Top 363 Calm Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Calm Quotes from famous people such as Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, Dean Potter, Joseph B. Wirthlin, Emilia Clarke, Leona Lewis, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Dogs who live in each other's company are calm and prag

Dogs who live in each other’s company are calm and pragmatic, never showing the desperate need to make known their needs and feelings or to communicate their observations, as some hysterical dogs who know only the company of our species are likely to do.
Elizabeth Marshall Thomas
I can calm myself by an intense will, and also by the simple ability to focus in the most dangerous situation on breath and nothing else.
Dean Potter
In the scriptures, ‘peace’ means either freedom from strife, contention, conflict, or war, or an inner calm and comfort born of the Spirit that is a gift of God to all of his children, an assurance and serenity within a person’s heart.
Joseph B. Wirthlin
I long for the countryside. That’s where I get my calm and tranquillity – from being able to come and find a spot of green.
Emilia Clarke
I think when people see that you are shy, or even just calm, collected and reserved, they think you can be pushed around, made to do everything they want – but that’s definitely not true of me. The people closest to me know that’s not the case. They know I’m not a pushover.
Leona Lewis
I promise you, the gym has taken away so much of my stress. It has helped calm me down.
Khloe Kardashian
The ability to manage your emotions and remain calm under pressure has a direct link to your performance.
Travis Bradberry
Bill Gates can’t control a high-level-energy dog, because his energy is very low, very calm. Very intellectual. A dog doesn’t see that as leadership.
Cesar Millan
The pursuit, even of the best things, ought to be calm and tranquil.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Monaco is a very special event in its own right, and the atmosphere is quite crazy! As a driver, you have to stay calm and relaxed and try to do your job.
Romain Grosjean
I learned that a long walk and calm conversation are an incredible combination if you want to build a bridge.
Seth Godin
In ‘Manithan’ I did not again play a bubbly thing, but my character was calm and composed.
Hansika Motwani
I could never ever say enough about Matt Amato. He has an indescribable presence; this warm, loving, serene calm with intense interest and excitement bubbling beneath his exterior.
Madi Diaz
My dad is not really a relaxed guy. He’s nervous. He wants to do everything. But I am completely opposite to him. I am calm.
Nikola Jokic
I long for the countryside. That’s where I get my calm and tranquillity – from being able to come and find a spot of green.
Emilia Clarke
I work in a business of extremes, so when you are with someone who is very calm and logical, it’s a great kind of balance to have.
Owain Yeoman
My parents got divorced when I was really young and I was a very hyperactive kid, so both parents independently would play Enya at the house to calm me down and soothe me as a kid.
Caroline Polachek
It is a Polynesian thing where you are calm and relaxed in your approach to life. But, when you’re in the ring, you really go for it.
Joseph Parker
The recognition that things that are not sustainable will eventually come to an end does not give us much of a guide to whether the transition will be calm or exciting.
Timothy Geithner
I’ve always been this kind of calm, cool and collected.
Devlin Hodges
I listen to a lot of Christian music, and reading my Bible calms me down immensely.
Lolo Jones
I’m a very simple and calm man, but when the camera is switched on, acting begins.
Nana Patekar
I’ve been doing long-distance backpacking since 2002 when I hiked the Appalachian Trail. You start to calm down and relax and get into the slower rhythm of nature.
John Mackey
I go to the ocean to calm down, to reconnect with the creator, to just be happy.
Nnedi Okorafor
I built my name on fighting so hard – I’ll always do that – but I’m also trying to become more of a veteran, to be be calm and calculated and not always trying to bowl people over.
Michael Chandler
Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.
Michael Caine
Before a game, I prefer R&B and stuff that calms me down, like the Weeknd.
Blake Griffin
The most intense conflicts, if overcome, leave behind a sense of security and calm that is not easily disturbed. It is just these intense conflicts and their conflagration which are needed to produce valuable and lasting results.
Carl Jung
You have only to see what became of my father’s will immediately after his death, and the wills of so many other kings. I know it well; but nevertheless, they have wished it; they gave me no rest nor repose, no calm until it was done.
Louis XIV
Night, the beloved. Night, when words fade and things come alive. When the destructive analysis of day is done, and all that is truly important becomes whole and sound again. When man reassembles his fragmentary self and grows with the calm of a tree.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Banking is a very treacherous business because you don’t realize it is risky until it is too late. It is like calm waters that deliver huge storms.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
When I am on the plane and turbulence kicks in, I can't

When I am on the plane and turbulence kicks in, I can’t abide it. I feel like we are all going to die, and it takes everything in me to stay calm. But there are worse things to have to cope with.
Marsha Thomason
There’s a difference between a young goalkeeper and an experienced goalkeeper. In a pressure situation, an experienced goalkeeper can handle the situation in a calm manner.
P. R. Sreejesh
I was passionate about soccer. I still am. Odd, though – playing soccer always made me much more anxious than playing tennis. On soccer days, I’d be out of bed by 6 in the morning, all nervous. But I was always calm when it was time for a tennis match. I still don’t know why.
Rafael Nadal
My day typically starts with an early-morning walk through Central Park. It’s a nice moment of calm before my routine starts.
Aerin Lauder
Wars should be fought with words, not bombs, not weapons. And calm words. I think that wars should be fought over a chessboard and a cup of something to drink.
Mattie Stepanek
Entertaining these opinions of the course to be pursued, I beg of gentlemen to look at the question, as I have done, in a calm review of facts and of principles.
Caleb Cushing
True love is not a strong, fiery, impetuous passion. It is, on the contrary, an element calm and deep. It looks beyond mere externals, and is attracted by qualities alone. It is wise and discriminating, and its devotion is real and abiding.
Ellen G. White
I’ll generally write out every scene that’s in the film on a couple of pieces of paper, just with a little one-line. And then I can scan it a bit and go, ‘This first third of the film, generally, I’m kind of calm.’ Then I might do something on one piece of paper that just relates to the energy of the character.
Guy Pearce
I eat every two hours. I sleep for eight hours. I have lots of water. I pray to keep calm. Most importantly, I have a smile on my face.
Vidya Balan
I guess I’m a fun-loving teddy bear. I’ve got two sides to me. Obviously, there’s the football side that a lot of people see – the mean, ferocious, coming-after-the-quarterback guy. But off the field, I’m a calm, cool, collected guy.
Ndamukong Suh
Who doesn’t love Enya? Whenever I’m in a trying time, she is the calm in the middle of the storm. If I put her on, I’ll be in this crazy peaceful state. I love her style. And her harmonies are freaking genius.
