Top 425 Pain Quotes

Fear is pain arising from the anticipation of evil.
Suffering is always hard to quantify – especially when the pain is caused by as cruel a disease as Alzheimer’s. Most illnesses attack the body; Alzheimer’s destroys the mind – and in the process, annihilates the very self.
Jeffrey Kluger
I'm a much nicer person since my wife died. I found out

I’m a much nicer person since my wife died. I found out what pain is, so on that level I’m much nicer.
Hugh Leonard
No one can escape life’s pain. That’s life.
Pierce Brosnan
There is no more lively sensation than that of pain; its impressions are certain and dependable, they never deceive as may those of the pleasure women perpetually feign and almost never experience.
Marquis de Sade
There are only three sins – causing pain, causing fear, and causing anguish. The rest is window dressing.
Roger Caras
I do understand what it is to not want to commit to someone, knowing that might bring pain or commit to a life that has to do with being responsible to people other than myself. These things, I think, are normal things.
Philip Seymour Hoffman
I always say writing a play is like toothache: I find it incredibly painful, and it’s only once the play’s out that the pain is gone.
Abi Morgan
I think I probably would have enjoyed to keep my own private pain out of my work. But I was changed by my audience who said your private pain which you have unwittingly shown us in your early songs is also ours.
Pete Townshend
I was quite fat as a kid. And swimming is a sport you can enjoy whatever size you are. If you’re fat, running is a pain. I’m not really built for running.
David Walliams
I admit there’s an element of brutality in all my work – it’s part of the truth about human existence I always want to explore – but the last thing I’m trying to do is put on some kind of freak show, inviting people to get off on other people’s pain and humiliation.
Todd Solondz
People talk about the pain of writing, but very few people talk about the pleasure and satisfaction.
Paul Theroux
If you’re never able to tolerate a little bit of pain and discomfort, you’ll never get better.
Angela Duckworth
I was always a great bundle of energy. As a child, instead of walking, I would run. And so running, which is a pain to a lot of people, was always a pleasure to me because it was so easy.
Roger Bannister
I have been recently diagnosed with Sjogren’s Syndrome, an autoimmune disease which is an ongoing medical condition that affects my energy level and causes fatigue and joint pain.
Venus Williams
A tremendous amount of needless pain and suffering can be eliminated by ensuring that health insurance is universally available.
Daniel Akaka
Realizing that we’ve surrendered our self-esteem to others and choosing to be accountable for our own self-worth would mean absorbing the terrifying fact that we’re always vulnerable to pain and loss.
Martha Beck
In ‘True Grit,’ we had a vulture, a trained vulture… that was a pain and that was – even by vulture standards – probably a stupid vulture, and that was frustrating.
Ethan Coen
Humanity should question itself, once more, about the absurd and always unfair phenomenon of war, on whose stage of death and pain only remain standing the negotiating table that could and should have prevented it.
Pope John Paul II
Certainly it is wrong to be cruel to animals and the destruction of a whole species can be a great evil. The capacity for feelings of pleasure and pain and for the form of life of which animals are capable clearly impose duties of compassion and humanity in their case.
John Rawls
It’s essential to tell the truth at all times. This will reduce life’s pain. Lying distorts reality. All forms of distorted thinking must be corrected.
John Bradshaw
There are times you break up with a loved one, a friend, or whatever. You feel alone. It’s a very easy feeling to understand – the feeling of loss, heartache, and pain.
Kenny Omega
Some people have loved ones they will not forsake, even though they are a pain in the neck.
Lewis B. Smedes
I hate pain, despite my ability to tolerate it beyond all known parameters, which is not necessarily a good thing.
Hunter S. Thompson
Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever.
Lance Armstrong
Pain is temporary, film is forever.
Michael J. Fox
I’ve never formally trained for pain management, but I have a good understanding of how to conquer it. I just analyze the pain, feel it in the moment, and then mentally become numb to it.
Criss Angel
People have so much pain inside them that they’re not even aware of.
Marina Abramovic
It has been said that time heals all wounds. I don’t agree. The wounds remain. Time – the mind, protecting its sanity – covers them with some scar tissue and the pain lessens, but it is never gone.
Rose Kennedy
The body is sort of a pain. It has to go to the bathroom. It has to be comfortable. But the spirit is indestructible. It can move at the speed of light.
Robert Ballard
I pay my own bills. I feel my own pain.
Researches tested a new form of medical marijuana that treats pain but doesn’t get the user high, prompting patients who need medical marijuana to declare, ‘Thank you?’
Jimmy Fallon
You can judge your age by the amount of pain you feel when you come in contact with a new idea.
Pearl S. Buck
What gay culture is before it is anything else, before

