Top 265 Investing Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Investing Quotes from famous people such as Jay Weatherill, Charlie Shrem, Li Lu, Nyjah Huston, Jacqueline Novogratz, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I believe that investing in our children's development

I believe that investing in our children’s development from the earliest age is the single most important contribution we can make to the health and wellbeing of our citizens, their capacity and the future prosperity of our state.
Jay Weatherill
I’m investing. I’m taking a lot of bitcoin, selling it as the price goes up, and putting it into real estate. Because then if bitcoin goes to zero – which, it’s an experiment, it could – I won’t be on the street.
Charlie Shrem
Investing is about predicting the future, and the future is inherently unpredictable. Therefore, the only way you can do better is to assess all the facts and truly know what you know and know what you don’t know. That’s your probability edge.
Li Lu
As I get older in my skateboarding career, I would like to get more into the business side of things – starting my own company or investing.
Nyjah Huston
As both developed and developing nations search for alternative sources of energy in response to the growing energy crisis, we at Acumen Fund believe that investing in entrepreneurs who provide innovative energy solutions is an increasingly critical part of the solution.
Jacqueline Novogratz
In my home state of Delaware, we’ve done our homework and worked hard and, as a result, we’ve made great strides in cleaning up our own air pollution. Unfortunately, a number of the upwind states to the west of us have not made the same commitment to reducing harmful pollution by investing in cleaner air.
Tom Carper
That’s one of the challenges of investing in China, is the lack of clarity with respect to tax positions.
Jim Oberweis
I’m a big believer in investing for the long term, and the decisions you make shouldn’t be made if the economy is good or bad at a specific time.
Bob Iger
We want Florida to be first for jobs, and we must have a skilled workforce to reach that goal. By investing in science, technology, engineering and math education, we are ensuring our students are prepared for the jobs of the future. Our teachers are essential to preparing our students.
Rick Scott
Investing in women at home and abroad strengthens families, uplifts our children, improves health, makes communities and countries more peaceful, and brightens our collective future. Where women have equality, security, and the opportunity to live, work, and prosper, their families and societies are better off.
Jan Schakowsky
There’s a herd instinct, and every time that people hear an announcement such as PayPal’s in Dundalk, they start thinking, ‘Ireland must be good if they’re investing there’, and by extension, ‘Dundalk must be good, so let’s have a look at it.’
Martin Naughton
Great work, professional relationships, and learning experiences compound over time, much the way money does – investing $100 today creates much more value than investing $100 a decade from now.
Clara Shih
Investing in living-wage jobs and reducing the inequities between local school districts would give young people more, not less, incentive to postpone childbearing and more possibilities for independence.
Stephanie Coontz
In many aspects of government, as in the tech world and investing, brains and temperament smash experience and seniority out of the park.
Dominic Cummings
Investing is a virtuous habit best started as early as possible.
John C. Bogle
Syria’s neighboring countries cannot and should not carry the cost of caring for refugees on their own. The international community must share the burden with them by providing economic aid, investing in development in those countries, and opening their own borders to desperate Syrian families looking for protection.
Khaled Hosseini
I believe in infrastructure, I believe in investing in your hard assets. Where I think government starts to fail is when it starts getting itself weighed down with the social programs. And I think the American public just feels like a lot of that money is tossed aside and wasted.
Mick Cornett
Yet, I am convinced that there is a need for high quality software, and the time will come when it will be recognized that it is worth investing effort in its development and in using a careful, structured approach based on safe, structured languages.
Niklaus Wirth
The majority of people in this country, they live paycheck to paycheck. If we can, long-term, change that trend and make it so that investing and saving money, more broadly, is less of a chore and something that people actually want to do, that would be success to me.
Baiju Bhatt
Studios, because they are investing a great deal of money in movies, they want a guarantee that when they hire somebody that person can deliver for them. Everything is fear based, so they pigeonhole people. But I’ve written everything, from Westerns to sci-fi to dramedy, I’ve done it all.
Melissa Rosenberg
Investing in children’s education is vital.
Katie Hopkins
There are signs jobs will be plentiful in the future, if we train and prepare for it. That means investing in technology, innovation, and, as much as Republicans will hate to hear this, renewable energy.
Fabrizio Moreira
Dad had great people investing in his life at a young age. His mother, his stepfather, his Boy Scout leader, his football coach. That’s where integrity is planted, like seeds that are harvested later.
Steven Ford
I just kept telling myself that ultimately, the money that my grandparents had put away to go into my college fund, that they were investing for me to go to school and get this education, it had to be worth something.
The cardinal rule of taxation is that whatever you put a levy on, you’ll inevitably get less of. Taxing corporate activity means less investing, less hiring, fewer jobs and a smaller economy, which hurts the rich, the poor and the middle class alike.
Adam Davidson
China and also U.S.A. are investing a huge amount of money to bring in big players and we will see a different map of football sooner rather than later.
People come in. They are too gung ho. They invest too much money in things they don’t know. They lose it and then they clam up and stop investing. Then they miss the actual boom. That’s the nature of the market.
