Top 342 Uses Quotes

God does not use perfect men; He uses men. And so, when I say that we need to be conformed to the image of Christ, we also need to recognize that God has always used men lacking something somewhere.
Paul Washer
I notice increasing reluctance on the part of marketing executives to use judgment; they are coming to rely too much on research, and they use it as a drunkard uses a lamp post for support, rather than for illumination.
David Ogilvy
Bitcoin is just one example of something that uses a blockchain.
Melanie Swan
A jazz musician is a juggler who uses harmonies instead of oranges.
Benny Green
He uses statistics like a drunk uses lamp-posts, more for support than illumination.
Romano Prodi
A journalist uses the most precise words he or she can. An artist does the same sort of thing. You gather material about a particular subject, you refine it as best you can.
Ken Loach
Listen to the triple fugue in ‘Magnificat’ – the first subject is seven voices, the second one has 52 different voices, the third uses five; then I combine all together. Such textures you cannot call primitive.
Krzysztof Penderecki
I like Stevie Wonder as my favorite non-pianist pianist. I mean, I shouldn’t call him a non-pianist, because he’s really a great pianist, but he doesn’t feature it that much – he uses his keyboards and his piano technique to support his great songs and so forth, but he can really blow.
Chick Corea
There’s no denying that Christy Turlington looks good in everything, but it’s especially great when she uses her supermodel looks and charitable spirit to support the organization she founded, Every Mother Counts.
Amanda Hearst
A hot air balloon requires a great deal of fuel to keep it aloft, so that you can’t fly it even for one day. A gas balloon, which usually uses helium, has the problem that the helium cools at night when the sun is not on it, and you have to throw ballast overboard to keep it from going to the surface.
Steve Fossett
Richard Hoggart’s cultural analysis ‘The Uses of Literacy’ was published in 1957, but its influence still hovers over anyone setting out to write seriously about people’s affection for things that aren’t serious, such as the products of pop culture.
David Hepworth
What I think happens, and that you have to acknowledge though, is that a director uses a book as a launching pad for his own work and that’s always very flattering.
Katherine Dunn
Like almost everyone who uses e-mail, I receive a ton of spam every day. Much of it offers to help me get out of debt or get rich quick. It would be funny if it weren’t so exciting.
Bill Gates
I think that the most beautiful thing lately hasn’t been in hardware or software per se but collaboration – the idea behind Napster, which uses the distributed power of the Internet as its engine.
Steven Levy
There’s a great metaphor that one of my doctors uses: If a fish is swimming in a dirty tank and it gets sick, do you take it to the vet and amputate the fin? No, you clean the water. So, I cleaned up my system. By eating organic raw greens, nuts and healthy fats, I am flooding my body with enzymes, vitamins and oxygen.
Kris Carr
The military never uses a full word if they can create an abbreviation.
Philip Hammond
Statistics are used much like a drunk uses a lamppost: for support, not illumination.
Vin Scully
I think everyone uses Auto-Tune.
The terrorist uses surprise and stealth, and the only way to defeat that is by having accurate and timely intelligence.
Bill Nelson
History has repeatedly shown that when a new method or material becomes available, new uses for it arise.
Wilson Greatbatch
For example I don’t work with William Hurt the same way that I will work with Viggo. They’re different guys and they work in different ways. So a good sensitive director has his general style and technique and personality that he uses but you don’t impose that on the actors.
David Cronenberg
A good engineering interview will include some set of difficult problems to solve. It might even require that the candidate write a short program. In addition, it will test the candidate’s knowledge of the tools she uses in great depth.
Ben Horowitz
Sean Hannity is a hypocrite!He’s blasting anonymous sources and saying journalism is dead when he uses an anonymous source in the form of President Trump.
Brian Stelter
Everybody believes in something and everybody, by virtu

Everybody believes in something and everybody, by virtue of the fact that they believe in something, uses that something to support their own existence.
Frank Zappa
I think Trump uses social media as a way to get to people’s lowest common denominator. He uses it to incite fear. He talks about simplistic ideas.
Saikat Chakrabarti
Not every coach uses the same terminology.
John Collins
The third note in a chord is what depicts whether it’s major or minor. Rhythm and Blues hardly ever uses it because it means that the melody is free to move between major and minor because you’re not clashing with the third being depicted one way or the other.
