Top 290 Quotes about Barack Obama

Words matter. These are the best Quotes about Barack Obama from famous people such as Jillian Michaels, J. D. Vance, Ato Essandoh, Monica Crowley, Marco Rubio, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Politics aside, you look at Barack Obama, he is ripped.

Politics aside, you look at Barack Obama, he is ripped.
Jillian Michaels
At a pivotal time in my life, Barack Obama gave me hope that a boy who grew up like me could still achieve the most important of my dreams. For that, I’ll miss him and the example he set.
J. D. Vance
You look at how Barack Obama has had to conduct himself as president. It reminds me of Jackie Robinson, how he had to be very careful to reassure people that this was all right.
Ato Essandoh
We need a direct repudiation of Barack Obama and everything for which he stands.
Monica Crowley
And if we capture any of these ISIS killers alive, they are going to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and we’re going to find out everything they know, because when I’m president, unlike Barack Obama, we will keep this country safe.
Marco Rubio
I believe Barack Obama has shown a deep conviction to help those most in need, even if their voices are not always the ones heard the loudest in Washington.
Ricky Martin
I think of myself as living so much outside borders or old categories that I choose as my leaders U2, the Dalai Lama, Vaclav Havel, Sigur Ros, Desmond Tutu, Barack Obama, and the girl next door. By definition, in short, my leaders are the ones who think in terms larger, and more intimate, than any country.
Pico Iyer
I am confident that when the facts and policies have been examined, when the record of performances have been reviewed, Barack Obama and Joe Biden will once again be elected to lead our beloved country to a better future.
Jimmy Carter
I think that it’s important that the American people know that Barack Obama didn’t have a mild association with Bill Ayers, he had a very strong association with Bill Ayers. Bill Ayers is not someone that the average American wants to see their president have an association with.
Michele Bachmann
During his public life, Barack Obama has often referred to his biracial background and itinerant childhood and has said, ‘In no other country on Earth is my story even possible.’ True.
Monica Crowley
Barack Obama destroyed the middle class. Whatever you want to say about his rhetoric, the rich got richer, but the poor got poorer, and the middle class got wiped out. That’s really what Trump appealed to and inspired in the forgotten man.
Steve Scalise
I’m a big fan of Barack Obama. I think he carries a heavier burden and is held to a greater and higher standard than other candidates : I think there’s a large, large portion of this country that feels disenfranchised and marginalized by the political process.
Chris Carter
We can support Barack Obama because he’s committed to putting America back to work with good jobs – and he proved it by saving the auto industry.
Richard Trumka
As much as I’d love to believe that we are ‘post-racial’ – an idea that really gained traction after the election of Barack Obama in 2008 – I can never escape the fact that in the world I am perceived as a ‘black man’ and, in certain parts of the world, as a ‘black gay man.’
Justin Simien
As an American roughly the same age as Barack Obama, I will not be ridiculed or reduced to a stereotype. I want to age appropriately.
Taylor Negron
Maya Angelou was the voice of three generations. Her poetry spanned our journey, chronicled our hearts and documented our struggles as we moved from the orations of Martin Luther King to the presidency of Barack Obama.
Donna Brazile
Show me one single patriot who has ever been in Barack Obama’s life in any position of influence. You can’t do it… Barack Obama detests this nation as founded. He has zero respect for the founding documents.
Brad Thor
In 2014, topics like Black Lives Matter, the Middle East, and Ebola were prominent in the national discussion, with mentions of then-President Barack Obama making up a relatively small slice of the discussion on news twitter.
Kristen Soltis Anderson
Is it a coincidence that in 1998, Barack Obama talks about a majority coalition of welfare recipients and in 2012 we got a record number of Americans on food stamps while he’s president? I don’t think it’s a coincidence.
Rush Limbaugh
One of the things about leadership is that you’ve got to show up. And if you want to be president of the United States you’ve got to make a case to the American people that Barack Obama needs to be dismissed from his position.
Tim Pawlenty
It is Barack Obama who is at war with this country. Recent events prove it. This is not a cliche. It’s not a figure of speech. Obama is at war with the U.S. economy.
Rush Limbaugh
Look what’s happened to Barack Obama over the last two years or George Bush for eight. It’s a blood sport. But at some point I may feel the need to run for office again.
Joe Scarborough
We are not going to round up and deport 12 million people, but we’re not going to hand out citizenship cards, either. There will be a process. We will see what the American people are willing to support. But it will not be unconstitutional executive orders like the ones Barack Obama has forced on us.
Marco Rubio
Barack Obama took office in the middle of a massive financial crisis. He was handed a bunch of messes all around the world and at home.
Jon Lovett
For some Republicans, 2016 is 1992: Hating Hillary Clinton is chic again. Only more so, since the former secretary of state is also the partner of and potential successor to the last two Democratic presidents – Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
Donna Brazile
I am a Barack Obama fan from head-to-toe – always have been. He’s not perfect; nobody is going to be that way.
Gladys Knight
Barack Obama, foreign policy wizard. I just have to laugh.
Rush Limbaugh
When Barack Obama tries to continually weasel his ever-expanding government into the private sector or does something like try to sneak the biggest backdoor tax in history into the books, he ceases to be ‘Presidential.’
Steven Crowder
Thanks to President Barack Obama, under the Affordable Care Act, millions more people will be eligible for health insurance, including many people with HIV.
Alex Newell
To Barack Obama, if you believe in traditional marriage, you are a homophobe. If you believe men shouldn’t go into women’s bathrooms and showers, you are a bigot. If you believe the unborn have a right to life, you must hate women.
Robert Jeffress
During the 2008 campaign, Hillary Clinton ran a blunt television ad asking whether Barack Obama could handle a foreign policy crisis.
John Dickerson
Eisenhower was less deferential to the military than he

Eisenhower was less deferential to the military than he seemed likely to be, Kennedy was not at all beholden to the pope, George W. Bush was smarter than portrayed and Barack Obama has not led a charge from the left – least of all on behalf of the civil liberties that have eroded since September 11, 2001.
