Top 277 Ending Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Ending Quotes from famous people such as Alice Eve, Martin Luther King III, Lev Grossman, Feist, John O’Hurley, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I think that after divorce, I took my life a little bit

I think that after divorce, I took my life a little bit more seriously, because you have to face endings in a way that you maybe never – death in one thing, but an ending in your own chapter. It’s so clearly placed there for you with divorce.
Alice Eve
I believe we should appoint a cabinet-level position that will be solely and fully devoted to ending poverty as we know it in America.
Martin Luther King III
A novel with a bad middle is a bad book. A bad ending is something I’ve just gotten in the habit of forgiving.
Lev Grossman
When I first played ‘1234’ it was on stage in San Francisco at some kind of, like, sticky-floored club. And it felt like a punk song. I mean it’s ridiculous to say that now, but it had that kind of, like, piercing straight melody. And then this fist-pumping ending, you know that pa-dap-pada.
I never like to think of anything from an ending point.
John O’Hurley
I care about dental care, and ending mass private and public surveillance, and funding schools so they can have small class sizes.
Zephyr Teachout
It’s weird because we live in this age of reboots. Everything is getting rebooted: ‘The X-Files,’ ‘Twin Peaks.’ We have shows like ‘Gravity Falls’ that were inspired by these shows, that are now ending and being followed up by reboots of the shows that inspired them.
Alex Hirsch
Rather than showing themselves to be an ally to the middle class by ending the AMT or repealing it for years to come, my Republican colleagues refused to include it in today’s legislation and America’s middle class will surely suffer that choice greatly.
Ellen Tauscher
Endings are really hard to do, and it’s hard to do an ending where it’s sort of collaborative with thousands and thousands of people, and to satisfy all those people is impossible.
Jennifer Hale
There’s always that relief you feel when you’re working on your own series that you can actually make it to your planned ending and that your audience will still be there to support you – and that your publisher will still exist.
Brian K. Vaughan
I was the original Cinderella girl, looking for the happy ending in the fairy story. But my fantasy prince never came.
Evelyn Keyes
Pop culture does not frequently depict women of color realizing their happy ending.
Rachel Lindsay
I don’t like DVD extras. No. Especially when they do things like put out alternative endings? I find all of that a little bizarre, because there should only be one ending. I don’t like to be told, ‘Oh, we could have had it this way,’ for the director’s cut.
Aidan Gillen
I’ve always felt that life is a novel, and part of it is written for you, and part of it is written by you. It’s up to you to write the ending, ultimately.
Lynn Johnston
The quickest way of ending a war is to lose it.
George Orwell
In the World War nothing was more dreadful to witness than a chain of men starting with a battalion commander and ending with an army commander sitting in telephone boxes, improvised or actual, talking, talking, talking, in place of leading, leading, leading.
J. F. C. Fuller
Kubrick never explained the ending to us, or what his intentions were. He didn’t intend for it to be a predictable film.
Keir Dullea
Lobbyists and special interests continue to take advantage of loopholes that allow them to host lavish receptions and pay for trips for members of Congress. Those practices represent exactly what’s wrong with Washington, and I’m committed to ending them.
Sara Gideon
You gotta know when it’s time to hang up. But when I finally go, let me go out on stage, my perfect ending. Don’t let me go when I’m sick or asleep. Let me be in motion.
Bobby Womack
When we played with the Rollins Band, we’d keep songs going until we felt like ending it.
Adam Jones
The stories that I want to tell, especially as a director, don’t necessarily have a perfect ending because, the older you get, the more you appreciate a good day versus a happy ending. You understand that life continues on the next day; the reality of things is what happens tomorrow.
Drew Barrymore
Usually if I find a film that’s challenging, that I’m intrigued by, I want to watch it again knowing what the ending is. I found that with something like ‘The Godfather Part II.’ I think it took me three watches to fully experience it in the way it was intended.
Edgar Wright
I’d like to be on ‘Graham Norton.’ Just because I used to do the audience warm-up for the ‘Graham Norton’ show, and I just think that would be a beautifully lovely, typical end to a narrative. I like a neat ending.
Ellie Taylor
The journey is never ending. There’s always gonna be growth, improvement, adversity; you just gotta take it all in and do what’s right, continue to grow, continue to live in the moment.
Antonio Brown
We are usually very busy towards the end of the year, so I know that whenever we get super busy, it must be a sign that the year is ending.
To achieve a successful transition, we don’t just have to remove Maduro. We also have to rescue our institutions themselves. That’s why we have set out three phases: ending Maduro’s usurpation of power, implementing a transition government, and holding free elections.
Juan Guaido
Pagan Romans started their midwinter celebrations with the feast of Saturnalia on 17 December, ending them with a new year festival, the Kalendae Januariae, at the start of January – both were celebrated with parties and the exchange of gifts.
Alice Roberts
The mall tour was right off of my second record, before it came out. It was very different. I did an acoustic performance every day in a different mall! One interesting thing I remember is playing ‘My Happy Ending’ a lot, and that song was so new that I remember getting emotional.
Avril Lavigne
The reason I choose the stories I choose – and it’s why it takes me so long to find ideas – is that I’m looking for that very thing. I want an idea that begins, I want a middle that is compelling and will bring readers along, and I definitely want an ending.
Erik Larson
Working at Palace was one of the happiest episodes of my football career, even though the ending was one of the most upsetting and traumatic.
Neil Warnock
Youth is in a grand flush, like the hot days of ending summer; and pleasant dreams thrall your spirit, like the smoky atmosphere that bathes the landscape of an August day.
Donald G. Mitchell
I work very deliberately, with a plan. But sometimes I

I work very deliberately, with a plan. But sometimes I come to a point that I planned as the end and it needs softening. Ending a novel is almost like putting a child to sleep – it can’t be done abruptly.
