Top 420 Lying Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Lying Quotes from famous people such as Bruce Campbell, Emmanuel Sanders, Kelly Rohrbach, Robert Creeley, Alan Kay, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Actors who say they can dive inside a character are eit

Actors who say they can dive inside a character are either schizophrenic or lying.
Bruce Campbell
I would be lying to you if I haven’t been out on the football field and told a quarterback to give me a post route and simulated me catching it and running into the end zone, envisioning scoring that game-winning touchdown.
Emmanuel Sanders
Everyone thinks I’m lying when I say how much ‘Baywatch’ was a part of our lives.
Kelly Rohrbach
Again like Williams, with the emphasis now regrettable, when a man makes a poem, makes it mind you, he takes the words as he finds them lying interrelated about him.
Robert Creeley
I had the fortune or misfortune to learn how to read fluently starting at the age of three. So I had read maybe 150 books by the time I hit 1st grade. And I already knew that the teachers were lying to me.
Alan Kay
Washington, DC is to lying what Wisconsin is to cheese.
Dennis Miller
I have about a dozen cassettes lying about which I use in random order. Very often, I pick up a cassette to dictate a letter, and I find my voice coming back at me with the lines of plays three years old.
Tom Stoppard
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to be the best, but I would just fight anyone, any time. I don’t care.
Donald Cerrone
I really want to make Charlton a stable side in the Premier League but I’d be lying if I said England wasn’t in the back of my mind.
Scott Parker
I like approbation. Any actor who tells you they don’t is lying.
Charles Dance
Anyone who has proclaimed violence his method inexorably must choose lying as his principle.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Only when you’re in that ditch, lying there in the muddy runoff you’ve made of your life, gazing up at the peak you fell from, do you truly know how small you are and understand how tall you used to be.
Artie Lange
I just think more precaution should be taken when I’m inside the pocket. Look at all the replays – I’m on the ground every time. It’s unfortunate for myself, it’s unfortunate for my team and I’d be lying if I sat here and said I wasn’t frustrated right now.
Michael Vick
I don’t read ‘chick lit,’ fantasy or science fiction but I’ll give any book a chance if it’s lying there and I’ve got half an hour to kill.
J. K. Rowling
If somebody tells you that after being champion you’re not going to miss the attention, he’s lying to you.
Riddick Bowe
On the plus side, death is one of the few things that can be done as easily lying down .
Woody Allen
I think about this every day. I wonder, ‘Is today the day where everybody stops lying to themselves and realises that the government is the enemy?’
I can’t worry about what other people are saying about me. At the end of the day, it’s just their opinions, but if I said I don’t hear it, or it doesn’t bother me a little bit, I’d be lying to you.
Carmelo Anthony
You cannot ‘rationalize’ what is not rational to begin with – as if lying were called ‘truthization.’ There is no way to obtain more truth for a proposition by bribery, flattery, or the most passionate argument – you can make more people believe the proposition, but you cannot make it more true.
Eliezer Yudkowsky
What I found with depression was that it occurred when I was lying dormant, when I had nothing better to do.
Bugzy Malone
I’m either working or I’m lying in bed the entire day.
Petra Collins
It’s a terrible thing to have to tell your fans, who have waited like Detroit’s have, that their team won’t win it this year. But it’s better than lying to them.
Sparky Anderson
I got ‘Delhi Belly’ and ‘Badmaash Company’ because people from the production house had seen my stand-up comic acts in a DVD that was lying in their offices. It’s been a weird journey, and I think weird goes with me.
Vir Das
I’d be lying if I did not say that being a woman of colour is something I am always mindful or aware of.
Alesha Dixon
I think novels are profoundly autobiographical. If writers deny that, they are lying. Or if it’s really true, then I think it’s a mistake.
Amity Gaige
The adage that you’re either gay or straight or you’re lying, well, that’s not true. Bisexuality does exist.
Clive Davis
It’s a healthy thing to get some bad criticism. I’m still here and I’m fine, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t get to you reading the negative stuff.
Keeley Hawes
I’m trying to photograph an old offshore oil city that is lying in decay in the Caspian Sea, but I’ve been having a hard time getting there.
Edward Burtynsky
People say writing is really hard. That’s very unfair to those who are doing real jobs. People who work in the fields or fix roofs, engineers, or car mechanics. I think lying on your back working under an oily car, that’s a job.
Paul Theroux
I began to pray those same fervent prayers, lying in bed at night, hoping to see a scroll unrolled from the ceiling with a message from God just for me.
James Green Somerville
You have to do something when you’re lying in bed. So you play with your mind.
Jim Davis
When lying, be emphatic and indignant, thus behaving li

When lying, be emphatic and indignant, thus behaving like your children.
William Feather
Anyone who says there isn’t pressure to look good as an actor in L.A. is lying.
Camilla Luddington
So I called and said, ‘Mommy, I’m doing a political film with Jean-Luc Godard. You have to come and sign the contract.’ She thought I was lying, so she hung up the phone. But then she came the next day, even though she had never taken an airplane in her life. She came to Paris and she signed my contract.
Anna Karina
The next morning we saw nothing of the enemy, though we were still lying to.
John Byng
I’d be lying if I claimed that, in spite of our amiable afternoons, I don’t have an ache somewhere in my heart that my children will not be playing Carnegie Hall anytime soon.
Sandra Tsing Loh
I have aspirations to try and compete professionally. Any golfer that competes in tournaments would be lying if they said they didn’t.
Lucas Black
I have crazy claustrophobic dreams, weird elevator dreams where the elevator closes in and all of a sudden I am lying down – oh my God, it’s a casket. Just freaky stuff like that.
Dave Grohl
Vincent Gallo once said Williamsburg was like a giant dorm room with no homework. He was right. And now you’ve got lawyers who just learned to snowboard moving here to be young again. Anyone who tells you they’d rather live here is lying or stupid – or both.
Gavin McInnes
The fake news and the lying doesn’t surprise me anymore. The one thing we know he is consistent about, Trump, is lying.
Ana Navarro
Lying about one’s sexuality seems to be one of the ridiculous rules of what constitutes being a Hollywood movie star. Obviously, my own experience of working and continuing to work as an out gay actor is exactly that – working as an actor and not as a movie star. I don’t think the two are the same.
Ben Daniels
I came to bobsledding quite by accident. I was on a skiing holiday in St. Moritz and took a guest ride. I liked it. I thought it was a thrilling experience. It is scary. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was apprehensive at first.
Albert II, Prince of Monaco
No Man is richer for having his Estate all in Money, Plate, etc. lying by him, but on the contrary, he is for that reason the poorer.
Dudley North
It’s really hard on the poor Skid Row bums. They are getting the shock of their lives. There they are, lying peacefully in the gutter, not bothering anybody, and they look up and see a man in a red and blue spider suit go by. It’s enough to make them goon the wagon.
Nicholas Hammond
I tried hard to create my own records when a lot of them belonged to Steve Davis, so to see someone else beat yours, you’d be lying if you said there wasn’t a twinge of regret there.
Stephen Hendry
I have one major problem with the internet: It’s full of liars. There doesn’t seem to be any way to answer to people lying about you.
John Lydon
Up until the age of 13, girls are confident, and they feel like they can conquer the world. Then adolescence sets in, and girls lose their confidence. And ‘Seventeen’ is really about them taking an hour out of their month, unplugging, lying on their bed, and reading a magazine that believes in them.
Joanna Coles
We always had National Geographic and Astronomy magazines and Popular Mechanics lying around the house. I got interested in exploration and different parts of the world and different parts of the universe just from seeing those things around the house and the different discussions we had as a family.
Christina Koch
In the forensic science course I took at university they used photographs of dead bodies. For ballistics they showed us a guy lying on the floor, and his head had burst.
Denise Mina
I’m a Utilitarian, so I don’t see the rule against lying as absolute; it’s always subject to some overriding utility which may prevent its exercise.
Peter Singer
Slavery was a violent, brutal, immoral system, and in accurately depicting how it worked, you have to include that, obviously. Or else you are lying.
Colson Whitehead
I get a lot of ideas sitting in the living room staring at the walls or lying in bed thinking about things.
