Top 344 Largely Quotes

Computers are the most powerful tools that humanity has ever created. Yet, we treat them largely as a black box; as if it were an alien artifact that magically appeared on desks, in homes, and in our pockets.
Tobias Lutke
The most characteristic aspects of the Clintons, a political couple who might otherwise largely see themselves as practical-minded centrist consensus builders, is, of course, how much personal hatred they inspire.
Michael Wolff
Because homophobia is still largely driven by the church, it’s legitimised. It’s also tied to sexism, because those two are never far apart.
Marlon James
The literature of the inner life is very largely a record of struggle with the inordinate passions of the social self.
Charles Horton Cooley
One of the many misconceptions about the blind is that they have greater hearing, sense of smell and sense of touch than sighted people. This is not strictly true. Their blindness simply forces them to recognize gifts they always had but had heretofore largely ignored.
Rosemary Mahoney
I consider creativity to be a more non-rational, subconscious thing. You have a relationship to your creativity – you can feed it with content, with some rational prodding and sleep and things like that, but the mechanisms by which your creativity work are largely unknown.
Ze Frank
I voted for Barack Obama largely on the basis of his temperament, which I thought superior. He is only 47 years old, but to me seemed older than that: a man of precocious aspect and judgment.
Christopher Buckley
Cruz named Former Texas Senator Phil Gramm as his economic guru. This guy virtually crashed the U.S. economy. Gramm is largely responsible for two bills which led to the speculative bubble which popped in September 2008.
Roger Stone
I grew up in the Mission District in San Francisco, which was largely Hispanic at the time. I was raised in a household that was really welcoming to diversity and encouraging about different people’s viewpoints and ideas and backgrounds.
Kimberly Guilfoyle
President George W. Bush won reelection in 2004 largely because he was seen as comfortable in his own skin, while rival John Kerry was viewed as a flip-flopping opportunist.
Ron Fournier
The critical role of Congress in the adoption of international agreements was clearly laid out by our Founding Fathers in our Constitution. And it’s a principle upon which Democrats and Republicans have largely agreed.
Tom Cotton
The Middle East that Obama inherited in 2009 was largely at peace, for the surge in Iraq had beaten down the al Qaeda-linked groups. U.S. relations with traditional allies in the Gulf, Jordan, Israel and Egypt were very good. Iran was contained, its Revolutionary Guard forces at home.
Elliott Abrams
Before the widespread rise of the Internet and easy publishing tools, influence was largely in the hands of those who could reach the widest audience, the people with printing presses or access to a wide audience on television or radio, all one-way mediums that concentrated power in the hands of the few.
Matt Mullenweg
One of the great, and largely forgotten, triumphs of Am

