Top 299 Regularly Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Regularly Quotes from famous people such as Richard Harding Davis, Jay Chiat, Sasha Pivovarova, Danny Welbeck, Lauren Ash, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

The old sergeant from headquarters treats me like a son

The old sergeant from headquarters treats me like a son and takes the greatest pride in whatever I do or write. He regularly assigns me now to certain doors, and I always obey orders like the little gentleman that I am.
Richard Harding Davis
First, this isn’t about telecommuting, because we still have offices that people will come to regularly when they need to brainstorm together, meet with clients, or do research in the library.
Jay Chiat
My beauty secret is really three secrets: get eight hours of sleep, eat natural/organic food, and exercise regularly.
Sasha Pivovarova
Once you play regularly, it just becomes second nature to do things on the pitch.
Danny Welbeck
Doing improv regularly forces you to be better almost without trying.
Lauren Ash
I visit Pune quite regularly; I simply love the city.
Bappi Lahiri
One of the difficult things in a high-growth company is that, even with the best intentions, the company moves so fast, and growth happens so regularly. When you move at that rate, you have to be willing to change, and you have to be willing to take advice.
Adam Neumann
I do cut my hair regularly because otherwise, after a few months, I wouldn’t be able to see the ball any more – especially when there’s a lot of rain.
Marouane Fellaini
All gamblers lose regularly, but they rarely discuss it in public. Losing is bad for the image, dude. Nobody buys Hot Tips from Losers. Remember that.
Hunter S. Thompson
Teaching regularly has made me an even more adept reader, I think. The kind of teaching I do is more like editing than anything else. The kind of editing book editors used to do before lunch. The kind of editing I used to do as a radio documentary maker.
Paul Muldoon
But we do have a golf course near by and I play fairly regularly.
Perry Como
I started writing regularly for ‘The Atlantic’ roughly around the time that Barack Obama got inaugurated.
Ta-Nehisi Coates
I have a little pocket Bible that I have with me all the time in my briefcase, and so usually in the mornings, sometimes on the campaign bus or plane, I always try to catch some time to do that regularly.
Mike Huckabee
Growing up my mother played Sarah Vaughan and Nat Cole in the house regularly.
Aaron Neville
You’re spoilt as an actor if you are in that small percentage that works regularly.
Iain Glen
We have the power, as lawmakers, to find ways to support our young men and identify solutions to the hardships they regularly experience.
Lucy McBath
I have got into the habit of gyming regularly.
With Anil bhai, it is not only Virat or any other big player, but every player is in his scheme of plans. Even the ones who will not be playing regularly in the side. I feel that is a very important thing.
Shikhar Dhawan
I’ve been playing more regularly in 2015 because of injuries but also because of technical decisions.
Raphael Varane
I’m an anglophile. I visit England regularly, sometimes three or four times a year, at least once a year.
George Takei
President Obama has regularly granted special access to reporters who give him preferential coverage.
Ben Shapiro
Normally skeptical journalists routinely give renewables a pass. The reason isn’t because they don’t know how to report critically on energy – they do regularly when it comes to non-renewable energy sources – but rather because they don’t want to.
Michael Shellenberger
We have not been asking the serious questions about the future of our species, questions sci-fi regularly explores by showing us the best and worst of what could be.
Nick Sagan
The characters I’m most emotionally involved with are like friends you leave behind when you move away. You don’t see them regularly anymore, but you still love them and keep in touch.
Mary Doria Russell
I have always said from day dot if somebody comes in and they give me a chance to play and play regularly then they will get the best out of me.
Phil Jones
Dembele is a player who has been playing regularly, from the bench or the start, and he has quality. When he comes off the bench, he can change a game, and that’s a quality that is undervalued in football. Not everybody has that quality.
Ernesto Valverde
Every Monday, we’re asked to undertake jump tests to check the conditions of our muscles. There’s nothing you can hide. Once a week, they do urine tests, and your body fat percentage is tested regularly. The doctors cover all bases.
Granit Xhaka
I am careful with my diet, but at the same time, I regularly meditate and do yoga early in the morning. That’s the only reason for my fitness.
Jagapathi Babu
I honestly don’t diet or work out regularly. I’m just always running around – you’ll never catch me having a day on the sofa.
Abbey Clancy
As anyone who follows me on Twitter will know, I’m fairly robust in my views on there. I get next to nothing in the way of trolling. Most women I know who regularly come close to expressing an opinion get trolled constantly. This is a men-on-women issue. Guys are pretty much doing it to the girls.
John Niven
Flirtation is something that should be practiced very regularly. Flirtation is like taking a nice walk. You do it as a form of exercise, but it also contributes most highly to your well-being.
Julie Newmar
I am not a slim person, so I regularly exercise to be h

I am not a slim person, so I regularly exercise to be healthy mentally and physically.
Park Shin-hye
No one knows what the top-performing asset class will be next year. Lacking this prescience, your next-best solution is to own all of the classes and rebalance regularly.
Barry Ritholtz
If you run regularly for 10 to 15 kms, you get into that space where it is like meditation. There is no confusion in your head, thoughts enter and leave and you let go of all your pent-up emotions.
Milind Soman
My husband gave up all his work to stay at home with the kids, and we split all the duties at home. I do all the boring stuff – like pay the bills, and he does all the exercising for both of us, which I’m very grateful for… I thank him for it regularly.
Erika Slezak
For much of the final decade of the 20th century, one story regularly dominated the news across much of the developed world. It was the unravelling of the marriage between the heir to the British throne and his beautiful, charismatic princess, Diana.
Penny Junor
When you are playing regularly, you feel a lot sharper on the pitch.
Danny Welbeck
My interest in self-help began when I was a child in the Seventies. My mum had a book she would consult regularly: ‘Passages’ by Gail Sheehy, which deals with the challenging stages of growing up.
Susanna Reid
What can you say about Carlo Ancelotti? I talk to him regularly and he made history for Milan.
