Top 399 Banks Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Banks Quotes from famous people such as Warren Stephens, Jerome Powell, John Dillinger, Ravi Subramanian, Julian Assange, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

What we prefer to do is operate our investment bank in

What we prefer to do is operate our investment bank in a way that is like what investment banks used to be, which is a middle man – someone who is here to match people who need capital with people who have capital – and not position ourselves at the center of that by taking big positions on a trading stance.
Warren Stephens
The Federal Reserve and other central banks have adopted broad public policy objectives to guide the development and oversight of the payments system. At the Fed, we have identified efficiency and safety as our most fundamental objectives, as set forth in our Policy on Payment System Risk.
Jerome Powell
I rob banks for a living, what do you do?
John Dillinger
The opportunity to create wealth in foreign banks exists only in the investment banking space. Working in a local company teaches you to think long term.
Ravi Subramanian
It’s interesting that Swiss banks also hide their assets from the Swiss by using offshore bank structuring.
Julian Assange
I avoid banks and I’ve never been in any sort of corporate environment at all.
Jodie Whittaker
If you want government to take everything, if you want government to take more and more over with the banks, more of the industries, all of a sudden you’re going to have a government auto czar, right there, right down the line, that’s socialism.
Bob Latta
Neofascism in the United States takes the form of big money, big banks, big corporations, tied to xenophobic scapegoating of the vulnerable, like Mexicans and Muslims and women and black folk, and militaristic policies abroad, with strongman, charismatic, autocratic personality, and that’s what Donald Trump is.
Cornel West
I think that sharing information about our economies, the way that the central banks do in Basel and other forums, is quite useful. But it’s sharing information. It’s not coordinating policy. It’s not coordinating a single monetary policy.
Charles L. Evans
Capital was always the struggle. I always had these amazing visions. Had this amazing work ethic. Had this amazing work partner in my wife. But I was always struggling for capital. I owe a lot to local banks who were willing to take chances on Jo and I early in our career.
Chip Gaines
Banks were once places to hold money and were very careful in lending to finance families as they built a future – bought homes, bought cars, took out student loans.
Elizabeth Warren
I opposed the bailout of banks and car companies.
Steve Scalise
I’ve been friends with Elizabeth Banks since ‘Wet Hot American Summer.’
Paul Rudd
Government should eschew suasion and directives to banks on interest rates that run counter to monetary policy actions.
Urjit Patel
The Japanese banks are not having an easy time as they once had.
David Rockefeller
I want to say very clearly that the government… is ready to intervene in order to guarantee the stability of banks and the savings of our citizens.
Paolo Gentiloni
One of the first things President Trump did to stimulate the economy was to remove harmful regulations that left our small banks, energy companies and other businesses treading water to stay afloat.
Charlie Kirk
But like everyone else I’ve come to the sad realisation food banks are an all-too-common feature on the streets of Britain.
Katie Piper
This nation is like a spring freshet; it overruns its banks and destroys all who are in its path.
Sitting Bull
RelayRides and WhipCar, AirBnB, Roomorama and One Fine Stay are all stellar examples of how new, access-based offers entice and provoke insurance companies and banks to re-think risk, value, customers and deal terms.
Lisa Gansky
Banks are slowly but surely lending again, and never again will taxpayers foot the bill for Wall Street’s excesses. In case we forgot, that was the change we believed in. That was the change we fought for. That was the change President Obama delivered.
Rahm Emanuel
Remember that banks aren’t markets. The market is amoral. The market doesn’t care who you are. You’re a trade to the market. The market will sell you if they think you’re riskier.
Jamie Dimon
My brother was an avid Stoke City fan and a good footballer. We shared a room, growing up, and the walls were covered with 1970s Stoke players, like Peter Shilton, Gordon Banks, and Jimmy Greenhoff.
Morten Harket
We also cannot allow Wall Street banks to rewrite the Second Amendment just because they’re too big to fail.
John Kennedy
I think public sector banks need to have greater private participation of people who have skin in the game.
Ajay Piramal
Sasha Banks’s success has absolutely nothing to do with me.
Yes, I was inspired by Jack London and still love reading his books. Ernie Banks is another hero because I lived in Chicago for two years as a kid, and I loved that he was the Cubs’ loyal underdog and one of the first African-Americans to make that breakthrough.
Conrad Anker
Governance is complex, difficult, and on the whole, thankless – why ever should the Bright Young Things leave the management of their hotels, newspapers, banks, TV channels and corporations to join, like fleas on a behemoth, the government? Wherein lies the difference between the two worlds?
Upamanyu Chatterjee
My father, Cecil Banks Mullis, and mother, formerly Bernice Alberta Barker, grew up in rural North Carolina in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. My dad’s family had a general store, which I never saw. My grandparents on his side had already died before I started noticing things.
Kary Mullis
‘Prop trading’ is just a fancy term for banks gambling in the market for their own profit.
Matt Taibbi
What we used to have in Britain was professions, and then we had industry. Then at some point, maybe with Margaret Thatcher, we suddenly industrialised our professions. And now we have lawyers with products and banks with products, and lecturers and teachers with products.
Noel Edmonds
The Great Bailout is mostly over for the banks. But for

The Great Bailout is mostly over for the banks. But for those troubled behemoths of the nation’s housing bust, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the lifeline from Washington just keeps getting longer.
Charles Duhigg
As consumers in general, and with Millennials in particular, we’re getting used to everything being cheaper, faster, better – and banks aren’t keeping up.
Taavet Hinrikus
I think we’ve learned that the S.B.A. plays a critical role in providing access and opportunity when the market is not providing that access. We help banks get that money out into the hands of important and viable businesses, particularly those owned by minorities, women, immigrants and veterans.
Karen Mills
I had my very first match against NXT Women’s Champion Sasha Banks three weeks after I signed. I’m quite proud of that, but I can’t explain how nervous I was.
Peyton Royce
My fantasy is to break up the big banks. I wish we would end ‘too big to fail’ in our banking system.
Kenneth C. Griffin
I had some great role models along the way. My on-field heroes were the great Ernie Banks, Billy Williams, and Willie Mays. I wanted to be like them on the field, and I am so damn proud to join them in the Hall of Fame.
Allan Ray
When they told me there would be a statue erected at Wrigley Field, I was happy with that. I know there will be a meeting place for a lot of people. There will be a conversation every day. They say now, ‘I’ll meet you at Ernie Banks’ statue.’ After Sept. 7, they’ll say, ‘I’ll meet you by Billy Williams’ statue.’
Billy Williams
I think that many central banks and financial authorities understand that any long term attempt to compete through an artificial depreciation of their currency will not be very effective in the long term.
Elvira Nabiullina
We need the banks to be attractive to investors again.
Ana Patricia Botin
The onus should be on the banks and their compliance officers to ensure the analysts are kept separate from investment banking and they should be punished for breaches.
Mark Getty
Loss-absorbing capacity among banks is substantially higher as a result of both regulatory requirements and stress testing exercises.
Jerome Powell
One of the things that the public sector banks need to do is to raise private capital from the market and not rely on government largesse.
Urjit Patel
What’s really happening is that every bank in the country is experimenting with the blockchain and experimenting with bitcoin to figure out where the value is. For the first time ever, they’re working hand in hand with startups. Banks are asking startups for help to build products.
Adam Draper
Banks introduced the installment plan. The disappearance of cash and the coming of the credit card changed the shape of life in the United States.
Jerzy Kosinski
Even for the people in the bank into which the other banks are merging, they also have a lot of apprehension. There is always an apprehension that opportunities will go down. There are apprehensions of displacement. Many of these apprehensions are unfounded.
Arundhati Bhattacharya
Between the Community Redevelopment Act, requiring banks to make what I would call very weak loans, and specific quotas that the Congress imposed on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, that created the market demand that really led to the subprime phenomenon.
Wilbur Ross
To enable large U.S. banks to support their clients better, the Volcker rule should be clarified.
James P. Gorman
You can’t merge six banks and think that nothing will happen.
Arundhati Bhattacharya
International money transfer is a massive consumer rip-off. Banks and companies like Western Union have gotten away with it for too long.
Taavet Hinrikus
Can’t make your payments? No problem. The interest charges keep on coming. In fact, banks prefer it that way. More money for them. The government guarantees it.
