseases.
Steven Gundry
I’ve only ever trusted my gut on everything. I don’t trust my head, I don’t trust my heart, I trust my gut.
Bryan Adams
It is gut instinct that guides me when I say yes to a f

It is gut instinct that guides me when I say yes to a film.
I can only go with my gut and say what I would like to do, and then my producer comes in and makes it happen.
Vijay Krishna Acharya
Often I used my gut instinct to ask the questions and get the answers I thought the audience wanted to hear. Sometimes the interviewees said things that surprised even them.
Phyllis George
I’m not accomplished enough to over-analyze something, because I don’t have the background as far as people who write and know how to break down a character or story and stuff. I mostly go by gut instincts.
Phyllis Smith
I completely follow my gut and do what I like doing. I have become impulsive in a good way. I am taking creative risks as an actor.
The diet is a twisted, noxious thing, all tortured abstinence and short-term fraud. I speak from bitter experience. As a restaurant critic, I eat to live and live to eat. And having a toxic aversion to exercise, there is little to prevent the inevitable bulging of my gut. Hence the need for the occasional diet.
Tom Parker Bowles
Anytime I feel squeezed into a box, I just lash out. My gut reaction is to strike. It’s a different character onstage: there’s a whole dark sexuality that’s completely different from me. You know, I don’t let anybody know who I really am.
Scott Weiland
Life is hard. Life is difficult. Life is going to punch you in the gut. But when you change your attitude, you change your behavior. When your behavior changes, so do your results.
Will Hurd
‘Gut’ was my nickname. And I was picked on terribly by many, many kids.
John Schneider
I’m just a risk taker. I have gut instincts.
Gary Gygax
Take the feeling of hunger out of your gut, and you’re no longer a champion.
Burt Lancaster
I did get bullied and I did get picked on and I did have that feeling in my gut of being incredibly self-conscious. I naturally gravitated towards my elders because I didn’t know how to speak or be present with my peers.
Heather Matarazzo
I’ve got one of those heart-shaped faces and I take weight on my cheeks and jowls and gut, so in pictures I look much heavier than I actually am.
Mick Hucknall
I always believed that when you follow your heart or your gut, when you really follow the things that feel great to you, you can never lose, because settling is the worst feeling in the world.
In Punjabi film industry I am given full freedom to change the lines according to the situation. Directors believe in my gut instinct.
Gurpreet Ghuggi
We are entering an age where people can claim to know more about what really happened than the people who were there. Where people will dismiss eyewitness accounts, on the basis of their gut feelings; where they will refute scientific discoveries because the scientist just doesn’t look trustworthy.
Romesh Ranganathan
The thing is, emotion – if it’s visibly felt by the writer – will go through all the processes it takes to publish a story and still hit the reader right in the gut. But you have to really mean it.
Anne McCaffrey
My plan is to have no plan. If you know what plan you have, life has its own ideas and will take you in any direction it pleases. So my idea about life is to just be open to it and to go with the flow and go with my gut.
Toni Collette
I think if you write from your own gut, you’ll come up with something interesting, whereas if you sit around guessing what people want, you end up with the kind of same schlock that everybody else has got.
John Prine
It’s not so much I like to go win, but it’s a rush. A horrible gut wrenching thing, but it’s exciting.
Corbin Bernsen
I’d sold more records than any other person in history with one album, at that point, in ’76. It became a very scary place for me, because I didn’t know whose advice to ask and lost my confidence in my own gut feelings about everything.
Peter Frampton
If we are to appropriate money for roads, we need statistics on how bad our roads really are and, moreover, where more roads will be beneficial – it would be irresponsible to just build them where our gut tells us to.
Daniel Levitin
Experience taught me a few things. One is to listen to your gut, no matter how good something sounds on paper. The second is that you’re generally better off sticking with what you know. And the third is that sometimes your best investments are the ones you don’t make.
Donald Trump
I don’t deviate – once you get validated for being you, I don’t know why you would deviate. I stick to my gut and my taste.
What you need to do is get that tape measure out, and start measuring that gut. Then you start working out and you start eating properly till that gut gets down close to it was when you were in your 20’s. Then you’ll find out what your weight should be.
Jack LaLanne
I still use the guitar pretty much just to hide my gut.
Garth Brooks
I just wanted Sadness to be true, to come from a real place. I tried to work from the inside out, going from my gut all the time. I didn’t over-analyze it. I just did it.