Naval Ravikant
CNT was a good fit for ‘Nashville,’ and ‘Nashville’ was a great fit for CNT, and so timing was right. You know, they’re investing more in scripted television – the show brought a lot of more eyeballs to CNT, eyeballs that are interested in country music – so, I mean, it couldn’t have been a better fit.
Chris Carmack
I think wealthy conservatives are busy investing in profit and job creation and enterprise, and wealthy liberals, many of them either from the media industry themselves or from – they recognize the value of communications and are more ready to put money into a less profitable enterprise, namely the media.
Karl Rove
The business side of real estate investing is fraught with risk. Unlike purchasing mutual funds or savings bonds, with real estate, you can lose money; this is one of the reasons that seasoned real estate investors caution neophytes never to get too emotional about a property and always be willing to walk away.
Fabrizio Moreira
We must not have an economy that discourages and chases away investors from investing in South Africa.
Cyril Ramaphosa
Memphis is a vibrant and diverse city that is on the ve

Memphis is a vibrant and diverse city that is on the verge of a Real Food renaissance. We are more than thrilled to be part of that movement by investing in the Crosstown and Shelby Farms Park developments.
Kimbal Musk
For me, being in front of a camera is a matter of practicing and refining your art. I think, if you’re telling a story worth telling, it’s worth investing the time into developing.
Danny Pino
Real estate investing, even on a very small scale, remains a tried and true means of building an individual’s cash flow and wealth.
Robert Kiyosaki
In investing, you get what you don’t pay for. Costs matter. So intelligent investors will use low-cost index funds to build a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds, and they will stay the course. And they won’t be foolish enough to think that they can consistently outsmart the market.
John C. Bogle
When you hire someone, you are investing in them.
Eric Yuan
When we look at investing, we always think about ‘how defensible is this, how likely is it that somebody is going to copy this.’ E-commerce tends to be something easy to copy because it’s execution.
Niklas Zennstrom
Governments like China and the United Arab Emirates are investing heavily in AI and see it as a competitive advantage.
Rana el Kaliouby
People who lie to themselves about investing are the same as overweight people who blame their genes for their obesity.
Robert Kiyosaki
Normally I would not recommend a book that tells you how to make money in the stock market. Most of these books are aimed at gullible folk, and they usually make much more money for their authors than they do for the investing public.
Gavyn Davies
It’s almost a cliche that great Silicon Valley entrepreneurs don’t go sit on a beach when they make a lot of money; they get back to work building another company or at least investing in other people’s companies.
Sarah Lacy
Many hedge fund managers have become billionaires; perhaps this – plus their reputations as the smartest guys in the room – is why they have captured the investing public’s imagination.
Barry Ritholtz
My number-one recommendation is to invest in people. Humans that are well trained are the inputs into this discovery process. And there’s big opportunities still, I think, to do a better job of investing in people.
Paul Romer
The need to go digital remains a top priority for clients, and we are investing aggressively to drive innovation and deliver digital transformation.
Pierre Nanterme
When I see good films not doing well, irrespective of my role being appreciated or not, I have a problem because then the producer who has made a loss will never believe in investing in good cinema.
Kay Kay Menon
Giving should be entered into in just the same way as investing. Giving is investing.
John D. Rockefeller
Money and investing can be complex, confusing, and often boring subjects.
Robert Kiyosaki
This business is based on numbers, and the numbers show that it’s worth investing in female-driven and female-directed films.
Olivia Wilde
How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case.
Robert G. Allen
When you invest your time, you make a goal and a decision of something that you want to accomplish. Whether it’s make good grades in school, be a good athlete, be a good person, go down and do some community service and help somebody who’s in need, whatever it is you choose to do, you’re investing your time in that.
Nick Saban
Finding good partners is the key to success in anything: in business, in marriage and, especially, in investing.
Robert Kiyosaki
If Warren Buffett could change his mind about investing in airlines, Mohnish Pabrai could change his mind about investing in autos. Pabrai, who has modeled his investment career and fee structure after Buffett’s original partnership, counts General Motors, Fiat Chrysler, and Ferrari in his highly concentrated portfolio.
Kelly Evans
There is no such thing as a value trap. There are investing mistakes.
Mohnish Pabrai
Investing in women and girls may once have been considered a radical notion or even a waste of resources, but in most places in the world today, women and girls are increasingly recognized as a critical link to greater prosperity, political stability, better health and public policy.
Pat Mitchell
Red Bull have always been very good at nurturing young talent – Sebastian Vettel and Daniel Ricciardo are products of that – and it is important with Asian talent that people keep investing in it. There’s a massive pool of people, for sure, and the next Sebastian Vettel is out there somewhere.
Christian Horner
Many businesses fail because the owner wasn’t willing to invest and wasn’t educated on the difference between spending money frivolously and investing money into the business for growth, and the risks and rewards of that cash infusion.
Carol Roth
I am investing like a crazy person, mostly in internet start-ups. And I want to invest in Brazil as well, because I am Brazilian and that’s in my heart.
Eduardo Saverin
For most people, attaining the intellectual clarity and emotional detachment that investing requires is tough.
