Top 383 Conservatives Quotes

Conservatives have long been suspicious that Romney isn’t truly one of them. The release of his tax returns should settle the matter once and for all: He’s not only to be accepted, but admired and emulated – and by liberals as well as conservatives.
John Podhoretz
Conservatives by and large believe in the corrective power of the free market above all. If we don’t like how private companies are doing business, we should just start our own to compete, right?
Charlie Kirk
That’s why we don’t give the government extra money as conservatives because government generally stinks at spending money. That’s why!
Dan Bongino
Used to be, conservatives revered the Average American, that Norman Rockwell oil painting of diner food, humble faith, honest toil, and Capraesque virtue.
James Wolcott
The main difference between liberals and conservatives is that conservatives are honest about it. We’re kind of dorks about it. We are kind of like Dungeons and Dragons geeks.
Jonah Goldberg
Conservatives who decried Trump’s rise (and those who scoffed at his chances of winning a single primary were legion) are the same ‘purist’ boxing snobs who could never grasp the popularity – and populist legitimacy – of wrestling.
Lisa Kennedy Montgomery
Conservatives cannot be absent from the debate on inequality and equality in the nation.
Pierre Poilievre
Radical conservatives want to police bedrooms.
Robert Reich
The Conservatives will have a serious plan that is not a tax on families and businesses, that will get our emissions down by partnering, by being strategic and and taking it seriously, but not through just a tax mechanism.
Erin O’Toole
You always want to have a mix of conservatives and liberals on a panel, especially on election night.
Constance Zimmer
I think that there is a changing wind. There are black conservatives out there, and their voices need to be heard.
Allen West
We got our freedom and our liberty from the Creator, from God. That is a lesson conservatives have to remember.
Lawrence Kudlow
Consistent conservatives should frame their views in accordance with the fundamental belief that individuals, not governments, have the right to determine the course of their own lives.
Richard Grenell
Like the other Republican candidates, Mr. Trump is pro-life, pro-marriage and will appoint conservatives to the courts.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Conservatives always knew that the Left made a concerted effort to dominate in the entertainment field because it’s such a fabulous way to plant the seed of an agenda. Sugar helps the medicine go down, as does seeing it on the silver screen or hearing it in a catchy pop hook.
Dana Loesch
One of the most pervasive political visions of our time is the vision of liberals as compassionate and conservatives as less caring.
Thomas Sowell
I believe that Conservatives do best when we focus on strong ideas for our future and when we leverage the strength of grassroots across the country.
Erin O’Toole
I believe 2014 will be another historic year for conservatives in Arkansas, and I stand ready to help with that effort and make sure a conservative wins the 2nd Congressional District.
Tim Griffin
While Democrats fussed with the details of health care reforms, conservatives spent months telling the nation that the real issue is freedom, that what’s on the line is American liberty itself.
Thomas Frank
No day passes without a Democratic politician, a left-wing commentator, or, if I may be excused a redundancy, a left-wing academic labeling Republicans and conservatives racist.
Dennis Prager
In 2008, conservatives ridiculed the Left for its adulation of Barack Obama, only to succumb to their own cult of personality eight years later.
Charlie Sykes
What I am saying is that Donald Trump can still get a lot of votes from a lot of conservatives like me, but I would like some assurances on where he’s going to stand his ground. I’d like some assurances that he’s going to be a vigorous defender for the U.S. Constitution.
Mike Lee
The sanctity of private property is so fundamental a part of the American settlement that the country’s conservatives look with suspicion on any policy that seems to prevent people from doing what they will with what is theirs.
Roger Scruton
The silent majority really is a liberal majority, even though the word liberal has taken a real beating over the last 20 years by radical conservatives.
Robert Reich
Conservatives, in general, are anti-immigrant for the same reasons they have always been anti-immigrant – a proud tradition in our nation of immigrants going back to the days of the Founders, when Ben Franklin thought we were going to be overrun by Germans. But Business likes illegal workers.
Molly Ivins
It was the Conservatives who first protected people in

It was the Conservatives who first protected people in the mills.
George Osborne
I have conservative relatives. I maintain some relationships with some conservatives going back to the 1990s… Not in any meaningful way.
