Top 277 Spaces Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Spaces Quotes from famous people such as Charlie Kaufman, Anthea Butler, Drew Barrymore, Petra Collins, Seph Lawless, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I think you just assume that your memory is just sort o

I think you just assume that your memory is just sort of a video playback of your experience, but it’s nothing like that at all. It’s a complete refabrication of an event and a lot of it is made up, because you’re filling in spaces.
Charlie Kaufman
Gentrification is stripping people not only of their homes but also of their dignity and their lives, and it is effectively whitening public spaces.
Anthea Butler
I’ve always been a homemaker, like, I like creating spaces. Even if I stay in a hotel, I’ll unpack, I’ll put my books out, I’ll put my camera out, I’ll throw a sweater over the lamp to get better light. I am a homemaker.
Drew Barrymore
I didn’t see spaces where female artists could exist and exhibit their work. So I created a platform for this – one that allowed our works to be seen, but to also weave a community of women that could lean on and work with one another.
Petra Collins
Shopping malls across the county are dying fast, and my images of them are very nostalgic for most people that grew up attending these malls. These malls were communal spaces. These were gigantic chat rooms before the Internet existed. You went to the mall to meet and communicate with others, not just to shop.
Seph Lawless
I have a platform, and I can help. I can be in spaces that reporters will never be in because I’m a protester.
DeRay Mckesson
In light of the documented benefits of urban trees, we must also ensure that we increase green spaces in underserved communities throughout the city that lack adequate parks and other green spaces.
Letitia James
Loft living is the antithesis of suburban domesticity, if only because the open spaces don’t easily accommodate family life. Lofts also offer residents the opportunity – and responsibility – to structure their own space to reflect what’s important to them.
Virginia Postrel
A lot of the surreal writing that I love is really dreamlike. Like Murakami. He uses the real world, and it’s pretty recognizable, but its populated by these strange visitors, or it has these underground spaces. I was always really compelled by that.
Alexandra Kleeman
Cities could open up their property and assets to sharing economy apps that make it easier to find parking spaces or homes for rent. By aligning private-sector incentives with the public good, cities will create confidence among taxpayers.
Pierre Nanterme
I navigate different cultures daily, and I understand how people can make false assumptions because of their lack of interaction with the cultures I find myself in. But if they don’t frequent these spaces much, how can they rush to judgment?
My music is touching people in whatever spaces they need to be touched in.
‘Superbetter’ looks more like a social media platform or a social network than a typical video game. You know, there aren’t any 3-d spaces to explore. You don’t have this avatar that you’re building up. It’s more about thinking like a gamer.
Jane McGonigal
We turned Cambridge theatre upside down, using odd spaces and devising everything collaboratively. It eventually blew apart, but I’m still proud of some of what we achieved. The style was very disciplined, and we had the sense to keep things short.
David Farr
Sometimes people of color walk into these spaces that are dominated by the dominant culture, and we have to be better, not make as much trouble.
Tanya Saracho
The true face of religion belongs to the re-enchantment of our injured civilization; faith is a way of filling all the spiritual spaces in our damaged world with the vision of a loving God, the God described in the Qur’an as al-Rahman al-Rahim.
Roger Scruton
When you think of technological revolution, you probably think of geeks in cool coastal spaces like the Google campus, or perhaps of math wizards on Wall Street. But one source of rural prosperity is the adoption of radical new technologies – and a consequent surge in productivity.
Chrystia Freeland
We need to make sure we’re creating spaces to create new leaders and new types of leadership.
Alicia Garza
I don’t enjoy living in a white box flooded with light. I like shadows, small spaces, old furniture.
Kevin McCloud
Benches and books have things in common beyond the fact that they’re generally to do with sitting. Both are forms of public privacy, intimate spaces widely shared.
Mal Peet
You know, when people look at a tree, they look at the leaves; they don’t look at the spaces between the leaves. They’re focused on the tree. I think there’s an awareness of spaces or it wouldn’t look like a tree to them.
Keith Jarrett
When we are operating in tight spaces and when the opposition are closing us down, players like Messi can help us to create openings.
Gerardo Martino
Because I grew up in such tight spaces, I don’t get manicures, pedicures. I’m not into cars, but I am into a fabulous house. I wanted the spiral staircase, clean sheets on the bed, to be able to take a shower.
Viola Davis
I’m helping people create beautiful new spaces to spend time with their families.
Christina Anstead
There are many, many more small theater spaces than there were when I was starting out.
Tom Stoppard
The thing with me is, I’m both untidy and I hate mess. But I’m not untidy in communal spaces, like living rooms. My bedroom is havoc.
Alison Moyet
Technology companies tend to operate in winner-take-all spaces and thus adopt a very high-commitment culture.
Andrew Yang
I’m concerned that if we don’t do more to protect our open spaces and reduce climate change, there will be devastating and lasting impacts on us and future generations.
Deb Haaland
Deep down, the US, with its space, its technological refinement, its bluff good conscience, even in those spaces which it opens up for simulation, is the only remaining primitive society.
Jean Baudrillard
When it comes to female fan attention, I’m married, so obviously I avoid the places where you might get unwanted female attention – clubs and social environments, bars and public spaces.
Simon Bird
I’ve reached a stage and an age in my career where I need to do work that keeps me economically and emotionally comfortable. And for that I need to get into spaces that don’t require me to make too many compromises with my beliefs as an an actor.
Victor Banerjee
I asked Ring Lardner the other day how he writes his sh

I asked Ring Lardner the other day how he writes his short stories, and he said he wrote a few widely separated words or phrases on a piece of paper and then went back and filled in the spaces.
Harold Ross
I don’t know if it’s irrational, and I would never say this before, but I think I’m a little bit agoraphobic when I’m in huge crowds of people. I mean, it’s claustrophobic, probably – small spaces and large groups of people, anxiety rises for me.
