Top 333 Rent Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Rent Quotes from famous people such as Bryan Batt, Jim Varney, Cardi B, Billy Joel, Big Daddy Kane, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

It's funny... musical theater is what paid my rent and

It’s funny… musical theater is what paid my rent and kept me going for the longest time.
Bryan Batt
I like to sing. I write music. Country songs. You have to if you’re in Nashville. It’s part of the lease. You sign a lease that says, I will write country songs and pay my rent on time.
Jim Varney
I do feel kind of guilty sometimes ’cause, like, I could buy myself a $5,000 dress or a $3,000 dress, and I’m buying these things, but I’m knowing that my cousin need money for the rent. And then I gotta tell myself, ‘Stop feeling guilty. You worked for this.’
Cardi B
When I was 19, I made my first good week’s pay as a club musician. It was enough money for me to quit my job at the factory and still pay the rent and buy some food. I freaked.
Billy Joel
White people moving into Brooklyn, I don’t see anything wrong with that. I think that’s fine and I think that’s beautiful, but to hear about certain black people whose rent is getting hiked up so high and they’re not able to get leases renewed. Now that I think is wrong.
Big Daddy Kane
The P2P marketplace extends into other markets where individuals are monetizing underutilized assets. Lodging is one example. Instead of finding a hotel room, in the sharing economy you can rent a spare room from a local resident.
Sam Graves
I enrolled in a race car driving school, where you go for three days, and they wanted to rent me a video camera and charge me $100 for every half-hour.
Nick Woodman
The real estate agent had to go door-to-door in the apartment building we wanted to rent, asking if it was OK for this interracial family – my mom is white and I was a 1-year-old half-African kid – to live in the apartment building.
Tom Morello
In ’82 and ’83, that was the rise of the VCR. Every Friday, my brother and I would go to Crazy Eddie’s – which was a video store in Manhattan – and rent five horror movies. And that’s basically what we did, basically, for three years. Becoming social misfits.
Colson Whitehead
I have a teaching job that allows me to pay the rent and affords me to, frankly, write the books I want to write.
David Shields
I like a bargain. If I want to splash out, I can rent a luxury dress, especially if I’m only planning on wearing it once. I often realise that I don’t like it as much as I thought I would and I’m glad I didn’t buy it.
Laura Whitmore
By the time you are in your thirties, most of the time, you’ve got a job, you can pay for your rent, you can create this nice world around you. And still, you’re only in your thirties – you’re not that far away from your twenties, which is when you’re making all of your stupid mistakes.
Katie Aselton
I remember my mom would read the newspaper, and if she saw a place that was cheaper in rent, we were gone. She’d pack everything up, move the furniture and we were out of there.
Jason Sehorn
I feel quite sad for the young musicians coming up because they may never get to pay their rent properly. It doesn’t matter what the genre; nowadays, it’s so much harder than it ever was.
Bryan Adams
I don’t just act to pay my rent. I really like doing it, so I get frustrated when I don’t get to do it all the time, so short films are a really great way to be doing it and working with your friends, working on smaller, more specific things without limiting yourself in other ways.
Mackenzie Davis
A lot of people are coming down on people taking old rock ‘n’ roll songs and making commercials out of them, but from a songwriter’s standpoint, I don’t mind because it helps pay my rent.
J. J. Cale
I’ve been humbled by the amount of people who have gone out of their way to reach out, mentor me on an ongoing basis, and devote time to help solve the problems Rent the Runway faces as a company – simply out of their own interest and kindness.
Jennifer Hyman
I was in ‘Rent,’ for God’s sake. The closest we came to stunts was dancing on a table.
Jesse L. Martin
I was directing as a kid in movies, and that was always my strongest interest. When I was under contract at Universal, I conned an editing room out of them and spent my money to rent a camera and shoot film and make some movies.
Tim Matheson
A lot of people’s circumstances can change very, very quickly, and people can move jobs, relationships can break down, something else could happen, and the next thing you know, you can’t pay your rent, you can’t get the support you require, and you’re out on the street.
Giles Deacon
I feel like I should be a really happy, bubbly person to correspond with my good fortune, but I’m more of a this-could-dry-up-any-minute person who tries to enjoy it while it lasts. And if it does dry up, I’ll still have the people I love, and I’ll just figure out how to pay rent.
Martha Kelly
Rent and the cost of essentials like food and child care are rising so fast that wages are not keeping up.
Kate Brown
If you have someone who is paying 88 percent of her income on rent, and we have laws that allow a landlord to evict a tenant who falls behind under those circumstances, eviction becomes an inevitability.
Matthew Desmond
Almost all the people I’ve met in temporary accommodation fell behind with their rent because of benefit cuts, or found their landlord was no longer willing to keep them on since their income had been frozen.
Dawn Foster
I moved in with a roommate who told me, ‘Stay with me until you can afford rent. Don’t give up.’ People who supported me were like, ‘If you don’t have money for food, I’ll cook you dinner. You don’t have money for acting class? Let’s get together and read lines.’
Chrissy Metz
I kind of had a quarter-life crisis before I did ‘Rent.’ I had done Glinda in ‘Wicked’ for a while. I had worked for Cirque Du Soleil, and then I did ‘Hair.’ Then I had a real quiet time, not having work, and it was a time of not only self-discovery of me as a person, but also what I wanted as an artist and actor.
Annaleigh Ashford
I rent houses in LA when I’m filming. I find the isolation there terrifying. There’s nowhere to go, there’s nowhere to be with people. I’m not a beach bunny.
Kathleen Turner
Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.
Muhammad Ali
If you rent, the rent goes up every year. But if you buy a 30-year mortgage, the cost is fixed.
John Paulson
Donner likes what he does and enjoys being on a set. He doesn’t have to do it, its not like he has to make the rent. When I get to be his age and still enjoy what I’m doing like him, I’d be lucky.
Ethan Embry
It is said an artist spends their whole life trying to get to the place where their heart was first opened up. ‘Rent’ was that place for me.
Leslie Odom, Jr.
I have faith that worthy but misunderstood or ignored b

I have faith that worthy but misunderstood or ignored books can still prevail – and when they do, fewer joys are as sweet – but authors have families to support and rent to pay, and for them, I hope for acclaim in their time rather than late-in-life or posthumously.
Bill Clegg
I would love to play, perhaps not exactly Mimi in ‘Rent,’ but someone like her. Perhaps not on Broadway, but I think I feel like a musical is in my future. I sing, although I’m not Whitney Houston up in here. I’m a little bit shy about my singing, but I did it in school at Juilliard.
Betty Gabriel
We need to pay our dues to live on this earth; we need to pay the rent, and I’m doing that with the work we are carrying out here in Patagonia.
Douglas Tompkins
I go to Australia probably once every two years. It’s wide-open spaces there, so I just rent a motorcycle and ride out to the middle of the continent. For hours, you don’t see anybody.
Larry Fitzgerald
We don’t own the team; we just rent it. The fans own it, and a lot of times, they haven’t been happy with the renter.
Rocky Wirtz
Let me tell you something: I have members in my charter who, after paying their rent and house bills and taking care of their families, don’t even have enough money left over to pay the fifteen dollars a week dues.
Chuck Zito
Service is the rent we pay for being. It is the very purpose of life, and not something you do in your spare time.
