Top 33 Legal System Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Legal System Quotes from famous people such as Karl Lagerfeld, David Eagleman, Patricia Ireland, Michelle Alexander, Amy Coney Barrett, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

There will be gay couples; it will exist. It is not ver

There will be gay couples; it will exist. It is not very nice that people who are married – who divorce in three seconds – don’t want protection for the others. The legal system should protect everyone, not just the few people who think they are above everybody else because they are married.
Karl Lagerfeld
My dream is to reform the legal system over the next 20 years.
David Eagleman
When I started law school I was shocked to learn that our legal system traditionally had the man as the head and master of the family. As late as the ’70s and ’80s when we were fighting for the Equal Rights Amendment, states like Louisiana still had a head and master law.
Patricia Ireland
The fact that our legal system has become so tolerant of police lying indicates how corrupted our criminal justice system has become by declarations of war, ‘get tough’ mantras, and a seemingly insatiable appetite for locking up and locking out the poorest and darkest among us.
Michelle Alexander
Judges cannot – nor should they try to – align our legal system with the Church’s moral teaching whenever the two diverge. They should, however, conform their own behavior to the Church’s standard.
Amy Coney Barrett
It is common sense that in our immigration courts, where children fleeing devastating violence abroad often find themselves, kids need lawyers to advocate on their behalf. After all, lawyers go to school for years to understand the nuances of our legal system.
Patrick Leahy
We have brought down emissions in this country through our legal system and through technological innovation. We can do this on our own. We don’t have to have the permission of countries all over the world to do that.
Mike Lee
The acid test of any legal system is not the greatness or the grandeur of its ideal concepts, but whether, in fact, it is able to produce order and justice.
Lee Kuan Yew
In countries with a properly functioning legal system, the mob continues to exist, but it is rarely called upon to mete out capital punishment. The right to take human life belongs to the state. Not so in societies where weak courts and poor law enforcement are combined with intractable structural injustices.
Teju Cole
We have a very long legal system with the European Union, and we’re English speaking.
Enda Kenny
I feel like there was justice. It was served through the legal system you know. Everything that I endured. It was all worth it.
Amber Frey
Yes, people need food and education. But one of the cornerstones of any society is a well-functioning legal system.
Cherie Blair
However, we do not lack anti-terrorist laws. I do not believe that the recent London bombs were the result of any deficiencies in our legal system.
Kenneth Clarke
The real violence is committed in the writing of history, the records of the legal system, the reporting of news, through the manipulation of social contracts, and the control of information.
Bryant H. McGill
But if we get to the point where more people do not believe in a God than who do believe in God, we will have a hollow legal system – we will have something without heart.
Lee Greenwood
A primary motivation for introducing no-fault divorce was, in fact, to reduce perjury in the legal system.
Stephanie Coontz
We’ve got fifty people at Gitmo that are too dangerous to be let go that will never go through a normal criminal trial. Let’s create a new legal system, so they’ll have their day in court.
Lindsey Graham
I’ve led a school whose faculty and students examine and discuss and debate every aspect of our law and legal system. And what I’ve learned most is that no one has a monopoly on truth or wisdom. I’ve learned that we make progress by listening to each other, across every apparent political or ideological divide.
Elena Kagan
The Republican majority will stop at nothing to prevent access to the legal system for those who are hurt.
Joe Baca
Britain has always been a good citizen in the world. We rightly provide a safe haven for people fleeing political persecution by brutal regimes. Our legal system is often seen as a beacon for the rest of the world, with people coming from all over to study it and embed its principles into their own systems.
Chris Grayling
I couldn’t swear that I believed in the law – or in the American legal system.
Felice Picano
I saw the legal system close up, and I understood that it was built by lawyers for lawyers, and unless you have an attorney to navigate it, you’re not going to be successful.
Shari Redstone
Let’s create a legal system that can work.
Sam Brownback
I think the law is equal for everyone and no one is immune from the law of the nation, the legal system.
Rajpal Yadav
Unfortunately, corruption is widespread in government agencies and public enterprises. Our political system promotes nepotism and wasting money. This has undermined our legal system and confidence in the functioning of the state. One of the consequences is that many citizens don’t pay their taxes.
George Papandreou
I researched children’s rights, divorce law, and parental kidnapping. Millions of children and parents are touched by the inadequacy of the legal system to deal with the human heart.
Amity Gaige
Class action lawsuits are an important part of our legal system. All citizens should have the right to band together and settle grievances with bigger companies, but that system is broken and it needs fixing.
Tom Carper
When officers’ actions violate their duty, justice should be served in accordance with our legal system.
Thom Tillis
Granting amnesty to those who willfully broke the law makes a mockery of our legal system and encourages even more lawlessness – potentially more severe crimes than entering the U.S. illegally.
Mark Meadows
There is a separation – a very clear separation – between the judiciary, the legal system, and the political system in this country, and that’s why Labor has a problem with the issue of mandatory sentencing as a principle.
Anthony Albanese
Sure, our legal system has its flaws, but it is the best legal system in the world.
Kimberly Guilfoyle
The entire legal system was built upon the assumption t

The entire legal system was built upon the assumption that people would have adequate representation. When they don’t, the system fails, and the laws don’t matter.
Shari Redstone
We believe that government in Britain is there to protect people from terrorism and from the worst criminality, but never at the expense of our civil liberties and the basic tenets of our legal system.
Charles Kennedy