Top 430 Shot Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Shot Quotes from famous people such as Gabriela Sabatini, Bobby Bones, Kim Ki-duk, Gordon Bethune, Olivia Thirlby, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

I served, she came to the net, it was a passing shot.

I served, she came to the net, it was a passing shot.
Gabriela Sabatini
That’s what the grind is, doing all the little things knowing that something may not come out of it. It probably won’t. But the goal is to get a shot at it.
Bobby Bones
An artist’s creative energy is ephemeral as a flower. It blooms and soon dies. No artist is great forever. Personally, I think I reached my peak in 2004 when I shot ‘Samaria’ and ‘3-Iron’.
Kim Ki-duk
No one is going to stick their head out of the trenches for someone they don’t respect or trust. You can get shot doing that.
Gordon Bethune
‘The Movie’ is something that I made with some friends of mine in L.A. My friend, Luke Eberl, is the filmmaker. He shot this movie and asked a bunch of his friends to be involved with it. I just saw him the other day and there is no money to finish the film. But, you know, I literally have a cameo in it.
Olivia Thirlby
I go to Stanford, and I’m an economics major, not thinking I’m going to do anything with acting. A professor came to the dorm where I lived looking for people to audition for an August Wilson play, ‘Joe Turner’s Come And Gone.’ I gave it a shot, got one of the lead roles in the play.
Sterling K. Brown
I’ve always wanted to give ‘Hamlet’ a shot. It’s the big one, you know. I haven’t done Shakespeare professionally, so I think it would be terrifying.
Brian d’Arcy James
I wasn’t angry the night I shot him.
Mark David Chapman
If I could change on thing about myself, I would: Have better knees. Mine are shot because of injuries. You’re only as good as your legs, whether you’re an athlete or an actor.
William Petersen
It’s our job to get into the hardest-to-see places and bring back the best footage – we have the best footage of North Korea ever shot. If that’s a stunt, then I’ll keep on doing stunts until I die.
Shane Smith
I do not even hate the Talib who shot me. Even if there was a gun in my hand and he stands in front of me, I would not shoot him.
Malala Yousafzai
I think that Karate Hottie can get me the title shot… That’s who I’ve been waiting for, karate versus karate, and I think that’s a big enough fight to propel me into the No. 1 contender spot.
Tecia Torres
Whenever I catch a chunk of an Adam Sandler comedy on cable, it looks as badly shot and goofily tossed off as a Jerry Lewis gag reel once he hit the late downslide with ‘Hardly Working’ and ‘Cracking Up.’
James Wolcott
Policing of the disabled and how many deaf people get shot by cops is sort of insane. And it’s not talked about.
Wyatt Cenac
I’ve been in crisis situations, I’ve been down, I’ve been hurt, I’ve been behind on the scorecards, and I’ve had to pull that shot out to knock somebody out. I’ve been in all kinds of situations and still come out on top.
Tyson Fury
I hate letting my teammates down. I know I’m not going to make every shot. Sometimes I try to make the right play, and if it results in a loss, I feel awful. I don’t feel awful because I have to answer questions about it. I feel awful in that locker room because I could have done something more to help my teammates win.
LeBron James
It was a scene I was really looking forward to, and one that I embraced, and when we were filming it, George got closer and closer and closer with that camera – he was practically up my nose for the final shot. So I knew it was a moment that I had to do my best to get right.
Ian McDiarmid
We’ve had drive-by shootings. I’ve been spat on, slapped, shot at. One guy tried to stab me with a broken beer bottle. But the way we look at it, if people do the worst they can, we’ll still wake up in glory.
Troy Perry
When a scene is being shot, it is very difficult to know what one wants it to say, and even if one does know, there is always a difference between what one has in mind and the result on film.
Michelangelo Antonioni
There’s great stuff out there, but I prefer doing a TV show, going to work every day with the same people, and a lot of stuff is not being shot in Los Angeles and I don’t really want to do that because my loved ones are here.
Paget Brewster
I’ve been shot at on numerous occasions.
John Pomfret
People think modeling’s mindless, that you just stand there and pose, but it doesn’t have to be that way. I like to have a lot of input. I know how to wear a dress, whether it should be shot with me standing or sitting.
Linda Evangelista
For many years, I tried to make New Year’s resolutions. I made lists and shot for great heights: I would show altruism and exert moral strength, patience and all those other great attributes.
Henry Rollins
I don’t storyboard, and I don’t really shot list. I let the shots be determined by how the actors and I figure out the blocking in a scene, and then from there, we cover it.
Cary Fukunaga
On sand, you can never be sure of anything. An ordinary shot can take a wicked deflection at the last moment.
Eric Cantona
I was born in Chicago, but I was raised in a town called Jackson, Tennessee. And a lot of these changes that were necessary and talked about it as important have been made, like, people go to school where they want to go. They work for equal pay, they work for – they can go school and have an equal shot at a job.
Gil Scott-Heron
I thought I had to make an impact on history. I had to become the greatest choreographer of my time. That was my mission. Posterity deals with us however it sees fit. But I gave it 20 years of my best shot.
Twyla Tharp
Acupuncture was a saving grace. It helps more than anything else I tried. Everyone with endometriosis should give acupuncture a shot, at least once.
Molly Qerim
As far as the leading man/romantic lead, I’ll tell you what, I really enjoyed my experience more than I thought or imagined I would on ‘Catch and Release.’ God bless them if they want to give me another shot at that. I would love to have that as something I can go to on occasion.
Timothy Olyphant
I’m glad the NCAA is pushing back the 3-point line a foot. I’m a big supporter of the 3-point shot; it’s exciting. I hope the high schools adopt the same rule.
Morgan Wootten
You know, I’ve carried a weapon for 10 years, never shot anybody, never robbed anybody. It has saved my life twice, but I know they’re not toys. I practice with firearms, I enjoy shooting, it’s a hobby of mine and I have a healthy respect for them.
Luke Scott
When I shot 'Private Practice,' Amy Brenneman made a po

When I shot ‘Private Practice,’ Amy Brenneman made a point of really befriending me before we started shooting.
Stephen Amell
I really didn’t know If I wanted to pursue the Olympics for wrestling. I didn’t know what to do with my life. So, I prayed about it. My manager called me a few weeks later and asked if I wanted to fight. I agreed to give it a shot, and I went out and got knocked out.
Johny Hendricks
All of my life people have thought of me as Bing Crosby’s daughter. Now they’ll remember me as the person who shot J.R.
Mary Crosby
My type of basketball is about how to create space, how to maneuver, how to get your shot off.
Hakeem Olajuwon
I wasn’t the brightest kid, not by a long shot. I was interested in football, in girls, in getting my work done with the least amount of effort.
Thomas J. Sargent
I used to split my time between writing, music and painting. I would work on a book and then abandon it, start a band, do an album, quit music, then do a gallery show. Eventually I decided to give writing a serious shot.
Isaac Marion
If I didn’t forgive the people who took me into the barracks and beat me unconscious over a period of days during the period when the British state was indicted for inhuman and degrading treatment in 1971-72, or even the guys who shot me, if you don’t forgive them, you end up with unnecessary baggage.
Gerry Adams
You can’t create a movie as you think about it. And what’s in the scene is not what’s being seen. A shot always means something other than what it is. All are vehicles. A landscape is just a vehicle. The viewer might think different things, and I’m not going to intervene.
Bruno Dumont
I don’t get tripped up in technology. I use technology as a tool. ‘Oldboy’ we shot Two Pro 35mm. For ‘Da Blood of Jesus,’ we shot digitally. We shot the new Sony F55. It’s a 4K camera.
Spike Lee
The only difference between a good shot and a bad shot is if it goes in or not.
Charles Barkley
From 1980 to 1990, I shot more films than any other actor in the Screen Actors Guild, apart from Gene Hackman.
Steve Guttenberg
No, we didn’t shoot… in the ones that I did there were hardly any sex… there were suggestions of sex scenes but we never actually shot a sex scene as such.
Val Guest
Serenity is knowing that your worst shot is still pretty good.
Johnny Miller
What strikes me is that ‘XIII’ looks like a movie. The shot making is movie-like, which is kind of fun – the kind of playful action movie shot making is pretty, is pretty good. What’s also great about this game is its style and interesting story-line.
David Duchovny
I get very excited about my double stroller. Every time I look at it, I get a shot of adrenaline and joy because I think, This is real!
Mariska Hargitay
Golf is evolving, every day, every shot.
Tiger Woods
I took a shot and tried to create something world changing and it didn’t work out. I gave it everything I had, literally, and now I’m just trying to manage day by day and it’s been challenging but my wife and my kids are healthy, and I’m OK.
Curt Schilling
I was watching Monster’s Ball, which is a fabulous movie. It’s just a little gem: beautifully shot, and shot in a way I never would have done. It made me feel very old, really, because it wasn’t eccentric for its own sake, it was just very original.
Adrian Lyne
The Iranians have shot down drones. They tried to destroy the Saudi oil fields. They tried to storm our embassy. So, when my Democratic friends say we need appeasement, well appeasement hasn’t worked. And I think that we’ve learned, with respect to Iran, that weakness invites the wolves.
John Kennedy
We shot ‘Telusa Telusa’ song in Bolivia. It took us 50 hours to get to the location. We shot in high altitudes, and oxygen cylinders were kept handy.
Rakul Preet Singh
I was the female lead in a romantic comedy. It’s a little indie film that we shot in China called ‘America Town,’ starring Daniel Henney and Bill Paxton. I actually had to speak Chinese in the film. It was funny because I found out I was doing the film and then a week later, I was in Shanghai.
Eliza Coupe
This enraged the other Nazi so much that the next morning he came to our house and he shot my father.
Bruno Schulz
Once the referee throws the ball in the air, it’s either your ball or their ball and you have to just take your shot.
LL Cool J
You know I never used to be a bad flyer, but I did start to have a fear of flying after I shot a movie where I was terrorized on a plane. I made Wes Craven’s ‘Red Eye’. I don’t think they’re linked but it does make me pause and wonder if they are, so perhaps I will explore that in therapy some day.
Rachel McAdams
Boy, you know, it’s amazing how your brain can turn into a sieve, and you can literally forget episodes that you have shot.
Gillian Jacobs
We are the kind of people who obsess over one word… but we have only one shot to get it right in concert. It was hard the first time I practiced with them. I was so nervous that my vocal chords were paralyzed for about a half-hour.
Amy Tan
Secretary of War Stanton used to get out of patience with Lincoln because he was all the time pardoning men who ought to be shot.
Elihu Root
You know, I’ve never shot a gun in a movie.
Devon Sawa
Now, being a girl, I was ashamed of my body and my lack of strength. So I tried to be a man. I shot, rode, jumped, and took part in all the fights of the boys.
Agnes Smedley
Boeing started a new line for their 787 Dreamliner, creating 1,000 new jobs in South Carolina, giving our state a shot in the arm when we truly needed it.
Nikki Haley
There’s things that you just couldn’t do with an optical printer. Now, with digital compositing, most of the energy that goes into a shot goes into the aesthetic issues of, ‘Is it a good shot or not?’
John Knoll
I'm betting that in two years I'll be talking to you ab