Colm Toibin
Me and Drake, we just met each other in passing on the road. We kicked it a few times. We kept ending up in the same circles. Eventually we figured out we wanted to work.
As big a problem as gun violence is for Chicago, it is not beyond our ability to solve. Ending this string of tragedies is our top priority as a city. We are infusing our police department with the manpower, technology and training to meet this challenge head on.
Rahm Emanuel
I usually have a general idea of where the story is going, but I try to avoid planning in too much detail. The best endings are those that emerge only after I’ve thought long and hard about the various ways the story might end. Then I choose the ending that seems surprising yet somehow inevitable.
Karl Iagnemma
Hamish is worried about ending up like my parents, who each spend time in their two homes in Bundanoon and Sydney. But that’s how their marriage has lasted.
Zoe Foster Blake
There are a lot of leaders that talk about ending things like oppression – whether it’s discrimination or getting a job – but the reason for all of this stuff is somebody’s making a profit off our backs. That’s the reason why black people were brought here in the first place. It was a profit motive.
Boots Riley
In truth, ending DACA will cost us tens of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in economic activity.
Raja Krishnamoorthi
The happy ending is hardly important, though we may be glad it’s there. The real joy is knowing that if you felt the trouble in the story, your kingdom isn’t dead.
Lynda Barry
The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending, then having the two as close together as possible.
George Burns
It’s been kind of a weird transition from ending ‘The Bachelor’ to starting ‘Dancing with the Stars.’
Nick Viall
I was reading stories by Raymond Carver and some of his stuff sort of ended abruptly here and there, where in other short stories that I’ve read have a bit of an ending, a climax, a twist or something like that.
I wouldn’t know the political solution to ending the conflict in those countries that refugees escape from. The only thing I know for sure, however, is that we need to help these people.
Bianca Balti
I want an ending that’s satisfying. I’m more of a classical writer than a modernist one in that I want the ending to be coherent and feel like an ending. I don’t like when it just seems to putter out. I mean, life is chaotic enough.
Jeffrey Eugenides
Stop-and-search has the potential to cause immense resentment and honesty to the police, with all the implications that has for generating distrust and ending co-operation from the public, if it is not used fairly.
Theresa May
In most of our dreams, our inner eye of reflection is shut and we sleep within our sleep. The exception takes place when we seem to awake within our dreams, without disturbing or ending the dream state, and learn to recognize that we are dreaming while the dream is still happening.
Stephen LaBerge
Our warriors and their families don’t ask for much. But there are a few things we’d like. A commander-in-chief who speaks of winning wars and not merely ending wars, calls the enemy by its name, and draws red lines carefully but enforces them ruthlessly.
Tom Cotton
So, you know, I think the age of exploration is just beginning, not ending, on our planet.
Robert Ballard
In those early days, the important thing was the happy ending. I did not tolerate unhappy endings – for my heroines, anyway. And later on, I began to read things like ‘Wuthering Heights,’ and very, very unhappy endings would take place, so I changed my ideas completely and went in for the tragic, which I enjoyed.
Alice Munro
Healthy children are born from healthy, respected, well-nourished and educated mothers and it is imperative that they have a voice in the decisions which affect them. If you empower a mother and let her have her say towards a poverty-free future, the positive impact this would have on ending hunger will be immense.
Dionne Warwick
Everything you write makes you better. But if you really need a tip, here’s one: a good story begins in opposition to its ending. That means you work out how it finishes first, and then begin the story as far away from that point – in terms of character development – as you can.
Chris Wooding
I always liked movies like ‘American Graffiti’ and ‘Gregory’s Girl.’ ‘Gregory’s Girl’ is particularly perfect because it really captures that summer holiday bubble of teenage utopia. Even though it’s got a happy ending, there’s a feeling that these characters may never see each other again.
Edgar Wright
Radical thought has inspired many of the great political and social reform movements in American history, from ending slavery to establishing the minimum wage.
Carl Bernstein
I have been fortunate. I have done so many things and enjoyed so many things and had such a great life, not to imply that it is ending, but that there aren’t many things that I feel I have left undone.
Lois Lowry
I didn’t make ‘The Sixth Sense’ because I thought the ending wouldn’t work!
Amy Pascal
The longest show I’ve ever done was four and a half years, so I can only imagine what ending an eight year show is like.
Scott Bakula
In this one book are the two most interesting personalities in the whole world – God and yourself. The Bible is the story of God and man, a love story in which you and I must write our own ending, our unfinished autobiography of the creature and the Creator.
Fulton Oursler
I could very well see myself ending my professional career at Kaiserslautern.
Miroslav Klose
I remember when I was – I must’ve been 17 or 18 years old – I remember ‘The Empire Strikes Back’ had a big cliffhanger ending, and it was, like, three years before the next one came out.
Peter Jackson
I often find that writers who disavow the importance of an ending are just not very good at endings.
Anthony McCarten
As a writer, you’re making a pact with the reader; you’re saying, ‘Look, I know and you know that if this book was really a murder investigation, it would be a thousand pages long and would be very dull, and you would be very unhappy with the ending.’
Mark Billingham
I like happy endings in movies. I think life has a happy ending. When it’s all said and done, it’s all something worthwhile, and I want my movies to reflect that. There are enough things to be sad about. When you pop in a movie, let the message be one that’s one of hope.
Jon Favreau
The battle of getting better is never ending.

The battle of getting better is never ending.
Antonio Brown
As the war on terrorism spreads and prolongs, the fruits of ending the threat of terrorism around the world will be tempered with a whole new series of problems to be addressed and resolved.
Charles Bass
One: balance the budget now, not later. Two: Get Americans jobs by ending illegal immigration and making legal immigration harder. Lastly: Impose term limits.