Filippo Inzaghi
Ballet is a healthy world despite what people might think. There’s a perception that ballet dancers are skinny and unhealthy, but that’s rubbish. You have to be strong, so eating regularly and healthily is essential.
Darcey Bussell
In the years just before… during the Carter years, the Soviets regularly violated, if you will, both the spirit and theletter of arms control agreements, I think, that they had negotiated during the period of detente.
Jeane Kirkpatrick
When I ask people how much time they spend not doing their job – time spent on ‘work-about-work’ or phone calls or e-mails – people regularly tell me 60, or even 90 percent. So if Asana could take that down closer to zero, we could potentially double the effectiveness of humanity.
Justin Rosenstein
My partner and I weed through our bookshelves and throw stuff out regularly.
Stephen McCauley
I travel regularly and have learnt to be very methodical as far as packing is concerned. For example, I always check the weather in advance of where I’m going to ensure that I’ve packed the right clothes.
Paloma Faith
I don’t really have a fitness regime. I swim regularly and hit the gym once in a while but I also eat a lot.
Rhea Chakraborty
Sleep is the interest we have to pay on the capital which is called in at death; and the higher the rate of interest and the more regularly it is paid, the further the date of redemption is postponed.
Arthur Schopenhauer
Just checking up on someone with a, ‘Hey, how are you doing?’ usually means the most to someone. I try my best to regularly check in with friends who are musicians just because I know we go through things where we feel like people only hit us up because they need something from us like a verse or a promo.
Stress makes us prone to tunnel vision, less likely to take in the information we need. Anxiety makes us more risk-averse than we would be regularly and more deferential.
Noreena Hertz
I have long thought that anyone who does not regularly – or ever – gaze up and see the wonder and glory of a dark night sky filled with countless stars loses a sense of their fundamental connectedness to the universe.
Brian Greene
I’ve never been a big movie person, but I used to watch movies regularly in my life, and sometime in the ’90s I just stopped. I certainly never was an educated moviegover.
David Berman
Children who play regularly with their peers are most likely to achieve the highest levels of adjustment as adults.
Brian Sutton-Smith
Mindfulness has helped me succeed in almost every dimension of my life. By stopping regularly to look inward and become aware of my mental state, I stay connected to the source of my actions and thoughts and can guide them with considerably more intention.
Dustin Moskovitz
I didn’t even start playing the piano until I was about 13 or 14. I guess I must have had a little talent or whatever-you-call-it, but I practised regularly, and that’s what counts.
George Gershwin
Nearly all Americans felt they knew JFK intimately, his charm and wit regularly lighting up the television screen at home. This is why polls showed that millions of Americans took his assassination like a ‘death in the family.’
Vincent Bugliosi
You cannot find one team in the Premier League who can win at a place like Old Trafford regularly. The word ‘regularly’ makes it sound easy to win.
Marco Silva
There’s only one thing that regularly keeps me up at night. Working with the greatest people in the world and knowing that they are counting on me to build a company that endures – a company where they can grow professionally. A company where they can build world-class products and be proud to work.
David Ulevitch
Business leaders regularly complain that young people don’t leave school with the right skills. Encouraging young people to be entrepreneurs makes the connection between school and the world of work, teaching them about practical thinking, team-work, communication and financial literacy.
Steph McGovern
I get apologies from Gamergaters pretty regularly saying: ‘I didn’t think you were a real person.’
Zoe Quinn
Once I actually learned how to eat well and exercise regularly so the weight would stay off, it was really easy to do so after my third son was born.
Rachel Hollis
Just as you go to the gym regularly to keep your body fit, regular couples counseling can keep your relationship fit as well.
Laura Wasser
I grew up on Chicago’s South Side in a working-poor family, so I watched everything on television. It was like my window on the world. But we also went to the movies pretty regularly – mostly on Tuesdays, because that was Ladies Night, and my mom could get in for free.
Robert Zemeckis
Since I’m a fan of collections and anthologies, believe that the best writing often shines in shards and galloping stretches, I never find myself lobbying for a writer I enjoy reading regularly to hole up in Heidegger’s hut for four or five years to bring forth a mountain.
James Wolcott
I like to come home regularly and, when I do, I need so

I like to come home regularly and, when I do, I need something to do on Saturdays. I can’t think of anything better than the mighty Tottenham Hotspur.
Lennie James
I visit Gujarat quite regularly – it feels like a second home.
Jennifer Winget
Definitely read a quality daily paper regularly, and use the Internet to check out the press around the world as often as you can.
Serge Schmemann
I have been reading the press more regularly than others over 50 years and it seems to me that there are things that have changed in the press that have changed its character.
John Major
After exercising, I oil my hair regularly with almond, coconut, olive and castor oil.
Riya Sen
Forecasting is a maddening occupation. It is always fascinating and exciting and rewarding. yet it is also regularly exasperating and infuriating, occasionally even deranging.
Edgar Fiedler
I sleep with castor oil and clingfilm wrapped around my stomach. It’s amazingly slimming because it detoxes your system. I also regularly cleanse my liver.
Davinia Taylor
When we were younger, we would love to dress up. But now, being a celebrity, you know how much we dress up regularly, so that kind of takes away the charm.
Hina Khan
I was born out of due time in the sense that by temperament and talent I should have been more suited for the life of a small Bach, living in anonymity and composing regularly for an established service and for God.
Igor Stravinsky
You know, I do not have the CV of a man who has been working really regularly.
Brendan Hunt
I regularly do yoga and believe it has been keeping me healthy physically and mentally since long time.
As regards this country, in which protection has always to some extent existed, it is the best customer that England ever had, and our demands upon her grow most steadily and regularly under protection.
Henry Charles Carey
You know, exercise should always be fun otherwise you don’t feel motivated enough to hit the gym regularly.
Koel Mallick
My mother taught me to appreciate a good drugstore beauty aisle. I regularly use Aquaphor, Chap Stick, Purpose Face Soap, and Aveeno body moisturizer.
Ivanka Trump
In Peru, awareness of fake currency is so high that retail shops regularly provide cashiers with hole punchers. When a fake bill is received, the cashier quickly pops out a few holes before curtly returning the bill to an oft-surprised client.