Marian Wright Edelman
I probably got many personalities living in my head and they all have to pay rent, OK?
You keep your rent low, which takes some of the pressure off. So when I say ‘no,’ I mean ‘no.’ I don’t mean, ‘Give me more money.’ I mean ‘no.’
Jonathan Majors
‘Rent,’ for me, was a significant time in my life because it was my first break. It was my first professional job. I also met my husband in that cast, Taye Diggs.
Idina Menzel
I had to find a way to get off the streets because it was too windy. So I started organizing variety shows of street performers. I would rent a hall, cafe or bar so I could put on a show. I did that for years before the ‘Tonight Show With Johnny Carson’ heard about this odd thing I did with bubbles.
Tom Noddy
I do think ‘All Is by My Side’ is the type of film I’m the most happiest. You know, I’m figuring it out. I did just move to New York, so I have to pay my rent.
Imogen Poots
I knew I wouldn’t be able to afford to rent a studio as well as get a home that I was excited about. So I was like, if I can do both in one, I can just about make it work.
Zoe Buckman
I didn’t wake up one day and want to become an entrepreneur. I had the idea for Rent the Runway and thought it would be fun to work on and also thought if it was successful, it would make women feel great about themselves.
Jennifer Hyman
Taxing people for having a spare bedroom and forcing them into rent arrears or the possibility of losing homes they have lived in for years has always been a cruel and heartless measure, and so it is good that the Scottish Parliament has been able to step in.
Nicola Sturgeon
I probably made a few pictures I shouldn’t have done, but I have four sons and I have to pay the rent. If you have a decision to make about whether or not you can buy groceries at the market or whether or not you’re going to make a bad movie, you’re going to make a bad movie.
Michael Madsen
As artists, we’d all love to not be commercial – to not sell out to the full extent that we are able. But you do what you have to do to pay New York rent and continue to do what you feel strongly about.
Mike Birbiglia
Well, you have to get a job! That’s the first thing you have to do as a young person. You’re not in school anymore… It costs a lot of money to pay the rent these days.
People did not want to rent out their place to me. My dad had to come and meet my landlord. He had to assure him that he and my mom would keep coming to visit me.
Nidhhi Agerwal
I’m not a huge L.A. fan, but I go there for the winter every year. We usually rent a house and have massive house parties.
Benny Blanco
When I was growing up, I was really into ‘Rent’ and I actually slept on the street in New York all night to get to sit in the first few rows for it.
Julia Jones
Every job is a blessing. Everyone has to take into account what is available. Are you paying rent, who do you get to work with? There are a lot of variables in the job. What I’m drawn to is things that I don’t completely understand maybe, and want to get a better feel for it.
Ben Foster
Our company wouldn’t exist and wouldn’t be around without our warehouse employees and our call center employees. And these employees – not just at Rent the Runway but at tens of thousands of other companies throughout the country – are treated unequally.
Jennifer Hyman
When I started ‘Rent,’ I already had an idea of how I was going to portray Angel, simply because of who I was at that moment. Everyone always perceived her as a drag queen, but the reality of the matter is that I truly believe she was a trans woman.
Mj Rodriguez
Luckily for me, I don’t depend on seeing every patient who comes through my door to pay the rent, and so if someone is involved in an activity that I don’t like, I just don’t accept that person as a client.
Ruth Westheimer
People shouldn’t be forced to chose between paying for rent or paying for medication. They deserve a government ready to take on Big Pharma by implementing health coverage, starting by extending pharmacare coverage to every Canadian.
Jagmeet Singh
If you ask people why they move to the city, they always give the same reasons. They’ve come to get a job or follow their friends or to be at the center of a scene. That’s why we pay the high rent. Cities are all about the people, not the infrastructure.
Geoffrey West
A lot of times, we also have to live and work. You have to make money to pay rent. In that respect, I don’t think you can be so demanding. Those great stories are not the normal stories that come on a daily basis. It’s a struggle to land those roles. Everybody is looking for the good parts.
Djimon Hounsou
Every hotel room, every apartment we rent, I am sage-ing. And I have crystals that I travel with. It just makes me feel better.
Jenna Dewan
A whopping 89 percent of buyers start their home search online. How your house looks online is the modern equivalent of ‘curb appeal.’ Rent a wide-angle lens and good lighting, get rid of your clutter and post at least eight great photos to win the beauty contest.
Barbara Corcoran
We grew up in Islington, north London, in a Georgian terraced house that nowadays would be split into flats. Our grandparents lived upstairs, there was another tenant living up there and downstairs was the office where people in the area paid their rent.
Martin Kemp
If you don't want to part with belongings but still wan

If you don’t want to part with belongings but still want to monetize them, then you can rent them out.
John Rampton
I’ve been an actor since I was 18. So that’s my proper job. But I was not a very successful actor, if you consider being able to afford your rent successful. I did lots of old people’s tours; reminiscence tours.
Sara Pascoe
I’m constantly warning people that are involved in my life that I can go busk and make a living. I can make my rent in New York City in the subway, I promise, if I’m forced to.
Steve Earle
If I owned Marseilles and Hell, I’d rent out Marseilles and live in Hell.
John McCarthy
I figure if I have my health, can pay the rent and I have my friends, I call it ‘content.’
Lauren Bacall
‘Rent’ was my first professional job, ever.
Aaron Tveit
It’s ironic, really, because I’ve spent the bulk of my career making my living in a very commercial realm: network television. And yet, my sensibilities don’t necessarily line up with how I pay my rent.
Tim Daly
For me, ‘Rent’ was all about coming out of myself, finding out who I was, learning the power I could have as a performer. And ‘Wicked’ was about harnessing all that strength.
Idina Menzel
As a country, we can do better. Our home should be a source of stability, not insecurity. This issue is personal for me… even with a steady paycheck, I couldn’t pay rent.
Kane Brown
Trump has a lot of contacts in the world of charity because he rents out ballrooms, hotel ballrooms, the ballroom at Mar-a-Lago to charities. Charities are often the ones that rent out these ballrooms for big events.
David Fahrenthold
I loved Rent when I first heard it, but it grew on me and so did Tick, Tick… Boom. Some songs are more interesting than others and sometimes the ones that never stood out at first end up being the best to perform.
Neil Patrick Harris
In a society rigged in favour of landlords over tenants, to rent privately is to be deprived of security.
Owen Jones
There were many years when I was hand-to-mouth and didn’t know how I was gonna make rent. I’ve done every job under the sun, from busing tables, temping, and working in factories to SAT prep and detailing cars. So to be able to make a living where all I do is write is absolutely liberating.
Beau Willimon
There were so many times that, as waitresses, you look at your bank account and you literally have 100 bucks, and you’re thinking, ‘How am I going to pay my utility bill, my rent?’ but at the same time thinking, ‘How am I going to accomplish my dreams?’
Brie Bella
When life was worrying about a car payment or a rent payment and a bill, you’re so consumed with that, you really don’t have time to know yourself. That’s surviving and getting by.
Fred Durst
I pay my rent with my Instagram.
Georgia Toffolo
When you’re on a football scholarship, you get a stipend that’s supposed to cover your rent and a few incidentals. It was $360 a month. This was the late 1980s, and the NCAA has an interesting rule where you’re not allowed to supplement your income with a part-time job.
