Words matter. These are the best Encouraging Quotes from famous people such as Ben Howard, Anna Getty, Bonnie Hammer, Elliott Bisnow, Stephen J. Cannell, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.
I don’t really like encouraging people to go on the Internet too much, we’re constantly distracted with the Internet and computers.
Becoming a mother has been the best thing ever for me. It’s become my life’s work. Not just parenting, but sharing information and encouraging other women to be receptive to the basic nature of motherhood.
Harvey Milk gave hope to generations of gay and lesbian Americans by encouraging them to live their lives openly and to speak out against the discrimination and prejudice they faced.
I believe the quickest and most sure way to reduce poverty, raise living standards and create jobs around the world is to make economies and governments more open and free, thereby encouraging business and entrepreneurship.
Having a support system is huge for writers. My parents were always encouraging and told me they were behind me, whether or not I made it in the business. My wife was always there for my successes and failures.
The world needs more women filmmakers, so we have to keep encouraging ourselves and one another, and eventually things must get easier for us.
The purpose cannot be creating self-styled democracies, but rather encouraging steps that are conducive to establishing democratic rule at universal standards. Obviously, this would be a formidable journey.
Self-reinvention is an encouraging conceit. It is simply not always a possible one.
Music companies and buyers are not too encouraging towards independent musicians. Everyone wants to play safe and go with established names, but unless one breaks this routine, no new talent will come and survive.
Providing better computer science education in public schools to kids, and encouraging girls to participate, is the only way to rewrite stereotypes about tech and really break open the old-boys’ club.
I have noticed encouraging signs in the fight against religious intolerance, and I am impressed by the outstanding degree of human rights activism in India.
I’ll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there’s evidence of any thinking going on inside it.
Encouraging young people to believe in themselves and find their own voice whether it’s through writing, drama or art is so important in giving young people a sense of self-worth.
Dove is encouraging people to set their own standards worldwide. To be their own unique selves. To not allow others to shame them for accepting their own bodies and styles.
If we want to get beyond this whole I’m-cool-because-I-care-about-women thing, what we really need to do is we have to start encouraging women to get engineering degrees in college.
Anytime I get the chance to sing or work with Michael John, it is such an incredibly fertile and incredibly creative and safe and encouraging environment – and challenging, too, because he is so collaborative!
As you approach the finish line, you go through a tunnel of people, all of them cheering and encouraging you. Then I heard the speaker say, ‘Alessandro Zanardi, you are an Ironman!’ It was something phenomenal, something amazing… I got very emotional at that point.
Workforce development is a key factor in attracting new businesses and a critical component for encouraging existing firms to expand.
I was terrible at sport at school. I was fat, which made things slightly tougher, but it also meant that people were encouraging to the point of patronising.
It’s not enough for just us to invest in Utah; more and more, we are encouraging businesses around the world to follow suit. We want them to invest in and become part of Utah’s future and to allow Utah to invest and become part of theirs.
I had a great teacher who was really encouraging and said I should go to Central Saint Martins. So I worked my socks off, and I managed to get a place there. It was there that I developed a real love for design.
The most important and urgent appeal we have to make is for an immediate cease-fire. Initial reports from the cease-fire talks being held in N’Djamena in Chad are not very encouraging.
It’s funny: I’ve seen a lot of the rock attitude come into play in the rap world, where it’s like they’re angry, or there’s this defiance going on, and there’s a lot of danger, and it’s actually really encouraging; they’re opening the door for us to kind of move on in again.
We are glad to tie up with a humanitarian organization, which is being promoted by Prince Abdul Aziz. This partnership will greatly help in assisting needy renal-failure patients by supplying them equipment, medicines and other medical supplies, while encouraging and supporting scientific research.
Action movies haven’t been encouraging in my case. Nevertheless, this is my favourite genre.
In American politics, there’s a recurring fantasy, nurtured by the press, about ‘courageous’ politicians who do the right thing against their political interest. But really, isn’t it even more encouraging when the right thing has just become good politics?
Theater has always been much more fun. You get a laugh, and it’s really encouraging.
We should be encouraging – not penalizing – folks who want to pursue higher education.
I’m always friendly and encouraging on set. I want people to be at their best creatively.
My fans are so loving and encouraging. They’re with me on good days and bad days.
Icons like Nagarjuna sir and Jagapati Babu sir have been so encouraging and shared such great energy, welcoming me into the Telugu film industry. It is motivating.
If I am to be known for anything, I would like it to be for encouraging Canadians, for knowing a little bit about their daily, extraordinary courage. And for wanting that courage to be recognized.
There are some fine books and essays about that. Lewis Hyde has written about alcoholism and poets and the role that society gives its writers – encouraging them to die.
There are always going to be people who don’t understand or want to say something negative. But ultimately I try to put my focus on the people who have been supportive and loving and encouraging throughout my journey.
Science shouldn’t be just for scientists, and there are encouraging signs that it is becoming more pervasive in culture and the media.
The biggest source of getting the country to a balanced budget is not by raising taxes or by cutting spending. It’s by encouraging the growth of the economy.
Keep fighting for animals by making compassionate, cruelty-free choices every day and encouraging those around you to do the same.
Mike Huckabee represents something that is either tremendously encouraging or deeply disturbing, depending on your point of view: a marriage of Christian fundamentalism with economic populism.
It is nice to make a record and people like it, and it’s encouraging.
Rabbis throughout the ages, from Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak Hacohen Kook onward, strictly prohibited going up on the Temple Mount. And now there is a minority group of rabbis encouraging Jews to go.
You cannot further the Brotherhood of Man by encouraging class hatred.