Jonathan Franklin
My statement pieces change regularly.
Tan France
I regularly dream about the Queen. Apparently, millions of people do. I wonder who she dreams about?
Gyles Brandreth
It’s frustrating; terrorism is rare and largely ineffectual, yet we regularly magnify the effects of both their successes and failures by terrorizing ourselves.
Bruce Schneier
Political journalists, socially inept or no, are not nerds. Most of them can’t do math, a fact that campaigns and politicians regularly exploit.
Alex Pareene
I have a group of cafes and coffee shops that I go to regularly. They usually have an area where I can plug in my computer and have a corner seat where I can do a couple hours of writing or whatever, even the noise of the surrounding people walking by. Those things are the things that stimulate me into writing.
Bong Joon-ho
I workout regularly with a trainer. It is relaxing for me.
Meghana Raj
I was never particularly wild, just very busy and often didn’t think about what I was putting into my body. Today things are very different. I stopped smoking in my late 30s; I avoid wheat and gluten as this makes me feel bloated and sluggish; exercise regularly and bounce out of bed.
Britt Ekland
I don’t score that regularly.
Aaron Mooy
I do not play golf regularly, but I feel that hitting the moving ball in cricket is tougher than hitting a stationary ball as in golf, which requires more concentration and steady hands.
Harbhajan Singh
You can’t be a creative thinker if you’re not stimulating your mind, just as you can’t be an Olympic athlete if you don’t train regularly.
Ken Robinson
Dad was involved in a lot of crime and the police were regularly coming to our door looking for him. From the age of three he always made sure I had a football and he’d make me play with much bigger kids. But he’d tell them, ‘Kick him and if he moans he’ll come in.’ So I got taught to grow up very quickly.
Troy Deeney
I used to go to the gym regularly and swim an awful lot, but that was when I was unemployed and knew leisure intimately.
Mark Gatiss
I am very careful about my health… For example, I have body check-ups regularly and take some medicines to control my blood pressure, because I have a little bit high blood pressure.
Carrie Lam
I love the Beatles, but I don’t listen to them at all regularly. Most of my friends are bigger Beatles fans than I am. I respect them, and I love them – ‘Abbey Road’ is probably one of my favorite albums, but I don’t think I’ve ever listened to the ‘White Album’ the whole way through.
Kevin Parker
The desire to collect information on customers is not new for Target or any other large retailer, of course. For decades, Target has collected vast amounts of data on every person who regularly walks into one of its stores.
Charles Duhigg
The struggle of democratic secularism, religious tolerance, individual freedom and feminism against authoritarian patriarchal religion, culture and morality is going on all over the world – including the Islamic world, where dissidents are regularly jailed, killed, exiled or merely intimidated and silenced.
Ellen Willis
People regularly practice playing a sport like golf or

People regularly practice playing a sport like golf or basketball – but few people think about ‘practicing being successful.’ I had practiced meeting the Queen of England – what I would wear, how I would stand, the handshake – so when I did meet her, I was comfortable – for I had practiced the moment for years.
Dan Pena
I have hardly seen my baby for six weeks; have been at the office from nine A.M. to eleven P.M. regularly.
Franklin Knight Lane
At one time, when I was younger, I exercised regularly and had a 27-inch waist.
Leslie Jordan
When we raised the first Foundry Group fund in 2007, we took over 100 first meetings. We told our story several hundred times. As part of it was a slide called ‘Strategy.’ I still repeat the elements of that slide regularly, a decade later, as our core strategy has not changed.
Brad Feld
I teach fiction in my workshops, and some of the readings could be classified as horror. For example, ‘House Taken Over,’ a short story by Julio Cortazar, is a work I regularly teach.
Laura van den Berg
The United States is the first nation to regularly conduct strikes using remotely piloted aircraft in an armed conflict. Other nations also possess this technology. Many more nations are seeking it, and more will succeed in acquiring it.
John O. Brennan
Presidents have a right to certain prerogatives, including the expectation of a certain deference. He’s the president; this is history. But we seem to have come a long way since Ronald Reagan was regularly barked at by Sam Donaldson, almost literally, and the president shrugged it off.
Peggy Noonan
There’s a very big difference between being fit and being fight fit. Sparring is the only way to get fight fit. It’s a very important part of boxing and something that I do as regularly as possible.
Chris Eubank Jr.
I don’t go to church regularly. I wouldn’t say I was religious, but more spiritual.
Julian Ovenden
Many legal experts note that prosecutors regularly seek indictments of people or companies for destroying evidence or impeding investigations, even if they cannot prove other charges.
Alex Berenson
Elements which are similar as regards their chemical properties have atomic weights which are either of nearly the same value (eg. Pt, Ir, Os) or which increase regularly (eg. K, Ru, Cs).
Dmitri Mendeleev
When I was growing up in New Jersey, my mom would regularly take my sister and I into the city to see shows. I have many fond memories of standing in the half-price ticket line in Times Square and going to matinees.
Trey Anastasio
I like the little semi-competencies of human beings, I realize. Governance, after all, is a messy business, a world of demi-solutions and compromise, where ideals are tarnished regularly.
Ellen Ullman
Change your routine regularly because your body gets used it, and it won’t benefit you after a while. Mix it up – legs, arms and butt – so you work your total body and stay balanced.
Stella Maxwell
As we regularly spend time reading God’s Word and talking to Him in prayer, we put ourselves in position for Him to do things in our lives we could never do on our own.
Joyce Meyer
There never was a happier or more devoted husband than the male bluebird. He is the gay champion and escort of the female at all times, and while she is sitting, he feeds her regularly.
John Burroughs
I don’t plan out my visits rigorously, but I do have a list of about 125 New York galleries, alternative spaces, museums, and so forth that I visit regularly. That’s the closest thing I have to a strategy: I go to a lot of places, many that artists don’t visit.
Jerry Saltz
A failure to listen to the party’s grassroots was a charge regularly levelled at Theresa May – particularly over Brexit.
