Words matter. These are the best Former Quotes from famous people such as Octavia E. Butler, Aaron Schock, Martin McGuinness, Victor Cruz, Mike Rogers, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.
I’m comfortably asocial – a hermit in the middle of a large city, a pessimist if I’m not careful, a feminist, a black, a former Baptist, an oil-and-water combination of ambition, laziness, insecurity, certainty and drive.
I have always had great respect for former president Mandela. The personal sacrifices he made in order to achieve what was right for the people of South Africa is something I carry with me every day.
As a former member of the IRA, I accept all the responsibilities that are due to me. But in terms of the individual circumstances, I don’t comment on that.
I don’t recognize my former self. Like I’m on the outside looking in at my life. Who is that guy?
Well, I’m a former FBI agent.
The decisive moment in human evolution is perpetual. That is why the revolutionary spiritual movements that declare all former things worthless are in the right, for nothing has yet happened.
My husband is a former rocker and in charge of our humungous music collection, and I’ve recently been asking him for classical music.
Don Siegelman should be a star in the Democratic Party. Instead, he’s a former elected official sentenced to prison by a right-wing judge in Alabama.
My mother was a – she worked at a halfway house. And one of the former inmates slid me a mix-tape full of different hip-hop songs. And so that was my first kind of experience with rap music.
In New York, the former lack of real competition allowed taxis to extract excessive charges, regardless of the poor service.
At the end of my life, is it better to say that I empowered people to make great stuff, or that I died with a net worth of $10 billion? Obviously I’m picking the former, although I would not mind both.
The object of all the former voyages to the South Seas undertaken by the command of his present majesty, has been the advancement of science and the increase of knowledge.
When former President Carlos Salinas de Gortari passed the torch to Zedillo, he knew that economic difficulty lay ahead but believed that the Yale-trained economist’s impeccable technical credentials would be enough to maintain Mexico’s stability.
Never let your zeal outrun your charity. The former is but human, the latter is divine.
Under the guidance of the former President of India, APJ Abdul Kalam, I have been doing this green initiative. My aim is to plant 1 crore sapling in Tamil Nadu.
I’ve always deplored bad heterosexual values that dictate the minute a marriage is over the former partners no longer speak to each other; only straights could be so cruel and inhuman as to reject totally the person with whom they’ve shared their life for 20 or 30 years.
I found a correlation between the spreading of democracy after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the rise in slavery. Now, as countries, former Communist countries, became so-called democratic, people started to be enslaved by their own countrymen.
Part of being a former abortion clinic worker is learning how to deal with your past sin.
I used to live in Chris Rock’s former apartment. I’ve got some junk mail for him if he wants it.
People say that wrestling is not ballet. But as a former ballerina, I’d like to see some of these men put on a pair of tights and go do what a dancer does. Because it’s a lot! It’s definitely difficult.
The testimony of former abortion workers can help persuade lawmakers to create fair laws that protect women from dirty abortion facilities.
Although separating mitochondria and microsomes might appear worlds apart from the determination of the molecular weight of macromolecules, certain concepts were common to the two operations and could be usefully transposed from the latter to the former.
A man writing a letter is a man in the act of thinking, and it was an exercise Reagan obviously enjoyed. After his first meeting with Gorbachev, for example, he sent a ‘Dear Murph’ letter about it to his old friend George Murphy, a former senator and actor who had once played Reagan’s father in a film.
At 24 I was a wannabe. I was not a ‘former TV presenter’ as everybody says – I was a young girl living on a wish, appearing on the roulette channel at 1 am and selling cordless kettles on Channel 953.
Putin himself is a character out of fiction, an uber-macho former Soviet thug running a massive, expansionist kleptocracy. The man stages photographs riding horses barechested and hunting tigers. His enemies find themselves on the wrong end of radioactive poisoning.
It is essential that we realize once and for all that man is much more of a sex creature than a moral creature. The former is inherent, the other is grafted on.
Well, actually, I had been working as a consultant to former companies of Enron, or predecessor companies of Enron and, so, I joined in 1990 to really start our wholesale merchant business.
All religions have based morality on obedience, that is to say, on voluntary slavery. That is why they have always been more pernicious than any political organization. For the latter makes use of violence, the former – of the corruption of the will.
There are two classes of women in Soviet Russia. There is the professional class, which has taken the place of the nobility and includes government officials, artists, doctors, composers and writers as well as former members of the old nobility whose sympathy is with the Soviets, and also the peasant class.
In 1977, I wrote a series of poems about a character, Black Bart, a former cattle rustler-turned-alchemist. A good friend, Claude Purdy, who is a stage director, suggested I turn the poems into a play.
When the Securities & Exchange Commission settled securities-fraud charges against Richard Harriton, former chairman of the clearing subsidiary of Bear, Stearns & Co., there were smiles all around. The SEC was happy. Harriton was happy. Bear Stearns was happy.
The difference between a gas and a liquid is that in the former, the atoms and molecules move to and fro in an independent existence, whereas in the latter, they are always in touch with one another, though they are changing partners continually.
When asked if I miss being in government, I usually try to lighten the moment by responding that I awake most days, read the paper, and then observe that, ‘It’s yet another great day to be the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency.’
If those who are the enemies of innocent amusements had the direction of the world, they would take away the spring, and youth, the former from the year, the latter from human life.
Those who do not think religious organizations should have an opinion on climate change misunderstand the former and the moral dimension of the latter.
Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is a great leader, possesses the highest possible character, and also happens to be a Browns fan.
The SAS Reserve tends to be made up of former paratroopers and commandos who still want a challenge, but it is open to civilians.
I wanted to win the gold medal and then go home and further my education in college. I had no intentions whatsoever to become a professional fighter because I had heard horror stories about former boxers who made money but, in the end, ended up with nothing. I didn’t want to be one of those guys.
The CIA could not face up to the American people and admit that its former employees had conspired to assassinate the President; so from the moment Kennedy’s heart stopped beating, the Agency attempted to sweep the whole conspiracy under the rug.
(On seeing a former lover for the first time in years) I thought I told you to wait in the car.
My mum was born in the former Czechoslovakia, and even though my grandparents weren’t wealthy, they were aristocrats in their time.
Most cocktails containing liquor are made today with gin and ingenuity. In brief, take an ample supply of the former and use your imagination. For the benefit of a minority, it is courteous to serve chilled fruit juice in addition to cocktails made with liquor.
Kochi, formerly called Cochin, is a former European settlement with a large Christian population and a seafaring heritage. It is a town of enormous charm that reminds some visitors of the Caribbean more than India.
As a former music magazine editor, I still pine for the days when I used to know about all the best jams and new bands.
Taxpayers should not be on the hook for subsidizing former presidents’ lives to the tune of millions of dollars.
No one reaches the Oval Office without a great deal of admiration for the institution – and himself – so it’s unsurprising that sitting presidents favor the biographies of former presidents.
There are angels that receive more interiorly the Divine that goes forth from the Lord, and others that receive it less interiorly; the former are called celestial angels, and the latter spiritual angels.
As a rule, I am very skeptical of tying books to anniversaries. I don’t think readers care. I also feel that it just about guarantees that somebody else will be writing a book on the same subject, but being a former journalist, I’m always interested in, like, why write about something today? Why do it now?
