Top 405 Beliefs Quotes

Change can either challenge or threaten us. Your beliefs pave your way to success or block you.
Marsha Sinetar
We make movies to endorse our own personal feelings. I am not, in fact, a documentary filmmaker. I’ve got my personal beliefs, and I’m ready to put them out on the table.
Rod Lurie
My idea of freedom is that we should protect the rights of people to believe what their conscience dictates, but fight equally hard to protect people from having the beliefs of others imposed upon them.
Justin Trudeau
We become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams.
Jimmy Carter
The question is not whether personal spiritual beliefs shape a politician’s values and policies, but what spiritual beliefs mold those values and policies.
Robert Jeffress
There are those who are value-oriented and those who are success-oriented. However shouldn’t an actor deliver an image to his audience through roles he chooses to portray, based on his beliefs in life?
Choi Si-won
Once you touch the biographies of human beings, the notion that political beliefs are logically determined collapses like a pricked balloon.
Walter Lippmann
Besides the healthcare bill being unconstitutional and a great expansion of federal government, I think if it does not respect people’s individual religious views and makes groups or individuals do things that are contrary to their deeply held beliefs, there is going to be a visceral negative reaction.
Bob McDonnell
In our development, as we grow throughout our lives, the structure of our beliefs becomes very complicated, and we make it even more complicated because we make the assumption that what we believe is the absolute truth.
Don Miguel Ruiz
Whatever flaws or personal failings afflict them, it remains the case that the overwhelming majority of priests and politicians are honourable and honest – seeking to live out their beliefs and serve society.
Keith O’Brien
I still have the same beliefs as when I was in the monastery.
Justo Gallego
I am a Republican because of my military background, my pro-life beliefs, my support for the Second Amendment, and my belief that government should not grow excessively.
John Shimkus
A lot of scientists act on their beliefs and so do things that look crazy to the rest of us.
Kim Stanley Robinson
The IRS, now known for abusing its power by targeting groups for their political beliefs, is a prime example of an overgrown federal agency that doles out enormous bonuses to senior employees.
Mark Meadows
Culture is the arts elevated to a set of beliefs.
Thomas Wolfe
From the small town in Iowa where I grew up, to Chapel Hill where I went to college, to the Bay Area and now to Dallas, I’ve been lucky to get to meet a wide variety of people, each with their own beliefs, dreams, habits and ways of looking at the world.
Harrison Barnes
Our beliefs create the kind of world we believe in. We project our feelings, thoughts and attitudes onto the world. I can create a different world by changing my belief about the world. Our inner state creates the outer and not vice versa.
John Bradshaw
I work in a business environment forty hours a week, an

