Top 30 Bazzi Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Bazzi Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I don't really like to think too far ahead when it come

I don’t really like to think too far ahead when it comes to the music.
Lyrically and melodically, Drake was definitely a big influence of mine.
Always trust the process. I’m a firm believer in that. You know, you keep your eyes on the destination, and of course there will always be detours, but if you’re moving towards it, you will always get there.
I like to meet girls in real life because social media is such a front, and you can come across and look however you want.
Yeah, ‘Mine’ was inspired by a person, but it became much deeper than that. I obviously pulled lyrics… from stuff I was actually saying to this person and feeling about this person, but it was for people. I didn’t want to make that song to impress that girl; I wanted to make that song to make people feel better.
I’m making music that I love a lot, so to me, they’re all the same; I love them all equally as much. It’s like children. You don’t pick a favorite, even if one goes to Harvard.
I’ve always had such a high level of respect for Taylor Swift because she writes all of her music.
I think space and music go hand in hand in the sense that they give a little more mystery and magic to life.
I remember feeling the energy of people. That stuck with me. Understanding that I could stand behind a mic and captivate people. I was always obsessed with that.
‘Beautiful’ is a freestyle, actually. I actually made ‘Beautiful’ being like, ‘I just want something to post on Instagram, like, I don’t care, I’m just gonna throw something up today.’
I just like pictures and visuals and stuff.
If you think you’re something long enough, eventually, you just turn into it.
I’m obsessed with being able to dictate energy in a room.
Growing up, I wanted straight hair so bad, like Justin Bieber.
A lot of my career is mental, and I just have so much perspective from being raised in a city like Detroit and being able to come and live the life that I do now. To see that broad of a spectrum is really helpful for relating to people and feeling them.
What motivates me is connecting with people and making everybody feel loved.
‘Mine’ was interesting because it was about the way that someone made me feel so loved – so beautiful, so special, so accepted. I knew that it was deeper than just writing a song about that.
You can listen to ‘Cosmic’ and truly get to know me, which I think is special.
At 10 years old, I was in my church band, playing in front of a couple thousand people every week.
There’s moments I go through day to day because I’m human. I think the diversity in my music is going to help people relate to that.
No one wants the picture-perfect song anymore. I’m trying to keep the beautiful qualities of pop – nostalgia, melodies, and the feeling that a beautiful pop song can give you – but make it real. It’s not polished.
My fans know me too well.
I set out and I said I wanted to just release music, and I don’t care how many people heard it at first. And I just wanted to put records out. I knew that.
‘Gone’ is a really special record with a lot of energy and power and swag.
My iPhone background says, ‘If you build it, they’ll come.’ You know, quality over quantity. And I really live by that.
To finally have people receive and hear what I’m saying is one of the most gratifying feelings an artist can ever have.
I knew for a fact it was special, but at the same time, every single song I make, I know it’s special. So ‘Mine’ was a completely similar feeling as I feel about all my other music.
The album is always definitely the goal, because I think that albums are like captures and bookmarks. After five or six of them, you can always go back and be like, ‘Well, what was his first?’… I think an album really gives you a chance to make people feel something.
I’ve been playing guitar since I was 6 and then drums, bass, and piano since I was 10 years old.
My mind has always been like, ‘You’re a star! You’re in it! You’re killing it!’