Nicki Minaj
I really try to take a step back from the soccer world and going a thousand miles an hour every day. I like to do some sort of either meditation or mental visualization or breathing exercises – something to calm my mind down because a lot of times, it’s just going faster than it should.
Alex Morgan
In football, it’s not enough just to be amazing, but you also have to have a clear head. If you’re not calm, it becomes very difficult.
Gennaro Gattuso
I feel the happiest when I’m at the golf course. And I feel calm when I’m on the golf course. I think I’m just a much better person when I’m on the golf course.
Inbee Park
The secret to everything for me is doing yoga every day. It does do nice things for your body, but it also kind of calms you down and chills you out. Other than that, I don’t really drink alcohol and I always take my makeup off at night!
Kate Beckinsale
Yes, I think I am like the sea. I appear calm on the surface, but there’s a lot going on within. Many a times, I may not react to certain things, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t care or I don’t have emotions.
Atif Aslam
If I am angry, I am angry. If I am angry, then I have to be calm, and to be calm, I have to tell you to your face what I think about you. If we don’t agree, then okay, ‘Bye!’ It’s no problem.
Claudio Ranieri
We had a very energetic floor manager and he was always jumping around all over the place. The director would send down messages like, Can you tell that actor to calm down?
Sarah Sutton
I tap my fingers and cheekbones before going on stage to calm down. But nerves are necessary; if you ever lose them, it’s a bad sign.
Michael Ball
If I sense trouble, I ask the crowd to calm down and step back.
When I sing, I feel calm.
Domino Kirke
I feel like I play better when I’m calm. There is an inner peace I can tap into sometimes during my matches.
Naomi Osaka
He was a great man, my granddad, a very calm, logical and methodical guy. I suppose I’m trying to be more like him as I get older.
Steven Hall
The calm mind allows one to connect with the inner self, the Soul, the very source of our being. That’s where the music lives. That’s where my music comes from.
Clarence Clemons
I’m a casual sneaker person, I like to be calm drippy.
Lil Tjay
To have constructive conversations about the world’s energy options, one needs to take a calm look at the numbers.
David J. C. MacKay
I love listening to music in general before I compete. It’s something that calms me down, and meditating and breathing before I get up there to calm all my nerves.
Laurie Hernandez
I just focus on taking a deep breath, staying calm, and not trying to make the situation bigger than it is.
Zach Ertz
Adam’s impulsive and energetic, and I’m calm and methodical.
Jamie Hyneman
When the mother of the race is free, we shall have a better world, by the easy right of birth and by the calm, slow, friendly forces of evolution.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
To be honest, I know this probably sounds corny or whatever because I’m a musician, but listening to music really helps me relax and calm down – listening to my favorite songs. Also, laughing and hanging out with my friends.
Austin Mahone
In schools with a history of chaos, the teacher who can

In schools with a history of chaos, the teacher who can keep the classroom calm becomes virtually indispensable.
Jonathan Kozol
I don’t think that architecture is only about shelter, is only about a very simple enclosure. It should be able to excite you, to calm you, to make you think.
Zaha Hadid
I did a lot of work without thinking about it in a calm, rational way. Stopping and thinking about what I was doing made my music calmer and deeper in tone.
Bill Callahan
I have my days like everyone else, but mostly I’m the calm guy. I’m the laid-back one.
Jeff Green
I don’t feel pressure in a negative way. I like pressure. I feel excitement and calm at the same time. No pressure, no diamonds. I want pressure: pressure creates drama, creates emotion.
Conor McGregor
It has been hard to get my head around how Justice Antonin Scalia rationalizes his decisions. His body blow to the Voting Rights Act was a head scratcher, but at least he was calm when he attempted to justify his odd logic.
Henry Rollins
If you can act calm, that’s step one in trying to convince yourself to be calm.
Brendan Bottcher
Part of Obama’s persona is self-reliance. He’s calm; he’s cool; he’s self-possessed. In many ways, he has tried to define himself in opposition to Clinton’s sometimes needy, often undisciplined, emotionalism.
Dee Dee Myers
Eoin Morgan and Joe Root have a really calm and open changing room. There’s no tension there. You don’t have to be walking on egg shells around any of the players.
Jofra Archer
For there is no friend like a sister in calm or stormy weather; To cheer one on the tedious way, to fetch one if one goes astray, to lift one if one totters down, to strengthen whilst one stands.
Christina Rossetti
Actually creating a positive school climate, particularly in schools that are in communities that are themselves not calm and orderly, is hard work.
James Forman, Jr.
Unai is very calm, composed and extremely detailed in what he expects. From Monday through to Friday, every single training session is very carefully planned.
Freddie Ljungberg
When I am off the field, I am the calm, very quiet kind of easy-sailing ocean, and then when I am on a hot streak with a cricket ball, I can be the most disastrous waters you have ever been in.
Dale Steyn
We must go beyond the constant clamor of ego, beyond the tools of logic and reason, to the still, calm place within us: the realm of the soul.
Deepak Chopra
With Salman, I need to keep myself a little calm but that wouldn’t stop me from saying what I want to.
Divya Agarwal
It’s not good to stretch when you’re cold. Get your heart rate up, and once you finish, take time to stretch and let your body calm down.
Ana Ivanovic
As a human, you tend to lose your calm at some point. But I ensured I was being myself through the journey. I feel people liked my honesty and casualness.
Ashwin Kumar
I have tactics that calm me down and mellow me out so I go in to the game calm and ready instead of punching the walls.
Jonjo Shelvey
I write a lot because, if I don’t, I start to panic, and I calm down when I write.
Theresa Rebeck
If I could give my teenaged self any advice, it would be ‘Calm down!’
Zooey Deschanel
Being able to express yourself under the name Erika Jayne and saying things people want to say but wouldn’t, or doing things that people want to do but don’t, or taking that extra leap of faith or pushing the levels of sexuality, or whatever, that helps Erika Girardi stand on her own two feet and be calm and peaceful.
Erika Jayne
I bought my own home in 2004. It’s a sanctuary for my family and a place of peace and calm. It’s key for anyone committed to leadership and success to avoid the noise and focus on their best opportunities.
Robin S. Sharma
I have so much chaos in my life, it’s become normal. You become used to it. You have to just relax, calm down, take a deep breath and try to see how you can make things work rather than complain about how they’re wrong.
Tom Welling
The secret of success is to be in harmony with existence, to be always calm to let each wave of life wash us a little farther up the shore.
Cyril Connolly
Writers seem to me to be people who need to retire from social life and do a lot of thinking about what’s happened – almost to calm themselves.
Helen Garner
If we do the build-up so well, it’s because our players always offer me different options to pass the ball, so that makes it easier. With calm and with quality on the pass, it always works out. Of course, you need to have the courage and be very cool to play that way, because any mistake can end up in a goal conceded.