Seeing the rebirth of the Delaware Estuary as a valuable natural resource is certainly encouraging, and I am encouraged not just by the progress made in the Delaware Estuary but in estuaries throughout the country.
God has allowed me through the BSB to minister in a positive way, encouraging people to stand up for what they believe.
We have to build the capacity of our institutions, employees and workers. Our regulatory environment has not been encouraging to research, innovation and enterprise.
I was a very imaginative child, and my parents were very encouraging of that. My sister and I would put on plays; I would write my own stories.
Politics is terrifying, very masculine, and not particularly encouraging to young blonde women – as a career, that is – and it was only when I was working in parliament that I thought to myself, ‘Well, this is a tough industry; can an acting career be any more intimidating?’ and I applied to drama school.
We shouldn’t be encouraging people to set up Cayman Island funds.
Encouraging people to believe in it was the most important thing of all. It’s one of the reasons I was always uncomfortable whenever film crews came on the set to shoot things. I didn’t want our make-believe to be exposed.
Marriage, in its truest sense, is a partnership of equals, with neither exercising dominion over the other, but, rather, with each encouraging and assisting the other in whatever responsibilities and aspirations he or she might have.
I think the idea of participation trophies has gotta be a really, really great thing. Kids are under enough pressure as it is without encouraging them to be the best too early.
If we want politics to be the kind of arena where you’re attracting and encouraging really competent people who do a job well because that’s what they’re supposed to do, then you have to pay them a salary that’s commensurate with that.
Julie Dryfus and I were both afraid of heights and in one scene, I had to be quite high up and I was rather terrified, but Julie was very kind, encouraging me and we got through that together.
Unfortunately, a platitude is not a plan. So I am encouraging people to turn towards the Green Party if they’re looking for a real plan, because what we see is that the other parties, unfortunately, are intellectually exhausted.
My parents took a fairly liberal approach at raising me, always encouraging me to be creative and free-thinking.
Just to be a part of something that can travel beyond and reach the lives of people and help them through a daily problem or struggle or even just giving encouraging words, period. I feel like it’s very powerful. I thank God for my gift.
Seek out a personal coach or mentor in the workplace. He/she should push you when you need it by encouraging and motivating you. Don’t be afraid of their honesty.
It was almost like I gravitated toward the people who were encouraging me to be like myself and to be creative and be different.
The recent, single-year influx of unaccompanied minors from foreign countries into the United States is a direct result of President Obama’s policies of encouraging amnesty and failing to enforce existing immigration laws.
This is my first visit to Africa, a region where President Bush has voiced a deep passion for fostering and encouraging economic development, investment and trade.
Ah, Hope! what would life be, stripped of thy encouraging smiles, that teach us to look behind the dark clouds of today, for the golden beams that are to gild the morrow.
My mother-in-law thinks I’m more beautiful than all the other faces around. She keeps encouraging me to take up more work.
I just think we need to keep having open, honest, and encouraging conversations to ensure people are represented across all industries including our TV screens when it comes to diversity.
I am not against migration. It is simply pragmatic to restrict migration, while at the same time encouraging integration and fighting discrimination. I support the idea of the free movement of goods, people, money and jobs in Europe.
There is a real danger of unintended consequences, of encouraging people to give up. Pessimism, if it becomes a habit, can reinforce a narrative of unstoppable decline. If there is nothing we can do, that releases us from our obligations.
The white cliffs of Dover are a significant landmark and it is so encouraging to know that they will now be protected for future generations.
In many ways I wish I wasn’t an actor dragging around the baggage from being one so that I could just devote my energies to encouraging people to find their true selves.
Telling or encouraging people to vote for a party would be an insult to peoples’ intellect.
Lying under oath, and encouraging lies under oath, does go to the very heart and soul of what courts do. If we say we don’t care, let’s forget about courts, and we’ll just have other ways of figuring out how to handle disputes.
I’m encouraging other people, whether they’re professionals or not, to use their creativity to express themselves, to get a conversation going, to get the party started, really.
I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor.
I grew up in a family with three siblings. My parents were always very supportive and encouraging. It was important for them that we have meaningful and satisfying professions, but they didn’t care as much about success and achievement.
Being a role model is cool and a great honor. I’m grateful to be considered one and will live up to that title by encouraging kids to eat their Wheaties and brush their teeth often.
My mother was a housewife. My father worked in the agriculture business, but they were very encouraging about everything. When I said I wanted to do art, they were very supportive.
My uncles and other relatives are against encouraging girls in every aspect, and that includes sports. I hardly interact with them. My parents are more open. They back me all the way.
I have really musical parents, and my dad was always encouraging, but the desire to get onstage and perform really did come from me. I’d never push my future children.
Is there any more encouraging sign than to see an Indian, who has never been to a university, like our friend Mr. Asutosh Dey here, for example, carrying out original work and finding it recognized by the foremost societies of the world?
While everyone’s purpose may be different, with social media we all have that platform to create the change we want to see in the world, and I spend a lot of time encouraging others to step up and use theirs.
There’s so many more female directors than when I started. That’s encouraging.
I truly hate marketing promotions, and I don’t at all approve of encouraging wannabe poets to write bad poetry.
One is, that they will feel about you that you’re going to make something wonderful for them. And they help you by expressing themselves. Not telling you how to do it, but encouraging you and accepting your vision and working with you on that kind of a level.
We have a big platform we can use to make change in this country. It starts with going home to our own cities and making change there. It starts with encouraging people to vote and using our platform to talk to people with power in this country to create change.
I’ve had trouble with criticism, I guess. It’s hard to know what role criticism plays in either encouraging poets or in getting other people to read them.