Jason Chaffetz
I’d like to record somewhere really different. Rent a really big house and get a mobile in and set up in the dining room. Maybe New England; it’d be nice in September or October.
Robert Smith
The richest people are those who have life arranged so they have food for the family and the rent or mortgage paid. After that, at least in my case, it can become a pretty boring existence if wealth is the only objective.
Gary Burghoff
I no longer have a style to maintain. I rent a little flat in Los Angeles, I don’t take holidays, I don’t dine out and I take cheap flights.
Rufus Sewell
We had an apartment on west side of Central Park. The rent was very reasonable. We found out later that it belonged to a gangster called Legs Diamond and it was a front to his headquarters. It was fine.
James Stewart
I don’t live on the West Coast, so when I come out to work, I rent a house.
Joe Morton
The Old Vic is special to me because that’s where I began. I lived in New Bond Street in London in a flat that cost 4.20 a week. I split the rent with friends. We used to go to concerts, theatres, we went to the Proms.
June Brown
I’m happy to make returns of 4% to 6% a year on my real estate portfolio. If inflation comes along I’ll be able to increase rent and have capital appreciation roughly in line with inflation.
Porter Stansberry
When I was focusing on theater, I would go on for months without any work and could hardly pay the rent.
Luke Evans
A Red camera is the best. When I started shooting videos, I had to pay ten thousand dollars just to rent one. I was like, ‘I do all these music videos, and I still don’t own a Red camera?’ So I spent about a hundred thousand dollars to buy one. My own bread. Boom!
Mike Will Made It
My first month in syndication, I made about $100. I thought it would be exciting if I ever got up to the level where I could pay my rent.
Gary Larson
Obviously there’s not much options when you’re a cartoonist – you pretty much either work at home or rent an office I guess, and working at home just seems easier.
Scott Adams
I came out of UCB and, before that, punk rock, and the whole deal was you do it yourself. Get up and rent the space, get up and press your own records, get up and silkscreen your own tees, get it done yourself. That sort of self-reliance will only serve me. Any time I lose sight of that, my career suffers.
John Ross Bowie
When ‘Rent: Live’ was announced, I bugged everybody. The creatives, Fox, the producers, my team – I have to be Mark Cohen. It almost got to a laughable point for me. I was like, ‘I have to be Mark Cohen.’
Jordan Fisher
My first church had seven members in it, and I have to remember, the rent was $225 a month and I worked for Union Carbide and took the check I made from work to pay for the rent to keep the church open.
T. D. Jakes
In Europe, they're more demanding, the ones that rent t

In Europe, they’re more demanding, the ones that rent the build ings.
Helmut Jahn
You can get out of maintaining property at code if the family is behind on rent.
Matthew Desmond
My dad was rubbish at all other aspects of his financial life, but he’s pretty good at paying the rent.
Robert Carlyle
One of Rent the Runway’s core values is ‘Trust in Everyone’s Best of Intentions.’ We trust our team.
Jennifer Hyman
An example of good debt is the debt on the apartment houses I own. That debt is good only as long as there are tenants to pay my mortgages. If tenants stop paying their rent, my good debt turns into bad debt.
Robert Kiyosaki
I think DVD has been a real gold mine for a lot of reasons. You were selling a packaged good in a big mass market, so you could make it huge. You were selling or renting a thing that people didn’t consume. You go to Blockbuster, rent five movies, and only watch two. That’s a good business to be in.
Michael Lynton
What people forget is that no one pays you to go and be a champion for democracy. A girl’s got to make rent. I didn’t have a job for two years.
Christopher Wylie
I never listen to the radio unless I rent a car.
David Byrne
Someone skipped on the rent and they left behind a huge upright piano, which got moved into our apartment so the other apartment could get rented out. I took to it and started playing.
Cy Coleman
I would love to live in the wilds of nowhere, and when writing ‘Chronicles,’ I would occasionally rent a cottage in the middle of nowhere that had no mobile reception, but I’m not about to move away from my family.
Michelle Paver
I had been playing for about a year and a half when the Beach Boys formed. When our folks went to Mexico on business, we would take the food money they had left us and we would rent instruments.
Carl Wilson
Whenever, then, the usual and ordinary rate of the profits of agricultural stock, and all the outgoings belonging to the cultivation of land, are together equal to the value of the whole produce, there can be no rent.
David Ricardo
I think that Microsoft will increasingly feel margin pressure from Linux as well as people saying: well actually the applications that really matter to me are not on my PC. And so they’re going to be able to extract less of a monopoly rent, so to speak.
Tim O’Reilly
Fraternity life, for me, really was about cheap rent and three square.
Benjamin Bratt
The things I have sold to film, I’ve sold because I was happy to rent out the right to adapt those works. Some things, I haven’t sold to film, because I was less interested in having no control over the adaptation.
Warren Ellis
The Paris peace talks kept a roof over my head and food on the table and clothes on my back because if something was said going in or coming out, I had the rent for the month.
Ed Bradley
‘Rent’ audiences tend to be pretty vocal. They scream and cheer a lot.
Brandon Victor Dixon
I write in all sorts of places; it’s a legacy of my time as a journalist, where I could turn out copy in a hotel corridor. But I have a little office that I rent in my local town, and that’s my ideal place.
Jojo Moyes
I once went to a fraternity house when I was in high school… you know, you would rent them during the summer for really cheap, and students are in there. So I met some people who rented a room. I just remember it being very dirty.
Spencer Grammer
Cities could open up their property and assets to sharing economy apps that make it easier to find parking spaces or homes for rent. By aligning private-sector incentives with the public good, cities will create confidence among taxpayers.
Pierre Nanterme
We always had money problems. Sometimes I would lie awake at night wondering how to pay the rent.
Maj Sjowall
To supply people for ages in camps makes no sense… you have to rebuild that cabana that they rent out to tourists on the weekend. They need help getting their fields repaired and their boats repaired.
Sam Worthington
A neurotic is a man who builds a castle in the air. A psychotic is the man who lives in it. A psychiatrist is the man who collects the rent.
Jerome Lawrence
I liked Westerns for two reasons: First, it took the actor outside. They were all very physical at that time and not limited to a stage. Second, they paid my rent an awful lot.
DeForest Kelley
Teaching theater, I felt very lucky. In a world where there’s few options for someone who graduates with a theater degree, trying to figure out how to make rent and pay the bills, I always gravitated towards teaching jobs and things like that. I wanted to stay close to my passion as well.
Natasha Rothwell
I pretty much ignored politics all through my 20’s and 30’s… I had other things on my mind… the band, finding a meaningful relationship, getting enough money to eat and pay the rent.
Mark Edwards
It was such a struggle for me to make it off welfare. I was getting $630 a month for myself and my children with no support from their fathers. The rent was $600 a month, and if you got a job, they took it out of your welfare.
Allison Anders
I always connected renting a car with being an adult. If you think about it, it’s the last frontier of your youth. You can join the military at 18, drink when you’re 21, but you can’t rent a car.
Jaleel White
Individually the poor are not too tempting to thieves, for obvious reasons. Mug a banker and you might score a wallet containing a month’s rent. Mug a janitor and you will be lucky to get away with bus fare to flee the crime scene.
Barbara Ehrenreich
Milos said, You’re my first choice. From my point of view, that doesn’t pay the rent. I said, Tell me what I have to do next because I’m busy painting my kitchen.