Jonathan Raymond
It felt like the first thing, but when I first started out, I got a job adapting a book by Russell Banks called ‘Rule Of The Bone.’ I didn’t do a very good job. I didn’t really know what I was doing in general, let alone how to adapt a book.
Paul Thomas Anderson
Fractional reserve banks are sitting ducks and are always subject to contraction. When the banks’ state of inherent bankruptcy is discovered, for example, people will tend to cash in their deposits, and the contractionary, deflationary pressure could be severe.
Murray Rothbard
The big issue is how much money can the government infuse for the capitalisation of the banks when we have quite a few private banks doing well. Does the government of India really require this number of public sector banks?
Anurag Thakur
Nationalization would likely mean wiping out the big banks’ managements and shareholders. It’s because that reckoning has mostly been avoided so far that those bankers may be the Americans in the greatest denial of all.
Frank Rich
My politics are food-related – food banks, the living wage, zero hour contracts – and my food is political.
Jack Monroe
It is a well known urban myth that the French don’t trust banks and store their money under their mattress. It’s not that they are tight with money – they just don’t trust anyone.
Janine di Giovanni
Food banks have become such a powerful symbol in part because they’re inescapable.
Emily Thornberry
Payments banks can also act as business correspondents of other banks.
Chanda Kochhar
Life can be lived at a remove. You trade in futures, and then you trade in derivatives of futures. Banks make more money trading derivatives than they do trading actual commodities.
Sebastian Faulks
Over 17 years, I took on banks, landlords, real estate firms, local governments, anybody who treated anybody unfairly.
Tim Kaine
I support the Volcker rule, but there needs to be proper definitions around the Volcker rule so that banks can understand exactly what they can do and what they can’t do, and that they can provide the necessary function of liquidity in customer markets.
Steve Mnuchin
The Congress has historically played covert communal po

The Congress has historically played covert communal politics in order to create what in India we call vote banks where you pit one community against another and so on in order to secure votes.
Arundhati Roy
For the lakhs living along its banks, the Aghanashini has given people life and livelihoods.
Rohini Nilekani
It seems to me that a market exchange rate which is not artificially controlled by central banks enables one to balance the interests of different market players – exporters and importers, investors, borrowers, lenders.
Elvira Nabiullina
As a Swiss-Italian who has always worked for foreign banks, there was clearly an element of pride going back to my roots and working for the biggest bank in my country.
Sergio Ermotti
Let’s be honest: It wasn’t just the banks who messed up. There were a lot of people who tried to buy assets they couldn’t afford. That’s a reality.
James P. Gorman
Mediobanca is undervalued but less undervalued than other banks.
Ennio Doris
When we see the banks get bailed out with seemingly no consequences while ordinary people pay the price with job and wage cuts through austerity measures, who could blame a person for wondering where the loyalties of their elected leaders really lie?
Sharan Burrow
When financial sectors are small and capital is mobile, floating exchange rates spell massive currency volatility. When a lot of foreign capital flows in, a freely floating exchange rate rises sharply, wreaking havoc for domestic banks and exporters alike.
Zanny Minton Beddoes
A bank-issued digital asset can only really efficiently settle between the banks who issued it. I strongly believe banks need an independent digital asset to enable truly efficient settlement, and we believe XRP is best positioned for that role.
Brad Garlinghouse
Banks properly established and conducted are highly useful to the business of the country, and will doubtless continue to exist in the States so long as they conform to their laws and are found to be safe and beneficial.
Martin Van Buren
The ECB puts out money that is meant to help our banks, but they do not use it to finance our businesses, but they give it to them to buy back their debt, to help French and German banks.
Beppe Grillo
Central banks don’t have divine wisdom. They try to do the best analysis they can and must be prepared to stand or fall by the quality of that analysis.
Mary Kay Ash
In the late 19th century there was a major union organization, Knights of Labor, and also a radical populist movement based on farmers. It’s hard to believe, but it was based in Texas, and it was quite radical. They wanted their own banks, their own cooperatives, their own control over sales and commerce.
Noam Chomsky
Where are the jobs going to come from? Small business, manufacturing and clean energy. Where’s the money to finance them? The banks and the corporations in America today have lots of money that they can invest right now.
William J. Clinton
Starting in the wake of the 2008 GFC (Global Financial Crisis), market observers have warned of a crash in the bond market. Initially, it was believed that the trillions printed to bail out the banks would cause inflation and, therefore, a flight from bonds.
Max Keiser
I’m very disappointed in Obama. I was very much in support of him in the beginning, but I cannot support war. I cannot support droning. I cannot support capitulating to the banks.
Alice Walker
On the taxing of banks, we have to find the level at which they squeal but still pay and open up the next day.
Viktor Orban
A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves, consisting of many and various and powerful interests, combined into one mass, and held together by the cohesive power of the vast surplus in the banks.
John C. Calhoun
Big banks, highly leveraged casinos, do whatever they can to keep the cost of their gambling as cheap as possible. This means keeping interest rates as cheap as possible.
Max Keiser
The RBI is interacting with the banks every day.
Urjit Patel
Negro banks, as a rule, have failed because the people, taught that their own pioneers in business cannot function in this sphere, withdrew their deposits.
Carter G. Woodson
Well, I like regulation as little as anybody else. It can be intrusive. It can be detailed. It can be bureaucratic. It can be unevenly administered. It can be unfair. But most regulations that we have for mutual funds and for banks are regulations that we earned. We did something wrong and we’re paying a price for it.
John C. Bogle
At the heart of banking is a suicidal strategy. Banks take money from the public or each other on call, skim it for their own reward and then lock the rest up in volatile, insecure and illiquid loans that at times they cannot redeem without public aid.
James Buchan
Much as banks don’t care where your money’s coming from, the Electoral College is all ‘don’t ask, don’t care’ when it comes to votes.
John Ridley
Bonnie and Clyde grew up in absolute poverty. They didn’t go to school or have any money; the only way they could figure out how to get ahead was to steal. The banks were foreclosing on everyone’s homes. I think a lot of people will be able to relate to that struggle.
Jeremy Jordan
I think that, in addition of the intersection of media and technology, there has also been an intersection between technology and finance, which is something I find a little closer to home, seeing as I spend so much time covering Wall Street banks.
Kayla Tausche
A couple years ago, the novelist Russell Banks told me he was reading the ancient Greek historian Herodotus. I asked why. He said, ‘Because I’ve always wanted to and am tired of having my reading assigned.’ I thought it was a marvelous declaration of independence.
Richard Russo
I don’t think I have one particular favourite writer. I have many whose works I will always buy or reread – Muriel Spark, Anthony Powell, Robert Louis Stevenson, Ruth Rendell, James Ellroy, William McIlvanney, Kate Atkinson, John Burnside, Louise Welsh, Iain Banks.
Ian Rankin
A few years ago I was participating in a comedic ‘Inner Beauty Pageant’ and I had to figure out a talent very last-minute. I always loved Tyra Banks’s ‘We were all rooting for you!’ moment, and so I decided to lip-sync live to the six-minute entirety of it as my talent.
Bowen Yang
I rescue families who are losing their homes because they have no jobs and they can’t pay the mortgage and the banks are foreclosing on their homes.
I love the way Tyra Banks dresses up – she looks so elegant and glamorous in whatever she wears. The confidence and attitude she exudes on and off the ramp is remarkable.
Yami Gautam
When I was at my lowest point I had a lot of help from

When I was at my lowest point I had a lot of help from charities, food banks, to see me through so it is nice to start to give something back.
Jack Monroe
My favorite form of transportation is walking. I live in a neighborhood where you can walk to restaurants, banks, and shops.
Ed Begley, Jr.
Banks were already seen as greedy and arrogant. They have now reached the depths of humiliation in the wake of the LIBOR manipulation, PPI mis-selling, and bank swaps mis-selling.
Andrea Leadsom
Citigroup, Bank of America, and JP Morgan Chase should not be permitted to charge consumers 25- to 30-percent interest on their credit cards, especially while these banks received over $4 trillion in loans from the Federal Reserve.
Bernie Sanders
Regulators are a backstop: they don’t own banks. The governance at the top of our leading banks has been shown to be lamentably weak. No one at the top of Barclays will take responsibility for systemic abuse.