The topic of trust is an important factor in all matters of the heart – and here’s why. Men lie to women. Women lie to men. And most people agree that some lying is even necessary – to avoid petty squabbles and to grease the wheels of a relationship.
Joyce Brothers
I’d be lying if I said I never had any issues with players but at some point you have to stamp your authority because if you’re good at taking free-kicks, for example, they should let you take them.
Jay-Jay Okocha
I just can’t resist lying on a beach, eating great food and shopping.
Shibani Dandekar
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like the money, but that’s not what motivates me.
Rakesh Jhunjhunwala
Is it not rather what we expect in men, that they should have numerous strands of experience lying side by side and never compare them with each other?
George Eliot
I woke up in London one morning in the middle of an adrenaline surge, and I was just lying there – the sun was coming up – trying to think of the best way to describe this feeling, and ‘pang’ was the only word I could really use to describe it.
Caroline Polachek
A degree of lying – you know, white lies – seems to be inherent in all languages and all forms of communication.
Matthew Lesko
I just enjoy lying on the couch and reading a magazine.
David Sedaris
I had the closest thing I have ever had to an out-of-body experience lying in bed one morning. I turned on the ‘Today’ programme and item four on the news was: ‘The shadow chancellor has ruled himself out of the leadership.’ I lay there thinking that’s interesting, then I realised it was me.
George Osborne
I can easily be lying in the gutter with someone kicking mud in my face tomorrow as easily as I can float in the clouds with angels sprinkling fairy dust in my hair. So, I make an effort to treat both success and failure equally.
Shenaz Treasury
I witnessed other inmates' time run out, and I'd be lyi

I witnessed other inmates’ time run out, and I’d be lying if I said you don’t ask yourself, ‘Wow, is that going to happen to me?’
Anthony Ray Hinton
I’d be lying if I said the success means nothing to me. It does. I enjoy it and live a pretty great life.
Michael Connelly
I don’t think homosexuality is a choice. Society forces you to think it’s a choice, but in fact, it’s in one’s nature. The choice is whether one expresses one’s nature truthfully or spends the rest of one’s life lying about it.
Marlo Thomas
It’s not Apple’s fault that they’re seeking to avoid paying taxes. They’re not lying, cheating or stealing. They’re following the rules that were created by governments. If the government doesn’t like the rules, they can change them.
John Mackey
It’s been cool to have my name mentioned when people say R&B is on the comeback and I’m the leading person. If you had told me at 16 that I would be that person – you’re lying.
Ella Mai
It’s ridiculous, but it’s horrible going bald. Anyone who says it isn’t is lying.
James Nesbitt
Well, when I was younger, I lied all the time, because once you understand the power of lying, it’s really like magic because you transform reality for people.
Louis C. K.
As was to be expected, the discovery of the nervous apparatus of the salivary glands immediately impelled physiologists to seek a similar apparatus in other glands lying deeper in the digestive canal.
Ivan Pavlov
Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It’s that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that’s what the poet does.
Allen Ginsberg
If you really want to conceal something, leave it lying about where everyone can see it.
Peter Hitchens
If anybody says their facelift doesn’t hurt, they’re lying. It was like I’d spent the night with an axe murderer.
Sharon Osbourne
I would be lying if I said the journalism doesn’t reflect my own choices as a reporter and a writer: what to say, what to emphasize, how to say it, what is true or untrue.
David Simon
If there’s any actor who is saying we are not insecure, they are lying, because this job is an emotional one.
Parineeti Chopra
I spent as much time watching telly and films when I was a kid as I did lying around reading books. I think it’s crazy that writers are only allowed to say that certain books have influenced them.
Nick Hornby
I’d be lying if I didn’t say I pretended to be Carrie Bradshaw while I wrote from my apartment.
Andi Dorfman
Little white lies are told by humans all the time. Indeed, lying is often how we get through each day in a happy little bubble. We spend time and energy rationalizing our own behaviors, beliefs and decision-making processes.
Barry Ritholtz
The Soyuz craft weighs tons, and you’re lying on the floor of it on your back. But the Russians do tell you, remember, before you land, stop talking so you don’t bite your tongue off.
Chris Hadfield
Me personally, I’ve had really great experiences. I’d be lying if I said it was all roses and perfect, but, by and large, the metal community is so incredibly supportive.
Nita Strauss
No lying knight or lying priest ever prospered in any age, but especially not in the dark ones. Men prospered then only in following an openly declared purpose, and preaching candidly beloved and trusted creeds.
John Ruskin
Very little gets offered to me. I have to audition and bawl my eyes out. For ‘Broadchurch,’ the scene was Danny lying on the mortuary table. I can’t remember the last audition I had where I didn’t come out drenched in sweat, puffy-eyed.
Andrew Buchan
Telling lies is the easy bit, but telling the truth and pretending you are lying is hard.
Lee Mack
Given the choice between accomplishing something and just lying around, I’d rather lie around. No contest.
Eric Clapton
I know of no sentence that can induce such immediate and brazen lying as the one that begins, ‘Have you read – .’
Wilson Mizner
We’ve gone from the image of India as land of fakirs lying on beds of nails, and snake charmers with the Indian rope trick, to the image of India as a land of mathematical geniuses, computer wizards, software gurus.
Shashi Tharoor
People are entitled to believe the government is constantly lying to them, but it isn’t.
Elliott Abrams
Lying increases the creative faculties, expands the ego, and lessens the frictions of social contacts.
Clare Boothe Luce
With Clinton, there’s no question that I would have made fun of his out-and-out lying. But he’s also a good friend.
Chevy Chase
Blur’ is about feeling lost, and on a personal level I would be lying if I didn’t mention that this song, for me, was about feeling creatively and artistically lost in the city of all great opportunities, Los Angeles.
Once you’ve been around this business long enough, anything is a possibility. It’s a business first and foremost. Guys play it because they love it, but it is a business, and if you don’t understand that it’s a business, you’re lying to yourself.
Logan Mankins
There’s a lot of lying and these are people who are incredibly flawed, and not in very sort of empathetic ways, either. Some of the things they do are pretty awful and some of the things they do to each other are pretty awful.
Will Arnett
People equate success with youth. And if you haven’t had a certain amount of success by a certain time in your life, it’s never going to happen. There’s a fear about that. So people start lying about their age really young. I’ve never done that because I think it’s so insignificant.
Jennifer Jason Leigh
The best crime novels are all based on people keeping s

The best crime novels are all based on people keeping secrets. All lying – you may think a lie is harmless, but you put them all together and there’s a calamity.
Alafair Burke
The Left always promote their fake news and conspiracy theories – pushing the lies of ‘racism,’ ‘sexism,’ ‘homophobi-ism,’ ‘Islamophobi-ism.’ They support NFL thugs lying about so-called ‘police brutality,’ which doesn’t exist.
Jesse Lee Peterson
I found a great many pieces of punctuation and typography lying around dormant when I came along – and I must say I had a good time using them.
Tom Wolfe
In the lead up to the Iraq war and its later conduct, I saw at a minimum, true dereliction, negligence and irresponsibility, at worse, lying, incompetence and corruption.
Anthony Zinni
I’d be lying to you if I said I had not done some soul searching.
Ted Waitt
I remember lying out in my bed and looking at the vast, quiet sky. Right up above my head, there were three stars in a row, and I remember thinking, ‘Well, I’ll have those three stars all my life, and wherever I am, they will be. They are my stars, and they belong to me.’
Spike Milligan
My sons and I thoroughly enjoy Legos. We go to the toy store every week for more. I never want to take what we build apart; I want to put it on a shelf. My wife is starting to get a little annoyed with the Legos lying around.
Mark Wahlberg
Be honest: if your pitch is 90 minutes and you only have 60 set aside for a business lunch or a cup of coffee, there is no way that you can give an honest representation of your company or products. You’re lying to yourself and wasting your own time as well as that of your prospect or partner.
Michael Gerber
Fiction is just lying.
Rumaan Alam
The trouble with lying and deceiving is that their efficiency depends entirely upon a clear notion of the truth that the liar and deceiver wishes to hide.
Hannah Arendt
If you’re making everybody happy, you’re lying to somebody.
