Top 415 Larger Quotes

If you’re trying to deal with being a marginalized person and trying to confront a larger population that isn’t the same as you, you can be friendly about it, and invite everybody in, or you can be angry about it and be hostile and attack the systems that you want to destabilize.
Ezra Furman
I believe that we are given strength and help from a power much larger than ourselves. I believe if I humble myself that this power will come through me, and help me create work that is bigger than I would have ever been able to have done alone.
Rebecca Wells
Every time that zealots clash with the zany and Religion and Freedom take opposite positions across the trenches, the issue becomes larger than the individual.
Barkha Dutt
More than stock prices or product launches, Silicon Valley’s legacy will be defined by whether tech leaders step up to contribute to the larger American experiment.
Ro Khanna
One of the tricky things about sort of larger, comic-book action movies is that the scale is so big that they have to save the world at the end of every movie, and so at the end of each of the films, either Chicago or New York end up getting obliterated.
Graham Moore
Women are only children of a larger growth. A man of sense only trifles with them, plays with them, humours and flatters them, as he does with a sprightly and forward child; but he neither consults them about, nor trusts them with, serious matters.
Philip Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield
We are all part of a larger collective looking to create a more beautiful and just world.
Janet Mock
If you consider each individual tin as just the building block for a larger recipe, it doesn’t really make much difference whether it comes from a tin, or whether it’s fresh because it’s just being used in a lot of other things.
Jack Monroe
It was through the private world of family that the public world of politics came alive for me: living in intimate proximity with people for whom larger questions of ideology and belief, as well as issues relating to politics and governance, were vivid daily realities.
Sonia Gandhi
Chickens that are sold whole tend to be smaller in size, ranging between two and a half and five pounds, while chicken sold as parts generally comes from larger birds.
Sohla El-Waylly
I do like my rock stars to be a little larger than life. I don’t mind the earnest ones at all, but I do like a bit of individuality.
Elton John
Obama's numbers fell by a slightly larger amount over h

