Top 435 Forget Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Forget Quotes from famous people such as Angela Ahrendts, Liam Neeson, Trent Lott, Aldous Huxley, Prince, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Forget luxury; as a great company you have to keep evol

Forget luxury; as a great company you have to keep evolving.
Angela Ahrendts
I’ve had an unbelievable life. I’ve been very lucky. You do create your own luck too, you know? I never forget where I’m from. Whenever I pass a building site or see somebody digging a ditch, I always think, ‘That’s real work.’
Liam Neeson
We cannot forget the little things we take for granted in America that remain the disdain of dictators and terrorists throughout the world.
Trent Lott
Orthodoxy is the diehard of the world of thought. It learns not, neither can it forget.
Aldous Huxley
Sometimes ideas are coming so fast that I have to stop doing one song to get another. But I don’t forget the first one. If it works, it will always be there. It’s like the truth: it will find you and lift you up. And if it ain’t right, it will dissolve like sand on the beach.
A good memory is one trained to forget the trivial.
Clifton Fadiman
I think it’s a common misconception in the civilian community that the military community is filled with just drills and discipline and pain. They forget that these are humans who are in an abnormal situation.
Adam Driver
We will never forget the passengers of Flight 93, who courageously confronted the terrorists, defeating another planned attack on America. They are the heroes for our times.
Bob Taft
Don’t forget to appreciate everyone you have in your life… not everyone is blessed to have them like you do.
Bretman Rock
Don’t forget the prices are so high in theater; it isn’t really where a young person can go on a date and buy two tickets and take someone out anymore.
Estelle Parsons
I’ve always found as an actress that the best thing to do in film or TV or theater is just to lose yourself in it. Think of the story, the character, the worlds we’re in, and forget everything else.
Helen Mirren
I remember as a little boy I ate one meal a day and sometimes slept in the street. I will never forget that and it inspires me to fight hard, stay strong and remember all the people of my country, trying to achieve better for themselves.
Manny Pacquiao
We are so arrogant, we forget that we are not the reason for evolution, we are not the point of evolution. We are part of evolution. Unfortunately, we believe that we’ve been created to dominate the planet, to dominate nature. Ain’t true.
Ted Danson
People come up to me sometimes and ask for a picture but don’t even say hello. They sort of forget that I’m a person.
Zac Brown
I drink to forget I drink.
Joe E. Lewis
What people forget is that every movie that gets made keeps making money for somebody FOREVER.
Dave Thomas
You have to forget about what other people say, when you’re supposed to die, or when you’re supposed to be loving. You have to forget about all these things.
Jimi Hendrix
I think heartbreak is something that you learn to live with as opposed to learn to forget.
Kate Winslet
We think the whole world’s going to change, and forget that human beings are still human beings; we have the same five senses, we still interact the same way, we still love and hate the same way, but marketers lose track of that. But then it comes down to earth.
Michael K. Powell
In a storm of struggles, I have tried to control the elements, clasp the fist tight so as to protect self and happiness. But stress can be an addiction, and worry can be our lunge for control, and we forget the answer to this moment is always yes because of Christ.
Ann Voskamp
In this bright future you can’t forget your past.
Bob Marley
You can never forget God. If you forget God, he’s gon’ forget you.
So keep fightin’ for freedom and justice, beloveds, but don’t you forget to have fun doin’ it. Lord, let your laughter ring forth. Be outrageous, ridicule the fraidy-cats, rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce.
Molly Ivins
I’ll never forget anything about Middle Earth. That’s part of my memory now so I won’t miss anything.
David Wenham
We really wanted to be rock ‘n’ roll, so we became rock ‘n’ roll, and really good at it, but you pick up loads of layers and you completely forget who you are and what you are.
Shaun Ryder
In modern life, we tend to forget family values because of the hectic schedule.
Mahesh Babu
My daughter emails me. When your daughter starts to email you instead of talk to you… It’s horrible. You cannot forget human communication.
Martha Stewart
Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you?
Fanny Brice
Man should forget his anger before he lies down to sleep.
Thomas de Quincey
The best way to become a successful writer is to read good writing, remember it, and then forget where you remember it from.
Gene Fowler
I think people forget that it doesn’t take a big donation to help someone, just a lot of little donations.