Brian Sandoval
When strangers walk up to me and want to play golf for money, I worry. I wonder why they’re coming to me, and I begin asking questions: When did you start playing? What’s your best score? Are you playing your best golf right now? Where do you play? Usually I can tell if they’re lying.
Phil Hellmuth
With actors, all our ages are out there for all to see – you can’t hide anything, really. And it’s kind of a relief. This is my age, this is what I look like without makeup on – who cares? That youth culture – that lying about your age – it’s all denial of death anyway.
Julianne Moore
The prime goal of censorship is to promote ignorance, whether it is done via lying and bowdlerized school texts or by attacking individual books.
Felice Picano
I remember lying to my producer that I’d heard Sean Penn was coming out of a different exit, just to avoid him – he was punching journalists left, right and centre at that point.
Paul Kaye
Anyone who claims to be good at lying is obviously bad at lying. Thus – as a writer myself – I cannot comment on whether or not writers are exceptionally good liars, because whatever I said would actually mean its complete opposite.
Chuck Klosterman
I would love to pretend I don’t diet, but I work very hard. I stay active and eat very healthy. Anybody who says otherwise is either unhealthy or lying! I will admit that I’m addicted to sugar – licorice, Jujubees and jelly candies. And I actually love bran muffins!
Evangeline Lilly
Anybody in animation today would be lying if they said they weren’t somehow influenced by ‘The Simpsons’ to a certain degree. Except for the shows that go out of their way to look as far from ‘The Simpsons’ as possible.
Justin Roiland
You can get through your whole day only around people who will tell you that you’re wonderful. But pretty soon they’re going to have to be lying about that.
Lara Flynn Boyle
I think when you look at architectural photography it doesn’t help to have piles of old clothes lying on the floor. Architectural photography sets up an artifice.
Annabelle Selldorf
A good lie detector doesn’t jump to conclusions but tries to understand the person across the table, her personality, and her motivations. Your goal as a lie spotter isn’t to point the finger and say, ‘You’re lying’ – your goal is to get to the truth.
Pamela Meyer
Canned chickpeas have terrific range, which is why I make sure I always have at least a can or two lying around at home. They puree easily into a smooth and creamy hummus or crisp into crunchy little nuggets as a component of a sheet tray dinner.
Claire Saffitz
Whenever a gentle pressure is used to make a slight change in leg posture, the neck muscles react immediately. Conversely, when the therapist helps one to ‘release’ the neck muscles, it is amazing to see quite pronounced movements for instance of the toes, even when one is lying on a couch.
Nikolaas Tinbergen
Early on, someone had told me, ‘You know, the camera can always tell when you’re lying.’ And, Jesus, that intimidated me. ‘The camera can always tell? How am I going to do this?’ Until one day I thought, ‘Wait a minute, acting is lying. Acting is all about lying.’
Michael Douglas
I found out a long time ago that if I indulged by stuffing my face with great food, lying about reading books and watching TV or talking on the phone, I was not a happy camper.
Raquel Welch
The men who made the war were profuse in their praises of the man who kicked the P.M. out of his office and now degrades by his disloyal, dishonest and lying presence the greatest office in the State.
John Burns
I wouldn’t abandon nobody. I would be lying if I said I was just talking to everybody.
Sean Combs
Every performer who ever performed in rock and roll or even close to it is lying if they tell you that they weren’t influenced in some way or another by Elvis Presley. He turned the world around.
Mac Davis
I like summer. I like warmer weather and long days. I’m one of those silly people who still enjoy lying in the sun – my children are horrified!
Danielle Steel
I would be lying if I said I’m not flattered being voted as the ‘Time’s’ Most Desirable Man of 2012. Frankly, I have no idea how the desirability quotient is arrived at. If it is just drop dead good looks, then I have to thank God and my parents for it.
Arjun Rampal
I’m not OK with clergy, students, and those of different opinions lying and expressing hateful speech in the name of love, but again, it is their constitutional right. I’m not OK with their conduct, but in America we tolerate it, as obnoxious and spiteful as it may be.
Pete Hoekstra
There is no detachment where there is no pain. And ther

There is no detachment where there is no pain. And there is no pain endured without hatred or lying unless detachment is present too.
Simone Weil
After my crash I never doubted it would be hard but I would be lying to say this new life has been a surprise to me.
Alex Zanardi
False allegations of racism, bigotry, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, and now lying each have their own chapter in the Trump takedown playbook.
Kayleigh McEnany
I never had a business plan. I did, actually – I’m lying. My business plan was to get lucky, and I did; that was great. And then my second business plan was to get lucky again, and there, I faltered.
Val Kilmer
Anyone who says they don’t like to receive a gift is lying.
Dita Von Teese
I just… my childhood seems, when I look back, to be largely composed of reading, lying on the bed. I mean, my mother was always shouting, ‘Go outside!’ But she shouted it at all of us. I think I was just kind of… rather an introverted child, probably.
Helen Garner
The best thing about lying in bed late is that you learn to distinguish between first things and trivia, for whatever presses on you has to prove its importance before it makes you move.
Max Lerner
In the United States, journalists receive awards for lying for the government and for the corporations.
Paul Craig Roberts
I’ve never cheated on my wife, ever. But to say that it doesn’t exist or it doesn’t happen and saying you never deal with it would be lying.
Andy Grammer
The toughest time was lying in a Tenerife hospital with no-one speaking English, next to a window with the sun beating down and my leg tied up, thinking I would never box again or even walk again. It took every bit of shine off winning the world title.
Kell Brook
I’ve tried to do away with lying in my life in the last few years, but it’s hard.
Louis C. K.
Bill Clinton was impeached primarily for criminal conduct: lying under oath and misleading a federal grand jury about his affair with Monica Lewinsky. Nixon would have been impeached for a wide array of criminal acts, as well as abuses of power.
Jonathan Turley
If I feel sad, I let myself be that. Why should I keep hiding it, lying about it and saying, ‘I’ll be positive.’
Richa Chadha
When I was a kid, I got in trouble for lying a lot, and I had a teacher say, ‘Instead of lying, write it down, because if you write it down, it’s not a lie anymore; it’s fiction.’
Jacqueline Woodson
Saying what you believe others want to hear is, of course, a form of lying.
Karl Ove Knausgard
I like making people feel things. Acting doesn’t seem like lying but like storytelling.
Morgan Saylor
See that you buy the field where the Pearl is; sell all, and make a purchase of salvation. Think it not easy: for it is a steep ascent to eternal glory: many are lying dead by the way, slain with security.
Samuel Rutherford
I like getting a tan, so if I’m lying on the beach, I want to get as much skin out as possible.
Eliza Doolittle
Men are liars. We’ll lie about lying if we have to. I’m an algebra liar. I figure two good lies make a positive.
Tim Allen
Even if the most ethical people were elected to high position and we ran out of resources, there would still be lying, cheating, stealing, and corruption. It is not ethical people that are needed but rather a way of intelligently managing the Earth’s resources for everyone’s well-being.
Jacque Fresco
Revolutionaries do not make revolutions. The revolutionaries are those who know when power is lying in the street and then they can pick it up.
Hannah Arendt
I remember lying on the floor of the living room with headphones on when I was four or five years old, listening to the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack.
Kevin Richardson
To me, great advertising can make food taste better, can make your car run smoother. It can change your perception of something. Is it wrong to change your perception about something? Of course not. I’m not lying; I’m just saying, ‘This one’s more fun, this one’s more exciting.’
George Lois
I’d be lying to you if I said at 8 I went up to my parents and said, ‘Listen, I’m going to become an actor.’ That was not the case.
Eugene Simon
I can’t forget the scene in ‘My Night at Maud’s’ when the very pious engineer in the business suit decides to sit on Maud’s bed while she is lying under the covers with only a T-shirt on, determined to seduce him.
Andre Aciman
I began writing poems when I was about eight, with a heavy assist from my mother. She read me Arthur Waley’s translations and Whitman and Robinson Jeffers, who have been lifelong influences on me. My father read Keats to me, and then he read more Keats while I was lying on the sofa struggling with asthma.
Carolyn Kizer
I’m not keeping track, but I’ve got six goals and seven assists! Of course you keep track of it. If anyone says they don’t, they’re lying!