David K. Shipler
A lot of the Republicans wanted exactly what Barack Obama wanted, exactly what Nancy Pelosi wanted, exactly what Harry Reid wanted, which is to raise the debt ceiling, but they wanted to be able to tell what they view as their foolish, gullible constituents back home they didn’t do it.
Ted Cruz
It’s been 80 years since the Senate has confirmed a Supreme Court nominee who was nominated during an election. And particularly when the court hangs in the balance, it makes no sense whatsoever to give Barack Obama the power to jam through a judge in the final election year.
Ted Cruz
During his campaign, Donald J. Trump embraced the cause of fiscal responsibility and accused President Barack Obama of shackling the country with a ‘mountain of debt.’
James B. Stewart
I watched the night unfold from beginning to end on my own here in my flat in Budapest where I’ve been working for the last six months, and when it was announced that Barack Obama was indeed president-elect, I wept.
David Harewood
I knew Barack Obama, absolutely. And I knew him probably as well as thousands of other Chicagoans.
Bill Ayers
Few expected very much of Franklin Roosevelt on Inauguration Day in 1933. Like Barack Obama seventy-six years later, he was succeeding a failed Republican president, and Americans had voted for change. What that change might be Roosevelt never clearly said, probably because he himself didn’t know.
Russell Baker
When Barack Obama won in 2008, in 2009 I voted for his team because I think that – that the American people wanted him to have his team. But don’t think I wasn’t worried about it. Really worried.
John McCain
President Barack Obama was amazing. You know how you imagine it would be to meet a celebrity, and that person may actually have a halo around them or something? Well, he did! He was tall, and he had a halo!
Liza Koshy
The first thing I ever heard about Barack Obama was that he had a white mother and a black father. Interestingly, the person who informed me of this spoke only matter-of-factly, with no hint of the gossip’s wicked delight.
Shelby Steele
When Barack Obama arrived in Washington, many in the media welcomed him with optimism as a historic figure focused on progressive change. But their overwhelmingly favorable treatment of him ultimately turned Americans who disagreed with Obama’s policies away from traditional media sources they came to distrust.
Ben Domenech
Interpreting anyone’s marriage – a neighbor’s, let alone the president’s – is extremely difficult. And yet, examining the first couple’s relationship – their negotiations of public and private life, of conflicts and compromises – offers hints about Barack Obama the president, not just Barack Obama the husband.
Jodi Kantor
Dig just a little bit deeper. Work just a little bit harder. And don’t get weary! Remember this is personal! Let’s finish what we started, and re-elect President Barack Obama!
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Why was Barack Obama attractive to people in 2008? If you think about Barack Obama, there’s all this anxiety about society, just kind of wracked by centripetal forces – the idea that the center’s not holding, no one can talk to each other, the idea of a political system that’s broken.
Rick Perlstein
Let me tell you, Barack Obama is the most down dude in the world, but he’s so smart; so articulate, such an amazing speaker; such a passionate man. He’s humble.
Marlon Wayans
Folks know that while I respect Barack Obama and do not cheap-shot the president, I am very skeptical of his big government, nanny-state philosophy.
Bill O’Reilly
Barack Obama is like the old joke about boats. The two best days of owning a boat are the day you buy it and the day you sell it.
Howie Carr
For the record, our democracy is revered around the world. And free elections are the best way on Earth to choose our leaders. This is how we elected John F. Kennedy; Ronald Reagan; two George Bushes; Bill Clinton; and Barack Obama. It has worked for decades.
Michelle Obama
Politics, by definition, is risk averse. Perhaps that’s why America was so awestruck when Barack Obama ended the Black vs White debate by painting his political canvas in shades of grey.
Barkha Dutt
‘You’re stupid,’ is not something even his most severe critics usually say to President Barack Obama.
P. J. O’Rourke
President Barack Obama governed with dignity and effectiveness.
Mike Espy
There has certainly been ugly, right-wing hatred targeting Barack Obama.
Cornel West
I think Barack Obama has brought a new level of ethical standards to Washington. Has he changed some basic hard-knuckle politics? No. You need hard-knuckle politics to succeed.
Ed Rendell
I am convinced that I do not want to give up more power to the White House, whether it’s George Bush or Barack Obama. And I’m going to fight as hard as I can against President Obama on these earmarks and my Republican colleagues who hate to vote for them, but love to get them.
Harry Reid
Barack Obama is not Harry Truman, who dropped the A-bomb on Japan to stop World War II. Barack Obama is not John F. Kennedy, who lowered marginal tax rates to get economic growth and job creation. Barack Obama and the far left, they are a completely different ball of wax.
Monica Crowley
My stock answer when people ask ‘Are you Britain’s Barack Obama?’ is ‘I’m quite happy being Streatham’s Chuka Umunna,’ and I really mean that.
Chuka Umunna
Newt Gingrich would cream Barack Obama in a debate.
Monica Crowley
There are some days when history is made. Yesterday was one – and I was honoured to be in Washington to watch Barack Obama being sworn in. During his soaring inaugural address, the new president gazed over a teeming National Mall that was crowded with more than a million people.
Des Browne
Facts matter. Science matters. Reason matters. Mitt Romney has shown an inability to respect any of the three. President Barack Obama not only respects them, he relies on them. He is an overwhelming and unquestioned choice to continue as president.
Eliot Spitzer
I like Barack Obama as a person. He’s articulate, he knows sports, his brother-in-law’s a coach. He always has the athletes to the White House. But I don’t know about some of his policies and some of these people in Congress.
Pete Rose
A troubled economy is always the sitting president’s fault. It was when Ronald Reagan defeated Jimmy Carter, when Bill Clinton defeated George H.W. Bush, and when Barack Obama defeated John McCain by running against George W. Bush.
Mark McKinnon
It's so unfair that Barack Obama, this cool, charming g

It’s so unfair that Barack Obama, this cool, charming guy, also has good comedic timing.
Jon Lovett
Barack Obama inherited a bankrupt economy, a bankrupt government, and a bankrupt foreign policy.
Thomas P.M. Barnett
We don’t want Arizona to be dependent on the whims of Barack Obama and the federal government.
Doug Ducey
If I’m elected president, let me tell you about my first day in office. The first thing I intend to do is to rescind every illegal and unconstitutional executive action taken by Barack Obama.