Guy Spier
No matter what I’ve wanted to accomplish, whether it was raising capital, investing in a startup, or selling a company, legal has always been a cost and a roadblock to the ultimate goal.
Justin Kan
The more you talk about investing problems, the worse you feel. Instead of complaining, it’s better to do something.
Kenneth Fisher
I suppose if I were younger, I would be investing in Africa.
Julian Robertson
IBM isn’t investing billions of dollars every year into research and development – and winning more patents than our top 10 competitors combined for more than a decade – as an academic exercise. But research is now being driven much more by what people need rather than just by what is possible.
Samuel J. Palmisano
The main thing during a crisis is discipline, to begin

The main thing during a crisis is discipline, to begin investing in time again after the crisis subsides.
Suleyman Kerimov
The important thing in investing is to be true to your compass.
John Paulson
The Republicans are wrong in thinking that the rich create jobs. In reality, many of the richest Americans have been investing in efficiency innovations rather than to create jobs. And the Democrats are wrong, because growth won’t happen if they distribute the wealth of the wealthy to everyone else.
Clayton M. Christensen
Transformation in the world happens when people are healed and start investing in other people.
Michael W. Smith
What’s in my mind is that I’m investing in people. It might be through a building or a program, but I’m investing in people. And the people that I’m investing in are underprivileged or hold a core value that I believe in.
Daniel A. D’Aniello
What we are investing in, from a generation standpoint, are renewables and natural gas.
Lynn Good
We need to end our country’s counterproductive regime change war policies that have undermined our national security, destroyed so many countries, and taken so many lives. We must instead focus on investing in and rebuilding our communities right here at home.
Tulsi Gabbard
When it comes to investing, you are your own worst enemy.
Barry Ritholtz
For me it’s all about keeping things simple and feeling comfortable in what I am wearing. I prefer investing in classic well-tailored pieces.
Miranda Kerr
Windmills and solar cells are carbon-free sources of electricity. But they are costly. If you’ve been investing in those, give it up. That game is effectively over.
Kenneth Fisher
We’ll be investing in basic science research with the goal of curing disease.
Priscilla Chan
A company’s commitment to searching out potential blockbusters and then investing in marketing to convert potential to reality attracts and retains top scientists and creatives.
John Quelch
After selling Twitch, I worked at Y Combinator, investing as a partner there for a couple of years.
Justin Kan
Never stop investing. Never stop improving. Never stop doing something new.
Bob Parsons
Instead of investing our resources in locking people up, let’s invest more of those resources in our fellow citizens so they don’t end up in the system to begin with. And if they do, they can get back on their feet.
John Legend
If your investing approach requires that you become Nostradamus to succeed, then you are destined to fail.
Barry Ritholtz
We are addressing duplication and complexity. At the same time, we are investing more in research and development, speeding up the time to market of new innovations, and expanding our sales force in markets where growth is to be found, like Turkey, Russia, the Mideast, China, and southeast Asia.
Frans van Houten
By investing in diverse asset types from SD video to HD video to 4K video, we can satisfy the video needs of a wide array of users.
Jon Oringer
There are so many different kinds of motivation for investing or giving or parting with your money in whatever other way, and plain old financial return is obviously attractive. But people are not always rational and are not just looking for that.
Jessica Jackley
Other than playing the game I love, my passion is investing in innovative companies and helping the entrepreneurs behind them succeed.
Ryan Howard
It is only proper that our employees share in the savings generated by tax reform and that we openly acknowledge the resulting improvement in the U.S. business environment by investing in our industrial footprint accordingly.
Sergio Marchionne
The only two things that ever came naturally to me are music and investing.
Troy Carter
One of the very nice things about investing in the stock market is that you learn about all different aspects of the economy. It’s your window into a very large world.
Ron Chernow
Investing in health will produce enormous benefits.
Gro Harlem Brundtland
Index investing outperforms active management year after year.
Jim Rogers
Industries with rapid change are the enemy of the investor. Tech businesses, particularly biotech, is a problem from that point of view. All industries work with change, but you should ideally be investing in businesses with a low rate of change, not a high rate of change.
Mohnish Pabrai
It makes a lot more sense for us to be investing in jobs and education rather than jails and incarceration.
Bernie Sanders
When you have more people investing in VR games, whether it’s us or Sony or someone else, that means a greater pool of VR developers out there who know how to make VR games.
Palmer Luckey
And I think the more money you put in people’s hands, the more they will spend. And if they don’t spend it, they invest it. And investing it is another way of creating jobs. It puts money into mutual funds or other kinds of banks that can go out and make loans, and we need to do that.
Michael Bloomberg
Some companies are already investing in women and thereby betting on a brighter future – for a workforce just waiting to blossom, for emerging economies whose development depends on this new talent, and, of course, for their own financial growth.
Beth Brooke
The game of investing is a process of discovering who you are, what you’re interested in, what you’re good at, what you love to do, then magnifying that until you gain a sizable edge over all the other people.
Li Lu
I bought a purse that was so grossly expensive, it's em

I bought a purse that was so grossly expensive, it’s embarrassing. It cost $3,500, and it was by Louis Vuitton. The one thing about investing in something like that is that I get to pull it out years later, and it still looks cool and holds its value.
