Top 44 Mike Colter Quotes

Words matter. These are the best Mike Colter Quotes, and they’re great for sharing with your friends.

Comic book heroes are an important part of our culture,

Comic book heroes are an important part of our culture, so I think we’re actually utilizing comic book heroes in a much more in-depth way than before. They have such potential, and I think we’re maximizing the potential.
Mike Colter
It’s always fun to play a character that bends the rules.
Mike Colter
I didn’t sit around thinking, ‘I’d love to play Luke Cage,’ but when the character was presented, I did my research, and I was just like, ‘This is a real gift. He’s a great character, and I’m happy to have a chance to take a crack at him.’
Mike Colter
I hate the gym, so I try to diversify my workouts with swimming and basketball. Indoors, it’s less boring than running. I do find that diet is key. I eat lots of lean protein, no soda, no fast food or fried foods, and a lot of water. But I love food and often cook.
Mike Colter
I’ve always wanted to be on a show that’s well respected and had critical acclaim and that people like to watch, and at the same time find something that, for me, as an actor, is interesting and challenging.
Mike Colter
I think, in a career, you have several breaks that lead to a big break. Small things here and there all add up to cracking away at the dam. Then the dam breaks.
Mike Colter
I did want to play a superhero. I mean, who doesn’t when you’re a kid? I would have loved to be a superhero. But as I’d gotten older, I wasn’t ready to jump into tights and put the cape on. I was hoping to play something a little more grounded and realistic.
Mike Colter
Harlem is really a melting pot for a lot of different people. When you look at Harlem – and I lived there almost five years – most of the people who live in Harlem are transplants. They migrate to Harlem from another place.
Mike Colter
I see fans all the time. They’re always very complimentary, and they’re always very eager to talk and to share their experiences or get a selfie. They’re really, really loyal. And intense.
Mike Colter
Ridley Scott was part of the production team on ‘The Good Wife.’ I auditioned on my iPhone, and it moved very quickly after that, as they thought I was right for the role, and pretty soon I was filming in Iceland for two months.
Mike Colter
It serves anyone, when they’re going into some project, to try to distance themselves from the material so you can really have an objective viewpoint.
Mike Colter
No, no. I draw the line there. Anything that’s going to show an outline of my manhood is not on.
Mike Colter
My mother wanted to be an actress. She wanted to follow her dreams, and she never really got a chance to do that. I feel like I’m following her dream in a way.
Mike Colter
Sometimes you don’t know the effect of words until you hear it used on you.
Mike Colter
I have a wonderful wife I met at Rutgers while we were both there. She was in the Ph.D. program. She is not an actress. She definitely brings balance to my life. We actors can tend to bore anyone with shop talk.
Mike Colter
If you’re not enjoying your work, what’s the point?
Mike Colter
I pretty much spend most of my time in the gym bulking up and staying fit and putting muscle on so I can play the part of Luke Cage, but I’ve never been a gym rat.
Mike Colter
As an actor, you just want to continue to work on things that you like. You can be in this business a long time and consistently working and just be totally artistically unfulfilled.
Mike Colter
I think anyone in New York City could look at Luke Cage and say, ‘Hey, this guy could help me out.’ I don’t want him to just seem like a relevant hero for only black people.
Mike Colter
Acting, really, is a lot of mental fatigue, emotional fatigue, concentration… it’s mentally draining.
Mike Colter
You can have all the intentions you want and try and guide the narrative, but the narrative is irrelevant because it’s how the public digests it that will be indicative of what the series will ultimately be.
Mike Colter
People forget, most of the times we audition with people who aren’t necessarily actors. So it doesn’t matter who or what’s in front of you: you still have to have the same realism and invested emotions.
Mike Colter
As long as you can throw people a curveball, that’s what you’re looking for. Because the minute they can define you, the minute they think they know exactly who you are, is when it starts to wear thin.
Mike Colter
When you’re acting, it’s all about you and the person in front of you, and I think in life we forget to apply the same technique, and we get caught up in the panic of what we’re trying to do – how overwhelmingly daunting the task of trying to become an actor is.
Mike Colter
Cops and criminals aren’t that different. They just play by different sets of rules. And the lines get blurred. There’s no such thing as ‘right’ and ‘wrong.’ There’s always a grey area. There are always hypocrisies.
Mike Colter
I like to take a break, but at the same time, I think most actors are not very good at sitting around doing nothing, because we like to work.
Mike Colter
Marvel does a fantastic job about bringing human stories – because you’re telling big stories with a heart at the centre of it – and that’s what connects all of the characters to our audience members.
Mike Colter
I’m always very even-keeled, and I’m always waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Mike Colter
As artists, we are so not in control most of the time of the content or the narrative of our characters, and sometimes writing takes a turn and it’s not something we necessarily have control over. It’s just a lot of random dumb luck, so when things click, you’ve just got to enjoy it.
Mike Colter
I’m a bit bored of going to the gym! I’m like, ‘Someone put me out of my misery – I can’t do this anymore!’
Mike Colter
When I was playing Bishop, I would always walk on set thinking, ‘This is my show; this is a show all about me.’
Mike Colter
I'm always game for creating a new character, and I lik

I’m always game for creating a new character, and I liked the idea of putting something new into the ‘Halo’ universe.
Mike Colter
A lot of times in life, women want to talk, but men don’t want to listen, and if they do want to listen, they turn it back to themselves.
Mike Colter
When Barack Obama got elected, I remember being in Harlem specifically. I remember watching that whole part of town just swell. People walked the streets, but it wasn’t a riot – it wasn’t mayhem. It was a unified feeling of euphoria.
Mike Colter
Some people in America don’t ever interact with black people outside of television, so we should give them real, believable characters.
Mike Colter
As for facial hair, I think I decided it was a good look after graduate school. I always shave it myself and trim my own beard. I change the look depending on the role. For ‘Million Dollar Baby,’ I had no facial hair. For ‘Men in Black 3,’ I had no facial hair but did wear a wig.
Mike Colter
When you’re a black man in a hoodie, all of a sudden you’re a criminal. That’s something we shouldn’t have to deal with, but we do. It’s a double standard. We can’t cover our head when it’s cold and raining because God forbid someone sees us and puts our life in danger.
Mike Colter
Having worked on ‘Halo: Nightfall’ and gotten a taste for what ‘Halo’ has to offer, it definitely has me interested in picking up the games and getting familiarized more with the ‘Halo’ universe.
Mike Colter
If you’ve ever been to Harlem, there’s always something playing on the street, and there’s this energy that feels different to anywhere else in New York.
Mike Colter
I respond to women who have their stuff together, who are in charge, who don’t need men to do things for them. I want a woman to have her own thing, you know? My wife is very smart. She’s got a doctorate degree; she’s got her own career going. She doesn’t need me to take care of her.
Mike Colter
As an actor, you’re trying to capture the nuances of real life, but voice work is almost over-acting.
Mike Colter
There’s no book to figure out how not to become a victim of police brutality.
Mike Colter
Sometimes we just sit around and sit on our hands and don’t do anything because it’s like, ‘Hey, that’s not my problem.’ You can’t do that when you’re a superhero.
Mike Colter
It’s nice to be recognized, but at the same time, there are always consequences. You may get fame, but you lose anonymity. You lose a certain sense of who you are.
Mike Colter