Virgil Goode
We expect President Bush to implement his own vision of a two-state solution, the birth of the Palestinian State and the ending of the occupation that started in 1967.
Mahmoud Abbas
A better ending could not have been scripted. Of course, if we had won, that would have been better.
Bobby Bowden
Fairly early in my career, I had a passion for wine just as a consumer, and I started to learn about the whole process, starting with a piece of raw ground, and ending up with a work of art in a bottle.
Drew Bledsoe
On the last drafts, I focus on the words themselves, including the rub of vowels and consonants, stressed and unstressed syllables. Yet even at this stage I’m often surprised. A different ending or a new character shows up and I’m back to where I began, letting the story happen, just trying to stay out of the way.
Ron Rash
Whether you’re working in corporate America or you’re a journalist, construction worker, a teacher or an actor – we’re all trying to keep working. If one job is ending, you look for another job. When ‘Psych’ ends, I will be looking for another job.
Dule Hill
Intimacies between women often go backwards, beginning in revelations and ending in small talk.
Elizabeth Bowen
If you actually read the ‘New Gods’ tetralogy, this epic without an ending, it’s like dipping your head into madness. You feel a little bit like the Joker for a little while. And I mean that in the best way possible.
Tom King
The world record is like you we went to the theater to see this movie, and it was really good, and it had an unexpected ending, and you left the theater saying, ‘Wow, that was such a great movie.’
Ashton Eaton
When Tony was madly in love with me, his relationship with Vanessa Redgrave was ending.
Jeanne Moreau
What then is tragedy? In the Elizabethan period it was assumed that a play ending in death was a tragedy, but in recent years we have come to understand that to live on is sometimes far more tragic than death.
George Pierce Baker
When I was young, all the books were about a Mary Jane and the football player and the prom and ending up with the quiet guy and making your mom happy.
S. E. Hinton
I am not satisfied with the ending of ‘Mount Eerie’ the album, so maybe by calling myself that, I am attempting to elaborate on the ending.
Phil Elverum
We must work to build a criminal-legal system that is deeply rooted in a love for humanity, which begins with ending the federal death penalty in our country.
Cori Bush
The idea of viewers getting invested in a series is that you’re getting invested in the reality of these characters’ lives that, in fact, don’t have an ending.
Darren Star
My mom did this really cool thing: when ‘Pulp Fiction’ came out on video, she made, like, a ‘mommy edit.’ She took two VCRs and dubbed ‘Pulp Fiction’ from one tape to the next and edited out all the parts she thought were unsuitable for a kid. It was basically, like, the opening and ending credits.
Paul Rust
Maybe there’s a sort of veneer of optimism about U.S. comedy, whereas perhaps in England, we don’t mind ending it on a sourer note.
Stephen Merchant
To come up with the ending to a story and then work backwards is like tying your shoe with one hand only.
Donald McKay
The Eagles ended on a rather abrupt note, although in retrospect I realize now that it had been ending for quite some time.
Don Henley
A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. Don’t wait for an inspired ending to come to mind. Work your way to the ending and see what comes up.
Andy Weir
The most propagandistic element of ‘Frozen’ was the transformation of the prince at the beginning of the story, who was a perfectly good guy, into a villain with no character development whatsoever about three-quarters of the way to the ending.
Jordan Peterson
Just because you started off one way don’t mean the ending of the book has to be the way you started.
Bernard Hopkins
Imagine a libertarian president ending impediments to free markets.
Gary Johnson
My own way of writing is very meditated and, despite my reputation, rather slow-moving. So I do spend a good deal of time contemplating endings. The final ending is usually arrived at simply by intuition.
Joyce Carol Oates
I love the ending of a movie where two people end up together. Preferably if there’s rain and an airport or running or a confession of love.
Taylor Swift
Life’s like a movie, write your own ending. Keep believing, keep pretending.
Jim Henson
As the time goes by, you change, your learn new things, your attitude is different. For the moment, I’m still enjoying ski racing so much that it would be difficult for me to think about ending my career.
Hermann Maier
If all purchases are spontaneous and simply driven by what is seen and loved, there is a high risk of ending up with 10 cocktail dresses and no outfits for work.
Aslaug Magnusdottir
In a professional service environment, you often work on one engagement or deal after another, with one ending before the next begins.
Andrew Yang
The Russian revolution is one of history's car wrecks.

The Russian revolution is one of history’s car wrecks. We do know the ending, but we continue to watch. It expresses aspects of human nature we find unacceptable.
Kathryn Harrison
There’s this thing in TV that I find hysterical where the writers and creators will ask us if you want to know what happens to your character or if you want to experience it episode by episode. In the theatre, we always know the ending; we always know where the character is going.
Carrie Coon
I’ve always had a lot of story ideas rattling around in my head, but ‘Nimona’ felt very tangible very early. I knew the ending. So I just started making more and more pages, and then I made it a webcomic, like, ‘OK, I’m really gonna do this.’
Noelle Stevenson
I have written to Israel’s friends around the world, including the U.S. Congress and the E.U., and asked them to make funding for the United Nations dependent on ending blatant discrimination against Israel at the U.N. Human Rights Council.
Yair Lapid
Would I have watched another season of ‘Breaking Bad’? Of course. Would I have watched another two seasons of ‘Breaking Bad’? Of course. The fact that I would easily have watched much, much more than I got made the ending so much more poignant and stronger and better for me.
D. B. Weiss
I can make something for a long time and just not come up with an ending. It’s finishing things that I don’t enjoy.
Jamie xx
Any time you’re trying to do a movie with a happy ending, it’s very difficult because it’s been done before and you don’t want to be manipulative.