Ted Cruz
Barack Obama was a president who understood not only how technology could transform the way government services worked but also technology itself. He got it.
Steven Levy
Though there are many differences between Barack Obama and Jimmy Carter, they are strikingly similar in their poor economic records and even more so in their shared pessimism and bearishness on America.
David Limbaugh
I think what you’ll find is overall, overwhelmingly, evangelicals would prefer me to Barack Obama.
Newt Gingrich
I think Barack Obama is one of the most exciting politicians to come along in a long time.
Mark McKinnon
Barack Obama being President of the United States doesn’t mean racism has disappeared. It’s all a process, and we have to be aware that the work never ends.
Misty Copeland
For four years, Barack Obama has been running from the nation’s problems. He hasn’t been working to earn reelection. He’s been working to earn a spot on the PGA tour.
Mitch McConnell
For even the most seasoned observers of American politics, Barack Obama is a phenomenon.
David Lammy
I have no tax breaks or corporate interests to be supported by Barack Obama.
Adam McKay
It comes down to the simple idea that government has grown substantially under Barack Obama, and government has been a failure in American’s lives, and Hillary Clinton wants to grow government even further. I think Donald Trump wants to restrain government and shrink government.
Sean Duffy
The United States attorney in South Carolina was a Barack Obama appointee. Politically, he is to the left of Mao Zedong.
Trey Gowdy
Barack Obama has brought glamour back to American politics – not the faux glamour-by-association of campaigning with movie stars or sailing with the Kennedys, but the real thing. The candidate himself is glamorous. Audiences project onto him the personal qualities and political positions they want in a president.
Virginia Postrel
There’s a misconception about Barack Obama as a former constitutional law professor. First of all, there are plenty of professors who are ‘legal relativists.’ They tend to view legal principles as relative to whatever they’re trying to achieve.
Jonathan Turley
I’ve met a handful of presidents, from Jimmy Carter to Bill Clinton to George Bush to Barack Obama.
Jimmie Johnson
It is time for someone as powerful as Barack Obama to compare the girls of Chibok to his own daughters. These girls are a symbol of our own message to girls that they should be educated, that we would go beyond the call of duty for you.
Obiageli Ezekwesili
Barack Obama is one of the greatest politicians in American history.
John Podhoretz
Republicans used to bash President Barack Obama for alienating American allies, but Trump is turning off our partners like no one ever has.
Max Boot
I like to say that I don’t have the slightest doubt that Barack Obama read me in the early 80s. It’s the kind of person he was!
Robert Christgau
In Barack Obama, Democrats have put forth a man of strong religious faith who is comfortable connecting his spiritual life to his public role as a policymaker.
Mike McCurry
Yes, Barack Obama had his clashes with the press. I witnessed those first-hand covering the second term of his administration. But we did not have Barack Obama on almost a weekly basis referring to the press as the enemy of the people and accusing reporters of treason and calling legitimate stories fake news.
Jim Acosta
From aloof academics to career government cronies, President Barack Obama filled his Cabinet with individuals whose greatest achievements were dreaming up unworkable Democratic utopias from the far off perches of academia and Washington bureaucracy.
Kayleigh McEnany
If President Barack Obama had not been in the White House, we would not have the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau today.
Elizabeth Warren
Barack Obama has raised tons of money. That is what he means by being green.
Evan Sayet
In 2007, early in the improbable presidential candidacy of Barack Obama, the young first-term senator began a series of foreign-policy speeches that seemed too general to provide a guide to what he might do if elected.
Elliott Abrams
The greatest hope most Americans – including Republicans – had when Barack Obama was elected president was that the election of a black person as the country’s president would reduce, if not come close to eliminating, the racial tensions that have plagued America for generations.
Dennis Prager
Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama all used temporarily targeted tariffs on specific industries.
Lawrence Kudlow
One thing without any question that is true today and that is that the winner of the 28-minute commercial is President Barack Obama.
Tim Scott
Barack Obama could solve this problem and get the birthers to back off… by showing his long form birth certificate.
Trent Franks
While Democrats, including Barack Obama, mocked the not

While Democrats, including Barack Obama, mocked the notion that Russia is the greatest threat to our country, nobody has been tougher on Russia and Vladimir Putin than President Donald Trump.
Mike Braun
Mitt Romney says he believes in America and that he will restore American exceptionalism. I have news for him, we already have an exceptional American as president and we believe in Barack Obama.
John F. Kerry
News flash to black Americans: Barack Obama has never loved you, and by now, it should be clear to you!
Jesse Lee Peterson
Think about one of the most powerful influences on a young child’s life – the absence of a father figure. Look back on recent presidents, and you’ll find an absent, or weak, or failed father in the lives of Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
Jeff Greenfield
During the 2008 presidential campaign, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid marveled at the electability of Barack Obama because, unlike previous black candidates, Mr. Obama was ‘light-skinned’ and lacked a ‘Negro dialect.’
Monica Crowley
Barack Obama is no fan of the military.
Jesse Lee Peterson
Previous presidents, including great ones like Roosevelt, have used the IRS against their enemies. But I don’t think Barack Obama ever wanted to be on the same page as Richard Nixon.
Joe Klein
In 2008, Barack Obama had all the wind at his back, everything going for him. He was an African-American at a time when the country was eager to do that. The Republicans had, in the view of many of us, pretty much disgraced themselves at home and abroad for eight years.
George Will
Barack Obama happens to be the first African-American, and so criticism of him is and always was gonna be racism, and therefore not permitted.
Rush Limbaugh
Everyone who has a pair of eyes in this country understands the racial tensions and the issues we have are very serious and they’re not going away. Just because we had Barack Obama as our president and, on paper, everything looks equal, it’s very clearly not.
Megan Rapinoe
Most people today don’t feel that Barack Obama is on our side. We sense he’s incapable of doing what Roosevelt did, of loving his country so much that he was willing to run great risks in order to advance its cause, to free others from a new Dark Age – and protect our own liberty in the process.
Arthur L. Herman
A good day for Barack Obama is anytime the dominant topic of discussion is anything but the economy.
