Top 434 Current Quotes

I try to swim against the current as much as possible when it comes to the tribalism that defines the way people do politics on social media, and I try to present myself as an individual and humanistic voice. I’m interested in people, not just factions.
No one ever really ‘learns’ from history, because choices never present themselves in exactly the same way, and because you can always choose similarities and differences to fit current needs.
James Fallows
It’s very likely that graduates, current employees and retirees have some wonderful pieces of Deer Park history in their closets or garages.
Matt Lucas
I was on a very bumpy plane ride, an overnight flight. I was so miserable, and I pulled out ‘David Copperfield,’ and I forgot how scared and tired I was, and I thought, ‘This is what reading should be.’ I’m utterly transported out of my current situation.
Jennifer Egan
I don’t know what people find or like in me, I’m hopelessly commonplace! Current appreciation of my work is a bit highbrow, I’ve always considered myself a popular artist.
Maxfield Parrish
The obvious challenge to both SAG and AFTRA is remaining current in a rapidly changing industry. We have to be nimble, pro-active, and unified, and we’ve got to bring compelling value to future members.
Ken Howard
I hate to be general, but I rely on Andrew Keenan-Bolger for all things music. Every season, he releases a mixtape on his blog of the most incredible and current music. I download it instantly, and it gets me through the season and keeps me educated musically.
Max von Essen
By overhauling current rules and speeding the entry of competitors in the market, we encourage competition and provide our constituents with new choices and cheaper bills.
Melissa Bean
Know the names of past and current artists who are most famous for playing their instruments.
Marilyn vos Savant
Running for office was definitely something I've though

Running for office was definitely something I’ve thought about. When I was younger, I wanted to major in political science. And I’ve been engaged in current events since I was a kid. If I can make a difference and feel passionately and capable, then I would. Why not?
Queen Latifah
It’ll take a while for all those strange old books that I love to show up on digital: books that aren’t current bestsellers but aren’t public-domain freebies, either.
Barbara Hambly
I have to admit I’ve found myself doing the same things that a lot of other rock stars do or are forced to do. Which is not being able to respond to mail, not being able to keep up on current music, and I’m pretty much locked away a lot. The outside world is pretty foreign to me.
Kurt Cobain
What lots of people have been trying to do ever since is find what’s beyond the current Standard Model. So far, it has stood impervious to all attacks.
Burton Richter
Because people with autism are also strongly obsessional, meaning that they pursue their current interest to extraordinary detail and lengths and in great depth, they can develop ‘tunnel vision’ that prevents them from seeing the bigger picture, including the repercussions of their current actions.
Simon Baron-Cohen
I’m often asked who my style icon is, and almost every time I try to think of someone current who excites me. And although there are a few women who interest me – Tilda Swinton, Michelle Williams, Julianne Moore – the real answer is Twiggy.
Dawn O’Porter
I grew up on all the ‘Star Wars’ movies and ‘Star Trek’ and all that. I just haven’t really kept current.
Noah Wyle
Adoption is a global issue these days – it’s certainly current – and it’s encouraging for a lot of couples whether they’re straight or gay.
Sara Ramirez
I think there’s a preoccupation with the American market to make excuses and justify its past. If it isn’t current, it means somebody has to make an excuse for it. If it’s ‘cult,’ it gives it a sense of illegitimate legitimacy.
Leon Redbone
I have always tried to stay current.
Rick Baker
I especially love right-now sci-fi: stuff that happens in current time but incorporates a scientific breakthrough that is currently being explored.
Brad Feld
I teach at Caltech and oversee a research laboratory there. In general, I find that the majority of young people are excited by the prospects of research, but they soon discover that in the current market, many doctorate-level scientists are holding temporary positions or are unemployed.
Ahmed Zewail
I voted for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, not because I thought it was the best we could do, but because I thought it was a whole lot better than the current system.
Ron Wyden
Sometimes, if a country’s currency is overvalued in real terms, and it looks like the current account is going to be in deficit for the foreseeable future, devaluation can make sense.
Klaus Schwab
With comedy, the jokes will come out, and people will see them coming. Changes in daily life or current events can change the consciousness of audiences and can make the show less funny or feel more stale.
Robert Lopez
I’ve always valued more where I work for and the fans and the current players than what the national perception is of me.
Lane Kiffin
Liberty, as it is conceived by current opinion, has nothing inherent about it; it is a sort of gift or trust bestowed on the individual by the state pending good behavior.
Mary McCarthy
When a scientist is ahead of his times, it is often through misunderstanding of current, rather than intuition of future truth. In science there is never any error so gross that it won’t one day, from some perspective, appear prophetic.
Jean Rostand
I’ve been trying to reassert myself as a human and not just a current events story. I should not be the face of online harassment.
Zoe Quinn
I think my tendency when working is to try and find what’s lacking in my current project and then tackle that in whatever I do next.
Kim Jee-woon
While I was studying in class V, my school’s PT teacher happened to make me run alongside the current sub-district champion from our school. I came first – that was when my ability was identified.
P. T. Usha
Our business is fashion, and it’s about timing and in our case, it’s about being relevant and there’s nothing more relevant than current affairs.
Kenneth Cole
Startups, by their nature, are entrepreneurial – testing new things, launching new products, and disrupting themselves. That’s why you join a startup in the first place – to create, to stretch beyond your current capabilities, and to make an outsized impact.
Jennifer Hyman
There is a broad cultural current that conveys the idea that a film is like a football team, it represents a nation, it is illustrated literature, filmed radio. These are outdated concepts, totally out of touch with today’s realities.
Jean-Jacques Annaud
While mainstream media is led by profit, ratings and popularist culture and filtered by the current political climate, Alternative Media is lead solely by the convictions of the campaign and film maker.
Ben Edwards
It’s not that I think weddings – or marriages – are letdowns. It’s just that I want to see my wedding as one awesome achievement on a continuum of achievements, all of which were, in their way, just as beautiful and profound for having led me to the current one.
Jessi Klein
There’s an undeniable thrill in seeing what’s most current in our lives offered back to us in fictional guise, but it soon dates and it’s never enough.
Graham Swift
After asking questions about current recovery techniques, the conversation prompted me to ask myself, ‘Why does it feel good after running to pour a bottle of water over your head?’ I don’t know the physiological answer, but the fact that it does feel better makes me perform better.
Ashton Eaton
The United States as usual has a sizable deficit in the current account of its balance of payments, trade account and other current accounts, current account items.
Robert C. Solomon
When I brought my medical school friends home, Dad used to tell us that we didn’t know anything about the world. He started giving me impromptu quizzes about history and current events. I quite liked that.
Holly Branson
I have worked to expand the health care debate beyond the current for-profit system, to include a public option and an amendment to free the states to pursue single payer.
Dennis Kucinich