Top 35 Donations Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Donations Quotes from famous people such as Vincent Tan, Stephen Pagliuca, Eliezer Yudkowsky, Sudha Murty, Deepak Chopra, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I started off with making personal donations and eventu

I started off with making personal donations and eventually set up my own foundation, VTCY Foundation, now known as Better Malaysia Foundation. My contributions are also made through companies that I own.
Vincent Tan
I gave Mitt Romney some donations for his campaign because he was a friend, and friendship came first. I’ve always been a Democrat, and I’ve had different views than Mitt Romney. I’m not Mitt Romney, and I think people will realize that when they meet me out there.
Stephen Pagliuca
I am a full-time Research Fellow at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute, a small 501(c)(3) public charity supported primarily by individual donations.
Eliezer Yudkowsky
I find joy in giving donations.
Sudha Murty
Religions take donations and don’t pay taxes.
Deepak Chopra
To every politician who is taking donations from the NRA, shame on you.
Emma Gonzalez
Allegations that President Clinton pardoned Marc Rich partly in return for donations to his presidential library have raised questions about the value of such institutions and the federal appropriations that support them.
Robert Dallek
If we get the donations, I think we’re going to raise a significant amount of money; some will be used for some administered costs, but the public portion of that will go directly into grants.
Montel Williams
Social business lies in the spectrum of possibility between the traditional, profit-maximizing business, which directs little to no profit to doing good, and the traditional charity, which relies mostly on donations to sustain itself.
Leila Janah
Federal election laws bar candidates from the ‘personal use’ of campaign donations – a ban meant to stop candidates from buying things unrelated to their runs for office. If a purchase is a result of campaign activity, the government allows it.
David Fahrenthold
In an era when party fundraising is badly tainted, dinners are a really good way of raising cash for campaigning. Lots of people giving very small amounts of money through ticket sales and raffle prizes: yes, it’s much harder work than big donations, but I think it’s a more democratic and transparent way of fundraising.
Lucy Powell
We already ban foreign donations to political candidates, and we should strengthen that ban with closer scrutiny of credit card donations.
Tom Malinowski
When I was a kid, I went door to door in my neighborhood asking for donations to the Jewish National Fund, best known then for its Israel forestation program. At the age of 11 or so, I imagined myself a regular Johnny Appleseed, responsible for vast forests.
Richard Cohen
The IRS is currently considering a rule that would make it easier for tax preparers to disclose the private information contained in tax returns – including name, address, Social Security number, employer, income, and charitable donations.
Melissa Bean
Global poverty is the product of reversible policy failures overseen by politicians, past and present. The poorest of the poor don’t vote in American or European elections. They don’t make donations to political parties or hire lobbyists in D.C., London or Canberra.
Hugh Evans
Unelected bureaucrats should not have the ability to direct settlement funds to progressive organizations under the guise of ‘donations,’ especially when these groups could turn right around and use that money to put pressure on members of Congress to vote with their agenda.
Tommy Tuberville
People used to call me for donations, and I couldn’t relate to that because I have spent most of my life trying to support myself.
Harshvardhan Rane
Food banks have told us of the increasing donations of, and demand for, tampons and pads which are gratefully received by women struggling to afford them.
Layla Moran
The U.N.’s humanitarian agencies rely on charitable donations from the public as well as the generosity of governments to continue their lifesaving work in response to natural disasters, armed conflicts and other emergencies.
Ban Ki-moon
Rarely do political contributions lead to direct quid pro quo transactions – donations for votes – and those that cross this line normally get caught.
Chris Murphy
As soon as we find a cure, we will utilize any of the donations to go toward providing medication to those who can’t afford it. That is my goal.
Montel Williams
As black Americans continue to be insulted and dismissed by protected white liberals, the Black Talented Tenth will continue to benefit from political donations, speaking engagements, national media presence, accolades as the official black leaders, and perpetual gigs on MSNBC and CNN.
Burgess Owens
FreedomWorks, which is funded primarily by very rich people, solicits donations from non-rich conservative people. More than 80,000 people donated money to FreedomWorks in 2012, and it seems likely that only a small minority of those people were hedge fund millionaires.
Alex Pareene
Imgur has always been profitable right from the very beginning, and the only time I ever had to spend money on it was for the initial domain name because as soon as I released it, people liked it so much that they were donating, and so Imgur survived for the first six months just purely on donations.
Alan Schaaf
Obviously, a lot of non-profits live on donations, and that’s a wonderful thing. But higher education can’t exist on donations only because, if that were the case, we would have a hard time paying teachers adequate salaries.
Sebastian Thrun
Britain First has deeply ignoble form on trying to ‘hijack’ the poppy to increase their popularity and donations.
Amber Rudd
Yeah, I get a lot of donations. It’s a lot. I’m getting money all the time.
Jeff Bauman
African-Americans don’t need handouts and donations; we can hire ourselves if white corporate America does business with us in a fair and equitable way.
Byron Allen
A lot of people simply don’t know about the ability to be a living donor. All of us grew up on the idea that you only got organ donations from a dead person that had checked a box on a driver’s license.
Ed Henry
When it turns out that you were supposed to be disclosing all these foreign government donations to the Clinton Global Initiative while you were Secretary of State, and you didn’t, and now the Clinton Global Initiative is having to restate their 990s, that doesn’t sound very trustworthy to me.
Carly Fiorina
Paloma wool and all of the British Heart Foundation shops – I love checking out the latest donations to find quality, preloved pieces that no one else will have.
Miquita Oliver
I have a lot of supporters but they are not well organi

I have a lot of supporters but they are not well organized. They send me donations but for the most part, their commitment is not really serious.
Alexandra Elbakyan
When the Lord Chancellor violates the trust of his great office of state to solicit party donations from people whose careers he can control, and then says I’m not sorry, and I’d do it again no wonder the public think that power has gone to their heads.
William Hague
You cannot develop a country on donations.
Jovenel Moise
Investments are a real partnership, with an expected return; donations are a gesture made as a result of ethical, religious, or political passions.
Edgar Bronfman, Sr.