Vince Cable
Having contemplated this admirable grove, I proceeded towards the shrubberies on the banks of the river, and though it was now late in December, the aromatic groves appeared in full bloom.
William Bartram
Swipe fees have increased steadily since the introduction of debit cards 20 years ago, when there were no swipe fees at all. Merchants can’t negotiate or control them. They’ve tried, but they have no leverage against the big banks and issuers. So they get ignored.
Peter Welch
Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children.
Charles R. Swindoll
On private transactions, I’ll just go very quickly now, a major difference between the United States and Euroland is that in Europe banks are much more important in financial transactions than in the United States.
Robert C. Solomon
What is the system? It revolves around the banks, the system is built on the power of the banks, so it can be destroyed through the banks.
Eric Cantona
Agriculture is not crop production as popular belief holds – it’s the production of food and fiber from the world’s land and waters. Without agriculture it is not possible to have a city, stock market, banks, university, church or army. Agriculture is the foundation of civilization and any stable economy.
Allan Savory
Banks and investors don’t usually view a high-ranking executive in the company selling off massive amounts of stock as a good thing.
Marc Randolph
From September 1914 to August 1918, four major battles were fought along the banks of the River Somme in the region of Picardy, France. These included the 1916 Battle of the Somme, intended to drive the Germans out of France.
Carol Drinkwater
Fish banks are areas we set aside without fishing, reserves where we allow marine life to come back.
Enric Sala
Credit card companies and banks usually aren’t shy when they’re trying to sell you something. Heck, Wells Fargo didn’t even bother to ask consumers before signing them up for as many as two million checking and credit card accounts.
Dick Durbin
When I worked with M.I.A., who was, like, the coolest person back then, she was just a girl I met on the Internet. Or even when I met Azealia Banks on Myspace, I never thought, ‘Oh, she’s cool.’ I just loved what she was doing. So I’ve always been like that. And I think, as a producer, that’s what you’ve gotta do.
Wall Street banks have the right to express their views to lawmakers and regulators through lobbying, but the law is clear: If they want to influence lawmakers, they must disclose their lobbying expenditures.
Elizabeth Warren
One of the big problems we had during the financial crisis was the intermingling of banks and holding companies and complex securities.
Steve Mnuchin
International lending banks need to focus on areas where private investment doesn’t go, such as infrastructure projects, education and poverty relief.
Joseph Stiglitz
Banks operate like a man who either wears his trousers round his chest, stifling breathing, as now, or round his ankles, exposing his assets. We want their trousers tied round their middle: steady lending growth; particularly to productive British business, especially small scale enterprise.
Vince Cable
I’ve even become kind of well-known for taking on some bullies online. One of the most notable is the pop star Azealia Banks.
Skai Jackson
We need financial regulation that allows businesses and the banks they use to have access to the tools that help keep prices of consumer goods – like groceries and home heating oil – steady, while ensuring that the taxpayers are never again on the hook for the types of wild bets that helped crash the economy in 2008.
Jim Himes
The swipe fee reform law that Congress enacted in 2010 was a huge step forward in bringing transparency, competition, and choice to a debit card system that had been rigged by Visa, MasterCard, and the banks.
Dick Durbin
Drive-in banks were established so most of the cars today could see their real owners.
E. Joseph Cossman
Let’s not forget, what TARP did allowed us to move overnight and put capital into hundreds of banks, and that money came back plus $32 billion.
Henry Paulson
We need sobriety, rationality, and civility in the discussions on the regulation of financial institutions so that the banks can return in a robust manner to their central role in funding the economy.
Stephen A. Schwarzman
Capping the size of American banks won’t eliminate the needs of big businesses; it will force them to turn to foreign banks that won’t face the same restrictions.
Jamie Dimon
Why do I have an issue with banks? They have their greedy fingers in everyone’s money. No other industry has the power to deduct a bill or fees directly from your own bank account without so much as a notice.
Jonathan Raymond
The truth is that the banks that are really hurting under Dodd-Frank, really getting no relief, are the community banks.
John Fleming
I think what Ripple is doing is not just, ‘Hey, how do we enable banks’ – it’s a broader effort in how can you enable an Internet of Things and connected devices that are economic actors to pass a couple pennies.
Brad Garlinghouse
I’ve always wanted to work with Elizabeth Banks. She’s so talented and funny, and she’s become this force of nature – directing, producing. Being around her is kind of inspiring.
Gillian Jacobs
We are the most British of Britain's banks. This always

We are the most British of Britain’s banks. This always gets a chuckle; I don’t why.
Ana Patricia Botin
Operational risk is the risk of loss resulting from bank operational failures, such as rogue traders, fraudulent sales practices, and cyber risks. Operational risk capital is money or assets that banks have to hold to shield the economy from the consequences of these kinds of failures.
Seth Moulton
Anyone born after 1985 has grown up during the post-liberalisation honeymoon, when a rash of new banks, phone companies, airlines, care and durable goods manufacturers were wooing them or their parents for business.
Sucheta Dalal
The wealthy have installed their slaves in the highest spheres of the state. The banks are privately owned. They are concerned solely with profits. They have no interest in the common good.
Stephane Hessel
Institutions develop because people put a lot of trust in them, they meet real needs, they represent important aspirations, whether it’s monasteries, media, or banks, people begin by trusting these institutions, and gradually the suspicion develops that actually they’re working for themselves, not for the community.
Rowan Williams
In January 1961, the United States severed diplomatic relations in response to Cuban nationalisation of U.S.-owned sugar plantations, banks and businesses.
Tariq Ali
We like to joke that India has sick companies but rich promoters. Yet, even after the bad loans and non-payment of dues have turned at least three banks sick, there is no public demand for investigation, accountability and punishment.
Sucheta Dalal
There are so many girls that are really talented like Sasha Banks and Bayley. I have been lucky enough to work with many generations of girls, so every time you see someone really talented you get that urge to make some magic with that girl.
Gail Kim
What is very negative is that in every country in Europe, the largest owner of that country’s sovereign bonds are that country’s banks.
Steve Eisman
IBM, Microsoft, the profit they made was larger than the top four banks in China put together… But where did the money go?
Jack Ma
It’s hard to tell which assets will be toxic. The best way to ensure that only shareholders and banks feel it is have adequate capital.
Alan Greenspan
It is true that food banks are a sign that the British retain their altruistic instincts. I support my local food banks whenever and however I can. But I am deeply concerned about their normalisation.
Luciana Berger
If banks anticipate government will come to the rescue should the credit market go badly awry, they may make loans that would otherwise be imprudent, e.g. subprime loans with little prospect of repayment.
Eric Maskin
When we are asked to bail out corporations and banks, or pass tax bills that shift billions in public dollars out of government, we must ask ourselves, who were we truly sent here to advocate for?
Rashida Tlaib
‘The Big Short’ is, among other things, a blistering, detailed indictment of the way Wall Street does business, and its particular villains are the investment banks.
John Lanchester
Most people who rely on food banks are there through no fault of their own.
Luciana Berger
In the 1970s we saw a massive shift of household savings from the banks to the brokerage firms.
Ron Chernow
Banks can send big corporate payments through existing channels or send a small payment through Ripple. They don’t have to rip out existing infrastructure; they can use Ripple to make the transactions more profitable or more efficient.
Chris Larsen
My father instilled in me an attitude that you couldn’t really enjoy yourself unless you had done something to deserve it. So, my childhood was spent working on farms or local shops or, when I got older, in banks.
Ben Elliot
The banks are not lending, at least from what I see. They were so wild and reckless back in the good times that they got burned terribly.
Ben Stein
The people of Kentucky have had enough. They have had enough of bailouts for Wall Street banks.
Matt Bevin
Nationalizing businesses, nationalizing banks, is not a solution for the democratic party, it’s the objective.
Rush Limbaugh
If your only arbiter of anything is money, really you should… go and rob banks.
Bruce Dickinson
When a bank calls in a loan, it obviously hurts the customer in question. But it also adversely affects other banks that have lent to this borrower. They are now less likely to be repaid and so can’t as readily lend to their own customers.
Eric Maskin
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac buy mortgages from banks and other lenders, providing those financial institutions with capital to make new loans.
Charles Duhigg
Banks provide payment systems, core deposit and lending facilities that enable us to manage our day to day affairs.