As a former recipient of these services I can honestly say that the overwhelming majority of TANF recipients are hard-working Americans who are down on their luck, and just want an opportunity to better their lives and those of their family through work and access to education.
The poor man wishes to conceal his poverty, and the rich man his wealth: the former fears lest he be despised, the latter lest he be plundered.
Former President Bill Clinton, who is widely regarded as a political mastermind, may have sounded like a traditional liberal at the beginning of his term in office. But what ultimately defined his presidency was his amazing pliability on matters of principle.
As a former member of President Obama’s economic team, I have a soft spot for the fiscal stimulus legislation he signed just a month after his inauguration.
I turned to the novel, an artistic form which had in former days been neglected and had thus acquired a bad reputation, but which during the nineteenth century had developed and elevated itself to the ranks occupied by drama and the ancient epic.
I have zero desire, just so you know, to be in the limelight. I don’t think it’s good for the country to have a former president criticize his successor. You’re not going to see me giving my opinions in the public arena, until I start selling my book. I’m going to emerge then submerge.
Sometimes, as a former football player, we have to go into that away game and silence the crowd. And just let them know I am the man. I’m going to be here for a long time.
What I have more of a problem accepting is the criticism of former players turned journalists, who – some of them – spread their hatred.
These women were taking over these former manufacturing warehouses in SoHo and figuring out a way to be fashionable and viable without money. It’s hard to imagine a life like that in Manhattan now – there’s something romantic about it.
Undoubtedly, there are members of the former regime that are cooperating in some fashion and then there are extremists that are within Iraq that are cooperating with them.
The Cold War did end in the victory of one side and in the defeat of the other. This reality cannot be denied, despite the understandable sensitivities that such a conclusion provokes among the tenderhearted in the West and some of the former leaders of the defeated side.
I was attached to the SAS from time to time, but we are forbidden – former, present, or future – to discuss any specific operations.
The need for a permanent status resolution approved by Congress is made even more clear to me because of my experience as a former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations.
The difference between brown and white rice is that the former is not milled. With the outer bran and germ intact, the rice is therefore chewier and nuttier.
‘Aashiqui 2’ and ‘Yeh Jawaani’ were hit films, especially the former film in which I was the protagonist.
Jails and prisons are the complement of schools; so many less as you have of the latter, so many more must you have of the former.
To return after long years of painful absence to some place which has been the scene of our former joys, and whence the force of circumstance, and not choice, has driven us, is oppressive to the heart.
When you say a ‘former child star,’ you may as well say ‘failed child star.’
When my co-founder and I first had the idea for IronPort, an email security company, we triangulated a list of the 20 most relevant people in email – former CEOs, open source technologists, investors and thought leaders.
Before deciding what to do about national space policy, Obama set up an outside review panel of space experts, headed up by my friend Norm Augustine, former head of Lockheed Martin and a former government official.
The prudent see only the difficulties, the bold only the advantages, of a great enterprise; the hero sees both; diminishes the former and makes the latter preponderate, and so conquers.
Al Gore, the former vice-president of the United States, lives in a mansion that uses more electricity than the average family’s bungalow! David Suzuki rides on a bus that uses more fuel than a Smart car to get across Canada! Oh my God! And this is just the tip of the vanishing iceberg!
All nonmimetic fiction is a balancing act between ‘reality’ and the obviously unreal, with no attempt by the author to make the latter seem like the former. Sometimes it’s not an easy tightrope to walk. But when it succeeds, such fiction can brilliantly illuminate the human condition.
Grandeur and beauty are so very opposite, that you often diminish the one as you increase the other. Variety is most akin to the latter, simplicity to the former.
If you look at where presidents come from, they’re former governors or senators.
‘Hispanic’ is a reference to Hispania, the name by which Spain was known in the Roman period, and there has always been strong ambivalence toward Spain in its former colonies.
I am that prodigal son who wasted all the portion entrusted to me by my father. But I have not yet fallen at my father’s knees. I have not yet begun to put away from me the enticements of my former riotous living.
As Indian women, we are always balancing work, life, home, etc. It’s important to know that while juggling rubber balls and glass balls, the former may bounce back when you miss, but the glass balls will crack if you let them fall. So prioritise, prioritise, prioritise.
As a writer and former elected official, I believe in the power of words.
A likely source for terrorists seeking to buy or steal nuclear materials is the former Soviet Union.
The biggest downside of my current job is that I have to wear a suit to work. Wearing uncomfortable clothes on purpose is an example of what former Princeton hockey player and Nobel Prize winner Michael Spence taught economists to call ‘signaling.’
I still love my former wife, I won’t call her my ex-wife.
Not many child stars make it out of Hollywood alive or sane, and at any given time there are at least three former ones having very public breakdowns.
What a thing is and what it means are not separate, the former being physical and the latter mental as we are accustomed to believe.
In due course, following an additional debriefing, the FBI confirmed to me and to my former counsel, Tom Carter, that I was not a suspect in this case. I assumed that my involvement in the investigation was over.
Hey, I’m a former union president myself and also an attorney that represented a lot of unions.
At bottom, the decision to pardon Nixon was a political judgment properly within the bounds of Ford’s constitutional authority. The specter of a former president in the criminal dock as our country moved into its bicentennial year was profoundly disturbing.
The red directors were one of the main political forces. Another force was the former Soviet ministers who lost everything because of the transformation of the Soviet Union to Russia.
I used to have a standing as a cartoon schlepper, now I’m only a former cartoon schlepper.
I’ve never been a huge Zeppelin fan, much to the chagrin of everybody else in my former band. But certainly those Pink Floyd records, I was really into them, especially ‘Dark Side of the Moon.’
In August 1945, a former Army pilot with an artificial leg pitched five and a third innings for Washington against Boston. This would turn out to be Bert Shepard’s only major league game, and it remains one of the heartwarming moments in baseball history.
America is a place of many great events. Here is where Adam dwelt, where the Garden of Eden was located. America was the place of former civilizations, including Adam’s, the Jaredites’, and Nephites’.
Then my extended family, there are preachers and evangelists, former priests. So I have quite a bit of history with Church, religion and spirituality.
I don’t think I win most interviews. For instance, with Fidel Castro, I only spoke with him one minute and three seconds. But I think he won because I couldn’t get anything from him. With the former president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, it happened exactly the same thing.
For years, I longed to hear Armstrong describe what it was like to contemplate Earth from 238,900 miles away. Former Space Center director George Abbey once told me that many NASA astronauts felt that looking at Earth was akin to a religious experience.
Don’t confuse hypothesis and theory. The former is a possible explanation; the latter, the correct one. The establishment of theory is the very purpose of science.
Kate O’Hare is a former SEAL and is currently in the FBI – we know that there are no women in the SEALs, but we think there should be.
The next time a former child star is in the news, look at the age at which he or she started performing. Then imagine making a life-changing decision at that age. Chances are good he or she wasn’t the one who made it.
The jealousy and resentment that animate the terrorists also affect many of our former cold war allies.
Doing nothing would stress me out. So I am still pretty much active practicing judo with my friends, who are former judo athletes, to maintain our fitness as well as the friendships among us. In my spare time, I usually go jogging around the Gelora Bung Karno stadium or head to the gym.
As a former police officer, I have long advocated that it is not only the job of the NYPD to make our communities safe. I have also stated that it is not solely the role of ACS to fight child abuse. The community at large must do their share in with these important initiatives.