Matt Doherty
I love entertaining people, I love playing music, and I love rocking like an animal. But at a certain point, you’re playing gig after gig after gig, in town after town after town, and you’re lying down, staring at another hotel-room ceiling, and it’s like, ‘I want to be home. I’m a dad. I’ve got kids.’
Every year, I feel really sad when I see Ganesha idols lying here and there after the visarjan. So it is my request to everyone to bring home eco-friendly idols.
Gautam Rode
It’s easy to be lazy when there’s food lying around backstage or there’s a fast-food joint a couple blocks away. But if you walk a little further, ask around a bit, of course there are exciting things to discover.
Alex Kapranos
Everybody wants financial security for their family, and when a player says otherwise, he’s lying.
I was good at two things, athletics and lying.

I was good at two things, athletics and lying.
Ryan Leaf
Life in LA is not lying in the sun for months. It is having a 4pm meeting and leaving at noon to sit in traffic for four hours. It’s not glam.
Billy Boyd
The architects of Brexit are a cocktail of lying racists and buffoons. I don’t think even someone as cynical as me could have predicted how deeply stupid these people are.
Nish Kumar
The truth of the matter is, beauty is a specific thing, rare and fleeting. Some of us have it in our teens, 20s and 30s and then lose it; most of us have it not at all. And that’s perfectly okay. But lying to yourself that you have it when you don’t seems to me simple-minded at best and psychotic at worst.
Julie Burchill
Language is political. That’s why you and me, my Brother and Sister, that’s why we supposed to choke our natural self into the weird, lying, barbarous, unreal, white speech and writing habits that the schools lay down like holy law.
June Jordan
In both word and deed, one of the greatest idlers of all time was John Lennon. In his songs we see repeated defences of simply lying around doing nothing.
Tom Hodgkinson
I’m not lying, every single project I’ve done, they’ve all been great.
Ken Jeong
The best liar is he who makes the smallest amount of lying go the longest way.
Samuel Butler
Marvel’s very secretive, and I’m not hiding anything, I’m not lying; it’s just the way they are.
Elodie Yung
I think finding a way to relate material to yourself can be useful to some people but acting for me is just being really good at make-pretend and lying. I’ve always been a great liar.
Willam Belli
Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.
Redd Foxx
Christian values were important at home. Cleanliness. Don’t steal. Don’t lie. Those were the rules, and they were strictly enforced. Especially the stealing and lying. When you broke the rules, you got a beating. I always broke the rules a lot.
Jimmy Cliff
Some designers retain a sense of humour about what they do, but others are deathly serious and have no life outside of it; they’re lying awake night after night constructing dresses in their heads.
Helena Christensen
When you’re not authentic to yourself, you’re lying. You’re going to get found out and you’re going to slip up.
It’s a weird thing about the truth: It protects you. What really makes you vulnerable is when you’re lying because you’re going to get caught. When you tell the truth, there’s a strange relief that comes.
Eve Ensler
There is no logical way to the discovery of these elemental laws. There is only the way of intuition, which is helped by a feeling for the order lying behind the appearance.
Albert Einstein
It’s essential to tell the truth at all times. This will reduce life’s pain. Lying distorts reality. All forms of distorted thinking must be corrected.
John Bradshaw
I do believe sometimes discipline is very important. I’m not just lying around like a lazy cow all the time.
If I was to tell you that I don’t want to have a Wrestlemania moment someday, I would 100% be lying to you.
Adam Cole
I saw the Count lying within the box upon the earth, some of which the rude falling from the cart had scattered over him. He was deathly pale, just like a waxen image, and the red eyes glared with the horrible vindictive look which I knew so well.
Bram Stoker
I’d begun to collect things that were lying in piles on the floor of my studio. I had run out of space, and I started to build shelves. I turned around one day and realized that that was the vehicle for carrying so many of the things that I was looking at and talking about, so they went from the walls to the works.
Rashid Johnson
There will always be a part of me that wants to do a movie musical. I feel like you’re doing yourself a disservice when you say something like that, because you never know if that thing is gonna come along and be right, but I’d be lying if I said that that wasn’t true.
Anna Kendrick
The worst kind of lying I’ve ever done is keeping things from people.
Elijah Wood
I have a hard time keeping a story straight when I tell the truth because when you start lying you have to remember what you said, and I’m not very good at that.
Lisa Vanderpump
Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling.
Gilbert K. Chesterton
The first day I start shooting, I start having a recurring nightmare that every single night that I am lying in bed, and there is a film crew surrounding the bed, waiting for me to tell them what to do, and I don’t quite know what movie I am supposed to be making.
Peter Jackson
When I was a kid, we went to St. Augustine, Fla., and I was lying on the couch one night with a Q-tip, cleaning my ear out after I’d taken a shower. I hit my arm on something, jabbed the Q-tip through my ear drum, busted my ear drum and couldn’t get back in the water the rest of the time we were there.
Jason Aldean
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality – what a joke. In my district, we caught them lying to us about the results of air quality studies in the Barnett Shale. They are playing with the health and safety of our communities, and we are going to tell them that is not acceptable.
Wendy Davis
Remember that it is not enough to abstain from lying by word of mouth; for the worst lies are often conveyed by a false look, smile, or act.
Abraham Cahan
People don’t have a constitutional right to leave loaded guns lying around. And if they choose to do so – and a kid gets shot and killed because of it – it’s not an accident. It’s negligent homicide.
Kurt Eichenwald
I knew when I grew up, I always wanted to be a liar, and if you’re in television, you’re lying because you’re just pretending to be yourself much like I’m doing now.
John Ritter
I have always loved truth so passionately that I have o

I have always loved truth so passionately that I have often resorted to lying as a way of introducing it into the minds which were ignorant of its charms.
Giacomo Casanova
I love Westlife. I turn up the stereo and listen to the a capella version of ‘Flying Without Wings’. Any man who says he doesnt do the same is lying.
Gethin Jones
I am not really a fan of beaches or lying by swimming pools, and as I have quite sensitive skin, the sun is my enemy.
Mathew Horne
I am so in love with just lying in bed listening to Mozart.
Ben Stein
‘Nimona’ is about identity and if who you are is defined by what you look like. It’s not a book about body image at all, but I would be lying if I said that wasn’t in there even at the conception of it.
Noelle Stevenson
First we attacked the Russian soldiers with our gases, and then when we saw the poor fellows lying there, dying slowly, we tried to make breathing easier for them by using our own life-saving devices on them.
Otto Hahn
I read like an animal. I read under the covers, I read lying in the grass, I read at the dinner table. While other people were talking to me, I read.
Nicole Krauss
If you think the Obama White House and Ben Rhodes lying to the American people about Iran – and laughing about it – was bad, just wait until Hillary Clinton’s spin doctors get hold of the media.
Wayne LaPierre
If I sit here and say I don’t agree with VAR, I’d be lying.
Kyle Walker
It’s such a waste, sleep. You’re just lying there.
Peter Beard
Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth telling, truth speaking, truth living, and truth loving.
James E. Faust
If you fear and you don’t admit it, that’s when you’re lying to yourself.
Georges St-Pierre
There are three fundamental poses of the human figure. One is standing. The other is seated, and the third is lying down… Of the three poses, the reclining figure gives the most freedom, compositionally and spatially.
Henry Moore
Beliefs about how lying looks are plentiful and often contradictory: depending on whom you choose to believe, liars can be detected because they fidget a lot, hold very still, cross their legs, cross their arms, look up, look down, make eye contact or fail to make eye contact.
Robin Marantz Henig
It’s really hard to foster self-love; it really is. I think a lot of people who claim that they do have a definite lack of self-loathing are either lying or just in a place that I don’t relate to.
Devin Townsend
If I was lying on the side of the mountain, dying, would I have any regrets? Yeah. I would regret not making films.
Jim Sarbh
I always felt like, when you’re lying, you’re kind of pretending to be something you’re not.
Charlamagne tha God
There’s no point in lying saying I am doing really, really well because I’m not; I’m cult level.
Gary Numan
After he was assassinated, his family and the men who had served him continued the lying and began the destruction, censoring and hiding of JFK’s medical records.
Richard Reeves
I’ve never met or spoken to David Lee Roth, yet it’s rather ironic that even he’s saying Eddie’s lying about things. I’m saying he’s not telling the truth, yet Eddie insists that the two of us are lying! You be the judge.
