Top 33 Rainn Wilson Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Rainn Wilson Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I am all for controlling guns.

I am all for controlling guns.
Rainn Wilson
Pretty much anybody who’s ever worked can relate to our show.
Rainn Wilson
I would love to see some comedies about loser women.
Rainn Wilson
I was a total dork in high school.
Rainn Wilson
So much about religion has to do with rigid, sacrosanct preciousness. I don’t live my life that way, and I don’t feel that’s what Baha’u’llah teaches.
Rainn Wilson
My mom was an actress in the local Seattle theater doing experimental plays.
Rainn Wilson
My brain is so anxiety-prone, like a pinball machine. If I don’t get up in the morning and focus my thinking, my breathing, and my being for about 12 minutes, I’m just a screwball all day long.
Rainn Wilson
Music is universal too. Even deaf people like to dance, love rhythm, and can kind of pick it up.
Rainn Wilson
I remember being unemployed and walking the East Village streets for many years, constantly checking my voice mail on pay phones, hoping for an audition.
Rainn Wilson
My body has been making women laugh for the last 20 years and I’m happy to continue to oblige.
Rainn Wilson
I’m lucky to have a wife and a child that keep me grounded.
Rainn Wilson
There’s like ten minutes when it’s like, ‘Okay, wait, who is this guy again?’ And then, you know, I just put on the calculator watch and the glasses, and just be all, you know, inappropriate. And then it just works out fine.
Rainn Wilson
Apparently ‘The Office’ plays in Brazil. Who would’ve thought that Brazilians would identify with a bunch of pasty white Scrantonians in a paper company? But the Brazilians I’ve met have really loved the show.
Rainn Wilson
My dad wanted to name me after Rainier Maria Rilke, the poet.
Rainn Wilson
My dad was always such a frustrated artist. He always worked very hard to support his family, doing a bunch of ridiculous jobs. He wanted to be a painter, but then he also wrote science-fiction novels in his spare time.
Rainn Wilson
My whole thing is I just always wanted to be a working actor and I just wanted to stop waiting tables.
Rainn Wilson
We’ve seen that there are a lot of people out there – teenagers in Topeka, housewives in Long Island, millionaire Internet start-up moguls – that all want to connect with each other about what it is to be human.
Rainn Wilson
I like being a Baha’i who has an out-there sense of humor. God gives us talents and faculties, and making people laugh is one of mine.
Rainn Wilson
Singing and dancing is not just for the cast of ‘Glee’. We can wake up doing both and have it be a natural expression of who we are.
Rainn Wilson
I really wanted to do something positive on the Internet. I wanted to try to get young people talking about, thinking about, life’s big questions-make it cool and OK to wonder about the heart, the soul and free will and God and death and big topics like that, big human topics.
Rainn Wilson
One thing I really want to do is – I spent ten years in New York doing theater before I moved to L.A. to do TV and film. I’d really like to go to back New York and do some theater.
Rainn Wilson
Ralph Waldo Emerson would definitely be my homeboy.
Rainn Wilson
Dwight is a sad clown. You’ve seen those paintings of sad clown.
Rainn Wilson
I think Dwight loves being number two. I don’t think he has any desire to be number one. He wants to be number two no matter where he goes. It’s like Avis. ‘We try harder.’ That’s Dwight.
Rainn Wilson
I came to realize I did believe in God. I couldn’t conceive of a universe without someone overseeing it in a compassionate way.
Rainn Wilson
Well, Dwight was born to be No. 2 and I don’t think he would know what to do as a leader. But he loves following. He would have made a great fascist.
Rainn Wilson
‘SoulPancake’ is a website that I founded with a couple of friends, and it is for exploring life’s big questions.
Rainn Wilson
I think we’re the only jokeless show on television. I mean really, we have no setups and no punch lines. It’s not a joke show. There are funny lines and funny moments but again the comedy is born of the human experience and awkward pauses are a great part of what it is to be human.
Rainn Wilson
I’m about as big a star as the Baha’i faith has got, which is pretty pathetic.
Rainn Wilson
In every decade rock and roll starts to get very serious and navel gazing and kind of self serious and every once and a while it kind of needs a kick in the pants.
Rainn Wilson
I started in theatre, and for me, it was all about transformation. You transform into the character that you’re playing.
Rainn Wilson
What's interesting is the show allows for the awkward p

What’s interesting is the show allows for the awkward pauses to be captured, which makes it stylistically unique, especially for American audiences.
Rainn Wilson
I was this weird misfit guy from suburban Seattle, I never really fit in, and then I became a drama geek, among all the other different kinds of geek that I was growing up, and I found I was pretty good at it.
Rainn Wilson