When holiness is achieved by conforming to God’s will, one knows intuitively that which is wrong and that which is right before the Lord. Holiness speaks when there is silence, encouraging that which is good or reproving that which is wrong.
Where once Lego offered a whimsical form of escapism into the world of the subconscious, encouraging creativity and imagination, it’s transformed into a rigid ‘box ticking’ discipline where children are encouraged to build by conformity.
When I interviewed Paul Bremer in his office, he had almost no books on his shelves. He had a couple of management books, like ‘Leadership’ by Rudolph Giuliani. I didn’t take it as an encouraging sign.
My mum and mad were both very generous, encouraging parents.
There is nothing wrong with a woman encouraging a man’s advances, as long as they are in cash.
I’m encouraging kids to use computers at their own pace to build aspirations.
Brit Marling is very positive, very professional, very encouraging.
My parents were intelligent and encouraging, but at the same time, they were displeased at me becoming a wandering troubadour and wire walker.
We need to pass measures that protect consumers’ private information while also encouraging new technological innovations.
My priority will continue to be that we maintain the optimal balance to be able to invest in education and infrastructure while encouraging business growth.
My father has been an inspiration – he instilled his work ethic without ever having to hammer it home. He was also very encouraging.
For years, I’ve worn my dainty gold bracelets with inspirational sayings and encouraging one-liners to motivate me in my career. I liked to look down at my wrist and be reminded of my goals.
There are causes that are dear to me personally including encouraging entrepreneurship, improving livelihoods as well as helping humanitarian rescue and relief efforts.
At various times over 20 years, I did preliminary designs for aircraft like the Stratolaunch. For that whole time I was encouraging us to do something that almost everyone else felt you could not do.
I’ve completely changed what I eat and how I view food. My friends and family eat really healthy and they’ve been encouraging me. I feel great!
We are not being arrogant or complacent when we are said that our country, as a united nation, has never in its entire history, enjoyed such a confluence of encouraging possibilities.
Instead of debating whether or not Russia attempted to influence the 2016 elections – in ways that ranged from encouraging incorrect voting methods to promoting fake rallies to sharing false election stories – Americans should be debating how to counter this activity.
My mother is very positive and encouraging and nurturing, as a mother should be. She’s my auditioning partner. She says when it’s not good enough; she says when I’m ready.
High-quality early-childhood programs and health coverage have expanded, and the number of mentoring relationships for at-risk youth has risen dramatically. That progress is encouraging, but it’s not evenly distributed.
I’ve spent a lot of time encouraging, corralling, protecting, and sparring with creative people.
Freedom is a timeless value. The United Nations Charter calls for encouraging respect for fundamental freedoms. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights mentions freedom more than twenty times. All countries have committed to protecting individual freedoms on paper – but in practice, too many break their pledge.
Religious liberty doesn’t include encouraging a fellow American to engage in violent jihad and kill an American here. That is not protected free speech. That is not protected religious belief.
When you’re encouraging – the government is encouraging guns to be sold illegally to people that shouldn’t have them, the laws aren’t being faithfully executed.
A currency designed for long-term storage and investment doesn’t do so well at encouraging transactions and exchange in the moment.
I enjoy encouraging and inspiring people to pursue their purpose in the arts. To help cultivate and develop their instrument.
I’d like to do a television show that is encouraging, useful, and clean, and I’d like to go up against Entertainment Tonight and beat it.
My elementary education was at Christ Church infant school and St. Stephen’s junior school. At St. Stephen’s, I encountered my first real mentor, the headmaster Mr. Broakes. He must have spotted something unusual in me, for he spent lots of time encouraging my interest in mathematics.
Rock and Roll does have its limits as far as the aging process. You want to go out there and play while you’re at your peak, right? I think that’s encouraging us to keep going out on the road – to maximize the playing at the moment.
Yeah I do and I don’t mind, in fact that is one of the real encouraging things about this whole career of mine is that there are tunes I wrote almost thirty years ago that I will still play in front of an audience and I still like the old tunes.
In these times of the ‘Great Recession’, we shouldn’t be trying to shift the benefits of wealth behind some curtain. We should be celebrating and encouraging people to make as much money as they can. Profits equal tax money. While some people might find it distasteful to pay taxes, I don’t. I find it patriotic.
My parents were really encouraging. But I had to teach them the proper way you respond to an actor after seeing a play – regardless of whether you like their performance you tell them how great they are because they have to go on again the next night.
Spending only what the country can afford, rewarding savings, encouraging independence, supporting marriage: people know that these things are common sense.
There are few things more fundamentally encouraging and stimulating than seeing someone else die.
I have been inundated with the most encouraging response on social media, and it almost feels like I’ve made a comeback! I have to say that this adulation and warmth really tempts and motivates me to be more active in the industry going forward.
There’s nothing better than having a bright, blinding light in your face and being guided by big, rolling laughter. There’s nothing more encouraging than hearing that huge sound. I’ve waited my whole life to hear that. You come away with the biggest high of your life.
Since I was inexperienced in films, I thought it would be very intimidating to work with experienced people like Sanjay Suri and Samir Soni. But I must say they are very encouraging. They clapped when I gave a good shot.
I always felt like a girl. My parents in New Jersey weren’t exactly encouraging, but my grandmother was very open-minded. She had lots of costume jewelry and a big chest of purses and things, and she would let me play with all of it – even her makeup and perfume. She just didn’t care.
I’ve been encouraging documentary filmmakers to use more and more humor, and they’re loath to do that because they think if it’s a documentary it has to be deadly serious – it has to be like medicine that you’re supposed to take. And I think it’s what keeps the mass audience from going to documentaries.
All the appreciation I have been receiving has been very encouraging. It pushes me to do better.
