Top 342 Storytelling Quotes

There is very much a sense of different versions of storytelling within our ‘Camelot’ – who tells those stories, who creates them, who shifts them.
Chris Chibnall
One of the reasons why I think virtual reality, as a narrative format, is never going to go beyond the short-form immersion space is because the bedrock of visual storytelling is the reverse angle. If you can’t look into the eyes of the protagonist, you cannot hold people’s attention for more than 15 minutes.
Steven Soderbergh
I’m very interested in storytelling and anything that plays with structure.
Matthew Bourne
For me, the drive is storytelling. To be a part of an a

For me, the drive is storytelling. To be a part of an art that tells a story and to be a catalyst, a color in that, is very exciting.
Alden Ehrenreich
In Haiti, as I understand it, storytelling and history itself are not a business of necessarily elucidating facts or the truth of an incident, but finding the version that is most entertaining and therefore will get retold and live in immortality.
John Edgar Wideman
Storytelling is an ancient and honorable act. An essential role to play in the community or tribe. It’s one that I embrace wholeheartedly and have been fortunate enough to be rewarded for.
Russell Banks
My major allegiance has been to storytelling, not to history.
Russell Banks
I was deeply infected with storytelling from the get go, and I truly love it.
Luis Alberto Urrea
Right before ‘American Dreams,’ I started to pursue these avenues, like short films and getting into a couple night courses to really study photography and cinematography, and the language of visual storytelling.
Tom Verica
Visual storytelling is at once immediate and subversive.
Karin Slaughter
I would rather impress you with my storytelling than with the size of my waist and my hips.
But I think we’re also just talking about the literacy of the audience. The visual literacy of the audience. They’ve seen so many images now, especially here in the States. There’s so much to look at, to watch. So the visual storytelling literacy is harder to impress.
Keanu Reeves
Storytelling is my currency. It’s my only worth. The only thing of value I have in this life is my ability to tell a story, whether in print, orating, writing it down or having people acting it out.
Kevin Smith
My humor tends to be a little more edgy than is appropriate for ‘Twilight,’ although I got some in there. That was fun! There’s just a tonal difference. For me, storytelling is storytelling. But, I do like writing for grown ups.
Melissa Rosenberg
Storytelling is what lights my fire.
Hope Davis
With TV, your first draft just doesn’t matter. It’s a skeleton, and then there’s draft after draft after draft, and so many other factors influence it. It’s just a whole different kind of storytelling.
Sarah Pinborough
All the Indigenous paintings throughout history, they were always a bird’s eye view, it’s the Indigenous way of storytelling.
Aaron Pedersen
I think ‘GoodFellas’ is just a perfect film. From an efficiency of storytelling standpoint, from an entertainment standpoint, from a performance standpoint, from a use of music standpoint, from a cinematography and editing standpoint – to me, it’s just a perfect movie.
Derek Cianfrance
Anxiety is your creativity turned into a weapon that you use to beat yourself up. And this is because anxiety is mostly storytelling – repeating poisonous stories that you’ve inherited from others. It feeds on your fear.
Baron Vaughn
When you’re a storyteller, part of the process of storytelling is the kind of communion you form with the audience to whom you’re telling your story. If some segment of the audience doesn’t like that story, it doesn’t feel good.
Carlton Cuse
When we moved from ‘Ice Age’ to ‘Ice Age 2,’ we were really stuck; a story didn’t just organically emerge. While I’m very proud of ‘Ice Age 2,’ from a storytelling sense, it’s a very thin story.
Chris Meledandri
Storytelling is storytelling. Good stories need compelling characters and interesting conflicts. That’s the bottom line no matter what medium you’re writing for.
D. J. MacHale
I think my sensibilities about storytelling and character just automatically come into play when I’m trying to work on any kind of narrative. For me, it doesn’t really matter what the source of the narrative is. I will be looking for ways to make it into an intriguing story with empathetic characters.
Duncan Jones
In older science fiction stories, they had to rely on storytelling as opposed to spectacle. The old run of the ‘Twilight Zone,’ the star was the writing and the storytelling, and the characters and the twists and the cleverness in the setup and payoff and execution.
Josh Trank
It’s often lost in most Silicon Valley startups, the importance of storytelling when most people are thinking about they assemble their team and the critical functions that the team needs to be successful. Storytelling is normally not on the list.
Brock Pierce
The evil of storytelling is you’re trying to make the audience complicit in murder – ‘Kill the guy! Jump him!’ And then once you’ve done it, it’s like, ‘I’ve killed this guy, now what?’
Bruno Heller
When I’m working with pictures, with images and storytelling, it’s really about the sentiment and the emotional trajectory of the characters. That’s really where the music lives, I think. That’s what I’m focused on; that’s what I respond to most strongly.
Max Richter
Films used to be an event that required work and effort to get to a theater to see. Now, really good content is available immediately to us on many devices. At the same time, the audience’s appetite for storytelling is evolving, and people want to spend time with characters for many years.
Joe Russo
It’s a risk, but I’m sort of ready to let go of thinking of movies as books that you can watch. The notion of, ‘If I put the narrative blocks in the right order, this will solve all of my storytelling problems.’ No, it won’t, and you end up with little more than books on film.
Shane Carruth
Good scripts have always been, I think, hard to find. Good storytelling, good writing – it’s just not easy. I have made it a point that – if I’m going to put the energy into doing this work – I will wait until I find something I’m really happy with.
Chris Cooper
The hours I spent attempting to decipher some of Dunnett’s more oblique passages opened me to the possibilities of romantic storytelling.
Alaya Dawn Johnson
We have always put the quest for balance at the center of our storytelling, whether it is the struggle to find it within one character, between a character and society, between disparate cultures or between humans and their environment.
Bryan Konietzko
In college, I got an internship at my local station in Honolulu one summer, and I just fell in love with broadcast news, reporting, and storytelling. After college, I started out at NBC, and I worked behind the scenes at ‘Today’ and ‘Dateline.’
Emily Chang
I’m also on the Board at Sundance, so I’ve seen witnessed first hand the power of independent storytelling.
Kenneth Cole
We use music, cinematic storytelling and very stylized