F. Murray Abraham
Using a service such as, students can save on average more than $600 a year when they rent textbooks over purchasing them.
Osman Rashid
Service is the rent that you pay for room on this earth

Service is the rent that you pay for room on this earth.
Shirley Chisholm
My total year’s income from working as hard as I possibly could from writing went from like $30 one year to about $70 the next year. And it made me realize that maybe you couldn’t really pay the rent that way.
Kevin J. Anderson
I don’t honestly know why they offered me the part in Rent.
Adam Rickitt
I remember having to quit school and quit my job. I just sort of moved all my stuff into other people’s places. Within, like, six months, I was able to earn enough money from touring to rent a place again.
Conor Oberst
I can write anywhere that’s quiet. I have a study in my apartment, but I often work in the kitchen of a house that we rent in the country.
Jonathan Galassi
My first job was in sixth grade, sweeping the clay tennis courts at the yacht club near my house, which I was not a member of. Always had to pay my own rent. But I don’t really have any concept of how money works. I don’t know how much things cost. Like a BMW. Or a quart of milk. It’s embarrassing.
Chloe Sevigny
If you want something you can’t afford, think what else that money could buy: a week’s groceries, a month’s rent, or a weekend away. That will put things into perspective.
Sophie Kinsella
I’m a pretty big dork. It’s crazy. I’m one of those people who grew up with all kinds of musicals, but I was right at that age where ‘Rent’ was a big deal for me and for my friends.
Anna Kendrick
My only ambition when I came to Hollywood was to pay my rent.
Adrian Grenier
‘Rent’ opened up my heart, my senses. I was never the same. I hadn’t been back in that place in the same way since. ‘Hamilton’ put me back in that place.
Leslie Odom, Jr.
If you don’t have trouble paying the rent, you have trouble doing something else; one needs just a certain amount of trouble.
Robert Rauschenberg
My high-school dream was to be in a band, pay my rent and eat – and I’ve been able to do that for 20 years. So I’m completely content.
Evan Dando
Subsidizing someone’s rent is much cheaper than paying for new housing, police or medical responses, or hospital or jail stays.
London Breed
There are tremendous barriers to building housing. If we could break them down, the need for rent controls would go away.
Tom Golisano
People think celebrities don’t have to worry about human things like sickness and death and rent. It’s like you’ve traveled to this Land of Celebrity, this other country.
David Duchovny
It always amazes me when people go rent horses and ride them. You mean you want me to pay you to ride a horse?
William Lucking
I don’t think I’ve got the stuff that Broadway musicals are made of. But there are definitely many musicals that I enjoy. ‘Hair’ and ‘Rent’ might be my favorites.
Sebastian Stan
Many blue-collar families struggling to pay rent would be happy to skip paying optional union dues.
Kevin O’Leary
When I got to New York, I had no place to sleep. The pay from ‘Sesame Street’ wasn’t enough to rent an apartment. I was staying on people’s couches. I stayed in the dressing room until they found out. I stayed with Jim Henson and his family for a week, and I wanted to do that permanently. I didn’t dare ask, though.
Caroll Spinney
That experience with ‘Rent’ went by so fast. I was younger. I didn’t even really know what opening night was. And now I’m thinking back on the times I went to Broadway as a kid and the excitement I felt… And I’m realizing that I’m actually a part of that, so I’m learning to take it in, ’cause so often I shrug it away.
Idina Menzel
I was an artist – I fancied myself an artist – I sold paintings at bars to pay my rent.
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
You see politicians talking about negative gearing or tax on your second home – most people I knew growing up couldn’t afford the rent, let alone buying a house, or a second house.
Jimmy Barnes
We did rent some houses in different hub cities which made it that we weren’t in hotels all the time. But we’re on the bus a lot. Isaiah, our 4-year-old, he loves it. He boots around on his scooter and he loves seeing all the people on tour that he gets to know.
Mike Fisher
When economists talk about income, they talk about the money a household or a person earns in a given year. That’s the salary you earned, the rent from a tenant above your garage and the bit of money you made by selling some stocks.
Annie Lowrey
That transition from child to adult actor is so incredibly elusive. The roles that were coming to me as a young adult were not that great, but I was taking them anyway to pay the rent. And the more bad roles in bad movies I took, the less anybody wanted me for a good role in a good movie.
Jackie Earle Haley
I really care about this stuff, I care about movies, and you just have to be strong and don’t be stupid; freedom of choice is a big responsibility, and I’m lucky enough not to have to just take any movie to pay the rent, so there’s no need to be greedy.
Jonah Hill
If you rent, that’s it. You don’t have to pay any interest to anybody. You don’t have to pay any maintenance costs to anybody. You don’t have to worry about whether the boiler is going to break down. While if you own your own home, you have a hundred aggravations.
Edmund Phelps
After graduating from high school, even though I was working, I didn’t have enough money to pay rent, so I stayed with my Nana.
Kane Brown
I was sexually harassed while building Rent the Runway – propositioned, sent sexual text messages, harassed and threatened in person.
Jennifer Hyman
I’m an actor, after all, and I need to be able to pay my rent.
Wunmi Mosaku
Airbnb was born out of necessarity. Our rent went up. It was born out of a problem.
Joe Gebbia
My family were very poor. We never owned a house, in fa

My family were very poor. We never owned a house, in fact, we were lucky if we could afford the rent. So when I bought my first home, it was a very emotional time for me.
Jimmy Barnes
I just fooled around in front of the camera and earned money for it. Every policeman, every soldier, every nurse – they all do more for society. I just rent my face.
Til Schweiger
I have some friends, and they’re super-hipster. And they’re like, ‘All I wanna do is sing in a jazz bar and to just make it to pay for the rent.’ And I’m like, ‘Cool… That’s not what I wanna do. I want as many people as possible to go to my concert.’
Zara Larsson
I left home the day after I graduated from high school because I knew we weren’t going to make any dough to pay the rent in music.
Gregg Allman
Life is very nice in Hawaii. I rent a place that has its own cottage so when my friends and family come to visit, they have somewhere nice to stay.
Jorge Garcia
You leave school, work terrible jobs to pay rent, and that’s when you start finding your way in music and forming bands.
Ted Dwane
The service we render others is the rent we pay for our room on earth.
Wilfred Grenfell
My mum raised three kids on her own on sweatshop wages of about six bucks an hour so there was a lot of late rent and landlords knocking on the door.
Anh Do
I like to go on really nice dates. I’ve made some money, but I don’t spend it on anything besides my rent. But I go to nice dinners. And I like to go with a girl.
Ansel Elgort
Almost every one of us interacts with the experience or sharing economy every day, and I’m proud that Rent the Runway has helped to popularize and normalize this behavior.
Jennifer Hyman
I feel like after acting, the other half of why I love this business is the opportunity to work with and meet people who inspire you. That it pays my rent is a good bonus.
Aaron Yoo
For every year past the age of 27, you need to take another step toward commitment somewhere in your life. Instead of freelancing, you get a staff job. Instead of renting, you buy. Fine, instead of couch-surfing, you rent.
Tracy McMillan
I grew up in Zimbabwe and we didn’t have much. My dad worked away for the whole week as an engineer, came back on Friday with his pay and gave the rent money to my mum. He’d put aside money for food and stuff and he’d keep the rest. That’s how Africans lived, but there was enough to go around.