Taylor Hanson
Architects create spaces that accommodate human activity.
Magnus Larsson
There are so many ways to decorate small spaces. One of my favorite things is throw pillows. They can add so much color to your room. You can have the same bedding for years and just switch out the throw pillows, and it looks like you have a completely new bed.
Bethany Mota
I make spaces that are calm rather than confrontational. I seek a certain kind of logic that allows you to move in space and perceive it as beautiful and rational. Clarity is a worthwhile quality.
Annabelle Selldorf
Microsoft runs the world’s biggest blogging platform, MSN Spaces.
Rebecca MacKinnon
Flipping our classrooms into active learning spaces really is important and having these convenient spaces where people feel comfortable.
Megan Smith
Our fellow players are sometimes occupying the spaces I want to play in. And when I see that, it makes it difficult for me to come to those spaces as well. So that forces me to adjust my runs based on the position of my fellow players. And unfortunately, they’re often playing in my zones. I think that’s a shame.
Robin Van Persie
In a way, the whole notion of a blueprint of a building is not that different from a script for a movie. A sequence of spaces, which is what you do as an architect, is really the same as a sequence of scenes.
Susanne Bier
The eternal silence of these infinite spaces frightens me.
Blaise Pascal
The art of boxing is seeing spaces and being able to take shots. The hitting and being hit have to become one. Your reactions have to be so in the moment. There’s no time to think.
Garry Shandling
You really have to take your time; you have to know your character and your scene. The line you are about to say comes from the moment right before. It’s not what’s said, it’s what is in between the spaces, it’s what’s in between the lines; that is the most important to play.
Sarah Shahi
A few years ago, I realized I was decorating and designing my house around what was beautiful rather than practical for my family. When I made that realization, everything kind of clicked for me. I started being intentional about designing spaces with my kids in mind rather than picture-perfect rooms.
Joanna Gaines
I’ve seen what power women have in unification, and I would love to create co-working spaces and networks for female entrepreneurs.
Molly Bloom
My analysis was directed toward purely physical conditions, such as defective wiring, presence of lack of air spaces between metal flues and woodwork, etc., and the results were presented in these terms.
Benjamin Whorf
In an ever-changing technological landscape, where today’s platforms are not tomorrow’s platforms, the key seems to be that any one of these spaces can use a dose of humanity and art and culture.
Ze Frank
Toxic chemicals present in our homes, schools, work and recreational spaces present a real threat to our health and are increasing cancer risk.
Margaret Cuomo
Processionalism is primary – how you get from one place to another, the relationships and effects of spaces as you move about in them. That’s worked out awfully well in the State Theater. I’m a ‘straight-in’ man myself; I’m too nervous, I like to know where I am. I also like to know where I’m going.
Philip Johnson
Growing up, I never ever thought that I would or could or should be involved in politics. I didn’t see anyone who looked like me in spaces of power.
Michelle Wu
It’s great that New York has large spaces for art. But the enormous immaculate box has become a dated, even oppressive place. Many of these spaces were designed for sprawling installations, large paintings, and the Relational Aesthetics work of the past fifteen years.
Jerry Saltz
Questioning the nature and implications of liminal instances necessarily involves failure, if only in the specifically technical sense of entering spaces where prevailing criteria of success scarcely apply.
Brian Ferneyhough
To be white in America is to assume, with total self-confidence and little afterthought, the personal ownership of public spaces.
Joy Reid
Religion comes from the word ‘re’ or again and ‘ligare’ meaning to bind or tie back. The purpose of religion is to unite the self with God or the creative force. Music, sacred spaces, and meaningful icons are the way we conjoin our minds with the transcendental.
Alex Grey
To me, in general, something that’s really rich in terms of identity about transit spaces is that they’re so intimate. Especially thinking about long international flights when we’re trying to sleep on the plane – we’re total strangers, but we’re sleeping next to each other.
Laura van den Berg
Westerns give people a chance to see wide-open spaces and life before technology took over.
Bill Pullman
And the beautiful open spaces, the forests of Pennsylvania, the recreational uses that come from having these green open spaces and forests, they contribute dramatically to the level of our tourism, dramatically.
Ed Rendell
A lot of things drew me to Texas. One is the wilderness: It’s pretty close to wide open spaces, which I didn’t grow up around and I love. You don’t have to have a lot of money to have a view: The view is the sky, and it’s everywhere.
Patty Griffin
Despite the digital age, there is a very large number of venues and spaces that are looking for plays, and many of them are looking for new plays.
Tom Stoppard
When I’m travelling, I don’t like hotels that much because the spaces they have are really small. So, I look for a homestay or an Airbnb property which is large enough where you could just stretch out to do your thing.
Milind Soman
Artists live in unknown spaces and give themselves over to following something unknown.
Kiki Smith
I’m a writer who simply can’t know what I’m writing about until the writing lets me discover it. In a sense, my writing process embraces the gapped nature of my memory process, leaping across spaces that represent all I’ve lost and establishing fresh patterns within all that remains.
Floyd Skloot
I realized I was a country person - I'm just not used t

I realized I was a country person – I’m just not used to small spaces.
Alice Walker
If U.S. mistakes in the Middle East helped Putin raise Russia’s global profile, China’s missteps and hubris in East and Southeast Asia, once called Indo-China, have opened up new spaces for India’s profile to be raised.
Sanjaya Baru
Headline writing is tough because often times you are given a predetermined number of spaces and words depending on the layout and the type of the story.
Jennifer Lee
Around the world, our cities are not the idealised open, accessible, and cosmopolitan spaces of our dreams. More often than not, they are sectioned and controlled purviews of the radically wealthy, surrounded by clusters of have-nots.
Uzodinma Iweala
Agencies and the executive branch need to enforce the law. They don’t need to fill in the spaces if Congress doesn’t act.
Scott Pruitt
One thing I’m doing on the new Titanic recording is actually bringing in different acoustic spaces.