Phyllis Smith
The best thing in business is to follow your gut. If a decision is not sitting well with you, don’t just make it.
Dylan Lauren
I only do what my gut tells me to. I think it’s smart to listen to other people’s advice, but at the end of the day, you’re the only one who can tell you what’s right for you.
Jennifer Lopez
I have always been intuitive as far as work is concerned and would continue to select projects based on my gut feel.
Pratik Gandhi
General managers – I like to talk about the ‘golden gut’: general managers that not only can have a sense for the players that are going to perform beyond what people expect and get team chemistry right, but they also have to be able to make trades.
Paul Allen
I never studied anything about film technique in school

I never studied anything about film technique in school. Eventually, I realized that cinema and theater are not so different: from the gut to the heart to the head of a character is the same journey for both.
Ralph Fiennes
I always have issues with trust. I’m a New Yorker… Really, I think trust is something that comes from the gut. And I think you have to – it’s probably the worst advice to give people – but I think you gotta trust people from your gut.
Vin Diesel
A true artist, in my mind, is willing to fail sometimes, because if you’re not brave enough to say yes and follow your gut, it’s never going to be good.
Bill Skarsgard
I trust my gut instinct, and go against the grain and it works.
When I left Manchester I just took that as a challenge – to try to prove people wrong. And when you do, there is no better feeling than that. I knew in my gut it was the right time to move and I just believed.
Jadon Sancho
If our moral attitudes are entirely the result of nonrational factors, such as gut feelings and the absorption of cultural norms, they should either be stable or randomly drift over time, like skirt lengths or the widths of ties. They shouldn’t show systematic change over human history. But they do.
Paul Bloom
All I know is, I was trying to win the football game. And the bottom line is, you have to do what you think is right. You have to go with your gut. And if you don’t do that, then I think you regret a lot of things later on.
Mike Singletary
Every time I put out music and it goes well, it’s a confirmation of your taste and your gut.
I have a gut instinctive feeling that I will be as massive as Madonna, as massive as Michael Jackson… Whitney Houston, sure.
Terence Trent D’Arby
Don’t listen to anybody. Nobody knows the magic bullet. If they did, they’d sell it and make a fortune. Follow your gut. Follow your instincts. Every once in a while, take a chance.
Michael Cudlitz
If you’ve got a big gut and you start doing sit-ups, you are going to get bigger because you build up the muscle. You’ve got to get rid of that fat! How do you get rid of fat? By changing your diet.
Jack LaLanne
‘Greedy gut’ is my middle name. I love food, and I love parts.
Geraldine Page
For a gut punch of nostalgia, consider that Saturday morning cartoons are now largely a thing of the past.
Michael O’Rielly
The thing I live by is: trust your gut.
Emma Willis
You have to go with your gut sometimes, and how you feel.
John Lewis
From the gut comes the strut, and where hunger reigns, strength abstains.
Francois Rabelais
We should all feel confident in our intelligence. By the way, intelligence to me isn’t just being book-smart or having a college degree; it’s trusting your gut instincts, being intuitive, thinking outside the box, and sometimes just realizing that things need to change and being smart enough to change it.
Tabatha Coffey
I knew in my gut that there was something wrong with a system that couldn’t fire its incompetents, and I had my share of incompetent college teachers.
Luke Ford
I never get the accountants in before I start up a business. It’s done on gut feeling, especially if I can see that they are taking the mickey out of the consumer.
Richard Branson
I’ll always work with my collaborator in the room so I have a reaction on a note-by-note basis. I know in my gut when something works for me, and I’ll fight for it, but I’m a very easy re-writer.
Alan Menken
My gut instincts are strong, but they’re not always accessible to me, which is why I like DJing, because you don’t have time, and you have to go on instinct.
James Murphy
I’d love to do films, but I’d feel bad in my gut if I did anything just for the money. I want to wait for something I’m really passionate about, even if I don’t work for a year.
Jessica Raine
I just go where my heart tells me, where my gut tells me to go, where I’m enjoying my life the most, where I feel like I can have the most success. I’ve truly enjoyed my experience in NASCAR, to the point that I want to do it full time.
Danica Patrick
Politics is gut; commercials are gut.
Frank Luntz
I usually listen to my gut, so to speak, and my wife.
Johnny Miller
Statistics rarely drive me. Feelings, intuition, and gut instinct do.