James Cleverly
Once I started eating right and exercising regularly, I realized that I had done everything I could possibly do and this is the body I was given… and I must embrace it.
Shibani Dandekar
I find myself working out at hotel gyms quite regularly – just so that I can keep up with my training.
Lee Byung-hun
I am regularly asked what the average Internet user can do to ensure his security. My first answer is usually ‘Nothing; you’re screwed’.
Bruce Schneier
I decided to try radio as a source of livelihood because I like to eat regularly.
Jim Backus
I think there is no better way for our players to improve and learn to perform under pressure than playing regularly with India.
We don’t know what proportion of public funds is regularly lost to collusion and corruption. Is it 25 per cent? 30 per cent? We do know that a portion of these public funds are feeding organized crime.
Pauline Marois
We have regularly won medals at all tournaments and I think after ‘Dangal,’ the craze for wrestling increased among the girls.
Geeta Phogat
I feel like that religions generally ask the biggest questions. They may not always have the best answers, but they’re the zone of human activity that regularly asks the biggest questions.
Ayad Akhtar
Many of our problems are home-grown. Gordon Brown regularly advised the rest of the world to follow his British model of growth. But the model was flawed. It led to the highest level of household debt in relation to income in the world.
Vince Cable
The musket could not be aimed except in a general direction; a bow in the hands of a skilled archer could regularly hit and kill an enemy completely beyond musket range.
Edmund Morgan
‘Euphoria’ was a lot of fun wardrobe-wise because I actually got to wear clothing that I would regularly wear.
Sydney Sweeney
I find it hard to believe that anyone could be playing regularly and saying they do not have a niggle. It is the nature of the beast, what you get when you play a lot of rugby: you have to get another niggle to forget about the one you already have.
Alun Wyn Jones
My grandmother was a typical farm-family mother. She would regularly prepare dinner for thirty people, and that meant something was always cooking in the kitchen. All of my grandmother’s recipes went back to her grandmother.
Willard Scott
My goal was just to work regularly. I didn't ever expec

My goal was just to work regularly. I didn’t ever expect to be rich or famous. I wanted to be a working character actor.
Harrison Ford
People recognize actors that they see regularly, like people they see on the television every week.
Ben Barnes
I’d skip school regularly to see movies – even in the morning, in the small Parisian theaters that opened early.
Francois Truff
My mother also had us take piano lessons, and this had a similar effect. I hated those lessons, but I now play regularly for pleasure and have even tried my hand at composing.
Robert B. Laughlin
Calling Michelle ‘Obama Barack’s baby mama?’ Tell me, is that acceptable? But the Obamas aren’t the only targets. Fox’s pattern of race-baiting and fear-mongering regularly focuses on black leaders, black institutions and ordinary black people.
Mom gives me advice every single day, about how I’m not eating regularly enough, not sleeping enough, that I need to look after my skin, I shouldn’t colour my hair, my eyebrows are too thin, etc. Most of her advice I discard, especially the thin eyebrows part.
Soha Ali Khan
Alf Wight was remarkable, and I keep in touch regularly with his children Rosie and Jim, I love them dearly and I owe them.
Christopher Timothy
I do a Zumba class at least twice a week, which entertains me and keeps me fit, and I have two dogs that I walk regularly.
Darcey Bussell
To me, as a physician, when 1.78 million of our high school kids have tried an e-cigarette, and a lot of them are using them regularly … that’s like watching someone harm hundreds of thousands of children.
Tom Frieden
As a scholar who regularly surveys archival material, I think that, a century from now, cultural historians will find David Horowitz’s spiritual and political odyssey paradigmatic for our time.
Camille Paglia
I am 47; I think I must be one of the oldest female newscasters on telly. There’s not many of us who still get to work regularly for this long.
Mary Nightingale
I worked regularly from very early on, and some of it was probably a bit premature.
Julia Stiles
When I was at school, I was forced to play lacrosse, a game in which tiny, rock-hard missiles fly at your head, and you must catch them with a stick to avoid a brain haemorrhage. I was regularly punished for not taking part more wholeheartedly.
Victoria Coren Mitchell
I love Franschhoek, and straight off the plane, I went to the incomparable Quartier Francais, on the main street, for breakfast. This small hotel and restaurant is regularly near the top of every poll for best hotel and restaurant in Africa.
Justin Cartwright
From the late 19th to the early 20th century, the December issue of almost any general-interest magazine regularly featured a holiday horror or two.
Michael Dirda
When it comes to talking to your kids about economics, start early beause the progressive culture-makers are starting earlier than you think! Cartoon storylines regularly denegrate competition and other foundational principles of capitalism.
Rachel Campos-Duffy
Everything you worry about as a parent can be improved by sitting down regularly with your kids.
Laurie David
Bands rise and surface in the British press so regularly that, for the most part, unless something really catches my ear, I feel like, ‘Oh, if they’re still around in two years, I’ll see what they’re up to.’
Lee Ranaldo
You have to understand that the I.D.W. emerged as a response to a world where perfectly reasonable intellectuals were being regularly mislabeled by activists, institutions, and mainstream journalists with every career-ending epithet from ‘Islamophobe’ to ‘Nazi.’
Eric Weinstein
In the dear dead days beyond recall, when I was in my prime as a film critic, the industry was booming. Hollywood, to give them their due, always called it the industry, through quite a few imagined it as an art form and went through several hours regularly at tiresome films in the sacred cause of art.
Patrick Kavanagh
When I was growing up, I did go to the arcade. We had a neighborhood arcade, and my friends and I would go fairly regularly.
Gene Luen Yang
My dad and stepmom live in Mobile, Ala., and spend their vacation time an hour’s drive away in Orange Beach, Ala. This means that, throughout my life, I have regularly vacationed there as well.
W. Kamau Bell
Priesthood lessons are regularly devoted to topics of family leadership, and quorum leaders everywhere are feeling more and more their responsibility to teach and train their quorum members to be better husbands and fathers.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
England Women regularly play against Under-15 and U-17 county men’s sides, which is great for the girls to take them out of their comfort zones. It’s important to find a balance, though, because the way in which women’s cricket is played is still very different.