I’m betting that in two years I’ll be talking to you about a film that I shot on an iPhone. It’s absolutely coming, I have no doubt in my mind.
Edward Burns
In Ferguson, there are witnesses who say Brown had his hands up when he was shot. That should be enough probable cause to go to trial to then determine if Officer Wilson is guilty or not. It is at trial that he can then defend himself and his attorneys can present their own witnesses and their own defense.
Al Sharpton
The experienced fighting pilot does not take unnecessary risks. His business is to shoot down enemy planes, not to get shot down.
Eddie Rickenbacker
Every shot feels like the first shot of the day. If I’m on the range hitting shot after shot, I can hit them just as good as I did when I was 30. But out on the course, your body changes between shots. You get out of the cart, and you’ve got this 170-yard 5-iron over a bunker, and it goes about 138.
Lee Trevino
Most of the big banks were shot through with short-termism, deceptive practices and self-dealing. We must institute basic changes in corporate governance and in management practice to restore responsibility and honesty for the sake of the economy and for the self-respect of the country.
Edmund Phelps
Standing at my door, I heard the discharge of a gun, and in four or five seconds of time, after the discharge, the small shot came rattling about me, one or two of which struck the house; which plainly demonstrates that the velocity of sound is greater than that of a cannon bullet.
Benjamin Banneker
I’d rather be shot than be seen falling out of some trendy club.
Ben Barnes
Our small ears never had such a workout as on the Fourth of July, hearing not only our own bursting crackers but also those of our friends, and often the boom of homemade cannon shot off by daring boys of 16 years, ready to lose a hand if it blew up.
Paul Engle
In golf, it’s almost impossible to be perfect on each shot; that’s the fun and challenge of golf.
Yani Tseng
I was 82 years old before Who’s Who thought I was enough of a big shot to do a piece on me.
Joseph Barbera
People always ask me, ‘Where were you when Kennedy was shot?’ Well, I don’t have an alibi.
Emo Philips
After we shot the first ‘Twilight,’ we organized our own wrap party. We really didn’t know what this was going to be. Something like that can come at you unexpectedly, and you just have to try your best to deal with it.
Anna Kendrick
‘Breaking Bad’ – when I started watching that show, I thought it was terrific. I love the way it was shot. I love the writing. I love the arc of Bryan Cranston’s character. I just thought that was just really, really a wonderful, wonderful show.
Joe Morton
‘La Notte’ is my favorite of the Antonioni pictures and my favorite work of the master cinematographer Gianni di Venanzo, who also shot ‘8 1/2’ for Fellini.
Jake Paltrow
God bless America – what other civilization would give Patrick Dempsey another shot to rule as a sex symbol, twenty years after ‘Meatballs III: Summer Job?’ His reign as Dr. McDreamy on ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ is proof that there’s nothing we love more than giving Eighties celebs a heartwarming second stab at life.
Rob Sheffield
I passed the Bar on the first shot, But I have never practiced law.
Walter Wager
My father is a taxi driver, and my mother ran a small business. I hadn’t even met a barrister before I got my first shot at the legal profession. But back then, I was lucky enough to be given a break – I can’t help but wonder if I would be so lucky today.
Robert Rinder
In February of this year I returned to China to research my next book. The authorities know about the novels of mine that have been published in the west, including the latest one, Beijing Coma, about a student shot in Tiananmen Square, but so far have allowed me to return.
Ma Jian
My father was an amateur filmmaker who shot 8mm color documentaries.
Lasse Hallstrom
We shot on location in our very first weeks, in our very first shows. I would like to go on location again, Hawaii would be good!! But normally, we tape five days a week in the studio starting at about 8:00 a.m. and continuing until about 8:00 p.m.
Juliet Mills
Every soul deserves a shot at a Cadillac, but not everyone should be guaranteed a Cadillac.
Ben Stein
When the blood of thousands of Americans is shed, the impact lingers. For a generation after the Civil War, the Republican injunction to ‘vote as you shot’ kept the party dominant for decades; from 1868 to 1912, only one Democrat – Grover Cleveland – won the White House.
Jeff Greenfield
I knew that I wanted to be an actor. Then it became about whether acting wanted me. So, I gave it a shot. It hasn’t worked out too bad, so far.
Laura San Giacomo
I prefer love scenes to be shot up close with a lot of focus on eyes and mouths. Otherwise it can feel uncomfortable and voyeuristic.
Andrew Davies
When I was a kid, award shows were super-interesting for me. But when I started making music, it was kind of hard to watch because I believed in what I was doing and yet knew I didn’t really have a shot.
Wesley Schultz
I shot a lot of close-ups on this movie ’cause there’s like a dual mystery, she’s searching through her haunted past to find some truth and she’s also following an external mystery where she comes to think she might be the killer.
Philip Kaufman
Modern technology has taken the angst out of achieving the perfect shot. For me, the only thing that counts is the idea behind the image: what you want to see and what you’re trying to say. The idea is crucial. You have to think of something you want to say and expand upon it.
Martin Parr
The night I was recognized for ‘Daughters’ at the Grammys was the night this record started. I knew I had bought the time to learn everything I needed before I started this one. ‘Continuum’ is not a shot in the dark, it’s not a guesstimation.
John Mayer
There’s something magical still about it when I get in a darkroom, and you’ve shot a roll of film and you develop it and you look at your negatives, and there’s, like, imagery there. That always stuns me.
Jessica Lange
When Fashion Week ends, I miss the shows and the shot of adrenaline that comes with them. Each day is a new show, a new fitting, and you make new friends. Every season you get to know the other girls a little better.
Magdalena Frackowiak
We have an uncanny ability to make birds do what we want them to do. In Blood Simple there’s a shot from the bumper of a car and it’s going up this road and a huge flock of birds takes off at the perfect moment.
Joel Coen
But the two of them together, broke my heart. Olympia a