My sense is that, when you look at what people such as former Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein have said over the years, you don’t go with a story unless you have two independent sources to confirm it.
Although many seniors are happy with the generous drug coverage they have from their former employers, the number of companies offering that kind of coverage has decreased by one-third since the mid-1980s.
As a former prosecutor, I will always be on the side of the law and not any particular constituency.
David Beckham is a patriot, and I am sure he will help in any way he can. Beckham needs to be part of any future plans to remould the England set-up. Beckham and players like him need to be integrated into the set-up in the same way that the Germans take on board former players from Beckenbauer to Rummenigge.
I still owe a duty of loyalty to my clients and former clients, so I cannot specify which clients I did not especially find congenial, but the cause was the same.
I’m a Republican. I’m a former Red Sox. I have a nasty habit of talking – a lot – about anything anyone asks me and totally unconcerned about giving you my opinion. You will never question where I stand – right or wrong, agree or disagree – on anything.
I don’t fight the suburban areas or collar counties. I get along with them; they’re former Chicagoans anyway.
The pathological degree to which former Vice President Dick Cheney operated in secrecy led to government abuses that we’ll probably spend years learning about.
My old dance teacher, Jimmy Wilde, a former European ballroom dancing champion, was so sophisticated.
There’s a misconception about Barack Obama as a former constitutional law professor. First of all, there are plenty of professors who are ‘legal relativists.’ They tend to view legal principles as relative to whatever they’re trying to achieve.
If one gains an interest in the history of the earth, he is quite sure to gain an interest in the history of the life on the earth. If the former illustrates the theory of development, so must the latter. The geologist is pretty sure to be an evolutionist.
I believe in lower taxes. I believe in more efficient government. I believe in reducing bureaucracy. I believe that we shouldn’t have lobbyists who can go in or former government workers who can come back and lobby.
As a former college president, I am well aware that every university is a complicated ecosystem, not a linear widget factory.
The mistake the apartheid government made was they gave the black people nothing, so they had nothing to lose. But now a lot of the former freedom-fighters are big-time capitalists. They’ve been given directorships in every major company. They’re billionaires!
To all the countries of the former Soviet Union: look at us, everything is possible.
Your former Fathers the Spaniards have now no further Authority over you.
I’m a former player, I’ve got a bunch of friends that I played with over the years and I’ve seen the toll that playing football can have on their bodies. And of course my son was a player as well.
I never go to Vancouver without stopping by Thomas Haas’ shop for the best chocolate in North America. A former chef patissier at Daniel, he returned to his hometown and created a top quality brand by sticking to his passion.
In 2007, Michael Grimm, former Marine, former FBI agent, accountant and attorney, was poised for success as a small business owner. Instead, as alleged, Grimm made the choice to go from upholding the law to breaking it. In so doing, he turned his back on every oath he had ever taken.
But in this Second Work if thou extract our Air and our Fire with the phlegm water, they will the more naturally and easily be drawn out of their infernal prison, and with less losse of their Spirits, than by the former way before described.
Generally on a Saturday I come home wreathed in media glamour having interviewed a former Krankie or someone, and suddenly I am back in the world of orange blossom and bells.
Britain’s unique success as an industrialised nation-state prompted strong imitative endeavours not only across Europe, but also in Asia. Now many people, who were once humiliated into a sense of nationality by British rule, loom larger than their former masters.
I have a really strong opponent in Randy Orton. A former multi-time world champion. He’s held just about every title under the sun. And he’s done it all in a major way. He’s basically wreaked havoc and ran roughshod over the WWE for quite some time. Some people might forget that.
When I was in my former band Downhere, I did everything I could not to remind people of Freddie Mercury, but it became almost hilarious how many people compared me to him to the point where it felt like it was working against the band when we tested singles at radio.
I never, never supporting any violence and everybody that know me, and all the countries here they know well that is no one, nowhere that the former prime minister will become terrorist to hurt their own country. No way.
Even arch-isolationists, such as former President Herbert Hoover and Senator Robert Taft of Ohio – two of the most right-wing figures in the Republican Party – insisted on being called liberal.
Early in life I had to choose between honest arrogance and hypocritical humility. I chose the former and have seen no reason to change.
If war should break out between England and Japan, the latter would suffer much more than the former.
The difference in the education of men and women must give the former great advantages over the latter, even where geniuses are equal.
In comparing various authors with one another, I have discovered that some of the gravest and latest writers have transcribed, word for word, from former works, without making acknowledgment.
My name is Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, the former H. Rap Brown. I am a devoted servant of Allah, and an unwavering devotee to His cause. For more than 30 years, I have been tormented and persecuted by my enemies for reasons of race and belief.
I might even pursue a career in politics. If I do, I will have had great practice dealing with the avalanche of daily criticism from working at Fox News and being a former Miss America. I’m ready for anything!
There is not one single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population.
Fiction writers tend to err either making people more than they are or less than they are. I’d rather err on the side of the former.
I’m a former educator, a veteran, and I have a strong energy and asset background.
It’s my theory that one of the big reasons clinics have shut down – and will continue to shut down – is that former abortion workers have spoken out about their experiences in public and worked to testify against their former employers.
John Updike is always fun. And one of my former students, Tom Pynchon. And Harold Bloom, another former student.
Any decision that I make, anything that I do, every single consideration of my day goes through the prism of what my former experience has been.
A studio gangster dupes people into believing he’s a tough guy, but in reality he’s the former student body president and member of the National Honor Society. Once Vanilla Ice was fingered as a studio gangster, his career was over. Thank God.
There are significant human rights abuses in China. In some areas, the situation is worse today than in the past. In other areas, there have been improvements. We will recognize the latter, and be critical of the former.
The former pension minister, the Liberal Democrat Steve Webb said I was trying to abolish the lump sum. Instead, we are going to keep the lump sum and abolish the Liberal Democrats.
Pure love and suspicion cannot dwell together: at the door where the latter enters, the former makes its exit.
I was in prison with the assassins of the former president of Egypt, Anwar Sadat, who was killed in 1981. Those who weren’t executed in that case were given life sentences, and two of those were with me in prison.
As a former teacher and someone who has devoted her entire career to children and public schools, I understand the pain and frustration of parents who feel their children are not receiving the education they deserve.
Most correspondents came from the former colonial powers – there were British, French, and a lot of Italians, because there were a lot of Italian communities there. And of course there were a lot of Russians.
The current FCC chairman, Tom Wheeler, is highly regarded, but some distrust him because he is the former head lobbyist of both the cable and wireless phone industries. He’s also made some statements suggesting he doesn’t understand or opposes network neutrality.
I once had an extraordinary experience with former prime minister Ted Heath. Both of his eyes, including the whites, turned jet black, and I seemed to be looking into two black holes.
The mere fact that I’m former head of state and former under-secretary in the U.N. system, it means that I can get in touch with anybody in the world, in theory.
Broadly speaking, there are two approaches to crime: the realistically detailed police procedural, usually grim and downbeat, and the more left-field, joyous theatre of ideas in which past masters once specialised. Knowing that I would never be able to handle the former, I set about reviving the latter.
Even though the Internet touches every part of our lives, one person is to blame for potentially destroying its potential for innovation and freedom of expression: former FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski.