Those who care about truth know that empowering and encouraging those who support rioters is the wrong course of action.
There may be a new album, and there may not. Right now, we’re encouraging bootlegging because there have been some great live things that ended up on the Internet. Rather than try to stop it, we like it. If nobody gave a crap about you, they wouldn’t bother to bootleg you.
I never thought I would do a TV show, I never thought I could do it, so I was not expecting a really good performance. It was more about building confidence, and good or bad, I was encouraging other people and pushing myself.
He was certainly in a confused state. I used to go and visit him in Callan Park. They were really – to me they were the best poets those two writing in those days but it wasn’t very encouraging because, well, they weren’t getting far were they?
I had spent five years not earning a penny, getting rejected. Thank God I had a husband who was supportive and encouraging. But I still said to myself, ‘If the Everleighs doesn’t sell, I’m finished with writing forever.’ I was going to get an office job.
Conservatives believe in individual choice for all parents and pupils, regardless of social or economic background, and our Better School Passport would tackle these problems head on by encouraging innovation to create new schools on one hand, while giving real choice and diversity to parents on the other.
All men die. You may say: ‘Is that encouraging?’ Surely yes, for when a man dies, his blunders, which are of the form, all die with him, but the things in him that are part of the life never die, although the form be broken.
Encouraging the next generation is really where my heart is.
If I can be in a place where my image is encouraging people to see different people behind the camera, and my image and the images I make can help open up a certain world view, I think that’s all a part of a larger spirit of change and progress, and I’m happy to be part of it.
I remember Tyra Banks giving me encouraging advice during my first Victoria’s Secret commercial shoot. I was so nervous, and she told me to just relax and be confident – that made me feel very comfortable.
My mother was always encouraging about my wanting to be an artist.
As a society we should be encouraging people out of the debt-culture mindset, not promoting it.
I’m really happy that I got to work with such fresh talent. In a day when record companies are not particularly good at encouraging young, talented songwriters to come forward and get exposure, I think it’s important to give tomorrow’s songwriters the opportunity.
Lamantia is faith building, encouraging poetry in that it abstractly hugs you by finally capturing the inexpressible. It’s an experience similar to relief, reading his poems.
I’ve long admired Michelle Obama’s devotion to encouraging fitness for children.
As children my grandparents were refugees. Eventually they got to the U.S. – in 1950 or something. They grew up as refugees. Their earliest memories are of living in a home with their family. It’s in my blood, I guess, to have a fear about encouraging fascism.
A man of strength and wisdom, John Paul became an inspiration to generations of both Catholics and non-Catholics throughout the world by encouraging freedom, promoting peace and respecting all faiths.
It’s called ‘I Wanna Thank You,’ and I’m encouraging everybody out there to blog, Tweet, Facebook, anything about it. Let’s sign a petition. The petition is called ‘Busta Rhymes Make ‘I Wanna Thank You’ Your First Single.’
I had studied the violin to a certain amount of success. At some point, I realized that I didn’t really like the violin. I was only doing it because I could, and I was good at it, and everyone was encouraging me. But I didn’t have a great love for it.
Properly targeted public investment can do much to boost economic performance, generating aggregate demand quickly, fueling productivity growth by improving human capital, encouraging technological innovation, and spurring private-sector investment by increasing returns.
The whole thing of moving the currency through currency sorting and detection machines and so on that was the whole process actually encouraging electronic transactions.
She’s true to herself and she’s determined. She has things going against her, but she forges ahead despite all of that. I think that’s encouraging. She’s got some problems, but she has hope and tries to plow through things. I think that’s a good role model.
Those of us who actually were working in the region at the time will point out how strongly committed we were to supporting the democratic process and encouraging elections, in spite of the fact that a war was going on in several of these countries.
We should be encouraging moms to breastfeed their infants, not discouraging it by unfairly judging and discriminating against nursing mothers.
I think maybe even one of the reasons I became an actor was actually to hide. I mean, it sounds paradoxical because, of course, people are standing up in a public place and encouraging other people to look at them. So that’s not the conventional definition of hiding.
I have big friends who won’t go swimming because they’re too embarrassed about it. I feel that’s such a shame, because actually people should be encouraging fat people who are exercising to do it, not pointing and laughing.
Education is a cause very close to me. What matters is encouraging my fans to focus on their education, because only an educated generation can ensure a better future. Even when I was on tour, I did my homework and studied.
I remember him watching me through the crack of a door singing with a hairbrush. I was in front of his mirror. I think he wanted me to sing. He would get me on the table and make me sing sometimes or play the piano. He was very encouraging on that front.
Promoting healthy lifestyles and encouraging fitness are so important for our children’s development and reducing the nation’s epidemic of childhood obesity.
Under the circumstances, may I suggest another means of encouraging probity in elective office. I refer to term limitations, which can serve ends beyond that of saving congressional souls.
I’m one of the people who was a pioneer in encouraging musicians, early in the game, to get interested in technology, and now all the musicians are getting into it.
My parents were definitely encouraging with creativity.
More businesses should be following Apple’s stance in encouraging more investment in sustainability.
Midori has been a steadfast supporter of the United Nations, as a Messenger of Peace and more recently by encouraging our efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
My mother was very good at encouraging me to dress however I wanted to dress. My sisters would sometimes think, ‘Oh my God, you let her buy that fuzzy leopard coat at that vintage store?’ I thought, of course, I looked like Audrey Hepburn.
I love being a mother. I think it’s the best thing I’ve ever done, and I personally feel that it’s had a very positive effect on my work. I think it’s an encouraging force for creativity, it feeds creativity – it did for me, certainly.