Tim Robbins
My mom ending up passing away, and I got really depressed and didn’t have money for therapy, and so I started doing standup to cope with my mom’s death.
Cristela Alonzo
‘Zabriskie Point’ was a time when I was in a lot of change and flux, and these incredible visuals hit me like they had rearranged the organs in my body. The ending and the free-floating debris and everything is an image that burned itself in my consciousness.
Bill Pullman
Ending child poverty, stopping the opioid crisis, improving child nutrition, providing a high-quality public education to students, ending the racial wealth gap: These kinds of policies would boost the economy, too.
Annie Lowrey
Not everything has a happy ending, and not everything has an ending. Some things just kind of dribble away or cut off abruptly.
Susanna Kaysen
No one ever gets to write their ending, write their final script.
Greg Olsen
I know I am not Braddock’s savior, never felt that way, and never will. There’s no ‘Rudy’ style ending waiting for me where I get carried off the field and everything turns out O.K. for me or for Braddock.
John Fetterman
You base your actions on a projected ending, which you actually don’t know. However, when you reach the crucial point, and the pinnacle event doesn’t occur, you just need to go on, and something else will happen.
Elif Batuman
Death doesn’t frighten me; now I can think peacefully of ending a long life.
Jeanne Calment
Government officials and citizens care about many causes – and they all require resources. For example, I am personally passionate about ending the human trafficking that still occurs within our borders.
Joe Lonsdale
I would like to have the original ending to my Lord of the Rings instead of the one they released. In my original cut I had the victory at Helm’s Deep as the final sequence.
Ralph Bakshi
The rumors of Frank Sinatra’s violence and his ties to organized crime were such that journalists joked in print about me ending up in concrete boots and sleeping with the fishes if I proceeded to write his biography.
Kitty Kelley
We all have different thresholds for sentimentality. For me, it’s a hard won happy ending.
Paul Bettany
In a film, you only have a finite amount of time, and you’re so concerned with saying what happened and making it a gripping short story with a satisfying ending.
Lisa Joy
The first Romanov ruler was just 16 when he was crowned Tsar Michael I in Moscow in 1613, thus ending the ‘Time of Troubles’ sparked by Ivan the Terrible’s death.
Saul David
The ‘Bachelor’ producers have scripted and are responsible for certain events: the first moon landing, the end of the cold war, Astro-turf, and the Internet (sorry, Al Gore, it was us). But we are not responsible for, nor have we ever scripted, the ending of this show.
Chris Harrison
We have so much work to do to meet the challenges of people living on our streets. But every day we are out there doing the work, finding solutions not only to help those living on our streets, but to prevent more people from ending up there in the future.
London Breed
By ending congressional taxpayer-funded pensions, we will take one more step toward draining the swamp in Washington.
Mike Braun
I hope and believe all the people that worked very closely with me at BHS for all those years, and some for the whole journey, will know it was never my intention for the business to have the ending it did.
Philip Green
There is a lot of work out there to take people out of the loop in things like medical diagnosis. But if you are taking humans out of the loop, you are in danger of ending up with a very cold form of AI that really has no sense of human interest, human emotions, or human values.
Louis B. Rosenberg
Skyjackers had a pretty abysmal success rate – once you commandeered a plane in American airspace, your odds of a happy ending were slim. After the epidemic ended in 1973, what folks tended to remember most about the skyjackers was their futility.
Brendan I. Koerner
Farmfree production promises a far more stable and reliable food supply that can be grown anywhere, even in countries without farmland. It could be crucial to ending world hunger.
George Monbiot
If you’re fighting with your boyfriend, you can go to the movies and cry it out and leave happy because the ending of the film is happy.
Lindsay Lohan
Anybody can do research. The plotting of the novel, writing the ending before you write anything else, which I always do – I don’t know that everybody can do that. That’s the hard part.
John Irving
I make notes about things I see in films that really affect me, like the ending of ‘Jules and Jim.’ I think about how I can utilize things in my work. And I have a team of people who keep me down to earth.
John Singleton
The main thing for me is I really like strong endings.

The main thing for me is I really like strong endings. If there’s a strong ending, you can take more time in the beginning, your first act can be really quite different.
Tony Gilroy
Almost every football player played on the streets. And also, a lot of people not ending up as football players play on the streets. It’s the beginning of a lot of social gathering.
Edgar Davids
There was a different ending to ‘New Moon’ originally. It was a much quieter book. It was very much all in Bella’s head.
Stephenie Meyer
The sudden ending of a White House career all seems so unceremonious for aides who have personally sacrificed a lot – and sometimes even bent their conscience – to do the president’s bidding.
Helen Thomas
I can’t say that the ending of a story is always the best part of the story, and yet there’s sort of this implicit idea that the finale is somehow supposed to be the mind-blowing best episode of a show. The question is: Why is that? Why do people make that assumption?
Carlton Cuse
The hard thing about ‘The Saint’ was that my character was supposed to die, but then they reshot the ending based on tests and she lives. I created the character based on her dying – she would never have been as innocent otherwise. So I didn’t have high expectations for that film.
Elisabeth Shue
Anyway, the title The War of the Insect Gods came before we had that ending, before we knew they had become gods. That we knew the evolutionary cycle they went through. Before we even knew anything about that. We had an ending.
Michael O’Donoghue
‘Teen Wolf’ ending is, like, huge. I know no acting without the show, basically.
Dylan O’Brien
Mrs. Palin is history in a dress. And her script is straight out of Hollywood – like those teen movies with the cliched ending featuring the female valedictorian delivering the speech of a lifetime projecting a bold and transformative future with an independent-minded woman in charge.
Andrew Breitbart
In 1953, after the armistice ending the Korean War, South Korea lay in ruins. President Eisenhower was eager to put an end to hostilities that had left his predecessor deeply unpopular, and the war ended in an uneasy stalemate.