Isa Guha
My feeling is that poetry will wither on the vine if you don’t regularly come back to the simplest fundamentals of the poem: rhythm, rhyme, simple subjects – love, death, war.
James Fenton
I’m also performing regularly in Southern California with two bands. As a solo artist doing acoustic sets and a member of the Jenerators, my rock n roll band that has been around for a long time now.
Bill Mumy
Regularly, customers asked for a book on Greenwich, and there was none. After all, Elizabeth I was born there. The Observatory is known all over the world; the Royal Naval College is there. So I decided to do it.
Nigel Hamilton
In middle school, I had a teacher who regularly reminded students of the Monday night Young Life meetings he sponsored; on Tuesdays, he’d spend the first few minutes of class palling around with the chosen ones about all the fun and fellowship they’d experienced together.
Laura Moser
My son Barry, of course, has been on from the beginning. And his son Shane is playing now a med student regularly on the show. And at one point or another, I’ve had all four of his kids on the show.
Dick Van Dyke
According to the Gallup Poll, 24 percent of American adults exercised regularly in 1961, and 50 percent after 1968. The peak was 59 percent in 1984, dropping off to 51 percent last September.
Kenneth H. Cooper
Regularly in music videos, I’ll write the pitch and convince the artists that this is a good idea, and then I’m having to make concessions to meet in the middle.
Hiro Murai
Blade Runner appears regularly, two or three times a ye

Blade Runner appears regularly, two or three times a year in various shapes and forms of science fiction. It set the pace for what is essentially urban science fiction, urban future and it’s why I’ve never re-visited that area because I feel I’ve done it.
Ridley Scott
A friend told me about the casting notice for ‘Queer Eye.’ I was in Chicago and I had a contract with ‘Esquire’ magazine, so had been coming to New York City regularly and thought I’d catch a cheap flight, crash on a friend’s sofa and do this hilarious audition that I had no chance of winning.
Ted Allen
40 seems to be the new 25 in snooker so there is no rush, but I would like to start hitting the time where I’m more stable and regularly hitting the quarters and semis, push on and make some money.
Kurt Maflin
The Parisian has his amusements as regularly as his meals, the theatre, music, the dance, a walk in the Tuilleries, a refection in the cafe, to which ladies resort as commonly as the other sex. Perpetual business, perpetual labor, is a thing of which he seems to have no idea.
William Cullen Bryant
Were I to put myself on… one of those online dating things, I would not include in my profile that I’m regularly hospitalized for psychosis. But I do know that when I get really bad, there is a place for me to go where I will feel better.
Marya Hornbacher
I feel I should get better at my fitness regimen, but I think it’s about doing it more regularly rather than expecting miracles. There are no shortcuts.
Sonali Bendre
Zlatan is a great guy; I speak with him very regularly. I have a lot of respect and admiration for him.
Thiago Silva
I grew up in Pittsburgh, and regularly, my parents would take us to the Holiday House Supper Club to see acts like Nancy Wilson, Sarah Vaughn, Ben Vereen, Freda Payne, Stephanie Mills, and The Temptations, to name a few.
Tamara Tunie
We’d like to encourage more regional and national tournaments for our paralympians so they can regularly compete and hone their skills.
Anurag Thakur
I went to study in Spain for a year after school. It was either that or Russian, so I went for the easy option. I love Spain and go quite regularly. I’ve done a bit of Spanish theatre.
Sarah Alexander
Fitness of a top-class squash player is very important, and talent only can’t do the job. They have to get training regularly for at least eight hours a day so that they could put some good show in a two-hour match.
Jahangir Khan
I would rather beat the Yankees regularly than pitch a no hit game.
Bob Feller
If Celtic were to build a team strong enough to regularly compete in the Champions League, I might decide to manage them one day.
Roberto Mancini
My upbringing was in the church. We had to attend regularly. And, of course, the church provided a training ground for me, so to speak, as a young vocalist and certainly gave me all of the spiritual values that I needed as a young lady.
Aretha Franklin
Many Americans don’t have an understanding of the freedoms they regularly enjoy.
Dave Anderson
Readers regularly ask what can go wrong but almost never what could positively surprise.
Kenneth Fisher
I use music as therapy. Whenever I’m feeling angry or needing some ‘me’ time, which is quite regularly, I’ll go and bang a piano or flesh out something on a guitar.
Arthur Darvill
You basically do have a TV show when you’re making stuff online. You have an audience that you make stuff for regularly.
Anthony Padilla
The Yanukovych regime is a mafia, which regularly threatens, imprisons, murders, or disappears political opponents as well as those whose possessions it covets.
Robert Zubrin
I don’t think it’s healthy to have 68-year-old men, 70-year-old men thinking regularly about a traumatic experience that happened to them and thinking that they cannot talk about it with anybody, and no one wants to listen.
Doug Stanton
I delight to lodge in such temples as are not regularly kept closed. None of the gods reject me; they make me partner of their roof.
Apollonius of Tyana
In order to have skin that glows and looks healthy and actually is healthy, you need to look at the whole picture and have a holistic approach to it. A lot of it is exercising regularly, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, and keeping stress down.
Allison Williams
I’m a professional footballer and, to me, playing regularly is the most important thing; money is secondary.
Kolo Toure
Get eight hours of sleep regularly. Keep your weight down, run a mile a day.
Stan Musial
We judge people based on their clothes, social class, and, dare I say, ethnicity. Our comedians make light of these stereotypes regularly, and we laugh at their accuracy.
Consuming mushrooms regularly has been associated with decreased risk of breast, stomach and colorectal cancers.
Joel Fuhrman
The ‘means of grace’ are such as Bible reading, private prayer, and regularly worshiping God in Church, wherein one hears the Word taught and participates in the Lord’s Supper. I lay it down as a simple matter of fact that no one who is careless about such things must ever expect to make much progress in sanctification.