Dereck Chisora
For me, ‘Rent’ was all about coming out of myself, finding out who I was, learning the power I could have as a performer.
Idina Menzel
In film, movies’ schedules are based on three things: actors’ availabilities, when are sets being built, when you can rent the place you’re going to film in.
Kevin Spacey
New York City is a great monument to the power of money and greed… a race for rent.
Frank Lloyd Wright
I had time with my mother, but I really lived with my father. One time he gave all his salary so I could travel to a training camp. He couldn’t pay the rent, but he did that.
Zlatan Ibrahimovic
There have definitely been more than a few moments in my life where I’m wondering where the next paycheck will come from and how I’m gonna pay rent.
Anna Kendrick
Retirement shouldn’t be making the choice between buying much-needed medication or putting food on the table; making the choice between heating an apartment in the cold winter months or paying rent; making the choice between paying a phone bill or seeing a doctor.
Letitia James
We got really creative. No longer are we just going up to people on the streets or parks or supermarkets. Instead, we would rent a whole location and then film there over an entire week.
Sal Vulcano
There are schoolteachers around the country that work second jobs after their teaching duties are done: one woman in North Dakota I spoke to was heading off to clean houses after the final bell in order to pay her rent.
Alissa Quart
The idea of going into the property business and collecting rent four times a year and waiting for five-year rent reviews has limited appeal.
Lloyd Dorfman
When the show is over we still have to pay our rent, we have to buy food. We have to do all the same things that you do.
Jamie Farr
Come live in my heart, and pay no rent.
Samuel Lover
As a single guy, the baseline of what I needed was so low. I just needed an air mattress, food, and rent money.
Hasan Minhaj
Writing nonfiction of various kinds has been instructive and entertaining as well as paying the rent.
Katherine Dunn
We treat Black and brown kids who can’t vote yet, can’t join the military, can’t rent a car or even buy a lottery ticket – like adults in our criminal legal system. We deprive them of their joy and their youth. Children who deserve to live rich and abundant lives.
Cori Bush
In the beginning, my equipment, I would rent them from teamster-types, really. I don’t know where they got the cameras – I think from the TV stations. But I don’t know if they asked the TV stations.
John Waters
If Franschhoek has a fault, it is in the lavish refurbishment of wine farms and estates which has reached absurd proportions. Some, like Graf Delaire Estate, are brand new, with jewellery shops, indoor streams, and very high-end lodges for rent at prices not many South Africans can afford.
Justin Cartwright
Do something you really like, and hopefully it pays the rent. As far as I’m concerned, that’s success.
Tom Petty
I’m very much a jobbing actor who’s still trying to find a place to rent down the road.
Matthew Goode
We came to the U.S. with $40. My parents were both prof

We came to the U.S. with $40. My parents were both professionals in China who had difficulty finding employment here. They worked multiple jobs, but we still really struggled. There were times when we could not make rent and were dependent on the good graces of people that we met, and sometimes we depended on shelters.
Leana S. Wen
‘Rent’ was a special project for me. It was my first notable screenplay job. I worked with two wonderful directors on it, starting with Spike Lee in the summer of 2001. I wrote a draft for Spike and he was really good to me.
Stephen Chbosky
I had no preconceived idea what fame would be like, because I never thought I would be famous. I just wanted to do my work. Hell, I just wanted to pay my rent on time.
Iyanla Vanzant
Once you get in a position where your rent is taken care of and you do have a job, you really get to deal with yourself and really become one with yourself. And you wake to your mind every day. That’s your best friend and your worst enemy – your own brain.
Fred Durst
You have to do whatever jobs you can to pay the rent.
Emilia Clarke
I have no desire to sell Rent the Runway. I have a 50-year vision for Rent the Runway, at least, to change consumer behavior and actually put the closet in the cloud.
Jennifer Hyman
I got the Clarence Durbin Award, the Equity Award – which is cool because it has a cash prize which is cooler than a trophy, especially when you’re a struggling actor, and you can’t pay rent.
Alan Tudyk
We’re building the ultimate experience for fun, flexibility, and empowerment where you can rent a car, fill it with discounted gas, meet new people, stop for a Starbucks coffee, and have your earnings deposited into your bank account all in the same day.
Logan Green
We all are faced by problems of ‘How am I going to get the rent?’ or ‘Am I going to have this job six months from now?’ It’s very difficult to define in your life a victory.
Michael A. Stackpole
None of us want to ever face a choice between putting food on the table or paying rent.
Deb Haaland
I do not believe that the values which the Western democracies consider essential to civilization can survive in a world rent by the international anarchy of nationalism and the economic anarchy of competitive enterprise.
Arthur Henderson
I do my taxes. I do my own bookkeeping. I pay rent.
Amber Liu
If the Supreme Court rules that rent control is an unconstitutional taking of property, it would put all sorts of zoning rules in danger.
Adam Cohen
People are working hard, they’re doing everything we ask of them, and they are still struggling. It’s not enough to just have a job. We need to make sure that these are good-paying jobs that pay the rent and put food on the table. Jobs that have benefits like health care and that allow people to save for retirement.
Chris Murphy
Before ‘Power,’ I got down to $86 in my bank account. I don’t know if I feel successful as much as I feel relieved because for the first time in my life I’m not scared about how I’m going to pay my rent, and I can start to put money away.
Lela Loren
There’s a lot of open mics, a lot of comedy clubs. Whatever money I could make was OK with me. As long as I could pay the rent, eat food, and tell jokes, doing it was good enough for me.
Jo Koy
Increases in stabilized rents impact rent stabilized tenants directly, but they also affect the affordability of all New Yorkers’ rents.
Letitia James
Up until the time I was 31 years old, in Spain, I still didn’t know how I was going to pay the rent.
Antonio Banderas
‘Rent’ was the show that made me want to write. Or that showed me you’re allowed to write.
Lin-Manuel Miranda
I was 16 years old and wanted to help my mom with the rent. There was a restaurant called China Buffet in Tampa that hung a ‘Help Wanted’ sign outside, so I went in and ended up hosting every Friday and Sunday for $6 or $7 an hour.
Michelle Phan
My luck at the gambling table was varied; sometimes I was fifty to a hundred dollars ahead, and at other times I had to borrow money from my fellow workmen to settle my room rent and pay for my meals.
James Weldon Johnson
There were about two years when I literally paid no rent anywhere in the world. Everyone’s a contact, but there’s no real human interaction. That’s a very wearying thing.
Matthew Stewart
I had a lot of survival jobs. One was for the Witty Ditty singing-telegram company. I was in the red-and-white stripes with the straw boater hat and kazoo. Balloons. Even when you’re sleeping on a friend’s couch, you have to pay some kind of rent.
Aaron Sorkin
I want ‘Rent’ to last forever.
Jesse L. Martin
My contribution to Rent the Runway as the CEO is higher than the contribution of someone on my warehouse team, but my pregnancy is not any more important than the pregnancy of any single person who works at my company.
Jennifer Hyman
We’re playing small clubs and doing it all in a van. I have management, and they’ve done a good job of getting our tour plan together, but we’re still having to go and rent the vehicles and all the little things you need to do. You really have to watch your budget.
