Top 33 Alice Merton Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Alice Merton Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Like most people, I wanted and still want to live by my

Like most people, I wanted and still want to live by my own rules.
Alice Merton
I have complete creative freedom. If I want to put a song on the album, there’s no one stopping me.
Alice Merton
A lot of labels always feel the need to tell you how they think the music should be marketed and what songs work best where. I say make music you love doing, come up with a strategy, and put it out there.
Alice Merton
It’s a really hard decision, picking my second single.
Alice Merton
I get really nervous when I’m performing or meeting new people.
Alice Merton
I wish I wrote ‘Paper Planes’ by M.I.A.
Alice Merton
I don’t like being dependent on other people.
Alice Merton
When I was younger, I always wanted to be either a pianist or a classical singer, and when I discovered songwriting, it was like a new portal had been opened.
Alice Merton
I make music… and it helps me figure out life.
Alice Merton
I wanted to sing about things that moved me and experiences I had collected throughout life.
Alice Merton
I didn’t have just one place where I could say, ‘That’s my home.’
Alice Merton
I get mad about something, and then I have this melody in my head, and then afterwards, the lyrics come.
Alice Merton
Every song is true and has its unique story behind it.
Alice Merton
I can do whatever I want, and I’m not going to let anyone tell me what language I should speak in.
Alice Merton
I don’t think I ever had a certain image of what touring was like… I think when you’re young, you think it’s very glamourous, but it’s not.
Alice Merton
If I don’t feel the music, I can’t perform it.
Alice Merton
Home, for me, is with the people who I really love – whether that’s in England with my family, Ireland with my relatives, or Germany and Canada with my friends.
Alice Merton
I was realizing that I didn’t have a home. I didn’t really feel at home in one place.
Alice Merton
When you’ve moved 13 times, you lose track of where you’re from.
Alice Merton
I didn’t want to write a sad song to remind me of the fact that I’m always moving around. I wanted something to cheer me up.
Alice Merton
Every time someone asks me where I’m from, I’m not sure how to answer that question… so I say I have no roots.
Alice Merton
Music is something I can control.
Alice Merton
I always wanted to do something with music, but to be honest, I never thought I’d be good enough.
Alice Merton
I think nowadays it’s important to have the support of a group of people who are ready to invest time and effort in your music and vision.
Alice Merton
Mom+Pop aren’t just a label, but they were the group of people that seemed to really care about a long-term relationship. I can be honest with them, like I would with my family, but at the same time, I can expect for them always to be upfront and honest with me.
Alice Merton
I was on the beach, and I was just thinking to myself that I have no one place where I actually feel like I’m at home. I came up with the idea of having no roots – never being grounded to a certain place but having your home with people who you love.
Alice Merton
Being an artist and a human in this world always means confronting people who make you feel like you have to act according to their rules.
Alice Merton
I wanted to take the seriousness out of everything a little bit, because it kind of fits my style.
Alice Merton
The actual thought of not really having a home was, for me, very depressing, and it was something that I was dealing with for quite some time.
Alice Merton
I’m definitely sleep deprived – it is so hard to sleep on a tour bus! It moves around so much, and we have really weird time schedules.
Alice Merton
We always watch ‘The Polar Express.’ I love that movie; that’s a very, very nice Christmas tradition that we have.
Alice Merton
I'm putting out music that I love, and they're basicall

I’m putting out music that I love, and they’re basically just stories of my life and how I try and teach myself to think about things. They’re kind of like notes to self, basically.
Alice Merton
I would bake for my grandma because she has never had anything I’ve baked.
Alice Merton