Obama’s numbers fell by a slightly larger amount over his first few months because he enjoyed much more support right at the start from Republicans, support that eroded quickly.
Kristen Soltis Anderson
We see our mobile initiatives as a way to bring our intellectual properties and our gameplay experiences to a larger population than the tens or hundred million consumers that own a dedicated gaming system.
Reggie Fils-Aime
Larger deficits are necessary and proper means to mitigate unemployment as the far greater evil in terms of human welfare.
William Vickrey
On the basis of biological, sociological, and historical knowledge, we should recognize that the individual self is subject to death or decay, but the sum total of individual achievement, for better or worse, lives on in the immortality of The Larger.
Hu Shih
Most stars just fuse hydrogen into helium, but larger stars can fuse helium into other elements. Still larger stars, in turn, fuse those elements into slightly bigger ones, and so on.
Sam Kean
When Priyanka Chopra makes a mark for herself internationally, we claim her achievements as our own and then threaten to ban her films and make her apologize for a work of fiction that has been created by someone else. Can we please attempt to be larger than that?
Pooja Bhatt
I believe that we all have ambitions and we all want to achieve something. But the larger things in life that happen to us are already pre-meditated, pre-destined. So we should just romance life.
Amrita Rao
The music and movie business has been consistently wrong in its claims that new platforms and channels would be the end of its businesses. In each case, the new technology produced a new market far larger than the impact it had on the existing market.
Steve Blank
Businesses are not just local or even national anymore – good ideas are immediately global. So the market opportunities are much larger than we’ve ever imagined or seen.
Alfred Lin
We are on pace this year to have a trade deficit that is larger than $800 billion. We have never faced that before, but we continue to put forward trade agreements like these that leave us naked to competition that is neither free nor fair.
Xavier Becerra
When you have a child, you think about your personal history and what you offer them as a larger narrative, and I realised I knew nothing about my father’s circumstances other than what he’d told me.
John Burnside
While planting woodlands along rivers has been shown to work in small areas, it has been unclear whether it would be effective on a larger scale. But computer modelling indicates that restoring forests on floodplains could slow floodwaters and reduce the height of the flood downstream.
Alice Roberts
In the larger world, tribalism is an enormous problem, as it ever has been: both strength and idiocy borne from belonging.
Jane Hamilton
In turning from the smaller instruments in frequent use to the larger and more important machines, the economy arising from the increase of velocity becomes more striking.
Charles Babbage
I want the United States to be having a much larger and more public conversation about racist capitalism. We need a radical reimagining of the economy in this country.
Asia Kate Dillon
If you can give away free music, you can give away free electricity, free water. Those tiny jabs at a larger infrastructure are what make revolutions.
Chance The Rapper
The actor always must be in the scene, not above the scene. To communicate any larger ideas is my problem; it’s how the narrative is constructed and directed that hopefully does it.
James Gray
Humankind has never transitioned to energy sources that are more costly, less reliable, and have a larger environmental footprint than the incumbent – and yet that’s precisely what adding large amounts of solar and wind to the grid requires.
Michael Shellenberger
If you really want to show power in its larger aspects, you need to show the effects on the powerless, for good or ill – the human cost of public works. That’s what I try to do, show not only how power works but its effect on people.
Robert Caro
The daily press, the immediate media, is superb at synecdoche, at giving us a small thing that stands for a much larger thing. Reporters on the ground, embedded or otherwise, can tell us about or send us pictures of what happened in that place at that time among those people.
Bruce Jackson
Citizens identify with something larger than themselves – if one’s country is attacked, it can feel like a personal attack in a way that a fellow bank customer’s account theft does not feel like a personal invasion.
Jonathan Zittrain
When I was a little kid, I was chunky. My mother would always joke she would have to get me husky jeans for larger kids. My wife reminds me sometimes, if I overdo it with chocolate chip cookies, that I will have to wear husky pants again.
Harley Pasternak
In order to have greater visibility of the larger cyber threat landscape, we must remove the government bureaucratic stovepipes that inhibit our abilities to effectively defend America while ensuring citizens’ privacy and civil liberties are also protected.
Michael McCaul
Is it philosophical, is it quite allowable, to assume without evidence from fossil plants that the family or any of the genera was once larger and wide spread? and occupied a continuous area?
Asa Gray
I try to do the story the way I feel the story should be done, and how that folds into whatever larger sorts of categories or questions is really none of my business.
David Milch
Since Mahadev’ ended, I was waiting to play more larger than life characters.
Mohit Raina
As he enters his final term, with the elegiac music playing out there in the distance, Barack Obama will use the history that he has come to embody and, perhaps, even to fulfill, as part of a larger project that never will be completed but only finished, over and over again.
Charlie Pierce
All of us are citizens in a republic much larger than the Republic of America. It is the Republic of Letters, a realm of the mind that extends everywhere, without police, national boundaries, or disciplinary frontiers.
Robert Darnton
I believe within five to 10 years most larger corporations will switch to greener industrial enzymes, not just for the environment but also for their bottom line.
Ryan Bethencourt
The women’s movement, from my point of view, was part of the larger sexual revolution that ‘Playboy’ had played such a large part in. The reality is that the major beneficiaries of the sexual revolution are women.
Hugh Hefner
A security cam is one small part of a much larger universe of cams. The much larger effect, socially, politically and economically, is going to come from a much larger trend.
Bruce Sterling
I'm mostly a historical romance reader, but I never mis

I’m mostly a historical romance reader, but I never miss a Susan Elizabeth Phillips book. Her characters are larger than life and heartbreakingly real at the same time. I don’t know how she does it.
Julia Quinn
There are certainly laws and elements that make a film more accessible to mainstream audiences. If you’ve got Tom Cruise as a strongman, I’m sure it would have larger audiences, but it wouldn’t have the same substance.
Werner Herzog
Revelations come when you’re in the thick of it, pitting yourself up against something larger than yourself.
Frank Langella
At the time it seemed like there was a loosening of culture, there was a counterculture, there was a radicalization. I think we totally misread what was really going on in the world, that somehow a small group of people could mobilize a larger group of people.
Susan Rosenberg
Even as I was writing ‘Empire State,’ I knew there were more adventures for the main character, private detective Rad Bradley, to have. I also knew that the world was far larger than what I’d presented in book one.
Adam Christopher