Cindy Wilson
We started Airbnb because, like many across the U.S. and in New York, we were struggling to pay our rent and decided to open up our living room to fellow artists coming to town for a design conference. Sharing our apartment allowed us to stay in our home and start our company.
Joe Gebbia
Nobody leaves a hotel without getting a full measure of three months of rental assistance. So no one has been evicted – no one who’s eligible has been evicted from a hotel without getting a significant amount of money to find – to pay for their rent.
Michael Chertoff
I’m proud I’ve been able to pay my rent doing what I love because I hate real jobs.
Travie McCoy
I grew up with my parents screaming and yelling at each other for the rent in Bronx, New York City at the time. It was $36. So my mind hadn’t stretched out to that place where I could spend a whole month’s rent on a 45-minute plane flight to Fargo, N.D.
Dion DiMucci
I’ve always loved going to see Broadway shows. I’ve seen ’em all: Rent, Chorus Line, Cats, West Side Story, Guys & Dolls, Wicked, you name it!
Michael Showalter
I was on the dole once. I loved it. It was only for a c

I was on the dole once. I loved it. It was only for a couple of years, when I was 20 or 21 and playing in a band. Back then, this was something young folk did – you got your rent paid, a little bit of money to live on, and you loafed around, wrote songs, rehearsed and dreamed of playing Wembley Stadium.
John Niven
All I ever wanted to do was be able to pay my rent.
Bethenny Frankel
My bees cover one thousand square miles of land that I do not own in their foraging flights, flying from flower to flower for which I pay no rent, stealing nectar but pollinating plants in return.
Sue Hubbell
I loved ‘SNL’ growing up, and I would trick my babysitter into letting me stay up to watch it. My family would rent Marx brothers’ movies and Monty Python episodes, and we watched ‘In Living Color’, ‘The State’, and ‘Strangers with Candy’.
Cecily Strong
The working class who toil everyday to pay their rent and put food on their families’ tables are tired of being lectured by the fat cats in Washington and Brussels who preach what we need and when we need it.
Jeanine Pirro
I keep saying, the older I get, the younger my audience gets. Because ‘Wicked’ and ‘Rent’ and ‘Glee,’ each one was a young audience, so it’s a great thing to have, so then you know that as they get older and have kids, they’ll maybe still buy tickets to my shows when I’m 80 and in Vegas!
Idina Menzel
At Rent the Runway, we rent designer clothes. We have a belief set that half of the closet over time is going to move into the cloud, and a portion of what we wear every single day will be comprised of things that we don’t own forever.
Jennifer Hyman
My husband and I love the saying, success is not owned. It’s rented, and rent is due every single day, and I really and truly believe that.
Huda Kattan
I’m really sensible with my money. So I would like to own my own house rather than rent.
Scarlett Moffatt
I can only imagine what the show would have meant to me as a 16- or 17-year-old. I know what ‘Rent’ meant to me in my life, how that show changed the course of my life, and we can only hope that ‘Hamilton’ will have the same effect on a few kids.
Leslie Odom, Jr.
Doing films in Latin America is like an act of faith. I mean, you really have to believe in what you’re doing because if not, you feel like it’s a waste of time because you might as well be doing something that at least pays you the rent.
Gael Garcia Bernal
My plan was to model and pay the rent and then intern with designers and work on the other side of the industry however I could, but then it just got to be too much, especially with casting, fashion week, and also working for a fashion designer.
Hunter Schafer
The romantic idea of the penniless writer is false. It’s terrible. I hated being in debt. I hated the anxiety of not knowing whether we could pay our rent that month. Thankfully, I had a wife who was very supportive and had faith and shared my madness.
Hisham Matar
Coming up with a ballpark figure on how much you need to pay your expenses, such as your mortgage or rent, insurance, and utilities, is the first place to start when developing your ultimate goal of becoming a multimillionaire.
John Rampton
Whenever I’m near a body of water, I love to rent a kayak. It’s easy to use, and you not only get a cardio workout but also do a vigorous upper-body workout, pushing and pulling your paddle through the water.
Brooklyn Decker
My father, naturally, spoiled me when I was allowed to see him – flying to New York from Washington, alone, in those terrifying planes. He’d take me to Danny Kaye movies and rent a dog for me to walk in the park on Sunday – a different dog every Sunday – and then to have butterscotch sundaes with almonds at Schrafft’s.
Lee Radziwill
I was in college starting in ’95, and ‘Rent’ was the only show I could see – because if you waited in line and camped out, you could try to get the lottery tickets.
Adam F. Goldberg
I was making $150 a week in workshop. It was a rough year. I had trouble paying the rent. But I had evenings free to spend with my wife, Olive, and our baby daughter. In terms of family-building, it was one of the most blessed years of my life.
Ben Harney
Johnny Knoxville went from struggling to pay his rent to being on the cover of ‘Rolling Stone’ in the course of, like, a month.
Spike Jonze
I went to grad school in San Francisco, and then left for New York City with my eye on Broadway. I had saved $5000, which seemed like a lot of money in my mind… until I realized it was going to take $2500 to get to New York and then the first and last month’s rent.
Anika Noni Rose
I’ve had to do all kinds of jobs to pay the rent. I’ve even worked in a Cornish tin mine.
Peter Wright
In my sophomore year of high school, I watched my friend Loretta leave in a U-Haul headed for Oakland. She and her mom had been tenants in a nearby apartment, forced out by rent they couldn’t afford anymore.
London Breed
I came over here with $100; it was 1983 and I just ended up staying. New York at that time was very inexpensive and it was very easy to get a job. We lived on Staten Island and you could get cheap rent. It was a good time to be in New York.
James Jebbia
When I pull into a city and I rent a car and it’s Nashville, or it’s London, or I’m driving in the taxi to the hotel, and on comes one of my songs, it’s like, ‘Oh my God, they’re still playing these songs on the radio.’ And you still feel tearful and very grateful that somebody still likes these songs that you made up.
Randy Bachman
We were so poor that my mother would often leave me in a foster home until she could raise enough money to rent rooms for us.
Carmen Dell’Orefice
I was working maybe four different jobs just to make ends meet. I was really broke. I could barely pay rent. I didn’t have a car. I was riding my bike from one job to another and then to audition in between.
Inbar Lavi
We bought an apartment building and were going to live off the rent money. We rented to people who were on welfare and a lot of times they couldn’t pay the rent. We wouldn’t throw them out so we lost the building.
Dick York
I sing and play guitar, but songwriting is how I pay my rent. And so I didn’t really need a lot of publicity to get people to record the songs.
J. J. Cale
I guess if you’re lucky enough not to have to pay your rent, then you or I take much more seriously the kind of work that I do, what it takes for me to leave two teenagers of my own and six stepchildren and a husband and four grandchildren.
Ellen Barkin
It’s hard to absorb and to allow all that attention and accolades for ‘Rent’ because the rest of the country doesn’t know who we are. Once I walk out of the door of ‘Rent,’ and I’m on the subway, it doesn’t matter. It’s an exaggerated sense of fame.
Idina Menzel
I didn’t publish my book until I was 37. So the ability to pay my bills, pay my rent, make a life for myself, and become a working writer was a puzzle that took me a while to solve.
Leigh Bardugo
If you've made enough money where you're not worried ab

If you’ve made enough money where you’re not worried about the rent or survival, you start asking yourself why you’re on this planet. Your point is to do the most good you can before you die – well, I could do more good if I didn’t die.