He who seldom speaks, and with one calm well-timed word can strike dumb the loquacious, is a genius or a hero.
Johann Kaspar Lavater
Reading poetry gives me a sense of calm, well-being, and love for humanity – the same stuff more flexible women get from yoga.
J. Courtney Sullivan
Yeah, I try to be really calm.
Gus Van Sant
I’ve deliberately tried to calm myself down because eventually I want to be a good role model to my kids.
Robbie Williams
I was only a bridesmaid for my sister, and it was very calm and small, so I didn’t have any tragedy.
Melissa McCarthy
Usually, before I salute the judge, I'm able to just gr

Usually, before I salute the judge, I’m able to just grab the event, and I pray on it, and that really grounds me. For some reason, once I do that, I am able to think clearly, and I’m able to calm down right before I compete.
Laurie Hernandez
Oh, these vast, calm, measureless mountain days, days in whose light everything seems equally divine, opening a thousand windows to show us God.
John Muir
I take after my dad in the calm and measured way he approaches situations.
There’s a lot more power in calm than in vituperation.
Dennis Prager
I just try to be the same guy I’ve always been. Calm, collected, and being a good decision-maker and delivering the ball to the right guys.
Scott Tolzien
The panda is a funny, lovable animal, which defends its territory well. It’s strong but calm. It suits me perfectly.
Metta World Peace
Mistakes and pressure are inevitable; the secret to getting past them is to stay calm.
Travis Bradberry
Zidane is a very great player, a very calm player.
There are difficult matches from time to time, and that is absolutely normal. You have to stay calm and confident after them.
Thomas Tuchel
Slaven remains calm and even in games when he feels we should be doing better, he will come in and say ‘boys we have the ability to get back in there and I believe in you.’ Even if we don’t get the points he wants us to show we can do better and make him proud.
Michail Antonio
My dad’s side of the family were calm folk from England, but the other side just loved to party. Somewhere between those two factions is me.
Devin Townsend
I have to keep calm and work on my shots in practice.
Bojan Bogdanovic
Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm.
Publilius Syrus
One of the things I have been getting into is meditation. Sometimes it is just 5-10 minutes per day, lying on my bed and listening to a meditation app on my phone to try to calm my mind.
Jos Buttler
Stay calm and aggressive.
Gabrielle Reece
What I loved about breast-feeding was that bond of one-on-one time. The serotonin that’s released calms you down and connects you to the baby.
Isla Fisher
My parents were very calm about the photographers, the fans, and all that. But I understood right away that I hadn’t done anything to deserve that attention. No matter what happens, it will be there. I didn’t choose it. You just can’t take that too seriously. You need to live your life. And stay calm.
Lily-Rose Depp
I was thinking of the parallel between the ocean, the life and the music. The ocean is everything. It’s calm, but brave – it’s life.
Karol G
In ‘Ek Duje’… I play Suman, a girl who runs her own tiffin service in Delhi. She is calm and composed at home but quite bold when it comes to facing the outside world.
Nikita Dutta
I think the inner strength that I have helps me stay calm.
Vijay Shankar
In England, I think we get about 30,000 for maybe an FA Cup final, and there are lots of kids on the seats, which is nice – don’t get me wrong – but it’s a calm atmosphere.
Toni Duggan
I don’t think that architecture is only about shelter, is only about a very simple enclosure. It should be able to excite you, to calm you, to make you think.
Zaha Hadid
Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.
Saint Francis de Sales
God never did make a more calm, quiet, innocent recreation than angling.
Izaak Walton
Even if sometimes I’m not happy with the way I’m playing the game before, during the changeover I have to stay calm. Otherwise the next game will be worse.
David Goffin
You want to learn from everyone, but I think one of the main guys I look up to is Thiago. We play different positions but his awareness on the field, his touches, everything about him is so calm.
Alphonso Davies
I grew up in the suburbs, a calm suburb, without tension, with working-class and middle-class people mixed together.
I urge calm and sensitivity to the fundamental civil liberties of our country.
Larry Craig
When I write, I normally write anywhere that I can feel at peace, so if it’s in my bedroom, if it’s at the park, if it’s by a lake somewhere, wherever I feel calm is where I like to write.
Little Simz
The great majority of people are calm, resourceful, altruistic or even beyond altruistic, as they risk themselves for others. We improvise the conditions of survival beautifully.
Rebecca Solnit
The nerves are a problem on trumpet, because when you mess up everyone can hear it. Just remember most people are too polite to say anything about it. That should calm your nerves.
Wynton Marsalis
I don't know Laura Bush. But she seems to be calm, and

I don’t know Laura Bush. But she seems to be calm, and she has a sparkle in her eye, which is good. But I don’t know that she’s ever had a real job – I mean, since she’s been grown up.
Teresa Heinz
Music is something that always calms you down.
Tulsi Kumar
When adversity strikes, that’s when you have to be the most calm. Take a step back, stay strong, stay grounded and press on.
LL Cool J
Sometimes you just have to calm down a little bit and let the system work itself.
Blake Griffin
I started to do yoga. It helps for the body to be more flexible but also for the mind – it calms me down a lot, so I really like to do that.
Kiki Bertens
I like my world to be calm.
Aaron Taylor-Johnson
I never felt settled or calm. You can’t really commit to life when you feel that.
Angelina Jolie
I can’t ever seem to shake the feeling that when things are really good it essentially means that things are going to go really bad. When I feel calm and settled, there is always an underlying feeling of impending doom… I don’t think that it’s healthy.
Florence Welch
People always think I’m so calm and ethereal. But my family certainly doesn’t feel that way all the time. They tease me about it.
Jessica Hecht
When we have done our best, we can, as a united people, take whatever may befall with calm courage and confidence that this old nation will survive and if death should come to many of us, death is not the end.
Eamon de Valera
I always eat the same thing on game day, or I read a book to calm myself.
Jan Vertonghen
After a storm comes a calm.
Matthew Henry
The want to get more runs increases when there is a dearth of it. At those times, it is important to be patient and keep your calm.
Shikhar Dhawan
You arrive at a village, and in this calm environment, one starts to hear echo.
Yannick Noah
Yes, a family is interesting. You can get a lot of drama in the conflicts there. It’s like the sea. It seems calm, but inside there is conflict.
Hirokazu Kore-eda
As an actor, what’s interesting is what’s hidden away beneath the surface. You want to be like a duck on a pond – very calm on the surface but paddling away like crazy underneath.