My grandmother was amazing. She completely believed in me and was very encouraging. She would go to the supermarket or the butcher or wherever and tell people, ‘My grandson is going to be the next Calvin Klein.’
The people of Naples are so welcoming and happy to see me. My family and my brothers feel at home here too, we’ve got the best and most encouraging fans.
The failure of Socialism since 1945 is that whilst encouraging us all, the creators of wealth, to produce less through strikes, it has caused us all to demand a higher level of our own product.
Political correctness is one of the engines of nannyism. Allowing and even encouraging ‘offensive’ ideas is vital for the intellectually health of a free society.
There were no theatre facilities at the comp that I went to, but I did have amazing teachers who never stopped encouraging me.
By encouraging its citizens to violate our border, Mexico is pushing a tremendous welfare burden off of its shoulders and onto ours, while also benefiting from the significant sums of U.S. currency that these workers will eventually send back home to their families.
Lula da Silva was my hero when he was president. I Googled him so many times. The fact that he got 20 million people out of poverty… that happened by encouraging entrepreneurship, by supporting small business.
The mother cannot expect her daughter to understand the mysteries of housekeeping without education. She should instruct them patiently, lovingly, and make the work as agreeable as she can by her cheerful countenance and encouraging words of approval. If they fail once, twice, or thrice, censure not.
Adoption is a global issue these days – it’s certainly current – and it’s encouraging for a lot of couples whether they’re straight or gay.
I think it’s encouraging that President Trump is talking about strengthening our national defense, something he ran on again.
We have to start encouraging people to step out of their comfort zones and start doing new things. Anything anybody does new, there are a bunch of naysayers.
There was a warm and encouraging environment at home. My self-loathing and neuroticism are not because of my upbringing.
Betting shops have a big impact on encouraging on-street drinking and can often become a centre for disorder and anti-social behaviour.
Brexit has acted as a catalyst encouraging more people to think and vote outside of traditional party loyalties.
It’s interesting to go places and see that, at the end of the day, people just want to feel safe, and what that looks like to them varies… but that was encouraging to see that there is more common ground than perhaps I realized.
I’ve spent my entire adult life encouraging minority communities to get involved in mainstream society, civic society.
It can never be a bad thing encouraging people to exercise.
Really, I was brought up with music as a second language. My mother was extremely encouraging of the sensitivities of my brain. It was this sense of curiosity but never pressure.
It is always encouraging and kind when people say nice things about my work but I know that it is not me that did it then and it is not me that is doing it now. It is God living in me and for that I will always be grateful.
I once spoke to 9,000 people, but they managed to fit them all into a structure that resembled a Zeppelin hangar, so it was a contained space in which whatever laughter I generated could ricochet and hang around for a bit, encouraging others to join in.
We don’t have to sit by while Trump uses his enormous global platform to undermine our national security. We would love to be able to actually force Twitter’s hand to live up to its rules, explicitly forbidding hate speech and encouraging violence.
I can’t see why people call me a bad influence. I meet a lot of kids who are into music. I spend as much time as I can with them. I listen to their demos, and I’m encouraging.
I give credit to my mom for inspiring and encouraging me to take sports seriously. She was a professor of biochemistry and at the age of 60 when she retired she started trekking.
Though no one wants war, Congress needed to give the President the authority he needs to protect America while encouraging the use of diplomacy and negotiations to try and arrive at a peaceful solution to this problem.
In the long term we can hope that religion will change the nature of man and reduce conflict. But history is not encouraging in this respect. The bloodiest wars in history have been religious wars.
Finger foods can help little ones to explore food at their own pace. They are also great for helping them to develop hand-eye coordination and encouraging them to try out a variety of textures.
I blame my grandmother for encouraging me to become an actress.
Encouraging individual firms to develop forward-leaning policies that address sexual harassment is necessary, but alone such prescriptions are insufficient.
I’m passionate about encouraging girls to be confident in their own skin.
Reach out to the military-connected youth in your classrooms, your neighborhoods and your families and offer your gratitude for the service they undoubtedly provide in supporting, uplifting and encouraging the men and women of the United States armed forces.
I find myself seeking out the commonalities of our different religious experiences with hopes of encouraging, through my writings, the most hopeful, loving and redemptive qualities in all of us.
Despite the encouraging and wonderful gains and the changes for women which have occurred in my lifetime, there is still room to advance and to promote correction of the remaining deficiencies and imbalances.
You remember driving your kids to Little League, and they’re nervous about making the team, and you’re encouraging them. Forty years down the road, we’re having the same conversation. Only it’s about the Ravens and Steelers, or Stanford and Cal.
It’s very hard to coparent when your ex or the father isn’t encouraging the children in a way that both parents deserve when you are coparenting.
Both parents were very encouraging – especially my father. My father thought the sun rose and set with me. Neither one had a musical background or any musical talent. They liked classical music, but neither could carry a tune.
My husband went through a phase of giving me vacuum cleaners, sewing machines and Mixmasters. It’s ironic. He is encouraging me to develop a hobby, I think.
Not only is my husband the most encouraging partner, he is more demanding than me when it comes to films, wanting me to do better roles.
School is such an encouraging and safe environment. It’s filled with idealism and just really working on your craft. When you enter the business world – where art meets commerce – it can become quite depressing.
I sometimes worry that by encouraging so many more people to try their hand at baking through ‘The Great British Bake Off,’ I’m going to find myself in court one day charged with accelerating the national epidemic of obesity! To which I will plead not guilty. A slice of Victoria sandwich is never going to harm anyone.
The backlash against Big Government is an encouraging sign of a growing resistance to the mission creep of federal power.