What gay culture is before it is anything else, before it is a culture of desire or a culture of subversion or a culture of pain, is a culture of friendship.
Andrew Sullivan
Developing the muscles of the soul demands no competitive spirit, no killer instinct, although it may erect pain barriers that the spiritual athlete must crash through.
Germaine Greer
I still find that a kind of stricture of the heart happens when I see any form of bigoted or racist behaviour. I get an actual pain in my heart.
Janet Suzman
Punk is musical freedom. It’s saying, doing and playing what you want. In Webster’s terms, ‘nirvana’ means freedom from pain, suffering and the external world, and that’s pretty close to my definition of Punk Rock.
Kurt Cobain
I’m going to do the old ‘plaster removal’ technique and just get the pain over with in one go: ‘Life’s Too Short’ isn’t funny to me.
Ian Watson
I can handle pain.
Adam Sandler
Whenever you get a sharp pain, you need to back it off.
Stephanie Rice
Most people want to avoid pain, and discipline is usually painful.
John C. Maxwell
Grace is what matters in anything – especially life, especially growth, tragedy, pain, love, death. That’s a quality that I admire very greatly. It keeps you from reaching out for the gun too quickly. It keeps you from destroying things too foolishly. It sort of keeps you alive.
Jeff Buckley
I understand the pain of working-class Americans because I have experienced the pain.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
If you don’t know about pain and trouble, you’re in sad shape. They make you appreciate life.
Evel Knievel
Pain reaches the heart with electrical speed, but truth moves to the heart as slowly as a glacier.
Barbara Kingsolver
Pain is part of the past. There isn’t one of us who doesn’t still carry childhood wounds. Some are more horrific than others, but no matter how painful your young memories are, there were also glorious moments that kept you alive, or you would not be here today.
Sarah Ban Breathnach
The first thing we become convinced of is that man is organized so as to be far more sensible of pain than of pleasure.
Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin
When I win a gold medal in the Olympics… I would say every pain, tears and screams in training will be worth it.
Hidilyn Diaz
Pain can be alleviated by morphine but the pain of social ostracism cannot be taken away.
Derek Jarman
Pain is important, and changing who you are is difficult, painful, and scary. Most of the self-help industry sees change as this euphoric, liberating thing and tells you that you can be happy all the time. I think the opposite.
Mark Manson
There is an element of autobiography in all fiction in that pain or distress, or pleasure, is based on the author’s own. But in my case that is as far as it goes.
William Trevor
We’re not excusing the ones who are mean, but I want girls to understand the psychology. It’s not in everyone. But the bully needs to put this pain somewhere.
Elizabeth Berkley
Sympathy is charming, but it does not make up for pain.
Lillie Langtry
I’ve been to a lot of places and done a lot of things, but writing was always first. It’s a kind of pain I can’t do without.
Robert Penn Warren
Social rejection doesn’t just cause emotional pain; it affects our physical being.
Leonard Mlodinow
When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand.
Henri Nouwen
Plays are painful. But the very act of writing is a basic freedom denied some women. Some would call it a privilege. So what’s a little pain?
Abi Morgan
If pleasure was not followed by pain, who would forbear it?
Samuel Johnson
I think many people can relate to that excruciating pain of love gone wrong. I’d rather have a broken arm than a broken heart.
Christie Brinkley
Pain is something that’s common to human life. When we ignore it, we aren’t engaging in the whole reality, and the pain begins to fester.
Karen Armstrong
The most feared thing should be death, but after a lot of rumination, I have settled to fear incessant pain. It is not a ‘screaming hysterically’ kind of fear but a silently lurking one.
Kamal Haasan
We do not know what love is. We know the symptoms of it, the pleasure, the pain, the fear, the anxiety and so on. We try to solve the symptoms, which becomes a wandering in darkness. We spend our days and nights in this, and it is soon over in death.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Animators can only draw from their own experiences of pain and shock and emotions.
Hayao Miyazaki
The happiest people I know as a nation are the Burmese; their brightness and cheeriness are proverbial. Kindness to animals is one of their greatest ‘weaknesses’; no Burmese will kill an animal, even if it is to put it out of pain.
Robert Baden-Powell