Top 290 Quotes about Barack Obama

If you think the President was right to open the doors of American opportunity to young immigrants brought here as children who want to go to college or serve in the military, you should vote for Barack Obama.
William J. Clinton
The question now is does Obama have any hope of raising money? I don’t think he’ll raise it out of the New York people, I don’t think he’s going to raise it out the Hollywood people, so where’s the money going to come from for Barack Obama?
Juan Williams
I’m here tonight, not as a Republican, not as a Democrat, but as an optimistic American who understands that we must come together behind the one man who can lead the way forward in these challenging times: my president, our president, Barack Obama!
Charlie Crist
Barack Obama, he just sits out. He sits back; he criticizes everybody. He’s got his professorial attitude, real condescending, as if he’s got all the answers.
Steve Scalise
I am basically a supporter of Barack Obama - it is not

I am basically a supporter of Barack Obama – it is not easy to be a post-partisan president in a hyper-partisan era.
Howard Gardner
I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he’s African American.
Jimmy Carter
If Barack Obama weren’t a U.S. citizen, I’m sure Bill and Hillary Clinton would have figured that out by now.
Cory Gardner
Barack Obama isn’t the first politician to break a promise, torture the truth or outright lie to the American people. But, he certainly is among the most accomplished at it.
Bob Beauprez
Maybe Hillary Clinton was right in 2008 when she called Barack Obama ‘naive’ on foreign policy.
Richard Grenell
To many American Jews, it is a truism that Barack Obama was the anti-Israel president. It was Mr. Obama who signed the Iran deal, which Israel portrayed as a mortal danger. It was Mr. Obama whose most contentious relationship with a foreign leader was with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Bari Weiss
You know, let me be very clear. I supported Barack Obama originally.
Bernie Sanders
We know this much about how Barack Obama plans to govern: He will deploy the fattest checkbook ever at the disposal of an incoming American president.
Nina Easton
During the campaign for re-election, Barack Obama at least made vague references to a willingness to accept $3 trillion of reduced spending in exchange for a $1 trillion dollar tax increase.
Bob Beauprez
If you want to know what the biggest thing in your way to an improved standard of living, higher pay, a more rewarding career is: Barack Obama and the Democrat Party and their economic policies. They are the roadblock.
Rush Limbaugh
Barack Obama commits war crimes – Somalia, Yemen. He commits war crimes in Pakistan, Afghanistan. Martin Luther King Jr. tried to keep a spotlight on war crimes, to keep track of the innocents killed… There is a major clash.
Cornel West
If awkward has an antithesis, it is probably Barack Obama.
Alexandra Petri
Ronald Reagan knew who he was. Barack Obama is still working through that equation politically.
Joe Scarborough
Mr. Obama is proud of his belief that government knows best. When he told the world that individuals were not totally responsible for their personal success, that government has a major role in it, many Americans were taken aback. But Barack Obama sincerely believes that.
Bill O’Reilly
Barack Obama is clearly a smart guy, talented.
Stephen Baldwin
Open government is, within limits, an ideal that we all share. U.S. President Barack Obama endorsed it when he took office in January 2009.
Peter Singer
We can support President Barack Obama, because he supports us. We can support Barack Obama, because he shares our values and our vision.
Richard Trumka
Barack Obama and Kay Hagan think that the minimum wage needs to be the same in the mountains of North Carolina and in the city of Boston – it makes no sense to me.
Thom Tillis
I think that Barack Obama faces a level of divisiveness, and I don’t mean on a national level in terms of the North and the South and the Civil War; I really mean just politically.
James Spader
But if I were to sum up who Barack Obama is and how he plans to meet this moment with one word, that word would be ‘responsibility.’ Responsibility to each other, our families, our communities, our country, and our world.
Valerie Jarrett
President George W. Bush was kind of a goofy tongue-tied dude. Mostly he just mangled the English language. Barack Obama, by contrast, was a smooth talker. The problem is that frequently what he said was just wrong or tendentious.
Mollie Hemingway
President Barack Obama is a doer. And we in America will do big things with him.
Jim Hunt
After Barack Obama won the 2008 presidential election, I was heartened to see him issue an Open Government Initiative on his first full day in office.
Jesse Ventura
The grass roots are energized because the absolutely highest priority in the country in November is to defeat Barack Obama. I have spoken with literally thousands and thousands of tea-party activists – I have yet to meet a single tea-party leader that is not going to vote for Mitt Romney.
Ted Cruz
Barack Obama became president, and he abandoned Iraq. He left, and when he left Al Qaida was done for. ISIS was created because of the void that we left, and that void now exists as a caliphate the size of Indiana.
Jeb Bush
President Barack Obama has it right – there is a lot to change about Washington. The problem is, not much will get changed unless we confront the runaway filibuster in the U.S. Senate.
Peter Fenn
In many ways I’m similar to Barack Obama, who also has a strange name but was raised by a white American mother. His background is far more complicated than his name would suggest. Furthermore, the fact that I was a child during the hostage crisis has caused me to equate being Iranian with being alienated.
Said Sayrafiezadeh
I met Barack Obama, I read his book, I like him a great deal. I disagree with him on very fundamental issues.
Mark McKinnon
In 2008, many Democrats and Republicans believed Hillary Clinton to be a responsible public leader – a firm hand on the wheel, experienced in matters of diplomacy, conflict, and national interest. The 3 A.M. phone call was a question mark with Barack Obama, but not for Hillary Clinton.
Ben Domenech
When the American people elected Barack Obama and large Democrat majorities, the die was cast. ObamaCare was coming. Popular or not, constitutional or not, affordable or not, it didn’t matter.
Bob Beauprez
Even without the euphoria of ‘yes we can,’ Hillary Clinton is to white women what Barack Obama was to African-Americans. She represents the opportunity to see a like image in the Oval Office for the first time.
Joy Reid
Look at the coded language the Right is using against P