J. C. Ryle
I lead a very active lifestyle. When I am not working, I enjoy snowboarding in winter. I golf and swim in the summer months. However, trying to find the time to exercise when I am traveling is quite a challenge. I find myself working out at hotel gyms quite regularly – just so that I can keep up with my training.
Lee Byung-hun
It is a poor cause which has to be lied for regularly.
Katharine Elizabeth Fullerton Gerould
Me, guarding the best post players in the league, it definitely takes a toll on your body. But that’s why I get massages regularly, cold tub, foot baths, rest and the weight room.
Tristan Thompson
People who are making it to 100 live in environments where they are regularly nudged into physical activity.
Dan Buettner
I am a great movie buff, and I devour films regularly.

I am a great movie buff, and I devour films regularly.
Yuvraj Singh
My fashion icons change regularly.
Roisin Murphy
I didn’t see myself playing regularly at right-back for Manchester United or making my England debut in that position.
Chris Smalling
I am a journalist in the field of etiquette. I try to find out what the most genteel people regularly do, what traditions they have discarded, what compromises they have made.
Amy Vanderbilt
I love pilates and yoga but don’t do them regularly.
Elizabeth Hurley
The United States and Russian security services regularly exchange information.
Vladimir Putin
I was playing regularly for United up to when I left.
Chris Smalling
If I’m going to be honest about it, I think men get to do this sort of thing all the time. You look at countless performances by great male actors who get to play the whole gamut of human emotions. Women aren’t regularly allowed to do that, and I don’t know why people are so frightened by it.
Rebecca Hall
My wife and I are affiliated with a temple here in Los Angeles. We feel very close to the congregation and to the rabbi, who happens to be my wife’s cousin and who I admire greatly. I talk to him regularly but I consider myself more spiritual than religious.
Leonard Nimoy
The Tea Party was regularly smeared in media as a violent, bigoted, ‘astroturf’ movement hellbent on opposing the first black president because of his skin color rather than his big-government policies. These classifications were made without evidence, and there were many more.
Katie Pavlich
It is quite wrong that one group of people should regularly and deliberately flout the law, boast about it and get away with it.
Ann Widdecombe
I did psychotherapy for about six years. I stopped going regularly when I’d finished ‘Elemental,’ which I think probably says something. I think I’m moving on.
Roland Orzabal
Perhaps the majority of human beings never think of standing by themselves, and choosing their own employments, till the sentence has been regularly promulgated to them, ‘It is time for you to take care of yourself.’
William Godwin
Formed in 1967 and still performing regularly half a century later, Fairport Convention are Britain’s equivalent of the Band. Unlike the latter they have maintained cordial relations.
David Hepworth
I don’t believe in starving myself to be slim, I believe in the concept of being fit. I eat right and work out regularly.
Sanjeeda Sheikh
Proponents of same-sex marriage regularly label opponents ‘radical’ and ‘extremist.’ However, given that no society in thousands of years has allowed same-sex marriage, it is, by definition, the proponents of same-sex marriage whose position is radical and extreme.
Dennis Prager
Believe it or not, I work out regularly.
Ricky Gervais
How often do I call my mom? You can never call your mum enough, and I should call my mum more often. But I speak to my mum very regularly and have a close relationship with my parents.
Will Poulter
Though not the longest battle in history – that was Verdun – Stalingrad was certainly the most pitiless, an adjective that reappears regularly in Mr. Beevor’s classic work.
Alistair Horne
When you practice yoga regularly, you get more then you will from jogging on the treadmill catching up on the last season of ‘Lost.’ When you practice yoga, you use your body and your mind, and you’re gaining awareness and intuition.
Tara Stiles
When you are new, it is difficult to get momentum and get to know your team-mates when you are not regularly in the team.
Christian Eriksen
I’m terrible at posting regularly; I don’t deserve the blog success!
Ashley Madekwe
The first point of contact for radicalisation is almost always a personal one. Prisons and universities, for example, tend to be easily and regularly infiltrated by radical groups, who use them as forums to propagate their ideas.
Maajid Nawaz
When I was 19 or 20, the way I was an activist was by regularly meeting with groups, going to protests, and being there on the ground.
Laura Jane Grace
After two rounds of chemo, I’ve started to notice, slowly, but surely, my hair has started to appear more regularly in my shower drain, sink drain, pillowcase and comb.
Amy Robach
I come back to Vegas pretty regularly. Quick visits, and I usually just kind of lay low, see my mom, and then get out of there. But every now and then, I’m able to kind of come for extended stays and see some people.
Baron Vaughn
Throughout my life, I have talked to Heavenly Father regularly through prayer. I am very grateful to my parents for teaching me that Heavenly Father lives and that He always listens to us. He listens to me, and He listens to you. I know that He will always be there for you.
Margaret D. Nadauld
I weigh myself regularly and if I gain even one pound I get really excited.
Lizzie Velasquez
I’ve found that a combination of therapy and medication, along with lifestyle choices like eating better and exercising regularly, helps me cope well with my anxiety.
John Corey Whaley
True to his Malay Chinese heritage, my dad would regularly whip up a revitalising spicy broth in the depths of winter. He was a firm believer that spicy food is the solution to most problems, and feeling under the weather was no exception.
Rachel Khoo
I have seen celebrities whose friends change as they become more successful, but my friends haven’t changed over 30 years. I’ve still got some of the friends I had when I was 14 and I see them regularly with their families.
Peter Jones
Something that I think extends to a lot of African cult

Something that I think extends to a lot of African cultures is that the line between performer and audience is blurry. My mom would lead the wedding song regularly, and she isn’t a professional singer. Even as an audience member, you’re expected to clap and sing the response to the lead.
I record a lot of stuff on my phone when I’m out and about and regularly use the recordings in my tracks.
I need to build my stamina, so I go to the gym regularly.
Liza Soberano
Yes, my whole family, including my husband Mimoh, watches my show regularly and are positively critical about my performance. I mean when they feel that I could have done better, they tell me.