Walter O’Brien
‘Trapped In The Closet’ lives in a place on the earth on its own. It pays its own rent, it’s its own landlord, it owns the building, it’s everything. And it’s so separate from what R. Kelly does; that’s the great thing about it.
R. Kelly
‘Rent’ was one of the main defining moments, and it was like the precipice of my transition.
Mj Rodriguez
I’m not against a new band doing commercials to pay the rent.
John Densmore
I worked at The Old Globe Theater under the great baton of Craig Noel. One of the great theater heroes that we have. He was so great and so inspirational. I think I did ‘Antony and Cleopatra’ and ‘The Taming of the Shrew’. I lived in Ocean Beach, and my rent was $140 a month.
Jeffrey Tambor
In London the average person is paying 50 per cent of their income on rent. Just think how much better off people would feel if that number was a lot lower.
Liz Truss
When I was writing ‘Kitchen Confidential,’ I was in my 40s, I had never paid rent on time, I was 10 years behind on my taxes, I had never owned my own furniture or a car.
Anthony Bourdain
I never wanted to be one of those desperate actors, just waiting for their next gig, who might have to take something that they didn’t want to do to pay the rent.
Wendi McLendon-Covey
I didn’t think we would ever make enough money to pay rent by playing music.
Gregg Allman
As long as the rent’s getting paid, you don’t think about getting out of the game.
John Cho
I don’t stay up and rent private jets and go on yachts and whoop it up in Miami.
Neil Patrick Harris
I got into a bad jag of movies that helped pay the rent and I thought would help further me along.
Matthew Lillard
Always make sure you have your rent. At the end of the month, if you have to eat Ramen for a week because you won’t have your rent money, just do it but make sure your rent is all there so you’re not stressing about that. As long as you have your rent at least you have somewhere to live.
Beth Behrs
I did just about anything to pay the rent for a while.
Adam Scott
I am a big believer in sage. Chan calls me his Little White Witch. Every hotel room, every apartment we rent, I am sage-ing. And I have crystals that I travel with. It just makes me feel better.
Jenna Dewan
I rent space on a farm for 15 dollars a month, and I have the use of about a quarter of an acre.
Kate Pierson
For my very first movie, ‘Roger and Me,’ I made it as part of my deal with Warner Brothers that the four people that were evicted in that film, that Warner Brothers would house – would pay their mortgage or their rent for the next two years to give them a chance to get on their feet.
Michael Moore
Like most struggling writers trying to get their scripts commissioned, I had to do something odd to pay the rent. So, aged 21, I started up my own small cheesecake company in Philadelphia.
Nancy Meyers
If I want to go to a dance club, I have to rent out the whole club.
Bob Sapp
Work to me has become kind of a hobby. I was a part of something that gave me financial independence and the rent is paid. Now it’s just about projects that turn me on.
Matt LeBlanc
In my own constituency, the benefit cap has had the effect of social cleansing: of people receiving benefit, but the benefit is capped; therefore, they can’t meet the rent levels charged and are forced to move. It’s devastating for children, devastating for the family and very bad for the community as a whole.
Jeremy Corbyn
That was the bat signal for me – ‘Rent’ changed my life. It took me years before I got beyond that show.
Leslie Odom, Jr.
You rarely pay the rent by doing Shakespeare or Ibsen.
Mandy Patinkin
Producer’s Surplus is a convenient name for the genus of which the rent of land is the leading species.
Alfred Marshall
I was discriminated against because I was Jewish, Italian, black and Puerto Rican. But maybe the worst prejudice I experienced was against the poor. I grew up on welfare and often had to move in the middle of the night because we couldn’t pay the rent.
Philip Zimbardo
As a Manhattan resident, I’m gutted by what certain landlords are doing, pushing folks who have lived in their apartments for decades out of their homes, as a greedy tactic to get more rent from newer tenants. It’s one of the most disgusting, inhumane things I’ve ever witnessed in my beautiful city.
Amanda Warren
Besides being driven around Manhattan by a chauffeur whose salary his father’s company paid, in a Cadillac his father’s company leased to ‘scope out properties,’ Donald’s job description seems to have included lying about his ‘accomplishments’ and allegedly refusing to rent apartments to Black people.
Mary L. Trump
My ambition was to stop waiting tables. That was how I measured success: finally, I was able to stop waiting tables, and I was able to pay the rent, and that was by being a stand-up comic. Not a very good stand-up comic, but good enough to make a living.
Graham Norton
In Paris, I rent a bike in the street and cycle around, and in L.A. I live up in the hills so I go hiking a lot.
Diane Kruger
I know what it’s like to be faced with student loans, to have rent so high you don’t know if you’re ever going to be able to save up and buy a home. The issues the people of my generation are going through are natural for me because I’ve lived them, my friends are living them.
Katie Hill
It always seems to me that my life would look completely different if I didn’t have to take care of the rent.
Sayed Kashua
I would like to try to cap rent prices.

I would like to try to cap rent prices.
Ncuti Gatwa
I just kind of went from being a standup, one-man band, to then kind of breezing back and working with other people. And now I’m just trying to be a legitimate guy who pays the rent, you know.
Mike Binder
I don’t really consider myself an immigrant, because I was born French; I have always spoken the language. I never had the feeling of being a foreigner. I was very lucky: I came to France, and I had enough money to study and to rent a studio. So, for me, it was not difficult.
Leila Slimani
I hate buying stylish clothes because I get dressed up so rarely that they inevitably go out of style before I can wear them again. So I rent them.
Molly Yeh
Making movies is a very different experience in a lot of ways. It’s difficult when you’re used to owning the copyright and having a landlord’s possessory rights – I rent my plays to the companies that do them and, if I’m upset, I can pull the play. But the only two directors I’ve worked with are pretty great.
Tony Kushner
I think ‘Rent’ will run forever.
Brandon Victor Dixon
I’ve had grand pianos that are more expensive than, like, a year’s worth of rent.
Lady Gaga
What’s interesting about the transportation market is that you’re often dabbling in multiple categories. The same person who might own a car is still using Uber, is still using a taxi, still might go to Avis on a business trip and rent a car.
Jennifer Hyman
Donny Hathaway’s ‘For All We Know’ is the song that I’ve sung the longest. It is a beautiful song about living in the moment and appreciating this very second. That is the song I did for my ‘Rent’ audition.
Leslie Odom, Jr.
The emergence of social media in the Broadway fan’s life – it’s sort of a serendipitous thing for us and for a lot of shows. I always wonder what ‘Rent’ would’ve felt like through that lens.
Christopher Jackson
I go to Yosemite a lot. To get there, you fly from L.A. to Fresno and rent a car. So I know about Fresno. It looks like the entire city was built in 1946 in three months – all these low California ranch style homes. The whole city looks like that.
Teri Garr
So many bands have the same performance-based videos, and it’s so lame. I know bands whose labels rent a crowd, so they have these fake audiences that jump up and down trying to make it look like a pit or something.
Chad Gilbert
That used to be one of my greatest fears growing up: my mom would get sick and then she wouldn’t be able to go to work and then there is no food or money for rent.
Mazie Hirono
Mom was always worrying about the rent.