Bob Beauprez
That distinctive presidential conduct is now gone forever, banished to the snows of yesteryear by Barack Obama. From the beginning of his presidency to the present, he has spoken specifically and in unprecedented fashion of Republicans as his rivals, his stumbling blocks, the primary cause of his troubles.
John Podhoretz
I think there is a failure in foreign policy. And you have to acknowledge that under Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton was the architect of that foreign policy. Whether it was malevolent or not, I don’t know.
Michael McCaul
I gained my inspiration from former U.S. president Barack Obama, because he tries to do things differently, things which other people do in an ordinary manner.
Ashish Vidyarthi
So my one kid’s 4, my other kid’s 4 months, I’m 44, Barack Obama is the 44th president – it’s all lining up nicely here.
Eddie Vedder
Sam Nunn might bring us Georgia and maybe even another Southern state but, in my opinion, at an unacceptable cost to our principles and to the concept of change that has stirred millions to rise and work for Barack Obama. Sam Nunn would be a disaster as a running mate and a total anathema to millions of Americans.
David Mixner
Trump’s direct predecessor, Barack Obama, never attacked his own generals or officials on Twitter, and never referred to war criminals as heroes.
Neil Macdonald
America is so much more ‘show business.’ For instance, you have Barack Obama. We have Fredrik Reinfeldt. Everyone in the world knows Barack Obama!
Yung Lean
I think Barack Obama was born into a home not just to a white woman and white grandparents, but a white woman and white grandparents who shockingly told him it was okay that he was black and that he should not be ashamed of it and that he should, in fact, be proud of it.
Ta-Nehisi Coates
I see my job simply as helping disseminate the message of Barack Obama, working with the communications team to make sure that we’re true to the ideals and the values and the programs that he wants to advance in this country. And that’s the extent of my involvement.
David Axelrod
I started writing regularly for ‘The Atlantic’ roughly around the time that Barack Obama got inaugurated.
Ta-Nehisi Coates
Personally, I can’t see the appeal in trekking down to D.C. for a networking extravaganza, even if it is built around a special moment in American history. While I find the election of Barack Obama inspirational, I don’t have a desire to memorialize it with overly effusive celebration.
Jamie Johnson
You could argue that Barack Obama faced in ’08 a situation as bad as any president since the Great Depression. What Obama inherited from the Bush administration, we all remember, was just an absolute global catastrophe.
Tony Kushner
Just because everybody else is engaged in a group hug with Barack Obama doesn’t mean that somebody doesn’t have to tell the truth.
Joe Scarborough
Barack Obama may have found the answer to his biggest rhetorical challenge: When millions of voters are unemployed or underemployed, how does a president simultaneously sound realistic and optimistic?
Ron Fournier
In 2008, I was one of the young feminist whippersnappers who voted for Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries – or as many of my older counterparts called me at the time, a traitor.
Jessica Valenti
I never stood for any president in my life, never voted, before Barack Obama. It changed my life to vote. It starts there with me. I never cared for politics before Barack Obama. I never thought it mattered to people like me.
After Plan Colombia came the Colombian Free Trade Agreement. Hillary Clinton opposed the treaty when she was running against Barack Obama in 2008 but then supported it as secretary of state.
Greg Grandin
Barack Obama is the most antibusiness president in a generation, perhaps in American history.
Dinesh D’Souza
In a way I never did with George W. Bush or Barack Obama or Bill Clinton, I will write about the actions of the Trump presidency with the working assumption that our nation must be protected both by and from the president.
Benjamin Wittes
The Constitution I uphold and defend is the one I carry

The Constitution I uphold and defend is the one I carry in my pocket all the time, the U.S. Constitution. I don’t know what Constitution that other members of Congress uphold, but it’s not this one. I think the only Constitution that Barack Obama upholds is the Soviet constitution, not this one.
Paul Broun
When Barack Obama got elected, I remember being in Harlem specifically. I remember watching that whole part of town just swell. People walked the streets, but it wasn’t a riot – it wasn’t mayhem. It was a unified feeling of euphoria.
Mike Colter
Only Barack Obama consistently opposed NAFTA.
Austan Goolsbee
I actually never thought that Barack Obama was anything but a typical Democratic party politician, which to me meant that he was probably in bed with Wall Street.
Matt Taibbi
There’s no question in my mind that I think I would have been a better president than Barack Obama has been.
Mitt Romney
Newt Gingrich would be a much better president than Barack Obama.
Rick Santorum
Should Sen. McCain capture the nomination as many assume, I believe this general election will offer the worst choices for President in my lifetime. I certainly can’t vote for Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama based on their virulently anti-family policy positions.
James Dobson
I was with – he wasn’t the president then, but – Barack Obama, when he was running, in Washington, during Black Congressional Caucus Weekend, and did a panel about global warming with him. It was almost as if I switched careers for a while, and became a political activist.
Lawrence Bender
Barack Obama did tell me that I was one of Michelle Obama’s favorite actors.
Dwayne Johnson
Got a call on April 16, 2014 from President Barack Obama – I remember the date because it’s not every day that the president calls you and asks you if you want a job.
Julian Castro
I mean, Donald Trump has been able, because of Mitch McConnell, to seat more circuit court judges almost than Barack Obama did in eight years.
Sam Seder
What I learned from Barack Obama the person is that you can be a great leader and a good person at the same time and that the way to be the best kind of leader is to be decent to the people around you.
Daniel Pfeiffer
The birthers, the fanatics, the people running around in right-wing militia and Aryan support groups, it is unbearable to them that President Barack Obama should exist.
Sheldon Whitehouse
We all know by now that Barack Obama is not a patriot. After all, he doesn’t always wear a flag pin, and he objects to the idea that he should be required to in order to run for office.
Will Thomas
I am endorsing Barack Obama because he is a new kind of leader: he speaks with a different voice; he brings a new perspective and inspires a real excitement from the American people.
Amy Klobuchar
Even non-democratic allies no longer trust America. Barack Obama has alienated our most important and longest standing Arab allies, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Both the anti-Muslim Brotherhood and the anti-Iran Arab states have lost respect for him.
Dennis Prager
Barack Obama will never ignore our troops.