Alexander Skarsgard
Sitting by the chimney corner as we grow old, the commonest things around us take on live meanings and hint at the difference between these driving times and the calm, slow moving days when we were young.
Rebecca Harding Davis
I’m composed, and I’m a calm player.
Declan Rice
Fundamentally, if there is any secret, it is about the need to find that peace and calm in our personal space with music, as most of ‘learning music’ is about listening to music and practicing over and over again.
Shankar Mahadevan
Am I calm all the time? That is a question to ask my mother. I am very happy in my home. I have a good family, that gives me something extra.
Jean Alesi
In baseball, you have to remain calm, cool, and collected. In football, you can let out a little anger sometimes. It was a fun game, and I liked it, but I knew in my heart I was going to play baseball.
Aaron Judge
Breathing is central to every aspect of meditation training. It’s a wonderful place to focus in training the mind to be calm and concentrated.
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Breathing in the proper state gets you into a state where you digest food better and calms your brainwaves down.
Bryson DeChambeau
I couldn’t have asked for a better kid. She’s our own little Buddha baby so far. I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop to tell you the truth. It’s like the calm before the storm.
Ana Ortiz
In the madness, you have to find calm.
Lupita Nyong’o
I am calm but on the outside, mostly. When I’m on a film set, the stress is so humongous that I’m dying inside – I’m extremely stressed, but I do try, and… well, I don’t try. I think it’s my natural reaction to not externalize things.
Yorgos Lanthimos
To be a director, you need to be reliable, on time, confident, calm, all of those things you see demonstrated in the military.
Patty Jenkins
We arrived at the 2002 World Cup with two titles, very calm, well organised, maybe missing a bit of concentration. But the only truth is on the pitch. The dangers are there.
Didier Deschamps
I’ve always said my shoulders are broad, and I can take on that extra responsibility. I love it. I want it. I prefer to take it on myself to help the other guys, who can then go out and play with their heads clear and calm.
David Luiz
The American surge of combat forces into Baghdad that was ordered by President Bush worked. And there was a calm, a relative calm that descended on the country kind of late 2008. That pretty much held until the last American combat soldiers left at the end of 2011.
Dexter Filkins
If I am on the pitch I’m very calm because I know I’ve done everything to be there. That’s the way to be and the way I’ll feel until the last day of my career.
Ander Herrera
A president is supposed to calm the American people wit

A president is supposed to calm the American people with sober decision-making in the national interest.
Monica Crowley
I’m quite calm when all is well.
Jake Tapper
Stay calm and be quick on fixing a problem, stopping a problem head on is vital to running a team.
Monica Galetti
Calm self-confidence is as far from conceit as the desire to earn a decent living is remote from greed.
Channing Pollock
Research has shown that time pressure leads to tunnel vision and that people think more creatively when they are calm, unhurried and free from stress and distractions. We all know this from experience.
Carl Honore
Remain calm, serene, always in command of yourself. You will then find out how easy it is to get along.
Paramahansa Yogananda
Success and failure are emotional and physiological experiences. We need to deal with them in a way that is present and calm.
Chade-Meng Tan
Act like a duck. Be calm on the surface, but paddle like hell underneath.
Oliver Luck
I’m just calm under fire. I’m not intimidating at all.
Keenen Ivory Wayans
My other life keeps me calm and grounded and normal.
Shawn Johnson
I don’t see myself as a tough person off the track, I see myself as friendly, open and calm.
Kevin Magnussen
My father was a man’s man and was always respected for being a straight shooter. My dad always had an amazing sense of calm about him.
Bret Hart
I want to break that typical Asian female stereotype. There’s this standard where they’re all calm. I want to break that.
I’m calm and composed, and I don’t expect a lot from anyone.
Naga Chaitanya
In golf, you have to stay patient and calm. On the race track you can let loose, but in golf you can’t and you must be calm.
Heikki Kovalainen
I like a calm life where nobody bothers me.
Mariano Rivera
Right now I am trying to be in a place of calm, a place where I can chill out and then handle the chaos of life better. You don’t just get it overnight; you have to work at it. It’s a daily struggle.
Jackee Harry
I love to have a bath with beautiful, relaxing music on and have no rush to do anything. It’s a wonderful indulgence, and it helps me to calm down and stop my mind running overtime.
Kylie Minogue
But when women are moved and lend help, when women, who are by nature calm and controlled, give encouragement and applause, when virtuous and knowledgeable women grace the endeavor with their sweet love, then it is invincible.
Jose Marti
I want to be calm.
Courteney Cox
What irks me most about Shilpa is that she can get extremely hyper. I ask her to calm down. She’s become a lot more placid than before. Any major news and her whole world crumbles in front of her. I’m the calming factor in her life.
Raj Kundra
It was night and I could see a large and calm lake, reflecting the moon. Black mountains rose around it. I arrived from between two of these mountains, I looked at the lake and the moon, and that was it, nothing else happened.
Georges Simenon
I’m trying to stay as calm as possible and focus one day at a time, but when reality sets in, I feel everything: anxiety, excitement, nerves, pressure and joy.
Shawn Johnson
I want to take a long-term view. Being distracted by short term things can be dangerous when you are making cold, calm, long-term decisions.
Ed Woodward
I never let myself get psyched out. My motto is, ‘Stay calm and carry on.’
Mary Cain
Since 1963, the University of Delaware’s Disaster Research Center has conducted nearly 700 field studies on floods and earthquakes, and on-site research reveals the same results every time: the vast majority of people stay calm and help each other.
Rutger Bregman
I thought when I started meditation that I was going to get real calm and peaceful and it’s going to be over. It’s not that way; it’s so energetic. That’s where all the energy and creativity is.
David Lynch
I had some problems in the past when I made some stupid mistakes and got some stupid cards, but I learned a lot from this, and I know now how to calm myself down.
Aleksandar Mitrovic
I always teach myself calm and visualization stuff.
Conor McGregor
One of my strongest assets is my ability to be calm under pressure.
Taylor Fritz
I love Obama’s calm and dignity. A lot of people confuse that with being aloof, but I know people that have held that job. It’s a 24-hour barrage of information.
Stephen Stills
If the mind is calm, your spontaneity and honest though

If the mind is calm, your spontaneity and honest thoughts appear. You become more spontaneous.
Chade-Meng Tan
‘Ludacris’ is something that I made up. It just kind of describes me. Sometimes I have like a split personality. Sometimes I’m cool, calm, and collected, and other times I’m beyond crazy.
When I was a young student, I only listened to foreign music, mainly rock music and hard rock. Then I surprised myself by discovering ethnic music. Now I like to listen to music from different places, and in many situations. Even when you work, some ethnic music calms the nerves.