Jason Fried
I’d quit ballet school, which I thought was going to be my path, but my gut instinct told me to do something different.
Alicia Vikander
Gut health is everything, it’s the second brain, where many of our hormones are produced.
Tess Daly
We’re not the only mammals who are partial to blackberries, far from it. Foxes and badgers will also gobble them up, helping to distribute the seeds, which survive the transit through the gut.
Alice Roberts
You’ve just got to go with your gut feeling.
Matt Nagy
If it were my decision, I’d knock the Superdome down. If I couldn’t knock it down, I’d just open the roof and gut the whole inside – totally modernize it. If you just dust it off and paint a little bit but don’t reimage it, the legacy will be horrible.
Ray Nagin
Most entrepreneurs are very gut driven - they have to b

Most entrepreneurs are very gut driven – they have to be because the odds and data are often stacked against them. If your gut says something is the right thing to do, then do it.
Chieh Huang
I think, to be a director, sometimes you need to have certain hunches – you have to believe in some gut feeling.
Wong Kar-wai
A true artist, in my mind, is willing to fail sometimes, because if you’re not brave enough to say yes and follow your gut, it’s never going to be good.
Alexander Skarsgard
In entertainment, zombies are so played out. I have a gut sense that people are getting tired of apocalyptic scenarios.
Jamais Cascio
Art, like real estate, is half science, half gut. We go to a lot of art fairs. We have two full-time art experts who help me make all the decisions about how to build the corporate and personal collection and what we put in our developments. We don’t let interior designers pick art for us.
Jorge M. Perez
The draft is like game day on a 3rd-and-5. You have a lot of plays you can choose from. You go with your gut, pick and play and hope it works.
Bill Cowher
It’s a tough thing, to know what to do about a war that deep in your gut you feel is wrong and yet watch your peers going off to fight in that war.
George McGovern
You’ve got to allow people to make mistakes, even though your gut tells you that the guy is going to get torched.
Sergio Marchionne
You have to follow your gut and believe in your film. Nothing else matters.
Sajid Nadiadwala
I don’t consider myself bossy, but I do know what I want. You know, I have a gut feeling about a piece of material, but I’ve never envisioned myself as the director on top of the hill with a megaphone in my hand, screaming at 1,000 extras.
Jason Reitman
Keep the faith, don’t lose your perseverance and always trust your gut extinct.
Paula Abdul
I want to rely on my gut feeling. Isn’t that what made great race drivers in the end?
Max Verstappen
Have faith in your intuition and listen to your gut feeling.
Ann Cotton
Think about a guy like Bob Mitchum, with his kind of chest gut not defining itself one way or the other. Was there anybody tougher? Lee Marvin was a marine sniper during the Second World War. They had this sense of themselves, and they had this product of being a man in a masculine way.
Joe Carnahan
If I don’t cry while writing a key emotional scene, my gut feeling is it’s failed.
Jojo Moyes
My gut tells me that the Supreme Court will rule the subsidies to be illegal, and therefore, Obamacare will fail.
Bill Flores
Gut feeling is all about the experiences that you have had in your life. It is about being in difficult scenarios, knowing what worked, what did not work, and then taking a decision.
MS Dhoni
I think these movies are as much for people of that time as for people who weren’t born. For people who weren’t born, they see how leaders must act under a crisis situation, not trying to be re-elected or not trying to check polls, that they go from their gut check.
Kevin Costner
True confession time: I never know where a book is going. I get a gut feeling the story is there, then pursue it with the enthusiasm of a hunting tiger on a trail. If I knew where I was going, I’d get bored out of my mind and stop writing.
Jane Lindskold
I’d worked for the ‘Dallas Times Herald’ for ten years, and its death was a kick in the gut the like of which I cannot recall ever having experienced.
Molly Ivins
What I would say to filmmakers, if I may be so bold or so arrogant, is to draw inspiration from other filmmakers, but go to the place in your own gut where everything is nothing. That’s a very Zen thing to say, but that place of nothing is where real creativity comes out of.
Lawrence Bender
I never know if a song’s going to be popular so I don’t select them with that in mind. All I can do is follow my heart and my gut and go for songs that make me feel great.
Nicole Scherzinger
That’s a big thing in my life: going with your gut. If something isn’t lighting the fire and making you excited, or if something feels wrong or doesn’t agree with you, it should be questioned. It should be talked about.
