Top 33 Jonathan Bailey Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Jonathan Bailey Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I think it shouldn't matter at all what character peopl

I think it shouldn’t matter at all what character people play, but of course there is a narrative that’s very clear, that openly gay men aren’t playing straight in leading roles.
Jonathan Bailey
I can’t believe that The Hour’ has been axed.
Jonathan Bailey
Let’s unbutton the corsets and see what’s really going on, I say.
Jonathan Bailey
Theatres are like sacred places – you hear the stories of previous performances and people who have strived to find that sweet spot on stage and succeeded, and failed, in the same space before you.
Jonathan Bailey
I already knew, of course, about the juggernaut that is Shonda Rhimes and the cultural significance of her.
Jonathan Bailey
Lena Dunham has a very compelling face.
Jonathan Bailey
We should be proud in Britain that there’s a massive crossover between theatre and TV.
Jonathan Bailey
I’ve weirdly always got to show my bottom. For some reason my bum always comes out and it’s not always written in the script.
Jonathan Bailey
We’ve come quite far with the idea of equality between sexes, but there’s still a lot of conversations that need to be had about men in power.
Jonathan Bailey
You can love a play and character and can be the right person to tell that story. But if you don’t click with the other people in the play, it won’t work.
Jonathan Bailey
As a man you just think, oh no, can I grow a beard, can I do this, and a mutton chop is a really niche aspiration, but yeah, I got there.
Jonathan Bailey
No, I’m alright for adventure. I will up the Thames in one of those Jacuzzi dingys.
Jonathan Bailey
Good actors can do anything, and there’ll be amazing writers who are willing to write for everyone.
Jonathan Bailey
People say, ‘You’ve got to challenge yourself,’ and I don’t think there’s anything better than going, ‘I don’t understand how this thing is possible.’ Fear of the unknown is always the thing in life.
Jonathan Bailey
With Bridgerton,’ you’re following eight siblings, all with different wants and they’ll meet people along the way, and they’ll interact differently.
Jonathan Bailey
And I love a bath. I’ve had weeks where I’ve had a minimum of two a day.
Jonathan Bailey
It seemed really important that at least one character in Bridgerton’ got burnt by love – you know, Anthony mishandled his relationship with Siena and became quite toxic.
Jonathan Bailey
It’s funny, because even though Bridgerton’ is obviously a period drama, Anthony’s story is quite modern in the sense that he’s reached a point where he genuinely believes that love will never happen for him.
Jonathan Bailey
One of my sisters was doing dance, and I’d watch from the back of the classroom in my trainers. Slowly, I started integrating myself into the fraught south Oxford ballet culture.
Jonathan Bailey
My understanding of romance novels was that it was on the beach with a glass of rose.
Jonathan Bailey
Nature is so important.
Jonathan Bailey
You know, I’ve just discovered the Mandy Patinkin and Patti LuPone performance of Evita’ at the Tonys. It’s honestly one of the most extraordinary pieces of singing in the world.
Jonathan Bailey
You can’t sign on for a romance novel adaptation and then get prudish.
Jonathan Bailey
You work and strive to be an actor and you can get better at it and enjoy it. But you can’t be good at fame or enjoy it. Some people do, some people don’t.
Jonathan Bailey
We know there has been a history of needing to be closeted to succeed and be famous, especially in acting.
Jonathan Bailey
I think there’s just incredible amounts of labeling generally and as woman, as a man, as a gay man, as a mother, as a father, there’s just a sense that there’s opinions everywhere.
Jonathan Bailey
I remember seeing Oliver!’ when I was six and having vertigo in the theatre – I experience that even when I go to theatres now.
Jonathan Bailey
The National is the leading theater in the U.K. because it’s three big theater spaces in one big building. At any moment you’re there, you just know that you’re working with people that you’re going to be seeing for hopefully the rest of your career.
Jonathan Bailey
I’m watching The Singing Detective.’ I’m rather taken by it.
Jonathan Bailey
My toothbrush is analogue all the way. There’s a supersonic Oral-B in the cabinet but I like an old-fashioned DIY to get a full clean. Firm bristles.
Jonathan Bailey
The day of my last A-levels, I took over from Andrew Garfield’ in Beautiful Thing, and the thing that followed that was Side by Side’ with Josie Walker.
Jonathan Bailey
That's a testament to Shondaland who cast everyone off

That’s a testament to Shondaland who cast everyone off self-tapes. That creative instinct that they work through and they encourage everyone to go on is really empowering.
Jonathan Bailey
There have been amazing performances by straight people playing gay and by gay people playing straight.
Jonathan Bailey