Ashley Roberts
The rule of law that China’s dissidents ask for is important to U.S. businesses investing in China as well.
Tom Malinowski
I’m always investing and building things at the same time.
Joe Lonsdale
One thing about the business and investing world that I connect to very intimately is that there is little room to deny the harsh realities of your mistakes. A bad call can lose you many millions.
Joshua Waitzkin
I’m from the streets, so I look at investing through a very unique lens.
Troy Carter
By teaching twenty-something year olds responsible debt management practices, we can help them create a balanced lifestyle and find peace of mind through increased financial awareness, smart saving and long-term investing.
Alexa Von Tobel
I’m always investing. I’m constantly in talks with someone about some opportunity.
Xavier Niel
The better I get at investing in and helping companies, the result is more founders who are excited to work with me and more of my wonderful limited partners insisting I take piles of their loot to keep it all going.
Chris Sacca
Because everybody else was investing in the consumer Internet, I did, too.
Aneel Bhusri
I am a proponent of investing in infrastructure… and, if we can use state resources to make ProvPort more prosperous and successful, then that will benefit the whole state.
Gina Raimondo
It’s awesome that you have a female CFO and a female GC, but if you look at the investing partners, and it’s 15 dudes, I do think those people are going to get left behind if they don’t get with where the world is going.
Aileen Lee
I’m not emotional about investments. Investing is something where you have to be purely rational and not let emotion affect your decision making – just the facts.
Bill Ackman
I work in musical theater because people keep writing quality stories in the genre, and I’m really all about investing in a piece that says something about our current time, that is, a reflection on who we are today.
Brandon Victor Dixon
The early 1990s was a time of great advancements in precooked bacon technology. Pork producers, food labs, and agricultural schools such as Iowa State University began investing substantially in precooked R&D.
David Sax
As a global media company, A+E Networks continually seeks to create new and exciting content that will attract audiences today, tomorrow, and beyond. By investing in Vice, we are thrilled about our potential to further deliver content that meets the demands of the latest consumption trends.
Nancy Dubuc
A lot of athletes go from not making any money at all to make any large pot of money. Then they get approached by an agent who takes a percentage. Then they get approached by your financial advisor who starts investing your money without you even understanding what he’s doing.
Bobby Wagner
Nasdaq is investing in the technologies, talent, and capabilities that solve the complex challenges our clients face.
Adena Friedman
We will never address the race-based, systemic barriers to health care, equal housing and education without investing in underserved communities.
Cal Cunningham
At the end of the day, an entrepreneurial journey is all about de-risking: How can you spend the least amount of time and money to accomplish your goal? The more information you can gather, the more comfortable you’ll be investing time and money into a particular offering.
Neil Blumenthal
Investing in a poker game and investing in stocks, at least the way I do it, it’s a very similar skillset.
David Einhorn
With Huda Beauty Angels, we’re investing a portion of our personal family wealth to women-led brands that we believe in!
Huda Kattan
Investing in more fossil fuel infrastructure will not strengthen our economy over the long-term, since the market is clearly indicating that clean energy sources are the future.
Tom Steyer
Sandalwood is a force to reckon with. People from all over are investing time and money here because the films have good reach and reap good rewards as well.
Abhimanyu Singh
The good news in investing is there are no HR problems. If there are no humans, there are no problems!
Mohnish Pabrai
I decided I would go to NYU so I could get into the comedy world and have legit housing, and my parents would not have trusted investing in a straight-up comedy career.
Ilana Glazer
Wouldn’t it be amazing if we spent as much energy investing in experiences as we do investing in things?
Ruzwana Bashir
We shouldn’t think anyone needs a Ph.D. in advanced investing in order to begin to invest.
Sallie Krawcheck
Investing should be dull. It shouldn’t be exciting.
Paul Samuelson
Bayer CropScience aims to lead the way in sustainable crop solutions, and we are heavily investing in R&D, as well as production capacities, to respond to global demand for differentiated crop solutions.
Sandra E. Peterson
Blacks as a group will never be equal while they have this situation going on, where the vast majority of children do not have fathers in the home married to their mother, involved in their lives, investing in them, investing in the next generation.
Amy Wax
So if I keep making mistakes on Broadway or tape or film, producing, directing or acting, I can go along and do it – so long as I’m not investing too much capital in these things.
Jackie Cooper
When it comes to investing, there is no such thing as a

When it comes to investing, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all portfolio.
Barry Ritholtz
Democrats are going to proudly run on the fact that we turned the economy around. It was our policies under President Obama’s leadership through the Recovery Act, through investing in the automobile industry.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
I… now see a rare opportunity to push across the goal line much of the unfinished business of America: investing in our infrastructure and workers, universal healthcare, comprehensive immigration reform and scrubbing a tax code that’s out of shape and behind the times.
Xavier Becerra
I plan to eliminate regulations that hinder domestic companies, particularly large conglomerates from investing in other companies.
Lee Myung-bak
With poker, you have a resolution of the hand within a couple of minutes. Whereas, even if the thought process in investing is very much the same, you’re looking at an outcome that could be 2, 3, 4, 5 years from when you make the original decision. And the mindset related to that is very different.