Sammy Hagar
Anytime a musician says they’re going to retire they’re lying.
Music is the medium that has taken me around the world, and I would be lying if I said I could live without music.
Brandon Boyd
I once stole a book. It was really just the once, and at the time I called it borrowing. It was 1970, and the book, I could see by its lack of date stamps, had been lying unappreciated on the shelves of my convent school library since its publication in 1945.
Hilary Mantel
I wanted readers to be genuinely unsure as to whether she’s telling the truth or lying. It meant making her partly sympathetic, and partly unsympathetic, which wasn’t easy.
Lee Child
I always joke that they’re all like my children, so I love them all, but I would be lying if I didn’t admit that ‘Wonder Woman’ has an affinity for me.
Diane Nelson
The Roundhouse was a complete shell. It was absolutely empty, lying derelict for years.
Richard Stanley
The rulers of the state are the only persons who ought to have the privilege of lying, either at home or abroad; they may be allowed to lie for the good of the state.
I won’t tolerate lying.
Vito Fossella
You have someone like Colin or many of the other athletes who have knelt, especially athletes of colour, and if you’re not respecting what they’re saying, if you’re not believing their charges of police brutality or racial inequality, you’re saying that they’re lying.
Megan Rapinoe
I collected X-Men, Spider-Man, and Daredevil comics. I definitely had a few Captain America comics lying around in those protective plastic baggies.
Kenneth Choi
The thing about lying is, it is quite exhausting – you have to remember a lot.
Rupert Everett
Somebody told me a long time ago that if everybody love

Somebody told me a long time ago that if everybody loves you, somebody’s lying. It is the truest statement you could ever say to somebody.
Walker Hayes
Recruiters in our country are known for lying to people.
Cindy Sheehan
My fear of coming out wasn’t about rejection. I was scared people would say: ‘Why were you lying to me? If you’ve been lying about that what else are you lying about?’ Lying is my biggest regret.
Gareth Thomas
Advertising is legalized lying.
H. G. Wells
Anyone would be lying if they said they didn’t get lonely at times.
George Clooney
As a writer of fiction, lying is the central thing to all books.
Jesse Ball
There was something about telling the lie-story and seeing your friends’ eyes grow wide with wonder. Of course I got in trouble for lying, but I didn’t stop until fifth grade.
Jacqueline Woodson
I don’t like anything too heavy. Something I can read, you know, lying in bed that takes me to different world.
Georgia Toffolo
You can’t have experiments that aren’t truthful. You can’t lie about equations. Shouldn’t be lying in football. That’s a message that we should be teaching.
Jim Harbaugh
When I went off to the army when I was 17 years old, I believed in America and the rights of freedom. But today I believe my government is lying to the American people and that my president, George Bush, is a criminal.
Jack Herer
But I’d be lying if I didn’t say that every time you go to make a film, you’re desperate to either do it better than you did it last time or to not repeat yourself.
Paul Thomas Anderson
I would be lying if I said it wasn’t cool to see myself on the cover of ‘Vanity Fair,’ right? It’s, like, what am I doing there? This is bizarre.
Megyn Kelly
I want to have my 11 or 12, 13, 14 belt picture. I want to be lying down just covered in them. I want a lot of them. I want my closets to be filled with UFC belts.
Max Holloway
Trump simply can’t dial down the lying, or turn it off – even, his own attorneys suggest, when false statements may be punished as crimes.
George T. Conway III
Most people ask me were you always sexy and if I said I was born this way I’d be lying.
I trust my recovering peers completely. I’ll occasionally look sideways at them because they’re addicts but it would break my heart and surprise me to find out that any of these people were lying. Still, addiction is cunning and baffling and you never know.
Drew Pinsky
If someone is lying to you, they’ll generally look up to the top right. That means that they’re trying to construct an image that doesn’t exist.
Keith Barry
I want to tell more stories about lying, dual lives, self-deception – those are my favorites.
Courtney A. Kemp
A lot of the characters I play seem to be lying to themselves in some way. They maybe present themselves as confident or good at something, but in reality, it’s clear that they don’t know what they’re talking about.
Kyle Mooney
What bothers me the most are the Republicans and the Democrats: they act like little kids. They are lying to real people out here trying to get through life.
Charles Barkley
People ask me about past projects I’ve worked on, and other things; I’m just really bad at lying. I have a bad poker face, so I just try to tell people how I’m feeling in the moment and really what I was trying to do.
Jeff Nichols
I’m almost able to be more honest by lying. By making everything up, I’m able to say what I really want to.
James Acaster
As a scholar I am interested in the philosophy of language, semiotics, call it what you want, and one of the main features of the human language is the possibility of lying.
Umberto Eco
Lord, Lord, how subject we old men are to this vice of lying!
William Shakespeare
I, for one, will remain constantly vigilant of a government that admits its transgressions of liberty only when they are caught lying.
Rand Paul
Since I’m known for recording other artists’ material, I’m absolutely deluged with mail from all the publishing companies. They take all the songs that’ve been lying around the office for months and throw them at me. Most of them are terrible, but you have to listen… just in case.
Paul Young
There’s a difference between lying and not being straight.
Michael Finkel
Priebus has been trying to clean up for Donald Trump for far too long. When he was making outrageous statements, when he was basically lying.
Maxine Waters
It was on the first day of Beltaine, that is called now May Day, the Tuatha de Danaan came, and it was to the north-west of Connacht they landed. But the Firbolgs, the Men of the Bag, that were in Ireland before them, and that had come from the South, saw nothing but a mist, and it lying on the hills.
Lady Gregory
For Donald, lying was primarily a mode of self-aggrandizement meant to convince other people he was better than he actually was.
Mary L. Trump
People say ‘Are you going to retire?’ To me, that sort of equates with lying down and dying. When you’re doing something you love to do, why would you stop?
Rolf Harris
My uncle used to play cricket. I got used to the game a

My uncle used to play cricket. I got used to the game at home. As kids we used to all wonder seeing the bats lying around the house. As we grew older, we realised what the game was all about, and then our interest in the game grew.
Mohammad Azharuddin
In this play we’re dealing with relative truths – who’s lying, who’s telling the truth. But underneath that, Ed and I have hit this deeper level of intimacy between old friends that comes out in the play.
Fred Ward
I remember lying down for a nap one day at about 4:00 and walking up at 11:00 the next morning.
April Winchell
When I’m lying in my bed I think about life and I think about death and neither one particularly appeals to me.
I’d be lying if I said, ‘No,’ to wanting a lot of kids.
Gisele Bundchen
He steps on stage and draws the sword of rhetoric, and when he is through, someone is lying wounded and thousands of others are either angry or consoled.
Pete Hamill
My father taught me things about body language that psychologists have been catching up with ever since. He always knew when I was lying, because my posture was all wrong.
Richard Griffiths
If someone’s lying about something small, you don’t know what else they’re lying about. I’m a big girl, I can handle the truth – even if it’s not good news.
Jennifer Morrison
I would bend over backward to be back on Grey’s. Any day, I’ll choose lying in bed with Katherine Heigl looking over me over getting thrown against walls by supernatural persons at 5 in the morning.
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
To win the belt from Bisping, the hardest problem for me would be to train hard for him because he stinks. I’m just kidding, he’s really good… No, I’m lying.
Chris Weidman
I prayed like a man walking in a forest at night, feeling his way with his hands, at each step fearing to fall into pure bottomlessness forever. Prayer is like lying awake at night, afraid, with your head under the cover, hearing only the beating of your own heart.
Wendell Berry
It was OK for the media to pursue Former President Clinton year after year for lying about a private, consensual sexual affair, but we have five justices who committed one of the biggest crimes in American History, and it ceased to be a big story.
Vincent Bugliosi
Lying to a committee is a very grave abuse, and there ought to be a clear punishment.
John Bercow
Politeness is half good manners and half good lying.
Mary Wilson Little
If we were to abandon concern for what is true, what is false, and what remains indeterminate, the world would be totally chaotic. Even those who deny the importance of truth, on the one hand, are quick to jump on anyone who is caught lying.
