Top 325 Gap Quotes

The world’s urban poor and the illiterate are going to be increasingly disadvantaged and are in danger of being left behind. The web has added a new dimension to the gap between the first world and the developing world. We have to start talking about a human right to connect.
Tim Berners-Lee
You may not know it, but I was adopted as a baby by my wonderful parents, Allan and Margaret Atkins of Cumberland Gap, Tenn.
Rodney Atkins
Studies demonstrate that as gaps are being closed between men and women – in access to education, in health, even in economic participation – the most difficult gap to close is in political participation. Somehow that sharing of raw power, political power, remains very illusive.
Melanne Verveer
I like men that shop in Gap and look like proper boys.
Holly Willoughby
There’s a big gap between ‘Click the link to send an e-mail to your congressman’ and ‘Chain yourself to the White House.’
Billy Parish
There is a huge gap between the remuneration of an actor and actress.
Kangana Ran
Tackling the extreme gap between the rich and the poor and tackling climate change is part of the same struggle.
Winnie Byanyima
We called our research ‘Getting to Equal – How Digital is Helping to Close the Gender Gap at Work.’ And at its heart we found that when men and women have the same level of digital fluency, women are better at using their digital skills to gain more education and find work.
Julie Sweet