But the two of them together, broke my heart. Olympia and Peter, those scenes… When they’re kissing in their 20s and then kissing in their 70s, that’s what it is. And they had never met five minutes before they shot those scenes.
Paul Reiser
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has been one of my good friends in the House of Representatives. When she was brutally shot, Gabby was out doing what she loved to do – meeting with her constituents in a local setting, allowing people to speak to her directly about the issues that concerned them.
Chellie Pingree
Most of us don’t have to worry about being shot if we poke our noses outside. So we are comfortable, but the people I’m writing about are definitely not comfortable, and being shot while they’re still inside is a good possibility.
Octavia E. Butler
‘Hey Dude’ was shot in Arizona, and that took me to the West Coast. We did 65 episodes. It was not a show that a ton of people saw, so it was like doing acting classes and getting paid for it. At that point I had the acting bug. So I went to L.A. to give it a try and never left.
Christine Taylor
When 9/11 happened, I was like, ‘I gotta do something.’ I went and talked to the recruiters, and I found out about the Special Forces 18X program. They take qualified people off the street, and they give them a shot at Special Forces. I was like, ‘So I could go try out for Special Forces?’
Tim Kennedy
‘Game of Thrones’ is shot on a very similar kind of schedule to a TV show, but there’s a lot more time and focus put into the script.
Alex Graves
Comedy gives you a shot of euphoria that distracts you from everything that’s awful.
T. J. Miller
A prayer that must have a cannon behind it better never be uttered. Forgiveness ought not to go in partnership with shot and shell. Love need not carry knives and revolvers.
Robert Green Ingersoll
I’ve always lived in New York; I never moved to L.A. I was developing and producing and writing a pilot for a year. That took me out of everything for over a year. When that sadly didn’t go forward, I shot ‘Black Mirror’ right after that.
Cristin Milioti
I live in a neighborhood so bad that you can get shot while getting shot.
Chris Rock
Think about the deflections. The offense can’t score every play. They’re just trying to get a good shot. If I can deflect a pass, even if it doesn’t cause a turnover, it will throw their timing off half-a-second. That half-a-second might mess up their shot.
Draymond Green
My cameraman and I devised a method, which we started using from my second film, which applies mainly to day scenes shot in the studio, where we used bounced light instead of direct light. We agreed with this thing of four or five shadows following the actors is dreadful.
Satyajit Ray
The 3-point shot has created a situation in the game akin to ‘Lotto’ fever.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
We shot ‘Party Girl’ on film, and I remember being told, ‘We need to get this in two takes because we don’t have a lot of film in the mag right now!’
Parker Posey
As an actor, you’ve to be honest while giving any shot, the camera is same in any medium, the sound system, too. So, it doesn’t matter.
Amit Sadh
The ‘Work Hard, Play Hard’ video shows how much a part of music the fans can really be. With the help of SanDisk, we were able to create the first-ever music video to be made using fan videos shot only from their mobile phones.
If you’re a producer, you always spend too much money because you want that shot – and you’re willing to spend a bundle to get it.
Bill Kurtis
I don’t know if it’s a romantic comedy but I’m in the beginning of the first of the season of ‘The West Wing.’ We shot it last year. I don’t know. If anyone asks me to be in one, I’ll jump on it.
Jason Isaacs
It took me six months to redeem myself at least to have another chance to at least have her get to know me and let her know I was at least a decent guy and to give me a shot. And here we are, we’ve been married seven years.
Drew Brees
I admire a lot of people, but in terms of sport I’ve always loved the mentality of Tiger Woods on a golf course. I always love his eyes when he’s setting himself and focusing on his decision; he has a really strong, focused face and believes that he can make the shot.
Rafael Nadal
Nancy Pelosi says the angry opposition to health care reform is like the angry opposition to gay rights that led to Harvey Milk being shot.
P. J. O’Rourke
America offers the most amount of people the best opportunity to pursue happiness on the planet. That’s why millions of illegal immigrants have poured into the country – most of them poor. They believe they have a shot to improve themselves economically.
Bill O’Reilly
I know it’s tough. Everybody in baseball knows its tough. I’m just going to give it my best shot.
Mark McGwire
We expect ‘Narcos’ will be an enormous success throughout everywhere in the world and maybe out-index in Latin America, given the Brazilian star and Brazilian director and heavy Latin American cast and that we shot the show entirely on location in Colombia.
Ted Sarandos
The world fell apart. Sirhan Sirhan shot Bobby Kennedy. Why were people shooting all the Kennedys? Had the country gone mad?
Lorna Luft
I’ve shot films in locations that have seemed haunted. I shot a film in a maximum-security prison in Russia. Part of it was on a psychiatric ward – there were definitely some creepy vibes there.
Norman Reedus
So the idea that there is nothing essential, in the sense that there are no human universals, is dogma. Ask most anyone who is going to be shot at dawn.
Catharine MacKinnon
They want to let the audience figure things out and let the reaction shot get the laugh.
Barry Sonnenfeld
If I stayed a football player, my career would have been over 20 years ago. As it is, my knees are shot. I found I got the same good feeling in acting that I had in sports, but I found I could have a more profound impact on people.
William Petersen
I’ve buried six Guardian Angels who have been shot and killed in the line of duty. I was stalked myself, had a gunman go pow, pow, pow, pow, pow, pow, five hollow point bullets, God save me. What do you think this is? This isn’t Zimmerman. But unfortunately, he’s become the face of Block Watch, Crime Watch.
Curtis Sliwa
You can do a movie and hope it may be great, but until you have seen it, you don’t know. I loved ‘Rampart.’ I love that one called ‘The Hi-Low Country’ that Steven Frears shot.
Woody Harrelson
We don't consider black, urban films as 'indies,' thoug

We don’t consider black, urban films as ‘indies,’ though many of them are shot for under $10 million which is kind of the definition of an indie.
Gabrielle Union
You see what happens in college and high school games today – a three-point shot or a dunk. I think that’s the reason that you see a lot of that in the pros today.
Oscar Robertson
It is obvious that when I shot him I intended to kill him.
Ruth Ellis
I thought I was attractive when I shot ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding.’ Studio executives and movie reviewers let me know I had a confidence in my looks that was not shared by them. In other words, they labeled me with words like overweight, unattractive, unappealing.
Nia Vardalos
We shot ‘High School Musical’ in eight weeks. I spent longer rehearsing for ‘Hairspray’ than filming ‘High School Musical’.
Zac Efron
A lot of comedies are based on the reaction shot. You have one person doing something stupid and one person is generally the straight man, and the laughs generally come on the reaction of the straight man to the funny thing the other person has done.
Richard Ayoade
‘The Restraint of Beasts’ is a painful subject. We’d shot 60% of the film when I had to stop. The material looks great, like nothing I’ve ever done or even seen before. It could have been really great, definitely original.
Pawel Pawlikowski
I guess that’s what I was: a set of abs. And they lit the abs and shot the abs and sent the abs on their way. The photographer didn’t look at my face once. I was humiliated.
Michael Bergin
I still think we have a great shot at this championship.
Jeff Gordon
It’s more like Christmas, you know, when you get a shot in that looks great and it’s exactly what you want. It’s a great feeling, and there’s nothing like it.
Zack Snyder
The best thing about getting a flu shot is that you never again need to wash your hands. That’s how I see it.
Chuck Palahniuk
Brando’s a family friend. His mother gave my father a shot to be in a play at the Omaha Community Playhouse. That was the first production he was in.
Peter Fonda
I shot a movie with Nicole Kidman that I got cut out of – it was crap anyways.
Of course, with the increasing number of aeroplanes one gains increased opportunities for shooting down one’s enemies, but at the same time, the possibility of being shot down one’s self increases.
Manfred von Richthofen
When I was about 19, I shot a tape of me doing magic just to people on the streets, and I would edit together all the reactions and I kept pushing this idea, and then ABC came on board and made my first show.
David Blaine
Whether I’m acting or making it, at the end of the day it’s telling the story; action, drama. You want the audience to feel it – the story, the action, the scene, or a particular shot. I just keep working on crafting my art, on how to make action movies.
Donnie Yen
You have to be willing to fail, because you’re not going to make every shot.
Reggie Miller
I see these college kids taking these crazy shots, and it’s like, taking that shot is going to leave you without a job. You’re not Steph Curry.
David Robinson
The town caught fire in several places, shells crashed and burst, and solid shot rained like hail.
James Longstreet
I did put on weight for the last half of the film, but the Ferris wheel scene was shot with a harness on me so that if I fell I wouldn’t fall all the way.
Ryan Gosling
Everyone thinks these are self-portraits but they aren’t meant to be. I just use myself as a model because I know I can push myself to extremes, make each shot as ugly or goofy or silly as possible.
Cindy Sherman
For a very long time, I wasn’t thought of as anyone with any credibility in the film world. Everybody is tramping through the swamp every day in this business. ‘I’m worth it, I’m credible – believe me, give me a shot!’ That’s the way I feel on a consistent basis.
Jessica Biel
I don’t think any studio – it was a long shot at the time – but I don’t think any studio in a million years would make ‘Thelma and Louise’ right now. But there’s so many other kinds of movies they won’t make right now.
Callie Khouri
I was shot down by a fifth ball, which struck me squarely in the face, and passed out.
John Brown Gordon
In an interview with a journalist, you look petty taking the pot shot but in a slick ad you can really do damage – including unfair damage – from afar. It is not that much different than waging a war by a drone than by hand-to-hand combat.
Greta Van Susteren
I was lucky enough at a young age to find out what I had a passion for, but whatever you’ve got a curiosity for, just give it a shot.
Seth Rollins
It’s funny how all of this has worked out – I wasn’t popular in high school, but now every drunken guy in the United States wants to be my pal. They all want to buy me a shot, and pretty soon I’m throwing up.
Jimmy Kimmel
When I went to Beijing, my goal was to do the best with every shot. The outcome was not important, the process was.
Abhinav Bindra
Las Vegas, New Mexico has had a lot of great movies shot there.
Bill Hader
Even if you try to copy a film shot by shot, you still can’t. It’s still your own film.
Gus Van Sant
I don’t know how many lions and leopards I’ve shot. I’ve shot two elephants, which was enough – never again. It’s a melancholy and moving thing to hunt an elephant. It’s like shooting an old man.
Wilbur Smith
I think it's really difficult to justify converting a f