Howard Gardner
I’ve been writing a lot of sad songs, and I got to the point where I was like, ‘You can’t write another one or you’re lying.’
Dean Lewis
Lying is done with words and also with silence.
Adrienne Rich
I’ve gone from a kid who was sneaking out of my childhood house and lying to my parents to do shows in a community theatre in Reading, PA, to now having two shows on Broadway opening within two months of each other. That’s sort of crazy, that trajectory.
Douglas Carter Beane
No one can be happy who has been thrust outside the pale of truth. And there are two ways that one can be removed from this realm: by lying, or by being lied to.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
The ability to get sponsors on your own and not have to rely on the amount that Reebok dictates to you was a huge factor. I’d be straight up lying if I said it wasn’t a very big part of my decision to go to Bellator.
Benson Henderson
If I ever saw myself saying I’m excited going to Cleveland, I’d punch myself in the face because I’m lying.
Ichiro Suzuki
I give the name violence to a boldness lying idle and enamored of danger.
Jean Genet
Any car designer always dreams about designing their own car – if they say they don’t, they’re lying… For me, it was never about starting my own company just to make another car.
Henrik Fisker
The most effort you should expend should be cooking. If you could cook while lying on a couch, that would be perfect.
Liz Tuccillo
Heaven lies about us in our infancy and the world begins lying about us pretty soon afterward.
Ambrose Bierce
The older I get, the more the lying, the losing touch with your true thoughts and feelings, and the compromises required to fit in seem not worth the effort. It’s my one go on Earth; why spend any more of it conforming to other people’s rules and ideals?
Viv Albertine
The decision that has to be made was whether it was material, whether he knew he was lying under oath, whether he did it willfully. I think that’s required of any prosecutor who is charged with an investigation of this.
Barbara Olson
Cunning leads to knavery. It is but a step from one to the other, and that very slippery. Only lying makes the difference; add that to cunning, and it is knavery.
Richard Nixon is a no good, lying bastard. He can lie out of both sides of his mouth at the same time, and if he ever caught himself telling the truth, he’d lie just to keep his hand in.
Harry S Truman
This is a making-money business, and the only way to make money is knocking people out. Lying on someone? That’s pathetic to me. You gotta drop a bomb.
Justin Gaethje
When I was 14, I had a job in a cake shop. I got caught by the boss, lying down eating cake, and was sacked on my first day.
Noel Fielding
The response to 'A Head Full of Ghosts' has been amazin

The response to ‘A Head Full of Ghosts’ has been amazing and thrilling. I’d be lying if I said I don’t feel a little extra pressure trying to follow it up.
Paul G. Tremblay
I would be lying if I said I wanted to wake up and work out every day.
Madison Keys
All that mankind has done, thought or been: it is lying as in magic preservation in the pages of books.
Thomas Carlyle
A dog teaches a boy fidelity, perseverance, and to turn around three times before lying down.
Robert Benchley
I grew up on Loretta Lynn and Dusty Springfield. I remember lying about it; it wasn’t cool to listen to country when I was 12.
Jenny Lewis
Sometimes I Google myself just to see what people are saying. But we all do that. If someone tells you that they don’t, then they are lying.
Hailey Baldwin
At the end of the first Halloween, when I shot 6 bullets into Michael Myers, John Carpenter said, Let’s get a shot of you looking out of the window and seeing no one lying there.
Donald Pleasence
I don’t thrive on stress. I love lying on the deck on our houseboat reading a book.
Bear Grylls
If it was about lying under oath – we actually know that Clinton certainly was deceptive, as most people would be about their sex lives – but, in fact, he did not lie.
Paul Begala
There’s good money in true crime, I’m told, and plenty of it lying around, but it’s a devil of an art form.
Poe Ballantine
I’ve done about everything in show business except to play on Broadway. I always hoped that I would one day. It’s the World Series of show business. If anybody tells you they’re not intimidated, they’re lying.
Cyd Charisse
I’d be lying if I said there weren’t times when I hadn’t lost a little bit of confidence. But the people around me, close to me, were the ones to tell me I’d been playing slightly differently, not as confidently as I had been.
Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain
The Olympics are different, I’ll admit that now and stop lying to myself.
Caeleb Dressel
With the birth of my first child and my involvement with my first husband, I basically stopped lying. I just didn’t want to lie anymore, because it reduces the stature of the person you’re lying to.
Cybill Shepherd
Malicious lying is usually a matter of need, but often the cruelest things we say are the truth.
Jesse Ball
Stephen King, by far, is the standard-bearer. I think anyone who writes suspense fiction and says that King isn’t an influence is either lying or being foolish. I read his book ‘On Writing’ before I read pretty much any of his fiction.
Michael Koryta
I think anyone is lying if they say they don’t want to win.
Ricky Whittle
There are some people so addicted to exaggeration that they can’t tell the truth without lying.
Josh Billings
Just lying in my big bed with Frette sheets. Oh my god, there’s nothing better.
Robin Wright
I’m deeply insecure. I ask my wife all the time, ‘Was that OK? Are people lying?’ I’m not as happily oblivious as I’d like.
Simon Helberg
I’d take lying by the pool doing nothing over aimlessly wandering the streets clutching a guidebook.
Alexander Armstrong
I think any professional athlete who says they stick to a strict diet and weigh their food out every time is either lying or they’re sick.
Mark Cavendish
I’m not lying to myself like most people.
Jack Kevorkian
I don’t let a lot of people know about my dad dying on 9/11. It’s not a way to introduce yourself. So I never told anybody, and then I would do jokes about it… and I think people thought I was lying about it. Which would be crazy!
Pete Davidson
Online, I’m this loud, outrageous, confident guy who acts like nothing bothers him, and he has the whole world at his fingertips. In reality, I’m a shy, quiet guy who would rather spend his nights lying in bed watching Netflix than being a valuable member of society.
Shane Dawson
Truth is a pain which will not stop. And the truth of this world is to die. You must choose: either dying or lying. Personally, I have never been able to kill myself.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine
Snowden and NSA leaders should be brought together face-to-face for questioning in public by a congressional investigatory committee, with both parties allowed to make their points and to counter the assertions of the other. If Snowden is lying, it will come out. If the NSA is lying, it will come out.
Robert Zubrin
Lying is the most simple form of self-defence.
Susan Sontag
It is 2017, and we are living in the golden age of lying.
Hasan Minhaj
I want money; I just don’t want that money lying around.
Nathan Kirsh
One time, this guy at this music festival would not let me off the hook that I was Percy Jackson. He was like, ‘Quit lying to me, bro, I know you’re Percy Jackson.’ I was like, ‘I swear to God, I’m not Percy Jackson.’
Dylan Minnette
I'm constantly lying to my dog. He only responds to man

I’m constantly lying to my dog. He only responds to manipulation and blackmail.
Riley Keough
I would be lying if I told you that I hadn’t had aspirations to run for a statewide office.
Wendy Davis
And I’d be lying if I told you that as a black man in baseball I hadn’t gone through worse times than my teammates.
Curt Flood
It’s been unsettling to discover that every form of narrative, even one that purports to tell the truth, is a kind of lying.
Damon Galgut
I grew up in the age of radio. That was my main boyhood form of entertainment: lying on the living room floor with my ears affixed to the radio. I loved shows like ‘The Phantom,’ ‘Cisco Kid,’ and even ‘Happy Theater’ when I was younger.
George Takei
That romantic notion of a band being a total democracy is just like lying to yourself in the mirror.
Cedric Bixler-Zavala
One of my favorite things about Tom Waits is not only his songs, but when he does do live shows, it’s the theatrics involved. It’s like Kabuki theater, really old-fashioned theatrics. Like, standing on top of a piece of plywood lying on some cinderblocks and clapping his hands, banging on a bucket.
Brittany Howard
I would be lying if I said I cut out all dessert. When I’m training, I try to satisfy those cravings with a slightly healthier dessert, like a piece of dark chocolate or whipped cream and strawberries. Those are two of my favorites!
Josie Loren
Acting is technically just lying, so I guess I’ve been acting since I was about 7.
Miranda Rae Mayo
Reading was my hobby, my sport and my activity of choice. It was the prime pleasure of my days, an unfailing escape from whatever realities were distressing me, and the only source of pride I knew, other vanities lying beyond my grasp. I couldn’t do anything else well, but I could do words.