Kyle Kuzma
Life for rent means that my life isn’t really my own, I only rented it for a while, but if I don’t manage to buy it, to own it, then nothing of what I think is mine is really mine.
Dido Armstrong
If we don’t like rent control, we ought to oppose it on political and social grounds – and not just by arguing that, thanks to smartphones and social networks, we can create new, more efficient markets for matching short-term renters with tenants.
Evgeny Morozov
When I spent time with my father, it wasn’t playing ball in the back yard. I came to his office and listened to him do business or sat in on meetings. I walked job sites. On Saturday, we’d see my grandfather in Queens for a couple hours, and then he’d say, ‘Let’s go collect rent!’
Donald Trump, Jr.
Working on ‘Fresh Off the Boat’ has been really enlightening to me because it’s made me actually think about the roles that Asians and Asian-American women have played in media. Not because I didn’t think it was important before, but because before, I was really focused on just paying my rent.
Constance Wu
I went from buying my own condominium and a car for myself when I was 17 on ‘The Facts of Life’ to not being able to pay my rent. I was at the unemployment office all the time. I had to sell my record collection just to make ends meet. And then I started getting these voice-over jobs.
Pamela Adlon
I pay my rent and my bills and I buy food and toys for my dog and that’s it.
Bria Vinaite
I’m carded for R-rated movies. And I get talked down to a lot. When I try to go rent a car or buy an airplane ticket or other stuff adults do, I get ‘Okaaaaaay, honey.’ I remember when I was 18, getting crayons in a restaurant.
Kristen Bell
I moved to L.A. after my landlord in Brooklyn tripled my rent. I spent months looking for other places to move to in New York, then one day I was in California eating a grapefruit, and I was like, ‘This is what they taste like?’ So I decided to move to L.A. and build a studio in my house.
Dave Sitek
Many a man who pays rent all his life owns his own home; and many a family has successfully saved for a home only to find itself at last with nothing but a house.
Bruce Barton
People have this belief that actors are able to go out there and say, ‘Oh I choose this job,’ but most of the time we’re just taking the job we can get. We don’t just get offered thousands of jobs; we might earn one job a year and that’s the one we’ll take because we’ve got to pay the rent.
Henry Cavill
I’ve spent a lot of time in a rock n’ roll band trying to fight off the fact that I was old enough to rent a car. And it’s all sort of rushed in at once now. And I like it.
Jason Isbell
It’s very common to implement mob grazing and double your production for a per-acre capitalisation investment… because it doesn’t take any more corraling, no more electricity, rent, machinery or labour to double your production on an existing place.
Joel Salatin
I own a home in Sweden, I rent in both Los Angeles and in Britain, and I’m constantly travelling.
Britt Ekland
Believe me, I don’t take that lightly. To have struck gold twice with ‘Rent’ and ‘Wicked.’ I know it’s rare and I’m very lucky to have that kind of phenomenon in my life. They’re not just great shows, they’re shows that resonate with young audiences.
Idina Menzel
If the demand for home commodities should be diminished, because of the fall of rent on the part of the landlords, it will be increased in a far greater degree by the increased opulence of the commercial classes.
David Ricardo
The Palm Beach Police Foundation is a client of Trump’s. They pay to rent out Mar-a-Lago every year.
David Fahrenthold
I love Monopoly. You know why? When I play Monopoly with you, I’m going to buy everything from Baltic Avenue to Marvin Gardens. If you get to my side of the board, you’d better roll boxcars, or you’re going to pay rent.
Kevin Plank
While it's absolutely important that we build housing f

While it’s absolutely important that we build housing for our low-income residents, when we are talking about opening up hundreds of sites for housing, we should be trying to build affordable housing for all of our residents struggling to pay rent. That means housing for teachers, for nurses, for janitors.
London Breed
When videotape came so a lot of movies that I do have a kind of afterlife in video. Things where movies that I do would come and go; they still come and go but you can go rent them and see them on TV.
Christopher Walken
Whenever rent controls or increased tenants’ rights are raised, naysayers wail that doing so will cause landlords to flee the rental market. Firstly, that is a canard: if a landlord charges £1000 for a room, and you tell him from now on he can only charge £900, he won’t decide to instead earn nothing.
Dawn Foster
Partnering with Rent the Runway’s innovative model, combined with their affinity amongst millennials, provides an exciting opportunity for us. Together, we’re helping the next generation of luxury consumers discover and fall in love with designer fashion.
Karen Katz
I am so old-fashioned. I’ve never lived with a man. I am completely about the independence of paying my own rent.
Suheir Hammad
There will always be ways to pay my rent, whether I wind up having to be a waitress on the side or whatever it is, but I think it’s so important for me to do things that I’m passionate about.
Juno Temple
I think the most stressful time of my life was when I was in New York, and I didn’t have money to pay my rent.
Chadwick Boseman
I was working at Lowes and Target, then FedEx, and still did not have enough money to pay rent on my own.
Kane Brown
I’m not interested in being a really big star. I want to be in control of my life. I don’t want to worry about the rent.
Paula Kelly
Rent control created deadweight loss.
Paul Samuelson
All New Yorkers have the right to decent housing, regardless of income and rent.
Letitia James
There have been moments where I’m like, ‘I don’t know how I’m going to survive and pay next month’s rent.’ And the next month I’m filming a movie in New York City.
Kate Micucci
I have a couple of properties. Bought some houses and just rent them out.
Derrick Lewis
We had bills to pay. My dad wasn’t working, and it was tough for my mom. People were always raising the rent, so I had to work, too. Everybody in the house worked to pay the rent.
Jason Pierre-Paul
I work so I don’t need to make rent through my songs, and I think if more people engaged with music without needing it to provide for their welfare, you’re not beholden to anyone.
Ian MacKaye
My biggest break wasn’t ‘Rent;’ it was the first job that ever paid me. I couldn’t believe that they were paying me all that money to go around the country and do Shakespeare. I would have done it for free.
Jesse L. Martin
I’ve had an unusual career in that I’ve never had a big break, but the rent always seemed to get paid.
John Cho
So, I guess motherhood and the threat of not being able to pay my rent inspired me to be a novelist. But as far as what inspired me to be a writer, it’s the stories. It sounds very cliched, but the stories rise up and demand to be told. They always have done, long before I became a writer.
Gayle Forman
In the early years of Rent the Runway, our challenge was twofold: getting investors to buy into our vision for how the world was changing and getting women to understand that renting was a viable – let alone a smarter – alternative to spending hundreds of dollars on dresses they would wear just once.
Jennifer Hyman
I’m not too easily distracted now I’ve had practice, but I write with nothing to look at. I used to rent an office that just had a view of a wall!
Jane Goldman
The thing that’s different about ‘Girls’ and ‘Sex and the City’ isn’t just that we live in Brooklyn; it’s that these girls aren’t trying to find their major career paths or life partners. They’re just literally trying to get through the week and pay the rent. It’s a really different time of life.
Jennifer Konner
Most poor families are living completely unassisted in a private rental market, devoting most of their income to housing. When you meet people who are spending 70, 80 percent of their income on rent, eviction becomes much more of an inevitability than the result of personal irresponsibility.
Matthew Desmond
I got my Equity Card with my Broadway debut when I did ‘Rent.’ I was in high school, and I came to New York to do that show.
Leslie Odom, Jr.