Chuka Umunna
Nobody wants to have in their CV in the upper echelons of the American economic family that they nationalised major banks.
Paul Keating
We have to make sure that the banks pay every nickel of loan losses that they create, but we don’t want to hold them responsible for withdrawals if we want the economy to recover.
Edward Conard
The white spruce forest along the banks is most inspiring, magnificent here. Down the terraced slopes and right to the water’s edge on the alluvial soil it stands in ranks.
Ernest Thompson Seton
If you ask me, over time, I am a believer in the Indian financial saving story getting stronger; a lot more savers are moving money away from gold and real estate into banks, mutual funds, insurance and equities.
Uday Kotak
We have not argued in either Brazil or Argentina that the IMF should step in to protect the banks.
Charles Dallara
Dodd-Frank has disproportionately burdened community ba

Dodd-Frank has disproportionately burdened community banks, despite their having no role in the financial crisis.
Stephen A. Schwarzman
The government, of course, will print money to bail out the banks’ uncovered casino bets, but not to bail out the elderly from the theft of their funds.
Paul Craig Roberts
I am an intelligent river which has reflected successively all the banks before which it has flowed by meditating only on the images offered by those changing shores.
Victor Hugo
On privacy issues, it’s just like hundreds of years ago when people said, ‘I would rather put my money under my pillow than in a bank.’ But today, banks know how to protect money much better than you do. Today, we may not have the answers to privacy issues, but I believe our young people will come up with the solutions.
Jack Ma
I wish I could rap! I wish I could rap like Azealia Banks or Lil Wayne or someone like that… Twista. He’s super fast.
Charli XCX
I wake up every morning happy for where I am in life. It’s not all about the cooking, but the fact that I can contribute by using my influence to help people all over the country. In the last two years, my partners and I have fed more than 10 million hungry people by bringing meat to food banks.
Paula Deen
Banks have a new image. Now you have ‘a friend,’ your friendly banker. If the banks are so friendly, how come they chain down the pens?
Alan King
I don’t think the government needs to be frightened of the banks in the slightest.
Nigel Lawson
Wall Street, the banks, and corporate America, has been able to call the shots here. They control our members of Congress and they get what they want.
Michael Moore
I remember Tyra Banks giving me encouraging advice during my first Victoria’s Secret commercial shoot. I was so nervous, and she told me to just relax and be confident – that made me feel very comfortable.
Adriana Lima
The most famous and one of the most thoroughgoing opponents of bank credit was Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson reacted to the panic of 1819 as a confirmation of his pessimistic views on banks.
Murray Rothbard
Obama had to save the banks, sure, but he didn’t have to save the bankers and the shareholders and the bondholders. We broke the rules of capitalism in order to save those at the top – as we always do.
Joseph Stiglitz
My obligation is to the owners of Barclays, my shareholders. They hired me. People who criticise compensation for individuals in isolation at, say, BarCap, individuals who don’t work in the U.K. and are competing with U.S., German or Asian banks, they should look at all these factors.
Bob Diamond
Most banks tell their customers that they only pay a small upfront fee for international payments. But in reality, customers pay much more.
Taavet Hinrikus
Bind up thy words that they run not riot, and grow wanton, and gather up sins for themselves in too much talking. Let them be rather confined, and held back within their own banks. An overflowing river quickly gathers mud.
Saint Ambrose
Investment banks started recruiting at Harvard back in the day, and they’d fly me down to New York City and I was so poor so I would take advantage of the free flight, the per diem, the hotel. And then I would go audition for stuff.
Dean Norris
But if you want to continue to be slaves of the banks and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit.
Josiah Stamp
I mean, Dodd-Frank is strangling small community banks. It doesn’t make any difference what the interest rate is. They’re not – they’re not going to loan the money because they can’t make any money for one thing plus the cost of compliance.
Rick Perry
Deflation can be particularly dangerous when a financial system is shaky, with household and corporate balance sheets in poor shape and banks undercapitalized and heavily burdened with bad loans.
Ben Bernanke
Nobody is going to invest in the Italian banks unless they trust their balance sheets.
Steve Eisman
One way to ease liquidity for banks is that the government can buy all highly rated securities held by the banks. Every single bank in the U.A.E. has some sovereign debts in their portfolios. I am not asking them to buy any junk bonds, rather the high quality U.A.E. government debt.
Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair
We have to put an end to the culture of selfishness and corruption that allows greedy Wall Street banks and executives to rip off working people without any consequences.
Tulsi Gabbard
And $18 million in three Japanese banks, completely false. That I have two factories in Panama, also completely false. This is part of the counter campaign of some people.
Alberto Fujimori
If anything, the bailouts actually hindered lending, as banks became more like house pets that grow fat and lazy on two guaranteed meals a day than wild animals that have to go out into the jungle and hunt for opportunities in order to eat.
Matt Taibbi
The financial system has to be regulated, we have to end with the tax havens, and it’s necessary that the central banks in the world should control a little bit the banks’ financing because they cannot bypass a certain range of leverage.
Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
I was Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. As you know, there are twelve banks and they have their citizens board, and I got elected to the Fed Chairmanship for the Federal Reserve Kansas City Bank back in the mid-’90s. It might have been 1995-’96.
Herman Cain
There’s no doubt that decisions made by the leading central banks do affect the global financial markets and, consequently, our situation.
Elvira Nabiullina
No one lives on credit in France because banks don’t allow overdrafts and zero percent credit cards do not exist.
Janine di Giovanni
Yes, some banks will only float good companies. But others could not give two hoots if you have a business, a business plan or any business experience.
Mark Getty
Such great goalkeepers have played in England over the years – the likes of Gordon Banks, Peter Shilton, and Bert Trautmann.
Peter Schmeichel
Mrs. Clinton is the embodiment of a corrupt establishment owned by special interests, having personally enriched herself by giving closed-door speeches to Wall Street firms and the big banks.
Mercedes Schlapp
After getting driven into the ground by the policies of

After getting driven into the ground by the policies of the Bush administration, the economy is creeping up. It’s doing that because people are sticking their shoulders to the wheel. Community banks are doing a lot of lending to small businesses and keeping them going.
Stephen Stills
The process by which banks create money is so simple that the mind is repelled.
John Kenneth Galbraith
Blackstone is a major client of many of the largest banks around the world.
Stephen A. Schwarzman
New Yorkers have been fortunate to have Andrew Cuomo as our Attorney General – protecting working New Yorkers against the banks, insurance companies and big corporations.
Eric Schneiderman
When you’re given an ‘SI’ cover, and you take advantage of it, you can conquer the world. Look at Chrissy Teigen. Look at Tyra Banks. Look at Kathy Ireland.
Ashley Graham
The financial crisis of 2008 was not caused by investment banks betting against the housing market in 2007. It was caused by the fact that too few investors – including all of the big investment banks – bet too heavily on the housing market in the years before 2007.
James Surowiecki
The economy may be complex, but Americans understand that the Wall Street banks control an outsized portion of the economy and that they have an outsized interest in their own profits.
Marcy Kaptur
The whole banking sector in Mexico was literally bankrupt. For whatever reason, instead of intervening in the sector or supporting the banks, the government expropriated them. We went through the very laborious period of selling the failing banks to the wealthy people of Mexico.
Jose Angel Gurria
Sasha Banks. She has it all; she has everything. Her mind works like no other, and her heart is undeniable.
In addition to their risky investments, the big banks have a history of breaking the law whenever it suits their purpose, which is to make more money.
Ron Crumpton
Country banks are more flexible in their lending policies than their city brethren are.
Bert Lance
China’s idea of fair trade is government subsidies of its textile and apparel exports to the United States, currency manipulation, and forgiveness of loans by its government banks.
Virginia Foxx
A bank needs models to measure risk. The problem, however, is that any one bank can measure its risk, but it also has to know what the risk taken by other banks in the system happens to be at any particular moment.
Myron Scholes
We had to recreate the banks of the river Yamuna on a studio floor. It wasn’t easy… or cheap.
Boney Kapoor
If you think too-big-to-fail banks are not worthy of investment because of their impossible-to-read balance sheets, well then, don’t buy them.
Barry Ritholtz
Limits should be placed on how big big banks can become.
Robert Reich
I’m not really worried about England’s banks.