I think it’s really difficult to justify converting a film that wasn’t shot in 3-D into 3-D. I really do believe, as does James Cameron and all the people who are actually pro-3-D, that you have to go out and shoot it that way. You have nothing but compromise if you don’t.
David Slade
When I played Candy Darling in ‘I Shot Andy Warhol,’ that was easy to play that part. They made me into a woman: I’m in heels; I’m waxed. I’m gonna find the femininity and lay on the bed and take the voice of an old movie star.
Stephen Dorff
More negatives write than call. It’s a cheap shot for me to go on the air with the critical letters or E-mail I get because the reaction of the listeners is always an instantaneous expression of sympathy for me and contempt for the poor critic.
John Hall
I’m fighting for the Commonwealth title on Saturday and I believe I’ll be ready for a world title shot in the next 18 months.
Billy Joe Saunders
I believe this country was built on a simple promise: that each of us deserves a fair shot.
Joe Kennedy III
When 9/11 happened, I was like, ‘I gotta do something.’ I went and talked to the recruiters, and I found out about the Special Forces 18X program. They take qualified people off the street, and they give them a shot at Special Forces. I was like, ‘So I could go try out for Special Forces?’
Tim Kennedy
So we were doing this scene, and the kids get 20 minutes a day, um, so, all I had to do was pick him up out of the incubator and take him out, and that was the whole shot.
Steve Burton
I shot with it a lot. I still do now. That is why I am hard of hearing.
Mikhail Kalashnikov
If we try to engineer outcomes, if we overturn tradition to make everyone the same, we ruin society. If we upset tradition to allow for an equal shot at the starting gate, everyone wins, except for the charlatans and would be dictators.
Ben Stein
I’ve gone to war zones before and never got shot.
Manute Bol
To me, theater is the mecca; if you really love to act, that’s where it’s the most fun, by a long shot.
Scott Caan
It didn’t take me very long to realize that modeling wasn’t very satisfying. I was always asking people, ‘How are you going to set up this shot? How will it be lit?’ And they’d say, ‘Stop. Just pose.’ I had a problem with that.
Shay Mitchell
I’ll tell you what I would do in a shot if I could. I would sing in the barbershop quartet in The Music Man.
Ned Beatty
The logistics of blood is something that I didn’t even understood as a first-time director. Not just actors and make-up, but once a set gets bloody, you don’t un-blood it. Once something gets bloody, you either rebuild the set, or you just don’t get the shot.
Drew Goddard
I was in Milan, and somebody gave me a Trussardi diary, and I thought ‘Genius.’ Inside I put the Polaroids, how much film I shot, who I shot with. This way, for billing later on, I had all the information.
Sante D’Orazio
In America, people of a certain age ask, ‘Where were you when Kennedy was shot?’ In my house you were more likely to be asked, ‘Where were you when you first read ‘The Catcher In The Rye?’
Marisha Pessl
Our present time is indeed a criticizing and critical time, hovering between the wish, and the inability to believe. Our complaints are like arrows shot up into the air at no target: and with no purpose they only fall back upon our own heads and destroy ourselves.
William Temple
‘Play It Again Sam’s opening shot is the same as ‘Purple Rose’s final one: a close-up of a face, rapt in a movie house. I’ve certainly felt that in my life. I’ve been known to cry watching Gene Kelly.
David Rakoff
More and more, I am realizing that life is too short to do crap that doesn’t make you happy, and we only get one shot at it all.
Lauren Gibbs
I’d be lying if I said I had confidence in every choice I’ve made, that I have faith in every film I do on every shot.
Ethan Hawke
I almost never set out to photograph a landscape, nor do I think of my camera as a means of recording a mountain or an animal unless I absolutely need a ‘record shot’. My first thought is always of light.
Galen Rowell
I started off thinking that I just needed one shot to prove myself, but then I realised that I was only going to learn about acting by doing it.
Oscar Isaac
People think hard sparring will get you sharp. And you do get sharp in the gym. But anytime I’ve trained that way, I’ve actually been a little bit flatter in the fight. And the knockout shot hasn’t come. It’s almost because my training has been too hard.
Conor McGregor
At school, I always felt the art room was the place where you could sit and talk. It was a place of solace. I wasn’t the best artist at school by a long shot; it was more the understanding and the support that came from that room.
Sam Taylor-Johnson
In MMA it’s a lot less intimidating because it’s not like you get one shot at a title every four years. You get a title shot every couple of months… With the Olympics, you don’t always have this, so there is so much more pressure involved.
Ronda Rousey
I can understand the allure of a venerable Big Six imprint, of a shot at the New York Times list, of a publisher-sponsored book tour, of seeing your hardbacks in bookstores and your paperbacks in supermarkets.
Barry Eisler
There are two things that give me perfect happiness – doing the perfect shot and travelling. I get stressed, really stressed by the fact that there is just so much to see and I am not going to live long enough to visit all the places I want to.
Anushka Sharma
The sun would come up over the ocean, and we’d be eating scrambled eggs before we shot some stuff. It was a vacation in the sense that it was the best working conditions.
Marguerite Moreau
Somebody was telling me about the French Army rifle that was being advertised on eBay the other day – the description was, ‘Never shot. Dropped once.
Roy Blunt
‘Shelby Star’ is going great. We shot a music video, and I’m building an app and some other things for the project.
Christina Milian
The most amazing set where I’ve shot ‘Game of Thrones’ is definitely Croatia, in Dubrovnik. It’s such a stunning country with lots of good watersports there as well. Just a beautiful, beautiful place.
Natalie Dormer
For 'Blue Jasmine,' I made a decision not to wear any m

For ‘Blue Jasmine,’ I made a decision not to wear any make up in the last shot of the film, as I felt like she had such a mask on – I thought it would be a good idea to leave her with nothing and become completely transparent.
Cate Blanchett
Make or miss, you still have to shoot the same shot with confidence.
Dwane Casey
There is nothing better than getting shot at and missed. It’s really great.
Jim Mattis
I love it when television is shot in a cinematic way and I think to aspire to that is no bad thing.
Matthew Rhys
I shot a pilot for ABC, which I’m a bit confused about what the actual title is – I heard it was called ‘Chosen.’ It’s directed by Roland Emmerich – the master of disaster himself – and it’s his idea and concept for the show that’s a supernatural thriller about good and evil set in contemporary modern day New York.
Linus Roache
I’ve been leading newsrooms for a while now and it’s been an honor serving as Editor in Chief of N.J., but I really think that my best shot at moving the needle in politics is by getting close to it – by reading, reporting, tweeting and writing.
Ron Fournier
People should realize that I shot a Coke commercial back in 1986. So, you know, I’ve been around a long time. I carry my Screen Actors Guild Card.
Kato Kaelin
When you make a movie, you do it so piecemeal. You’re doing it, not only scene by scene, out of order, but shot by shot, line by line. And there’s this idea that the director has the whole thing in his or her head and they’re going to somehow weave it all together in the end.
Jason Reitman
I must say, to be very honest about it, that I held in my mind during the life of the Commission, that there had been three shots and that a separate shot struck Governor Connally.
John Sherman Cooper
Sport can never be scripted. What I had in my control was to be the best that I could be every single shot.
Abhinav Bindra
I just love the hours of the theatre, I love the way it operates. I always say that when you’re doing a play it’s like getting a shot of B12, and when you do television for a long series you need a shot of B12.
Gavin MacLeod
When I was overseas, I was listening to ‘Shot for Me’ from ‘Take Care.’
Danny Green
Client companies and advertising agencies are old-world-order places. The systems and processes and structures come from a time when you shot the TV commercial, then you did the print ads, then you did everything else – including the website. Everything has changed, but the systems haven’t.
Cindy Gallop
Not missing games, miss one game due to injury in my career, and that even hurt me to miss that game, but I just love to get out there and compete, both ends of the ball, and I don’t think I’m afraid to take the big shot. If I’m 2-for-15, I’m not afraid to take that shot, make it 3-for-16.
Klay Thompson
I’ve had jobs that allow me the flexibility to achieve work-life balance, to be there when one of the kids sinks a jump shot or for the parent-teacher meetings. I can move tasks around. If I don’t get something done at the office at 4:30 in the afternoon, I can go back to it at 10:00 in the evening.
Tom Perez
I think I would love a shot at remaking ‘The Philadelphia Story,’ as daunting as it is. I still think it’s fantastic. I love the ’30s comedies because they’re allowed to be both comic and elegant, and the women are so complicated in them.
Michael Patrick King
‘Mayabazar’ was the film I immensely loved as a kid. Only when I became a filmmaker about 20 years later did I realise its technical marvel and what a great epic it was. I and my visual effects supervisor, while making ‘Yamadonga,’ took two days to understand the magnification shot of Ghatothkatcha’s persona.
S. S. Rajamouli
In a normal movie, the director controls what you look at. The shots don’t last very long because you’re getting the audience to look at specific things. An IMAX shot, on the other hand, can be twenty or thirty seconds long.
Greg MacGillivray
When I was a little boy, Marvin Hagler was my idol. He got no respect for most of his career. His fighting style was straight ahead. He took every shot thrown at him, and he kept punching back ’til he won. I honestly feel that’s how I am. I take big shots from people. But I keep going.
James Frey
Indian films have this obsession with hygienic clean spaces, even though the country’s not so clean. They’re either shot in the studios or shot in London, in America, in Switzerland – clean places. Everywhere except India.
Anurag Kashyap
When I was twelve, I went hunting with my father and we shot a bird. He was laying there and something struck me. Why do we call this fun to kill this creature who was as happy as I was when I woke up this morning.
Marv Levy
If I have got a swing, I have got a shot.
Bubba Watson
When the script was written, it was sent to me with asterisks marking where he felt a song would be appropriate. Before the film was shot, the score was written. I made a demo of it, so they lived with the music as they were making the film.
Alan Price
I’m not dumb by a long shot. I’m just bad.
21 Savage
You try to figure out the best way to throw the shot put, or the perfect way to long jump, and you don’t ever get it. You just chip away, chip away, chip away as time goes on.
Ashton Eaton
I always like to pretend two things: one, I’m sitting in the seat beside you watching the game together. I’ll say, ‘Wasn’t that a great shot? Boy, it sure was.’ The other thing I do is pretend I’m talking to people who are non-sighted. I try to create a word picture. I get more mail from blind people thanking me.
Chick Hearn
I became a process-oriented athlete; one who believed in giving it his best shot and not bothering about the outcome.
Abhinav Bindra
I personally believe the film turns out better when shot in one short schedule, plus it doesn’t stress the actors.
Shah Rukh Khan
Mark Jackson played 19, 20 years in the NBA. Shouldn’t even have probably been in the league, and he’s the third-ranked assist guy in the NBA. But you describe his game: Can he jump? No, not really. How’s his outside shot? Eh, it’s inconsistent. Can he defend? Nah, he can’t stay in front of guys. And he played 19 years!
Kenny Smith
I was shooting a mini-series for Sundance/BBC, called ‘Top of the Lake,’ that was shot by Jane Campion, who’s a beautiful native New Zealander and famous film director. The role I was playing was very intense, and they shaved half my hair off. So, I looked like this post-apocalyptic character.
Jay Ryan
I think some people think I’m, like, anti-label, and I’m not. I just wanted to sign a deal when the time was right. I’m anti being shot out of a rocket when you’re not ready and the songs and image aren’t there.
Iggy Azalea
By the time we reached Virginia City I was considered a