Thrilled to be part of this new project Generation Nature and just encouraging kids to change the world.
Trying to keep up with health advice can feel like surfing the Net for weather forecasts: what you find is always changing, often contradictory and rarely encouraging.
My family was always really encouraging, but acting was always something I thought was a bit of a pipe dream.
Encouraging underground uranium mining on the Colorado Plateau um, the federal government was the only purchaser of uranium ore to try to manufacture uh, atomic bombs.
Macedonia’s handling of ethnic relations and other issues is encouraging.
It’s encouraging to watch bipartisan leaders from different states recognize the need for fair and rational legislation focused on creating second chances for those in the criminal justice system.
True teachers use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross; then, having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own.
In personal life, the warm glow of nostalgia amplifies good memories and minimizes bad ones about experiences and relationships, encouraging us to revisit and renew our ties with friends and family. It always involves a little harmless self-deception, like forgetting the pain of childbirth.
It’s encouraging when people say you’re shaping up all right.
From avoiding littering to encouraging local economy, there is a lot each one of us can do that will go a long way in keeping the country’s cultural legacy intact.
My mom has made it possible for me to be who I am. Our family is everything. Her greatest skill was encouraging me to find my own person and own independence.
Business leaders regularly complain that young people don’t leave school with the right skills. Encouraging young people to be entrepreneurs makes the connection between school and the world of work, teaching them about practical thinking, team-work, communication and financial literacy.
In a true democracy, there has to be a line between deliberative debate and mob rule. Trump has crossed the line, and much of the media has exacerbated the problem by treating his remarks as entertainment, effectively encouraging his competition to do the same.
When I’m interviewing people, the way I bond with them is by encouraging them to complain about how hard their day is.
An ever-widening definition of abuse can incite a culture of fear and complaint: encouraging teachers and girls to name and shame could mean labelling sexually awkward teenage boys as sex pests.
Greater public recognition will also be critical in encouraging prevention and early intervention, and more generally in building public support to meet the challenges of dementia.
Canada has this really cool way – specifically Toronto – of encouraging you to wave both flags: if you’ve been born there, like, wave your flag and then wave your parent’s flag, too, and be proud of it.
The environment on set is very encouraging.
Writing is no dying art form in America because most published writers here accept the wisdom and the necessity of encouraging the talent that follows in their footsteps.
As a parent, I often wonder what I should be encouraging my kids to do for a career.
Recently though, our State Governments have discussed instigating a carbon trading scheme – the details are still to be decided – and that’s an encouraging sign.
Leadership is about encouraging women to break their silence and tell their stories to the world.
I’d love to act more. I’ve had to turn down multiple movies because I was on tour, but it’s encouraging to know that someday there might be the right role, the right timing. And I’ve been writing a lot of music, so hopefully very soon I’ll have recorded a project of my own. I also want to get a boat and open a restaurant.
An award, to me, means a bonus. It’s not that an actor works for an award. I don’t work for an award. But, when you get an award, it is encouraging and inspiring and reminds you that you need to do well.
We should not forget the principles of Christian mercy and justice: to welcome back those who are repentant and need our assistance, while encouraging the faithful to endure to the end.
My mother was a schoolteacher and very, very encouraging. She understood what it meant when I said I wanted to be a writer; both me and my brother wrote.
My books – I kid you not – are very often shelved between DeLillo and de Sade. Which not only completely cracks me up, but it seems like an encouraging message from the universe: between those two, there’s a lot of wiggle room. I feel just fine there.
It’s not that I am against the rich giving money to charities. I’m all for it, and we should think of ways of encouraging more of it. But I also believe that states, rather than individuals, are ultimately a better bet for delivering a fair and just world and reconciling differing interests.
I think it’s really important to give valid information to parents about the benefits of encouraging their children to eat breakfast.
Everybody likes good music, so when you’re just playing good music and encouraging everybody to have fun, they’ll have fun.
Great theatre is about challenging how we think and encouraging us to fantasize about a world we aspire to.
Life isn’t always really glamorous and fabulous. It’s about encouraging people to go back to natural beauty.
Creating a safe space at our shows isn’t encouraging anything. It’s just saying thank you.
Music is a very strong force when it comes to making a difference, as well as entertaining, soothing, and encouraging.
I’m very lucky with my family. They’ve always been very encouraging, and they never thought that anything would hold me back. I’m very fortunate to have had that.
I’ve always been very happy. I’ve always been easy going and I’ve always been very encouraging; it’s just my personality.
Our aim is to get people to enjoy ‘Bake Off’ at home and for our bakers to enjoy what they are doing. We don’t want to catch them out. It’s a very happy occasion, and it’s about encouraging people to bake at home.
In addition to encouraging failure, I would also encourage companies to broadly create a culture of innovation. That should mean more than just technology and invention; it should mean something millennials know well: Ingenuity.
We tax our companies more than any other country in the world, so we really are not really encouraging businesses to grow and expand, and over time, that’s going to make it so that we diminish our role in the global economy.
My parents went crazy when they found out that I had gotten the part in ‘Conversations With My Father!’ I’d never given acting a thought. They were proud of me and very encouraging.
Promoting education is an effort that is close to my heart. Illiteracy contributes to poverty; encouraging children to pick up a book is fundamental.
Football is a personal interest which has been turned into a philanthropic initiative directed at encouraging social cohesion during the difficult process of African modernisation.
If I dress up, I am encouraging men to look at me and if I don’t, I am lazy.
We are a country of immigrants who have built this great nation, but it is legal immigration that we should be recognizing and encouraging.
I’m really excited that ‘The Other Woman’ did so well at the box office, and I hope that will keep encouraging people to make movies about women, starring women, about female friendships. More. Please.