Steve Eisman
We have a producer who is incredibly supportive and ‘wants’ us to have babies, if that is our choice, so that is all due to our show’s producer, Imogen Banks. I don’t really feel like I have lot of challenges as a female actor in that kind of way.
Asher Keddie
I donate heavily to the church and various churches in the Detroit community and food banks.
Aretha Franklin
I’m friends with Elizabeth Banks – she’s a great actress but not actressy at all. She’s very cool. I adore her.
Elizabeth Reaser
When Occupy Wall Street happened, I took my money out of Citibank. I already had problems with all the banks – Citibank, Bank of America – but I was kind of just too lazy to take my money out until I saw how Citibank responded to Occupy Wall Street.
Talib Kweli
As a consumer, I’m definitely waiting for what’s going to come after banks.
Taavet Hinrikus
We shouldn’t be profiting from our students who are drowning in debt while giving a great deal to the banks. That’s just wrong.
Elizabeth Warren
I feel like anytime I can get into the ring with someone like Sasha Banks, I can learn so much.
Bianca Belair
Earnings don’t move the overall market; it’s the Federal Reserve Board… focus on the central banks, and focus on the movement of liquidity… most people in the market are looking for earnings and conventional measures. It’s liquidity that moves markets.
Stanley Druckenmiller
I do believe that banks are special – they are very leveraged institutions by nature; therefore, it’s even more critical to ensure that the governance and the process of running a banking company are well-organised, managed and regulated.
Uday Kotak
For highly indebted governments, low interest rates are critical to keep debt levels sustainable and ease pressure to restructure debt and recapitalize banks. The shift to a high sovereign-debt-yield equilibrium would make it impossible to achieve fiscal balance.
Michael Spence
Separating out banks and investment banks right now under Glass-Steagall would have very big implications to the liquidity and the capital markets and banks being able to perform necessary lending.
Steve Mnuchin
Azealia Banks – love what she’s doing.
We really need a public-interest government that is not taking marching orders from the fossil-fuel industry and the banks and the war profiteers. We really need a government that is acting on our behalf.
Jill Stein
I write cheap recipes for struggling families and single people, and have donated 800 copies of my newest cookery book to food banks and other good causes.
Jack Monroe
It's hard to punish and save the banks at the same time

It’s hard to punish and save the banks at the same time.
Henry Paulson
Disney had made such a great deal of money on Snow White that the banks gave him the go-ahead on the next three films. But he was heavily dependent on the foreign market.
Marc Davis
What happens at the Fed, what Janet Yellen and the other people decide there, what happens in central banks in other parts of the world is very important. This can make the difference between a high unemployment rate, a slow recovery or a more rapid recovery.
Paul Romer
The scope of activities for payments banks mainly includes acceptance of demand deposits, issuance of ATM/debit cards, payment and remittance services, and distribution of third-party products.
Chanda Kochhar
The U.S. must differentiate between controversial assertions of power, like those in the South China Sea, and fair reflections of China’s growing contribution to the world, such as the new banks.
Evan Osnos
Since JPMorgan Chase announced its surprise $2 billion-and-growing trading loss, there have been renewed calls from economists, pundits, and politicians to reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act, a Depression-era law that prevented commercial banks from participating in investment banking activities.
Andrew Ross Sorkin
My younger brother was a big Stoke fan, and I was sucked into it. I was kind of waking up every morning and looking at Gordon Banks’ face! We had all these small football cards – literally hundreds of them – and swapping them was the currency back then.
Morten Harket
Banks will fee you to death. If you bounce a check, the bank has a policy to re-post the check three more times to see if it will be paid. If it continues to bounce they charge a $30 overdraft every time. So, one bounced check will rack up $90 for the bank.
Jonathan Raymond
We need to increase the transparency of shadow banking markets so that authorities can monitor for signs of excessive leverage and unstable maturity transformation outside regulated banks.
Janet Yellen
The trade of banks is the buying and selling of interest and exchange.
William Petty
In several sections, both natural in the banks of the Mississippi and its numerous arms, and where artificial canals had been cut, I observed erect stumps of trees, with their roots attached, buried in strata at different heights, one over the other.
Charles Lyell
I am pleased to be part of Promontory’s steady efforts to assist banks and other financial firms in meeting legal and regulatory obligations and challenges.
Laurence D. Fink
The U.S. economy will tank if either China withdraws its money from the U.S. Banks, or Saudi Arabia stops depositing its oil money in U.S. bonds, or even if the oil trade goes off the dollar.
Prashant Bhushan
Banks hold deposits and savings entrusted to them by individuals, by businesses, by governments and by central banks. They put that money to work, helping people to buy homes, for example, or lending to businesses to invest in expansion.
Bob Diamond
The reason I grew so fast in the supermarket business, without help of the banks in those days, was through my vendors. I convinced my vendors, the companies I was doing business with, if I did more business, they would do more business.
John Catsimatidis
I believe that the federal government, like a raging river, has expanded upon the barriers and the boundaries of its banks, and unfortunately, it is flooding all of America with its encroachment.
Steve Southerland
Traditional consumer finance has been unfair for decades. Banks have had a monopoly on financial services and have been able to overcharge and underserve consumers.
Taavet Hinrikus
I’ll tell you where the injustice is. It’s with the person earning £12,000 to £15,000-a-year who is being asked to be restrained by their business or employer. Yet the taxpayer has bailed out the banks, so why are they not showing restraint?
Prince Andrew
I don’t know about Mario Balotelli saying, ‘Why always me?’ – England should be saying as a nation, ‘Why always us?’ You can go back to 1970, when Gordon Banks got food poisoning and we lost to West Germany. Then there was 1986 and Maradona’s hand. And last time, Frank Lampard not getting his goal against the Germans.
Glenn Hoddle
Women didn’t go to school when they were young because parents preferred to send their brothers. The women couldn’t access loans in their own right because the banks sought the approval of a male dependent.
Joyce Banda
Logically, it may be argued that banks could indeed lower interest rates and make up their profits through larger borrowing volumes. But banks, in turn, could justify exorbitant rates by arguing that they cater to a riskier segment.
Sucheta Dalal
What bitcoin does better than the current financial system is it’s a better stored value globally. There are a lot of countries that really don’t trust their banks or their currency, and bitcoin is an alternative.
Adam Draper
In the economy of the cuckoo people that populate central banks, everything is possible. What you have is gigantic bubbles, the NASDAQ in 2000, then the housing bubble and then commodities in 2008 when oil went from $78 to $147 before plunging to $32 within six months.
Marc Faber
When you contribute to food banks or give money that goes to having meals delivered, you’re meeting the most basic need. It’s such a direct way to help.
Colin Jost
On banks, I make no apology for attacking spivs and gamblers who did more harm to the British economy than Bob Crow could achieve in his wildest Trotskyite fantasies, while paying themselves outrageous bonuses underwritten by the taxpayer. There is much public anger about banks and it is well deserved.
Vince Cable
The world’s central banks and the International Monetary Fund still have vaults full of bullion, even though currencies are no longer backed by gold. Governments hold on to it as a kind of magic symbol, a way of reassuring people that their money is real.
James Surowiecki
People with banking experience haven’t all flocked to the biggest banks; community banks and regional banks, along with smaller trading houses and credit unions, have some very talented people.
Elizabeth Warren
Big banks have long had private equity divisions that put up capital for deals too complex or risky for individual shareholders to finance.
Alex Berenson
We used to build our cities and towns around churches. Now banks are at the centers of our densely populated areas.
John Densmore
The real problem at the moment is that the banks – because of their existing culture, which is frankly anti-business, obsession with short-term trading profits, not focusing on the long term – are throttling the recovery of British industry.
Vince Cable
A lot of financial technology is foolhardy. Saying, ‘We’re going to kill banks. We’re going to disrupt everything,’ ignores some realities.
Chris Larsen
We protect our banks, hospitals and airports with armed

We protect our banks, hospitals and airports with armed personnel; surely, we can do more to protect schools, which teach our nation’s most valuable resource.
Erik Prince
I have never believed that central banks should have rigid inflation targeting. That is not a good thing to stabilize. There is nothing in economic theory to back this.
Robert Mundell
It is sad that the more ‘successful’ a neighborhood becomes, the more it gradually takes on a recognizable, common look, as the same banks, drugstore chains and national brands move in.