David Einhorn
The U.K. has to keep investing in new technology, skills, and infrastructure to keep pace with international competition.
Ridley Scott
If a product’s future is unlikely to be remarkable – if you can’t imagine a future in which people are once again fascinated by your product – it’s time to realize that the game has changed. Instead of investing in a dying product, take profits and reinvest them in building something new.
Seth Godin
I hired a guy named David Sze to do consumer investing at Greylock. And he went on to invest in Facebook and LinkedIn. So I guess I did something right.
Aneel Bhusri
The long-term policies that will be most effective all have to do with investment: investing in ourselves, investing in opportunities, creating good schools, and creating situations where people can acquire skills that enable them to be successful.
David Autor
I thought I was investing in myself and my brand, like Kim Kardashian. When she buys these clothes, she’s investing in herself, because she is a big brand and is likable. I thought I had that potential. My ego got too big. To think I could be someone like that when I was the most hated girl ever.
Heidi Montag
My grandfather was a justice fighter. I go to Russia and I find worse injustice than he had ever discovered. My task was investing people’s money. But this was far beyond that. I became this sort of crusader.
Bill Browder
A.P., like the rest of India, has huge potential to move up the value chain by investing in small and medium enterprises to create more value addition and better paid jobs.
Arancha Gonzalez
For Unilever, investing in women is an imperative. The business and social cases for doing so are inextricably linked.
Paul Polman
Investing in early childhood nutrition is a surefire strategy. The returns are incredibly high.
Anne M. Mulcahy
Whether they’re paying for it or not is not really relevant. They’re investing a significant amount of time in our content. At some point, commercial opportunities will materialise for greater percentages of that audience.
Bobby Kotick
Don’t use your advance to buy an antique sports car, diamonds by the yard, or a bottle of wine from Thomas Jefferson’s cellar instead of investing in your book.
M. J. Rose
It’s critical to have a disciplined investing approach and stick with it.
Whitney Tilson
Some people, through luck and skill, end up with a lot of assets. If you’re good at kicking a ball, writing software, investing in stocks, it pays extremely well.
Bill Gates
The stock market is a giant distraction from the business of investing.
John C. Bogle
I had a couple come in with a negative amortization mortgage on a house that costs way too much relative to their income. They’re consuming real estate, not investing in it.
Chris Cooper
We gravitated to the idea of social entrepreneurs when it was a fairly nascent thing. We began to build the organization, focused on investing in and celebrating social entrepreneurs. Not long after that, we realized there was another opportunity to help bring them together and tell their stories.
Jeffrey Skoll
We are not trying to prevent new clean energy businesses from succeeding. Any business that’s economical, that can succeed in the marketplace, any form of energy, we’re all for. As a matter of fact, we’re investing in quite a number of them, ourselves – whether that’s ethanol, renewable fuel oil.
Charles Koch
In a time of tight budgets, difficult choices have to be made. We must make sure our very limited resources are spent on priorities. I believe we should have no higher priority than investing in our children’s classrooms and in their future.
Bob Riley
ESG investing often marches under the same banner as ‘stakeholder capitalism,’ which maintains that corporations owe obligations to a range of constituencies, not only their shareholders.
Eugene Scalia
We need to be investing in manufacturing and small businesses. We need to be creating a workforce where Americans can compete in a global marketplace because they have the necessary skills. And we need fairness, and we need a sustainable, strong economy that’s durable for the future.
Valerie Jarrett
Australia’s economic future depends upon getting smarter. This means investing in the skills and knowledge of our workforce.
Bill Shorten
We have a long and proud tradition as a nation of investing in our human capital so that we can build a thriving middle class. You look at the G.I. Bill after the war – it was an investment in our service members who had served this nation with distinction.
Tom Perez
One of the first things I tell people is, if you want to learn about investing, you want to open an account and make real investments because that’s when it becomes real.
Mohnish Pabrai
As alleged, the most senior executives at Brixmor engaged in a years-long scheme to cook the books and deceive the investing public.
Audrey Strauss
After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world.
Calvin Coolidge
One of the biggest motivation for me and my co-founder was to learn and see what is happening in the market, see what next generation of entrepreneurs are doing. This has been the biggest motivation to investing in start-ups.
Naveen Tewari
Businesses and households react to lower rates by inves

Businesses and households react to lower rates by investing and spending more. Lower rates also support the prices of housing and financial assets such as stocks and bonds.
Jerome Powell
The research indicates that when we women invest, we women do tend to be more patient, take a longer-term perspective and as a result of it, tend to be better investors than men. But the messages we get are that investing is sort of ‘the guys’ world.’
Sallie Krawcheck
Smart writers really take their time in investing in backstories and characters. As a viewer, you have to invest in them and love them before you can chip away at what’s going on more on a deeper level with secondary characters.
Liza Weil
There is so much more demand for Formula One than it can supply. You have governments investing in circuits all over the world, and the private sector sometimes has a tough time competing with that.
Mario Andretti
In my business investing, you are buying a stock, and someone else is selling the stock. Right there, that’s like a debate. Is the stock going up, or is it going to go down?