Gavin Bryars
In wider spaces, people bearing historical grudges with each other were separated by the muting qualities of distance.
Tim Cope
We are increasingly likely to find ourselves in places with background music. No composers have thought to write for these modern spaces, which represent 30% of our musical experience.
Brian Eno
I grew up in wide-open spaces, but they didn’t have the romantic history of the West.
Robert Taylor
I go to Australia probably once every two years. It’s wide-open spaces there, so I just rent a motorcycle and ride out to the middle of the continent. For hours, you don’t see anybody.
Larry Fitzgerald
Preserving parks and open spaces is a winner because it doesn’t need to be explained to everyday Americans.
Frank Luntz
I have found that, in the composition of the human body as compared with the bodies of animals, the organs of sense are duller and coarser. Thus, it is composed of less ingenious instruments, and of spaces less capacious for receiving the faculties of sense.
Leonardo da Vinci
Even as a young child, I was a lover of books and of the spaces in which, as indeed in a sacred temple, books might safely reside.
Joyce Carol Oates
We want to open spaces for young people to thrive in this economy, and that is why we said… when government buys commodities and services, we must have some set aside for young people.
Cyril Ramaphosa
Ungoverned spaces in the Islamic world will be exploited by people who wish us ill. They will not be contained.
David Petraeus
Activating is about changing people’s perceptions of overlooked or invisible spaces. A building can become an archetype, invisible, like for a New Yorker, for example, the Statue of Liberty. You look at it, and it disappears into the thousands of times you’ve already seen it.
Chris Jordan
Sadly, piped music in so many public spaces is often just more noise. Rarely is it carefully designed to enhance our experience; much more likely it is there because retailers have subscribed to an incorrect view that music makes people spend more.
Julian Treasure
If you want to play dominant football, you need to get the ball, think fast, and play quick combinations in small spaces.
Arjen Robben
Drake went through my exhibition. I did meet him in Los Angeles, and he was in the spaces that I did do there, and has some images from that.
James Turrell
We were the ones that from the beginning said that ‘Wide Open Spaces’ was a hit. ‘This is a hit, people are going to relate to it.’
Martie Maguire
I met my husband, Jacob, in medical school. We married and went to live in Hawaii where his family lived. It was very beautiful, but I wasn’t used to being on an island and needed wide open spaces. Eventually we moved to Maine, New England.
Tess Gerritsen
Always be an entertainer. I have rules in offence but it’s all about players finding the right spaces and solutions in the right moments.
Julian Nagelsmann
The idea that we should trust the security of our digital spaces to private companies that have no accountability except to themselves is ridiculous.
Christopher Wylie
I dont have anything against walls. You know what it is? I like open spaces.
Dion Dublin
In modern football the position, the placement of the team and occupying spaces is important.
Marcos Alonso
Terrorists, in ungoverned spaces, disseminate poisonous propaganda and training materials to attract troubled souls around the world to their cause.
James Comey
A song of mine called ‘I’ll Take Care of You’ was on that ‘Wide Open Spaces’ Dixie Chicks album.
J. D. Souther
Noise is the number one problem in modern offices. A big part of addressing this issue is making sure unwanted sound from adjacent spaces doesn’t intrude or interfere.
Julian Treasure
Despite the fact the studio looks out of five windows onto a picture perfect view of sky, hills and wide open spaces, I work with my blinds firmly drawn, daylight filtered through their white canvas, a painterly northern light falling through two big skylights above my table, and nothing visible outside to distract me.
Debi Gliori
Whatever your race, colour or creed in London, you still want your children to get on the housing ladder. You still want spaces in hospitals or GP surgeries, you want school places and you want space on the trains in the mornings.
Chris Grayling
The homes I like the best are totally occupied, busy, and useful, whether it’s a tiny little house or a great big one. Rarely do you find a great big house that’s used in a good way. So I prefer smaller spaces that are full of books, full of things that people are doing.
Martha Stewart
Architects in the past have tended to concentrate their

Architects in the past have tended to concentrate their attention on the building as a static object. I believe dynamics are more important: the dynamics of people, their interaction with spaces and environmental condition.
John Portman
In today’s world, access to the Internet is inarguably critical to function in informal and formal spaces – and the costs to digital segregation are rising.
Letitia James
At Roden Crater, I was interested in taking the cultural artifice of art out into the natural surround. I wanted the work to be enfolded in nature in such a way that light from the sun, moon and stars empowered the spaces. I wanted to bring culture to the natural surround as if one was designing a garden.
James Turrell
Two-thirds of all growth takes place in cities because, by simple fact of population density, our urban spaces are perfect innovation labs. The modern metropolis is jam-packed. People are living atop one another; their ideas are as well.
Peter Diamandis
The science is clear: to solve the climate crisis, we must protect our natural spaces.
Alex Padilla
To see a trans body in this ideal space – on a cover, in an ad – these are spaces that have immense cultural power to dictate what is beautiful, what is glamorous, what is aspirational, what is sexy, what is clean. That can be very powerful and helpful in the de-stigmatization of trans bodies.
Hari Nef
A greater focus on design in all new homes would make the best use of land, create homes and public spaces, and reinforce the structures of urban life.
Richard Rogers
There were a series of moments when I decided that art was important, and it was an important vehicle for me to express my interest in spaces.
Theaster Gates
What you possess is not what you jingle in the pockets of your memory, but the imaginings with which you fill the spaces of the future.
Elizabeth Bibesco
I suppose my job is to describe spaces that are honest to me. And the goal, I suppose, is that the listener can hear themselves in some way in that song and also, in some way, hear me. And so if the listener is able to identify with my honesty then I’m being the most helpful I can possibly be.
Jacob Collier
One likes to think that one anticipates changes in the spaces we inhabit, and our ideas about space.