Cynthia Voigt
You watch these reality shows and say, ‘Oh, I would do that, except for eating all the gross stuff.’ These reality shows are like everyone’s little guilty pleasure. To have an opportunity to be on one, why not? Anybody who says, ‘No, I don’t want to be on one’ is kind of lying in the back of their heads.
Cris Judd
I believe that if we want to change our industry we must look beyond what we see on our TV screens and fix the bigger problems lying beneath. When it comes to racial diversity that means looking at who commissions and makes the programmes.
Lenny Henry
All I’ve ever ended up with in terms of achievements is the movie, some really stupid anecdotes, a bunch of crosswords that I didn’t finish and maybe some old bicycle that I found lying around on set.
Christian Bale
I don’t think one moment that we should sink to the levels of the Brexiters – the dodgy money, the electoral lawbreaking and the lying – but I do wonder if those of us who remain deeply concerned about the consequences of Brexit are really landing all the blows that we can.
Gina Miller
I would be lying if I said I did not feel bad when ‘Shamitabh’ failed, but I was proud to be associated with a film like this. If it were easy to know the pulse of the audience, then all movies would be blockbusters.
A boy can learn a lot from a dog: obedience, loyalty, and the importance of turning around three times before lying down.
Robert Benchley
Portia and I constantly say to each other, ‘We are so lucky.’ Sometimes it’s lying in bed at night before I go to sleep, and I just say thank you to whatever, whoever is out there.
Ellen DeGeneres
I apologize for lying to you. I promise I won’t deceive you except in matters of this sort.
Spiro T. Agnew
Only one country and one system is unable to recognize our accomplishments: Russia. They make the lying claim that our road construction program is only on paper.
Fritz Todt
As a novelist, you have to pick your battles. You are tired. You have begun to experience the first ominous tinglings of carpal tunnel syndrome. You wake up in the middle of the night with both hands lying across your chest like a couple of plucked bird carcasses, dead of all sensation.
Lynn Coady
Building a little bonfire at night on the beach and lying on a blanket with my wife under the stars is not only sexy, it’s romantic.
Benjamin Bratt
I will say that the idea of a woman being deceptive came from that original discussion with critics and reporters about if woman could do that kind of thing. Evelyn, herself, grew out of the discussions about how capable women are of deceit and lying and manipulation.
Neil LaBute
Sometimes, I sit with my guitar and start playing… something or the other pops into my head… Basically, I write whatever that comes to my mind. I’ve written a lot of songs, but they are lying in my cupboard… I mean to do something about them someday.
Aditya Roy Kapur
When my mother died, my father was in a crisis, my sister was in a crisis, everyone was in a crisis. I went round the night my mother was lying in the kitchen, and I organised everything, from the undertaker to the funeral… I looked after everybody, I sorted it all out and I’ve done so ever since.
Stuart Rose
A lot of my characters are people who are, in essence, lying to themselves. They present one thing, when in reality they’re another thing. Maybe they’re not as tough or as cool as they want to be.
Kyle Mooney
You might say that my work is just simply lying on the ground, and I go and I gather it, and I pick it up, and I put it together.
Svetlana Alexievich
Success is always something completely different to people. I feel like I’ve succeeded, if I’m doing something that makes me happy and I’m not lying to anybody.
Kristen Stewart
Certain people should not be allowed to exploit the law, to decide the only way to engage in politics is to accuse others of lying.
Jovenel Moise
Lying is the rule, not the exception.
Pamela Meyer
So people think I’m lying about my age all the time? It’s the records that are wrong. I’ve never told anyone how old I am. The minute they ask me, I say ‘That’s none of your business.’ So that means I’ve never once lied about my age. Now that’s true!
Calista Flockhart
Everybody is always like, ‘You must be a really good liar,’ and no, I’m actually a truth teller, and I’m telling someone else’s truth. If I’m lying, then I’m not doing my job correctly.
Sydney Sweeney
Told a lot of stories as a child. Not 'Once upon a time

Told a lot of stories as a child. Not ‘Once upon a time’ stories but, basically, outright lies. I loved lying and getting away with it!
Jacqueline Woodson
One would be lying if one didn’t say that one had melodies that I keep in my back pocket.
Andrew Lloyd Webber
With attention deficit democracy, I am trying to wake up people to how the combination of mass ignorance, fear mongering by the government, and lying politicians is putting our entire system of government to a death spiral.
James Bovard
Until we totally change the way we elect our leaders, until we remove private money from public campaigns, lying will be the de facto method of governance in this country.
Peter Schuyler
I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you that money was a big factor in signing for Bare Knuckle – we’re prize fighters, and our success is measured by the size of our purse.
Artem Lobov
I have to be natural and not doing anything fake, not lying on social media, in interviews and life.
Mohamed Salah
An actor is never so great as when he reminds you of an animal – falling like a cat, lying like a dog, moving like a fox.
Francois Truff
Lying at the root of the social agreements of 1980 are the courage, sense of responsibility, and the solidarity of the working people. Both sides have then recognized that an accord must be reached if bloodshed is to be prevented.
Lech Walesa
Actually, I think I’m part of the last generation to grow up believing in magic and fairies and believing I had powers – you know, lying on the ground and trying to have my spirit leave my body – which never happened; still working on that bit.
Alice Englert
The administration is out lying through its teeth about all these people signing up and how great Obamacare is now. Meanwhile, Obama continues to break the law each and every day with executive actions – not even executive orders, executive actions – and proclamations.
Rush Limbaugh
I found the success of ‘In a Dark, Dark Wood’ really distracting when I was writing ‘The Woman in Cabin 10,’ but in a way, the fact that ‘Cabin 10’ was doing well felt quite freeing while I was writing ‘The Lying Game.’
Ruth Ware
I’m naturally going to react to that and he’ll bring out elements in my musical character that were lying dormant, because I’m relating what he’s playing.
Benny Green
There are some good people. But a good chunk of them will lie for no reason at all – it’ll be ten o’clock and they’ll tell you it’s nine. You’re looking at the clock and you can’t even fathom why they’re lying. They just lie because that’s what they do.
John Cusack
I come from a family of Russian immigrant Jews who were all big storytellers, who would get together, and one would try to top the others’ stories, and stories would get bigger and bigger. And the lying aspect, the exaggeration, would get large.
Philip Schultz
In so many interviews, they bring up the sexual aspect of the record. I’ve had some journalists say it sounds like I’m lying down in bed singing with a microphone. It gets so old!
Lucinda Williams
Political Freedom without economic equality is a pretense, a fraud, a lie; and the workers want no lying.
Mikhail Bakunin
Lying and art are very allied. But after you lie, you get to the truth.
Jeffrey Tambor
Unfortunately, as much as I am gullible, I also hate lying. I tend to tell the truth a lot… lying just isn’t worth it. But I think I’m guilty of telling people that I’m 5 minutes away when really I’m about 45 or an hour away.
Monica Raymund
This is why I wanted to be different and why I wanted to have power and fame and money: because I wanted to be attractive to the opposite sex. I’d be lying to you if I didn’t say that was a big part of it.
Michael Buble
Any league that talks about that – they care about their players – is lying.
Diana Taurasi
You know what I will do sometimes? I’ll let my phone die… and I will say, ‘You know what, I’m not lying, my phone died.’
Whitney Wolfe Herd
A good puzzle, it’s a fair thing. Nobody is lying. It’s very clear, and the problem depends just on you.
Erno Rubik
Like a lot of other cancer patients lying in hospital beds or in chemotherapy suites, I have spent a fair amount of time fantasizing about jetting off to a tropical island.
Suleika Jaouad
My dream has always been to suspend myself in space when I write, and lying horizontal in bed is the closest to doing that.
Richard Powers
I have all sorts of weird albums that people have given me lying around the house.
Alison Sudol
Trump’s lying, his self-regard, his self-soothing, his lack of empathy, his narcissistic rage, his contempt for norms, rules, laws, facts and simple truths – have all come home to roost.
George T. Conway III
Actors are pretending for you, but they’re not lying. They are not putting on a guise instead of themselves. They are finding things inside that they have experienced.