Look at the coded language the Right is using against President Barack Obama. Openly calling him a liar in Congress, saying he is ‘not a Christian, he was not born here, he is not one of us.’ That makes addressing such issues trickier for the first African-American in the White House.
Jesse Jackson
Unless you’re Barack Obama, you cannot pull off an impromptu a capella rendition of a heart-warming song in the middle of a speech.
Rachel Parris
Most of who’s left in the administration now are all these yes men and fanboys who were van drivers or press flacks for Barack Obama in Iowa and New Hampshire in 2008.
Tom Cotton
There are many Israelis who are not keen on Barack Obama – they did not want to see him elected.
Richard Engel
Throughout his eight years in office, Barack Obama endured a campaign of illegitimacy waged either by pluralities or majorities of the Republican party. Donald Trump rooted his candidacy in that campaign. It’s fairly obvious.
Ta-Nehisi Coates
Hillary Clinton became secretary of state under Barack Obama. It’s hard to convey just how stunningly cynical she has been on Colombia: In 2008, running against Obama, she opposed, in unambiguous terms, a free-trade deal with Colombia.
Greg Grandin
If Barack Obama now, or some black person in the future, should become president, neither Jesse Jackson nor Al Sharpton would be out of a job. A black president can’t end black misery; a black president can’t be a civil rights leader or primarily a crusader for racial justice.
Michael Eric Dyson
Don’t worry, America. We survived Jimmy Carter, and we will survive Barack Obama. Only one questions remains… who is the next Ronald Reagan?
Kathleen Troia McFarland
And one of the most important values of Barack Obama is that he will always level with the American people.
Charlie Gonzalez
Barack Obama and Michelle Obama don’t go to Georgetown… The Clintons did, indeed. And the Clintons go out and about in Washington now. They go to neighborhood restaurants.
Kitty Kelley
The American people are desperately seeking a Moses to lead them out of the wilderness, back to the land of milk and honey. They thought maybe Barack Obama was the one, and when he proved to be mortal after all, they were willing to listen to anyone new.
John Yarmuth
The path chosen by Barack Obama and the Democrat Party is the road to ‘small-c- communism’ – and the important thing to understand is that they are quite happy with that choice.
Tom Tancredo
The United States is NATO’s leading military power, and President Barack Obama has required NATO to align behind a doctrine that has amounted to the most disastrous American foreign-policy debacle since Vietnam.
Terry Glavin
We can be thankful President Barack Obama is taking aim at one of the prime causes of climate change and extreme weather: air pollution. The EPA’s carbon pollution standards are the most significant step forward our country has ever taken to protect our health by addressing climate change.
Donna Brazile
There were lots of smart black people at Harvard before Barack Obama, but none of them ever got to head up the law review. There has been a history of discrimination.
Andrew Young
The prime minister in Belgium gave our album to Barack Obama. I was really surprised that he decided to give a CD of us.
Barack Obama is more irritating than the other nuisances on the Left.
P. J. O’Rourke