Kiernan Shipka
The ‘FISA Amendments Act’ would gut the oversight system established by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, which subjected domestic spying to review by a special intelligence court.
Ari Melber
You have to be just as mistrustful of straightforward rationality in business as you do of a uniquely gut approach.
Bernard Arnault
It’s a conscious decision to keep trying to do something new, to do things that excite me from my gut.
Anupriya Goenka
You’ve got a song you’re singing from your gut, you want that audience to feel it in their gut. And you’ve got to make them think that you’re one of them sitting out there with them too. They’ve got to be able to relate to what you’re doing.
Johnny Cash
By relying on the statistical information rather than a gut feeling, you allow the data to lead you to be in the right place at the right time. To remain as emotionally free from the hurly burley of the here and now is one of the only ways to succeed.
James O’Shaughnessy
I choose films based on gut instinct.
Vishnu Vishal
New York City has changed enormously. My gut impression of it now is that it’s like being in a sci-fi novel: ‘Blade Runner’ syndrome. Nothing seems real anymore; everything is pre-packaged.
Gerard Malanga
I had a little gut check, and ultimately, I grew up as far as my MMA mentality and am more mature now.
Shayna Baszler
I don't plan a career. That doesn't work for me. I just

I don’t plan a career. That doesn’t work for me. I just have to go with my gut.
Ralph Fiennes
Everything I do is just really my intuition, and every time I go against my intuition, it’s a mistake. Even though I may sit down and analyze and intellectualize something on paper, if I go against my gut feeling, it’s wrong.
Tamara Mellon
Even now, when people ask me, ‘Why did you take the job at Uber?’ I say because my gut told me to.
Bozoma Saint John
I design from instinct. It’s the only way I know how to live. What feels good. What feels right. What is needed. Give me a problem and I will approach it creatively, from my gut.
Donna Karan
My uncle gave me a trumpet, but I loved the Louis Armstrong sound and the Harry James sound and I played by ear and I played always soulful or very direct from the gut.
Dick Dale
I am a mother and I know the feeling of having a baby come out of my gut.
Eartha Kitt
I have the same 10 pounds that shifts from my shoulders to my gut over the summer.
Yannick Bisson
Your gut is always right.
Sharon Osbourne
You win the presidency by connecting with the American people’s gut insecurities and aspirations. You win with a concept.
Thomas Friedman
My brain knows best-before dates are a con; my panicky gut treats them like a nuclear countdown.
Charlie Brooker
I read ‘Rebecca’ when I was a teenager and was swept away by the powerful voice, the gut wrenching suspense and the dark, twisted love story at its center.
Lisa Unger
I had knockback after knockback before I got anywhere. After I got my first record deal I thought that was it, then Gut Records went into liquidation. I was 20. I had no idea what that meant. I had a few days to get myself out of that contract or my work would be owned by someone else.
Jessie J
I just followed my gut feeling when I went to Hyderabad in 2008.
Harshvardhan Rane
I’ve learned that for many people, change is uncomfortable. Maybe they want to go through it, and they can see the benefit of it, but at a gut level, change is uncomfortable.
Mitchell Baker
I’m very spontaneous. I go with my gut.
Rita Ora
It’s hard when you have a lot of naysayers to know when they might be right or when to ignore them and go with your gut and do something that may seem risky.
Kathryn Minshew
When the President of the United States comes out and says, ‘If I had boys, I wouldn’t let them play tackle football,’ that’s a big punch to the gut for our sport.
Tom Herman
I don’t know if I do anything to get into character: I just go with my gut.
Jamie Blackley
It’s very interesting, the joke comes first and then the wording comes within five seconds, maybe ten seconds. My thing is to get the joke across in as few words as possible. However, sometimes a word that’s not really needed does help the rhythm of it. It’s a gut feeling.
Steven Wright
The only time I waste is time I spend doing something that, in my gut, I know I shouldn’t. If I choose to spend time playing video games or sleeping in, then it’s time well spent, because I chose to do it. I did it for a reason – to relax, to decompress or to feel good, and that was what I wanted to do.
Simon Sinek
The apprehension whether people will like it or not also doesn’t bother me much. I’ve always done my work with a gut feeling that this is what I would like to do and I’ve always enjoyed doing it.
Kiku Sharda
Anytime I listen to my gut and I don’t do something, or I do, it always tends to work out in my favor.