David Einhorn
I was educated to think maybe Brazil works, maybe it doesn’t. But I decided I am going to make this country work for my children. I am investing all my effort now in making Brazil a great country.
Eike Batista
You see countries like India really investing in their space program because they see it as inspirational and good for their economy.
Ellen Stofan
For many users, cryptocurrencies are going to be their first foray into investing, and we want to be there.
Baiju Bhatt
We need to be investing in resources, like Women Step Forward, to provide immigrants with trusted information about their rights and options.
Diane Guerrero
I’ve been investing in and funding myself since day one.
Princess Nokia
Investing in science education and curiosity-driven research is investing in the future.
Ahmed Zewail
The world has shifted to the palm of our hand, or a tablet. We hadn’t been investing in ‘Quicken’ that way.
Brad D. Smith
So if we are really concerned about generating more taxes, we ought to be investing in our people, not taking away the kinds of resources that contribute to their ability to become greater taxpayers in this country.
Patrick J. Kennedy
I suppose my professional life can be split into writing books that all sound like infomercial products, most notably ‘The 4-Hour Workweek,’ and then tech investing.
Tim Ferriss
I’m pretty money savvy. My dad made me read ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ when I was 12 – this investing book about how to manage your money and be smart. So I’m kind of like a grandmother.
Cobie Smulders
We have been investing in building a mobile-first selling capability by establishing the Consumer Channels Group to strengthen and align the device-selling motion and to expand our impact with OEM, retail channel partners and our operator channel, and by extending it with our opening of Microsoft Stores.
B. Kevin Turner
I don’t think of investing in Cuba after all the hardships of the people there as a profit-making thing for us. I have thought of it as revitalizing the island.
Jorge M. Perez
Investing now in safe-guarding people by helping them to adapt to climate change, will help save money and lives while building resilience.
Michael Franti
I have almost no interest in quarterly reports. Running a business or investing in a business based on quarterly earnings doesn’t make any sense at all to me.
Gerry Schwartz
With a private company, you’ve got to get into who’s investing and what’s the balance sheet like. So going public is a positive thing from the perspective of the sales organization.
David Duffield
There’s so much disagreement about investing, and it’s because nobody really knows.
Robert J. Shiller
Britain cannot afford to allow a culture of Left-wing-dominated, single-issue activism to hold back our country from investing in infrastructure and new sources of energy and from bringing down the cost of our welfare state.
Chris Grayling
I’m going to reveal the grand secret to getting rich by investing. It’s a simple formula that has worked for Warren Buffett, Carl Icahn and all the greatest investment gurus over the years. Ready? Buy low, sell high.
Lawrence Kudlow
Think of the aged and bed-ridden Matisse cutting out strips of coloured paper, much as a child might, and investing them with a more than mortal vitality… Those strips of paper resonate because they prove that our materials don’t determine in advance the worth of what we make.
Howard Jacobson
I don’t understand it. Jack will spend any amount of money to buy votes but he balks at investing a thousand dollars in a beautiful painting.
Jackie Kennedy
You must trust yourself more than you trust others. Pay attention to your inner voice – it will tell you if how and in what you are investing is right for you.
Suze Orman
Investing in free public transportation would establish a right to mobility – the right of every person to access every part of our city, regardless of income level, race, background, or home zip code.
Michelle Wu
Investing in management means building communication systems, business processes, feedback, and routines that let you scale the business and team as efficiently as possible.
Fred Wilson
We need to put our people first by building and investing in a workplace development pipeline.
Francis X. Suarez
Seed investing is the status symbol of Silicon Valley. Most people don’t want Ferraris, they want a winning seed investment.
Sam Altman
We must recognize our own behavioral errors. To be blunt, you are not likely to become a cognitive Zen master anytime soon. But a little enlightenment could keep you from making some common investing errors.
Barry Ritholtz
Investing for the poor requires participation from the

Investing for the poor requires participation from the entire community.
Bill Gates
Investing in our workers is a win-win.
Ned Lamont
The phrase ‘change the world’ is tossed around Silicon Valley conversations and business plans as freely as talk of ‘early-stage investing’ and ‘beta tests.’
George Packer
I love making movies. But it’s a lot of investing your heart and soul. It can be exhausting.
Gia Coppola
We don’t worry over macro-economic factors when investing, as we are always thinking about the long-term.
Alan Mulally
Investing in industries and technology for the 21st century generates high-skilled, high-wage jobs for industries of the future.
Jay Inslee
I started angel investing because I like hanging out with entrepreneurs.
Gil Penchina
Our nation has slashed budgets for education, job training, economic development, and drug treatment while investing billions in prisons and militarized police. A penal system unprecedented in world history has been born. Millions have been arrested and stripped of basic civil and human rights.
Michelle Alexander
I think people underrate the importance of investing in your communication skills as a way to progress in your career.
Julie Sweet
Investing is the biggest driver of wealth in our country.
Baiju Bhatt
Working together with Democrats and Republicans, I passed legislation to help break the grip of addiction. By investing in prevention, treatment, and recovery, empowering law enforcement, and stopping the overprescribing of painkillers, we can turn the tide.