Noah Feldman
It’s often the case that the most strained moments in books are the very beginning and the very end – the getting in and the getting out. The ending, especially: it’s awkward, as if the writer doesn’t know when the book is over and nervously says it all again.
Robert Gottlieb
Erdogan thinks if he gets rid of me, he thinks ending me will end the movement. He couldn’t be more wrong.
Fethullah Gulen
I found that I was getting a warm reception for my message of freeing you from the income tax, releasing you from Social Security, ending the insane war on drugs, restoring gun rights, and reducing the federal government to just its constitutional functions.
Harry Browne
Laughter is not at all a bad beginning for a friendship, and it is far the best ending for one.
Oscar Wilde
There are lots of films I wish stopped at installment number one. I like ‘Back to the Future Part II’ and ‘Part III’ enough, but I still like the ending of the first one better.
Edgar Wright
When I left university with a history degree, I had no idea what I wanted to do, and I was terrified of accidentally ending up in the wrong career.
Jane Fallon
I think in many ways the problem that my writing would have with an American reviewer is that Americans find difficulty very hard to take. They are inevitably looking for a happy ending.
Jamaica Kincaid
Find something you really love doing and mix it with something you really care about. That’s why I’ve had such longevity as an artist. I really, really care about ending violence against women, and I really, really love playing music. It’s super enjoyable!
Kathleen Hanna
In the ’90s there were these great end of the world movies like ‘Armageddon’ and ‘Deep Impact’… I always liked the idea of what people on the ground are doing, not so much the people who are trying to stop the world from ending.
Lorene Scafaria
The civil unrest of recent days must come to an end, and the healing process must begin for the future of the community. We will provide assistance both in ending the violence and enabling the healing process in Benton Harbor.
Jennifer Granholm
I’m not worried about suddenly ending up in a city I don’t know.
Stacy Martin
I don’t know that I think women have to throw out the fairy tale ending. I just think they have to decide what their fairy tale ending is – and not go with the standard one that everyone’s told them they’re supposed to have.
Shonda Rhimes
As far as personal philosophies go, I think you should know your ending. I know that’s radically different from a lot of other writers who just organically like to find the story. Other than that, I try different things and mess around. I’m still just playing a good bit.
Jonathan Hickman
Ekk Deewana Tha’ will have a surprise ending to watch out for.
Gautham Menon
When you’re an adult, things mellow out. I think when you’re a teenager and you are sad and the world is ending, everything is about that one sadness.
My specialty at ‘SNL’ was doing triage. There was always a great need for someone to say, ‘Make this funnier. Give me an ending for this. What’s a better big laugh for this towards the end? What’s a better physical joke in this?’ And I just really, over time, honed that specific thing so well.
Paula Pell
We had rising student achievement across the board because high standards, robust accountability, ending social promotion in third grade, real school choice across the board, challenging the teachers union and beating them is the way to go.
Jeb Bush
Dwight Eisenhower, the Republican nominee in 1952, made a strong public commitment to ending the war in Korea, where fighting had reached a stalemate.
Robert Dallek
No-one tells you about being in episodic television and it ending. No-one tells you how painful it is. How bizarre it is when you’ve dedicated your life to one character for five years.
Zawe Ashton
I have again decided to leave my cultural obligations and music to enter the political arena this time to contribute with all my force to ending, once and for all, the PASOK state.
Mikis Theodorakis
‘Mud’ was a depository for a little more nostalgia and just a different kind of feeling, a different kind of mood. Something that’s not so dark. Something that does actually have a happy ending and is a little more hopeful.
Jeff Nichols
While I had no intention of ending the series after 'Th

While I had no intention of ending the series after ‘The Spellmans Strike Again,’ I did close many doors in that book and, with the fifth one, I was opening a lot of doors and not finding anything behind them and then opening another door and another until I found something. It was a while before I found my stride.
Lisa Lutz
‘The Sixth Sense’ was a very enjoyable, successful movie despite the fact that there were plenty of people, including myself, who saw the ending coming.
Marc Guggenheim
Far from ending, systemic racism reinvents itself to conform to what is publically acceptable, leaving the quality of black life diminished and more permanently fixed with each passing decade.
Opal Tometi
If you are writing a thriller with violence in it, the ending must be violent. You are delivering a promise to your reader.
Gayle Lynds
It is inconceivable for our unconscious to imagine an actual ending of our own life here on Earth, and if this life of ours has to end, the ending is always attributed to a malicious intervention from the outside by someone else.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
I first got involved with ending world hunger, and I got hip to the facts about it – what a huge problem it was and how it wasn’t a matter of not having food or not knowing how to end it, but it was a matter of creating the political will.
Jeff Bridges
If any person examines by the microscope that part towards the extremity of the spider’s body from whence its thread proceeds, he will observe the spot to be, as it were, surrounded by five several protuberances or risings, each ending in a point and altogether forming a kind of enclosure.
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
At the center of the religious life is a peculiar kind of joy, the prospect of a happy ending that blossoms from necessarily painful ordeals, the promise of human difficulties embraced and overcome.
Huston Smith
Maybe my fairy tale has a different ending than I dreamed it would. But that’s OK.
Kim Kardashian
Pour not on the comforts you want, but upon the mercies you have. Look rather at God’s ending in afflicting, than to the measure and degree of your affliction.
Christopher Love
The odds against an adoptee ending up as the child of the President of the United States are staggering. But then, so are the odds against a movie star becoming president.
Michael Reagan
I think stories do have an ending. I think they need to have an ending eventually because that is a story: a beginning, middle and end. If you draw out the end too long, I think storytelling can get tired.
Melissa Rosenberg
I thought that ending Glass-Steagall was a mistake.