Mandy Moore
Whether it’s through introduction of the right gut bacteria or direct modification of the genes of cows and pigs, I think we’re going to have to introduce something like this into our livestock – a way to consume the methane rather than releasing it.
Ramez Naam
Trust your gut feeling about things, listen to what others are saying, and look at the results of your actions. Once you know the truth, you can set about taking action to improve. Everyone will be better for it.
Jack Canfield
In a confrontational situation, you’ll get their gut. And I want their gut! And that’s why people watch this show!
John J. McLaughlin
Stanley Kubrick went with his gut feeling: he directed ‘Dr. Strangelove’ as a black comedy. The film is routinely described as a masterpiece.
Tim Cahill
My wife is a terrific Southern cook. My favorite of all the great things she cooks is ‘trash potatoes.’ That’s mashed potatoes with sour cream, bacon, cheddar cheese, and horseradish. It’s a total gut bomb.
Mike Vogel
Being able to put your blinders on, ignore negative opinions, and follow your strong intuition is what’s validating to me. It’s a great feeling to know you can trust your gut.
Whitney Wolfe Herd
To the extent that we are all educated and informed, we will be more equipped to deal with the gut issues that tend to divide us.
Caroline Kennedy
I think your first gut feeling is the correct feeling.
Alia Bhatt
But deleting work is sometimes the best decision you that you can make. Because you try and make this thing, that you know in your gut isn’t right, and you just have to let it go. You have to be brutal.
Dawn O’Porter
I love creating things that come from my gut and my sou

I love creating things that come from my gut and my soul.
Bibi Bourelly
I’ve done strategic planning, all kind of cash flows, but in fad marketing, it is all really irrelevant. It is marketing by total gut feeling. There is no market research. You either sell 500 of something, and it is a total bomb, or you sell 500 million.
Ken Hakuta
I’ve got this terrible hernia. People think it’s a fat gut, but it’s not.
Richard Griffiths
From a writing point of view, you now have teams of screenwriters working with a director. What’s lost in the process is the power of that one heart, brain, gut and soul that makes something an original piece of writing.
Joe Eszterhas
My gut is so strong. I feel like I have a lot of books in me, and they’re going to come out because I said so. It’s going to happen.
Rupi Kaur
In true demagogic fashion, Trump bypassed the head and spoke directly to the gut, to the biles and bubbling acids of raw emotion.
Ben Fountain
When ‘American Born Chinese’ started getting a lot of attention, I freaked out a little bit because I realized that up until then I had just been doing comics by following my gut. I didn’t really know much about plot structure or anything; I kind of just followed my gut.
Gene Luen Yang
When it comes to my work, I’m fearless. I go with my gut.
Kelly Reilly
I have learnt not to ignore instincts. While making a film, when your gut feels that you are going wrong, please take that seriously.
Zoya Akhtar
Everything that I do is for sound goals. It comes from my gut. When I’m sitting in the studio, a mix isn’t done till I feel it in my gut.
Dr. Dre
My gut tells me and continues to tell me that the Conservative party is on a road back to government.
Peter MacKay
Being on a Paul Thomas Anderson film, the best decision an actor can make is to listen to Paul Thomas Anderson. Because he’s probably not going to steer anyone in the wrong direction. I would always say go with your gut on any other movie set, but with Paul, I would say go with Paul’s gut.
Rami Malek
I was raised by my mom, pretty much, and she just had this very non-judgmental, having no shame about yourself, no regrets, just trusting your gut and your instinct, and treating yourself with respect.
Lily Collins
I would say that when I came into this chapter of my filmmaking career, starting with ‘The Fighter,’ there was this sense that you have to go from your instincts and you have to go from your gut, and you have to not hesitate and you have to not hedge.
David O. Russell
Social movements rarely succeed if they violate our gut sense of decency and moral proportion.
Bret Stephens
I was in college in Washington, D.C. I did three years full-time. I did all my requirements, and my senior year was really a gut year. And I said, ‘Law school will always be there.’ I was in no hurry to get right into that.
Alec Baldwin
Sometimes you wake up with mini panic attacks where you feel like ‘Oh my God! I don’t have a film right now! Should I just do something that comes my way because I don’t have another film?’ But I feel at the end of the day, your gut takes over.
Diana Penty
Every moment in life can be interpreted as a risk, depending on our outlook – and level of obsessive- compulsive disorder! I do my best to depend on my gut. If you sit with a decision long enough, your gut/soul will tell you what path to take.