Be the best teammate you can be, be the best player you can be, and just be as supportive and encouraging for the people who are playing.
I had some great English teachers. One of my favorite – her name was Linda Janoff – was wonderful and so irreverent and so smart and encouraging.
Knowing that I might be encouraging others by facing my own difficulties is what helps me get out of bed in the morning.
I’m trying to make work that is reflective and is encouraging of reflection.
I hope I come across as supportive and encouraging as well as being firm when I need to be firm.
It’s very encouraging that the game of chess is growing in the U.S. and is becoming more popular.
I’m excited to be a part of the new direction the Barbie brand is headed, specifically how they are celebrating diversity in the line and encouraging kids to raise their voices.
The volunteer military has always been most enthusiastically, even devoutly, embraced by those who would not themselves dream of volunteering – or of encouraging their children to do so.
I know of no single formula for success. But over the years I have observed that some attributes of leadership are universal and are often about finding ways of encouraging people to combine their efforts, their talents, their insights, their enthusiasm and their inspiration to work together.
Everyone thinks when they start writing that they can’t do it. I was lucky. My sister Delia was the most important person in terms of encouraging me.
Luckily, now I think that I attract people that are really nice, like my fans, who are really lovely people. They are really encouraging, and they help other people out as well, which, it’s really great.
Young people need a boosting up really, a bit more encouraging and less looking down on them.
Part of the transaction between writer and reader is the pleasure of building a community and encouraging people to play along.
India is a fertile ground for entrepreneurs, given its large pool of world-class talent and resources. India’s ability to generate wealth and create social good will come if we let entrepreneurs flourish by encouraging and enabling innovation.
A student never forgets an encouraging private word, when it is given with sincere respect and admiration.
Moving our headquarters to Chicago is another significant step in our journey to build a better McDonald’s. This world-class environment will continue to drive business momentum by getting us even closer to customers, encouraging innovation and ensuring great talent is excited about where they work.
The Indian audiences have accepted me wholeheartedly. I find that very encouraging.
I love talking to the youth and helping them as much as I can or encouraging them, if I can help them at all.
It’s not my job to get really personal in how I express myself. I’ve met fans, and they’ve been lovely. But letting my personal life out there, I don’t think is a good idea for me. I think the more you do that, the more you can be accused of encouraging that kind of attention.
Cultivating innovative thinking starts at the top. Leaders can foster a culture of innovation by encouraging creativity and experimenting with new ideas.
From the business point of view, always encouraging the people in our company to own stock in the company, and if we’re going to build something great, to have a lot of people share in the benefits of that greatness.
We must combat ill-advised conservative-led state legislation by encouraging every eligible person you know to vote.
You can make positive deposits in your own economy every day by reading and listening to powerful, positive, life-changing content and by associating with encouraging and hope-building people.
It is well past time for President Abbas to stand up and condemn all acts of violence, rather than encouraging violence by glorifying terrorists and teaching children to view Israelis as animals.
Sometimes you read a script, and it’s like, ‘You’ll improv, and this is just a blueprint of what the scene could be,’ and that’s never a good sign. And it’s never encouraging as an actor to take that on, really.
I still refer to myself as a ‘cheerleader’ because I keep encouraging others to have confidence and to use their talents to follow their dreams. It’s been one of the most important reasons for my success and my helping others succeed.
I have to say, my family’s always been incredibly open and encouraging of any way I might want to express myself. At a very young age, they accepted that my outlet would be writing, and comedic writing, and they were pretty accepting of that.
Things like the Women’s March have been just so encouraging, and I’d like to see that continue.
I didn’t think I’d ever be a Michael Jackson fan. But… watching him move, watching him dance, is so encouraging for me. Because, in my mind, I can do all that stuff.
I think I got serious about writing in the late ’90s. The first stuff I wrote was terrible and got rejected, but I started getting more encouraging rejection letters.
What an encouraging thought that Jesus – our beloved Husband – can find comfort in our lowly feeble gifts! Can this be, for it seems far too good to be true? May we then be willing to endure trials or even death itself if through these hardships we are assisted in bringing gladness to Immanuel’s heart.
The American taxpayer should not be treated more shabbily than debtors from other nations and we should be encouraging other nations to help rebuild Iraq’s economy.
You are your greatest asset. Put your time, effort and money into training, grooming, and encouraging your greatest asset.
It is exciting to see the different genres that audiences want to watch. The response to a show like ‘Mirzapur’ last year and to Delhi Crime earlier this year was so encouraging and a proof that good content is the new formula.
So many of the sounds that contemporary composers were trying to create were to be found in the traditional musics of the world. That was encouraging but also little daunting to think that you had to work so hard to be new and yet it was old.
I think encouraging young people to twerk might be a bad thing. It’s a stripper’s move. If I had a daughter of nine, I wouldn’t want her twerking.
Meaningful innovation can be an important catalyst in encouraging resilience in seniors, keeping them independent and engaged.
When we violate the law ourselves, whatever short-term advantage may be gained, we are obviously encouraging others to violate the law; we thus encourage disorder and instability and thereby do incalculable damage to our own long-term interests.
The fact of the matter is that instead of going around the world and haranguing countries for engaging with China, the West should be encouraging its own businesses to trade and invest in these regions.
I was very sad to hear of the death of Ronnie Barker, who was such a warm, friendly and encouraging presence to have when I started in television. He was also a great comic actor to learn from.
With my childhood and growing up in a very free place where my parents were artists and always encouraging me to explore, you wouldn’t think I was locked up in my own mind, but I was.
For me, life is about being positive and hopeful, choosing to be joyful, choosing to be encouraging, choosing to be empowering.