Dmitry Medvedev
Freediving is by far and away the toughest sport mentally. You are underwater for up to seven minutes, and a lot of thoughts go through your brain, and you need to be completely calm and relaxed. In any other sport, you use increased adrenalin, but in freediving, you have to drop the heart rate down to 20 beats per minute.
Tanc Sade
I used to be very superstitious, and then I got too much into that. I just try to stay away from all the superstitions that I can and try to get as calm as I can before the game. That’s my new superstition: just to get as calm as I can.
John Collins
I want to be able to live in a way that isn’t too hectic. Calm. And I want those around me to be sublimely happy as well.
Frances Bean Cobain
In some ways, calm bodily protest has a nakedness to it that may be deeply embarrassing for observers; an act not unlike the bare-faced Oliver Twist effrontery that stands vulnerably before authority, asking for more or better.
Michael Leunig
I have so much chaos in my life, it’s become normal. You become used to it. You have to just relax, calm down, take a deep breath and try to see how you can make things work rather than complain about how they’re wrong.
Tom Welling
I think I needed to hit the reset button and figure out how I want to play football. I want to play football at a smooth, calm level.
Davis Webb
The biggest challenge for me is just knowing how to calm down.
As a quarterback, I always feel like it’s my job to be that steady, calm presence in there.
Alex Smith
Great players must always produce and at any time or in any game. Give them a ball and a pitch, and they will show what they’ve got. That relaxed, calm spirit you don’t really have when you are young.
Robin Van Persie
For there is no friend like a sister in calm or stormy weather; To cheer one on the tedious way, to fetch one if one goes astray, to lift one if one totters down, to strengthen whilst one stands.
Christina Rossetti
Yoga gave me the ability to calm down.
Christy Turlington
I listen to a pop genre of music to keep the rhythm flowing and sometimes I’ll take it back to the old school to keep my mind calm because once you start to listen to so much craziness, it gets hectic.
Jermell Charlo
During my stage shows, I am so energetic. It’s constant! I just don’t stand still. I actually got given a mic stand from my team to say ‘Just calm down. Stand still for at least two songs.’ But now I just pick it up and walk around with it.
Jessie J
The crowd really controls how I am onstage. One show, it might be a lot of young people, super-high-energy dancing. I mirror that. Other shows, it’s much more calm.
Grace VanderWaal
While I was writing ‘The Big Girls,’ I had to take a big breath each morning and calm myself sufficiently to once again enter that world. But friends tell me that it is the only thing that really interests me. They say that I like to be upset.
Susanna Moore
There is something about putting the uniform on. You’ve got a role to play, to be calm, to lead other people, to go forward when everyone else is running away. It gives you a sense of, not of courage but, ‘It’s my job.’
Cressida Dick
Even though I’m used to losing bets every day, I am not calm when I sweat a game.
James Holzhauer
When I was a kid, I would mess around on the streets with my mates, winding people up and making them angry. It got to the point where someone called the cops, and we had to run away. But to be honest, now I am a calm guy.
Living in Edmonton feels so calm, but there is still so much to experience. I know I can find something to do if I want to have fun.
Kaetlyn Osmond
I’ve always loved cemeteries since I was a kid. They’re very calm.
Britne Oldford
I was a fan of Hitchcock, but more importantly than that, he is such an inscrutable man, and a very carefully inscrutable man. He apparently was blank-faced with a calm and controlled presence. I was immediately anxious and thought, ‘How am I going to get behind that?’
Toby Jones
You’d think true masculinity was just calm and collected happiness. So alpha male that it needs not or worries not. But typically masculine characters are always fighting, and most violence comes from some agitated level of fear and anxiety.
Liev Schreiber
I feel like, if the guys can look at me in the huddle and see a calm and collected face, that they’re going to relax a little bit. The way I look at it, leadership and being that guy is, don’t be someone you’re not. Don’t be a hoorah guy jumping around and clapping your hands if you’re not that guy.
Matt Flynn
Great events make me quiet and calm; it is only trifles that irritate my nerves.
Queen Victoria
JACL has always been at the very forefront of making sure citizens’ civil rights remain intact. They fight wholeheartedly against discrimination, prejudice and racial bias and they always provide a calm voice during turbulent times.
Tamlyn Tomita
My theater is slow and calm, yet my life is fast and hectic, going in all directions.
Robert Wilson
I have worked with some of the most important players, like Ronaldo, Ibrahimovic, Kaka, Zidane, but the best are easy to work with because they are so professional. Their winning mentality, professionalism, helps the manager. Of course, sometimes I become angry, but usually my relationship with the players is calm.
Carlo Ancelotti
Sanity calms, but madness is more interesting.
John Russell
You have to slow your heart rate, stay calm. You have t

You have to slow your heart rate, stay calm. You have to shoot in between your heartbeats.
Chris Kyle
When husbands and wives not only co-work but try to co-homemake, as post-feminist and well-intentioned as it is, out goes the clear delineation of spheres, out goes the calm of unquestioned authority, and of course, out goes the gratitude.
Sandra Tsing Loh
I know when the racing starts everything will calm down and the legs will be there. It’s in the days before you have to keep your mind occupied.
Sam Bennett
In retrospect, the political and cultural climate in the early ’60s seems both a time of innocence and also like a sultry, still summer day in the Midwest: an unsettling calm before a ferocious storm over Vietnam, which was not yet an American war.
Tom Brokaw
There is nothing better than having people around you who make you feel special, make you feel calm, make you feel normal.
Perrie Edwards
I like to show my ability on the field. I’m not one to show off with words. I’m really looking forward to the chance. I’m a calm goalkeeper, and above all, I’ve got a real desire to win. When I get on the pitch, I give everything for the team, everything for the shirt.
There’s a beautifully simple sketch in the first episode of ‘Smack the Pony:’ two women approach each other walking their dogs and as they pass the women bark at each other, the dogs remaining perfectly calm. It kills me every time.
Joe Lycett
I’m a big fan of both Linda Bassett and Pam Ferris, but had to pretend I was calm about it.
Charlotte Ritchie
It’s no secret the benefits of yoga include but are not limited to a healthy body, calm mind, reduced stress, feeling of connectivity with self and the world, increased awareness and sensitivity, and an overall feeling of awesomeness.
Tara Stiles
Violence is a calm that disturbs you.
Jean Genet
If the world is in complete flux for me and life is falling apart, if I just manage to get myself in front of a computer or at my desk, it calms.
Abi Morgan
I’d like to think that I’m a calm and sweet person. I tend to be very playful at home with my children, but in life… we have to fight our battles – our work battles, our political battles, our personal battles – and we’re focused.