One of the great, and largely forgotten, triumphs of American society and government has been how smoothly U.S. farmers and their communities negotiated the creative destruction of the early 20th century and emerged triumphant when it was over.
Chrystia Freeland
It is true that some liberals and humanists, along with the laid-back Danes, deny the existence of evil. This is largely because they regard the word ‘evil’ as a device for demonising those who are really nothing more than socially unfortunate.
Terry Eagleton
We are sold the idea of a refugee as a tiny child sitting crying, as a way of raising money, but elderly ladies and kids largely can’t move. The demographic is mostly young men.
Mary Beard
One of the major problems with China is that its innovation is largely borrowed technology.
Alan Greenspan
Those projects most successful on Kickstarter – those that receive funding completely and quickly – do so largely because the creator has a strong social network and invites people to be engaged.
Lisa Gansky
Modernity has been largely shaped for Jews by three momentous experiences: the acquisition of citizenship by individual Jews in secular nation-states, the destruction of one-third of Jewry in the Holocaust, and the founding of the State of Israel.
David Novak
I think there are more good sportswriters doing more good sportswriting than ever before. But I also believe that the one thing that’s largely gone out is what made sport such fertile literary territory – the characters, the tales, the humor, the pain, what Hollywood calls ‘the arc.’
Frank Deford
The press is largely directed at white society or the so-called electorate whose values are laced with racial prejudice against black people.
Steven Biko
Between 1857 and 1929, while regulators largely stood idle, the American economy swung through 19 national boom-and-bust gyrations that sometimes threatened to wipe out whole industries within months.
Charles Duhigg
Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.
William Feather
Every U.S. president enters office promising stronger ties with our southern neighbors, only to thereupon largely ignore them.
Thomas P.M. Barnett
India’s educated youth is skill-deficient, risk averse in attitude, and largely unemployable in the cutting-edge manufacturing sector.
Subramanian Swamy
If you don’t like the word ‘religion,’ you can replace it with ‘ideology’ – it’s largely the same thing. At the heart of both religion and ideology is the question of authority and where authority is coming from.
Yuval Noah Harari
Almost everything I’ve been paid to do was something that was largely self-taught.
John Knoll
I was brought up largely by my grandfather because my father only returned from a prisoner-of-war camp in 1947 and worked in the nearest small town, so I hardly ever saw him.
W. G. Sebald
Painful events leave scars, true, but it turns out they’re largely erasable. Jill Bolte Taylor, the neuroanatomist who had a stroke that obliterated her memory, described the event as losing ’37 years of emotional baggage.’
Martha Beck
The Catholic teaching against murder, for example, is largely the same as our secular laws. But as a law, it obviously has a secular rationale at least as strong as its religious rationale.
Mario Cuomo
When you look at the ‘New York Times,’ you look at other elite media, what you largely get are pictures of very wealthy nations and the nations we’ve invaded.
Ethan Zuckerman
Could it be that my circle is largely black and that it is why I am influential in black circles but not in white circles?
Louis Farrakhan
There was every reason to honestly say that 3D was a gimmick. And it’s largely true. And it’s largely pretty bad. When you put a filter in front of the projector, and you put on your glasses and cut the light in half again, the movies are dim as hell, and they give you headaches and eye strain, and it’s terrible.
Douglas Trumbull
It is not so much that women have a different point of view in politics as that they give a different emphasis. And this is vastly important, for politics is so largely a matter of emphasis.
Crystal Eastman
There are all kinds of humor and I have largely indulged in clean comedy.
Kiku Sharda
I think that the world has largely ignored Belize and the political situation and the plight of its people because it’s one of the smallest countries and, in terms of the world economy, one of the least significant.
John McAfee
The book of Revelation is written largely in symbols.
Joseph Franklin Rutherford
People who are in power make their arrangements in secret, largely as a way of maintaining and furthering that power.
Don DeLillo
The Framers of the Constitution expected the presidency to be occupied by special individuals, selfless people of the highest character and ability. They intended the Electoral College to be a truly deliberative body, not the largely ceremonial institution it has become today.
George T. Conway III
The history of liberty has largely been the history of the observance of procedural safeguards.
Felix Frankfurter
My own view is that left-wing positions largely come about from resentment – I agree with Nietzsche about this – a resentment about the surrounding social order. They have privileges, I don’t. Or, I have them and I can’t live up to them.
Roger Scruton
I think the kind of person I am, and the kind of upbringing I have had, I have my mother’s aesthetic. So my choice of films will largely reflect that.
Konkona Sen Sharma
When I lived in England my perception of what people thought of me was largely formed by the media.
Terence Trent D’Arby
Largely, I began skating because I wanted stuff to do outside of school. My mom decided to put me into figure skating.
Nathan Chen
The fight for justice for the transgender community is

The fight for justice for the transgender community is largely invisible to our fellow citizens, despite the rampant systematic discrimination of trans people – those whose gender identity differs from the sex they were assigned at birth.
Chelsea Manning
Many of the ethnic and other parochial tensions that have tended to create insecurity and outright conflict, time and time again, are largely as a result of failure to deliberately undertake nation-building efforts.
Yemi Osinbajo
Even more troubling, not only are Asians largely unseen at the front line of the immigration debate, they are not using the resources available to help them manage their undocumented status.
Alex Wagner
I’m perennially intrigued how people who lead largely evidence-based lives can, in a belief-based part of their mind, be certain that an invisible, divine entity created an entire universe just for us, or that the government is stockpiling space aliens in a secret desert location.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
I have always loved the wild places between the Sierra Nevada range and the Rocky Mountains. The east face of the Sierra Nevada is steep and largely unknown, a wonderful setting.
Ann Maxwell
As millions of people know, one of the great pleasures of walking in areas of the uplands managed for grouse is to see and hear large numbers of curlew, lapwing and golden plover – all ground-nesting birds largely absent or in rapidly declining numbers elsewhere.
Nicholas Soames