Top 393 Selfish Quotes

It disturbs me no more to find men base, unjust, or selfish than to see apes mischievous, wolves savage, or the vulture ravenous.
Jean-Paul Sartre
I am the sort of player that likes to create goals. I think a lot of my team-mates know me as a player who is not selfish.
Mesut Ozil
We have ourselves begun to put our house in order by banning some experiments that may contain a risk for mankind. We would like to see society take a similar attitude, abandoning selfish practices that are dangerous for society itself.
Renato Dulbecco
It’s just really frustrating how people are just so selfish in this industry. It makes me very angry.
Indya Moore
To be honest, I’m selfish as an artist. I’m doing what I want to do and what I want to hear.
Tierra Whack
There should be an F.A.A. fine for those who bring hot food that emits odor onto the plane. You’re deemed selfish, and you have to take some sort of social awareness class.
Iliza Shlesinger
Half of the basketball world thinks I’m this hothead, dirty player who can’t get anything under control and probably thinks I’m arrogant and a selfish guy.
Grayson Allen
I am being selfish here by saying this, but I believe ‘Barfi!’ helped me the most. It got me recognition and respect.
Ileana D’Cruz
You live this life being selfish, you’re not going to enjoy it like you will when you open your heart and your home up.
Markwayne Mullin
Humans are incredibly selfish. And in parents, flaws become hyper focused.
Catherine Reitman
It’s so easy to be selfish in your 20s and not want to sacrifice.
Freddie Prinze, Jr.
Sure, I have friends, plenty of friends, and they all come around wantin’ to borrow money. I’ve always been generous with my friends and family, with money, but selfish with the important stuff like love.
Richard Pryor
A woman asking ‘Am I good? Am I satisfied?’ is extremely selfish. The less women fuss about themselves, the less they talk to other women, the more they try to please their husbands, the happier the marriage is going to be.
Barbara Cartland
We imagine that we want to escape our selfish and commonplace existence, but we cling desperately to our chains.
Anne Sullivan
I have been a selfish being all my life, in practice, though not in principle.
Jane Austen
I’m not selfish at all.
Judy Gold
The last thing in the world I want to do is marry. I am too selfish, but I won’t elaborate on that.
Roddy Llewellyn
I just don’t like greedy, indifferent, selfish lawyers. And there are not that many of them.
Janet Reno
The martyr sacrifices themselves entirely in vain. Or rather not in vain; for they make the selfish more selfish, the lazy more lazy, the narrow narrower.
Florence Nightingale
I’m not a selfish person.
Julio Cesar Chavez Sr.
Business is a very beautiful mechanism to solve problems, but we never use it for that purpose. We only use it to make money. It satisfies our selfish interest but not our collective interest.
Muhammad Yunus
I’ve been a club manager myself and know the demands and, from a selfish point of view, you want your players to be fit every week.
Rob Page
I have a pet peeve about bands that don’t play their hits. I think it’s kind of selfish.
Art Alexakis
Trump was always a poster boy of the selfish, egomaniacal, ignorant, bragging, cruel rich kid, whose mirror was the sleazy pages of Rupert Murdoch’s ‘New York Post.’ Trump’s oxygen was the leaked item, without which he would die the suffocating death of being shown to a bad table.
Richard Cohen
To be a tennis champion, you have to be inflexible. You have to be stubborn. You have to be arrogant. You have to be selfish and self-absorbed. Kind of tunnel vision almost.
Chris Evert
Of course, the idea of a six months’ holiday is enough to make anyone laugh at anything, but I find that besides that I was a good deal harassed and run down, and I am glad to cut off from everything and start fresh. I feel miserably selfish about it all the time.
Richard Harding Davis
I've never really understood the criticism that climbin