John Gutfreund
So instead of talking about theoretical ways of ending the war and violence, I say that we have to get rid of the individual asholes in each office and situation.
Colin Quinn
I’m embarrassed to admit that I thought the world was ending my junior year of high school after a dye job reacted badly with my perm and left me with a sparse and burnt up hairline. Even though I went natural a few years later, my edges never seemed to recover.
Franchesca Ramsey
By scrapping the government’s centrally dictated density targets we’ll ensure that the right type of new homes are built where they’re needed, ending the glut of one- and two-bedroom flats.
Grant Shapps
We must erase bin Laden’s ugly legacy, not extend it: by ending the Patriot Act’s erosion of our civil liberties, we can protect the freedoms that make America worth fighting for.
Aaron Swartz
A woman who is not ready to have a baby making it work is not a happy ending to me. It’s a personal nightmare.
Jenny Slate
I don’t see novels ending with any real sense of closure.
Michael Ondaatje
The first script I got was Narc and I really responded to it; it reminded me of a ’70s type movie, I really liked the characters, I didn’t anticipate the ending.
Ray Liotta
Republicans in Congress boosted the economy by cutting taxes and ending programs that don’t work.
Zach Wamp
If you think about filmmaking as an entire spectrum, starting with the writer and ending with maybe the marketing department, the actor’s contribution is a rather slender band.
William Mapother
Horizontal and vertical sprawl… are the dinosaurs of an ending fossil-fuel age of synthetic culture.
Leon Krier
There’s certainly a huge element of luck in me ending up where I’ve ended up.
Clive Owen
Ending racial discrimination in jury selection can be accomplished only by eliminating peremptory challenges entirely.
Thurgood Marshall
We know we cannot achieve our twin goals of ending poverty and boosting shared prosperity without ending poverty and creating equality for women and girls.
Sri Mulyani Indrawati
When mothers earn their fair share, young children have greater access to quality health care, educational opportunities, and safe communities. By ending the wage gap, we will help ensure that every child can achieve his or her God-given potential.
Kirsten Gillibrand
‘Four Weddings and a Funeral’ is one of my favorite movies, and I laugh all the time, and I cry during the one funeral. But I’ll say that ‘Monsters, Inc.’ is a movie that really gets me super-emotional. Especially the ending.
Kumail Nanjiani
Nowadays, everyone has a camera phone, and you have to be careful about being caught out there looking crazy and ending up on the Internet.
Keith Sweat
I used to think I was a bad person, I’d drink and gamble a lot and I didn’t want to but I kept on doing it and ending back at the same place. It made me think ‘this can’t be right, I’m not that bad of a person’.
Paul Merson
‘Sleepless’ was a script that had been written by three or four other writers before me, and it never really worked, but it had this amazing ending on the top of the Empire State Building that just worked, no matter what came before it.
Nora Ephron
What's really scary about the original 'Blair Witch' is

What’s really scary about the original ‘Blair Witch’ is that it doesn’t really answer any questions, so what makes that ending so scary is you walk out feeling dirty because you don’t even know what happened. It feels wrong.
Adam Wingard
I don’t disagree with ending Congress’ retirement program. I’m a governor; I don’t have a retirement program in my state, and I don’t disagree with that.
Chris Christie
The Supreme Being I would sign up for would not prove his omnipotence by saving one life while ending dozens, or hundreds, or thousands. Nor would he summon an angel to heaven by ending a first grader’s life at the hands of a gunman or sadist.
Jeff Greenfield
Peace is a never ending process… It cannot ignore our differences or overlook our common interests. It requires us to work and live together.
Óscar Arias
Korea has a long way to go before ending corruption. But Mayor Goh has certainly taken an important step toward it.
Park Won-soon
Whenever I have given lectures to a large audience before, I have always looked for an ending that gives a ‘wow’ feeling.
May-Britt Moser
I’m trying to write poems that involve beginning at a known place, and ending up at a slightly different place. I’m trying to take a little journey from one place to another, and it’s usually from a realistic place, to a place in the imagination.
Billy Collins
I hate to go to movies or watch a TV show and know the ending within 15 minutes.
Amaury Nolasco
My intent was to carry out my duty as a doctor, to end their suffering. Unfortunately, that entailed, in their cases, ending of the life.
Jack Kevorkian
Just about every therapist or counselor or social worker is practiced in dealing with people going through failing relationships, ending them, and confronting issues of custody and support.
Laura Wasser
In general, the hedge funds were clobbered by the 1969 bear market, ending up in many cases with records that were worse than those put together by aggressive mutual funds denied the luxury of short sales.
Carol Loomis
Such a thing as ending unemployment would never occur to Washington politicians because their corporate backers depend on the threat of unemployment to keep wages down.
Jill Stein
Writing is truly a creative art – putting word to a blank piece of paper and ending up with a full-fledged story rife with character and plot.
William Shatner
The ending is really the most important part of the movie. If the first hour and 20 minutes is terrific and the last ten minutes stinks, everybody walks out of the theatre and says: ‘That was a lousy movie!’
Larry Cohen
Before any decision is made on proposals for ending conversion therapy we must understand the problem, the range of options available and the impact they would have.
Kemi Badenoch
It’s a tough job to tell a story when the audience already knows the ending, and the ending is bleak.
Walter Jon Williams
I’ve never heard of a comedy that hasn’t had reshoots, especially for the ending of a movie in a comedy.
Bradley Cooper
I like a happy ending. That’s what I do all the time. I like to make people feel happy.
Mort Walker
I wanted the ending of ‘Water Lilies’ to be open, so that everyone can have their point of view about what will happen to the girls.
Celine Sciamma
It’s different from being 21 and you think there’s endless amount of opportunities. At 33, the ending is much, much closer.