I work in a business environment forty hours a week, and writing is what I do to unwind. It allows me to transport myself to a happy place where I can indulge my hopes, beliefs, aspirations and fantasies. It also allows me to live and breathe a topic for eighteen months while I’m researching and writing.
Ashwin Sanghi
Happiness does not come from a job. It comes from knowing what you truly value and behaving in a way that’s consistent with those beliefs.
Mike Rowe
The essence of belief is the establishment of a habit; and different beliefs are distinguished by the different modes of action to which they give rise.
Charles Sanders Peirce
What distinguishes the majority of men from the few is their ability to act according to their beliefs.
Henry Miller
Ancient, woman-centered words and beliefs never, like, fall off the planet. Having long done taken on a life of their own, they – like womankind – evolve, and survive. Chameleon style.
Inga Muscio
Obviously, everyone’s journey is different, and we all have different ambitions and beliefs as kids as to whether we’re actually going to be able to play in a World Cup and whether it can be a dream that can come true. For me and for my family, it’s very surreal.
Millie Bright
A man must not swallow more beliefs than he can digest.
Havelock Ellis
For the liberal state to accommodate a diversity of beliefs while having few positive convictions is one of the more admirable achievements of civilization.
Terry Eagleton
Frankly, most of my friends hold very different political beliefs. It’s just a funny thing in this country that supposedly you can’t sit down and have dinner and enjoy another person’s company if you don’t have the same beliefs. It’s ridiculous.
Patricia Heaton
I was brought up working class in east London with my own thoughts and my own beliefs and, when I began playing, I got involved in charity work and expanded those beliefs.
Chris Hughton
If you have a pre-conceived idea of the world, you edit information. When it leads you down a certain road, you don’t challenge your own beliefs.
David Icke
I know many young conservatives all across the country that are isolated and ostracized due to their beliefs. They are portrayed as bigots, misogynists and ignorant just because they are conservative.
Charlie Kirk
That’s what I love about Australia: we can do things the way we want to do them, because that’s the way our country is – no matter what culture you come from, you can come to Australia and practise your religion, you can practise your beliefs, and you shouldn’t be judged for it.
Adam Goodes
I still want to hold on to my beliefs, and as long as I have that, I won’t stray too far from politics.
Maggie Williams
Capitalism does not require us to hold a particular set of cognitive beliefs; it only requires that we act as if certain beliefs (about money, commodities etc) are true. The rituals are the beliefs, beliefs which, at the level of subjective self-description, may well be disavowed.
Mark Fisher
Be brave and take accountability for your thoughts and beliefs.
Jennifer Hyman
It remains to consider what attitude thoughtful men and Christian believers should take respecting them, and how they stand related to beliefs of another order.
Asa Gray
Little white lies are told by humans all the time. Indeed, lying is often how we get through each day in a happy little bubble. We spend time and energy rationalizing our own behaviors, beliefs and decision-making processes.
Barry Ritholtz
I am able to put aside personal beliefs and follow the law, even when I strongly disagree with it.
William H. Pryor
I enjoy talking pitching and talking baseball. And I don’t have all the answers. I don’t claim to, but I’m more than happy to share my beliefs.
Roy Halladay
I draw inspiration from my life, and, honestly, a lot of my religious beliefs have stemmed into my music.
Lindsey Stirling
The outer conditions of a person’s life will always be found to reflect their inner beliefs.
James Lane Allen
By temperament and disposition and emotions, I’m a liberal; but in my beliefs about what’s best for the country, I’m a centrist.
Jonathan Haidt
My beliefs are that good people who work hard get their rewards. There will be struggle at times and hurdles along the way – life throws up all sorts – but in the end, you will prevail if you stick to the right path.
Moeen Ali
People’s beliefs about their abilities have a profound effect on those abilities. Ability is not a fixed property; there is huge variablitiy in how you perform.
Albert Bandura
In my experience, many Americans think of religion as important and want to do whatever they can to support it. But if you ask them what they themselves believe, you’ll find they’re very uncertain about their religious beliefs. They don’t actually accept the theology of their official church.
Steven Weinberg
I belong to the political party that generally fits my philosophical beliefs, but I reserve the right to vote my conscience after careful deliberation. My voting record reflects this.
Jeff Fortenberry
Your desires and true beliefs have a way of playing blind man’s bluff. You must corner the inner facts.
David Seabury
Westboro’s fire and brimstone message was the air I breathed all my life. But after joining Twitter at the age of 23, I encountered people who challenged my beliefs and unearthed contradictions my blind faith had missed.
Megan Phelps-Roper
I fear that in the next century we will have many more Muslims in the United States if we do not adopt the strict immigration policies that I believe are necessary to preserve the values and beliefs traditional to the United States of America and to prevent our resources from being swamped.
Virgil Goode
Americans have become more atomized by education, income, and political leanings. That polarization has meant sharply increased antipathy toward people with different beliefs.
Annie Lowrey
They say the only thing that your parents don't teach y

They say the only thing that your parents don’t teach you is how to live without them, but my grandma’s religious beliefs allowed me to accept death even though it was so hard to live without her.
Daniel Jacobs
The average religious person has their beliefs, but they’re not trying to get people fired who don’t have their beliefs. But zealots do do that. It’s not enough for them to believe it; they can’t tolerate other people who don’t believe what they believe, and they have this absolute certainty that they’re right.
Kirsten Powers