Once Joe Paterno learned that his former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky was showering with a young boy in the Penn State football locker room, he had two choices: think of the child as his own and call police. Or not. He chose the latter.
Former president Wulff said Islam belongs to Germany. That is true. I also hold this opinion.
It’s a funny thing about cities: Some have brief, bright moments of cultural and political dominance, decades- or centuries-long spells when they seem the center of their particular nation, or region, or empire… only to later fall into obscurity and disrepair, never to regain their former glory.
The Negro was a political football between his former slave master and Northern political adventurers. The economic basis of this contest was the power to tax, to float bonds, to award franchise: in short, to gain control over the financial resources of the newly organized States.
I was a fan of Henk Groot, former striker of Ajax, who scored many goals with his head. I thought, ‘I can do that also,’ but I couldn’t.
As a former Apollo astronaut, I think it’s safe to say that SpaceX and the other commercial developers embody the 21st century version of the Apollo frontier spirit.
What’s more important to ‘SNL’: comedy or buzz? To the writers, players and guest hosts, it’s probably the former; to Lorne Michaels and the suits at NBC, it’s ultimately probably the latter.
I always marked up a piece of paper before taking a job, looking at the pluses and minuses. If the latter outnumbered the former, I would pass.
Many appreciate in my former work just what I did not want to express, but which was produced by an incapacity to express what I wanted to express – dynamic movement in equilibrium. But a continuous struggle for this statement brought me nearer. This is what I am attempting in ‘Victory Boogie Woogie.’
When no other schools in the Southeastern Conference or the former Southwestern Conference would award them athletic scholarships, African Americans had been recruited by and playing for Texas Western since the 1950s.
We have shown, given these last three years, that we were succeeding in fighting terrorists. While during the first 30 years of the former governments they didn’t.
Part of me believes that Beyonce and Jay-Z were naive when they chose to celebrate their five-year wedding anniversary in Cuba. However, as the daughter of a former political prisoner in Cuba, I would argue that they should have known better than to travel to the island and support its repressive regime.
Of course the biggest mafia in Russia has always been the government; in Soviet times, the Communist Party, and now a circle of former KGB and FSB.
The danger in our system is that the general government, which represents the interests of the whole, may encroach on the states, which represent the peculiar and local interests, or that the latter may encroach on the former.
The only objects of practical reason are therefore those of good and evil. For by the former is meant an object necessarily desired according to a principle of reason; by the latter one necessarily shunned, also according to a principle of reason.
It was OK for the media to pursue Former President Clinton year after year for lying about a private, consensual sexual affair, but we have five justices who committed one of the biggest crimes in American History, and it ceased to be a big story.
A former Erdogan ally, Gulen has been living in self-imposed exile in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania, since 1999.
Many countries, even socialist Sweden and former communist Russia, have done away with their death taxes. They found the confiscation of wealth at death to be counterproductive.
It is hardly fair to accuse us of ignorance when it was made a crime under the former order of things to learn enough about letters to even read the Word of God.
I’m a former bulimic myself and it’s a horrible, horrible addiction.
Poets and heroes are of the same race, the latter do what the former conceive.
On my first day at Yale Law School, there were posters in the hallways announcing an event with Tony Blair, the former British prime minister. I couldn’t believe it: Tony Blair was speaking to a room of a few dozen students? If he came to Ohio State, he would have filled an auditorium of a thousand people.
My mom is actually a former prima ballerina, and all the women in my family are associated either with dance or choreography or acting, so I’m very lucky in a way because I grew up in a family of artists. I’ve been dancing since I was a little kid.
Support a compatriot against a native, however the former may blunder or plunder.
Soon after I returned to private practice, former Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger called me one day.
I was with the former president for over 54 years. I don’t regret that; I feel very proud. It was necessary. It is history. Each step where we worked together was a privilege, and in terms of history, that was necessary.
The broad outlines of the Double Cross deception have been known since 1972, when Sir John Masterman, the former chairman of the double agent committee, controversially published his account of the operation in defiance of official secrecy.
Critics might contend that putting former private-sector CEOs in the president’s Cabinet places the fox in the henhouse. But it’s unlikely such executives would expose themselves to the headaches if they weren’t genuinely motivated by the call to service.
I actually found contracting malaria in the Congo fascinating. Observing your body under attack from this microorganism and seeing how it responds is simultaneously fascinating and awful but maybe that’s just because I’m a former biology teacher.
My late mother moved back to her parents’ homeland in the 1990s when Ukraine and Russia, along with the thirteen other former Soviet republics, became independent states. Drawing on her experience as a lawyer in Canada, she served as executive officer of the Ukrainian Legal Foundation, an NGO she helped to found.
We lived many lives in those whirling campaigns, never sparing ourselves; yet when we achieved, and the new world dawned, the old men came out again and took our victory to re-make in the likeness of the former world they knew.
You know, people always think if you start out as a film editor, you shoot less footage. Actually, just the opposite is true. I tend to grab as much coverage as I can because as a former editor I know how important it is to have those few frames.
Secularism and pluralism are two of the defining ethos of Western societies. The former decouples religion from governmental institutions whilst the latter seeks to protect the rights of all citizens to freely practice their creed.
I bought a former library, not because I have a lot of books, but also I like architecture, and it was built in 1965, and I like gardening.
I work in a studio with lots of young people, most of whom are my former students. We delight in trading YouTube videos! We all stop working to watch them. I’m totally addicted to anything with kittens and puppies, but ‘Very Scared Kid’ is one of my favorites.
Nobody has proved quite as adept as laughing at himself as former President George W. Bush, who willingly conceded to being a class clown, even as a candidate in 1999.
Art is the right hand of Nature. The latter has only given us being, the former has made us men.
The former West Germany was a semi-sovereign political pygmy, protected by America’s military might and with barely any foreign policy of its own. As a result, the country has no machinery or tradition of strategic thinking, and most Germans are loth to see their government take the lead.
Former Olympians also get paid to make appearances. Many of them won their medals in an era when Olympic success didn’t go hand-in-hand with financial success.
He that can heroically endure adversity will bear prosperity with equal greatness of soul; for the mind that cannot be dejected by the former is not likely to be transported with the later.
A difference must be made between a decision against the constitutionality of a law of Congress and of a State. The former acts as a restriction on the powers of this government, but the latter as an enlargement.
The charm of Brittany is to be found in the people and in the churches. The former, with their peculiar costumes and their customs, are full of interest, and the latter are of remarkable beauty and quaintness.
I finally overcame my phobia, and now I approach flying with a sort of studied boredom – a learned habit, thanks to my learn-to-fly-calmly training – but like all former flying phobics, I retain a weird and feverish fascination with aviation news, especially bad news.
Former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton and President Barack Obama, each were told repeatedly, ‘You can’t win.’ They all won.
I would have loved to have met some former spies, but they don’t readily advertise themselves unless they’re not living in Moscow, and even then. I’m sure I’ve met some without realizing it.
Slovenia wishes that Montenegro will continue successfully its way towards European integration and will reach peaceful co-habitation with other former Yugoslav peoples within a united Europe.
As a lawyer and a former prosecutor, I know the limits of the power and authority of the president. I know what is legal and what is not.
Let me start by saying, I’m utterly disgusted with the former members of the Dead Kennedys.