Robert Palmer
One of the most powerful weapons in the Food and Drug Administration’s arsenal is its ability to censure companies that promote drugs for unapproved uses.
Mina Kimes
Please don’t make the mistake of thinking that ‘Oryx and Crake’ is anti-science. Science is a way of knowing, and a tool. Like all ways of knowing and tools, it can be turned to bad uses. And it can be bought and sold, and it often is. But it is not in itself bad. Like electricity, it’s neutral.
Margaret Atwood
There is no more reason why the features belonging to a picture should be distorted for the purpose of such imaginative suggestion than that the poet’s metaphors should spoil his words for the ordinary uses of man.
William H. Hunt
‘To Die For,’ with Nicole Kidman, is great – her desire to be a part of news, how she uses news to further her career and how it can drive you insane. I love that movie.
Dan Gilroy
The state has physical power and uses it when necessary; the power of religion is love and beneficence.
Moses Mendelssohn
Musicians like James Blake were a big influence on me. How he uses his vocals is amazing. And then Yeasayer and Animal Collective, who aren’t pop bands exactly, but they do something that is so catchy and undeniable and so much fun.
It is important to recognise that, alongside the huge benefits that artificial intelligence offers, there are potential ethical issues associated with some uses.
Mark Walport
The average small-business owner uses 18 apps to run their business every day, and if those applications don’t allow data to flow seamlessly and they don’t integrate, it’s going to become a point of friction. It’s going to prevent the small business from being successful.
Brad D. Smith
The genius of the market is supposed to lie in its ability to allocate society’s resources to their most efficient uses without central direction. Labour has long recognised that efficiency doesn’t always correspond with what is socially optimal or, in other words, ‘fair.’
Clive Lewis
Parents learn the uses of power and its limits. They can insist on certain outward behavior but cannot change inner attitudes. They can require obedience but not goodness – and certainly not love.
Philip Yancey
Is it progress if a cannibal uses a fork?
Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
My daughter has a couple of those small calculators, but she never uses them. I think they’re fine if you need to double-check your figures, but people really shouldn’t let them replace basic math skills.
Lorne Greene
Who uses funds more productively – private citizens or the government? I dare say that Warren Buffett can use his surplus funds more effectively in private business and creating jobs than the government can.
Mark Skousen
When someone uses ‘low eight figures,’ that means barely eight figures.
Marc Randolph
We’ve built, drilled, and shipped indiscriminately across our oceans, with little consideration for the natural environment that is critical to the health of many of our other ocean uses, like food and recreation.
Philippe Cousteau, Jr.
The way ‘Lux’ was made is that there are 12 sections in here, though two of them are joined together. So there are really 11 sections, in a sense, and each one uses five notes out of a palette of seven notes, and my palette is all the white notes on the piano. That was the original palette.
Brian Eno
When people initially think of the term ‘space archaeologist,’ they think, ‘Oh, it’s someone who uses satellites to look for alien settlements on Mars or in outer space,’ but the opposite is true – we’re actually looking for evidence of past human life on planet earth.
Sarah Parcak
I trust and use RakEM for my private messages and calls. Other messengers collected metadata about who I messaged, when and where – RakEM does not collect metadata, encrypts local files, and uses the strongest end-to-end encryption around.
John McAfee
When I was younger, I used to buy foundations that were a shade lighter. Looking back at pictures I looked really stupid and now I don’t like it when someone who is doing my make-up uses too much light stuff to contour my face.
Bree Runway
I think it’s wrong the way they criminalize herb. There are many more uses than just smoking. Beneficial to mankind.
Ziggy Marley
The Supreme Court has crafted doctrines such as ‘fair use,’ which permits copying materials for criticism, parody, and transformative uses, and has ruled that abstract ideas are not subject to copyright, because courts will not punish people for merely using an abstract concept in speech.
Marvin Ammori
Timbaland uses a lot of Indian music and that has certainly familiarised me about the music of India.
I’m a huge gamer. I’m very excited, and the idea of the Rift was as a headset that was designed around the specific uses of VR gaming. But I’m excited about a lot of stuff that’s outside of it, because I was a VR enthusiast. I want VR to be the thing that we all live in, that we all use for everything, not just games.
Palmer Luckey
I try to be sensitive to the power of language, to the power of language that God uses to reveal something about what Christ is doing in our time. That is why I’m always excited about preaching, because there is always something new.
Blase J. Cupich