Rob Portman
Not only does investing in your infrastructure provide very good construction jobs, at the end of the project, you have something.
Shelley Berkley
We’re investing record sums on buses and trains. We have a huge programme to encourage people to walk and cycle, and everyone up to and including the PM has been looking closely at how we can promote electric vehicles, hybrids, and other technologies.
Geoff Hoon
I think that survivorship bias, the survivorship bias is something I’m very acutely familiar with because of investing.
Tim Ferriss
I’ve been doing a hybrid of investing and entrepreneurship, which I think initially I wasn’t set out to do. But I realized it fit my personality.
Sean Parker
While we should certainly be investing in our own STEM education, we should take advantage of the thousands of international students who come here to study and are ready to fill these gaps immediately upon graduation.
Brad Feld
Here we were talking about economic development, about investing billions of dollars in various programs, and I could see it wasn’t billions of dollars people needed right away.
Muhammad Yunus
Ethanol reduces our dependence on foreign sources of oil and is an important weapon in the War on Terror. By investing in South Dakota’s ethanol producers, we will strengthen our energy security and create new jobs.
John Thune
The exact details of how you practice value investing will vary investor to investor, but the fundamental principle of scouring the world, looking for dollar bills that you can buy for 50 cents or at some big discount – that is universal to value investing.
Whitney Tilson
We believe the size is almost irrelevant to investment success. Our size has certainly not diminished our enthusiasm for investing in our funds, our ability to find or create opportunities, or our performance outlook.
John Paulson
London is becoming more of a business than a place for families. You can’t live here. We’re not investing in the future.
Michail Antonio
There is so much to be gained from investing more time in what we eat. Buying fresh ingredients means knowing where your food comes from and what’s in it.
Carl Honore
Many of the basic lessons of business, such as the critical value of customer service or measuring risk against reward when investing capital, have essential application in government, but not in a vacuum.
John Hickenlooper
President Barack Obama talks about the need to ‘invest’ in alternative energy sources. But the reality is that he is not investing his money – he’s spending yours.
Mike Pompeo
You, your employer and your plan’s investment managers fail to follow even the most basic rules of investing. You overtrade, chase performance, do not think long term. All of you – All Of You – have done a horrible job managing your retirement plans.
Barry Ritholtz
Supporting and investing in local economic projects has always been a significant part of my agenda.
Ned Lamont
The cloud is one of the most extraordinary opportunities of our lifetime. If we’re not investing now, we’ll rue the day we didn’t.
Ruth Porat
We need to simplify the tax code to reward Americans for working hard, investing, saving – and allow families to keep more of their own money.
Todd Young
Families are the foundation of our communities. Investing in the success of Louisiana families means we’re investing in our success as a state.
John Bel Edwards
It is imperative that state and local jurisdictions not scrimp on investing in law enforcement.
William Barr
The potential rewards of small-cap investing do not come without risk.
Whitney Tilson
By innovating and investing in health technology, we be

By innovating and investing in health technology, we believe that we can really change the future of health.
Frans van Houten
Startup investing is one of my things, but it is not my everything.
Chris Sacca
You can’t attain anything without investing time.
Koena Mitra
The unifying factor in my career across investing and entrepreneurship was that the whole time I’ve basically been an involuntary power user of legal services.
Justin Kan
If you stop investing in a modern road system to give an unaffordable electoral bung to new voters, then the investors who could create great jobs for them will be doing so for the younger generation in another country instead.
Chris Grayling
Investing in ports with partners is a very common model for us.
Soren Skou
We look at ‘Kneading Dough’ as a brand that stands for athletes being empowered to have a conversation about finances, about what they’re going to do post-career, what they think about when they’re not competing in their sport, what they’re investing in.
Maverick Carter
China is taking over Brazil, and that is worrying. They are investing in mining, agriculture, energy, ports, and airports.
Jair Bolsonaro
A constant in my approach to investing: You should think politically but unconventionally.
Kenneth Fisher
All I’ll say is if you look at countries where it is – where they are rapidly growing, they’re investing in their infrastructure. They’re investing in their educations. They are trying to streamline regulations, but they’re not neglecting key investments.
Austan Goolsbee
What I hear from folks all the time is ‘us against them.’ It is a core part of what they feel is happening with our government. Investing here, but not there. Listening to some, but not nearly enough. Going into certain neighborhoods, but not others. That divide is something we have to categorically reject.
Lori Lightfoot
Slow investing can have the same impact on startups that slow food has had on cuisine: good things come to those who wait.
Glenn Kelman
Going through chemo is like investing money in a retirement account. You feel the hit right now, but later in life you get to reap the benefits – by still being alive.
Regina Brett
Successful investing is all about common sense.
John C. Bogle
How do you think we build a future? I think we build it by investing in our kids and investing in education.
Elizabeth Warren
During the Enron debacle, it was workers who took the pounding, not bankers. Not only did Enron employees lose their jobs, many lost their retirement savings. That’s because they were at the bottom of the investing food chain.
Robert Kiyosaki
As a professional services company, our people ultimately make the difference in delivering high-quality services to clients. This is why we are so focused on attracting the best people and investing to further develop their skills.