Jasper Johns
I’m a bad interview because I want to always feel like I’m being totally honest, but at the same time, I’m absolutely paranoid. That combination results in a lot of spaces.
Gale Harold
Indian films have this obsession with hygienic clean spaces, even though the country’s not so clean. They’re either shot in the studios or shot in London, in America, in Switzerland – clean places. Everywhere except India.
Anurag Kashyap
I’m always the person that is DJing spaces and moments. I’m crazy about music.
Stana Katic
A colour is a physical object as soon as we consider its dependence, for instance, upon its luminous source, upon other colours, upon temperatures, upon spaces, and so forth.
Ernst Mach
I actually do bits of my writing in sort of incidental spaces – when I’m traveling on the Tube or on a bus. More often than not, it’s a reaction to how you feel about something, and if you’re sitting down and concentrating on, ‘I must write something,’ then you can’t have a truthful reaction.
Johnny Flynn
If you look at the entrance halls of the skyscrapers of the 1920s and 1930s, they are very welcoming. They are public spaces with enormous amounts of display and marble and so on. They were havens off the street.
Joseph Rykwert
There’s a strong wave of songs by women. Even if the songs are collabs, women have the intro and the chorus, which is what people can sing. We’re getting the credibility, the spaces in the award shows, and people want to hear our point of view.
Karol G
Apart from differentiating our spaces with design, we also look for buildings that have distinctive character. We make sure every seat is a good one.
Miguel McKelvey
New York is perfect for Tanizaki because it’s filled with so many dark spaces.
Cary Fukunaga
Most people don’t grow up. It’s too damn difficult. What happens is most people get older. That’s the truth of it. They honor their credit cards, they find parking spaces, they marry, they have the nerve to have children, but they don’t grow up.
Maya Angelou
Coronavirus is constantly attacking society’s vulnerable classes and spaces. We must shake off the fantasy that we can go back to the past we were accustomed to.
Park Won-soon
With my job, I am designing spaces for families on a weekly basis, and that is where I get my creative outlet.
Joanna Gaines
The Comedy Bar is an intimate club, which I prefer. I refuse to play theatres, because large empty spaces make me nervous, and I don’t enjoy the echo. I’m no sell out. Literally.
Andy Kindler
Each generation is trusted with protecting our open spaces and natural resources to pass them on to future Americans to enjoy.
Mikie Sherrill
People with a lot of money aren’t in the business of throwing it away, and those paying footballers’ wages, organising parking spaces for dead sharks, and even, dare I say it, buying iPads, are doing it because, for them, it’s worth the money.
Ian Watson
The wealth-income ratio in the United States has always been lower than in Europe. The main reason in the early years was that land values bulked less in the wide open spaces of North America. There was, of course, much more land, but it was very cheap.
Robert Solow
Since it’s no longer my singular source of income, I’ve withdrawn from fashion spaces a bit. However, I still have a deep love for fashion and want to continue to work with designers and houses that inspire me – like Rick Owens, whose show I would no doubt walk in again if the opportunity arose.
Hunter Schafer
What is astonishing is that globalised technology, like Whatsapp and Viber, really gives a lot of leeway to negotiating spaces and to keeping one’s identity. So people are able to be more receptive as a gay community to be part of an environment that is going to challenge the law.
Binyavanga Wainaina
The function of arts centers goes far beyond being places for performance. They might not be explicitly religious, but they are civic and social spaces.
Santiago Calatrava
In practice, I’ve had a presence in China since 1998 with my commercial spaces and shops.
Giorgio Armani
I did a few documentaries as co-director and cameraman.

I did a few documentaries as co-director and cameraman. I started off shooting a film about the war in Rhodesia. Then I did a film about an ‘around the world’ yacht race with a friend, and we spent nine months on a yacht. The film was about how people get on in confined spaces under extreme stress.
Roger Deakins
Due to the failure of politics, which has become a process of middle-management, art has become one of the last open spaces to question core beliefs and to design a viable future. Art becomes an open space where we can ask fundamental questions about ourselves.
Antony Gormley
I routinely interview college students, mostly from top schools, and I notice that their brains are like old maps, with lots of blank spaces for the uncharted terrain. It’s not that they lack for motivation or IQ. It’s that they can’t connect the dots when they don’t know where the dots are in the first place.
Bret Stephens
I’ve come to a view that humans will continue to do what we do well, and that computers will continue to do what they do very well, and the two will coexist, but in different spaces.
Eric Schmidt
Everyone who has felt alienated by the games industry, both would-be players and creators, needs to rally together and support one another as we create a space for those of us who don’t fit in traditional spaces.
Zoe Quinn
For so long, Arab culture has been misconceived by the western mindset as exotic, or more recently, as dangerous, so spaces like Mathaf are vital for asserting a sense of connectedness.
Munira Mirza
Girls must understand not only their moral obligation but their power to be allies to each other at parties and other potentially unsafe spaces for girls.
Rachel Simmons
‘Seconds’ is all about spaces, and I guess spaces are kind of like people in that they can be haunting and alluring before we even really get to know them, and after prolonged exposure, they can become mundane or oppressive.
Bryan Lee O’Malley
Our libraries are pillars in the neighborhood – providing vital services, safe spaces to gather, and connections to essential resources.
Cori Bush
Whenever you tell a group of people that they can’t use bathrooms, or they can’t access spaces that other people use, that is dehumanizing. It is discriminatory, and it reinforces the stigma and the prejudices that the transgender community already faces.
Sarah McBride
The reason why access to facilities – and access to public spaces – is so important is because it’s much more difficult to go to work, to go to school, to participate in the public marketplace if you can’t access bathrooms that make sense for you, that match who you are.
Sarah McBride
I have a horror of being in confined spaces.
Hayley Mills
Our job is to get people in, create the spaces, and then get out of the way.
Thomas Heatherwick
There are always safe spaces. You can be a beacon for other people who are struggling. It’s hard to put your heart out there and put it in other peoples’ hands. But the receiving end is gentle.