Ken Lay, the disgraced former chairman of Enron, found a way to escape his legal problems: He died after being convicted of fraud and conspiracy charges.
‘The Red’ is the first book in a trilogy that gained a big following as a self-published e-book, and is now out in paper from Saga. It introduces us to reluctant hero Shelley, a former anti-war activist who chooses to join the military rather than serve jail time after being arrested at a protest.
People like Pete Peterson, the former secretary of commerce and Blackstone and titan of Wall Street, etc., has been writing books for years about the debt and deficit.
I believe more in looking after yourself than in doing make-up. So if it’s skin care versus make-up or taking care of your inner body instead of just looking good, choose the former. You will end up looking good in whatever you wear.
According to Richard Clarke, the former White House counterterrorism chief, Bush was so obsessed with Iraq that he failed to take action against Osama Bin Laden despite repeated warnings from his intelligence experts.
May our former president, who brought peace to millions, find it for himself.
I shall omit former particulars, and begin with informing the Reader, that, in 1792, I was strangely visited, by day and night, concerning what was coming upon the whole earth.
When it comes to privacy and accountability, people always demand the former for themselves and the latter for everyone else.
As a former Republican, I represent a group of Americans who all too often have no one to speak for them. This group doesn’t necessarily have a name. We’ve been called ‘moderates,’ but that term can be misleading.
How did a prairie-dwelling, red-meat-eating, gun-toting former conservative become the hope of liberal radio? It all started with this annoying habit I have of speaking my mind.
As a former resident with strong personal and ministry ties to the North Star State, I pray that the good people of Minnesota will show their support for God’s definition of marriage, between a man and a woman.
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit together at the table of brotherhood.
The Pacific had great hope that when the former President Mitered decided to halt nuclear testing, we had put behind us the issue of nuclear states testing their weapons in our Pacific region.
What I’m really worried about is war. Will the former rich countries really accept a completely changed world economy, and a shift of power away from where it has been the last 50 to 100 to 150 years, back to Asia?
An attempt is already underway to revise history – to leave the impression that the former president had nothing to do with Watergate. But there is no doubt about his obstruction of justice after the Watergate break-in.
We will revive the emergency employment program established by former President Corazon Aquino. This will provide jobs for local communities and will help in the development of their and our economy.
Every time I attend an FBI graduation for new agents or new analysts at Quantico, a significant number of those graduates are former state and local officers, and I have the privilege of shaking their hands, presenting them with their credentials, and welcoming them to the FBI family.
Former Dublin newsman Paul Lynch made his debut as a novelist a few years ago with a book called ‘Red Sky in Morning,’ set in mid-19th century County Donegal, where a rage-driven farmer has committed a murder with devastating results.
As a former writer for the ‘National Lampoon,’ I’ve probably contributed to the sea of sarcasm in which we live.
‘The Turner Diaries’ is a racist daydream by a former physics teacher writing under the pseudonym Andrew Macdonald.
As a former high school teacher, I know that investing in education is one of the most important things we can do, not only for our children, but for the benefit of our whole community.
As a former lifelong Republican, it pains me to tell you that today’s Republicans – and their standard-bearers, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan – just aren’t up to the task. They’re beholden to ‘my way or the highway’ bullies, indebted to billionaires who bankroll ads and allergic to the very idea of compromise.
I am very averse to bringing myself forward in print, but as my account will only appear as an appendage to a former production, and as it will be confined to such topics as have connection with my authorship alone, I can hardly accuse myself of a personal intrusion.
To my mind, it is better to have regrets about the good aspects of your former marriage because you were able to work past some of your accumulated resentments than to have no regrets because you had to ratchet up the hostility to get out in the first place.
Fiscally, I’m very conservative… others say that I’m socially moderate. As a former judge, I listen to all the facts, and I make a decision as to what I believe is in the best interest of the state.
Because of the increase in life longevity, America can now assume that at any given time three, and perhaps four, former presidents will still be alive, even when the current president is occupying the White House.
For players, during our active career, it is always difficult to talk about coaches – whether it is former or a current.
Naturally, business and pleasure can be readily combined, but a certain balance should exist, and the latter should not predominate over the former.
In 2008, Senator John McCain forbid his staff from using an ad that referred to his opponent Barack Obama’s inflammatory former pastor Jeremiah Wright or from raising that issue in any other way. He believed it was a sneaky way to use Obama’s race against him.
I loved the glamour and excitement of the games and, in particular, knowing the names of each and every one of the referees – that’s because my mom, a former basketball player, would yell at them from our front-row seats for making bad calls!
As a former career intelligence professional, I have a profound appreciation for the value of intelligence. Intelligence disrupts terrorist plots and thwarts attacks. Intelligence saves lives.
I met David Smith through my former wife, Cornelia, who’d studied with him.
My father, a former Air India official, but essentially an inventor at heart – a man who loved to sometimes break machines just so that he could have the joy of re-engineering them – was a twinkly-eyed, ever-optimistic man of science.
The first thing I ever invested in was Twitter. Blaine Cook, former CTO, was leaving the company and asked me if I wanted to buy his stock.
The arrival of ‘Star Wars’ signalled the full absorption of the former counterculture into a new mainstream.
I’m a former hippie, so clothes are important to me – your clothes defined you in that period. I guess clothes still defines people. But, I change a lot. I’m in my Brooks Brothers period now.
Following the end of the Cold War, there was much discussion concerning the point of NATO. In the event, it was reinvented as a means of reducing Russia’s reach on its western frontiers and seeking to isolate it. Its former East European client states were admitted to NATO, as were the Baltic states.
Activists from the Middle East to Asia to the former Soviet states have all been telling me that they suffer from increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks.
It’s not a random chance that we have Alanis Morissette. She didn’t evolve out of a null and void. She came from a former template. She borrowed styles and sounds from a very limited set of other artists.
Today, as an independent, an entrepreneur, and a former mayor, I believe we need a president who is a problem solver, not a bomb thrower. Someone who can bring members of Congress together to get things done. And I know Hillary Clinton can do that because I saw it firsthand.
After the reunification, there was a certain sense of foreignness because daily life in the former East German states was completely turned inside out – everything from the shops to the bureaucracy to the working world.
I just didn’t want to get out there anymore; I didn’t want to get back into what I call ‘the swamp.’ And the other reason why is I don’t think it’s good for the presidency for a former president to be opining about his successor. President Obama’s got plenty of critics – and I’m just not gonna be one.
It was all that stuff about taking your parents’ car when you’re 13, sneaking booze into rock shows and ditching school with your friends. I could relate to that as a former teenager, rather than as a present parent.
Should Planned Parenthood be defunded, women will still have access to great quality healthcare. Speaking as a former Planned Parenthood director, I know that quality health care is best provided outside of Planned Parenthood.
Soho is a gritty former mercantile area that has, of course, evolved into the most bourgeois neighborhood in New York.
Theatre is an actor’s medium. An actor has little control over a film. Which is why most actors who have done theatre, and then come to films find the former more creatively satisfying.
I think that practising the law, particularly litigation, and particularly in Glasgow, has always been difficult enough without adding to it by having problems with professional colleagues or former colleagues.
Throughout the ’50s, tons of unknown locals came through Sun to record their demos. Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, and Jerry Lee Lewis all made their first recordings at the former Memphis Recording Service.