Kobe Bryant
I was taught that poems don’t end, they just kind of stop. There’s never an ending to a poem; it’s a continuation for later. When I write, I write for me, and I write in poetic form.
I used to feel defensive when people would say, ‘Yes, but your books have happy endings’, as if that made them worthless, or unrealistic. Some people do get happy endings, even if it’s only for a while. I would rather never be published again than write a downbeat ending.
Marian Keyes
I think if you ask any of us here, we all dreamed of ending up on Saturday Night Live. I remember thinking, ‘I’ll just keep doing this as long as I can get away with it.’
Tina Fey
I was playing ‘The Flight of the Bumblebee,’ and I totally forgot the ending, so I performed the whole piece again, and I still couldn’t remember it.
Holly Hunter
It isn’t necessary to imagine the world ending in fire or ice. There are two other possibilities: one is paperwork, and the other is nostalgia.
Frank Zappa
To assume all the powers is not good for anybody. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. All those experiments have a bad ending.
Rafael Correa
Where there is a will, there is a way. If there is a chance in a million that you can do something, anything, to keep what you want from ending, do it. Pry the door open or, if need be, wedge your foot in that door and keep it open.
Pauline Kael
I don’t really like politics that much. And I like the order and simplicity of sports. They have an ending. You can argue with your friends about it, but in the end you still like sports. I almost love the fantasy world of sports more than the real world.
Norm MacDonald
I think you need to see parts one, two, and three of ‘The Omen.’ And then just skip the ending of number three – it’s so bad it makes me want to put my foot through the TV.
Tobias Forge
There’s always a party ending every day but also a new one being made. They are just chapters in our lives, ending and beginning.
Astrid S
My answer to those who oppose my appointment as CEO is that this is really a decision of the YWCA. They want to strengthen their grassroots to advocate on behalf of women’s and children’s empowerment and ending racism.
Patricia Ireland
Neither an almost $35 million Mueller investigation, en

Neither an almost $35 million Mueller investigation, ending in an exonerating report, nor a sham impeachment effort could deter Trump from moving forward with the business of the American people.
Kayleigh McEnany
The ‘Bachelor’ franchise does believe in happy endings – some people get an on-camera happy ending, some people get on off-camera happy ending, and some people get both.
Rachel Lindsay
It’s precisely the disappointing stories, which have no proper ending and therefore no proper meaning, that sound true to life.
Max Frisch
Horror isn’t only about ghosts or monsters. For example, paranormal romance seems the antithesis of horror. Once you have a sexy, fun vampire who is sweet, and you have a happy ending, it’s not horror.
Ellen Datlow
In the theatrical works we love and admire the most, the ending of the drama generally takes place offstage.
Gustav Mahler
As a producer, it’s not unusual to find yourself on the field, backstage, often with a camera crew and living with constant anxiety of accidentally ending up in the shot.
Mary Pilon
Attention to diet, exercise, avoiding or at least limiting alcohol, ending smoking, protecting our skin from the sun and avoiding stress are important to live healthier lives, with lower cancer risk.
Margaret Cuomo
It’s become very popular in contemporary films to have the twist ending.
Bill Paxton
‘Game Never Ending’ came out of an earlier game called ‘NeoPets,’ a children’s game that adults also played. It was a series of mini-games where you accrue points and can acquire objects – houses and all kinds of stuff.
Caterina Fake
Death is either an incredible ending to a story or, more often than not if you ask the right questions, it’s the beginning of a story.
Alex Graves
I didn’t know many people in London and became depressed, ending up in therapy. One day, the therapist called me Josh instead of Jacob, and I was mortified. I was telling this woman things I’d never told anyone, and she didn’t even know my name.
Jacob Anderson
It’s always easiest for me as a writer if I know I have a great ending. It can make everything else work. If you don’t have a good ending, it’s the hardest things in the world to come up with one. I always loved the ending of ‘The Kite Runner,’ and the scenes that are most faithful to the book are the last few scenes.
David Benioff
Far more than dreading ending up in a care home myself, I dread having to put my husband in one.
Laurie Graham
I think of dystopian as ‘Mad Max,’ as ‘Book of Eli,’ as the world is ending.
Tyra Banks
Atoms of Element 118 fill an outer shell with electrons, creating a special type of element called a noble gas. Noble gases are natural turning points on the table, ending one row and pointing to the next.
Sam Kean
Dedicating your life to something, dedicating time to something, ending up achieving it and maybe doing better than that. Me personally, that would be a Stanley Cup. That’s something I’ve dreamed of my whole life. I think that’s why every hockey player at this level plays.
Jack Hughes
No, come to think of it, I don’t think the Cure will end, but I can make up an ending if you want me to.
Robert Smith
The ending of irrational fantasies is always going to come as a rude jolt.
Dominic Grieve
Relationships ending are painful, and you can choose to carry that, or you can choose to reframe it.
Kate Hudson
‘Not Another Happy Ending’ is a romantic comedy starring Karen Gillan and Stanley Weber. It is about these two characters and their relationships.
Henry Ian Cusick
Hillary Clinton has a strong and powerful voice regarding ending violence against women and girls.
Amanda Lindhout
While not my personal favorite of the Disney princess films, ‘The Little Mermaid’ wins hands-down in my book for best Disney adaptation. Little girls waited for more than 150 years for Hans Christian Andersen’s ‘The Little Mermaid’ to have a happy ending. Walt Disney finally gave it to her.
Alethea Kontis
You are not a beautiful, unique snowflake… This is your life, and it’s ending one minute at a time.
Chuck Palahniuk
To have a film where there’s an evil figure and a good person fights against the evil figure and everything becomes a happy ending, that’s one way to make a film. But then that means you have to draw, as an animator, the evil figure. And it’s not very pleasant to draw evil figures.