Danny Meyer
There is close to zero trust in institutions in Afghanistan. The mobile carriers have more trust than the banks.
Jan Chipchase
Every regulatory speech on derivatives takes a bow to their hedging ‘benefits.’ Less publicly, regulators pay their respects to derivative profits, a blessed relief from the banks’ troubled loans to less-developed countries, highly leveraged companies, and real estate swingers.
Carol Loomis
Democrats fought to get health insurance for more Americans. Democrats fought for a strong consumer agency so big banks can’t cheat people. We fought, we won, and we improved the lives of millions of people – thank you, President Obama!
Elizabeth Warren
Small businesses have suffered under the demands of Obamacare and community banks have scaled back lending due to stringent provisions of Dodd-Frank financial regulation.
Anthony Scaramucci
The subprime disaster was a result of financial bombs – derivatives – exploding in financial institutions such as AIG and Lehman Brothers, as well as banks and financial institutions throughout the world.
Robert Kiyosaki
On the banks of the Nile, the Rosetta branch, I lived an enjoyable childhood in the City of Disuq, which is the home of the famous mosque, Sidi Ibrahim.
Ahmed Zewail
Even before the expansion of slave labor in the South and into the West, slavery was already an important source of northern profit, as was the already exploding slave trade in the Caribbean and South America. Banks capitalized the slave trade, and insurance companies underwrote it.
Greg Grandin
When I started the business, only banks operated at airports, only banks issued travellers’ cheques, only banks issued international payments, only banks serviced their own branch networks.
Lloyd Dorfman
I don’t think central banks are going to give up fiat currency anytime in my lifetime.
Brad Garlinghouse
Is there any reason why the American people should be taxed to guarantee the debts of banks, any more than they should be taxed to guarantee the debts of other institutions, including merchants, the industries, and the mills of the country?
Carter Glass
Banks will have to win the confidence of their customers through fair dealing, making good loans, and remaining financially healthy.
Ben Bernanke
I’m much more confident with crypto than with banks or fiat currency because I can actually control it, and the money supply is transparent, stated up front. It makes online shopping a lot easier and a lot safer.
Erik Voorhees
Should we think about separating the investment banks from the commercial banks, a new Glass-Steagall? I would be really excited to see that. I think it would be great for the economy.
Kenneth C. Griffin
I have no interest in bailing out anybody, quite frankly, and I think banks have to suffer every dollar of loss if they make a bad loan.
Edward Conard
There remains a degree of anti-black intellectualism in entertainment. Middle and upper-middle class blacks have often been portrayed as buffoons in popular culture; witness the characters of Carlton Banks on ‘The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’ and Braxton P. Hartnabrig on ‘The Jamie Foxx Show.’
John Ridley
Narrow banks could restart effective intermediation and ensure that consumers and employment-creating small and medium-size enterprises are adequately financed and can contribute to the reactivation of the economy.
Edmund Phelps
The rivers of America will run with blood filled to their banks before we will submit to them taking the Bible out of our schools.
Billy Sunday
I’m Australian, so I love the stores near Crowne Plaza Melbourne, on the banks of the Yarra River.
Jason Day
I always loved that old song ‘Banks of the Ohio’ – it was always such a man’s song, so I’ve always wanted to record it.
Dolly Parton
Occupy has to continue as a bold, in-your-face movement – occupying banks, corporate headquarters, board meetings, campuses and Wall Street itself. We need weekly – if not daily – nonviolent assaults right on Wall Street.
Michael Moore
The FBI has long been a part of the security for the nation’s banks because bank robberies have been a priority.
John Ashcroft
The Federal Reserve, like other central banks, wields powerful tools; democratic accountability requires that the public be able to see how and for what purposes those tools are being used.
Ben Bernanke
I am pretty sure central banks will continue to print money, and the standards of living for people in the western world, not just in America, will continue to decline because the cost of living increases will exceed income. The cost of living will also go up because all kinds of taxes will increase.
Marc Faber
Limiting the destructive risk-taking by large financial firms and banks which are ‘too big to fail’ is needed.
Sharan Burrow
The Huashan project is a clear example of how an urban element, key to the successful growth of the city, can at the same time improve the quality of life for its citizens, thanks to an integration of all three bridges and the creation of boulevards on the banks of the canal.
Santiago Calatrava
Commercial banks – that is, fractional reserve banks – create money out of thin air. Essentially, they do it in the same way as counterfeiters.
Murray Rothbard
My colleagues on the Board of Governors and I understand the value of having a diverse financial system that includes a large and vibrant contingent of community banks.
Jerome Powell
You have to remember: what are incomes to banks are outgoes to families.
Elizabeth Warren
As a young man, I lived through the Great Depression, w

As a young man, I lived through the Great Depression, when banks failed and so many lost their jobs and homes and went hungry. I was fortunate to have a job at a canning factory that paid 25 cents an hour.
James E. Faust
We have been concentrating on the banks, business and our bellies. We have neglected the spiritual and cultural. It was because Rome and Athens neglected these things that they fell.
Gutzon Borglum
While the traditional banks and credit card companies lock down access to their payments infrastructure to a handful of trusted parties, Bitcoin is open to all.
Naval Ravikant
Because of the failure of the federal government to enforce federal law, we now have ‘banks too big to fail,’ unregulated Internet monopoly, and the evisceration of a dispersed and independent media.
Paul Craig Roberts
If you punish the banks, all you are doing is reducing the banks’ capital, which you want to increase, and punishing shareholders, who have done nothing wrong.
Nigel Lawson
Bitcoin has the potential to destroy credit cards and banks as we know it. Maybe that is a good thing or a bad thing, but I like the idea that if someone needs to remit payments, they can do it without being gouged.
Garry Tan
Imagine how different those classrooms could be if hundreds of Nigeria’s most talented recent graduates and professionals channeled their energy not only into the country’s banks, but into making education in the country a force for transformation.
Wendy Kopp
Let me talk about what the banks are doing, and I think the banks have been working to make sure that, as much as possible, we move the currency to the smaller areas and to as many set of customers as possible.
Chanda Kochhar
The problem with the focus on speculators, as was demonstrated during the financial crisis, is that it tends to divert attention from the real villains. During the financial crisis, the villains were the actions of the banks, not the speculators betting on bank share prices.
Gary Weiss
Poverty is on the increase – due to welfare cuts – and demand for food banks has rocketed.
Nicola Sturgeon
Supplements are popular. They’re good. They’re a fast-growing market. I use it to fund the operation. Other revolutionaries rob banks and kidnap people, O.K.? I don’t do that.
Alex Jones
Tree roots hold river banks together and stop the wind blowing soil away, there are many creatures that live in woods and they provide a sense of well-being and look nice.
Clive Anderson
What if people could use the Internet to create a new kind of money, one that didn’t involve governments and central banks and could be used anonymously, like cash?
Daniel Lyons
I think there’s a disconnect between political leaders and young voters around a lot of things related to the private sector. For example, a lot of politicians continue to attack big banks. While I’m not a defender of big banks, my sense is younger voters have had generally pretty good experiences with banks.
John Delaney
Every Republican’s voted for it. Look at what they value and look at their budget and what they’re proposing. Romney wants to let the – he said in the first 100 days he’s going to let the big banks once again write their own rules – unchain Wall Street. They’re gonna put y’all back in chains.
Joe Biden
In the United States, the government is bailing out banks, intervening in the economy, yet in Latin America, the Right continues to talk about ‘free markets.’ It’s totally outdated; they don’t have arguments; they don’t have any sense.
Hugo Chavez
The threshold question: Will banks continue to exist? The answer is yes, because society will still need the two essential functions they provide: mobilization of capital from providers to users, and facilitation of payments for goods and services.
James P. Gorman
The banks have accounts with the Fed, much the same way that you have an account in a commercial bank.
Ben Bernanke
Banks are an almost irresistible attraction for that element of our society which seeks unearned money.
J. Edgar Hoover
Money often determines not only who gets elected, but what gets done. Which voices do lawmakers listen to, the banks or home owners, coal companies, or asthma sufferers, the CEOs or the unemployed?
Madeleine M. Kunin
We in Nigeria have seen just how difficult it is to get back stolen assets from the international financial system, such as banks that ought not have received those funds in the first place if even the most routine questions were asked.