We use music, cinematic storytelling and very stylized backgrounds to create mood and atmosphere as ‘Samurai Jack’ travels an exotic landscape. The environment is a major character in each show.
Genndy Tartakovsky
People come to museums for storytelling and engagement, and the technology needs to facilitate that.
Jake Barton
Monsters are a storytelling tool, like domestic realism and close third.
Colson Whitehead
I think movies moving forward are going to become long-form storytelling.
Joe Russo
The comics I made from 1990 to 1997 were largely based in vaguely urban, vaguely dystopic settings because that was my reference point for comics storytelling in general.
Nate Powell
We promote Asian storytelling – not just Asian stories but Asian people in stories with the full spectrum of the human experience. When you say, ‘Oh, it’s not enough attention on Asians. It’s more black and white,’ that game becomes like you’re playing the discrimination Olympics.
Ronny Chieng
I was brought up telling stories, when I was a kid, in the tiny village where I grew up. Storytelling was a tradition.
Peter Stormare
We like mature storytelling. We like dramatic storytelling. We like intense storytelling.
Anthony Russo
The way that Lucasfilm used ILM was George never restricted his thinking to things that he knew could be executed with the tools at the time. He would write what he thought would be cool and what he wanted from a storytelling standpoint with the assumption that, ‘Well, they’ll figure it out!’
John Knoll
Actors have an opportunity to use storytelling as a way to solve pain.
Nicolas Cage
We’re always looking for ways to use technologies to open up new creative expressions for us artistically. So we’re constantly thinking about where something like VR may lead us in storytelling or what kind of tool that gives us as storytellers.
Anthony Russo
All novels are about crime. You’d be hard pressed to find any novel that does not have an element of crime. I don’t see myself as a crime novelist, but there are crimes in my books. That’s the nature of storytelling, if you want to reflect the real world.
Carl Hiaasen
I don’t need to write comics for a living. I have movies and TV for that. I write comics for one reason and one reason only: I love comics. I love the form, the structure, the storytelling process, I love everything about it.
J. Michael Straczynski
Justin Lin, the writer and director of the teenage-wasteland drama ‘Better Luck Tomorrow,’ a shrewdly tense piece of storytelling, recognizes that sometimes it’s good for a filmmaker to stir up trouble.
Elvis Mitchell
It’s a leap of faith doing any serialised storytelling.
J. J. Abrams
Suspension of disbelief is a necessary ingredient in all storytelling. So it has been with the government’s narrative that it is delivering Brexit.
Jo Johnson
We all have incredible relationships to what we eat, to what we don’t eat, to what we’ve eaten since childhood and what we were fed, to what food means to us. And so I find it a really powerful tool in storytelling and in opening people’s hearts and their minds.
Samin Nosrat