By the time we reached Virginia City I was considered a remarkable good shot and a fearless rider for a girl of my age.
Calamity Jane
First of all, in the old days, if you wanted to show someone getting shot on film, all you could do was place an effect in the original take. And if you wanted to brighten somebody’s face and leave the rest of the room dark, that was a very expensive process.
George A. Romero
If you are lucky enough to find something that you love, and you have a shot at being good at it, don’t stop, don’t put it down.
Taylor Swift
I have zero strategy for my career – like, zero. I could get as much satisfaction about doing a $20,000 shot film the same way I could do a $100 million film with a bunch of effects.
Neill Blomkamp
Filming takes a lot out of you. It really does. It’s immensely demanding, and you have to put the rest of your life in the icebox until you do your final shot.
John Cleese
The pilot came back and said he had just heard that Kennedy was shot.
George Smathers
The way a musical can make us feel is unlike anything else, in song and particularly in dance. I think people fly through plate-glass windows when they get shot because movies don’t have dance scenes any more. This is what we do instead.
Joss Whedon
You shouldn’t just work on your jump shot. You should work on being a better person, a better teammate, and a better friend.
Sue Wicks
We shot the first season of ‘Hap and Leonard’ towards the end of the summer in Louisiana, in and around Baton Rouge. If anyone’s been to Louisiana or comes from Louisiana, they know what the weather’s like down there at that time of year: it’s unbearably hot for an Englishman.
James Purefoy
There will soon come an armed contest between capital and labor. They will oppose each other, not with words and arguments, but with shot and shell, gun-powder and cannon. The better classes are tired of the insane howling of the lower strata and they mean to stop them.
William Tecumseh Sherman
I’d love to do Pat Benatar. Probably either ‘Hit Me with Your Best Shot’ or ‘We Belong’.
Lauren Cohan
The attention from the fashion world is something that I didn’t expect. I’ve shot with Bruce Weber and met Karl Lagerfeld. Having that kind of attention is really exciting.
Emily Ratajkowski
I really enjoy the iPad because you can multi-task: I can watch a movie, read, look at pictures that I shot – because I’m into photography. It serves a lot of purposes for me.
Tyson Chandler
Editing yourself is like an irksome coin toss. You’ve got to strip yourself of super ego and operate from the id. Maybe I’ve got my Freud mixed up. It’s just hard to trade a beauty shot for the performance with truth and a brightly lit zit.
Vera Farmiga
I have a lifetime appointment and I intend to serve it. I expect to die at 110, shot by a jealous husband.
Thurgood Marshall
I don’t worry about the last shot or the next shot. I concentrate. Every shot gets a clean slate. And when a shot is over, I wipe it out absolutely. Tell a joke or something. If you worry about how you looked, how well you did, you’ll go insane.
Michael Caine
Every shot that kills ricochets.
Gilbert Parker
Well, I’m using a cane, so what? So what if they shot me sitting in a wheelchair? That’s life!
Dick Clark
The important thing to note is that it is not important whether Malala was shot or not – Malala is not asking for personal favors or support. She is asking for support with girls’ education and women’s rights. So don’t support Malala, support her campaign for girls’ education and women’s rights.
Malala Yousafzai
I checked myself out in that funeral parlour scene. I saw myself laughing, because there was a shot of Ed and I together and Mary was right in back of us. My head turned from the camera and I saw myself laughing, because Mary was absolutely brilliant in that thing.
Gavin MacLeod
There’s something pleasing about large, well-lit spaces. I love that dealers are willing to take massive chances in order to give this much room to their artists. Most of all, I love that more galleries showing more art gives more artists a shot.
Jerry Saltz
I can work every day of the year. TV is easy. My call’s at 8:30 a.m. I’d like to break out of the comedy thing and take a shot at something serious like theater. The off-season allows me to do movies, but I’m not tired of TV yet. There’s nothing like it. I’ve got the best of both worlds.
Scott Baio
Even before ‘Moon,’ I did a short film called ‘Whistle,’ and it had a lot of the things that I thought I would need to be able to do on a feature film: I shot on location, there was special FX work, there was stunt work, we used squibs, I shot on 35 mm film.
Duncan Jones
A secret talent or hobby… Hmm… I weirdly collect shot glasses.
Austin Mahone
Between 12 and 14, I shot up a ridiculous amount. The muscles were struggling to stretch and grow at the rate my bones were growing. It gave me problems with my back and my hamstrings.
Gareth Bale
I often thought I was in the wrong business. I was pretty seriously thinking of tossing it in before I shot Shine. I do not know why. I was pretty restless, I had been through a bad period of stress induced anxiety – panic attacks – and I was not sure of what I wanted to do.
Geoffrey Rush
My making it is a combination of grinding, grinding, grinding and being lucky enough to finally get a shot.
Busta Rhymes
If you got the DVD you can see that George Lucas has taken that person out, as well as the voice, and we shot this scene when we arrived in Australia during the actual filming of Episode 3.
Ian McDiarmid
I like to go dancing, have a few beers. I like being alone, too. I have days where it’s ‘God, get me a shot of tequila.’
Justine Bateman
I love my job. But I like to have fun at work. So I don’t get finicky if one strand of hair is standing out in a shot. I don’t get finicky about broken nails. I don’t let small things affect me. I’m not perfect. Nobody is. There’s no fun in being perfect. I enjoy my work; there’s no pressure on me.
Sonakshi Sinha
A lot of cable television is shot on a single camera. Our eyes are more trained to that. It takes the camera off the crane, away from observing the action, to becoming a character in the story along with everyone else. People are getting used to that.
A. J. Bowen
Contrary to what those in power would like you to belie

Contrary to what those in power would like you to believe so that you’ll give up your pension, cut your wages, and settle for the life your great-grandparents had, America is not broke. Not by a long shot. The country is awash in wealth and cash.
Michael Moore
My favorite shot is always gonna be the forehand. It used to always be my favorite shot when I was young, so it’s the one I’ve won all the points with.
Roger Federer
Put your name on something, it better be the best… you only get one shot.
George Foreman
As a director, I’m not the one animating every frame, every shot. I’m moving around like a surgeon on rounds, or a farmer checking in on all the plants being grown, pruning and adjusting. For me, it’s a very exciting job.
Henry Selick
I knew that it was my only shot to be taken seriously in the recording industry, because it’s fast and broad.
Adam Lambert
Even though there wasn’t much damage, it’s a disgrace that the skies over the imperial capital should have been defiled without a single enemy plane being shot down. It provides a regrettably graphic illustration of the saying that a bungling attack is better than the most skillful defense.
Isoroku Yamamoto
I’ll give it a shot. But I don’t know that a year from now I’m going to be here. Nobody does.
Harry Anderson
I was shot from the funny gun.
Peter DeLuise
My mother wasn’t rich, and I never seen my father. I was a street performer. I’ve been shot. And now I’m known around the world, and I’ve touched a lot of people with my music. That’s one of the great testimonies that’s gonna go down in history.
R. Kelly
I collect firearms, and I’ve got a Winchester, an Indian rifle. It has tacks for every warrior that was shot, like notches on a pistol, and it’s got feathers and beads hanging off it. It’s like a work of art.
Joe Perry
I feel like I have as good a shot as anybody out there and I have gotten close in the past, so why not have the attitude that I can come out and play great tennis and maybe even win this tournament.
Michael Chang
When you’re walking into the stadium, you just say to yourself, ‘the 100m is the same anywhere, the shot put is the same weight anywhere.’
Daley Thompson
Critics who have said a safer shot here or there would undoubtedly have won me a few more tournaments are probably correct. Going for the green in two was who I was as a boy – and it’s who I remain as a man.
Arnold Palmer
We had the guys from X Men 2 do the cameras. They had a 360 camera that would go from one car, up in the air and over to another car in a continuous shot while the film was still rolling, going 90 mph.
Jimmy Fallon
I never shot on sets, but if I was traveling somewhere or on location, I would always have my camera, and I’d always be – it’s that kind of fly on the wall approach to photography, though. I don’t engage the subject. I like to sneak around, skulk about in the dark.
Jessica Lange
I discovered the 7th art at home when I was kid, through Charlie Chaplin’s movies and those of my father who shot documentaries. He was my biggest influence. So I took his camera and started shooting.
Lasse Hallstrom
I never wanted to be an actor as a kid. I wanted to play hockey, like every other kid in Canada. I had a pretty good shot at it until I was 15 and badly injured myself.
Matt Frewer
I say to the paparazzi, ‘Fellas, take your shot and go.’ It’s just they usually find me on a beach.
Matthew McConaughey
I shot down some German planes and I got shot down myself, crashing in a burst of flames and crawling out, getting rescued by brave soldiers.
Roald Dahl
I am now a member of the private sector. I’m happy. I’ve got a little foundation. You never say never, but I may have had my last race and that was the Presidential race. I think that you only get one shot.
Bill Richardson
It was just this crazy craziness, and the fact that it was shot in Paris, and it had these incredible people in it. It was an easy thing to say yes to.
Dianne Wiest
This golf course, you miss a shot a little bit off-line, it’s going to bite you.
Mike Weir
LeBron James can get a shot off under any and all circumstances and he makes them.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
The realities are that, you know, as a black man, you know, Barack can get shot going to the gas station, you know.
Michelle Obama
I thought it would be funny to go to my Korean dry cleaner and ask her about my head shot, as if it’s the most important thing in the world, and as if it’s something that everyone should weigh on because it’s important to me.
Billy Eichner
Something like ‘Without a Paddle’ does really well at the box office and I’m like, ‘Oh, here we go.’ In ‘Without a Paddle’ I’m the romantic lead – great! A comedy and that’s what America wants. Then it did nothing for me and I went into kind-of a work abyss. I just didn’t get another shot.
Matthew Lillard
I would like a shot at Broadway.
Henry Mancini
You have to identify your shot and be ‘Push your luck’ ready for it.
D. B. Sweeney
Raft told me how to walk with him in a scene: We’d start off in a long shot normal, and about the time we got together in a close-up, I’d be bending my knees so I’d be shorter.
Marie Windsor
The more people know about you, the less they can project who you are supposed to be. It’s unfortunate that you really only get one shot at that.
Rooney Mara
People don’t understand this: if you want to have a really good shot at succeeding, there are doors you have to slam in people’s faces and say, ‘This is my priority, and you can’t depend on me to help you.’ I was never good at that.
Alec Baldwin
Actually punching is a mistake; a heavy hitter will cut