I’ve never really understood the criticism that climbing is inherently selfish, since it could equally be argued about virtually any other hobby or sport. Is gardening selfish?
Alex Honnold
I am a very selfish person.
Lara Flynn Boyle
My passion for gardening may strike some as selfish, or merely an act of resignation in the face of overwhelming problems that beset the world. It is neither. I have found that each garden is just what Voltaire proposed in Candide: a microcosm of a just and beautiful society.
Andrew Weil
I think I have a better sense of my weaknesses – being self-important, selfish and having a big ego probably triggers all the other stuff. I can see myself more clearly.
K. D. Lang
What makes me a selfish player? Because I shoot the ball? I’m supposed to shoot the ball. That’s how you score points. Those points go on the scoreboard for the whole team.
Reggie Miller
I knew a homeless guy who’d give all the copper coins that people gave him to charity. So I think there’s something that makes us want to give. For me, it’s quite a selfish luxury: you feel enlivened, deepened and self-nurtured by generosity.
Tamsin Greig
I’m very grateful for what I have. I’m old enough that I can mort out at any minute without any sense of regret at all. That’s not true. I might look back and think I wish I hadn’t been so selfish when my kids were smaller. But I’m not overwhelmed by regret.
Thomas McGuane
I don’t think a player like Messi is a selfish player.
Antonio Conte
Patience is key. You can’t get selfish, and that’s the number one thing I’ve learned at WWE. The world continues to go round, and I just knew – given the right opportunity and the right moment – that the world would know I was good, but now the world knows that I’m great.
Sasha Banks
It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes.
Andrew Jackson
Learning to not be selfish is what has changed in me the most since being married.
Blake Shelton
A lot of folks would say that if I had been a little more selfish with my bat, I would have had a much bigger average. But that doesn’t worry me.
Viv Richards
Every action that we take has some motivation of either being selfish or altruistic. All that adds up.
Adam Yauch
Even if Trump means well, his schemes tend to be blunt, selfish, and short-sighted rather than nuanced, empathetic, and thought through.
Amanda Knox
Being stubborn has helped, being selfish is not a bad thing.
Herbie Mann
Before I got big, I was playing point guard, so I’m kinda like a pass-first person. Some people tell me I should be more selfish, but that’s not me.
Zion Williamson
To be successful you have to be selfish, or else you never achieve. And once you get to your highest level, then you have to be unselfish. Stay reachable. Stay in touch. Don’t isolate.
Michael Jordan
The best leaders don’t set timid and selfish goals but instead set bold targets that may be harder to achieve.
Carles Puigdemont
The youth of today has no qualms accepting and talking about their love affairs on national television. They don’t bother much about their parents and talk about love openly. I feel they are selfish.
Kashmira Shah
An institution or reform movement that is not selfish, must originate in the recognition of some evil that is adding to the sum of human suffering, or diminishing the sum of happiness.
Clara Barton
I am simple, complex, generous, selfish, unattractive, beautiful, lazy, and driven.
Barbra Streisand
The existing principle of selfish interest and competition has been carried to its extreme point; and, in its progress, has isolated the heart of man, blunted the edge of his finest sensibilities, and annihilated all his most generous impulses and sympathies.
Frances Wright
Let us try to teach generosity and altruism, because we are born selfish.
Richard Dawkins
It might be a selfish choice, but I find it quite difficult to design for individuals and prefer the distance of larger schemes. It’s the same reason why, as a designer, I don’t do wedding dresses.
John Rocha
Love is not selfish. Love is something else.
Morten Tyldum
If you are striving to have more happiness in your life, it helps to guide your mind towards starting to recognize what are selfish motivations and what are constructive motivations.
Adam Yauch
Guys that are playing in the last year of their contracts are playing for their livelihood and that tends to come off as selfish.
Lorenzen Wright
I remember walking down the aisle, and I got down on my knees as a person who is so selfish, but when I rose back up the Lord had become the Master of my life.
Tim Scott
In documentary filmmaking, there’s a tradition of telling stories about victims. We often do that from a very patronizing place, but mostly we do it from a very selfish place, to reassure ourselves that our lives are in sympathy and solidarity with the victims.
Joshua Oppenheimer
I would be too selfish if I said everyone should see my movies more than once. To say that would mean I’m just marketing my work!
Abbas Kiarostami
I want to create a life that is just healthy and peaceful – an enclave, really, of retreat. It’s not helpful for the big picture. It’s totally selfish to run away like that.
Phil Elverum
We are all selfish and I no more trust myself than othe

We are all selfish and I no more trust myself than others with a good motive.
Lord Byron
You form pretty strong opinions about the guys you compete against. You’re all very competitive; you’re all very selfish. So it’s easy to drum up some strong opinions in a second’s notice, like, ‘Argh! This guy!’
Dale Earnhardt Jr.
I can give you a ‘Selfish,’ and I can still come give you, like, a ‘Jealous.’ I’m coming from the streets, but I can still give you personal situations and relationships that I’ve been in with females. You just never know; I’m just coming different.
PnB Rock
In socialism, private property is anathema, and equal distribution of income the first consideration. In capitalism, private property is cardinal, and distribution left to ensue from the play of free contract and selfish interest on that basis, no matter what anomalies it may present.
George Bernard Shaw