These guitar institutes and things like that, I think they take away people’s identity and they’re actually encouraging a lot of people to play who are not naturally good players anyway, but they’re telling people that anyone can learn to play.
In order to be successful you need to have a good team with a good core, so my whole thing is that I was always encouraging my teammates, and I try to lead them by example to play together, to play as a team.
I’m not good at finding ‘encouraging’ features in American culture. I doubt that aesthetic literacy has much of a future here.
There are looks that I see on other people that I think would look horrible on me, but I think if somebody has the courage to be really daring and try something outlandish, then more power to them. That’s just encouraging and inspiring.
My parents have both done some music stuff. My family was very artist-friendly, so that was encouraging.
In general it’s good to give children as wide a choice as possible, and there is no harm in encouraging children to play with ‘typical’ toys for the opposite sex. But whether they should be trying to change children is a more ethical decision; I think we should be supporting a child’s interests, whatever they are.
I try to get people thinking, to consider their pasts and presents, ultimately encouraging them and giving them the tools to embrace the work of reshaping their lives.
And so to those who suggest that we are somehow ‘harming’ young women by encouraging them to take charge of their health we say this: We are not harming young women by educating them. We are arming them with information that they will carry with them throughout their lives.
I’ve always been – you know, my personality is motivating and encouraging. And so I’m just being who God made me to be.
One of mom’s greatest acts of generosity was that she trained me to be defiant. Her great gift to me was encouraging me to be the person that I wanted to be, not the one that she and my father wished I was.
We have all read tragic stories in our local papers about gun accidents as a result of misuse. As lawmakers we can better promote safety and responsibility by encouraging gun owners to purchase gun safes to store firearms and keep them from falling into the wrong hands.
My parents, man, they’re just the most loving, encouraging… They’re like those people who define themselves through their role as parents before people in their own rights.
My parents were really encouraging of me doing theater, but the one thing they did do was say, ‘You’re not allowed to do film or television in high school.’
While it’s lovely that political media are so encouraging and supportive of Biden operatives, the contrast with their posture toward Trump officials is difficult to ignore.
I’m just encouraging students to read. It’s something you can do daily. It’s something you can do whether you’re sitting at home reading a newspaper or ordering something online. It’s endless.
Increased business sales would almost certainly raise the productive capacity of the economy by encouraging additional capital spending, especially if accompanied by reduced uncertainty about future prospects.
By putting downward pressure on interest rates, the Fed is trying to make financial conditions more accommodative – supporting asset values and lower borrowing costs for households and businesses and thus encouraging the spending that spurs job creation and a stronger recovery.
Instagram is great for us because it’s encouraging people to shoot more stuff. Some of those snappers will become professional, and they may choose to sell their photos through us.
As a writer, I’m convinced that encouraging children to write fiction, to hook into that marvelous machine called the imagination, has to be good for everyone.
I start small. I’m kind to people. I say please, I say thank you, and I always try to be encouraging and positive.
I have won the hearts of many. So that matters more than any award. The love of my ‘Nehearts’ – my fans, is more than inspiring and encouraging.
I mean, I’m new but I’ve always been very interested in film making process and I’ve been lucky enough to work with film makers in my past that have been very encouraging to let me hang around. I get so emotionally vested – that the producer part of me was natural.
I was very lucky, my parents were very encouraging, and both my grandmothers. They had exquisite taste.
Knowing that I can play with some of the best out there is definitely encouraging.
The truth is that it was local councils who asked for the power and the freedom to try different ways of encouraging residents to reduce the amount they throw way away, and it was Labour that gave them these powers.
I was on the wheelchair for six months and lost all hope of returning to the field. I thought my career was over, but my brother kept on encouraging me. ‘All that you need to do is to be resolute to return to the field,’ he said. These words turned out to be magical.
Modi is shielding and encouraging fraud-accused persons such as Gali Janardhan Reddy and Y. S. Jaganmohan Reddy. He is encouraging fraudsters, both directly and indirectly, and thereby helping open floodgates for corruption and frauds.
The Peapod Foundation provides tools and mentors encouraging children to express themselves through music and art.
A lot of food shows are people wanting to become celebrities, rather than encouraging people to cook.
I want to do all types of music, music for all people. I want my music to be encouraging, to help people.
To me, leadership is about encouraging people. It’s about stimulating them. It’s about enabling them to achieve what they can achieve – and to do that with a purpose.
And I think detente had manifestly failed, and that the pursuit of it was encouraging Soviet expansion and rendering the world more dangerous, and especially rendering the Western world in greater peril.
My parents are angels. They’ve always been encouraging of anything I do. Total support, 100 percent.
Quickly, after I landed in England, I found out ways to get scholarships. England turned out to be a very encouraging place for me.
Illiquid asset purchases are all about capital and encouraging private capital to come in.
To me it is just common sense that we should be making apprenticeships readily available to every young person who wants to go down that route – and encouraging people to consider taking this path just as readily as we would encourage someone to look into a university degree.
My parents have truly gone above and beyond in not only supporting me but also encouraging me to follow my dreams. My dad’s only wish was that I made sure to go to college for theatre and study my craft.
The whole point of a commencement speech is to say something encouraging.
All the materialistic things I have been able to have over the last number of years are slowly being taken away from me. It’s been really challenging but also it’s been encouraging to myself to see what my God is actually doing.
For decades, universities have nurtured the most lunatic forms of feminism, denying the biological differences between males and females, promoting the idea that Western civilization is endemically sexist, and encouraging in their students ever-more-delusional forms of victimhood.
I have done a wide range of characters and getting acknowledged as a comedian is encouraging for me as an actor.