Actually punching is a mistake; a heavy hitter will cut you with one shot.
Alexis Arguello
The difference between a regular camera and a 3D camera, for an actor, is really no different except that the turn-arounds are longer. It takes a lot longer to set up a shot because the cinematographer is really trying to set up a whole world, so it can’t be more intricate and more beautiful to the viewers, in 3D.
Chris Zylka
With ‘Toy Story,’ which is a fantastic film but is essentially animation, you get to make all your decisions beforehand. ‘Jumanji’ is shot much like any other action film.
Joe Johnston
A true intellectual is a man who, after reading a book and being convinced by its arguments, will shoot someone or, more likely, order someone shot.
John McCarthy
‘One Tree Hill’ gave me my first shot into acting, and they gave me the biggest chance, and that’s something that I’ll always respect and be grateful for.
Stephen Colletti
Obviously, the cinematography of films is art, just as a still shot can be art. If I’m watching a Wes Anderson movie, the colour palettes alone, and the way they’re painted, could be art. With music, you’re a little bit limited, of course, because it’s only audio.
Frank Ocean
I have new bodyguards ever since I got a TV show. I didn’t know, but it’s a lot like becoming president. They tell you every single secret, like who shot JFK. When you have a TV show, they not only tell you who shot JFK, but they assign you bodyguards.
Scott Aukerman
I’ve also directed, shot, and edited several music videos.
Richard King
To this day I over prepare. I draw storyboards for every scene – chicken scratches so crude that they amuse and horrify the crew. I send out shot lists, act out the scenes, and search for a theme that I can relate to. It’s my favorite time of the process.
Eric Stoltz
Immortality is a long shot, I admit. But somebody has to be first.
Bill Cosby
It was like two different photographers, and shot in three different locations and it was really fun to do. There were 12 beautiful girls in it. It was great.
Gisele Bundchen
I just shot John Lennon.
Mark David Chapman
There’s an ecstasy about doing something really good on film: the composition of a shot, the drama within the shot, the texture… It’s palpable.
William Shatner
Star Wars’ is so rich and it seems crazy that everyone’s, like, a white male guy. That’s due to the 1970s and the fact that it was shot in Britain, but I was very lucky: I’m British, I grew up in England, and I got to see myself represented in a film.
Gareth Edwards
I don’t storyboard. I guess it dates back to my days in live television, where there was no possibility of storyboarding and everything was shot right on the spot – on the air, as we say – at the moment we were transmitting. I prefer to be open to what the actors do, how they interact to the given situation.
Arthur Penn
I’d go down to the end of my street, to a garage that had a certain feeling about it, or a particular light; I’d take a picture of a friend who needed a head shot. That’s how I learned, instead of having school assignments and learning camera techniques.
Herb Ritts
Film is shot in fragments, and the same moments can be shot again and again until the director is satisfied.
Bruce Beresford
If you call on God to improve the results of a shot while it is still in motion, you are using ‘an outside agency’ and subject to appropriate penalties under the rules of golf.
Henry Longhurst
I knew that I could vote and that that wasn’t a privilege; it was my right. Every time I tried I was shot, killed or jailed, beaten or economically deprived.
Stokely Carmichael
I have done everything I have ever wanted to do. I have swum with tiger sharks, been charged by lions and elephants. I have been shot three times, chased by crocodiles and, God be praised, I’ve made enough money that I can continue to do all the things I want to for as long as I am able.
Wilbur Smith
When you’re at the top you’re always going to be shot at.
Christian Horner
I think making a good film shot is joyful.
William Shatner
Billions of photos are shot every year, and about the toughest thing a photographer can do is invent an original, deeply personal, instantly recognizable visual style. In the early nineties, Wolfgang Tillmans did just that, transforming himself into a new kind of artist-photographer of modern life.
Jerry Saltz
People get up, they go to work, they have their lives, but you’ll never see the headlines say, ‘Six billion people got along rather well today.’ You’ll have the headline about the 30 people who shot each other.
John Malkovich
In college, the line is so close that you can kind of half-heartedly shoot the ball off-balance and fading away. To shoot an NBA three, because the arc of your shot has to be a little higher, you have to be squared up and get your legs into it more, which can be tough in the fourth quarter.
C. J. McCollum
A lot of people don’t want to hire disabled actors. They think you’re going to take twice as long over a shot, or they don’t want have to put up a ramp for disabled access. They think, ‘Why would I do that when I can just hire an able-bodied actor to play the disabled character?’
RJ Mitte
I believe that shows should be shot where they take place.
Gabriel Macht
Don’t let your ego get too close to your position, so that if your position gets shot down, your ego doesn’t go with it.
Colin Powell
I probably have about four or five cups of coffee a day. I make myself an espresso macchiato when I wake, which is a shot of espresso and just a dollop of steamed milk. Then, if I’m going to do some work at home, I would make myself a French press. It’s the best way to make conventional coffee.
Howard Schultz
So there is going to be that balance of understanding how to get the best out of the car that day, whether it’s 15th or even if I have a shot at a top 10, protecting that car so we can bring it back when we have to.
Kurt Busch
A secret talent or hobby… Hmm… I weirdly collect shot glasses.
Austin Mahone
We shot in a place called Asheville, which is like beau