Angelina Jolie
Even if I do miss a shot, I found something to keep me calm and not get myself rattled. Once I missed one, I’d tense up and I’d miss the next one, too. So I found a peace within myself.
Andre Drummond
When adversity strikes, that’s when you have to be the most calm. Take a step back, stay strong, stay grounded and press on.
LL Cool J
Sooner or later you learn that you belong in the big leagues, and that makes you calm down.
Dennis Eckersley
I grew up looking at my father as to how to behave. In watching him I grasped so many things. His own temperament was of a calm person. He was very composed and I never saw anger in him. To me, that was fascinating.
Sachin Tendulkar
Romance is tempestuous. Love is calm.
Mason Cooley
The British have a remarkable talent for keeping calm, even when there is no crisis.
Franklin P. Jones
There are times when I’m super-overwhelmed, and everything feels like it’s hitting me in the face at once, but I think what’s keeping me calm, and who I am by staying true to myself, is my whole family being so supportive and keeping me grounded. They treat me the exact same way they treated me years and years ago.
Shawn Mendes
My dog, Ramen… is the only one that keeps me calm when I experience being close to a panic attack and when I feel that pain and heat in my chest. That’s what emotional support animals do.
Kaitlyn Bristowe
He who is of calm and happy nature will hardly feel the pressure of age, but to him who is of an opposite disposition youth and age are equally a burden.
Vows made in storms are forgotten in calm.
Thomas Fuller
The attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon shook our nation to the core. Americans were deeply frightened, sad, and angry, and they rallied around a President who, at the time, showed impressive certitude and calm.
Eliot Spitzer
Stroking my dog calms me down.
Ben Fogle
I won promotion four times as a player, and I’m not going to deny I would enjoy another one as a manager, but you can ask any of the clubs I went up with and they will tell you the same. My focus was always dead calm, always on the next game.
Sean Dyche
If the blood humor is too strong and robust, calm it with balance and harmony.
Xun Kuang
I’m a Christian guy, and when it comes to my priorities, it’s the utmost. For me, just to calm myself down, to keep my perspective when I’m playing, to not make too big a deal of it… that’s where I go to. The peace that comes with that allows me to play free golf.
Zach Johnson
For horror movies, it’s great because I know exactly what I am doing and what should be done. But for a cop drama, I can’t calm my face down, and so it’s really nice to be able to be in this genre where nothing is too much, and no one yells at me for having big eyes.
Lauren Ashley Carter
‘What if?’ statements throw fuel on the fire of stress and worry. Things can go in a million different directions, and the more time you spend worrying about the possibilities, the less time you’ll spend focusing on taking action that will calm you down and keep your stress under control.
Travis Bradberry
I was always a great admirer of Zizou the player, but now I also admire him as a coach. I like how calm he is. This shows me that he’s not showcasing for the public or the camera. He’s a top trainer.
Jupp Heynckes
I don’t know if I’ve ever derived such an immediate sense of calm and well-being from any book as I did from ‘Right Ho, Jeeves.’ It was like I was Pac-Man and the book was a power-up.
Lev Grossman
Where there's a storm, from one moment to the next, God

Where there’s a storm, from one moment to the next, God can bring calm. That’s why I have faith. I confide in him and give myself to his hands.
Yoel Romero
Around women, I try to remain calm and collected.
Slim Jimmy
When I compete, I tell myself to be calm. It’s not something that’s the rest of your life. You’re in gymnastics for fun.
Amy Chow
Everybody fears the unknown. But I have a strong feeling there’s something bigger than us. I don’t think all this exists because some rocks happened to collide. I’m at peace. When it comes, I’ll be fine, calm. I’ll miss life, though. Especially my family.
Roger Ailes
I feel calm when I’m on my own.
Ray LaMontagne
To accustom the infant to get out of its own difficulties or to calm it by rocking it may be to lay the foundations of a good or of a bad disposition.
Jean Piaget
On game days, I do yoga as just a really short routine. It’s more to warm up and to calm down in the morning.
Christen Press
Unknown in Paris, I was lost in the great city, but the feeling of living there alone, taking care of myself without any aid, did not at all depress me. If sometimes I felt lonesome, my usual state of mind was one of calm and great moral satisfaction.
Marie Curie
I’ve experienced racism and homophobia my whole life, so I’ve trained myself to just deal with it calmly, to not cause a scene, and to find a way to calm the situation down.
Tan France
Italy was where the soul went to find calm and love, and I wanted to hold the best of it in the palm of my hand.
Lisa Brennan-Jobs
Controlled aggression, to me, is one of the most important traits to have. To have that social intelligence to know when to exert aggression in the military environment, and when to stay calm, cool, and collected.
Jonny Kim
I’m always composed, calm, and always believe in my own ability, and if I start well, then I end up having a good game, usually.
Declan Rice
Don’t let my facial expressions fool you. I try to stay poised and calm at all times, but I’m having a blast.
Paul Millsap
Truth, like the juice of the poppy, in small quantities, calms men; in larger, heats and irritates them, and is attended by fatal consequences in excess.
Walter Savage Landor
I want to show I can control my emotion and aggression and stay calm.
Aleksandar Mitrovic
I consider myself a very secure and calm keeper.
Keylor Navas
I want my children to be proud of their father and to say, ‘My father is the best dad in the world.’ And I want them to belong to a modern family, and live a path of happiness and calm.
Ricky Martin
Working makes me happy, makes me calm.
Alicia Vikander
Music is a great part of my life. It helps me relax and keep calm whenever I am not boxing.
Joseph Parker
When I start my mornings, I put some essential oils in a diffuser; it might be orange blossom or jasmine to energize and spruce me up or lavender at night to really calm me down.
Katie Lowes
As a kid, I had a lot of energy; but the ballet lessons made me calm – this pleased my mother.
Penelope Cruz
I am a professional. At the circuit I am calm. At home I am very different.
Jean Alesi
You have to be strong and calm to overcome difficult moments.
Dani Alves
Beautiful music is the art of the prophets that can calm the agitations of the soul; it is one of the most magnificent and delightful presents God has given us.
Martin Luther
The yoga pose helps me to calm down and focus when I need to.
Brianna Hildebrand
I made three or four different fonts during ‘Short Term 12’ -‘ it was how I’d calm my mind between scenes. I have graph paper and gel pens, and I would do the alphabet: just do ‘a’ over and over again until I got it perfect and then go to ‘b’ and then ‘c’.
Brie Larson
‘Balance’ is a soft word. It implies calm, something almost yogic, but that’s not it at all. The process is always chaotic and turbulent.