As the criminal, sinful war in Iraq enters its third year, the president goes to Europe to heal the wounds between the United States and its former allies, on his own terms of course.
To be a former PGA Tour player typically means you’re about 75 years old. They just don’t stop.
Culture is the tacit agreement to let the means of subsistence disappear behind the purpose of existence. Civilization is the subordination of the latter to the former.
Nice people with common sense do not make interesting characters. They only make good former spouses.
As years passed away I have formed the habit of looking back upon that former self as upon another person, the remembrance of whose emotions has been a solace in adversity and added zest to the enjoyment of prosperity.
Donald Trump, an oft-bankrupt make-believe mogul clown with a television show where he pretends to fire America’s saddest former celebrities, is one of the Republican Party’s most prominent national figures because he is on TV and people have heard of him.
First of all my golfing experience spans all corners of the World – Brazil, New Zealand, L.A. And I think the best place is when you play with friends. I particularly enjoy playing golf with my best friend, former Manchester United player Dwight Yorke. It is the best experience when we can get together on a golf course.
Surrounded by a burgeoning human population, Asian elephants have to contend with the spread of settlements and farming, and the demands of rapidly developing nations: plantations, mines, railways, and irrigation canals have carved up former wilderness.
In 1998, I set up and directed a research group at the Nanotechnology Institute newly created in the Research Center of Karlsruhe. This allowed to offer to former post-doctoral coworkers the opportunity to develop and to progressively set up independent research activities in nanoscience and nanotechnology.
Woman is fine for her own satisfaction alone. No man will admire her the more, no woman will like her the better for it. Neatness and fashion are enough for the former, and a something of shabbiness or impropriety will be most endearing to the latter.
Magic Johnson, former basketball player, may run for mayor of L.A. in the next election. Remember the good ‘ol days when only qualified people ran for office like actors and professional wrestlers.
A new and valid idea is worth more than a regiment and fewer men can furnish the former than command the latter.
What is clear is that stalking can happen to anyone. Doctors are targeted by patients, people in the public eye are watched by obsessed fans, and ex-wives are followed by former husbands.
When former abortion workers speak out in public about what they did in their clinics, what they saw happening, and the disrespect consistently shown women, hearts and mind change, and abortion facilities close.
I’m a middle-class former housewife who goes to my daughter’s softball games.
Both old and young alike ought to seek wisdom: the former in order that, as age comes over him, he may be young in good things because of the grace of what has been, and the latter in order that, while he is young, he may at the same time be old, because he has no fear of the things which are to come.
My first professional relationship, I danced with the Parsons Dance Company, and David Parsons, my former boss, allowed me to choreograph on the company.
The worst manifestations of exhaustion were successfully cured by a long period of rest but it was immediately apparent to me that I had lost once and for all my former capacity for carrying out experimental work until physically tired.
As a former economy minister, I can’t not think about economic growth. The central bank should also think about this but through its own instruments.
I could have gone the route of a lot of these former child actors, but I didn’t want that for myself. Like I said, when I was 14 years old, I decided to quit. I didn’t ever want to do it again.
If you want to know how Hillary Clinton could try to distance herself from President Obama’s much-criticized foreign policy, listen closely to the words of her former top strategist, Anne-Marie Slaughter.
CAIR officials or former officials have been arrested on charges related to terrorism yet all it offers is silence and stonewalling in discussing what are its real motives.
My former wife is a very eccentric woman, which is why I still love her.
I’m on very good terms with all my former wives.
I’m not the geek in the family: I’m the organizer. But what I do know is that we have a very terrific team of consultants, former federal cybersecurity experts who are working with us to make sure we have a very safe system.
My brother is the former mayor of Baltimore.
Along with the lazy man… the dying man is the immoral man: the former, a subject that does not work; the latter, an object that no longer even makes itself available to be worked on by others.
Huwaei receives significant funding from the Chinese government and is run by a former director of the telecoms research unit of the People’s Liberation Army. The components are feared to have given China the ability to disrupt or shut down key parts of the U.K.’s critical national infrastructure.
One of the things that first attracted me to chess is that it brings you into contact with intelligent, civilized people – men of the stature of Garry Kasparov, the former world champion, who was my part-time coach.
Things have changed for the worse. That’s why former eastern bloc countries are electing communists again. We are missing them and longing for the times we cursed before.
Whether you are on the left or the right, we should all agree that organized human smugglers are putting innocent lives at risk. As a former undercover officer in the CIA, I am appalled that we are not maximizing the use of intelligence to deny and disrupt these transnational smuggling networks.
The IMF played crucial roles in the 1980s debt crisis and in the transformation of former communist economies. Radical change, many might argue, is neither necessary nor desirable.
The government of Sudan, employing a back channel direct from its president to the Central Intelligence Agency, offered in the early spring of 1996 to arrest Osama bin Laden and place him in Saudi custody, according to officials and former officials in all three countries.
It’s very, very clear that you cannot move to the next phase unless the former one has been fully accomplished.
Although I adore the Italian High Renaissance, I’d rather look at Mannerism. The former is ordered, integrated, otherworldly, and grandiose; it leaves you feeling hungry for something flawed and of-the-flesh.
However, as a parent, as a grandparent, as a former educator, I know that these practices alone when we are dealing with young children are insufficient. We will never control this rising epidemic without greater accountability from the food industry.
The former colonies, in Latin America in particular, have a better chance than ever before to overcome centuries of subjugation, violence and foreign intervention, which they have so far survived as dependencies with islands of luxury in a sea of misery.
My old boss, former British prime minister David Cameron, thought Obama was one of the most narcissistic, self-absorbed people he’d ever dealt with.
I’ve been lucky enough to stand on both poles, but the place that seemed the remotest to me was Butugychag, a former gulag in Siberia. It is completely cut off from the rest of the world.
The Ministry of Civil Aviation should strongly recommend to the cabinet that Jet Airways should be merged with Air India, not only to ensure air services are not restricted but also to enable Air India to recover its former premier position.
As a former teacher and a mother and grandmother, I know firsthand the importance of a quality education.
I used to think that if I had a choice between writing well and living well, I would choose the former. But now I think that’s sheer lunacy. Writing weighs so much less, in the great cosmic equation, than living.
I am a former sabre fencer and fenced as part of the Uzbek republic team.
The New York Times Bestseller ‘The Amateur,’ written by Ed Klein, former editor of the ‘New York Times Magazine,’ is one of the best books I’ve read.
Jesus made Himself available to everyone. Unlike former prophets and the religious men of His day, who often kept themselves aloof, Jesus was easy to approach and always ready to give his help.
My father is Arnold Schwarzenegger, the governor of California, and yes, he was the Terminator! He is also a former Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympia, two titles he earned as a champion bodybuilder.
I am very proud of the fact that many workers in my Gau, numerous former Communists and Social Democrats were won over by us and became local group leaders and Party functionaries.
The two endorsements I’m most proud of come from Isabel Wilkerson and Toni Morrison. The latter is the greatest American fiction writer of our time, and the former is on her way to being the greatest American nonfiction writer of our time.
I asked for a tough fight, and I’m very excited to fight such a good fighter and a former champion like Frankie Edgar.
I realized that one of the differences between news photography and dance photography was that the former has to tell a specific story, whereas all a dance photograph had to be was visually interesting.
