Words matter. These are the best Expelled Quotes from famous people such as Daniel Boone, Emmanuel Jal, John Sweeney, Tony Judt, Daniela Ruah, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.
One day I undertook a tour through the country, and the diversity and beauties of nature I met with in this charming season, expelled every gloomy and vexatious thought.
When I first went to school, I was fighting all the time. The soldier mentality was still in me. I kept getting expelled. I found it hard to take instructions from anyone who wasn’t a military commander.
The church acknowledges some Scientologists choose to sever communications with family members who leave. The church says it is a fundamental human right to cease communication with someone. It adds disconnection is used against expelled members and those who attack the church.
I don’t much mind being expelled from communities.
I think my mom put me in tap classes when I was three, which I never pursued. I don’t know how to tap. Then we moved to Portugal when I was five, and, I think, she put me in ballet classes immediately. Then I was expelled for being too restless – I am too high energy – and was told I could go do rhythm gymnastics.
Of course climate changes. Many changes are due to factors over which humans have no control, such as winds, ocean currents, and sun activity. But the liberals want us to believe that climate change is also caused by gases expelled when humans burn so-called fossil fuels.
I got expelled from high school, and then did my exams from home. I decided, through that experience, that I was going to expediate my plan and didn’t go to university. Instead, I went to a community college and studied the theory and history of film with the idea that I wanted to write and direct.
To the credit of the Republican Party and the conservative movement, people have been expelled or marginalized. Pat Buchanan in the ’90s. Ron Paul, Rand Paul in the first decade of this century. Bill Buckley famously expelled the Birchers in 1964. It’s been a movement that’s tried to maintain its boundaries.
I have been expelled from five different schools when I was a kid. And I learned basically all what I do by myself.
I was expelled from school at 14, and whilst everyone else was studying for their GCSEs, I got a membership for that gym, and I just started lifting weights. So while everyone else was in school, I was in the gym sort of bulking up, and when I got to 17, I got a full time job.
And then it got even worse, I mean, a few people fell by the wayside within hours. Nick Lowe was in it for about 5 hours I think, he was expelled for going to bed.
My father’s father fought to free Crete from the Turks, who expelled my mother from her ancestral home in Asia Minor in 1922. So how could I stand aside from my country’s troubles?
In the midst of the pain and panic of the Great Depression, as many as 2 million people of Mexican descent were expelled from the United States.
By any definition, what happened in Bhutan in the years 1989-93 was ethnic cleansing. The Bhutanese government denies this and has refused to repatriate any of those forcibly expelled.
I wasn’t expelled for anything vicious, just being cheeky, not doing what I was told, answering back, and always rising to the bait if someone said something annoying about my dad.
I got expelled from high school my freshman year.
I got expelled from every school I went to in Sydney.
No child should be expelled from preschool. And so we are calling on school districts around the country to end that practice. That benefits every child.
I started rapping because my mom died when I was about 11 years old, and I was a very rebellious kid. I’ve been kicked out of every school I’ve ever been in since 6th grade on, expelled and dropped out in the 11th grade. Music was the only thing that I could really use to express myself, so I started rapping.
Even Gaddafi’s adversaries assure us that he stood out for his intelligence as a student; he was expelled from high-school for his anti-monarchic activities. He managed to enroll in another high-school and later graduated in law at the University of Benghazi at the age of 21.
In response to Russia’s election hacking, the U.S. expelled not just one, but 35 spies posing as diplomats – the strongest response ever to a cyberattack against the U.S.
I was a real rebel. I got expelled.
When I left school – or, rather, when I was expelled from school for hitting a kid who had disrespected a teacher – I had nothing, with nowhere to go. Where I’m from, it really means that. Now my family are millionaires. I never dreamed this would be possible.
My outlook was, ‘You’re not my moms; you can’t tell me what to do.’ I got expelled from about 20 schools.
You know, in the 1970’s, when I was in high school, I belonged to a band called the Happy Funk Band. Until an unfortunate typo caused us to be expelled from school.
What would happen in the U.S. to terrorists who are not citizens? In less than 24 hours, they would be rounded up, taken to the airport and expelled.
When the phonies are expelled from their leadership roles and the Republican Party backs a moderate gubernatorial candidate acceptable to the rank and file with proper financing and the intestinal fortitude to fight the good fight, the rank and file will rejoin the fold.
O reason, reason, abstract phantom of the waking state, I had already expelled you from my dreams, now I have reached a point where those dreams are about to become fused with apparent realities: now there is only room here for myself.
Getting expelled from secondary school and going to a more arty-farty college gave me the incentive to perform and opened some doors.
When the enemies’ land force is once conquered and expelled from the continent, our Marine will rise as if by enchantment and become, within the memory of persons now living, the wonder and envy of the world.
We filmed ‘Expelled’ in Santa Clarita at an all-girl’s school. There were twelve hour days.
But I made no efforts to organize my supporters to hold on to the apparatus. Consequently I was soon expelled and my followers, who did not change coats overnight, quietly left or were expelled from the party.
Rep. Maxine Waters must be expelled from Congress!
I left school early in my last year before I took my A-levels. I wasn’t expelled. It was just a mutual understanding. I wasn’t interested in going to school and they said, ‘You’re not turning up,’ so we severed ties. Both sides appreciated it.
I didn’t leave the Congress; I was expelled.