Edwin Catmull
My confidence has grown so much in the past few years that even when I’m not playing my best, I still feel calm on court and find a way to win.
Kiki Bertens
You practice mindfulness, on the one hand, to be calm and peaceful. On the other hand, as you practice mindfulness and live a life of peace, you inspire hope for a future of peace.
Thich Nhat Hanh
I tend to do yoga before I go on stage, so that keeps me nice and calm.
Neve McIntosh
I don’t have to try to be perfect because I know that my fans like me for who I am. They like me because I am weird and kind of funky, but still really calm.
Bella Thorne
Zidane's success comes from transmitting calm and never

Zidane’s success comes from transmitting calm and never changing that no matter what is happening. That serenity and tranquility conveys confidence and security. He talks little but when he does, it matters.
Raphael Varane
With the coming of spring, I am calm again.
Gustav Mahler
I’ve always been calm, and I’m very good in a crisis.
Aja Brown
My daughter is full energy, like my wife and I, and strong-minded and has an opinion, like we do. And my boys, one’s a bit more calm and chill, and the other is much more sensitive to things. You see this right away, when they’re first born. One cried, one didn’t, with the boys.
Chris Hemsworth
I have a pretty classic look, so people think I’m pretty calm but I’m the opposite – I can’t sit still.
Toni Garrn
A desire arises in the mind. It is satisfied immediately another comes. In the interval which separates two desires a perfect calm reigns in the mind. It is at this moment freed from all thought, love or hate. Complete peace equally reigns between two mental waves.
Swami Sivananda
The bigger the crowd the better really! The noise calms your nerves.
Niall Horan
The most intense conflicts, if overcome, leave behind a sense of security and calm that is not easily disturbed. It is just these intense conflicts and their conflagration which are needed to produce valuable and lasting results.
Carl Jung
Doubt is an uneasy and dissatisfied state from which we struggle to free ourselves and pass into the state of belief; while the latter is a calm and satisfactory state which we do not wish to avoid, or to change to a belief in anything else.
Charles Sanders Peirce
For the sake of calm in the country, I am ready to sacrifice my own sanity.
Alexander Lukashenko
I think having a child makes you calm down. You sit still.
Kevin Nealon
Not a lot of people know this, but I’m very good at mathematics. When I was an angry teenager, I used to sit in my room and do quadratic equations to calm myself down.
Samantha Bond
People think our music’s very aggressive or angry or whatever, and it’s just the opposite, really… I like laughing. And I like being really calm before a show, and smiley.
Serj Tankian
I am very calm, because I know how hard I am working and how much effort I am putting in.
There will always be criticism, but I remained calm and relaxed.
My mum calls my temper ‘Devilman.’ They say you calm down with age, but I don’t know. It never goes away.
Vinnie Jones
My house is a very calm and beautiful place and is full of positive energy.
Chris de Burgh
Criticism is, for me, like essay writing, a wonderful way of relaxation; it doesn’t require a heightened and mediated voice, like prose fiction, but rather a calm, rational, even conversational voice.
Joyce Carol Oates
Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm.
Publilius Syrus
I have been to Golden Temple couple of times now. I feel calm and at peace when I am there. It’s a very special place for me because I have a lot of childhood memories with my family there.
Jasmin Bhasin
What was good yesterday might be bad the next morning, so you have to keep calm.
Niko Kovac
For some reason, I find jogging incredibly boring, but yoga is the only thing I’ve been able to consistently do over the years. I think it’s because it also is sort of a mental exercise and calms you and refocuses you. So I find that that’s great, and sometimes someone will drag me to a spin class or on a hike.
Alexandra Daddario
In the lead-up to fights, I’m very relaxed, very calm.
David Haye
The Macorinos and me – there’s a big space between our generations. The people I was used to work with, we will do everything faster. And the Macorinos were more, like, calm. They were patient with music, and they were paying a lot of attention to the details.
Natalia Lafourcade
When I hit a block, regardless of what I am writing, what the subject matter is, or what’s going on in the plot, I go back and I read Pablo Neruda’s poetry. I don’t actually speak Spanish, so I read it translation. But I always go back to Neruda. I don’t know why, but it calms me, calms my brain.
Tea Obreht
I’m constantly trying to be strong, to be calm when things get tough. The biggest part of that is keeping things in perspective, not being afraid of playing long matches, not putting too much pressure on yourself. It can’t be all or nothing, right here, right now.
Johanna Konta
Many of my fans often tell me that they listen to my songs to get through things. And therefore, obviously, I hope that they can picture being in a place where things are better… I hope my songs can bring people to a calm place.
We have been training penalties and for me, I know my mindset is one of my strongest attributes of my game. I know those are the moments when I can really shine, and bring the attributes that I’m good at, and that is being calm and composed and trusting myself.
Stephanie Labbe
Fear cannot be banished, but it can be calm and without panic; it can be mitigated by reason and evaluation.
Vannevar Bush
You’ll never have any trouble with Mr. T, I’m just a big, calm teddy bear kind of guy. Mr. T ain’t ashamed to cry. When I go out and I meet people who are suffering and they come and talk to me, Mr. T cries, Mr. T who could break a man’s jaw with his fist.
Mr. T
Maybe you are the ‘cool’ generation If coolness means a capacity to stay calm and use your head in the service of ends passionately believed in, then it has my admiration.
Kingman Brewster, Jr.
I know I perform best when I stay calm.

I know I perform best when I stay calm.
Shikhar Dhawan
I don’t think you should always stay calm in a tense situation, because you might not ever confront the problem. Maybe it’s better to actually let yourself be tense – and find a solution.
Yoko Ono
True love is not a strong, fiery, impetuous passion. It is, on the contrary, an element calm and deep. It looks beyond mere externals, and is attracted by qualities alone. It is wise and discriminating, and its devotion is real and abiding.
Ellen G. White
The ideal of calm exists in a sitting cat.
Jules Renard
I ask for calm yet resolute voices to be heard in our communities. It is imperative that people of good will, those who believe in a just and fair criminal justice system, hear our voices.
Marcia Fudge
The language of excitement is at best picturesque merely. You must be calm before you can utter oracles.
Henry David Thoreau
Anybody can pilot a ship when the sea is calm.
Navjot Singh Sidhu
What was special about Leonard Cohen’s work was its calm mystery.
Julia Holter
The moon is at her full, and riding high, Floods the calm fields with light. The airs that hover in the summer sky Are all asleep tonight.
William Cullen Bryant
Having fun with family, playing video games, and listening to music calms me down and gets me away from the NBA world.
Pascal Siakam
I was famous in our college for calm and impassionate discussion; for one whole summer, I rose at five and went to bed at midnight, that I might have sufficient time for theology and metaphysics.