Madalsa Sharma
Comics are regularly asked to perform for impossible rooms. They’re called ‘hell gigs.’
Adam Conover
Let’s face it – online promotion of your books could easily become a full-time career if you’re not careful. But if you’re not writing regularly, then it won’t be long before there’s nothing to promote.
Teresa Medeiros
I regularly visualise my body from head to toe, and wait for it to tell me if there’s anything wrong.
Chris de Burgh
I always had a phobia of heights, but since I’ve been flying more regularly I have no problem with it now. I just go to sleep.
Rob Cross
When I am not recording, I do live shows or am at home catching up on shows which I regularly watch. But there will always be some music around me.
Shreya Ghoshal
The alarm bells sound regularly: cybergeddon; the next Pearl Harbor; one of the greatest existential threats facing the United States. With increasing frequency, these are the grave terms officials invoke about the menace of cybercrime – and they’re not understating the threat.
Preet Bharara
When I visited Chechnya, I was taken aback at first because people would regularly make jokes about kidnapping me.
Anthony Marra
We readily go to the health club when our doctor suggests we need more exercise, but we regularly neglect the ‘mental health club’ that our well-being more truly requires.
Pico Iyer
I’m not the type who parties regularly. I’m happy sitting at home, cooling my heels.
Naga Chaitanya
Building and launching rockets has been a lifelong hobby that my son and I share. We regularly travel to Nevada’s Black Rock Desert to launch rockets.
Steve Jurvetson
I used a bike in London and that’s it. I learnt a lot about biking, and really got into. Now I cycle regularly.
Jonny Lee Miller
It definitely helps when you play regularly instead of coming in and out of the team.
Loris Karius
Recently, I have come to assume that any call to my landline is from a telemarketer or an automated call from Terminex, letting me know that our regularly scheduled pest-extermination service will occur on its regular schedule. So I usually ignore my home phone.
Susan Orlean
We have seen from experience that, if we are in the habit of walking regularly on the same road, we are able to think about other things while walking, without paying attention to our steps.
Vinoba Bhave
I like getting massages regularly. So much so, that I built a massage room adjacent to my office.
Stewart Rahr
When I was growing up, I was regularly involved in local activities such as food collections, food kitchens, and other initiatives.
Rex Tillerson
I have really fond memories of Texas. By the time I was eight, we started to go back to Chile very regularly, and many family members came to visit us because we couldn’t go visit them.
Pedro Pascal
Japanese children have infinitely more developed bodies than those in the West. From the age of two, a child learns to sit in a perfectly balanced manner; between two and three, the child begins to bow regularly, which is a wonderful exercise for the body.
Peter Brook
I regularly go to concerts with my children sharing the music.
Peter Hook
My girls and I regularly go through their rooms to find clothes and toys to donate to charities. I firmly believe that children who have been given so much need to experience the joy that comes from giving.
Kimora Lee Simmons
A youngster should know his game first. If he knows his game, he can modify it at the top level if required. But if he doesn’t know his game, then it is difficult to get success at international level. You will get success occasionally but not regularly.
Virender Sehwag
Today, I regularly attend two Buddhist organizations, the Zen Center of Los Angeles and Against the Stream, but I also attend certain Christian functions. I try to cultivate a generous, kind spirit and am open to anything to help get me there.
Maggie Rowe
I’ll always be thankful to Villa for giving me the chance to play first-team football regularly.
Kyle Walker
I’ve loved car racing all my life. I watch NASCAR regularly, and drag racing because we have Raceway Park in New Jersey. I think I got it from my father.
Queen Latifah
Things come to me pretty regularly. There is never a shortage or a backlog.
Duncan Sheik
I respect the Bible and offer namaz regularly. But I am ritualistic only up to a certain extent. I believe only in those rituals that I can understand and connect with, and conduct them my own way.
Emraan Hashmi
Remember to do the things you enjoy away from swimming, regularly.
Ian Thorpe
Country lyrics often reference the NRA and firearms own

Country lyrics often reference the NRA and firearms ownership as a way of life. Artists such as John Rich, Toby Keith, Sara Evans and others regularly play shows at the NRA Annual Meeting, which thousands of NRA members attend.
Katie Pavlich
I’ve been very lucky to work with great filmmakers. But I think my days of just freely acting regularly, that being my sole creative fulfillment, are gone.
Adrien Brody
ISIS itself regularly fuels hatred of gay people and violence towards them. It broadcasts gruesome executions of homosexuals thrown blindfolded from rooftops.
George Takei
So much of my game is owed to Thierry. We text regularly.
Bradley Wright-Phillips
I am embarrassed to say that I regularly wake up to a message from my personal shopper, saying, ‘Hey, it’s Charlene, just letting you know about this handbag before everyone else!’
Francesca Hayward
I take guidance regularly from NCP chief Sharad Pawar Saheb and occasionally speak Soniaji Gandhi.
Uddhav Thackeray
OK, I have to admit that I go on That guy is so funny, he’s just so funny… you know, I’m a news junkie, so I regularly flip between,, and a site that’s called, which shows me six different news feeds. And I go on about once a day.
Marshall Herskovitz
Being obsessed by goals is bad for you. You should set goals, even ambitious goals, regularly. But focus on them only to the extent that they give you direction.
Srikumar Rao
CPAC brings together thousands of conservative leaders and organizations. Regularly seen on C-SPAN and other national news networks, CPAC has been the premier event for any major elected official or public personality seeking to discuss issues of the day with conservatives.
Tom Fitton
Wellness is associated with happiness. When you’re happy, you’re feeling good in your mind and body. That ties into being healthy, eating well, and exercising regularly. It also ties into being excited about things – like getting up in the morning and having a healthy breakfast.
Stella Maxwell
There are a lot of players competing for that wide attacking role, and if I’m brutally honest, if you aren’t playing regularly, you can’t get picked. I found that out, missing out on the World Cup.
Ashley Young
Go to the doctor, get a checkup, and get Pap smears regularly. Cervical cancer is very preventable, and if you catch it early, there are tons of ways to treat it as well.