Tammy Duckworth
You look at how Barack Obama has had to conduct himself as President. It reminds me of Jackie Robinson, how he had to be very careful to reassure people that this was all right. And you still have people trying to tear him down. They make up all sorts of lies, with the goal of making him seem illegitimate.
Ato Essandoh
With Barack Obama as president and the super-happening Michelle Obama as First Lady, you would think a new tone, a new tune, a kicky new jazzitude, would have entered Washington discourse, but it remains a landlocked island unto itself, held captive by its tribal fevers.
James Wolcott
The tactics of Saul Alinsky and Barack Obama are geared toward wealth redistribution.
Monica Crowley
George W. Bush was a very bad president. The Iraq war was a big mistake. The U.S.A. needed a political change. I hoped Barack Obama could be a good president, but I’m disappointed. He hasn’t done well.
Marc Rich
People are not going to reelect Barack Obama. But will the new president govern as a real conservative? We’re going to have to apply the heat to make sure.
Steve Forbes
We need each and every one of you to commit to vote for Barack Obama today!
Jim Messina
When it comes to jobs, President Obama makes the Jimmy Carter years look like good old days. If we fired Jimmy Carter then, why would we rehire Barack Obama now?
Paul Ryan
The biggest accomplishment, in racial terms, for Barack Obama was being elected. He had to overcome his blackness to be elected. He climbed the Mt. Everest of American politics, becoming an historic first.
Randall Kennedy
The hoary joke in the literary world, based on ‘Dreams From My Father,’ was that if things had worked out differently for Barack Obama, he could have made it as a writer.
James Fallows
Remember, the first presidential candidate to reject public financing for both the primary and general election was… Barack Obama, in 2008. He did it, in spite of a flat pledge to the contrary, because his campaign saw that it could vastly outspend John McCain.
Jeff Greenfield
If you think the President was right to open the doors of American opportunity to young immigrants brought here as children who want to go to college or serve in the military, you should vote for Barack Obama.
William J. Clinton
The question now is does Obama have any hope of raising money? I don’t think he’ll raise it out of the New York people, I don’t think he’s going to raise it out the Hollywood people, so where’s the money going to come from for Barack Obama?
Juan Williams
I’m here tonight, not as a Republican, not as a Democrat, but as an optimistic American who understands that we must come together behind the one man who can lead the way forward in these challenging times: my president, our president, Barack Obama!
Charlie Crist
Barack Obama, he just sits out. He sits back; he criticizes everybody. He’s got his professorial attitude, real condescending, as if he’s got all the answers.
Steve Scalise
I am basically a supporter of Barack Obama - it is not

I am basically a supporter of Barack Obama – it is not easy to be a post-partisan president in a hyper-partisan era.
Howard Gardner
I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he’s African American.
Jimmy Carter
If Barack Obama weren’t a U.S. citizen, I’m sure Bill and Hillary Clinton would have figured that out by now.
Cory Gardner
Barack Obama isn’t the first politician to break a promise, torture the truth or outright lie to the American people. But, he certainly is among the most accomplished at it.
Bob Beauprez
Maybe Hillary Clinton was right in 2008 when she called Barack Obama ‘naive’ on foreign policy.
Richard Grenell
To many American Jews, it is a truism that Barack Obama was the anti-Israel president. It was Mr. Obama who signed the Iran deal, which Israel portrayed as a mortal danger. It was Mr. Obama whose most contentious relationship with a foreign leader was with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Bari Weiss
You know, let me be very clear. I supported Barack Obama originally.
Bernie Sanders
We know this much about how Barack Obama plans to govern: He will deploy the fattest checkbook ever at the disposal of an incoming American president.
Nina Easton
During the campaign for re-election, Barack Obama at least made vague references to a willingness to accept $3 trillion of reduced spending in exchange for a $1 trillion dollar tax increase.
Bob Beauprez
If you want to know what the biggest thing in your way to an improved standard of living, higher pay, a more rewarding career is: Barack Obama and the Democrat Party and their economic policies. They are the roadblock.
Rush Limbaugh
Barack Obama commits war crimes – Somalia, Yemen. He commits war crimes in Pakistan, Afghanistan. Martin Luther King Jr. tried to keep a spotlight on war crimes, to keep track of the innocents killed… There is a major clash.
Cornel West
If awkward has an antithesis, it is probably Barack Obama.
Alexandra Petri
Ronald Reagan knew who he was. Barack Obama is still working through that equation politically.
Joe Scarborough
Mr. Obama is proud of his belief that government knows best. When he told the world that individuals were not totally responsible for their personal success, that government has a major role in it, many Americans were taken aback. But Barack Obama sincerely believes that.
Bill O’Reilly
Barack Obama is clearly a smart guy, talented.
Stephen Baldwin
Open government is, within limits, an ideal that we all share. U.S. President Barack Obama endorsed it when he took office in January 2009.
Peter Singer
We can support President Barack Obama, because he supports us. We can support Barack Obama, because he shares our values and our vision.
Richard Trumka
Barack Obama and Kay Hagan think that the minimum wage needs to be the same in the mountains of North Carolina and in the city of Boston – it makes no sense to me.
Thom Tillis
I think that Barack Obama faces a level of divisiveness, and I don’t mean on a national level in terms of the North and the South and the Civil War; I really mean just politically.
James Spader
But if I were to sum up who Barack Obama is and how he plans to meet this moment with one word, that word would be ‘responsibility.’ Responsibility to each other, our families, our communities, our country, and our world.
Valerie Jarrett
President George W. Bush was kind of a goofy tongue-tied dude. Mostly he just mangled the English language. Barack Obama, by contrast, was a smooth talker. The problem is that frequently what he said was just wrong or tendentious.
Mollie Hemingway
President Barack Obama is a doer. And we in America will do big things with him.
Jim Hunt
After Barack Obama won the 2008 presidential election, I was heartened to see him issue an Open Government Initiative on his first full day in office.
Jesse Ventura
The grass roots are energized because the absolutely highest priority in the country in November is to defeat Barack Obama. I have spoken with literally thousands and thousands of tea-party activists – I have yet to meet a single tea-party leader that is not going to vote for Mitt Romney.