Pierre Nanterme
We don’t know where we’ll end up, but making moments matter – taking a step back to see something from a different vantage point and investing in your core values – can lead to a world of surprises.
Nina Tassler
To me, it’s the kind of interesting question the human race should be investing in. Is there intelligent life out there? Are there other beings out there?
Paul Allen
We need to keep investing in economic and homeland security. We need to bank on the right kind of economic development. We need to embrace opportunities, but with the right kind of safeguards.
John Baldacci
We have an obligation and a responsibility to be investing in our students and our schools. We must make sure that people who have the grades, the desire and the will, but not the money, can still get the best education possible.
Barack Obama
When reviewing one’s portfolio, it is important to be aware of common mental mistakes that may lead to bad decisions. The most powerful is commitment bias, which, as manifested in investing, is the tendency to fall in love with one’s stocks.
Whitney Tilson
The fact that ‘Mom’ is not joke, joke, joke – and is investing in these characters and their lives, things that really happen to people – I think it’s resonating, and that’s why people are tuning into it and not just dismissing it as a multi-cam sitcom.
Allison Janney
As an urban school superintendent, I learned that hiring, training, and investing in professionals to support our children’s social and emotional development, meeting academic expectations for students with special needs, and finding more minutes of instruction in the week, not fewer, mattered.
Michael Bennet
There’s no question about it: the climate crisis is happening now and we need bold action to address it – and that includes investing in electric transportation and rebuilding our infrastructure.
Alex Padilla
You realise the responsibility of carrying a film on your shoulders when people are investing money in you and they recognise the hard work you have to put in.
Vir Das
While digital wallets are paving the way for the future of payments, you still need to assess whether or not they’ll work for your business. If your target audience are less tech-savvy or you’re primarily a cash-only business, it may not be worth investing too much into accepting digital payments.
John Rampton
I also care that the public are getting their 12 dollars worth when they go to a movie, and that they’re not coming out not wanting to ever see a movie with me in it again. I don’t care what people think of me as a person, but I do care what people think of my work, and whether I’m investing enough into it.
Sam Worthington
Maryland schools succeed because we have never stopped investing in our students and doing the things that work.
Martin O’Malley
We talk about long-term patient investing, and that idea that slow and steady does win the race, that time can be your best friend when it comes to investing. That’s why we have a turtle as a logo at Ariel.
Mellody Hobson
By stopping Brexit, investing in skills and providing tailored support to key industries, we can get the UK economy back on track and help the communities that have been hit hardest by the threat of Brexit.
Jo Swinson
Businesses need certainty, to see clearly the rules of

Businesses need certainty, to see clearly the rules of engagement for investing in South Africa.
Nicky Oppenheimer
Both poker and investing are games of incomplete information. You have a certain set of facts and you are looking for situations where you have an edge, whether the edge is psychological or statistical.
David Einhorn
I don’t care what people think of me as a person, but I do care what people think of my work, and whether I’m investing enough into it.
Sam Worthington
It’s difficult to make your clients understand that there are certain days that the market will go up or down 2%, and it’s basically driven by algorithms talking to algorithms. There’s no real rhyme or reason for that. So it’s difficult. We just try to preach long-term investing and staying the course.
Warren Stephens
Well British pension funds have not been investing the savings of British people in British infrastructure.
George Osborne
With the huge benefits of investing in renewables, energy efficiency and demand reduction becoming ever more obvious, it’s clear that there needs to be far greater scrutiny of the policy decisions that are propelling Britain towards a nuclear future.
Caroline Lucas
A lot of people want to start a business, and they’re like, ‘I wanna start a business, give me some money to invest.’ Where is your business plan? Are you investing money yourself into your own business? How is this going to work? People think that they can just come to you with an idea and have money.
Angela Yee
I’m very smart, and I have a great team of people around me investing my money. I’m not buying gold – yet.
Irina Shayk
Our risk systems and processes – we keep investing and improving them.
Ajay Piramal
Investing in your long-term health means cultivating the skills to prepare your own meals, developing healthy eating habits and a willingness to make time to exercise. The earlier you embrace these habits, the healthier you will be in your 50s, 60s and beyond.
Jason Whitlock
If I had a do over, I’d indubitably start investing in startups earlier in life!
David Cohen
Money you won’t need to use for at least seven years is money for investing. The goal here is to have your account grow over time to help you finance a distant goal, such as building a retirement fund. Since your goal is in the future, money for investing belongs in stocks.
Suze Orman
The beauty of diversification is it’s about as close as you can get to a free lunch in investing.
Barry Ritholtz
The grim irony of investing is that we investors as a group not only don’t get what we pay for, we get precisely what we don’t pay for.
John C. Bogle
The way that we are going to solve social problems is by working with multiple different types of investing.
Laurene Powell Jobs
If you’re 35, 45, or even 55 – you have a very long time horizon – 40 years or vastly more. That is you, and/or your spouse, are likely to live about that long, and you’ll be investing the whole way.
Kenneth Fisher
Let’s stop bankrupting the country and start investing in our future.
Seth Moulton