Many Muslim parents are authoritarian, which leaves young men and women with limited spaces to express themselves. Self-expression and autonomy are regarded as symptoms of ‘Westernisation.’
Deeyah Khan
I kind of like the challenge of jumping into totally different spaces and styles and figuring out how to fit in.
Hugo Weaving
I’ll tell you this: You have to remember to chase and catch your dreams, because if you don’t, your imagination will live in empty spaces, and that’s nowhere land.
Gary Busey
I try to make my music have the quiet spaces of folk, the intimacy, and the energy of rock.
Jane Siberry
In many professional spaces, women are fighting twice as hard as men to get to the same place and get the same opportunities. If you then speak out about your experience of sexual harassment, there is every chance you will not be sent on certain assignments.
Barkha Dutt
I believe in empty spaces; they’re the most wonderful thing.
Anselm Kiefer
As a kid, you don’t have a ton of spaces where you are honored, where what you think is honored and what you say is revered.
Daveed Diggs
While we were promoting ‘Wide Open Spaces,’ we set aside time to write. We went on several writing retreats where nobody could get hold of us. It was the only way we could take a step back and reflect and write and be living a semi-normal life for a while.
Martie Maguire
We’re producing spaces that accommodate human activity. And what I’m interested in is not the styling of that, but the relationship of that as it enhances that activity. And that directly connects to ideas of city-making.
Thom Mayne
It’s not about doing over the living room of someone who has bad taste in color. This is about restoring historic buildings and instilling pride in a community, which can be done through designing new public spaces and social gathering spots.
Genevieve Gorder
I always like to talk about how important space is. Art is in the spaces. Anybody can sing a note; it takes an artist to sing the spaces. Anybody can paint a brushstroke; it takes an artist to know when not to put the brushstroke.
Brian Stokes Mitchell
Here in the Premier League you need to be very quick mentally. Spaces are shorter and the game is much more tactical and tight.
Terrorists in ungoverned spaces – both physical and cyber – readily disseminate propaganda and training materials to attract easily influenced individuals around the world to their cause. They motivate these individuals to act at home or encourage them to travel.
Christopher A. Wray
Of course, museums and galleries and art spaces will continue to ground the art world. But certainly the public – as well as artists – also benefit when art is encountered in other everyday situations.
Agnes Gund
Architects create spaces that accommodate human activity. As opposed to many of its contemporary counterparts, Dune’is not so much focused on the styling of that activity, as on the supporting of it.
Magnus Larsson
A city, far from being a cluster of buildings, is actually a sequence of spaces enclosed and defined by buildings.
I. M. Pei
I live in Boston so I’m used to small spaces.
Jonny Kim
People have been known to joke that my lifelong love of

People have been known to joke that my lifelong love of portal fantasies was born, at least in part, from the fact that stepping into my private spaces is a little like stepping through a portal into another world.
Seanan McGuire
I believe that it’s an author’s job to cast his imagination into the far spaces. Your life should – and I think it’s inescapable that it will – inform your work. I’m all for using anything that can make your art better, but your intuition should be an equal partner.
Brent Weeks
Culture survives in smaller spaces – not in the history books that erect monuments to the nation’s grand history but in cafes and cinema houses, village squares, and half-forgotten libraries.
Amitava Kumar
Speech within the kingdom of Amazonia – run by its sovereign Jeff Bezos and his board of directors with help from the wise counsel and judgment of the company’s executives – is not protected in the same way that speech is constitutionally protected in America’s public spaces.
Rebecca MacKinnon
That’s what fascinates me about these writers’ retreats: You’re in these small spaces with small groups of people, and all of the sudden, the spotlight is shining on you harder than it normally is.
Lynn Coady
There’s a lot of spaces that care about what kids are buying. There are a lot of spaces that care about what kids are watching. But there aren’t a lot of spaces that care about what kids are saying.
Daveed Diggs
When the spaces are small, the crosses have to be good.
Klaas-Jan Huntelaar
I’m very attracted to the great open spaces of the West.
David Hockney
Los Angeles is a city of few hard targets. Its iconic buildings are private spaces, mostly residential, visible by invitation only or in the pages of a Taschen book. Its central industry is as mirage-like as the projection of light on a screen.
Dana Goodyear
Whether it’s freedom to express, freedom to live, freedom to earn, freedom to thrive, freedom to learn, whatever it is, I want to make sure that I’m a part of these spaces and opening doors.
Angela Rye
You don’t need equipment of any kind to get a good workout in. In fact, you can get a good workout in the smallest of spaces, from a dorm room, to a studio apartment to a hotel room.
Harley Pasternak
The spaces we live in should tell our story.
Jeremiah Brent
I don’t plan out my visits rigorously, but I do have a list of about 125 New York galleries, alternative spaces, museums, and so forth that I visit regularly. That’s the closest thing I have to a strategy: I go to a lot of places, many that artists don’t visit.
Jerry Saltz
History has shown that there needs to be some agora, or public spaces, and I think that we already live a lot of our life on a laptop, or even smaller devices that we hold in our hands.
Debra Granik
The ‘safe spaces’ for minority students on university campuses are actually redemptive spaces for white students and administrators looking for innocence and empowerment.
Shelby Steele
I would advise any 17-year-old to surround yourself with people who listen to you, nod when you speak, and smile when you enter spaces.
Janet Mock
Ultimately we need to recognize that while humans continue to build urban landscapes, we share these spaces with others species.
David Suzuki
I’d never really experienced the West before moving to Colorado. The East Coast, where I grew up, has a lot of big cities, like Boston and New York, and is more densely populated, and I instantly fell in love with the big open spaces of the West, where you can see not just for a few miles but for a few hundred miles.
Tyler Hamilton
One of the things I love about my job is that it offers me an opportunity to step into different people and different spaces and different kinds of work in every new thing that I do. I’m just looking forward to the surprises I’m going to have.