Ted Cruz
Barack Obama became president, and he abandoned Iraq. He left, and when he left Al Qaida was done for. ISIS was created because of the void that we left, and that void now exists as a caliphate the size of Indiana.
Jeb Bush
President Barack Obama has it right – there is a lot to change about Washington. The problem is, not much will get changed unless we confront the runaway filibuster in the U.S. Senate.
Peter Fenn
In many ways I’m similar to Barack Obama, who also has a strange name but was raised by a white American mother. His background is far more complicated than his name would suggest. Furthermore, the fact that I was a child during the hostage crisis has caused me to equate being Iranian with being alienated.
Said Sayrafiezadeh
I met Barack Obama, I read his book, I like him a great deal. I disagree with him on very fundamental issues.
Mark McKinnon
In 2008, many Democrats and Republicans believed Hillary Clinton to be a responsible public leader – a firm hand on the wheel, experienced in matters of diplomacy, conflict, and national interest. The 3 A.M. phone call was a question mark with Barack Obama, but not for Hillary Clinton.
Ben Domenech
When the American people elected Barack Obama and large Democrat majorities, the die was cast. ObamaCare was coming. Popular or not, constitutional or not, affordable or not, it didn’t matter.
Bob Beauprez
Even without the euphoria of ‘yes we can,’ Hillary Clinton is to white women what Barack Obama was to African-Americans. She represents the opportunity to see a like image in the Oval Office for the first time.
Joy Reid
Look at the coded language the Right is using against P

Look at the coded language the Right is using against President Barack Obama. Openly calling him a liar in Congress, saying he is ‘not a Christian, he was not born here, he is not one of us.’ That makes addressing such issues trickier for the first African-American in the White House.
Jesse Jackson
Unless you’re Barack Obama, you cannot pull off an impromptu a capella rendition of a heart-warming song in the middle of a speech.
Rachel Parris
Most of who’s left in the administration now are all these yes men and fanboys who were van drivers or press flacks for Barack Obama in Iowa and New Hampshire in 2008.
Tom Cotton
There are many Israelis who are not keen on Barack Obama – they did not want to see him elected.
Richard Engel
Throughout his eight years in office, Barack Obama endured a campaign of illegitimacy waged either by pluralities or majorities of the Republican party. Donald Trump rooted his candidacy in that campaign. It’s fairly obvious.
Ta-Nehisi Coates
Hillary Clinton became secretary of state under Barack Obama. It’s hard to convey just how stunningly cynical she has been on Colombia: In 2008, running against Obama, she opposed, in unambiguous terms, a free-trade deal with Colombia.
Greg Grandin
If Barack Obama now, or some black person in the future, should become president, neither Jesse Jackson nor Al Sharpton would be out of a job. A black president can’t end black misery; a black president can’t be a civil rights leader or primarily a crusader for racial justice.
Michael Eric Dyson
Don’t worry, America. We survived Jimmy Carter, and we will survive Barack Obama. Only one questions remains… who is the next Ronald Reagan?
Kathleen Troia McFarland
And one of the most important values of Barack Obama is that he will always level with the American people.
Charlie Gonzalez
Barack Obama and Michelle Obama don’t go to Georgetown… The Clintons did, indeed. And the Clintons go out and about in Washington now. They go to neighborhood restaurants.
Kitty Kelley
The American people are desperately seeking a Moses to lead them out of the wilderness, back to the land of milk and honey. They thought maybe Barack Obama was the one, and when he proved to be mortal after all, they were willing to listen to anyone new.
John Yarmuth
The path chosen by Barack Obama and the Democrat Party is the road to ‘small-c- communism’ – and the important thing to understand is that they are quite happy with that choice.
Tom Tancredo
The United States is NATO’s leading military power, and President Barack Obama has required NATO to align behind a doctrine that has amounted to the most disastrous American foreign-policy debacle since Vietnam.
Terry Glavin
We can be thankful President Barack Obama is taking aim at one of the prime causes of climate change and extreme weather: air pollution. The EPA’s carbon pollution standards are the most significant step forward our country has ever taken to protect our health by addressing climate change.
Donna Brazile
There were lots of smart black people at Harvard before Barack Obama, but none of them ever got to head up the law review. There has been a history of discrimination.
Andrew Young
The prime minister in Belgium gave our album to Barack Obama. I was really surprised that he decided to give a CD of us.
Barack Obama is more irritating than the other nuisances on the Left.
P. J. O’Rourke
To do health care was a noble, good thing, and it will help America dramatically. I don’t begrudge Barack Obama choosing it, even though if I were president, I might not have.
Chuck Schumer
It has been my honor to support and work with President Barack Obama, a man who has brought courage and character to the presidency. President Obama’s strength of character leads him to do the right thing, even when it isn’t the easy thing.
Harry Reid
Barack Obama is the most famous living person in the history of the world.
Dee Dee Myers
Barack Obama embraced hip-hop, man. That’s the way he got through to kids.
Dizzee Rascal
The people, as much as it’s fun to hate us, they need us. They need good, strong, skeptical journalists to be covering whoever it is – whether it’s Barack Obama or President Donald Trump.
Megyn Kelly
What if Barack Obama established a Presidential Advisory Committee that would meet once every couple of months, bringing together the former presidents for a conference in order to seek their collective wisdom? There is a wealth of experience in former presidents that generally goes untapped.
Tony Campolo
Barack Obama is my American Idol.
Tara Stiles
None of what Barack Obama is doing or wants to do to this country is anything the rest of the world hasn’t seen before and already failed at.
Rush Limbaugh
This nation has been through hard times. But those hard times have hardened our resolve. I’m ready to do the difficult work ahead. But I want to do that work with Barack Obama, and not a Tea Party ideologue. We can move America forward, but we can only do it together.
Harry Reid
President Barack Obama cried during his announcement of new executive actions designed to curb gun violence in the United States by restricting the access to firearms of those who present a clear danger to themselves or others and improving access to mental health services for those in need.
Anthea Butler
Basically I have claimed legal entities for very famous people – they can’t even exist – which are Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Warren Edward Buffett. I own the legal entities they’re operating under. They know this.