Hannah Teter
When I was little, my mother taught me how to use a for

When I was little, my mother taught me how to use a fork and knife. The trouble is that Mother forget to teach me how to stop using them!
Hattie McDaniel
The obligation to remember is inscribed on every Holocaust memorial, but even the words ‘Never Forget’ become irksome eventually.
Howard Jacobson
Doing the Muppet Show you forget about conventional filming.
Peter Mayhew
I’m not saying that everyone should swim with sharks, but sometimes you have to jump over your own shadow in order to learn something that you will never forget for the rest of your life. Then you know you can conquer your fears.
Heidi Klum
My debut album, ‘Forget the World,’ is all about not listening to the negativity around you and to continue to do what you love, no matter what people think. I love what I do. Dance music is my passion, my life. There is no greater feeling than being one with my fans, partying to the music we love.
We coin concepts and we use them to analyse and explain nature and society. But we seem to forget, midway, that these concepts are our own constructs and start equating them with reality.
Abdolkarim Soroush
It’s easy to forget about the Memphis Grizzlies because, well, they play in Memphis.
Sean Evans
I am very much aware that if I am getting good press at the moment I could just as easily be getting bad press. I cannot have the good and forget the bad. You have to accept it both ways.
Damon Hill
Our bodies must always be wherever that struggle and the moment we forget that, the moment we become lazy, the moment we sit back, then then the evil ones do their ordained tasks to us.
William Kunstler
If it’s hard to remember, it’ll be difficult to forget.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
In the ’80s, I was putting out an album virtually every year, I think mostly based on fear – that if I didn’t, people would soon forget about me.
Al Yankovic
No one who knew Diana will ever forget her. Millions of others who never met her, but felt they knew her, will remember her.
Queen Elizabeth II
If you ever think about me, and you ain’t gonna do no revolutionary act, forget about me. I don’t want myself on your mind if you’re not going to work for the people.
Fred Hampton
Never, ever forget history.
We humans are still a very primitive culture, and it’s one of the traps we’ve fallen into over the course of our lives – to forget our history. That’s why George Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ is so profound. It chronicles our short memory.
I’ll never forget where I came from, and I’ll never forget who I am.
Gary Woodland
As I matriculate my way down the field of life, I will never forget this moment and you wonderful people who helped make this day possible.
Hank Stram
I willingly speak to those who know, but for those who do not know I forget.
I am someone who can’t hold on to negativity or hold on to grudges. I might feel something at a certain point, but I get tired after that. I don’t carry it with me. I forgive and forget very easily, and that’s the only way to be happy and peaceful.
Deepika Padukone
One can see the professionals and intellectuals talking to their rural brethren with an amused and condescending smile. They forget that but for the toiling rural masses, all their professional training and erudition would collapse like a castle of cards.
Sanjay Gandhi
I realize there is a paucity of African-Americans in my position. Everywhere I go, people say, ‘Don’t mess this up. Don’t forget about us.’ You feel a tremendous responsibility, not to take the black side of things but to make sure that side gets heard, because if I don’t do it, who’s going to do it?
Stephen A. Smith
We need to look to the future. You can’t come up with new things unless you constantly forget the past. There’s no reason to keep wearing the same pair of pants.
Andrew Lau
The reason there’s a question mark on my front door is just in case I forget my address.
Leslie Nielsen
You must never forget where you came from.
American music comes from the same tree, but sometimes we get to these places in history where we forget where things come from, and they get compartmentalized.
Kamasi Washington
There have been so many great moments in golf that you even forget some of them.
Dan Jenkins
The fact that books today are mostly a string of words makes it easier to forget the text. With the impact of the iPad and the future of the book being up for re-imagination, I wonder whether we’ll rediscover the importance of making texts richer visually.
Joshua Foer
We often plough so much energy into the big picture, we forget the pixels.
Silvia Cartwright
You never forget where you come from.
Zlatan Ibrahimovic
I think that women of color use social media to make our voices heard with or without the amplification of white women. I also think that, many times, when white women want our support, they use an umbrella of ‘women supporting women’ and forget that they didn’t lend the same kind of support.
Tarana Burke
My job as a performer is to make sure that whatever happens in a performance lives in somebody else, that it’s memorable… If you forget tomorrow what you heard yesterday, there’s really not much point in you having been there – or me, for that matter.
Yo-Yo Ma