Mandy Moore
It’s been said that members of Congress love receiving pats on the back weekdays in Washington, D.C., but they would benefit greatly from going home regularly to receive valuable slaps on the back of the head in their districts.
Tim Walberg
African runners regularly work out in the United States and Europe, and the International Olympic Committee sends some of the cash from the Games to Olympic committees in poor nations, which use the money to finance their own programs.
Alex Berenson
I don’t believe in extreme diets. For me, staying away from sugar and processed foods, eating home-cooked meals and exercising regularly is the key.
Diana Penty
I don’t know why people do not read ‘Mein Kampf’ more regularly. It tells you first-hand about all the narcissism; you see that collapse in German culture. There is no chance that anyone could become a Nazi by reading that book.
Karl Ove Knausgard
When you sign up for Facebook, the service first searches for any mentions of your name and suggests you befriend anyone who has mentioned you in their posts. It then asks to access your e-mail account so you can connect with anyone with whom you regularly correspond.
Ethan Zuckerman
Overall strength work – if you can do it regularly – makes a massive difference on the pitch, especially when you are fatigued. If you are stronger, it helps you deal with that.
Jordan Henderson
As my grandmother Shamshad Begum was a noted classical singer, who had settled down in London, we used to receive several people from the music, film and literature fraternity at home. People like Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, Mehboob Khan, Khwaja Ahmed Abbas, K. Asif etc., used to visit us regularly.
Saira Banu
Fighting is different than other sports because you’re not competing as regularly.
Michael Bisping
Jimmy Fallon and I play regularly at the Bayonne Golf Club in Jersey. He’s eighteen holes of fun. Any time we play he has moments of brilliance, but also moments of utter catastrophe.
Mario Batali
Take care of yourself by eating right, sleeping right, and exercising regularly! These are the only rules I swear by. If you follow this religiously and use the right products, your skin and hair will thank you.
Jacqueline Fernandez
Schizoaffective disorder is a big mental mash-up of a disease. It combines just about every disorder, from depression, delusions, and paranoia to mania, schizophrenia and hallucinations. My mother bounced between all of these regularly while raising me alone in our Hollywood home.
Shawn Amos
My guess is my brother would call his mom and his dad pretty regularly, a lot more than I probably did.
Jeb Bush
I have a theory, which is that the idea of a roast is to go to this forbidden, uncomfortable, almost performance-art-level shock place, but because we’re so regularly shocked and offended today, the idea of an hour and a half of unbridled negativity is just so unappealing.
Whitney Cummings
Fortunately, I’m very healthy, and my body is still intact. It hasn’t aged very much, I feel like a very young 56. I exercise regularly, and when I do, I always learn new things about my body.
Steven Bauer
I wanted contemporary music to be treated the same as the traditional repertoire – performed regularly by people who knew each other and the music. That is the way you convince an audience.
Pierre Boulez
I’m the farthest thing from a bibliophile. I purge my collection regularly: If I haven’t read a book in a couple of years, I try to give it to someone who will.
H. W. Brands
Playing in Norway allowed me to get back out onto the pitch and get game time, it was great to be playing regularly again.
Kyle Lafferty
Going to the gym is something I haven’t done regularly since I was a child.
Gwendoline Christie
I like myself better when I’m writing regularly.
Willie Nelson
Truth be told, there are lots of companies that provide

Truth be told, there are lots of companies that provide exemplary phone support. DirecTV, Virgin America and Apple are a few that regularly exceed my expectations.
Gary Hamel
I shampoo and condition my hair regularly. Hair spas too are very relaxing, but I hardly get time to go for them.
Rituparna Sengupta
I surf the net regularly.
Neha Dhupia
It is generally true that all that is required to make men unmindful of what they owe God for any blessing is that they should receive that blessing often and regularly.
Richard Whately
I should prefer to have a politician who regularly went to a massage parlour than one who promised a laptop computer for every teacher.
A. N. Wilson
‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’ I did an episode on, and that’s one of my favorite television shows ever, and there are these shows that I watch so regularly.
Alexandra Daddario
All Creatures Great And Small’ is one of the most popular British television series ever made. When it was broadcast in the Seventies and Eighties viewing figures regularly soared above 20million.
Carol Drinkwater
Reputations rise and fall almost as regularly as the tides.
Peter Benchley
When COVID-19 first hit, we thought everyone could use a little luck and created a hoodie for a few friends with our signature good luck motif. We were blown away by the social media response and now the sweatshirts regularly sell out on our website.
Jennifer Meyer
My bookshelves have no order. I prune them regularly and sell the books to Myopic Books, a Chicago bookstore. They give me store credit, and then I spend all the store credit, and, presumably, return to sell them back more of the books I bought from them.
Jesse Ball
What concerned me the most about Twitter wasn’t just the violent vitriol I was exposed to regularly. I was more worried about what it was doing to me as a person and how it was changing my overall perception of humanity.
Ana Kasparian
The Kitchen was a really great concept; it just wasn’t at the price point that made it accessible to people. People could visit occasionally, and some people were coming regularly. It just wasn’t a novel concept for every customer.
Kimbal Musk
I was regularly advised not to go into music, that I should give up that foolish dream.
Dave Matthews
I regularly go hiking with my dog in L.A.
Alyssa Sutherland
Like Theresa May, I regularly find myself infuriated by the rantings of Anjem Choudary and other hate preachers.
Deeyah Khan
While you’re pregnant, I suggest that you eat like you regularly do. Yes you can eat a little more, but eat healthier for as long as you can.
Constance Marie
Sometimes we read or hear too much news that makes us fearful or suspicious of others. We can forget that most of the people that we know, or at least encounter regularly, are decent and friendly.
Adrienne Clarkson
I saw why people died and how they died. I saw gunshot wounds and liver failure. It was a good learning experience, so I came regularly on weekends and holidays.
Michael Baden
I go to the gym pretty regularly.
Martin O’Malley
Practice meditation regularly. Meditation leads to eternal bliss. Therefore meditate, meditate.
Swami Sivananda