We shot in a place called Asheville, which is like beautiful, beautiful forests. And then part of it we shot all the reaping stuff, which was just crazy – because the reaping in the book and in the script is such an emotional thing for everyone. It really did feel like that when we were shooting it.
Liam Hemsworth
My M.F.A was in directing, and all the films I’ve made, for film school and after, I’ve written, directed and shot.
Geoffrey S. Fletcher
If you’re unwilling to try new things and to fail and learn, you don’t have a shot. That doesn’t mean you are going to be successful, but you have to try to change.
Edward Lampert
I like the sound of laughter. I was the guy in the group of friends that would always make the friends laugh. And everyone was like, ‘You should do stand up,’ so I gave it a shot, and ta-da! They were right.
Russell Peters
My best album is called In Search Of A Song. That was my best shot right there. My finest hour, as they say. I could listen to the whole thing all the way through. There’s nothing really crammed into it.
Tom T. Hall
I used to fish the Border rivers, but nowadays you have to queue up for a shot and I can’t stand that.
Norman MacCaig
Growing up in Texas and Oklahoma, Ben Johnson was more famous than John Wayne to some of us. I knew him. I worked with him on a low budget film years ago, and we’d sit around at night while waiting for a shot.
Bill Paxton
I did a film called ‘Patriot Games’ with Harrison Ford, and we actually shot three different versions of my death. And they settled on the third.
Sean Bean
The America that I think most Americans would want, most economists on the right or left would want, is one in which a smart, ambitious, hardworking person without a huge amount of resources has a pretty good shot, in the end, of beating out a less smart, less ambitious, less hardworking rich person.
Adam Davidson
Sometimes the biggest problem is in your head. You’ve got to believe you can play a shot instead of wondering where your next bad shot is coming from.
Jack Nicklaus
I’ll do whatever it takes to win games, whether it’s sitting on a bench waving a towel, handing a cup of water to a teammate, or hitting the game-winning shot.
Kobe Bryant
It’s a matter of pride to me to get the film done fast, to get it done well. I understand the need for compromise. There is no such thing as a perfect shot, a perfect film. The purpose of film is not to make a monument to oneself.
Irvin Kershner
I am the superstitious kind: I never praise a shot because I fear the moment I do so, the batsman gets out.
Virender Sehwag
Suddenly a single shot on the extreme left rang out on the clear morning air, followed quickly by several others, and the whole line pushed rapidly forward through the brush.
John Gibbon
In the the late seventies and early eighties, I played background roles in thirty movies… Woody Allen movies, Scorsese films, you name it. Whatever was being shot in New York, I was doing stand-in and background work because I wanted to be close to the camera; I wanted to see what was going on.
Tobin Bell
‘She’s Gotta Have It’ was shot in twelve days and two six-day weeks.
Spike Lee
My aunt is a newscaster in Lubbock, Texas, and she got a letter that said, ‘Natalie Maines will be shot dead at their show in Dallas, Texas,’ with the date of our concert. It was freaky to see that in writing.
Natalie Maines
A lot of people say that I took the first shot for Bitcoin. The first person to walk through the door always gets shot, and then everyone else can come through.
Charlie Shrem
I have a habit of perfecting my shots, so after I give a shot I never crib about it.
Sara Khan
Somebody is going to have to do fancy footwork to make sure Elizabeth and John Edwards get their prime-time shot .
Jeff Greenfield
I don’t get angry very often, but there have been times when I have been frustrated with myself, maybe after playing a bad shot, after getting out, I have done some damage to some equipment of mine. Once or twice in the course of 20 years – I think you can allow me that at least.
Rahul Dravid
For ‘Chungking Express,’ the way we shot the film was all handheld and with all this existing light, and that became very popular. Everybody thought it was cool.
Wong Kar-wai
I’m not a hunter, but I’ve been around guns all my life. I’m a great shot.
Sam Elliott
Sometimes I don’t know whether a movie has been shot on film or in digital when I watch it in the theatres.
Imtiaz Ali
You shoulda shot that fella a long time ago. Now he’s too rich to kill.
Chill Wills
You have to have talent to some extent – I certainly hope I have talent – but you have to have luck as well. Once you get that first shot, that will get you noticed for the rest of your books and that will give the rest of your books a better chance.
Robert Jordan
I’ve been in Iraq, and it never occurred to me to go, ‘Hey, this war is bogus,’ to some guy who’s 24 hours a day trying not to get shot at or blown up.
Henry Rollins
As an actor I want to do as many takes as I can. I wanna shoot the scene… or shoot the shot ’til they make me quit.
Tommy Lee Jones
Whoever invented double clicking should be shot in the head! Twice!
Craig Bruce
Remember the valiant Iraqi peasant and how he shot down an American Apache with an old weapon.
Saddam Hussein
I love working in television, and I’ve been thrilled to be a part of so many wonderful shows. I worked with Lady Gaga on ‘Gossip Girl,’ and the brilliant Felicity Huffman on ‘Desperate Housewives,’ but I think my favorite TV job so far was the pilot I shot for the CW Network this year called ‘Joey Dakota.’
Erich Bergen
I got a bad conduct discharge, was at home for a few mo

I got a bad conduct discharge, was at home for a few months in late ’99, and basically said, ‘Dad, I want to give wrestling a shot. I sure as hell don’t wanna go to college, and the Marine Corps wasn’t for me. And I need to make some money, so let’s see if I can do it.’
Randy Orton
I’d rather grind slow because when it land in my lap and when I get it, it’s going to last longer than just shooting straight to the top and then the plane crashing because I done shot up too fast. I’d rather grind, figure the steps out and stay up there.
Moneybagg Yo
‘Little Miss Sunshine’ snowballed. It was a tiny movie. We shot it in 30 days, and it was really fun to do, but it was one of those small movies that you don’t hold out huge hope for.
Greg Kinnear
Golf is fundamentally about being honest. I see people hit eight shots and tell me they shot five. I never say a word. It is a reminder to me of what is at stake.
Martin Sheen
I guess if you’re stupid enough to join the army without thinking about getting shot at, then you really are a fool.
James Blunt
I love working with smart people and being challenged. I also like working on stuff that’s relevant. That’s my adrenaline shot.
Anders Hejlsberg
There will be statues of Bill Gates across the Third World. There’s a reasonable shot that – because of his money – we will cure malaria.
Malcolm Gladwell
I never looked at the consequences of missing a big shot… when you think about the consequences you always think of a negative result.
Michael Jordan
I remembered watching the film from Alfred Hitchcock, ‘Dial M for Murder,’ and he shot almost all of that movie in one room. There was a genius in what Hitchcock did by manipulating things in that room so that you could see the distances between things like the tables and the vases because of how he used perspective.
Dario Argento
Because of the long, long history of British shipping, immigration, trade, empire, missionaries, you can have a better shot at telling a worldwide story in the British Museum’s collection than any other. Britain has been more connected with the rest of the world than any other country, for longer.
Neil MacGregor
The character I play in Star Quality says acting is the be-all and end-all of her life. I’m not like that. I do enjoy working and I give every job my best shot but I never feel, What on Earth am I going to do now?
Penelope Keith
I shoot the same rifle I’ve shot since I killed my first deer with it when I was nine.
Boo Weekley
People feel repressed by their own governments; they feel unfairly treated by the outside world; they wake up in the morning, and who do they see – they see people being shot and killed: all Muslims from Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Darfur.
Mohamed ElBaradei
I can honestly say I’ve never chosen a film because where it’s shot is convenient.
Clive Owen
Most of my images have been done in-studio, under very controlled lighting conditions. There have been a few that have been shot in nature, but even then they were shot almost exclusively at night, and again, under controlled lighting conditions.
Leonard Nimoy
I expected to be shot at any moment and if they had done I would have understood, that they couldn’t take risks with someone foolhardy or so unpredictable.
Laurie Lee
I felt like if I wasn’t around, maybe my shot would be gone.
Young Buck
If I want any shot at getting on the floor, I gotta know what I’m doing defensively.
Jaylen Brown
I’ve been on teams that lost a hundred games in a season. I’ve been on teams that had a shot to make the playoffs and fizzled out at the end.
Chili Davis
When Frank the Pug is singing I Will Survive, the only reason it’s funny is that Will is in that shot trying not to get angry. A shot of a dog singing I Will Survive on its own will not get a laugh.
Barry Sonnenfeld
The ‘Sports Illustrated’ cover was the last thing I shot. That week, I told my agent, ‘You know what, I really… I don’t want to be a model anymore. I really want to do movies.’ And I think he wanted to wring my neck at the moment.
Brooklyn Decker
I have equal parts film and digital cameras in my collection. I think that there are ways to Photoshop photos so that they look like you shot them on film, but is that as rewarding? It just depends on the person.
Dianna Agron
My father offered me a Super8 camera that he bought in some Brazilian airport. I was 16, and shot a reel with my best friend Juan Solanas jumping from the Pont Neuf bridge. It was my first psychological drama.
Gaspar Noe
There’s always one shot that I can rely on when I’m not hitting the ball that well, is my serve.
Pete Sampras
The library helps lower- and middle-income people – immigrants – get their shot at the American dream.
Stephen A. Schwarzman
Every shot makes someone happy.
Fuzzy Zoeller
My first break was in a Hong Kong movie that I shot in China – I was going out there and working as a western stunt man, if you like, but at the same time in England I was working in daytime soap stuff. Eventually I put the two together.
Scott Adkins
Of course I’ve had a bunch of broken bones, sprains and I’ve had five or six concussions, with three serious ones. I also got a real heavy duty blood clot and internal bleeding from where I was shot in the stomach with a beanbag bullet that the police use for crowd control. I’ve also had six stitches in my head.
Johnny Knoxville
After a decade this glum, we deserved a shot of ‘Glee,’ a show that restored our faith in the power of song, the beauty of dance, and the magic of ‘spirit fingers’ to chase our cares and woes into somebody else’s backyard.
James Wolcott
People recognize certain things, like ‘D’ means ‘this dialogue stinks.’ We’re dealing with shows that are written here, shot in New York and posted back here. Accurate communication is a necessity.
Dick Wolf
The storyboard artists job is to plan out shot for shot the whole show, write all the dialog, and decide the mood, action, jokes, pacing, etc of every scene.
Craig McCracken
Everything else is irrelevant after the bliss of giving