Yemi Osinbajo
Part of me goes back to being 8 years old and going on the train 45 minutes to wait at a bank to get Ernie Banks’ autograph. Or when I was a ball boy, becoming best buddies with some of the undrafted or late-drafted guys, them becoming like our big brothers, and then the pain of cut day and watching them get cut.
Jim Irsay
Ripple is redefining the way that value moves around the world, and today we’re already enabling real-time, affordable international settlement between banks who have adopted our solutions.
Chris Larsen
As many have pointed out, it is not clear that we need so many public sector banks. The system could be better off if they are consolidated into fewer but healthier banks.
Urjit Patel
I’d like to sit down with Hillary Clinton onstage and ask her about Glass Steagall and all the big banks and her own campaign contributions.
Eileen Myles
Food banks have told us of the increasing donations of, and demand for, tampons and pads which are gratefully received by women struggling to afford them.
Layla Moran
When you have steady inflows and global central banks hell-bent on stoking credit activity and inflation, money will flow into the most attractive areas.
Anthony Scaramucci
The Federal Reserve system obviously doesn’t work anymore – they keep lowering the federal discount rate, and all that happens is that the banks are making a fortune, and the old folks’ CDs are getting chewed up.
Molly Ivins
And I think the more money you put in people’s hands, the more they will spend. And if they don’t spend it, they invest it. And investing it is another way of creating jobs. It puts money into mutual funds or other kinds of banks that can go out and make loans, and we need to do that.
Michael Bloomberg
There are downsides to implicitly trusting banks, as the 2008 financial crisis showed.
Balaji Srinivasan
I had to create a team of people who had worked in this industry for other banks. What I brought to that team was ICICI’s strategic thinking, but when it came to domain knowledge or product nuances, I had to learn from the team.
Chanda Kochhar
I want a one-on-one match with Sasha Banks. A Fatal Fou

I want a one-on-one match with Sasha Banks. A Fatal Four-Way with Sasha, Becky Lynch, and Charlotte would also be great some day at a WrestleMania.
After Dodd-Frank, the big banks were bigger. The small banks are fewer.
Jeb Hensarling
Every business has to re-think their own business model and say does it meet this DSM test and do their products and services meet the test of being digital, social, and mobile? I think the banks are doing the same.
Chanda Kochhar
Urban America has been redlined. Government has not offered tax incentives for investment, as it has in a dozen foreign markets. Banks have redlined it. Industries have moved out, they’ve redlined it. Clearly, to break up the redlining process, there must be incentives to green-line with hedges against risk.
Jesse Jackson
In Africa, those who have money – businessmen and banks – do not believe in film.
Wole Soyinka
Yes, women should be free to cover their faces when walking down the street. But in our schools, hospitals, airports, banks and civil institutions, it is not unreasonable – nor contrary to the teachings of Islam – to expect women to show the one thing that allows the rest of us to identify them… namely, their face.
Maajid Nawaz
There are lots of different people who use food banks – from young parents to older people.
Andrew Robertson
Below-target inflation increases the real value of debts owed by households and businesses and reduces the ability of central banks to respond to downturns.
Jerome Powell
The issue which has swept down the centuries and which will have to be fought sooner or later is the people versus the banks.
John Dalberg-Acton
Talking about Korea, it has pretty high capital ratios at banks and maintains a good credit rating.
Lee Myung-bak
I think that if you’re going after large banks and large financial companies to try to make sure people are being treated fairly, you’re going to make some enemies, and you’re going to make people uncomfortable.
Richard Cordray
The government shouldn’t step in at the first stage and create land banks. Industry should buy the land as much as they can, and if they get stuck, then the government should step in.
Jamshyd Godrej
People that’s in power – the central banks, these fiat currencies that are traded globally – they got influence over the messaging and the narrative in the media.
Nipsey Hussle
A neoliberal disaster is one who generates a mass incarceration regime, who deregulates banks and markets, who promotes chaos of regime change in Libya, supports military coups in Honduras, undermines some of the magnificent efforts in Haiti of working people, and so forth.
Cornel West
The Congress and BJP both have refused to waive off farm loans from nationalised banks. I have shared that our party will do this if voted to power.
H. D. Kumaraswamy
Sasha Banks is amazing.
Bianca Belair
I’ve lived to see key parts of my research absorbed in textbooks and in central banks around the world. And some finance ministries, too.
Edmund Phelps
I read books more than I go out. As a matter of fact, I get a little concerned about some of my anti-social habits. I will choose a night with Somerset Maugham or Russell Banks over a crowded bar any day.
Julie Bowen
Businesses in my constituency want help to address the skills mismatch at local level which leaves employers with staff shortages and young people without jobs. They want access to reliable sources of finance, including a network of local banks.
Jo Cox
All these child stars grow up and they’re knockin’ over banks and getting prostitutes. I’m, like, one of the only people I know that has managed to dodge all of that negative crap.
Dustin Diamond
In many cases, the Treasury will get preferred or convertible preferred stock for the money it gives to banks. These shares typically don’t have voting rights, possibly to give more of a hands-off appearance to the government.
Jerry A. Webman
Under Bill Clinton’s HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo, Community Reinvestment Act regulators gave banks higher ratings for home loans made in ‘credit-deprived’ areas. Banks were effectively rewarded for throwing out sound underwriting standards and writing loans to those who were at high risk of defaulting.
Lawrence Kudlow
In the 1990s, the Democratic Party began to cozy up to their long-time enemies: Wall Street Bankers. They took their money and relaxed their regulations until the Great Recession forced the Democrats via Dodd-Frank to re-regulate the banks.
Bob Beckel
I’m like the Russian Tyra Banks.
Ksenia Sobchak
Banks are really bad when it comes to building consumer-centred products.
Taavet Hinrikus
Average working people need more fresh starts. Big corporations, banks, and Donald Trump need fewer.
Robert Reich
Trapped in the bureaucracy nightmare, real families suffer when the big banks and their servicers force foreclosures. The emotional toll on children packing up their rooms and on parents struggling to find a temporary roof is a deep one.
Sheldon Whitehouse
The thought for a long time was that banks needed to be too controlled, too regulated to be turned over to the Wild West of the Net. Then the credit meltdown hit, and we saw just how reckless these so-called safe and regulated institutions were.
Sarah Lacy
Taxpayers have put more than $24 trillion on the line to resuscitate Wall Street after the economic meltdown of last year. With the help of this massive taxpayer support, the nation’s largest banks are posting record profits.
Maria Cantwell
Not an old woman that buys a paper of pins, without yielding a part of the price to the banks as interest!
John Buchanan Robinson
Instead of abandoning competition and giving banks protected monopolies once again, the public would be better served by making it easier to close banks when they get into trouble. Instead of making banking boring, let us make it a normal industry, susceptible to destruction in the face of creativity.
Raghuram Rajan
Banks need to think through their ethics very carefully

Banks need to think through their ethics very carefully, and many have done so. I don’t know any bank that dismisses the concept of ethical banking.
Justin Welby
My family has spent 400 years farming on the banks of the Rio Grande. We know the value of hard work, love of the community, love for water and land.
Ken Salazar
The number one problem with Dodd-Frank is it’s way too complicated, and it cuts back lending, so we want to strip back parts of Dodd-Frank that prevent banks from lending, and that will be the number one priority on the regulatory side.
Steve Mnuchin
What people don’t realize is that China papered over its last two credit bubbles, those in 1999 and 2004. The banks were never bailed out – they just exchanged their bad loans for questionable bonds from quasi-state organizations.
James Chanos
Conspiracies do exist. Probably in this moment in New York there is an economic group making a conspiracy in order to buy three banks. But if they succeed, they are immediately discovered.
Umberto Eco
The Federal Reserve needs to provide small businesses in America with the same low-interest loans it gave to foreign banks.
Bernie Sanders
Why do we have financial crises? Why do banks lose money? If history is any guide, it hasn’t often been the result of speculative bets. It has been the result of banks making loans to individuals and businesses who can’t pay them back.
Andrew Ross Sorkin
I faced a number of challenges whilst I built Biocon. Initially, I had credibility challenges where I couldn’t get banks to fund me; I couldn’t recruit people to work for a woman boss. Even in the businesses where I had to procure raw materials, they didn’t want to deal with women.
Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw
With weak balance sheets, banks tend to continue lending unprofitable businesses and leave them existing.
Toshihiko Fukui
Investment banks manage to go bankrupt through their investment-banking activities, commercial banks manage to go bankrupt through their commercial-banking activities.
Ben Bernanke
For me, I’ve always told myself, ‘I can only do me in the ring.’ When I go out there and perform, I can only do what Sasha Banks can do.
Sasha Banks
The contents of the massive banks behind these successive revetments makes it quite clear that the material was derived from the incorporation of earlier occupation levels.
Kathleen Kenyon
As American citizens, if you believe all banks were bailed out, you would hate banks. I would, too.
Jamie Dimon
When the banks crashed the global economy in 2007-08, it was they who received a bailout while the rest of us got austerity.
David Olusoga
The financial markets are rigged by the big banks, the Federal Reserve, and the Treasury in the interests of the profits of the few big banks and the dollar’s exchange value, which is the basis of U.S. power.
Paul Craig Roberts
When giant companies wanted more tax loopholes, Washington got it done. When huge energy companies wanted to tear up our environment, Washington got it done. When enormous Wall Street banks wanted new regulatory loopholes, Washington got it done. No gridlock there!
Elizabeth Warren
In capital we trust. Capital is our savior, our holy grail, our fountain of youth, or at least health, for banks.
Bethany McLean
There is definitely a lot of banks that are interested in private blockchains. In some cases, they are happy with public blockchains as well. The opposition to just doing things on a public blockchain is definitely smaller than some of the strongest detractors think.
Vitalik Buterin
I have a really feminine voice, but I also feel quite powerful when I write. So my songs feel heavy, and that’s how Banks sounds. It’s a really short, powerful sound. It almost sounds masculine, and I like having that dichotomy.
The blockchain concept was pioneered within the context of crypto-currency Bitcoin, but engineers have imagined many other ways for distributed ledger technology to streamline the world. Stock exchanges and big banks, for example, are looking at blockchain-type systems as trading settlement platforms.
Anthony Scaramucci
Before the arrival of the Credit Union, people who were from the poor background or a working class background couldn’t borrow from banks.
John Hume
All the central banks are doing is substituting one form of debt with another form of debt. They’re issuing short term debt and using it to buy long term debt. In finance, we tend to think that’s a neutral activity, even though those stimulus programs are huge.
Eugene Fama
European and American banks are conservative in the sense that they don’t come at their full strength to markets where we are; that leaves us an opportunity to be successful.
Husnu Ozyegin
The fact is I don’t even have one cent of savings abroad, don’t have accounts at foreign banks, don’t have deposits abroad and don’t even have any shares in foreign firms, much less hundreds of billions of dollars.
We need to think deeply about whether we can sustain banks that are not only too big to fail, but potentially too big to bail.
George Osborne
I fear debt. I don’t like being indebted to banks. I have a rule in life that I will get it when I can afford it.
Vir Das
Banks don’t come with an internal switch that says, ‘Enough! Let’s slow down a little.’ Or, ‘Let’s just share this wealth around for the benefit of the community now.’ That’s the job of government.
Sharan Burrow
When the banks grow to or when these financial institutions grow to such a size that they can’t sustain themselves, or what have you, they have problems, economic problems, or financial problems, they shouldn’t be able to look back to you and I, the taxpayer, to be bailed out.
Scott Garrett
I think the market should reward banks that have been transparent in recognising their problems. I think the tendency of banks to hide the problem assets over a period of three or four years should not be allowed.
Abdul Aziz Al Ghurair
The Tigris is so fierce and rapid, and swallows its alluvial banks so greedily, that it is probable that some of the buildings described by the Hebrew traveller Benjamin of Tudela as existing in the twelfth century were long since carried away.
Isabella Bird
In America, we have subsidized private jets, big banks and hedge fund managers. Wouldn’t it make more sense to subsidize kids?
Nicholas Kristof
When President Obama entered the White House, the econo

When President Obama entered the White House, the economy was in a free-fall. The auto industry: on its back. The banks: frozen up. More than three million Americans had already lost their jobs. And America’s bravest, our men and women in uniform, were fighting what would soon be the longest wars in our history.
Rahm Emanuel
The investment banks should either choose to be regulated as banks or should arrange to conduct their affairs to not require the stop-gap support of the Federal Reserve.
Kenneth C. Griffin
People have been scared off Bitcoin by the fact that you needed to put your money in an unregulated overseas platform that has been cut off by banks and scrutinized by the Fed. We are looking to remove the pain points and create a way to invest that is faster and more secure.
Barry Silbert
My dad did everything he could. It was a start-up, and the banks didn’t want to lend him enough money, so he mortgaged our house.
Rob Portman
The more the data banks record about each one of us, the less we exist.
Marshall McLuhan
In 2006, the Congress had approved plans to allow the Fed, beginning in 2011, to pay interest on banks’ reserve balances. In the fall of 2008, the Congress moved up the effective date of this authority to October 2008.
Janet Yellen
Conservatives brayed that government should stay out of the private sector; liberals bleated for nationalizing the banks.
Steven Rattner
From the beginning of time, we’ve had financial crises. People always blame the banks and for good reason. When you look for the root causes, they’re almost always failed government policies.
Henry Paulson
I think India’s growth itself will give opportunities for Indian banks to become substantially bigger.
Chanda Kochhar
If Saudi Aramco is listed, then it must announce its statements, and it will do that every quarter. It will be under the supervision of all Saudi banks, all analysts, all Saudi thinkers. Even more, all international banks and research and planning centres in the world will monitor it intensively.
Mohammad bin Salman
Banks are so protected from liability they would have to really do something that was their mistake in order for them to be liable for it. Banks don’t look at signatures. They’re processing millions of checks and they have very little liability.
Frank Abagnale
It is my wish that my ashes may repose on the banks of the Seine, in the midst of the French people, whom I have loved so well.
Napoleon Bonaparte
Planes don’t fly, trains don’t run, banks don’t operate without much of what IBM does.
Ginni Rometty
You will not see, in my career, the kind of returns this industry had in 2005 and 2006 for a very simple reason – the banks were undercapitalized, and returns are a function of earnings and capital.
James P. Gorman
The over-representation of Wall Street banks in senior government positions sends a bad message. It tells people that one – and only one – point of view will dominate economic policymaking.
Elizabeth Warren
I think a lot of Americans are not sure which side Washington is on: the side of banks or the side of the people.
Elizabeth Warren
I started writing ‘Cod’ at a time when people were first beginning to take an interest in the problem of fisheries because the Grand Banks had closed.
Mark Kurlansky
As we continue down the path of automation, virtually every city will have 24-hour convenience stores, 24-hour libraries, 24-hour banks, 24-hour churches, 24-hour schools, 24-hour movie theaters, 24-hour bars and restaurants, and even 24-hour shopping centers.
Thomas Frey
I always like Iain Banks science fiction stuff and William Gibson’s cyberpunk stuff from the 1980s.
Alastair Reynolds
North Carolina is home to some of the largest financial institutions in the country, and a vibrant network of community banks. We’re a banking state, and we’re proud of that distinction. But we also understand that responsible financial regulation protects consumers and businesses.
Kay Hagan
What the mortgage bubble was all about was big banks like Goldman Sachs taking big bundles of subprime mortgages that were lent out largely to low-income, highly risky borrowers, and applying this kind of magic-pixie-dust math to these bundles of securities and slapping AAA ratings on them.
Matt Taibbi
Obama was elected on a slogan of hope and change because both were in short supply: the military exhausted by two wars, the banks failing their public trust, the U.S. Congress a comedy of dysfunction, and a federal government that seemed designed to idle on the sidelines.
Nancy Gibbs
We should ban banks from risk-taking because society is going to pay the price.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
I come from a state with many sound, responsible banks.
Amy Klobuchar
The world is run by monsters and you have to deal with them. Some of them run countries, some of them run banks, some of them run news corporations.
Ken Livingstone
Overpaying the banks for their toxic assets could contribute capital, but that may not be politically feasible or attractive.
Edmund Phelps
If competition for Kaggle’s top talent becomes fierce enough among banks, insurance companies, hedge funds – we hope the world’s best data scientists will earn more than $50 million per year, just like the world’s best hedge fund managers.
Anthony Goldbloom