Top 290 Quotes about Barack Obama

Former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton and President Barack Obama, each were told repeatedly, ‘You can’t win.’ They all won.
Kellyanne Conway
Barack Obama is not black America’s messiah.
Jesse Lee Peterson
Barack Obama has injected fresh momentum into efforts – stalled for a decade – to bring about nuclear disarmament.
Mohamed ElBaradei
America is Tiger Woods country for a reason, and she elected Barack Obama to punctuate this new reality.
Andrew Breitbart
Barack Obama would never accept a court in Mexico decreeing what the law in the United States would be.
Michael Gove
Barack Obama doesn’t think this country should be number one. If it were number 35 it’d be fine with him.
Rush Limbaugh
The most enduring legacy of President Barack Obama is going to be a new generation of leaders standing up for liberty.
Ted Cruz
Barack Obama is a threat to the continued existence of the United States, and he must be impeached, or resign.
Kesha Rogers
Be there because Barack Obama and Joe Biden will deliver America the change we so desperately need.
Beau Biden
Had Barack Obama been obliged to take his degree at the University of Akron, say, it is doubtful that his progress would have been remotely as stellar.
Linda Colley
Barack Obama is probably the most exciting candidate that either the Democratic or Republican party has produced at least since I’ve been around. He’s fresh, he’s new, he’s insightful.
Joe Biden
On the Left, the best and brightest go into politics – Barack Obama is the epitome of the perfect leftist. On the Right, the best and brightest go make money. Very few conservatives want to endure all the nonsense you have to put up with to run for office.
Ted Cruz
A disturbing prospect looms before us as Americans consider the possibility of a second term for President Barack Obama. Millions of conservatives who revere the Constitution, with its guarantees of freedom and limited government, have watched with alarm as the campaign season has unfolded.
James Dobson
If Barack Obama is elected, I’ll be moving out of the country.
Stephen Baldwin
I think, before Obama, there was a glass ceiling. That’s a big change. As a president, I think he was the best. I felt like I could trust his judgment, and he’d take a measured, empathetic approach. I don’t see there ever being another Barack Obama.
Jordan Peele
When it comes to judicial nominations, President Barack Obama and Senate Democrats are fond of reminding Republicans that elections have consequences.
Ron Johnson
Barack Obama is probably one of the brightest in terms of sheer intelligence… also probably the best orator we’ve ever had as a president.
Mario Cuomo
I represent the Democratic party… I’ve never been nor do I ever plan to be a John McCain supporter. I support Barack Obama.
Young Jeezy
Today’s fathers are having a rough go being kindly portrayed in the media. Thank God, we do we have President Barack Obama for a national model. He both dotes on and takes a firm loving hand to our first-family daughters.
Donna Brazile
Electing Barack Obama president was a glorious Jackie Robinson moment for the United States of America. Obama didn’t just win; he became the first Democrat since Jimmy Carter to win a popular-vote majority.
Timothy Noah
America has some capabilities that Israel doesn’t have. And Israel cannot place their security in the hands of Barack Obama; they can’t do it.
Trent Franks
Income inequality has gotten worse under President Barack Obama.
Timothy Noah
Hillary is a combination of Barack Obama 3.0 and Bernie Sanders 2.0. This is not change. This will not yield strong growth, lift jobs and wages, and make America more globally competitive.
Lawrence Kudlow
Barack Obama was not born into wealth or privilege, yet

Barack Obama was not born into wealth or privilege, yet today his is president of these United States of America. Barack Obama has lived the American Dream. He has walked in our shoes.
Ken Salazar
Barack Obama actually grew up black in America. He knows a thing or two about being judged by the color of his skin, rather than the content of his character.
Neil Macdonald
In 2008, Barack Obama did a phenomenal job of reaching out to minority groups, to younger people, and a lot of newer voters, Hispanics being one component of that definition of newer voters.
George P. Bush
In his first term, President Barack Obama played a cautious manager navigating the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression and cleaning up the messes left by President George W. Bush in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Kevin O’Leary
Prodigal sons like Barack Obama, Kanye West, and Michael Jordan only come back to Chicago to sell their homes.
Sean Evans
As presidents from Ronald Reagan to Barack Obama have recognized, the real question is whether regulations, whether new or old, are justified. That requires a careful analysis of their costs and their benefits.
Cass Sunstein
I learned that the problems that we have are not solved by blaming somebody else, and that our hope is not in who governs us as a nation. It’s not in Mitt Romney or Barack Obama or Ron Paul. Our hope is in the power of God and his gospel working in the hearts of people.
Kirk Cameron
Like Lindsay Lohan and Lauren Conrad, Barack Obama is addicted to his BlackBerry.
Nell Scovell
There is the bipartisan pretense that the FBI is the only government agency in Washington that is above reproach. Yet, this is the agency that collaborated with Lois Lerner and the IRS in an effort to criminally prosecute opponents of Barack Obama.
Tom Fitton
Barack Obama and Jimmy Hoffa are like Tweedledum and Tweedledee, Lady Gaga and hype, the ‘Jersey Shore’ cast and hairspray: inseparable. The president can no more disown the Teamsters Union’s leader than he can disown his own id.
Michelle Malkin
If it hadn’t been for that march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge on Bloody Sunday, there would be no Barack Obama as President of the United States of America.
John Lewis