David Brock
It is the ultimate conceit of conservatives: that more than half of American voters don’t make up more than half of our country.
Kurt Eichenwald
And in English Canada, no one really knows where the support is coming from, but Conservatives would assume that it’s bleeding from the Liberals. So we have a divided left in Canada.
Rick Mercer
The media doesn’t understand conservatives at all.
Dana Loesch
Conservatives should defend free speech – but we must not amplify it when it’s blatantly grotesque.
S.E. Cupp
Social conservatives have been involved in the pro-life movement for decades.
Mollie Hemingway
I deal with gay and black conservatives who don’t want to be called Uncle Toms of their politically correct Marxist multi-cultural unit structure. And they come to me saying, ‘What can I do?’ And I say, ‘Lay low.’
Andrew Breitbart
I am not going to stand by as people like Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg silence the voices of millions of conservatives.
Laura Loomer
For Conservatives, all disputes over law, liberty and justice are addressed to a historic and existing community. The root of politics, they believe, is attachment – the motive in human beings that binds them to the place, the customs, the history and the people who are theirs.
Roger Scruton
Actually, I never really look at myself as a real radical activist; I am more the conservative. I mean, the conservatives are trying to conserve; the radicals are destroying the planet.
Paul Watson
True conservatives fear anything that is at odds with the status quo, even to the extent of being unable to recognise when the status quo represents injustice. And reactionary conservatives actually want to tear down the gains of the past.
Anthony Albanese
The most passionately anti-Obama Republican politicians and activists consider themselves the truest and purest of conservatives, and often unleash their scorn and fury on others who also call themselves conservative but differ on strategy and tactics.
John Podhoretz
Liberals like using government to solve problems in OUR country and conservatives are using our government to solve problems in OTHER countries.
Matthew Lesko
The history of the modern Republican Party is the story of moderates being driven out and conservatives taking over – and then of those conservatives in turn being ousted by those even further to the right.
Max Boot
For decades, conservatives have struggled with containing crackpottery, most notably William F. Buckley’s famous excommunication of the John Birch Society in the 1960s.
Charlie Sykes
I think there is an overwhelming support for campaign finance reform, and that includes conservatives and Republicans. Where the problem is is with the leadership; with the politicians who are benefiting from the big campaign contributions, and the dark money in the electioneering communications and so forth.
Richard Painter
Social conservatives are very focused on strengthening the family, and I think they are right to do so. One of the worst blind spots of the Left has been its reluctance to say that marriage matters for children.
Jonathan Haidt
2010 is not just a choice between Republicans and Democrats. 2010 is not just a choice between liberals and conservatives. 2010 is a referendum on the very identity of our nation.
Marco Rubio
There are going to be times when we disagree with our leadership, but ultimately, we’ve got to work hard to pull our leadership to the right and to move a conservative agenda forward and unite as conservatives if we’re going to get things done.
Steve Scalise
Conservatives have the advantage of knowing how to debate each other on issues, principles, and priorities, and that is where they should engage Trump.
Tom Tancredo
Conservatives are often fond of La Rochefoucauld’s famous aphorism that ‘Hypocrisy is a tribute that vice pays to virtue,’ and so tend to downplay hypocrisy as a sin. But in the marketplace of ideas they champion, hypocrisy may yet turn out to be the deadliest – or costliest – of sins.
Bari Weiss
I’m willing to stand behind this concept, that as conservatives, we can win the Hispanic vote without selling out the values. I don’t think we need to compromise.
George P. Bush
Conservatives reveal themselves through their care for ordinary human things, and their recognition of the fragility of decency and the need to protect it.
Roger Scruton
Conservatives want to see every Canadian prosper.
Andrew Scheer
Conservatives believe in smaller government and in the power of the electorate. So I think that we’re less likely to try to use a dramatic forum to warp people’s political views.
David Mamet
Conservatives define themselves more by their hatred of liberals than anything else, and, conversely, liberals by their distaste for conservatives.
Graydon Carter
Conservatives have always embraced the idea of grammar schools – that giving a top tier education to bright children from working class backgrounds provides them with the opportunities their middle class counterparts take for granted.
Dawn Foster
Conservatives are the heirs to the Founders’ vision. But we have to act like it.
Ken Cuccinelli