Dash Mihok
I act with my gut instincts.
Alanna Ubach
That’s a very nice compliment, for somebody to be described as having grit, having some gravel in the gut.
Jim Harbaugh
Coffee… The caffeine in your morning coffee stops an enzyme called amylase from working correctly, which is located in your mouth and gut, and breaks down starchy carbs.
Eddie Hall
I love watching new acts find their footing. It’s fun to watch them early on in their careers and get a gut feeling about who’s going to be a superstar.
Jay DeMarcus
Well, with all shows that become successful, Ive always had a gut feeling. All of the shows that Ive been involved in that have become successful Ive had this gut feeling from reading the scripts.
Danny John-Jules
There are no subtleties in a war zone. I think that’s why comedy does so well there. It goes right for the gut. So those punch lines start penetrating the bullet-proof vests.
Jeff Ross
There’s actually something interesting about having no rehearsal time – you have to just walk in and go with your gut, which is exciting.
Josh Hutcherson
I don’t claim that our TV comedies are highbrow in anyway, but I think there’s a basis to them, and that’s why they’re more popular than other TV comedies. There’s a basis of truth in them, a gut feeling.
Adrian Edmondson
When I’m hiring someone I look for magic and a spark. Little things that intuitively give me a gut feeling that this person will go to the ends of the earth to accomplish the task at hand.
Tommy Mottola
You need the right balance between data and gut feeling.
Toto Wolff
I would tell any aspiring designer to take the time to experience everything they can to really get a feel for what direction they want to go in. And most importantly, let your passion and your gut lead you.
Prabal Gurung
What I want to tell people is, you have to believe your gut. You have to find answers from what your gut is telling you. I always work with intuition.
Dominique Crenn
I gotta admit, when you’ve been doing this a long time, going out to the audience and asking for them to help out with crowdfunding, it’s a gut check. You never know how that’s gonna turn out. Luckily for us, it turned out well.
Burnie Burns
I've never gone wrong trusting my gut.

I’ve never gone wrong trusting my gut.
Dwayne Johnson
I basically go with whatever my gut tells me.
Big Freedia
I strongly believe that many of the best decisions are made on gut instinct.
Emilia Wickstead
Make sure that you always follow your heart and your gut, and let yourself be who you want to be, and who you know you are. And don’t let anyone steal your joy.
Jonathan Groff
I’ve learned to really just trust my gut and to go with what I really feel inside.
Cassadee Pope
If you are a certain kind of white conservative, especially a white male conservative, then Roger Ailes was a hero. He constructed a world in which your core beliefs and your gut instincts were, and still are, constantly validated.
Joy Reid
Researchers have found that the brain definitely sends nerves directly to organs of the immune system and not just to the heart and the lower gut. In that way, too, the brain is influencing the body.
Elizabeth Blackburn
Life hands us a lot of hard choices, and other people can help us more than we might realize. We often think we should make important decisions using just our own internal resources. What are the pros and cons? What does my gut tell me? But often we have friends and family who know us in ways we don’t know ourselves.
Sheena Iyengar
I have known Che for seven years. We were very good friends. One fine day, he proposed. I had a gut feeling that Che was the right person and that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.
Antara Mali
There’s something about a wah pedal that really gets my gut going! People will probably say, ‘He’s just hiding behind the wah.’ But that isn’t the case. It’s just that those frequencies really bring out a lot of aggression in my approach.
Kirk Hammett
It’s been very important for me to follow my gut or my heart, or whichever organ you want to go by.
Lili Taylor
People usually think with their brain or go with their heart, but a good place to start is if you have a gut feeling.
Emma Mackey
When it comes to assessing the chances of some complicated combination of events, gut feelings are pretty much useless.
Richard Thaler
It’s a writer’s or director’s role to be cerebral, whereas for an actor it should be a visceral, gut thing. When the action starts, it’s best to turn the brain off and let it become an instinctual thing.
Natalie Dormer
I don’t make decisions with my head anymore. If I don’t get the go ahead with my gut, I usually back out.
Jane Siberry
Never ignore a gut feeling, but never believe that it’s enough.
Robert Heller
People would react to books by authors like James and Austen almost on a gut level. I think it was not so much the message, because the best authors do not have obvious messages. These authors were disturbing to my students because of their perspectives on life.