Mike Hughes
Donald Trump is a phenomenon. Barack Obama was a phenomenon. A phenomenon is a ‘happening’ or an ‘experience.’
Martha MacCallum
In 2013, a great national coalition came together to compel Congress to deny Barack Obama authority to take us to war in Syria.
Pat Buchanan
As president, Barack Obama has the potential to finally bring our country together to meet the enormous challenges ahead. This includes restoring economic prosperity, moving toward energy independence, delivering affordable health care for all, and implementing a responsible, effective foreign policy.
Amy Klobuchar
When Barack Obama is right, then I'll support him. When

When Barack Obama is right, then I’ll support him. When he is wrong, I’ll fight him.
Paul Broun
This is not a time for America to ‘believe in magic.’ This is a time to drive education forward. This is a time to drive the economy forward. This is a time to drive America forward. We must do it together. And we must re-elect Barack Obama as President of the United States.
Jim Hunt
Ever since Barack Obama had become president, the main policy of the U.S. government toward Russia had been one of appeasement.
Bill Browder
Barack Obama basically ran as a liberal suburban Republican.
Rick Wilson
Mitt Romney had it right in 2012 when he told President Barack Obama that Russia was ‘without question our No. 1 geopolitical foe.’
Will Hurd
You have to ask if the country would have been ready for Barack Obama if we hadn’t been prepared by Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice. If they hadn’t already been in positions of enormous power and influence – secretary of state, secretary of defence – you know what I mean?
Forest Whitaker
This November, with the re-election of President Barack Obama, this generation of Americans will ever expand upon the hope, the truth and the promise of America.
Cory Booker
Donald Trump is certainly an American original. Barack Obama, he’s an American original. Where else but in America could that man become president? George W. Bush, a very different man from his father. These guys, they have their distinct voice and their distinct agenda.
Michael J. Knowles
Among those people not graduating, there might be a Steve Jobs or Barack Obama. We’ll never know.
Jamie Dimon
From the start of his administration, President Barack Obama had tried to lower tensions with Russia and refocus American attention on a rising China; he had made clear he wanted no part in the problems of the post-Soviet periphery.
Keith Gessen
Politicians are at a great distance from the academic world. Barack Obama was my colleague at Chicago – but could i ever talk to him now? Never.
Martha Nussbaum
When Barack Obama was elected, it immediately brought out all the differences in society.
Wadada Leo Smith
Billions of people around the globe had come to know Barack Obama, had heard his words, had watched his speeches, and, in some unknowable but irreducible way, had come to see the world as a place that could – in some incremental way – change.
Ben Rhodes
If half-black Barack Obama had decided years ago to call himself white – which his genes certainly entitled him to do – his story would have carried very different meaning. If millions of part-black people had followed him into whiteness, then the N.A.A.C.P. would be in true crisis.
Eric Liu
As a Democrat following the 2012 presidential election closely, I was happy to see that South Carolina voted overwhelmingly for Newt Gingrich, a candidate almost too easy for President Barack Obama to beat in the fall. I was not, however, surprised at the state’s gaffe.
Jack Schlossberg
A lot of people who voted for Barack Obama expected and were led to expect something new in politics: a new tone of political discourse in Washington. And I think – I think they’re disappointed, because Barack Obama is not a new kind of politician. In fact, he’s an old Chicago politician.
Bernard Goldberg
It’s not just Barack Obama, but I doubt Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton would have made it to the White House without Selma.
John Lewis
The Tea Party emerged from a laudably grassroots base: libertarians, fervent Constitutionalists, and ordinary people alarmed at the suppression of liberties, whether by George W. Bush or Barack Obama.
Naomi Wolf
I would also say Barack Obama has spent much, much, much, much more money than the Republicans.
Jonah Goldberg
There are many people that frankly cannot get themselves to oppose Barack Obama. They make a lot of excuse for him.
Jonathan Turley
President Barack Obama campaigned on a promise to stop endless wars. The military-industrial complex had other ideas, including launching an invasion of Libya and using drone strikes even on American citizens abroad.
Mollie Hemingway
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are two peas in the same pod, and the American people have tasted that, and said, ‘Look, that’s not a good taste.’
Mitt Romney
Do you want to know where President Barack Obama is ultimately headed with his gun control edicts? Look no further than his second embrace of the tyranny of Australia’s massive gun ‘buyback’ program.
Wayne LaPierre
Being dragged off that bus was worth it just to see Barack Obama become president, because so many others gave their lives and didn’t get to see it, and I thank God for letting me see it.
Claudette Colvin
Barack Obama hopes his famous health care victory will mark him as a transformative president. History, however, may judge it to have been his missed opportunity to be one.
George Will
Category after category, Barack Obama hasn’t met the promises that he laid out to the American people.
Reince Priebus
I supported Barack Obama. I wasn’t very quiet about my support. I thought he was going to be a refreshing change to George Bush. But what has happened is that we have an election that’s become a single-issue election, and that issue is Barack Obama. And he’s an icon to both sides.
Jonathan Turley
Barack Obama and Joe Biden have been working hard to help middle-class families make it in America.
Steny Hoyer
In theory, at least, all presidents are servants of the people who elected them. In the case of Barack Obama, it has seemed from the start that the idea as applied to him was more than mere metaphor. He is the first president in my lifetime whom the country felt obligated to remind that he know his place.
Charlie Pierce
‘Selfie’ is the word du jour, and it became cause celebre at Nelson Mandela’s funeral when the Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt took a selfie with U.S. President Barack Obama and U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron.
Richard Quest
For the last five years, we have been presented with the idea that Barack Obama is superhuman. Barack Obama is unlike any of us or anyone else. And he isn’t. In fact, he’s much less achieved and much less accomplished than most who have gotten half as far as he has, and I think maybe what we saw was the best.
Rush Limbaugh
If you felt that excitement when you voted for Barack O

If you felt that excitement when you voted for Barack Obama, shouldn’t you feel that way now that he’s President Obama? You know there’s something wrong with the kind of job he’s done as president when the best feeling you had was the day you voted for him.