A number of former Wells Fargo employees have described their work environment characterized by intense pressure to meet aggressive and unrealistic sales goals. In a 2010 letter to shareholders, Mr. Stumpf wrote that Wells Fargo’s goal was eight products per customer because eight rhymed with great.
For me it was a lot harder to come to terms with the death of my grandfather than it was to come to terms with what’s happened to the former Yugoslavia.
Incredibly, whenever I have proposed the theory that half of government workers could be cut, current and former federal employees I know have all agreed.
As the National Football League and other pro sports increasingly reckon with the early dementia, mental health issues, suicides and even criminal behavior of former players, the risk of what’s known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), is becoming clear.
It doesn’t work the same way everywhere. The Americans are the most gullible, because they don’t like to deny co-workers’ requests. People in the former Soviet bloc countries are less trusting, perhaps because of their previous experiences with their countries’ secret services.
Faith is different from proof; the latter is human, the former is a Gift from God.
Every now and then a man’s mind is stretched by a new idea or sensation, and never shrinks back to its former dimensions.
In Congress, there are some who are unashamed to aspire to eloquence, even to scholarship, but the only state legislator I ever knew who would not join in the mispronounceciation of a word for the sake of camaraderie with her fellows was former State Senator and Congresswoman Barbara Jordan.
Then, in 2000, John Reid, Elton John’s former manager, asked me to audition for the stage version of The Graduate he was producing. So I worked on it, got the part, and after three weeks’ rehearsal I was on stage!
After three failed marriages, I know what it’s like to be replaced. So that’s kind of how Joey Harrington must feel today… A former No. 1 choice looks to me like he’s going to be a bust in Detroit.
I am really not interested or excited by repeating former successes.
The opposite of corporate greed is personal generosity. Government policies that enable the former and prevent the latter are both worthy of protest.
Mitt Romney is a businessman, a turnaround artist, a CEO. That is who he is. The former governor has experience in the public and private sector.
Thanks to former President George W. Bush – remember the compassionate conservative? – I have a good name for the fundamental principle that should guide the Democratic alternative: compassionate deficit reduction.
But blind to former as to future fate, what mortal knows his pre-existent state?
Heritage Action is a self-interested fundraising organization led by a former Giuliani staffer who is not taking counsel from real conservatives… It is a worthless organization to the conservative movement. I’ll be the first to say that.
I have heard from many readers since ‘The Girl in the Blue Beret’ came out. The story of my airline pilot, former B-17 bomber pilot Marshall Stone, on his search to find the people who helped him during World War II has struck a chord.
Me, Shinsuke Nakamura, and Lyoto Machida, former UFC Light Heavyweight Champion, all shared a two-bedroom apartment together.
Whatever good or bad is said by former cricketers is considered gospel. Our media should not blow out of proportion the opinion of former cricketers.
To pretend that former President Donald Trump’s Republican Party will act in good faith to preserve democracy is naive.
I agree completely with my son James when he says ‘Internet is like electricity. The latter lights up everything, while the former lights up knowledge’.
Michael Vick may enjoy watching dogs fight. Someone else may find that repulsive but see nothing wrong with eating an animal who has had a life as full of pain and suffering as the lives of the fighting dogs. It’s strange that we regard the latter as morally different from, and superior to, the former.
There’s only two choices when life goes wrong. You deal with it, or you check out, and, like 90% of people, I go for the former.
The former measured six feet and an inch in his stockings, and, without a single pound of cumbrous flesh about him, weighed a hundred and eighty. The latter was an inch shorter than his rival, and ten pounds lighter; but he was much the most active of the two.
It’s essential for the U.S. and Europe to prevent Putin from going farther and reversing the hard-won independence of former Soviet republics.
As a former NCAA basketball player, many of the skills I now rely on as a leader took root on the basketball court: teamwork, integrity, and resilience are just some of the traits I’ve carried over into my professional game.
DeGale has the pedigree that is spoken about in terms of gold medallists and former world champions.
I am obsessed with the Great Depression and with former showgirls – and the Victorians – the idea of wistful, dark romance.
As a former waitress myself, I know firsthand how a simple smile from someone can improve your day and how a single harsh word can destroy it. Being courteous and thoughtful costs you nothing and can sometimes pay you dividends in unexpected ways.
I maintain that the past record of my race is a true index of the feelings which today animate them. They bear toward their former masters no revengeful thoughts, no hatreds, no animosities. They aim not to elevate themselves by sacrificing one single interest of their white fellow-citizens.
I can’t think of anything I hate more than a former punk – they are the most self-righteous people in the world.
We find ourselves under the government of a system of political institutions, conducing more essentially to the ends of civil and religious liberty, than any of which the history of former times tells us.
The Justice Department needs to investigate how Goldman Sachs was able to steer things in such a manner through their former employees in the Bush administration, so that in the end Goldman’s competitors have disappeared and Goldman is left standing.
Being and time determine each other reciprocally, but in such a manner that neither can the former – Being – be addressed as something temporal nor can the latter – time – be addressed as a being.
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.
I am a former economist. I never went to photography school to learn photography.
Certainly, for time out of mind, an obsessive dwelling on happier former days has been synonymous with getting older, while it was the juvenescent who rushed with open arms to embrace the future.
As a former prosecutor, I never presented a case in front of the grand jury that didn’t result in an indictment. Bottom line: If a prosecutor wants to indict a case, the case gets indicted.
At Al Jazeera, the first story I did was to sit down with a former Haitian dictator, Jean-Claude Duvalier, and grill him about crimes against humanity. Al Jazeera is giving me the opportunity to tell important stories and stories that I want to tell.
I’d like to thank my former club, Manchester City, for the support throughout my time in the Championship and during my transition to Huddersfield.
When I read Mike Webster’s file before I began his autopsy, I knew he was more than a 50-year-old heart attack victim. His file and the television reports of the death of the former Pittsburgh Steelers center described a long, steep fall into bizarre behavior. I suspected he suffered from some sort of brain disorder.
The individual is capable of both great compassion and great indifference. He has it within his means to nourish the former and outgrow the latter.
Ireland was, of old, called the Isle of Saints because of the great number of holy ones of both sexes who flourished there in former ages or who, coming thence, propagated the faith amongst other nations.
We cannot do justice to the deeds of former times if we do not in some degree remove ourselves from the circumstances in which we stand and substitute those by which the real actors were surrounded.
Well, Australians should speak for the national interests of Australia, and whatever role former Australian prime ministers may have, one of the things you do is speak frankly about the country as you see the country’s best interests, you know?
Every week Rangers have different former players come out at half-time. Spurs should have a couple a former players on the board, who know what the supporters want.
Our favorite: a former garbage dump converted into a riverside park. I first ran there more than 30 years ago when a marathon passed through this park that later became home to Pre’s Trail.
Former Senator Al D’Amato in 1991 offered an amendment to cap credit card interest rates at 14 percent.
Iran, in its former incarnation as Persia, created the world’s first empire, produced titanic figures like Cyrus, Darius, and Xerxes, and is one of the great fonts of world culture.
Gay marriage has jumped out of the closet on to the front page. Everyone from the president of the U.S. to retired four-star general Colin Powell is embracing the issue, now supported by most Americans. Still, a few people, like former First Lady Laura Bush appear to be conflicted.