Azar Nafisi
I like to have this gut to put my elbow on it when I putt because I did it for so long. I just feel healthier this way.
John Daly
It’s hard to explain music when it goes in your gut and makes left and right and turns and moves you and resonates with you.
Dion DiMucci
All these bacteria that coat our skin and live in our intestines, they fend off bad bacteria. They protect us. And you can’t even digest your food without the bacteria that are in your gut. They have enzymes and proteins that allow you to metabolize foods you eat.
Bonnie Bassler
I’d love to do a romantic comedy. And perhaps, if the character was right and I had a good gut instinct, a Bollywood movie. And I’d love to direct. One day. I’m learning a lot on the set of ‘The Good Wife.’
Archie Panjabi
My worst thing that I have is that I think too much. And so it’s better to go with your gut and do your best and trust the creators and the director that you have there and go scene to scene.
Erica Durance
If it doesn’t feel organic to the audience, you gotta trust your gut.
Freddie Wong
I’m not one that listens to a whole lot of advice… I go with my gut instincts.
Eddie Rabbitt
I’ve always done roles that really appealed to me on a gut level and which I found inspiring.
Jennifer Jason Leigh
When we look at 105-year-old people around the world, they carry the diverse gut microbiome of 30-year-old people.
Steven Gundry
There are those songs that hit you in the gut – when you’re the one performing it and you see the effect it has on people, there’s something so powerful in that.
Maddie Marlow
I know a lot of people who jumped into a record label right away, dropped an album, and then nothing happened for them. Build your fan base first, and follow your gut.
Gut health is the key to overall health.
Kris Carr
There are receptors to these molecules in your immune system, in your gut and in your heart. So when you say, ‘I have a gut feeling’ or ‘my heart is sad’ or ‘I am bursting with joy,’ you’re not speaking metaphorically. You’re speaking literally.
Deepak Chopra
I’ve always made my decisions based on two factors: intellectual analysis and my gut. And when they meet, that’s a go from me. That’s when I see the goal.
Michael Ovitz
I am someone that relies on my gut feeling.

I am someone that relies on my gut feeling.
Susie Wolff
I trust my gut a lot.
Erika Jayne
Experience shows us that most people’s votes are based on their biases, not on objective reality. Elections are a collective gut reaction. That any good comes of it at all is the miracle of democracy.
David Horsey
I’m a firm believer in your gut being undefeated.
Josh Allen
At the base of it, my gut instinct tells me that there’s a kind of fundamental misogyny in the culture. There just is. You know, there’s just a weird anxiety around women.
Lisa Cholodenko
What hit me in the gut about hip-hop was that someone else grew up tough enough to be angry at the entire system.
Lukas Forchhammer
It seems odd to think of tasting without any perceptive experience, but you are doing it right now. Humans have taste receptor cells in the gut, the voice box, the upper esophagus. But only the tongue’s receptors report to the brain.
Mary Roach
There are many people I admire and seek advice from, but for the most part, I just follow my gut instead of trying to mimic someone else’s leadership style.
Lauren Bush
At the end of the day, I think people just need to start listening to their hearts and their gut feelings and their dreams, because that’s what I did.
Saroo Brierley
I imagined there would be a way to crack the diffraction barrier. But of course I didn’t know exactly how it would work, but I had a gut feeling that there must be something, and so I tried to think about it, to be creative.
Stefan Hell
You hear again and again that audiences want to see movies that are different, and critics say we make the same thing again and again in Hollywood, then you go and make something different, and you get kicked in the gut for it.
David Ayer
The whole point of writing is to have something in your gut or in your soul or in your mind that’s burning to be written.
Jerome Lawrence
I go by my gut feeling.
Gustaf Skarsgard
Even if things are going well, I’m always thinking that I’m about to be hit with the dreaded gut punch and – psych! – I’ll find out that it’s all falling apart.
Thomas Middleditch
If you laugh, we just do another take. Laughter is too rare nowadays. If you can bust a gut, let it go, and we’ll just go back to one.
Jason Bateman
Lectins bind to receptors on the surface of each cell lining the gut, breaking down the tight junctions that normally make an impenetrable barrier between the intestinal contents including bacteria and ourselves.
Steven Gundry
When you’re an investor, you can look at the quantitative and qualitative elements of an investment, but there’s a third aspect: What you feel in your gut.
Kevin O’Leary
I base a lot of decisions on my gut, and going with an independent label was a good one.