Liv Hewson
When I came into stand-up, I found a certain safe space of intellectualism, of camaraderie, of excellence that really has always been natural to me but always felt foreign in the other spaces I’ve been in.
Amanda Seales
I think in the media we tend to deify people in these public spaces.
Nicholas Galitzine
The point of the feminist movement wasn’t simply to set our underwear on fire and muscle into small spaces in the male-dominated workplace, but to create a world where the contribution of both sexes was equally valued and no one’s worth was judged on their take-home salary.
Mariella Frostrup
Angels are not complete, they need their counterparts, the dark needs the bright, the hidden needs the open, and vice versa. Sometimes they meet and recognise each other. Sometimes, as with Horatio and me, the pairing occurs over spaces of time and distance.
Barry Unsworth
The woods are a place where children can go to think. Children gravitate towards these spaces. When I was a child it was nothing more than a scrubby little overhang under a rhododendron bush, but it was incredibly important to me.
Jay Griffiths
Allowing for suburbanization of California’s ranches and farmlands would still allow for strong protections of California’s truly natural areas like Yosemite, the redwoods, and oak woodlands and green spaces near cities.
Michael Shellenberger
As smoking has disappeared from television screens, planes, bars and restaurants, and other public spaces, the smoking rate has dropped to a third of its peak of 45 percent in the mid-1950s.
Annie Lowrey
I enjoy a four-seasonal climate and wide-open spaces, so being on an island 2,500 miles into the South Pacific made me feel a little claustrophobic.
Matthew Fox
I fear that my mind would starve and that I might find myself in danger if I had no visual information, that it’s chiefly the light, the shapes, the spaces, the colors that I see that compel me to keep moving forward in life and that keep me safe.
Rosemary Mahoney
With small spaces in particular you have to really follow the rule that if it’s not absolutely beautiful or absolutely functional, then get rid of it.
Jeremiah Brent
Sport is one of the few spaces where people can learn about different cultures in a spirit of trust and friendship.
Richard Attias
Even the way Mamet describes silences within his plays is different. There are pauses; there are pauses within parentheses; there are pauses before dialogue; there are pauses in the spaces between the dialogue – there’s this extraordinary vocabulary of silence which is all there on the page, mapped out.
Tom Sturridge
Cinema can fill in the empty spaces of your life and yo

Cinema can fill in the empty spaces of your life and your loneliness.
Pedro Almodovar
Art is more than a series of images that are disembodied. Art is objects that live in real places, economies, spaces, architecture.
Trevor Paglen
We are an asset-light transformative platform that converts sub-standard unbranded hotels/unutilized vacation homes into quality living spaces, with easy to book, hassle-free check-in experience.
Ritesh Agarwal
My hope is to create spaces where people of all stripes can come together and speak at a lower decibel level. We make more sense that way. We sound more like our real selves that way.
Tracy K. Smith
I think we will find more and more ways in which technology invades our artistic spaces, so music is something you will need more than ever because it is there in time and in space and for that moment only.
Simon Rattle
My generation is so used to having our public spaces look like the Starbucks, with the beautiful lighting and the little bit of Nina Simone and my coffee that’s blended a certain way from Costa Rica.
Sandra Tsing Loh
As cities have grown rapidly across the nation, many have neglected infrastructure projects and paved over green spaces that once absorbed rainwater.
Charles Duhigg
When we are in possession, tactically, he is the best coach in the world for me. He works hard, watches a lot of games, and prepares us really well. Guardiola has the feeling for gaping spaces, and he already had that as a player.
Arjen Robben
No matter if someone has personal feelings about my sexuality or how they view me, it’s all of our job to continue to show up in spaces where we can say, ‘You know what? I can figure out how to try to work with you.’
Karamo Brown
When I started writing poetry, it was always in very hip-hop influenced spaces: Someone would teach a Nas song side-by-side with a Gwendolyn Brooks poem, and we’d talk about the connections between those things.
Jamila Woods
When we say ‘cinematic’, we tend to think John Ford and vistas and wide-open spaces. Or we think of kinetic camera movement or of a certain number of cinematic styles, like film noir.
Lenny Abrahamson
Oftentimes, secrecy involves creating spaces that are outside of the law but are outside the normal channels of oversight. And I think it’s pretty easy to see that if you create spaces that are essentially outside the law, then you’re creating spaces where anything can happen.
Trevor Paglen
The great seats of power tend to be wide and open, not vertical and soaring. Red Square, Tiananmen Square, the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin – all massive but with large open spaces that project an image of might.
Gary Ross
New York is a city with virtually no habitable public space – only private spaces expensively maintained within the general disaster.
John Updike
And preserving our open spaces or having them there for recreational purposes is one of the things that contributes to the high level of quality of life that we offer in Pennsylvania, and that also translates into economic benefits.
Ed Rendell
I always try to craft spaces around the moments that I imagine people or families having in them.
Jeremiah Brent
Unless you’re trying to make a movie on the sly, there’s no way to get around this. If you want to use public spaces, film on the streets, have the cooperation of the police, you have to have a permit.
Asghar Farhadi
I remember Geauga Lake. I remember Six Flags. I remember going to the mall. I hung out there. These big, grand places that served as pinnacles of the community were not only institutions or places of commerce. They were communal spaces where a lot of people went and shared good memories. These are very nostalgic places.
Seph Lawless
Many of us now expect our online activities to be recorded and analyzed, but we assume the physical spaces we inhabit are different. The data broker industry doesn’t see it that way. To them, even the act of walking down the street is a legitimate data set to be captured, catalogued, and exploited.
Kate Crawford
I think there frankly needs to be diverse spaces and voices as communicators. Women, certainly, but beyond that.
Jen Psaki
My dad would always get into fights over parking spaces. He would do this all the time.