Hayao Miyazaki
Avoid extremes: be moderate In saving and in spending; An equable and easy gait Will win an easy ending.
Robert W. Service
The American Dream – that’s our folly. That’s our folly. Look where we’re ending up.
Robert Indiana
Doing something to make ourselves feel better is beside the real point of defeating Isis and ending the Syrian civil war.
Crispin Blunt
I think Donald Trump taps into an anger that I hear every day. People are angry that a commonsense thing like securing the border or ending sanctuary cities is somehow considered extreme. It’s not extreme; it’s common sense. We need to secure the border.
Carly Fiorina
Ending educational inequality is going to require systemic change and a long-term, sustained effort. There are no shortcuts and no silver bullets.
Wendy Kopp
All lovely things will have an ending, All lovely things will fade and die; And youth, that’s now so bravely spending, Will beg a penny by and by.
Conrad Aiken
Struggle is a never ending process. Freedom is never really won, you earn it and win it in every generation.
Coretta Scott King
So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their e

So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their ending!
J. R. R. Tolkien
A lot of people think that being skinny is the happy ending, and it’s not. Being happy is the happy ending.
Sarah Millican
At the end of the day, be in the game as the game’s ending. That’s the most important part.
Will Muschamp
I’ve written 18 books, mostly dealing with issues of social justice, ending racism, feminism, and cultural criticism.
bell hooks
Ending Iran’s nuclear threat and bringing it into the international community of law-abiding nations is one of the most pressing U.S. foreign policy objectives.
J. B. Pritzker
I guess because I had such a horrible life growing up, going from place to place not knowing what I was gonna do and ending up being homeless, there was a lot of pain and a lot of anger that was coming out through my guitar playing.
Dave Mustaine
After my grandmother passed away, I felt the urge to take my camera to her flat. I knew this flat from my childhood in Tel Aviv. Going to this flat was like going abroad; there was a real feeling of traveling across Tel Aviv and ending up in Berlin.
Arnon Goldfinger
Sports is the only entertainment where, no matter how many times you go back, you never know the ending.
Neil Simon
As an actor, I think a mistake that any storyteller can make is to play the ending.
John Hawkes
The world is ending, make no mistake. It’s coming to an end. This can’t go on for much longer. Capitalism has to fall.
Frank Dillane
As we began working toward the finale of ‘Lost,’ I knew there was no possible ending that was going to be universally loved, and I accepted that. We ended the story the way we wanted it to end, and we stand by it. On my Twitter feed, I still get ten to fifteen positive comments for every negative one.
Carlton Cuse
In 1992, Bill Clinton ran on a platform of ‘ending welfare as we know it.’ His political worldview, drawn from like-minded thinkers at the Democratic Leadership Council, was based in private sector growth and personal responsibility.
Nina Easton
It is a tough choice between ending up in the cold or ending up in a fiery blast.
Saul Perlmutter
There have been many boxing comebacks over the years, and sadly many of them do not have a happy ending.
Carl Froch
If someone was making a movie about F1 in the last six months, they wouldn’t need to add a Hollywood ending. If they do make that movie, it’s got to be ‘The Curious Case Of Jenson Button,’ where I’ve lived my life backwards. I’d like Johnny Depp to play me but he wouldn’t be quite right.
Jenson Button
In film, because you know where the ending is, characters can change, but in television, you substitute revelation for change, and that can be hard to pull off.
Hugh Laurie
We feel like ‘Lost’ deserved a real resolution, not a ‘snow globe, waking up in bed, it’s all been a dream, cut to black’ kind of ending. We thought that would be kind of a betrayal to an audience that’s been on this journey for six years. We thought that was not the right ending for our show.
Carlton Cuse
There’s a reason a happy ending is called an ending. The trick of a television storyteller is to find all the rivers and mountains and valleys on the way to that ending.
Julie Plec
For many human beings, an interest in the past starts with themselves. That is, in part, a result of biology. Like other creatures, humans have a beginning and an ending, and in between lies their story.
Margaret MacMillan
My favorite thing about movies is the ending, and so all my favorite movies have really great endings.
Emma Stone
I understand what ‘Lost’ was, and I count my blessings. I’m usually happy to talk to people. I don’t think I’ve ever had anybody say anything negative to me about it except, ‘I didn’t get the ending. What the hell was that all about?’ And I’m like, ‘Talk to Damon Lindelof!’
Terry O’Quinn
If the world was ending, I think I would grab some Cinnamon Toast Crunch, a bunch of water, and I’d probably just… I’d probably go crazy.
Tyler, The Creator
Love is life’s end, but never ending. Love is life’s wealth, never spent, but ever spending. Love’s life’s reward, rewarded in rewarding.
Herbert Spencer
The principle of the endless melody is the perpetual becoming of a music that never had any reason for starting, any more than it has any reason for ending.
Igor Stravinsky
I went to Australia from England when I was right at that age when you learn to read. It’s a very confronting thing, traveling halfway around the world and having a mother who was deeply unhappy at ending up in Australia, so you look for some way to find comfort, I guess, and I found it in books.
Terry Hayes
Every parent knows this moment in a child’s age when he or she needs your attention in a very specific way because it’s the beginning and ending of the early life of imagination. It’s such a responsibility.
Nicole Ari Parker
I’ve never done a film before where every single person in the audience knows the ending. I mean suspense, twists are almost impossible these days. People are blogging your endings from their cinema seats.
Danny Boyle
When ‘Mean Girls’ came out, I was 15. So I saw that movie and was like, ‘That is so funny.’ But it still has that fluffy, happy ending, and that doesn’t happen in high school.
Barrett Wilbert Weed
Far too few designers put any thought into usability, ending up with a great product that’s completely inaccessible.
James Dyson