Mitt Romney
Be there for Barack Obama, because our country needs him.
Beau Biden
Barack Obama makes me feel good to be a black man.
Snoop Dogg
Barack Obama wants to change America. Barack Obama wants America to be more like the rest of the world. We don’t want to be like the rest of the world. We want to be the United States of America.
Marco Rubio
Even Toni Morrison claiming Bill Clinton as ‘black’ could not prepare us for the election of America’s first undeniably black president, Barack Obama.
Kevin Young
President Obama is perhaps the most ideologically-motivated president in American history. But according to the ultimate authority, Barack Obama, he’s a mere pragmatist.
Ben Shapiro
Trudeau, like President Barack Obama, is a champion of change.
Amy Klobuchar
Historians and scholars have access to every issue of every newspaper and journal written during the civil rights struggle of the 1960s but can access only a comparative handful of papers covering the election of Barack Obama.
Jeffrey Zeldman
Former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton and President Barack Obama, each were told repeatedly, ‘You can’t win.’ They all won.
Kellyanne Conway
Barack Obama is not black America’s messiah.
Jesse Lee Peterson
Barack Obama has injected fresh momentum into efforts – stalled for a decade – to bring about nuclear disarmament.
Mohamed ElBaradei
America is Tiger Woods country for a reason, and she elected Barack Obama to punctuate this new reality.
Andrew Breitbart
Barack Obama would never accept a court in Mexico decreeing what the law in the United States would be.
Michael Gove
Barack Obama doesn’t think this country should be number one. If it were number 35 it’d be fine with him.
Rush Limbaugh
The most enduring legacy of President Barack Obama is going to be a new generation of leaders standing up for liberty.
Ted Cruz
Barack Obama is a threat to the continued existence of the United States, and he must be impeached, or resign.
Kesha Rogers
Be there because Barack Obama and Joe Biden will deliver America the change we so desperately need.
Beau Biden
Had Barack Obama been obliged to take his degree at the University of Akron, say, it is doubtful that his progress would have been remotely as stellar.
Linda Colley
Barack Obama is probably the most exciting candidate that either the Democratic or Republican party has produced at least since I’ve been around. He’s fresh, he’s new, he’s insightful.
Joe Biden
On the Left, the best and brightest go into politics – Barack Obama is the epitome of the perfect leftist. On the Right, the best and brightest go make money. Very few conservatives want to endure all the nonsense you have to put up with to run for office.
Ted Cruz
A disturbing prospect looms before us as Americans consider the possibility of a second term for President Barack Obama. Millions of conservatives who revere the Constitution, with its guarantees of freedom and limited government, have watched with alarm as the campaign season has unfolded.
James Dobson
If Barack Obama is elected, I’ll be moving out of the country.
Stephen Baldwin
I think, before Obama, there was a glass ceiling. That’s a big change. As a president, I think he was the best. I felt like I could trust his judgment, and he’d take a measured, empathetic approach. I don’t see there ever being another Barack Obama.
Jordan Peele
When it comes to judicial nominations, President Barack Obama and Senate Democrats are fond of reminding Republicans that elections have consequences.
Ron Johnson
Barack Obama is probably one of the brightest in terms of sheer intelligence… also probably the best orator we’ve ever had as a president.
Mario Cuomo
I represent the Democratic party… I’ve never been nor do I ever plan to be a John McCain supporter. I support Barack Obama.
Young Jeezy
Today’s fathers are having a rough go being kindly portrayed in the media. Thank God, we do we have President Barack Obama for a national model. He both dotes on and takes a firm loving hand to our first-family daughters.
Donna Brazile
Electing Barack Obama president was a glorious Jackie Robinson moment for the United States of America. Obama didn’t just win; he became the first Democrat since Jimmy Carter to win a popular-vote majority.
Timothy Noah
America has some capabilities that Israel doesn’t have. And Israel cannot place their security in the hands of Barack Obama; they can’t do it.
Trent Franks
Income inequality has gotten worse under President Barack Obama.
Timothy Noah
Hillary is a combination of Barack Obama 3.0 and Bernie Sanders 2.0. This is not change. This will not yield strong growth, lift jobs and wages, and make America more globally competitive.
Lawrence Kudlow
Barack Obama was not born into wealth or privilege, yet

Barack Obama was not born into wealth or privilege, yet today his is president of these United States of America. Barack Obama has lived the American Dream. He has walked in our shoes.
Ken Salazar
Barack Obama actually grew up black in America. He knows a thing or two about being judged by the color of his skin, rather than the content of his character.
Neil Macdonald
In 2008, Barack Obama did a phenomenal job of reaching out to minority groups, to younger people, and a lot of newer voters, Hispanics being one component of that definition of newer voters.
George P. Bush
In his first term, President Barack Obama played a cautious manager navigating the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression and cleaning up the messes left by President George W. Bush in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Kevin O’Leary
Prodigal sons like Barack Obama, Kanye West, and Michael Jordan only come back to Chicago to sell their homes.
Sean Evans
As presidents from Ronald Reagan to Barack Obama have recognized, the real question is whether regulations, whether new or old, are justified. That requires a careful analysis of their costs and their benefits.
Cass Sunstein
I learned that the problems that we have are not solved by blaming somebody else, and that our hope is not in who governs us as a nation. It’s not in Mitt Romney or Barack Obama or Ron Paul. Our hope is in the power of God and his gospel working in the hearts of people.
Kirk Cameron
Like Lindsay Lohan and Lauren Conrad, Barack Obama is addicted to his BlackBerry.
Nell Scovell
There is the bipartisan pretense that the FBI is the only government agency in Washington that is above reproach. Yet, this is the agency that collaborated with Lois Lerner and the IRS in an effort to criminally prosecute opponents of Barack Obama.
Tom Fitton
Barack Obama and Jimmy Hoffa are like Tweedledum and Tweedledee, Lady Gaga and hype, the ‘Jersey Shore’ cast and hairspray: inseparable. The president can no more disown the Teamsters Union’s leader than he can disown his own id.
Michelle Malkin
If it hadn’t been for that march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge on Bloody Sunday, there would be no Barack Obama as President of the United States of America.
John Lewis