Adam F. Goldberg
I myself was born beside a river – the Avon in Sarum. So when I first encountered New York’s great harbor and the Hudson River as a teenager, and came to understand their historic canal and railroad links to the vast spaces of the Midwest, I felt both the thrill of a new adventure and a deep sense of homecoming.
Edward Rutherfurd
‘Leaving Las Vegas’ is a relationship; ‘Dead Man Walking’ is a relationship, and they’re very contained movies. They’re compressed and not in wide open spaces all over the place.
Michael Cimino
People need a space that they can go to make a conference or Skype call. It’s important to create those spaces and create a company culture that supports those spaces.
Miguel McKelvey
Golf has an ambivalent relationship with the environment. On one hand, it’s a great preserver of open spaces. Golf doesn’t pave the world – it helps to green the world. But the downside is, it uses a lot of fertilizer, pesticides and water.
Thomas Friedman
People have less privacy and are crammed together in cities, but in the wide open spaces they secretly keep tabs on each other a lot more.
Sara Paretsky
One thing that is great about India is the freedom to speak and the spaces available in our democracy to protest which doesn’t exist in many places in the world.
Arvind Kejriwal
Especially for young POC, when we enter majority-white spaces, we feel the need to assimilate, to blend in, to prove ourselves. I don’t think we discuss it enough.
Angie Thomas
If you think about making a city that is much more porous, many accessible spaces, that is a political position, because you don’t fortify, you open it up so that many people can use it.
Zaha Hadid
When you have a concussion, one of the symptoms that is common is anxiety. Imagine having the normal amount of anxieties that everybody shares – about life and meeting people in social spaces, whatever. Imagine that being multiplied by 10, 20. And so your worry over people’s perceptions of you multiplies.
Dale Earnhardt Jr.
Anywhere in the world, there is royal food, and there is commoner food. Essentially, eat at the restaurant or eat on the street. But Indian food evolved in three spaces. Home kitchens were a big space for food evolution, and we have never given them enough credit.
Ranveer Brar
Now undoubtedly, we face some very British challenges w

Now undoubtedly, we face some very British challenges when it comes to infrastructure. We rightly cherish our back yards and green spaces, and we’ll defend them passionately when projects are announced. We live in a democracy, and we like to debate these things, often for many years.
Evan Davis
Space is something that you have to define. Otherwise, it is like anxiety, which is too vague. A fear is something specific. I like claustrophobic spaces, because at least then you know your limits.
Louise Bourgeois
While I was in Astana, a ballet master from St. Petersburg’s Mariinsky Theatre staged a performance of ‘Giselle’ in the opera hall. It was one of only a few performances to grace Astana’s concert spaces in many weeks, and tickets were impossible to come by.
Keith Gessen
There’s something pleasing about large, well-lit spaces. I love that dealers are willing to take massive chances in order to give this much room to their artists. Most of all, I love that more galleries showing more art gives more artists a shot.
Jerry Saltz
I can go to festivals and open spaces, but if I’m in a crammed room with a bunch of people – oh my God.
Brendon Urie
Little things that I’ve emphasized are turning in pockets and looking to penetrate and finding these spaces and playing at a good tempo when we’re in the middle third.
Jill Ellis
It is important to have permanent safe spaces in Harlem.
Geoffrey Canada
I’m very interested in heritage restoration, and I’m working with a group of people to create a number of academies and performance spaces to encourage native arts and crafts and to explore African history.
Hugh Masekela
My place in Chicago is a 105 year old house, but I really like contemporary spaces too, so it’s refreshing and fun to be in a space where you can do contemporary things.
Ted Allen
We humans for millions of years were nomadic. We associated freedom and well-being with the ability to move into open spaces, to find places more suited to hunting.
Robert Greene
There’s no need to let your family know the details of what you throw out or donate. You can leave communal spaces to the end. The first step is to confront your own stuff.
Marie Kondo
The Internet has become a bunch of interlinked but linguistically distinct and culturally specific spaces. There’s some interface between them, but there’s a lot less than there was years back when we were sort of pretending that this was one great global space.
Ethan Zuckerman
You think you can drive accurately in confined spaces until someone puts something like a shipping container in the way and you suddenly think: ‘I’m going to hit that.’
Chris Harris
We need to afford people from minority groups and marginalized communities the chance to inhabit spaces they’re often held out of because of stereotyping.
Patti Harrison
The National is the leading theater in the U.K. because it’s three big theater spaces in one big building. At any moment you’re there, you just know that you’re working with people that you’re going to be seeing for hopefully the rest of your career.
Jonathan Bailey
Tim Duncan was a marvelous player. He played the game from the four, the five position. He was one of the unique players, like a Michael Jordan, who could get to spaces on the floor you that you couldn’t do anything about.
B. J. Armstrong
I would like to encourage hip hop artists to invite those of us who are in the queer spaces in, so we can have those conversations. I love hip hop. If you bring me in the studio, I know how to act. And we can talk about what’s not cool because, clearly, there’s still homophobia that penetrates in all these areas.
Karamo Brown
Treat haters in your online spaces just the same as you would in the real world. If they’re not respectful to you and your customers, kick them out.
Andrew Shaffer
Web publishing can create common spaces; it all depends on how we, the readers and sometimes the producers, react to technological change. If we sort ourselves into narrow groups, common spaces will be in big trouble. But there’s no reason not to have common spaces on the Internet. There are lots of them out there.
Cass Sunstein
‘Negative liberty’ is a political science term meaning a liberty from government action. It is not a liberty to anything – like the liberty to meaningfully contribute to public debate or to have ample spaces for speech.
Marvin Ammori
Air travel is the safest form of travel aside from walking; even then, the chances of being hit by a public bus at 30,000 feet are remarkably slim. I also have no problem with confined spaces. Or heights. What I am afraid of is speed.