Mike Mills
Every athlete wants to win an Olympic gold medal, and I’d be lying if I said that’s not what I wanted.
Cate Campbell
The essence of lying is in deception, not in words.
John Ruskin
I’m the worst liar – I can’t lie for my life. And I don’t lie at all, because I’m the worst liar – but as a kid, I thought I was a great liar, so I would lie all the time, but everybody knew I was lying.
Julia Garner
It’s cool to have instruments lying around because they give you different ideas.
Ezra Koenig
I would be lying if I said Starz doesn't have a reputat

I would be lying if I said Starz doesn’t have a reputation.
Sam Heughan
I’d be lying to say I’ve not experienced a lot of racism in my life; it’s very much alive. I don’t let it bother me. I couldn’t be the singer I am if I didn’t let it go.
Darius Rucker
Success is always something completely different to people. I feel like I’ve succeeded, if I’m doing something that makes me happy and I’m not lying to anybody. I’m not doing that now, so I feel really good about myself.
Kristen Stewart
Every cable news channel was a very big business success before Donald Trump started lying about Barack Obama’s birth certificate. And they were all making more money than they knew what to do with then and more money than Donald Trump has ever seen in his life.
Lawrence O’Donnell
In the 19th century, if you had a basement lab, you could make major scientific discoveries in your own home. Right? Because there was all this science just lying around waiting for somebody to pick it up.
Seth Shostak
People who are lying are, understandably, more worried about being believed, so they work harder – too hard, as it were – at being believable.
Christopher Voss
I was painting sets, working in editorial as an assistant, driving their trucks, lying that I knew how to drive a truck, and doing commercials and documentaries.
Richard Donner
There’s something outrageously funny about the bold-faced lying that’s going on, in a general way. Just the blatant denial of facts, whether it’s climate change or crowd sizes. Every day, there’s another blatant lie. I think there’s comedy in there somewhere.
Matt Walsh
The power of lying is much less than the power of what is not to be discussed.
Mason Cooley
It is not good to talk about Zen, because Zen is nothingness… If you talk about it, you are always lying, and if you don’t talk about it, no one knows it is there.
Robert M. Pirsig
Frankly, most governments are used to lying to each other – to a degree that most people would find shocking. Part of diplomacy is the art of strategic lying.
Jonathan Turley
Lying is an elementary means of self-defense.
Susan Sontag
I was in high school when Bill Clinton was impeached for lying under oath about his relationship with Lewinsky. We didn’t have social media back then – hell, we didn’t have a computer with the Internet in our home – so the details of it all escaped me.
Shaun King
It doesn’t matter who you are in this league: You’re always trying to have a bigger role. Anybody who said they weren’t trying to do that would be lying.
Adam Thielen
My music, you know I’m not lying about anything, and the way you can tell is how in-depth I can get about everything I’m talking about.
Iman Shumpert
I’m not one for lying to children.
Diane Guerrero
Being lazy does not mean that you do not create. In fact, lying around doing nothing is an important, nay crucial, part of the creative process. It is meaningless bustle that actually gets in the way of productivity. All we are really saying is, give peace a chance.
Tom Hodgkinson
The feeling I had several times in youth, when lying in a field staring up at the night sky, that I might fall into the infinite void – for people like me, this idea mostly provokes anxiety.
Claire Messud
I have avoided becoming stale by putting a little water on the plate, lying on the plate, and having myself refreshed in a toaster oven for 23 minutes once every month.
Dean Koontz
If you spend a lot of time lying to people, you think a lot about what the truth means.
Penn Jillette
Don’t get me wrong: politicians have been lying for a long time, long before Donald Trump was born, but the degree of just nonstop rage, grievance, prevarication, I haven’t seen, probably because we haven’t had a direct line from a politician’s id to the public before.
Jake Tapper
I would like to tell the young men and women before me not to lose hope and courage. Success can only come to you by courageous devotion to the task lying in front of you.
C. V. Raman
So, I’m lying on the couch and Laura walks in and I say, ‘Free at last,’ and she says ‘You’re free all right, you’re free to do the dishes.’ So I say, ‘You’re talking to the former president, baby,’ and she said, ‘consider this your new domestic policy agenda.’
George W. Bush
There’s no comparison between NPR and the propaganda that you hear from Rush or from Sean Hannity, the news movement conservatives that are just laying out, slathering out the disinformation and the lies, as I discuss in my book, ‘Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right.’
Al Franken
Short naps are good. Given modern workplace demands, this is not possible for many people – but if you have the option, try napping for ten to twenty minutes in the afternoon, preferably lying down in a darkened room.
Andrew Weil
My desire for my own sitcom began as a little girl – I spent hours lying on my belly on the shag carpeting getting lost in the world of the ’70s sitcom. All I wanted to do was run away to the Brady house, The Partridge Family bus; even the project on ‘Good Times’ seemed better than Clark, NJ.
Judy Gold
For the black author, and even the ex-slave narrator, creativity has often lain with the lie – forging an identity, ‘making’ one, but ‘lying’ about one, too.
Kevin Young
Having to censor yourself – whether it’s lying at the water cooler about how you spent your weekend, scrubbing your Facebook page of any revealing facts, or pretending to be with someone you aren’t – is the antithesis of our foundation as a nation based on freedom of expression and association.
Jared Polis
I’d be lying if I said that it didn’t suck to see Durant doing so well.
Greg Oden
I can’t even go to Rolling Loud and perform without the police and the news lying on me, trying to lock me up.
Tee Grizzley
Salvador Dali, lying on his deathbed in a stupor, is said to have been fed thousands of sheets of blank paper to sign for fake lithographs.
Peter Landesman
Curiosity is lying in wait for every secret.

Curiosity is lying in wait for every secret.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Lying is our stock-in-trade as social creatures.
Jesse Ball
Lying in the political sphere has gotten out of hand, and because people tend to dismiss things that challenge their preconceived notions of the world, fact checkers can only play a small part in remedying the problem.
Pamela Meyer
The public don’t want prisoners lying about being idle.
Crispin Blunt
If you catch me lying, it’s probably because I’m about to surprise someone for their birthday, or hide away the specific details about a company getaway to a strange but amazing place.
Ryan Holmes
In my latter years I’ve decided that there’s too much to keep track of when you go into the lying game. That becomes stressful and it’s not for me anymore.
Max Greenfield
It was around the summer of 1982 when the drug problem really impacted. It became a lifestyle rather than a recreation. When you start lying and stealing, you cannot con yourself you’re in control any more.
Irvine Welsh
I’m always nervous before a fight, any fighter that says they’re not is lying.
Dereck Chisora
I’m lively when I perform and I always put everything into a show, but when I get home I love lying down in front of the TV and relaxing.
John Barrowman
I’ll tell you something that’s completely true – you can, as a man, obtain everything you want with the truth. If you lie, first of all you’ve got to be a very good lying actor, which is tres difficile. And it’s going to give you poison inside the body.
Jean Reno
I kinda always felt like I am out, for all intents and purposes. So I always came from the standpoint of, ‘Why does writing it in an article or saying it in an article make me gay?’ That doesn’t make me gay or not. I’m living my life. I’m not lying; I don’t hide it.
Sue Bird
Rock helps me communicate directly with the people because rock doesn’t lie, and people are fed up with lying politicians.
Amado Boudou
Lying does exist in crazy forms.
Chris Pine
It does hurt at times when the end result is not in your favor despite all the hard work you put in, and anyone who says they are not affected by failure is lying.
Varun Sandesh
I just got to a point where I was lying to myself constantly, so I had to face up to that. It was a lot of… I don’t want to use the words ‘self sacrifice,’ but that’s what it felt like. It was giving up who I thought I was and starting over from scratch and realizing the man that I am was good enough.
Ivan Moody
At home in L.A., Sunday is lazy. It’s the wife and me lying in bed with coffee, watching ‘The Soup’ or something funny on TiVo. The kid will occasionally join us. Eventually, breakfast is at a place down the street called Paty’s. And we always have some kind of great dinner – my wife makes a great roast beef.
Eric McCormack
What makes it difficult for people trying to follow a dream is that the whole time you feel like you’re slamming your head against the wall. So it’s nice to make a breakthrough and not kind of lying there with your head bleeding.
Lewis Black