William Godwin
I am criticised for not celebrating my goals enough. I am very happy from within, very calm. I just don’t celebrate. I celebrate inside.
Sunil Chhetri
In regular life, I’m somebody pretty simple, pretty calm.
Jo-Wilfried Tsonga
We may not only find faith in God in our sorrow. We may also become faithful to Him in times of calm.
Thomas S. Monson
One of my key realizations about happiness, and a point oddly under-emphasized by positive psychologists, given its emphasis in popular culture, is that outer order contributes to inner calm. More than it should.
Gretchen Rubin
I like to be funny. I can’t stay all the time focused, disciplined, controlled. Behaviour like that is impossible. If the players are too nervous before a game, I have to relax them, calm them.
Carlo Ancelotti
The purpose of meditation is to make our mind calm and peaceful. If our mind is peaceful, we will be free from worries and mental discomfort, and so we will experience true happiness. But if our mind is not peaceful, we will find it very difficult to be happy, even if we are living in the very best conditions.
Kelsang Gyatso
If you are calm about your ambitions, you become confident of achieving what you set out to do.
Shiv Nadar
I have experienced within my own lifetime the attack of my winter camp and the killing of the women and children. It left me even angrier than I was – and I was never too calm to begin with.
John Trudell
Sometimes, people say, ‘You need to fight smart.’ After a fight gets started I don’t know what happens with me. I feel crazy. A lot of times my coach says, ‘Calm down. Calm.’
Wanderlei Silva
Adrenaline is a huge deal. All of a sudden you start hitting the golf ball a little bit farther. You learn to stay within yourself and what you have to do to calm yourself down and stay within your game plan.
Gary Woodland
I still start to get panicky each morning before I go on television. I’ll say, ‘I’m in awful shape, something is wrong,’ and if I start to look like I’m going off the deep end, Jimmy Straka, the stage manager, will say, ‘You’re all right. Calm down.’ Then Bryant Gumbel will grab me by the leg or something.
Willard Scott
I’ve learned that I can be calm during important points.
Bianca Andreescu
I am calm most of the time.
Claudia Schiffer
I do a lot of yoga and meditation. It calms my nerves and helps me channelise my energy.
Vijender Singh
Anyone can take the wheel of the ship in calm water but it’s not so easy when it’s not calm water. You can’t just enjoy the good times, you have to be resilient in the tough times.
Sean Dyche
I get booed everywhere I go. If that can take that off my teammates, that’s good. Everyone else can just be calm.
Patrick Beverley
Take a deep breath. When the game comes, no matter what happens, you can always keep your cool. I’m a bit of a hot head, a bit of a spaz, so it really helps me calm myself down during the game.
Mike Daniels
A calm environment is for after I finish work.
Lee Child
I like to keep a calm set.
John Hillcoat
I have to stay calm, cool, and collected.
Canelo Alvarez
If I'm in a pressurised situation, I've learned to brea

If I’m in a pressurised situation, I’ve learned to breathe, chill myself out and be calm.
Fallon Sherrock
This kitchen is completely calm. Some of the old-fashioned chefs – they become kings in their kitchen, they’ve got to be called chef. But I don’t care if someone calls me chef or Heston, it really doesn’t bother me.
Heston Blumenthal
It’s all about tuning out the noise, tuning out all the stuff that simply doesn’t move the game forward – the doubt, the personal agendas, the often deafening fear of judgment and the need to please – so that you can ultimately get to that place of quiet, of calm, where you can focus on what really matters.
Bonnie Hammer
Everybody should have his personal sounds to listen for – sounds that will make him exhilarated and alive or quiet and calm.
Andre Kostelanetz
By putting people around me who will calm me down and slow me down and make sure I work through an issue.
Donna Shalala
I love living in Birmingham, it’s just a lovely gentle life, and it’s calm. And it’s full of Brummies who I find hilarious.
Joe Lycett
I traditionally like to be patient, calm and look for openings – try to box for a few rounds until I figure out what the best thing in the ring will be for me.
Mikey Garcia
I’m not even sure where home is. Probably Terminal 5. There is a strange sense of calm about arriving back at Heathrow.
Alex Turner
Honestly, I want to live a calm life without being in the press. I want to be like any other American citizen who gets a speeding ticket or has an argument with his spouse… and doesn’t have the whole world know.
George Zimmerman
I think any manager who tells you, ‘I am very good at keeping my equilibrium. I’m always calm and reasoned, and results don’t affect me particularly. I can take the good with the bad, and I can put the wins and the losses in perspective,’ you will find a special person. I’ve never met one.
Roy Hodgson
Unknown in Paris, I was lost in the great city, but the feeling of living there alone, taking care of myself without any aid, did not at all depress me. If sometimes I felt lonesome, my usual state of mind was one of calm and great moral satisfaction.
Marie Curie
Obviously people want social calm, but if you do not let clever and ingenious people to participate, obviously there must be some dormant volcano that will erupt, sooner or later.
Lech Walesa
I don’t like to have a calm, orderly, quiet place to work. I often compose while driving, compose in my head. It is true that I wrote my little book, ‘The Sounds of Poetry, A Brief Guide,’ almost entirely in airplanes and airport departure lounges.
Robert Pinsky
People choose to struggle when people don’t want to relax. Sometimes it is not on your side. Relax; calm down. No matter how hard the waves are, you will float on the ocean.
Kubra Sait
I have to have sound in my ears for 10 minutes prior. I come to the theater early, two hours, just to calm down and warm up.
Jason Butler Harner
We all have our daily prescription of yoga, football, religion, or whatever gets us through that day. My thing is music. It’s the only thing that gives me a sense of calm and balance. It’s the thing I know I’m good at.
Richard Ashcroft
I make spaces that are calm rather than confrontational. I seek a certain kind of logic that allows you to move in space and perceive it as beautiful and rational. Clarity is a worthwhile quality.
Annabelle Selldorf
I like to smile. I smile even when I’m nervous since it calms me down and shows my friendliness.
Yani Tseng
I inherited that calm from my father, who was a farmer. You sow, you wait for good or bad weather, you harvest, but working is something you always need to do.
Miguel Indurain
The answer is never violence. Rather, the answer, our answer, all our answer must be action. Calm, peaceful, collaborative and determined action.
Loretta Lynch
Something I had learned from 30 years as a psychotherapist turned Fortune 500 executive coach when helping people to calm down is that it is much less important what you tell others than what you enable them to tell you and, in the process, tell themselves that results in them calming themselves down.
Mark Goulston
It’s times of relative calm and ease that I start to wind myself up.
Katy Tur