Sloane Crosley
I just like artist-driven projects, but for artists themselves: artist spaces, artist mentor programs, and artists buying buildings and making lofts. Doing whatever we can do. Because at the end of the day, I really think that we as a community only have each other.
Mark Bradford
Great American art needs the idea of uninterrupted spaces, like a loft, which itself is something very American.
Renzo Piano
The gay community has had a sometimes tumultuous relationship with non-queer people coming to their shows because it was tourism, like using the queer spaces as a form of comic relief or entertainment.
Courtney Act
You can get claustrophobia and agoraphobia – a fear of wide, open spaces – simultaneously on a spacewalk.
Chris Hadfield
It is not just willy-nilly running around. I need to fill certain spaces and make sure we are covered on both sides of the ruck and the numbers are right.
Faf de Klerk
Absolute space, in its own nature, without regard to anything external, remains always similar and immovable. Relative space is some movable dimension or measure of the absolute spaces, which our senses determine by its position to bodies, and which is vulgarly taken for immovable space.
Isaac Newton
To me, it’s always been a challenge to look for the light: to look for those spaces in your heart where there is hope and faith and try to embrace that rather than crush it. I’ve spent so many years trying to crush those feelings of hope, and I certainly succeeded for quite a while.
Dave Gahan
I perform in spaces that are very inclusive and protective.
Patti Harrison
At the end of the 1960s, I was part of the downtown theatrical movement in New York that was making work in alleyways, garages, gyms, churches, non-traditional spaces. The idea was to get away from the illusion of the conventional theatre. But then I thought, what’s wrong with illusion?
Robert Wilson
Design is about creating spaces for people to enjoy and of course, creating moments where you elevate the spirit, but ‘design for good’ is figuring out a program that not only creates better spaces, but creates jobs, creates new industry and really kind of raises the conversation about how we rebuild.
Cameron Sinclair
My work spaces are the cookery school and all the resta

My work spaces are the cookery school and all the restaurant kitchens. I eat in the restaurants a lot.
Rick Stein
In reality, handing over public space to private developers does not guarantee that new library spaces will be comparable in size or otherwise remain fully-functional.
Letitia James
I’m a London lad, but I’m fascinated by America. I want to take a motorcycling trip across the country and see those wide open spaces.
Charlie Cox
Sacred spaces can be created in any environment.
Christy Turlington
We want to convert broken, unbranded assets around the globe into better-quality living spaces.
Ritesh Agarwal
In villages across the developing world, governments have provided reasonable enough latrines that have again and again been turned into storage spaces or simply abandoned. In India alone, millions of government-funded latrines have become goat-sheds. Some had been built near kitchens, a taboo in Indian households.
Rose George
You’re torn between wanting to fill in all the spaces and knowing that’s really going to screw up the screenplay. And yet, how are you going to communicate it to people who really don’t understand the process?
Robert Towne
But let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Khalil Gibran
People are understanding what it means to really create a space that feels like a direct reflection of you and I think with brands like Living Spaces, you can really start to take those chances for the first time.
Jeremiah Brent
Like a blazing comet, I’ve traversed infinite nights, interstellar spaces of the imagination, voluptuousness and fear.
Antonio Tabucchi
People said when I was a young lad ‘Oh he’s got good feet.’ He’s good in small spaces and that’s something I have always had since a young age.
Adam Lallana
We all – if we are honest with ourselves, we all have these dark spaces within our souls that we don’t always want to talk about or acknowledge.
Jim Starlin
Spaces I love to do – the uglier the better – tend to be really old, dated basements – especially from the ’60s to the ’80s. I love those.
Candice Olson
A vacant white room with lights is still a submission to the neutral. Works of art seen in such spaces seem to be going through a kind of esthetic convalescence.
Robert Smithson
I have tried using spaces indoors in ‘Thondimuthal’… In my view, ‘Joji’ is more limited in terms of the number of characters – in that sense the canvas could be considered limited.
Dileesh Pothan
With a line of six in the defence and then three in front of that, it’s not always easy to find the spaces to score the goals.
Andre Schurrle
Why should we build very large spaces when they are not necessary? We can design halls spanning several kilometres and covering a whole city, but we have to ask, what does it really make? What does society really need?
Frei Otto
I grew up always thinking that fighting for justice was our obligation, whether that’s giving your voice to something, serving as a verbal advocate for someone, or physically being in spaces or occupying space to make and create change.
Angela Rye
I don’t believe in having spaces in the home that don’t get used. We pay so much for square footage that to waste it is criminal.
Nate Berkus
I try to construct a picture in which shapes, spaces, colors, form a set of unique relationships, independent of any subject matter. At the same time I try to capture and translate the excitement and emotion aroused in me by the impact with the original idea.
Milton Avery
The inner spaces that a good story lets us enter are the old apartments of religion.
John Updike
It was so quick for me on ‘SNL.’ It’s not something I consider to be, like, one of the big spaces in my career.
Jenny Slate
In New York, we’re always confined with spaces. Our restaurants are difficult to navigate as cooks and to operate. We fight against the buildings we run in New York.
David Chang
Without a shadow of doubt, Trafalgar Square has to be one of the most crap urban public spaces in the world.
Will Self
Going to college made me realize you have to have real spaces of privacy, and you have to establish those early.
Cole Sprouse
Matches are decided by details and you have to be ready to create spaces and help open up defences. It is what I have to do.
I love building spaces: architecture, furniture, all of it, probably more than fashion. The development procedure is more tactile. It’s about space and form and it’s something you can share with other people.
Donna Karan
We see a transformation of warfare from the big armies and battlefields in open spaces to a fragmentation of armed groups and smaller armies, which move into city centres, which increasingly become the theatre of warfare.
Peter Maurer
To what extent do we self-construct, do we self-invent? How do we self-identify, and how mutable is that identity? Like, what if one could be anyone at any time? Well, my characters, like the ones in my shows, allow me to play with the spaces between those questions.
Sarah Jones