Everything else is irrelevant after the bliss of giving a perfect shot.
I think my generation has had an unbelievably easy time profiting from the world that was made for us by our parents and grandparents. We are essentially a rather frivolous generation. The Blair government was my generation’s shot at power. It had some good things, but it had some flaws.
Sebastian Faulks
Newlyweds shooting budget: 5k for actors, 2k insurance, 2k food and drink. 9k in the can. We only shot 12 days. That’s how to make an independent film.
Edward Burns
You have to learn to express differently. Whenever I do TV or film, I ask if I can see the shot to see, to see if it’s full body or a close-up. That helps me understand how to communicate.
Denis O’Hare
You know, pass now to pinch post, cut, shoot the shot. Do things to facilitate the offense. That’s what I did in Alabama.
Robert Horry
Part of the reason I sort of shot out like a cannon out of Michigan and left home at such an early age is because I had to feel independent.
Madonna Ciccone
People think that jumping or do trick shot is gifted. Yes, it’s gifted but is a lot of work. I won’t say I work on the trick shot, but it’s like I think physically I’m one of the best.
Gael Monfils
As tempting as it seems to wear tennis shoes with your tux, don’t do it. I think it looks ridiculous. If you’re 14 years old, maybe give it a shot. In general, don’t portray anything that says ‘I’m too cool and I don’t care.’
Paul Feig
I’d take precision any day over power; as far as being tactical you know you have to see what’s going on in there and also understand that for every punch that you or your opponent throws there’s always a counter shot or two which you have to be ready to fire or defend.
Alexis Arguello
Boys in their twenties are a waste of time. They have nothing to offer conversationally; they’re immature. I feel like I have a better shot with someone in his thirties.
Megan Fox
Quite a lot of our contemporary culture is actually shot through with a resentment of limits and the passage of time, anger at what we can’t do, fear or even disgust at growing old.
Rowan Williams
Ultimately, it’s not my job to judge the ‘Housewives’ – we don’t editorialize on the show; we really leave it to the audience. We have a certain wink, which is the Bravo wink. We may linger on a shot or we may let something play out longer, but we leave it to you.
Andy Cohen
Bad as was being shot by some of our own troops in the battle of the Wilderness, – that was an honest mistake, one of the accidents of war, – being shot at, since the war, by many officers, was worse.
James Longstreet
I really love this character I played called Becky Freeley in a T.V. show called ‘Miss Guided’. We only shot seven episodes, and nobody watched it, and it was on for, like, a second, but I really liked that character.
Judy Greer
I had great faith in Irish actors, that they’d be hip to the whole theatre thing, and they are. I had no illusions of coming over here as some kind of big shot. It’s been a learning experience for me too.
Christopher Meloni
It’s incredible, but I think a lot of people it shot over their heads ’cause they’re used to just getting images and messing around with them, and for us to do something quite so ‘designed’ was a bit of a shock.
Sean Booth
I did ‘Nobody Walks’ right after ‘Dredd.’ Well, actually, I got off the plane from Capetown where we shot ‘Dredd’ and tested for ‘Being Flynn’ that same day. Then I came out to L.A. to make this film right after that so it was all very back to back.
Olivia Thirlby
I never really looked at myself as a scorer, but if the shot is there, I’m certainly going to take it.
Reggie Lewis
I’ve always been known as a pure scorer, and I’ve always said if I just sat outside and shot 3s and just really focused on that – coming off of screens and spot-up 3s – and shot six or seven 3s a game, I would probably be more known as one of the greatest shooters in NBA history.
Paul Pierce
A local pharmacy is a great place to get a safe and effective COVID vaccine as well as a flu shot. It’s critical that people get these vaccines to protect themselves and slow the spread of the COVID virus as well as the flu.
Roy Cooper
Someone told me that they didn’t want to take a flu shot because they didn’t want to put a foreign substance in their body. What do they think they do at dinner every night?
Michael Specter
Since then, I have just read and read – but, that said, I suppose there is a raft of writers to whom I return again and again, not so much because I want to write like them, even if I were capable of it, but simply for a sort of stylistic shot in the arm.
Penelope Lively
The nation was awakened by that deafening shot.
Corazon Aquino
When the shot is afterwards subjected to white light, colour appears because of selective reflection.
Gabriel Lippmann
Storytelling is the only studio movie where the censorship is perfectly clear, the only studio movie with a big red box covering up a shot. I take pride in that – and, of course, in having avoided the fate of Eyes Wide Shut.
Todd Solondz
With Animal Factory you’d think that because it’s mostly interiors, you could shoot it anywhere. So we shot this in Philadelphia, and we had the cooperation of the prison system.
Steve Buscemi
First, how do we give everyone a fair shot at opportunity and security in this new economy? Second, how do we make technology work for us, and not against us – especially when it comes to solving urgent challenges like climate change? Third, how do we keep America safe and lead the world without becoming its policeman?
Barack Obama
It’s a horrible thing to have someone pretend like they know what you’re about and call you a fraud when they haven’t given you a fair shot.
Scott Weiland
Yes, the marriage proposal was shot. Michael excluded the dialogue from the final edit.
Madeleine Stowe
Other writers, producers, and directors of low-budget films would often put down the film they were making, saying it was just something to make money with. I never felt that. If I took the assignment, I’d give it my best shot.
Roger Corman
Mixed martial arts, UFC, or what have you, I don’t think it has anything to do with rankings. It doesn’t have to do with ‘this guy beat this guy so he deserves a title shot.’ It might be like that every once in a while, but this is entertainment and the two biggest names – the best story.
B. J. Penn
One of the odd enjoyments in life is to be alone in a r

One of the odd enjoyments in life is to be alone in a room full of people. To have them there as unknowing human filler in your wide shot.
Henry Rollins
I could have been a dancer. I just never got my shot at it.
Theo Von
My golf score is really bad. I don’t know. I’m definitely not a good golfer. Off the tee box, I can drive it about 275, and I’m in the fairway about 99% of the time. It’s my next shot that needs work.
Jason Aldean
Generations of gun owners have taught their sons and daughters that it takes as much patience and skill to be a good shot as it does to be a good steward of a powerful weapon.
Gabrielle Giffords
When I was really young, I shot a lot with my Super 8.
Danny Huston
I grew up in Mammoth Lakes, and they shot an episode up there, and I was hanging around when I was on the ski team. I was very, very involved in athletics, so I didn’t watch a lot of TV, but I definitely watched a lot of ‘90210.’
Trevor Donovan
I can tell you where I was when Kennedy was shot – which was in the common room at school. I heard about it on the old valve radio. At the time of Armstrong’s landing, I was at university rehearsing a play.
Sam Neill
When you’ve got videos up on Web sites that are literally shot the same day, the whole skate community knows right away when new tricks are invented or new techniques are available.
Tony Hawk
All I wanted was to connect my moods with those of Paris. Beauty paints and when it painted most, I shot.
Ernst Haas
I am ecstatic that ‘KPC’ was a commercial hit and was critically acclaimed. The 60 days we shot for it were the best days of my life. I still get goosebumps when I think of them.
Sushant Singh Rajput
I’ve got to give a lot of credit to my cinematographer, Chung-hoon Chung, who is a master and among other things shot ‘Old Boy,’ which is a very famous single-take fight scene. He’s really a true master.
Ruben Fleischer
I did my military service from 1989 – 92 and I was never shot at or had to fire on anybody. I was very lucky. I was more involved in intelligence and counter-intelligence.
Oded Fehr
Watching yourself on screen is always a little weird, but I didn’t cringe when I saw myself on ‘The Hour.’ It actually exceeded my expectations; every shot looks like a vintage postcard and even my most brutally honest friends have said they think it’s good.
Oona Chaplin
Later we learned that it was one of our own men hanging on the wire. Nobody could do anything for him; two men had already tried to save him, only to be shot themselves.
Ernst Toller
I do what I can, but I’ll always give it a shot. You’re not going to see me playing a Welsh character any time soon, not because I wouldn’t love to. I went up to Wales once and read for a film with Rhys Ifans, and haven’t been asked back since. We did have a nice time on the train on the way back.
Aidan Gillen
I made a movie where I played a girl that just got out of prison and we shot it very very quickly but very intensely-that took me a long time to get over.
Maggie Gyllenhaal
‘The Squid and the Whale’ I shot in 23 days. I would have loved more time for it at the time, but in some ways that kind of kamikaze way of shooting was right for that movie.
Noah Baumbach
That’s a little homage in a way to that and also to create that sort of creepy atmosphere that Hitchcock did. Vertigo was one of his great movies that was shot right here in The City and it’s about a woman and the psychological twists and so forth.
Philip Kaufman
Polaroid by its nature makes you frugal. You walk around with maybe two packs of film in your pocket. You have 20 shots, so each shot is a world.
Patti Smith
I’m a big supporter of the Second Amendment. But I think I have a First Amendment right not to be shot.
Michael Nutter
Poor Andy Nave was killed. He refused to surrender and was shot by Dick Fields. I felt sorry as he used to be quite friendly towards me before the war, but it could not be helped.
Stand Watie
What you experience in the army, aged 18 to 21, is what you take through all your life. You cross invisible lines: you shoot someone, get shot, break into people’s houses. It’s naive to think you won’t carry anything into your life.
Etgar Keret
In the next shot the cameras zoomed to the fiancee who noticed the lights in the Czarina’s room go out and the camera then turned to the pond where two goldfish were making love.
Pola Negri
Horses are prey animals, and most of the other animals that I’ve shot are predators. If you act mellow with predators, they know that they can kill you, so they are cool, but if you work with prey, they think that you’re going to kill them at any moment.
Jill Greenberg
Since I was shot, everything is such a dream to me. Like I don’t know whether I’m alive or whether I died. I wasn’t afraid before. And having been dead once, I shouldn’t feel fear. But I am afraid. I don’t understand why.
Andy Warhol
What constitutes a real, live human being is more of a mystery than ever these days, and men each one of whom is a valuable, unique experiment on the part of nature are shot down wholesale.
Hermann Hesse
If you’re a woman, just make a freaking good movie. I don’t believe in the women who say, ‘It’s too hard, I’m getting shot down.’
Katie Aselton