I feel that my role as a former president is probably superior to that of other presidents. Primarily because of the activism and the injection of working at the Carter Center, and in international affairs, and to some degree, domestic affairs, on energy conservation, on environment, and things of that kind.
I am relatively sure, from conversations that I had with former president Bill Clinton, that George Bush seldom called upon him for advice.
An earthquake strikes Haiti, and care packages from America are among the first to arrive – and not far behind are former Presidents Clinton and Bush.
One of the differences between what happens when an author and a gossip columnist sit down to write a book is that the former tends to make every effort at disguising and protecting their sources, while the latter doesn’t particularly care.
Every offseason when I’m back in Ohio, I get together with some of my former teammates and reminisce about our run in 2007.
It is an honor to join my former colleague in Congress, Jim McCrery, and the very talented team at Capitol Counsel.
I’m a former governor, and so I was the chief executive, and when the legislature wasn’t in session, I was running the state.
I am 73 years old. I was born in Jerusalem. I’m the first prime minister of Israel to be born here. I am the only former general to become a prime minister.
As a former CIA case officer, I recognize that the rapid rise of firms like Huawei and ZTE presents a significant national security threat to the telecom infrastructure of the United States and our allies.
I will never be known as the former President of Zaire.
I’m a comic nerd. I’m a former serious collector for much of my childhood and early teen years I wanted to draw underground comics.
You can’t write about a friend, you can only write about a former friend.
When you look back at the former Ring of Honor world champions, whether it be Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Samoa Joe, Nigel McGuiness, the list goes on and on. These are the guys that built the lineage and importance of the Ring of Honor world championship.
When I was an institutional broker in a former life, I was a believer in the merits of using technical analysis. I found that it was a very useful tool that complemented the much more mainstream tools generically referred to as fundamental analysis.
Baseball loyalists cite the game’s legendary numbers – 300 wins, 500 homers, 3,000 hits – as evidence of the sport’s elegance, beauty, and gravitas. What no one mentions is how wretched and painful it is to actually watch a former star gasp and sputter his way toward a legendary number.
Well, the first time I met The Beatles was through my former boyfriend, Klaus Voormann, who saw them one night when he was wandering around Hamburg and then he heard this beautiful sound of rock ‘n’ roll music.
George W. Bush has shown himself to be a decent guy, not exploiting his former office to make top dollars giving speeches.
Being a former theater student, of course, there is a part of me that is fascinated with stage crafts and what you can do with illusions and working within the confines of the studio.
One thing that I noticed is having met some former Taliban is even they, as children, grew up being indoctrinated. They grew up in violence. They grew up in war. They were taught to hate. They were, they grew up in very ignorant cultures where they didn’t learn about the outside world.
I’m a proud American – becoming a citizen in 1988 was one of the most profoundly moving occasions in my life; I’m a former Texan and a recent Californian.
Former vice president Al Gore has devoted his post-administration years to a mission to tell the world about global warming. It’s funny, but in his civilian life Gore has discovered the voice that voters had trouble hearing when he ran for president in 2000. The voice he has found is clear, impassioned, and moving.
From 1961 to 1964, I was fortunate enough to work at a think tank in the Kenwood neighborhood of Chicago. As a writer and editor, I reported in a publication about the thinkers. Our offices were in a former mansion; I worked in what had been the ballroom. As I sat typing my copy, I imagined the dancers waltzing.
I take inspiration from everyone and everything. I’m inspired by current champions, former champions, true competitors, people dedicated to their dream, hard workers, dreamers, believers, achievers.
So, I’m lying on the couch and Laura walks in and I say, ‘Free at last,’ and she says ‘You’re free all right, you’re free to do the dishes.’ So I say, ‘You’re talking to the former president, baby,’ and she said, ‘consider this your new domestic policy agenda.’
Because I’m a former critic, I view criticism differently than most do. I can take criticism, but if you’re going to eviscerate us, be specific.
As a former mayor, I know that local governments must have control over land use decisions.
During my seven-year contract with RKO, there were seven different studio presidents, from David O. Selznick to Charles W. Koerner. You literally had to check the name on the door so as not to call the new boss by the former boss’s name.
Being a child star is great. It’s being a former child star that sucks.
Jens Pulver was a former UFC champion. He’s a guy who I followed and looked up to. It was my first big fight in the Sacramento arena.
Along with former President Bill Clinton, we have Sam Nunn to thank for the sorry debacle of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’
As a former minority leader who became the first Republican Speaker of the House in Florida since Reconstruction, I know that leadership is not an easy task.
It does not take a lawyer or even a former federal prosecutor like myself to conclude that investigating Donald Trump’s finances or his family’s finances falls completely outside of the realm of his 2016 campaign and allegations that the campaign coordinated with the Russian government or anyone else.
One grave and fundamental Keynesian error is to persist in regarding the interest rate as a contract rate on loans instead of the price spreads between stages of production. The former, as we have seen, is only the reflection of the latter.
It’s funny, there are so many women who are former executives and have taken all that stress and anxiety and transferred it onto their kids.
Pension funds, endowments, and private investors trust Mitt Romney’s former company Bain Capital enough to hand it billions of dollars in assets.
As a former Airman First Class in the United States Air Force, like many veterans in America, my military experience played an important part in instilling in me a sense of character and discipline that has served me throughout my life.
With the Lincoln assassination, the South didn’t feel it could mourn along with the North. But Garfield was beloved by all the American people. He was trusted and respected by North and South, by freed slaves and former slave owners. Also by pioneers, which his parents had been, and by immigrants.
The painful truth may be that Zimbabwe, the youngest of Africa’s former colonies, has simply followed where the continent has led, treading the well-worn path beaten out of the lie that taking power from the colonialists and delivering democracy to the people are one and the same.
I call myself a FFP: former fat person, and when you’re an FFP, you will always see in yourself what people used to bully you for.
Zombies have no memories of their former life. You wont see the undead trying to wash windows or do your taxes. All they know how to do is swarm and feed.
Novelists seem to fall into two distinct categories – those that plan and those that just see where it takes them. I am very much the former category.
I feel I represent my country: not only my country but all former U.S.S.R. countries because I have very big fan base here, and I have more than a billion Muslim fans. I feel I represent these guys all around the world. My fans. This gives me very good energy. When I go to the cage, I think about these people.
Think about it: Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Vietnam, North Korea, the former Soviet Union – they all start with the intention of leveling the playing field – or making things better for the little guy – and instead, they created misery, poverty, destruction and a permanent ruling class of bureaucrats.
As a former refugee myself, I am very grateful for the help my family received and the opportunities this opened up for me and where it has brought me.
I consider myself Russian-American because I’m American by ethnicity and by passport, but I spent all my forming years over in the former Soviet Union in a Russian school. I never went to an American school. There was a lot of culture shock when I moved back to the States when I was 17.
If what I’ve been told is true – and I believe it is, General David Petraeus, a commander with soldiers deployed in two theaters of war, has had multiple meetings with Dick Cheney, the former vice-president of the United States, to discuss Petraeus’s candidacy for the Republican nomination for the presidency.
I associate the metaphor of sport with war. The unrest in the former Yugoslavia, after all, started with a football match that then became charged in nationalist ways and ended in violence.
Do not trust all men, but trust men of worth; the former course is silly, the latter a mark of prudence.