Taylor Swift
I think making a movie or a record, the best things happen by accident – and those end up being the magic. Every time I’ve followed my gut it’s been better than when I’ve tried to do what I was supposed to do.
Zooey Deschanel
My gut feelings and my faith tell me that until God shuts a door, no human can shut it.
Olusegun Obasanjo
I think that being the Bachelorette and being on this side of things, you really have to stay in tune with who you are and follow your gut and follow your heart.
Becca Kufrin
Opportunity just exists in the air for a few minutes. If you don’t obey your gut feeling right away, you’ve lost your chance.
Ken Hakuta
There are two different types of prototyping. First, the gut sense. You know how far you can take it. Second, you need experts to figure out whether or not it is attainable.
Tony Fadell
I always trust my gut reaction; it’s always right.
Kiana Tom
I followed my gut and my subconscious told me the kind of music I wanted to create. But it wasn’t easy.
Freya Ridings
What starts the process, really, are laughs and slights and snubs when you are a kid. If your anger is deep enough and strong enough, you learn that you can change those attitudes by excellence, personal gut performance.
Richard M. Nixon
You can only really open yourself up so far to someone that you don’t truly love – you keep something back when you know somewhere in your gut that this relationship is going to be forever.
Piper Perabo
When you make your first film, there is a hell of a lot to think about, and you’ve got to have a gut understanding of your material.
Julian Fellowes
Music is a gut thing. You’re working in a medium which is more in touch with the primal than the modern. A gig is a ritual. There’s a congregation.
Siobhan Fahey
I have to find that project that moves me in some way. Anything else, and you’re not trusting your gut.
David Nutter
I like pressure. Pressure doesn’t make me crack. It’s enabling. I eat pressure, and there might be times when I get a bad feeling in my gut that this might be too much, but you feel pressure when you’re not doing something, you know?
Louis C. K.
I have lucky boots for military embeds, a lucky scarf f

I have lucky boots for military embeds, a lucky scarf for road trips, a lucky handbag, and lucky days of the week. I tap into my gut for ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ feelings about such simple things as whether I should go grocery shopping.
Farnaz Fassihi
For a while, I thought I would maybe be a writer. But with music, I was such a nerd; I was really obsessive about it. The problem was I couldn’t really sing. I think one day I sang from a different part of my body, from my gut for the first time, and I was like, ‘Oh! That’s how you’re supposed to do it.’
Perfume Genius
The only thing I have is instinct and intuition and just staying very, very connected to the moments and try to bring in what your gut is telling you.
Patricia Riggen
Ill-fitted T-shirts stretched over a gut are my pet hate. And if the colour’s faded – ugh.
Joanne Froggatt
That’s one of the things that is hardest about being the Bachelor. You often have to end relationships that are actually going quite well, just because your time together is up. If other relationships are further along, you have to go with your gut and follow your heart.
Chris Harrison
One bit of advice someone gave me – which I haven’t yet tried – is that if you go to an area where you might pick up a tummy bug, you should seek out the local probiotic yogurt. Eating it will introduce you to the local gut flora, apparently.
Anthony Head
I’m a very commonsense guy – I just look at the viability of the idea, if I feel the team has the ability to execute the idea. I also look at the investment syndicate, the size of the market, and then a lot of gut married on top of it.
Troy Carter
I have a feeling, one of those gut feelings, that I’ll make pretty good movies the rest of my life.
Paul Thomas Anderson
‘Betchya Got A Cure’ is my gut response to the media wars in this country, which are driving a wedge between citizens. It’s about taking a stand for individuality and being brave instead of being accepted.
Sophie B. Hawkins
I just hope that more women realize that if your gut tells you you’re doing a good job, you’re doing a good job.
Whitney Wolfe Herd
I tell my daughters, ‘If something doesn’t feel right, whether that’s going to a party, doing a video, shooting something, you’re around someone that’s creeping you out, use your gut. If you’re in a car with a driver and something don’t feel right, use your gut.’
Bret Michaels
A relationship can give you a gut wrenching feeling sometimes. It’s a real emotional ride.
Trust your gut. You know yourself, so don’t let somebody else tell you who you are.
Tatiana Maslany
There was a feeling during the years of George W. Bush’s presidency that his gracelessness as well as his appetite for war were linked to his impatience with complexity. He acted ‘from the gut,’ and was economical with the truth until it disappeared.
Teju Cole